via The Freedom Convo Podcast: James Corbett discusses cultural transhumanism, psychological transhumanism, technocratic transhumanism, vitalism, the bio/digital convergence, simulacra and simulations, hyperreality, the desert of the real, the Sentient World Simulation and much more with David Gardner of the Freedom Convo Podcast.
The Freedom Convo Podcast / Rumble channel
Who Is Bill Gates? (Full Documentary)
Episode 057 – Transhumanism and You
Episode 402 – Your Guide to The Great Convergence
Mass Media: A History (Digital Download)
Episode 423 – Into The Metaverse (The Media Matrix — Part 3)
The Magic Words – #SolutionsWatch
Biodigital Convergence: Bombshell Document Reveals the True Agenda
Milken Institute – Universal Flu Vaccine (C-SPAN 2019)
Meet the Sentient World Simulation: How the Government Predicts the Future
Information Awareness Office – Wiki
Replicon: Big Pharma Preps the Next Bioweapon – (Free Substack link)
All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace
The discussion raised many interesting points, particularly regarding our food system. One key concern is the growing disconnection between food production and preparation. As we increasingly rely on convenience, we lose the spiritual connection to what we eat and the processes involved in growing and cooking it. Additionally, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find quality food at affordable prices. Over time, this trend appears to be systematic and warrants attention.
This massege was translated by Chat GPT4.
“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
– Ezra Pound
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Zbigniew Brzezinski
Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era (written 50 years ago)
“People, governments and economies of all nations must serve the needs of multinational banks and corporations.”
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“The technetronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values.
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“Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”
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“Shortly, the public will be unable to reason or think for themselves. They’ll only be able to parrot the information they’ve been given on the previous night’s news.”
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“This regionalization is in keeping with the Tri-Lateral Plan which calls for a gradual convergence of East and West, ultimately leading toward the goal of one world government. National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept.”
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“No matter how deeply disturbing the thought of using the environment to manipulate behavior for national advantages to some, the technology permitting such use will very probably develop within the next few decades.”
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“Technology will make available to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised…..techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm.”
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“If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.”
-James Madison
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Came across Patrick Wood a few years after discovering James’ work back in the day. Lot of optimism at that time. youtube was full of videos by smart thinking people and it seemed the veil of illusion was rising. Worth the read at ActivistPost.
It is a fear of death — that’s the motive behind “transhumanism” — the trillionairs’ fear of leaving behind all they have plundered —
Attempting to understand the motivation for the behavior of brilliant but psychopathic people (the controllers) IMO must include the possibility from a metaphysical and spiritual (not Religious) posture.
In the understanding of As Above, So Below (IE: ants have “armies” and invade and kill other ants, etc.) these controllers may well be off planet and are reforming the planet and it’s human “cattle” to fit whatever their needs may be just as humans do to other humans.
Humans have endless battles and wars for domination of resources, land, access to many other things. But why would these controllers be devastating the Earth’s land, sky, water, air, etc.?? And are the war mongers “human” to begin with or just the leaders and decision makers, much like the movie “They Live?”
Since we have been lied to in movies, TV, books, media, our government and more for centuries, the danger of this sort of thinking is the knee-jerk name calling that the conditioning has created Cognitive dissonance and Confirmation Bias to the point we really aren’t equipped to ponder much are we? :-/
But we mustn’t give up!
I certainly didn’t expect to hear James making very uneducated dismissals of the absolutely controlled and highly orchestrated hoax “mass shooting events with an analogy that isn’t even factually correct. There are many people that have seen people and animals shot and killed. And nearly every time the body rarely drops in place without movement such as we saw in the New Zealand Mosque event where nearly 20 people were huddled into a corner with an emergency exit door that nobody went through to escape the “shooter” as he closed into that room with completely white walls and he “shot” everyone in that huddle and every one of them dropped “dead.” Amazingly, there was not one single drop of blood on the white walls directly behind all 20 or so bodies. But that was used to justify a prohibition of all semiautomatic weapons and shortly after that they disarmed the citizens of New Zealand of their semiautomatic arms.
I could go on, as I have investigated, in detail the official videos, scenes and stories of nearly every one of the “mass shooting” events here in the USSA.
I would expect that James wouldn’t even chime in on that topic having not gone down those research avenues.
There have been hundreds of legislative actions that have restricted the ability of the citizens to bare arms, in the wake of these events
No, they are not real events.
Here’s an interesting 4-part transhumanism paper “jointly written by world-class academics from three continents”:
Thanks for posting and bringing this to our attention. It is interesting.
On a walkabout last week I ran into a group of folks at the stations of the cross in San Luis, Colorado. Beautiful bronze sculptures at the mission there. Somehow the talking went to the jabs and had I read this sooner I may have articulated my point about jabs being genetic dna rewrite shots, not vaccines. Serving transhumanism and technocracy goals.
It’s the funniest thing to use in the strangest occasions, that being the Corbett Report comments and what can be learned and shared there, without falling victim to or labeled propaganda.
The Jabs and shedding, what next? Dr. Ana Mihalcea discussion with Dr. Ruth Espuny
Linux AND OTHER SYSTEMS (possibly inc Mac) have a new and serious vulnerability via the CUPS (printer) system.
Basically as far as I can see you REALLY ought to block port 631.
If it messes with your printing you can always unblock it for the duration of printing
Video on it but you can search articles from other sources saying the same thing.
“…..It affects “most” Linux distros, “some” BSDs, possibly Google ChromeOS, Oracle’s Solaris, and potentially others, as CUPS is pretty widely included in distributions…..”
Acc to Lunduke CUPS is on many systems, including Mac
I was chatting with an older relative on mine, she lives in a small New England township. Her town was in the midst of promoting “diversity”, in the form of hating on whity. Their small theater was running one race baiting Hollywood movie after another (reinforcing the myth of America’s racist history- racist government, sure, but people are basically the same everywhere, they are NOT the problem). I was mystified as to why a small “white” town would subject itself to this, of course, upon digging a bit, I discovered the usual suspects pushing this Marxist nonsense. Back to my relative, when I questioned her as to the reality of “wide spread white supremacy in America”, asking her for an example of a “white supremist”, her response, “Archie Bunker”. My point is, we are living through a new form of the Matrix today, internet based, but this matrix is nothing new. We have lived for centuries in this matrix, they have pushed one BS narrative after another, all to achieve the goals of that day. Anti-German, Anti-Muslim, pro war, pro military, anti those who question, pro smoking, tying in poor eating and drinking with being a “real America”…truly, the narratives they have created and pushed down our throats are endless. We have allowed those who hate us to control our media, entertainment, politics and certainly religion (which has been morphing into politics), for hundreds (if not thousands) of years. This blind obedience to this malevolent force is nothing new, but it is getting more obvious to the oblivious masses, and that is why we are in such dangerous times, they would not be reveling themselves so, if they were not getting ready to bring the hammer down.
“not getting ready to bring the hammer down.”
I see it more of a careless arrogance, but I could be wrong. These people are not all powerful and they never will be. I believe they are pulling the ole’ devaluation narcissist trick on us to try to project an image of power and control.
As far as the social shifts, I’ve often wondered when that tipping point occurred from American Apple Pie to whatever it is now. I noticed some fracturing around 2012, but then a lot more in 2017. I found Mr. Corbett in 2018 on EwwTube deciding to do some first time research on 9/11. I woke up to that, but really didn’t realize the extent of it until 2021. How about you?
Do you think the trauma from OKC, 9/11, mass violence, etc., along with subtle propaganda, has contributed to a trauma bond between some citizens and TPTB? Some of us seem to just be immune somehow to those two bit tricks. I wish more people were.
Just finished and posted my 100th song since I went off grid in 2016.
Always trying to transform humanity back to real consciousness. 🙂
ejdoyle: Just listened to your song, love it! Says much more about who you truly are than your responses to comments I made.💗
The many “hats” we must wear at times, hey?
The kindness of your replies is not a usual thing here on James’ site towards me. Brings me joy that other well balanced, like-minded souls are still out there.
My best to you and yours.
you have 💗
Thank you James for another interesting interview. Especially I appreciate the shownotes! I learned so much from you. I watched the BBC documentary “ All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace” and learned about Ayn Rand who I had never heard about.
Currently I’m reading A history of central banking by Stephen Goodson.
Keep up the good work!
thanks fellows, especially last few minutes of how you navigate the madness and confront the helpless shepherding. Most people will refuse such a future, IF they once understand its slowly being pushed as unavoidable step by step, in a boiling frogs way…
Just to note the Ghost in the shell, What is consciousness?, is it ‘in’ the body, or is the body within consciousness, pretending to be a unique existence, is not at all new.
Am currently reading an Upanishad, Dialogue with Death, asking that very question. Does any part of us survive death? The telling point is that the truth of the matter cannot be shared with those unworthy of it… in the sense that if still obsessed with money or fame or power, people can only misuse such a truth… AI is able to read any and every religious text, but such AI is in the hands of unworthy men, not able to come past their greed or power, so such knowledge is bound to be misused. For instance the chiefs of the 5 LLMs already admit they cannot cooperate FOR HUMAN BENEFIT. Its alway a competitive business grab for market share EXPLOITING humans. They each ask their own AI gollem, how to destroy the opposition… as US madmen ask their wargaming computer in the basement how to take out Russia, can we win the disaster of nukes? It seems to have said yes… we elect psychos, and are surprised that heartlessness results… Not worthy, too busy with money fame and power. Gold Frankincense and Myrrh, choose your bribe… The road back to sovereign individuality and self organisiing in free society needs a wildfire of waking up to the totalitarian danger, and quite soon…
Great conversation! Assume his gender? lol Soon it will be assuming their species, human or not.
James, I believe the Adam Curtis documentary you’re thinking of is not All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace, but Pandora’s Box, specifically episode 1, the Engineer’s Plot, which focused on the USSR. I just watched it the other day, funnily enough.
It suddenly struck me why trans-humanism seems so important to some.
I view all of us on a spectrum from well balanced and happy with ones self to very troubled within.
It is possible that the so called ilites who are accused of being the perpetrators of all that’s wrong on this planet, having been damaged from childhood, as I consider them to be; that added to various types of abuse throughout childhood, could in many instances have been told something along the lines of they not being ‘good enough’, by teachers, parents, whichever, whilst later on in childhood being told that even though “You don’t live up to my expectations, (type of thing) non the less , WE are superior to all others”.
Having those kinds of concepts drilled into one from too early on in life, as could well happen to a child of the rich via nannies, and boarding schools, could well have, over the centuries created a mindset that the whole of humanity ‘who are obviously inferior to us’, needs to be improved, hence trans-humanism, which serves two purposes. One can control the inferior masses, having ‘improved’ them to suit ‘Us’, and the possibility also exists that ‘I can feel better about myself with augmentations’. It probably beats satanism, which promises power, because it’s less frightening, trans-humanism promises the same, control and ‘improvement’ of just about anything.
It’s a sick world, but if one sees the sickness, one can look for a cure. So far we’ve been ‘fighting’ against this mental dis-ease, as have they.
This particular piece of info added to my formulating the above.