We all know the existential threat that technocracy poses to the human species. So what’s the solution to this problem? Joining us today to discuss this issue is Derrick Broze of TheConsciousResistance.com who has just published How to Opt-Out of the Technocratic State, a guide that eschews fear porn and emphasizes solutions to the encroaching technocratic tyranny.
Watch this video on BitChute / Minds.com / YouTube or Download the mp4
How to Opt-Out of the Technocratic State
Derrick Broze on The Corbett Report
Technocracy on The Corbett Report
You’re Already a Criminal: An introduction to counter-economics
The following link from Brzezinski’s Wikipedia page (under “Major works by Brzezinski) gave me a pdf of his (complete?) “Between Two Ages” book, published in 1970.
The next year he wrote:
“International Politics in the Technetronic Era” Sofia University Press, 1971.
Thanks for the link, dregeye.
Skimming through it is fascinating. Brzezinski can rattle through an amazing amount of information with a seemingly unchallengeable authority. But, when you think about the ramifications of his reasoning, and think about some absolute horrors that he condones or can easily brush aside, as a given, i.e., something that he intellectualizes as an eventuality, such as the advent and/or future prospects of terrifying new weapons systems, a sane person must conclude that in all likelihood, that even if he was, indeed, possibly on some sort of genius level, in spite of that, he also fits the definition more succinctly as that of a madman.
“In addition, it may be possible— and tempting —to exploit for strategicpolitical purposes the fruits of research on the brain and on human behavior. Gordon J. F. MacDonald, ageophysicist specializing in problems of warfare, has written that accurately timed, artificially excited electronic strokes “could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the earth. … In this way, one could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period. . . . No matter how deeply disturbing the thought of using the environment to manipulate behavior for national advantages to some , the technology permitting such use will very probably develop within the next few decades.”
I emphasized in bold a few catch words that I have little doubt reflect his own intellectual and emotional attachments to the subject matter.
No doubt the horrific potential of scientific advancements in warfare of which he speaks were a source of “tempting” titillation for Brzezinski, and he most likely did think of its eventual actualization as the “fruit” of such labors; and that if the idea of such horrific endeavors are deeply disturbing, as he says, “to some”, it clearly doesn’t sound disturbing to this super-charged purveyor of evil.
No wonder, then, he was able to manipulate and energize the likes of the mujahideen like none other, the sick bastard.
There are no individual solutions to social problems.
“Opting out individually” is a not simply a dream, it is impossible and always will be as long as there are social classes (unless one is rich and doesn’t have to work for a living).
Certainly opting out of cultural control, is one of the first steps towards social,economic and political understanding: agreed.
I would never argue against becoming critically aware of authoritarianism, power and control.
However, opting out of the global economy will require revolution.
Try opting out of a forced urine test in order to get employment.
The world is encased within a global class struggle, whereby the means of production, technology, is in the control of the ruling class.
Technology is not the problem, it is who owns and controls it as it always has been.
Social engineering has been going on since humans have been organized; that the tools have changed, and that people willingly aspire to have these ‘tools’ or be controlled by them, is an historical, subjective and material issue.
The “ruling ideas are the ideas of the ruling class.” Marx.
Mind control is certainly more prevalent now, due to the advancement of mind control, but one just has to go back to the propaganda of the 20th century, or even further back to the Church or any ideas of the supernatural.
Farmers markets are always thrown out as an opt-out theory. Certainly making a choice to not buy corporate food products is important, but it is a consumer answer to a productive problem, and this productive problem lies within the fact that the means of production is in the hands of a psychotic ruling elite.
Decentralized ‘browsers’, like TOR are not only frauds, but TOR itself is a Pentagon monster.
Yes, your guest is right: we will be free only when we make the choice to fight the system. For the fight itself, is the fight for freedom; it is how we become critically conscious.
Little things can have huge effects, James and they should be pursued, but to ignore the fact we are embedded within a class struggle where technology will only become more profitable and control more inevitable, is fantasy.
No, history has shown there are no individual solutions to social and economic problems, even though as consumers we can try.
The future of humanity will rest on the actions of its members and this will require social organization coupled with the understanding that capitalism, a system that puts people before profit, simply is enslavement.
‘…However, opting out of the global economy will require revolution…’
A revolution means to ‘go around’ and what always happens if you try to impose an order on people that are not suited to it is that you end up BACK where you start because…
‘…There are no individual solutions to social problems…’
True, but society is made up of individuals and society has no existence APART from those single people and their families because FAMILY the basic building block of all stable society.
‘… understanding that capitalism, a system that puts people before profit, simply is enslavement….’
NO it is not, ‘capitalism’ is owning your own stuff, and being free to do with it what you like. BEFORE capitalism and the workers ability to sell their labor in different places for different price the people were much more enslaved. The fact that farmers markets exist is because people choose to spend money there- they can destroy agribiz tommorow by boycotting their stuff.
You should read “the road to serfdom” but if you have 30 min to spare this was a pretty fun dramatized overview
Oh and while I would NOT say Marx was totally wrong in his analysis I WOULD be cautious of accepting too many of the ideas of anyone repackaged illuminist ideas and wrote creepy poems to Satan. There is a reason that socialism has been so often funded by the rich- it offers them a chance to create a slave state in the name of solving problems
Blackpilled is kinda a depressing channel.
Sorry 🙁
He prob feels worse then you right now though as he’s currently watching ALL the Simpsons so he can do a vid about how they changed over the decades with society (or is it the other way? Lol)
Hmn… I might have sniggered, just maybe…got to admit that i’m always on at people about wearing headphones that block out the world when your in public.
However, less funny is I know people in ‘education’ who have “trained” kids in shooter drills TO LAY STILL IN A HUDDLE ON THE GROUND.
They literally teach them something WORSE then running around like a headless chicken, which would at least make them harder to shoot.
Yes, family is an important unit in society, for many reasons. The most important might be that the family is the basic emotional support people have, if they have families, it is a center for emotional bonding, healing, love, etc.
But of course there is the idealized family, the one where all members are responsible, honest, loyal, supportive, emotionally available, truthful, etc. (one seldom realized) and the realized family under capitalism.
So, let us take a look at some of the current issues as they might relate to families and their existence under current monopoly capitalism.
The family is failing. The majority of 18-35 year olds do not get married. More people live together because one, they do not think they have the economic and social security to get married and two, two incomes are too often necessary to pay most of housing and debt, not to mention food.
Fifty percent of all married couples divorce every year. If one is black, the statistic is higher. Most divorces are overmoney and the trouble getting it.
So, we see the direct relationship to a failing capitalist economy and failing families.
The medium income for a family in the US is $66,000 a year.
Take work.
Most people labor in unsatisfying, uncreative, alienating work, if they can get it, for a bitterly brutal low wage.
The two biggest employers in the US are Walmart, owned by the sociopathic Wal Mart family and Amazon, owned by Jeff Bezos, now the second richest man in the world.
Wal Mart has in its stores a desk where employees can qualify for tax subsidized food stamps, because the ‘Wal Mart’ ‘family’ will not pay its workers a liveable wage.
If one doesn’t see class lines and class war just in the above example, they never will.
A couple, working two jobs or more in the ‘gig economy’, itself a word invented by the mad Madison Ave. scientists of mind control, or better stated the precarious society where work is scarce and the need for two jobs is necessary and thus most of ones’ life is devoted to work. This leaves little time for spending quality time with family members.
Allocating time for family under an economic system that provides low paid and alienating work is one of the biggest problems facing citizens in advanced capitalist societies.
People come home from work miserable, tired and often unable to care for children or want to.
And thus, more and more people are choosing not to have families.
Working at unstable jobs at low pay, the basis of capitalism, means that individuals cannot plan time, they often do not know in advance their weekly hours, and they are burdened with child care, which is why birthrates in the US are way down as life expectancy simultaneously plummets.
And remember, the largest growth in the so-called Trump job recovery, under monopoly capitalism, is warehouse work, where working conditions are brutal and where injuries abound.
[SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words or less. Longer comments can be split into multiple posts. -JC]
Part 1
“Yes, family is an important unit in society, for many reasons.”
The family is THE BASIS of society, no family = no society, and no people
‘…the family is the basic emotional support people have, if they have families..”
Spoke like the rich of today. The family is the Economic unit that has people with a shared genetic interest in bringing kids up. Noone cares about your kids as much as parents. Family is an economic unit that works for shared genetic survival.
‘… where all members are responsible, honest, loyal..’
The family sanctions members informally or formally for negative behavior. Bad people would be rejected and die.
https://www.corbettreport.com/flnwo41/ the leech in this story was delt with in the same way
‘..The family is failing.’ True
‘..T do not get married…two incomes a… debtnot to mention food….’
Utter BS.. no one in the west is going to STARVE or even be as poor as people were 100 yrs ago. The huge wealth we have now is why people can afford to live like this. Mostjust wanting a higher standard of living and are selfish enough to palm their kids off to daycare. I know people who earn less then minimum wage when they work out costs of 2nd car and daycare.
Moynahan report talked about it before it happened- welfare destroyed the black family, destroyed families = biggest risk factor for kids with bad life outcomes. Same happening to whites now
‘..So, we see the direct relationship to a failing capitalist economy and failing families…’
NO, the success and material abundance is WHY people can afford top break up and live alone. Single mothers and divorcees and widows used to starve
‘…The medium income for a family in the US is $66,000 a year..’
You realize how rich that is dont you?
Richer then a KING 400 yrs ago
“..Most people labor in unsatisfying.. bitterly brutal low wage…’
Worse then when? Slavery times? Bushman times? More entertainment and education for you then King George 3rd
‘..Wal Mart has in its stores a desk where employees can qualify for tax subsidized food stamps..’
See how socialism has made it possible for walmart to screw people and make them slaves to “basic universal income’?
Part 2
Part 1 has links so needs moderation before you see it
‘..If one doesn’t see class lines and class war just in the above example, they never will…’ Class in the old days was based on power- now it is MORE THEN EVER BEFORE (not totally) based on hard work, cultural attitude and behavior and intelligence.
Poor people tend to stay poor because they are not as hard working or lucky or smart. Sorry, but as somone who has been poor and spent time with poor people its the truth. Let them live the lives they like- I dont own them
‘… This leaves little time for spending quality time with family members…’
True, small family bussnesses would be better
‘…Allocating time for family under an economic system that provides low paid and alienating work/…
AGAIN, your purchase per hour of work is HIGHER then ever before in human history- we’re just greedier
‘…People come home from work miserable, tired and often unable to care for children or want to….
Sorry that they are such selfish scum
‘… jobs at low pay, the basis of capitalism, means that individuals cannot plan time,…’
Low IQ people who cant organize and have low productivity value will always be poorer then those that change their behavior
‘.. so-called Trump job recovery,…’
Yeah, that is funny. Still, even with low employment if your eating garbage and dying young and cant budget its your own fault.
‘.. under monopoly capitalism, …
NO, we live under State power Capitalism, socialism for corporations, or as Mussolini called it ‘fascism’
‘…is warehouse work, where working conditions are brutal and where injuries abound…’
Maybe you think it was better down the mines in 1850?
THIS is the post scarcity civilization, we’re already there and it will not get better but it can get worse, much worse if people don’t appreciate that
“..Ad hominem attacks are fallacies in thinking…’
1) No, they are actually not- who would listen to Epstein on how to bring up kids? 😉
2)If Mik feels the need to start and end his post with ad hom then why would he not be expecting the same?
“..The problem is you have no idea of how capitalism works…’
1)YOU own capital (stuff)
2)YOU invest capital in making more stuff
3)IF it works you make stuff people want and you get profit and people get stuff they want
4)If it does not work you LOOSE the capital
WHAT we have now is not ‘capitalism’ it is a planned economy of crony capitalists working with the government.
“.. You don’t clean your house for exchange value…’
You exchange YOUR TIME/EFFORT for a clean house.
‘..You live in a planned economy. It is planned by multinational, transnational corporations…’
TRUE- I am not defending the planned crony capitalism that has rotted out the west.
I know that fool- he thinks taxi companies are regulated to protect the public when actually it is and always has been a monoplopy
‘..Learned helplessness is learned directly from a system that controls the means of production…’
Yes… like CRONY capitalism and Socalism
And it is on display each and everyday.
Yes… I have lost family to welfare
“..People feel helpless in a society run for the sheer profit of a few oligarchs…”
Yes, but they would BE MORE helpless in a fully planned economy
‘..Thy will feel less helplessness when they join in unison and fight for a fair economy, a decent life…’
Yes, the Tecnocrats will harness their anger and greed to create a planned economy where people have LESS power then now
‘..The governmen… neo liberal government….’
YES- All Trotskyite Jewish socalists or the children thereof
‘..Government belongs to the ruling elite…’
YES, but socialism is formalized version of this
‘..Capitalism has gone from mercantilism,to industrialism and now financial capitalism..’
Yes, but at its heart capitalism is the private ownership of resources and property and private choices on how they are used by the person
‘…‘socialism’..’ Easy to define, a planned economy.
‘..Capitalism is simple: privatize the profits, socialize the costs…’
As I said, THAT is a planned economy. I AGREE we live in a planned economy, I want to live in an UNplanned one of true capitalism, not one more planned by socailsim
“.. their is no individual way out o it…’
WRONG- thereis no way out of a FULLY PLANNED economy. The present one you can still choose what products/companies you support. Socialism leave you truly a slave to the planners.
go to wikipedia and check for definition of capitalism, it’s a good one. There is no need for inventing personal definitions and more important:
“When words lose their meaning people lose their freedom” (Confucius)
“….people were much more enslaved.”
I doubt you mean it, but you are right. People are less enslaved in one way. But before master had to provide slaves food and shelter, now he doesn’t give a fuck.
Still we are talking about a kind of slavery, but we would like to be free, aren’t we.
There is more below in my reply to @weilunion.
‘..Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit”
As I said- private ownership of property and doing with it what you wish. The means of production ARE nothing more then a piece of property that are able to produce something useful or desired.
” I doubt you mean it, but you are right. ”
Yes, I mean it but I am not even talking about chattel slavery- just the reality of the low productivity made most live on the edge. They were always one bad harvest from death and the reality was that they could not go and learn a new skill or make food in a new way.
Capitalism, people using what they own to make new stuff is why we have more kinds of people then peasants, servants, and the people with weapons the others serve. Socialism is always a failure because it trys to extend the bonds of family to a society where it is unsuitable .
People know their family, bad actors are weeded out by shame or other sanction in a way not possible in a free society which is why socialism always brings more coercion
Not as you said, there is crucial difference, “their operation for profit”. Also, distribution of benefits and decision making are in hand of owner, and that has to be added to definition.
This in itself represent a servitude for worker, curtails his freedom, lets say I want to avoid a word slavery.
And this is not a “slavery to circumstances” (what a mental gymnastics) you are talking about, but a systemic one. Worker has to say: Yes, massa, unless he wants to be replaced as annoying human resource. Please, spare me of examples when things are not just like this. Yes, they exist.
“…reality of the low productivity”
Do you believe, and I mean believe, every individual has an opportunity to escape living on the edge?
Is the edge just a result of natural forces or there is some role of socioeconomic system and if, how much?
In roman law property was defined as a thing an owner can use and abuse freely according to his will. Nowadays definition is probably different but the spirit is the same.
Use and abuse… Do you think this is moral?
Please, don’t use contrasting with socialism, because this is actually not the opposite, particularly the version that was lived not so long ago somewhere. There is no sane person that could defend that version.
Go and defend capitalism …I don’t know…. from scratch.
“..Go and defend capitalism… from scratch…’
OK, its the most free system of human economics. By this I mean when the state does not interfere in free the exchange of goods and services (yeah.. ideal examples never actually exists, i know)
‘.. crucial difference, “their operation for profit” ..distribution of benefits..decision…in hand of owner, and that has to be added to definition…”
ALL human activity, from catching,foraging or growing food to making a tool (be it of flint of silicon) IS DONE FOR PROFIT.
You do nothing willingly that is not done ‘TO profit’ yourself in some way.
‘..This in itself represent a servitude for worker, curtails his freedom,…. “slavery to circumstances”…’
THIS is the state of nature- we are animals that eat and use resources Humans will exist in ‘slavery of circumstance ‘ as long as they exist
“… Worker has to say: Yes, massa,….’
So? The worker could do something else- they are freer then in a tecnocratic state which is the only one that can produce and distribute ‘goods for all’ (at the cost of free agency way more then exist today)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iS17cWlezVI Road to serfdom synopsis
‘…Do you believe every individual has an opportunity to escape living on the edge?..’
No, but thats just life. Its not my fault that they dont get educated or are not luckier or smarter or more driven. They are not my children or my slaves and are free to live the lives they choose.
“…Is the edge just a result of natural forces….system..”
YES, natural forces. People are not all the same. The only way people can be free is if they are free to make poor choices or be unlucky.
“..In roman law property.. Nowadays definition is probably different but the spirit is the same…’
The decline of free choice and the decline in property rights are clearly linked. You can only exist if you have the means to extract resources needed for life- your property IS your means of life. The only way to ensure even distribution of property is to remove free choice.
“..Use and abuse… Do you think this is moral?..
Why would it not be?
“…Please, don’t use contrasting with socialism, because this is actually not the opposite, particularly the version that was lived not so long ago somewhere….”
There are many flavors of Control-Societies , fascism, socialism meant to lead to communism (That being the magic point when history ends), theocratic, oligarchy, many types, but they are all the same and all oppose free use of personal property and the family as primary social unit because they ALL are created to control others. All need to weaken individual freedom
The main one on the rise now is Technocracy
‘..There is no sane person that could defend that version….
There is no version of socalism- they are all the taking of stuff and the giving it to others. They all require more control over people and less free choice. That the nature of the system
I will address some of your mistakes starting from the most fallacious.
“ALL human activity, …. IS DONE FOR PROFIT.”
When I clean my apartment it’s not for profit, it’s for BENEFIT.
I’m not a native speaker so maybe profit can be used in many circumstances, I have a feeling you overuse it. But profit, when we are talking about capitalism and economics, has a very specific meaning and that is, what is charged over the costs.
On the other hand, is in your opinion altruism just a surreal abstract philosophical category?
“OK, its the most free system of human economics.”
BS, there is no proof. How can you be sure we can’t invent something better?
Ask mum&pa store owners that had to close because of Walmart how free they feel. The more you have the more you are free. Fuck such a freedom, that’s not freedom at all.
“THIS is the state of nature”
This is your response to my ‘..This in itself represent a servitude for worker, curtails his freedom,…. “slavery to circumstances”…’
There is no capitalism in nature, capitalism is a social construct, like a state. Slavery to circumstances are actually real natural limitations, obstacles, these are REAL FACTS.
“So? The worker could do something else- they are freer then in a tecnocratic state…”
Yes, something else. You can’t get that it’s about a nature of employer-employee relationship that is more or less similar for majority. You are allowed to say what is expected. That is free choice you are a fan of.
Certainly things can be worse but that means nothing.
“YES, natural forces.”
Your response to my: “Is the edge just a result of natural forces or there is some role of socioeconomic system ”
Where are natural forces when an owner transfer production to China to increase profits and domicile workers lost jobs and get stuck in small town in the middle of nowhere? Or similar situation in case of hostile takeover?
Also, looks you don’t recognize scientifically established fact that there is not small influence from society on an individual.
” your property IS your means of life”
Agree 100%. But as I already said once before, there is a huge difference between my property and property of Bill Gates, my gives me means of life, his give him means to conquer. Big difference, what do you think?
Or you have some other view on what is the source of Gates’ power?
‘..hen I clean my apartment it’s not for profit, it’s for BENEFIT…’
OK, English Lesson ‘what profit it a man if he inherit the whole world and lose his soul?”
The words are, in the case you give THE SAME and interchangeable
‘… profit, when we are talking about capitalism …specific meaning ..’
Ok… when you clean your apartment you LIKE the result, you like it MORE then you dislike doing the effort. You always aim to GET MORE of what you WANT and why is that bad?
When you do a job you sell your time and skill and you want money to buy THINGS with in return.
Does someone have a right to demand you GIVE your work FREE for NO money?
Why would you expect someone who makes a company to work for free?
Altruism is best done by family and community who know if you deserve help or if you are a parasite. Welfare is just charity for bad people.
‘..How can you be sure we can’t invent something better?..’
No one ‘INVENTED’ capitalism, private ownership is in animal nature- animals own stuff and fight to keep it so they can live.
‘…of Walmart how free they feel…
1) Walmart gets government help – socialism- to help it kill other stores.
2)If people dont buy the stuff stores sell WHY would they exist?
DO YOU have a right to get paid when you do a job no one WANTS you to do?
‘.. Fuck such a freedom, that’s not freedom at all..
Then be a slave and your master will feed you. You like that better?
“slavery to circumstances”…’
YES, life is hard. Lazy people will give up their freedom and be slaves. Dont expect others to feed you if you do nothing that they value.
“..no capitalism in nature,..’
CApitalism is owning your things and using them- ANIMALS own things they use and kill other animals to keep them
“… You are allowed to say what is expected. That is free choice you are a fan of…’
Life is hard and dangerous, if you want to say unpopular things you CAN do so in capitalism and no one will stop you- in technocracy you STARVE to death
‘..Certainly things can be worse but that means nothing…’
NOTHING?? You get cut off and STARVE in technocracy
“Y.. owner transfer production to China to i.”
If American workers want too much money for too little productivity why not?
HOWEVER< much of the transfer was because CORPORATE SOCIALISM helped business move to china which would not happen so fast under a real free market
'.. there is not small influence from society on an individual…'
SO? If people look to society as to why THEY fail then they have learned helplessness.
….of Bill Gates, my gives me means of life, his give him means to conqu,,,’
His power comes from the GOVERNMENT being subverted by his money. Bill GAtes can NOT make you buy his products or do what he wants…unless he makes the government FORCE you.
oh, man, you are incredible. The amount of ignorance you are presenting is astounding.
No argument exist that can be useful to show a believer that he is wrong. You are coming right from intellectual dark web.
Sure there are synonyms in every language but that doesn’t mean words are fully interchangeable, context is important. It’s not bs when Confucius warned what is the outcome of language perversion.
Not once you used an idea “things can be worse”, bs argument in discussion how thing are, what is the current quality if things. Why at all must I say this to you, ponder on this.
“CApitalism is owning your things and using them- ANIMALS own things they use and kill other animals to keep them”
Animals don’t own stuff, at best they POSSESS stuff. Very important distinction and you can’t say it’s synonym in this context. They rarely kill to sustain possession.
“..If American workers want too much money for too little productivity…”
Productivity is not an attribute of worker. Productivity is mostly defined by production process…oh, I forgot, you don’t care much for exact definitions. Just narrative, yee,…
So American worker can’t expect a living wage working two jobs, because some Holiness doesn’t allow? Some Holiness is more important than a human being? Can we allow ourselves to devaluate human being?
I’ve already spent to much time with you in a discussion where I have to defend basic facts, that’s pointless.
I’m leaving you with:
” None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free” (Goethe)
The problem is you have no idea of how capitalism works.
Look up ‘use value’ and ‘exchange value’. You don’t clean your house for exchange value.
You live in a planned economy. It is planned by multinational, transnational corporations.
Learned helplessness is learned directly from a system that controls the means of production.
And it is on display each and everyday.
People feel helpless in a society run for the sheer profit of a few oligarchs.
Thy will feel less helplessness when they join in unison and fight for a fair economy, a decent life.
The government as we have in the US and other capitalist countries is what is called a neo liberal government based on neo liberal economics.
The government belongs to the ruling elite, it is their tool for concentrating wealth, waging wars and debasing society.
I would suggest that before you critique something, you understand it well.
One cannot critique an economic system if they do not know how it works.
Capitalism has gone from mercantilism,to industrialism and now financial capitalism.
Corporate socialism is neo liberalism and the word ‘socialism’ has been so debased it is hard to talk about it without defining the concept.
Capitalism is simple: privatize the profits, socialize the costs.
And their is no individual way out o it.
“…The amount of ignorance you are presenting is astounding..
No argument exist that can be useful to show a believer that he is wrong. You are coming right from intellectual dark web…’
“..synonyms in every language but that doesn’t mean words are fully interchangeable, context is important….”
I SPEAK English as my 1st language- do you? Playing semantics on the word profit = not much of an argument
“.. not bs when Confucius warned what is the outcome of language perversion…’
‘..Not once you used an idea…”
Which you then follow with qouting me saying
“… “things can be worse”,…’
THAT is an “idea”- things can be worse then now…
‘… bs argument in discussion how thing are, what is the current quality if things…’ ???????
“…Animals don’t own stuff, at best they POSSESS stuff. Very important distinction and you can’t say it’s synonym in this context. They rarely kill to sustain possession….’
Own and Possess are synonyms- get an online dictionary
“..Productivity is not an attribute of worker. Productivity is mostly defined by production process…’
So… YOU are able to Run a CNC machine, Fly a plane, Drive a Truck, cook french cuisine and write as well as Mr Corbett???
OR, maybe, workers have different levels of skill
THATS why Marx was wrong about productivity and sharing, he thought a Dr and a guy who sweeps floors were the same level of skill
‘.. I forgot, you don’t care much for exact definitions. Just narrative, yee,…”
Sorry if you have issues understanding definitions in ENglish… look them up online
‘..So American worker can’t expect a living wage working two jobs…’
1)Are you in the USA? 2)if you have 2 jobs- walking dogs and sweeping floors WHY would you think you are worth as much money as a Doctor? Or a car mechanic?
‘..I’ve already spent to much time with you in a discussion where I have to defend basic facts, that’s pointless./..
Arguing over words when you clearly dont understand ENglish IS pointless
“…” None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free” (Goethe)..
Mark Twain — ‘Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.’
Ad hominem attacks are fallacies in thinking. Fallacies are the way the mind tries to avoid claims of others either due to laziness or habit.
You do not provide any evidence for your claims nor do you provide any evidence to refute my claims. Just ranting.
There are really four directions for understanding beliefs.
To begin with, every belief has an origin. In critial thinking we ask: What is the origin of my beliefs, where did I get them from?
We then ask, what evidence do I have for my beliefs.
We also ask, what beliefs to others have, where did they get them and what evidence do they provide for their beliefs?
We then ask what the consequences are for believing what we do and what others do if we accept them.
It is a process of thinking,a reconciliation process.
We do not, I repeat, we do not as critical thinkers, call people idiots, or, as you say:
“…The amount of ignorance you are presenting is astounding..
No argument exist that can be useful to show a believer that he is wrong. You are coming right from intellectual dark web…’
Thinking critically is hard work which is why so many avoid it.
Look to question answers not so much answer questions.
Everyone has an answer, it is the critical mind that learns to question what they believe in light of what others believe and they do so by trying to create an environment of inquiry and civility.
Twain’s quote from you to me…incredible.
My English is not a problem, confirmed by many native speakers.
It’s about you not understanding concepts and situation.
You are extremely uncareful with words.
Why do we have synonyms?
Why we don’t simplify and have just one word?
For poets to easier coin rhymes?
Definition of synonym:
“A synonym is a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language.”
Every time you invoked word synonym it was a case of nearly the same.
If you are not careful then you miss nuances, the devil is in details.
Your inappropriate heavy-handed approach resulted in capitalism = natural-economic system, although by any worthy definition it is a socio-economic system.
Find out somewhere how lawyers define possession and ownership. For them it’s not synonym in any way, on the other hand, colloquially it is.
As I said, you also don’t understand situation, I’m not interested in bar conversation, I would like to give and to get some knowledge.
“There are no individual solutions to social problems.”
100% agree and this is in a way my objection to lets go local, Konkin, agorism….
Society is not just a sum of individuals, period. I think this is the fundamental mistake many are making with a perception that it is just a sum.
It’s easy to prove.
When observing a group of friends or family it is obvious there is a bonding between, emotional support…. This is a surplus to the sum and one of huge importance.
When people are working together on a project then there is synergy, more is done than just pure sum of individual contributions. Some things can’t even be accomplished without working as a group.
Well, but if we want change first step has to be made. And in our circumstances going local, embryonic, agorism… is a step in right direction. Being self sustainable, means you are the boss.
Still, I’m missing (maybe there is but I don’t know) some deep thought about rotten baggage that we might carry on our journey. I mean fallacious ideas and concepts.
I have a feeling you want to address this. I can understand when you talking about capitalism, class struggle, Marx, I don’t get shivers and gulag visions. It’s true, many can imagine the end of the world but not the end of capitalism. Even less people can imagine a revision of private property, the fundamental idea of capitalism.
Sooner or later agorism would have to provide some bigger societal structures, because otherwise the only certain outcome is anarcho-primitivism, doubtfully a desired outcome.
Even hardcore libertarian Max Kaiser realized that spontaneous and planned are complementary.
I am reminded of Jack London, the famous American author who wrote among other things, the dystopian novel, The Iron Heel (circa 1895-1914).
London based much of his metaphors on the pack wolf. He built Wolf House, in Sonoma County and referred much to wolves in his writing.
For London, the pack wolf was both an animal that could live and survive alone, or with a pack.
London was a socialist of his time.
Packs of pack wolves often let new, individual members in.
What London was pointing to is that humans are like pack wolves.
We need each other, and we need to learn how to survive.
If not: It is all for none and none for all.
My problem with agorism is twofold:
1. It is ahistorical. What I mean is that if one uses Marxist analysis, historical materialism to understand societies, their economics, etc., then agorism is pre-mature.
Societies go through stages of development and change. Capitalism has only been around for four hundred years but yes, people have reified it into a thing and now believe it is the only way we can live.
Humans now have all the tools, the productive tools, to change social relations so that capitalism can be hurdled into the trash heap of history.
Agorism tries to jump over this stage of history, the revolution to overthrow capitalist relations and replace capitalism with first socialism (the USSR was not socialist nor is China communist) and then enter into another way of living; this will require the overthrow of corporate capitalism and its political pal, fascism.
The material conditions are not favorable to agorism now, and won’t be until we pass through capitalism.
Fighting fascism, and make no bones about it, it is worldwide now, cannot be done alone. Only socialism can fight fascism, as history has shown. Although the USSR was not socialist, only in name, it was the prime force in defeating Nazism. The US allowed the fascists back into Italy through Gladio, and imported the fascists to the US, notably the Ghelen spy network that became the BND, or German police. They helped Franco beat back the social libertarians or anarchists and retain a fascist state.
Agorism is powerless against fascism.
2. Social libertarianism, of the kind brought to the US between 1830-1930, a time of great movements of immigrants into the US from Europe, reigned. Dynamite was the weapon of choice and in one year, during the IWW era, 150 buildings were burned in on year.
It is called social anarchism.
The Wobblies, as members of the IWW understood and never lost their individuality as members of ‘one big union’. They enhanced it.
Agorism is based on individualism, not individuality and thus rests on assumptions of the market, assumptions that we are rational little- profit maximizers and that this magical market will create freedom.
We’ve seen the free-market in action now for 40 years of Reaganism: the growth of transnational corporations..
And now people want to opt out. History does not work this way.
Time to opt in and begin to challenge the dark forces set out to repeal the enlightenment and enslave all of mankind.
Weilunion, you present some solid ideas here, practical observations. You had me at J.London but his socialism seems to run counter to stories such as ‘Burning Daylight’ or ‘ The Sea Wolf’ . I know very little about him but the writing can’t be to far off from the man, can it?
The art business is a strange economic model to pidgin hole a man. How do you figure the creative product in capitalism, or socialism. I have never heard it put into economic terms.
Absolutely loved Jack London growing up. He was by far my favorite author.
So it was, that I was dumb-founded to discover that whoever he was sending his manuscripts to, to be published (must have been his publisher, obviously, if I’m not mistaken) he was getting compensated for these works by the word! That is, he got paid according to the word count – the more words, the more he got paid. Can you imagine? I thought, no wonder his passages were so incredibly descriptive and broad. I’m not sure if this was true throughout his career, but at some point in his writing career, this was was the arrangement. Csn you imagine if Corbett paid us by the word? lol He’d have us down to half a tweet, or less. 🙂
The other interesting thing about London, was that he was invited to attend events at the Bohemian Grove. Yes, that infamous Bohemian Grove, in California.
Now, that was very strange to find out. I have to check that out again, because his connections to it are interesting, along with his ideology, which I have to revisit. If I remember correctly, he was a bit of a Eugenicist. 🙁
He wrote some awfully great novels, though. Wow.
Yes, London was a national socialist, racist and also eugenicist.
His bad.
The times were different then.
His legacy is his understanding that industrial capitalism was the ruination of humans.
London took his life in 1914.
We are a hundred and twenty years from his work now. And capitalism is now rentier capitalism and is just as bad if not worse.
The issue is how to get to agorism. Understanding capitalism, how it works, how it creates crisis and how it fails goes to the heart of class consciousness.
Without a consciousness of classes and an organized fight against fascism and failing monopoly capitalism, we lose.
London was a died in the wool socialist and he died, no doubt by suicide, broke.
He was far more than a childrens author as he has been portrayed.
He gave away his money, sheltered the Wobblies, supported a great deal of social movements.
Capitalism is a stage of human development that we are in and must go through to get rid of it and allow us to go to other stages of development.
Agorism is the goal, but the material and subjective conditions must be present and these will only be present once we have overthrown capitalism and its sister,fascism and this will take an organized fight.
Sea Wolf, by London was the story of the philosophy of Nietzche
The Iron Heel was the story of fascism coming to America.
Star Rover was the story of the mind body dualism
London was a philosopher who did his work through novels,like Upton Sinclair.
In fact,London bought a story idea from Sinclair for 75 dollars called The Assassination Bureau.
It came out the day Kennedy was assassinated for London only finished the majority before he took his life.
It is the story of the precursor to the CIA, written in 1914 and completed some 49 years later
Truly fascinating!
The gnarly grit of his stories as a kid got in under my skin. The depiction of the captain in “Sea Wolf” – if I recall, the captain was the Sea Wolf – was so powerful, that I took to lunging out of my chair from a seated position to emulate the Sea Wolf as London depicted in one of the fight scenes in the novel, to the point where a friend of mine commented, like, what’s wrong with you? Mutiny of the Elsinore, The Iron Heel, Star Rover, et al, all great. Star Rover – I remember trying to detach from my body in similar fashion as the protagonist in the novel, concentrating starting with the toes…. 🙂
But, badass Jack London, here I come. Time for a reread, time for a star roving embryonic journey!
Candlelight, im with ya on read. Remember ” To light a fire” freezing to death has never been described so well.
By the way, as for Agorism, you say that it’s the goal. And, yet, it seems to be more of a means to a goal, not the goal, itself. If Agorism, as a societal system, or a collective of individuals (your choice) relies on gray and black market commerce for its sustenance, which theoretically implies starving the overriding governance of its income derived from taxation, what then? What would be the nature of Agorism, what would it look like, what would be the agorist creed after it succeeds in fatally starving the capitalist/fascist system of its essential tax dollars? The possible death throes of which, I would suspect, being preceded by system-crashing hyper-inflation. At that point, when mission accomplished, what would life and commerce be like in an Agorist world? An Agorist government? No government? No taxes? No rules?
My question is, what becomes of an anti-economic structure once there is no longer an economic structure in place. What is the face of Agorism at that point?
Am I even asking the right questions?
That rings a bell. “To light a fire”, was that a short story? Yes, I think so. Did it describe spit freezing before it hit the ground at 75 degrees below?
Man, I gotta check it out.
Love it!
Ha ha, the thought just occurred to me that who better among us would know cold ass weather better than Mr. Corbett here? Calgary must have gotten some wicked cold when he lived there. (No wonder he thinks the idea of anthropogenic global warming is pure fantasy!)
Candlelight, “agorism at that point… what would it look like”
Thats not a hard one, it would be Anarchy in the pejorative sense of the word. The propaganda bad meaning. All hell breaking loose. No creed, law , morality or alliance for some time until unions start to develop for mutual survival. Packs of wolves , clans , more powerful more successful over the weak. Mad Max of course. At least that is the prevailing propaganda. And a poor commentary on modern man.
A poor commentary, indeed, but an honest answer?
You probably know agorism more that me. Konkin’s idea about path to evolve from nowadays nightmare looks to me the best idea I’ve heard. You can’t fight Goliath. I agree magical market won’t create freedom and more substance has to be added to agorism.
Marx provides the best critique of capitalism, but he don’t provide a solution. As I know he was state-believer and he didn’t realize that state is a very powerful tool for enslaving people and for would be dictators. Preserving state was the main reason why socialist experiment in USSR ended up in such a misery.
“We’ve seen the free-market in action now for 40 years of Reaganism: the growth of transnational corporations.. ”
Yes, the more you have, the more free you are. If you want to have free-market participants must have more or less equal negotiation power. Big corporations have the power to blackmail small suppliers and they use it to the maximum extent. To say there is a free choice and say no to blackmail means not understanding reality. Many small companies depend on big customers, it’s a matter of existence. So they lubricate themselves, bent over and….proceed massa. Voluntary rape.
And what is the under-laying concept establishing the power: private property.
It’s so obvious to me that property brings influence, power, and power corrupts.
It’s so obvious that property is a concept that doesn’t scale well. Small property is essential, huge property means the world we are having today.
But even small property has a potential to become big under capitalism, capital accumulation, yes, Marx.
Genuine freedom can only exist when power is more or less equally distributed among the people.
Well, what is your idea how to escape coming technocratic nightmare?
Marx’s greatest achievement was his development of historical materialism as a method for understanding history,society, economics and politics.
There is no blueprint to a fairer and more equitable society. This will come from the struggle against capitalism itself.
There is no schematic to get from here to there. We fight, find and build together.
Or as Franklin once said: We either hang together or we hang separately.
“Genuine freedom can only exist when power is more or less equally distributed among the people.”
No man is an island. And no blueprints exist.
We know one thing: capitalism is failing all over the world.
As to the State, Marx would have vomited over the USSR. Lenin turned the USSR into state capitalism, sold out workers, and created totalitarianism.
To equate socialism with the USSR, China or any other never existing socialism is wrong, a mistake.
A society run by voluntarism,worker coops is the key.
Take a look at Mondragon, Spain
Never let anyone compare socialism with the USSR. We have never seen a socialist society in the world.
Yes,Sweden is democratic socialism but not socialism.
And state run socialism is not wanted.
Only when the means of production is taken by workers from capitalist and deployed for their benefit can we get out of this rut of history for if we do not:
As Rosa Luxemburg stated, the great thinker and economist, murdered by fascists in Germany:
“It is either socialism or barbarism”and we see that capitalism is more barbaric by day
ALL capitalists want to corner the market, buy each other out. This is thy we see the growth of transnational corporations.
The local lemonade stand, if privately owned, is bought up by the lemonade monopolies. This is how capitalism works.
Concentration of wealth in the hands of a few is capitalism and we are living through its nightmare now:
failed economies
displaced and dispossessed
transnational control of all life
fascism and more
‘..ALL capitalists want to corner the market,….”
That is GOOD (when they DONT have government power ) because it makes them make new and better stuff for us to buy.
No planned economy will ever do that as well as a free market
Right, they have a private monopolistic power with secret governments they control.
Understand the role of government. Fascists do, capitalists do why don’t people?
Under capitalism the government is merely a tool in the hands of the rich.
Monopolies exist because monopolistic governments are owned and operated by monopolies.
We are taught to love capitalism and hate government.
Reagan ran on no more government and created the biggest government in the history of US capitalism.
You think this was an accident?
Want monopolies and their governments? You can have them.
Those who look for freedom understand the role of the State under capitalism and how it oppresses us and others.
We look to end capitalism and thus capitalist state power.
‘..Understand the role of government. Fascists do, capitalists do why don’t people?..
You know that fascism is a ‘LEFTIST’ ideology based on socialism don’t you?
Because there are JUST 2 types of economy- ones that are free market and ones that are planned.
I call unplanned ‘capitalist’ but TBH what we have now is ‘crony’ capitalism, basically planned economy -fascism by the definition of ol’ Benito himself.
Socialism is the same system, just with LESS personal control of the means of production.
You live under corporate fascism now.
Fascism was developed by Mussolini who himself said that corporatism is fascism.
The problem is that the definition of socialism has been so misunderstood and people’s brains so clouded by capitalist propaganda, it is almost impossible to discuss the concept without someone bringing up the USSR, which was a state capitalist society, or China which is the same.
” ones that are free market and ones that are planned.”
What does ‘free market mean? Where does it exist? Where has it existed?
historical materialism is important, but Marx’ version, hardcore version, is incorrect. Claiming that only material conditions drive history and ideas have no roll is obviously wrong.
Reagan and Thatcher promoted idea of free market and reduction of government and now as a consequence common people believe in free market capitalism even more, a belief that is against their own interest.
Driving force behind nazi horrors was idea, it had material support from capitalist class that was necessary for realization, but nevertheless it was idea.
Also, lets say historical materialism provides good explanation how society developed throughout history. But can we use it for forecasting, can we project its findings to the future?
I doubt. Basic scheme of society was/is rulers&ruled. But to have better society this has to be overcomed and that means ingrained idea majority of people have ‘there has to be ruler otherwise chaos’ (Idea!) have to be dissolved. I think this “point” is kind of singularity, a lot is completely different afterwards.
“Only when the means of production is taken by workers from capitalist and deployed for their benefit…”
So you expect an organized action of workers?
I don’t think this is possible in today’s atomized society of happiness automatons driven by various Selfish Ledgers.
““It is either socialism or barbarism”and we see that capitalism is more barbaric by day”
Results of capitalism are extensively barbaric, but I don’t think capitalism itself changed substantially. Material conditions of capitalism (historical materialism) changed thoroughly and we are now living in the last epoch of capitalism according to Marx, monopolism. Here it comes to my mind people’s adage: “Why a dog licks his balls? Because he CAN!”
My biggest objection on discussions about capitalism and socialism is that they don’t touch the substantial problem at all, it’s like playing football and missing the ball. Private property, the fundament, is not taken into consideration.
Redefining private property actually solves the problem. It’s so obvious, it’s absurd beyond comprehension that few tenths, less than thousand, actually own the World, a publicly known fact. They are the ones who have decision making power about their property, they decide about the destiny of the World. Is this such a high math, beyond comprehension?
I don’t know how this fact can’t awake people, kind of awakening from nightmare, well, maybe that is the reason.
“historical materialism is important, but Marx’ version, hardcore version, is incorrect. Claiming that only material conditions drive history and ideas have no roll is obviously wrong.”
Marx did not come up with a version. Historical materialism is a method for analysis and for Marx, the ideas within a society in a given portion of history are ideas dialectically related to the material conditions that the ideas arose within.
Is there a ‘version’ you think is better and if not, then why is Marx wrong?
“Reagan and Thatcher promoted idea of free market and reduction of government and now as a consequence common people believe in free market capitalism even more, a belief that is against their own interest.
Driving force behind nazi horrors was idea, it had material support from capitalist class that was necessary for realization, but nevertheless it was idea.”
Fascism is the political expression of failing capitalism. We see it now agains as fascism is international and global capitalism fails.
Reagan and Thatcher’s ideas were based on Milton Friedman’s ideas and the Chicago school of economics, itself a product of history. You would never see this proposition under feudalism.
“Also, lets say historical materialism provides good explanation how society developed throughout history. But can we use it for forecasting, can we project its findings to the future?”
No, it was never developed as a hermenuetic to make predictions. It is a method used to understand the history of ideas and economic and social development.
Most people have no methods to understand themselves and history.
“So you expect an organized action of workers?
I don’t think this is possible in today’s atomized society of happiness automatons driven by various Selfish Ledgers.”
If people do not organize to confront oppression, we perish.
“My biggest objection on discussions about capitalism and socialism is that they don’t touch the substantial problem at all, it’s like playing football and missing the ball. Private property, the fundament, is not taken into consideration.”
First off, the teerms have to be defined. Secondly, all Marx wrote about is private ownership of th means of production in his citique of capitalism and this means private property is the center of his critique. Marx was not talking about personal private property his analysis was socio economic.
“They are the ones who have decision making power about their property, they decide about the destiny of the World. Is this such a high math, beyond comprehension?
I don’t know how this fact can’t awake people, kind of awakening from nightmare, well, maybe that is the reason.”
This is the Marxist critique andI invite you to watch Richard Wolff’s videos. Seems we are in more agreement than not.
I studied Marx from secondary sources and I got he didn’t recognize something like World of Ideas. I see a lot of phenomena in human society that can’t be explained without the World of Ideas.
Four “levels” I like even more: World of Ideas, Mental, Emotional, Material. Better explanatory power.
I see no fascism, looking at society…. madness, insanity, disorientation, …not only of course and thanks god.
“If people do not organize to confront oppression, we perish.”
You haven’t said much.
What to do?
Oppressor is very illusive, so many faces, he has formidable arsenal of tools for herding the tax cattle.
Therefore Agorism mean Konkins plan as idea and please, people, go and learn something about Marxist thought, he was a wise guy (not infallible), and of course many others Epicurus, Lao Tse,….
Richard Wolff, ok, I have to find something where he is elaborate about property.
Property has to be redefined: Personal property should stay untouched, private property that provides gain must have limited control rights of owner. Almost all records of business should be public, almost no privacy for owner, his personal gain is public.
Rationale: his personal gain is not possible in absence of people, so people can ask and get answer, truth not lie.
Greetings from the World of Ideas 😉
Derrick absolutely nails the problem with completely ‘opting out’ on the head here: https://youtu.be/LkICfUiKn-U?t=1138
Derrick understands how hard it is because he is living that reality. These are major hurdles that I have thought about before, and that probably stop a lot of people from even considering opting out. But, as James said earlier in the conversation, just take bite sized pieces. Don’t try to make these changes all at once. Just go so far as you are comfortable and even that can make a difference.
On another note…Bill Nye…geez what a slime ball. He is a nice little lackey for the establishment isn’t he? Climate change agenda, 5G, what else?
‘… what else?…’
They edited online versions of his show to remove chromosomes determining your gender… and don’t make me think about the ice cream orgy video, please, no!
Haven’t heard of the ice cream orgy video, but not sure I want to know.
What else? Sparkling water apparently. Upcoming super bowl commercial.
Nye is quite the market tested shill isn’t he. His integrity is for sale, as with so many others. Nice bow tie though. Makes him endearing to the kids. It’s probably a clip-on, the phony fuck.
The guy who works the day shift at my beer headquarters, uh, I mean the 7-11 near my house, has the same name. Poor bastard.
scpat says:
“Derrick absolutely nails the problem with completely ‘opting out’ on the head here: QUEUED VIDEO https://youtu.be/LkICfUiKn-U?t=1138
Derrick understands how hard it is because he is living that reality.
These are major hurdles that I have thought about before, and that probably stop a lot of people from even considering opting out.
But, as James said earlier in the conversation, just take bite sized pieces.
Don’t try to make these changes all at once.
Just go so far as you are comfortable and even that can make a difference.”
I think it is an important to be aware that you can also make technology your friend. Mastering encryption is one example. Another related example is that the blockchain technology can be being used to eliminate corrupt institutions.
I have a relevant quote from Andreas Antonopoulos on this topic:
“The essence of Bitcoin is not Blockchain. The essence of bitcoin is the ability to operate in a decentralized way without having to trust anyone. The essence of bitcoin is the ability to be able to use software to authoritatively and independently to verify and authenticate. You don’t trust anything but your own verification and validation. Bitcoin introduced the concept of decentralized security through computation…and this has not yet sunk in.
Bitcoin replaces the security model where an institution is in the middle. It is the first market based security model. Incentives/Punishments ensure that the network itself is a neutral arbitrator that is not controlled by anyone. Bitcoin revolutionizes trust.”
So if you look at Bitcoin as only an alternative currency, that means that you are severly limiting yourself. This is only the thin edge of the possibilities. It was the first use because it was the easiest one, but it will by no means the the last one.
Talking about “going embryonic”:
Presently, a whole new eco-system is being built based on block-chain technology that eliminates the need for big corporations.
Indeed, James Corbett’s series on Bitchute, Steemit and similar technology are only a few examples. But you can also think along the lines of using blockchain-technology to automatically execute contracts to get paid for work (Etherium uses a similar concept).
Of course…95 to 99% (or even more?) of the crypto coins/tokens are rubbish. You have to ask yourself each time: does this particular crypto token really have a use? But there are those that try to separate the wheat from the chaff, like Marco Wutzer’s ‘Disruptive Profits’. Unfortunately you have to pay big time for that subscription. But maybe anyone reading this could find other reliable sources to distinguish good wholesome technology uses from fraudulent and bad ones. And then support or even better help create the new good ones.
‘…I think it is an important to be aware that you can also make technology your friend. Mastering encryption is one example…”
THEY have all the money to buy the best minds and toys so tec is not really your best buddy.
Unless you are using a randomized one time code pad you really should not trust bet life on encryption – though TBH NSA and Mossad can probably just see what your doing thru the software backdoors anyway
I gotta say, I seriously admire Mr. Broze’s tenacity. He just keeps on going. Just now ordered the book and hope to learn additional steps to keeping technocracy at bay.
I liked, loved, was heartened by, Mr. Broze’s broad smile and chuckle upon hearing the word “embryonic” in terms of being, as James’ points out, a better metaphor for “what we’d like to happen.” And certainly, it makes for a great metaphor for a first stage of any transformation, whether to an agorist society, or any other. For some reason or other, there’s a certain transcendent quality to the word.
Exploring The Conscious Resistance website, I found it time-travelingly retro in the aura of its psychedelia. “Now Is The Time” video asks – So, you say you want a revolution? This harkens back, of course, to The Beatles’ “Revolution No. 9”. Indeed, one of the dominant themes of the young lady’s video could be characterized by lines in the song such as – ” You tell me it’s the institution Well, you know You better free you mind instead” And, she’s quite right, the deprogramming starts inside, starts with the mind, starts with being the “conscious creators of a new paradigm”.
But, along with psychedelics, the concept is not new.
I had posted Jefferson Airplane’s “Embryonic Journey”.
But here’s Jefferson Starship’s iconic album “Blows Against The Empire”.
Very psychedelic, very agorist, very anarchist, very old…and very new!
I’d listen to the whole album! (hey, use headphones)
Because, if you’re gonna start on an embryonic journey, you have to say to yourself, enough of 2000 years of the man’s “god-damned glory!”
“So, you say you want a revolution? This harkens back, of course, to The Beatles’ ‘Revolution No. 9′”
No. 1, you mean. Unless No. 9 is tied into it somehow?…And speaking of nearly identical names, on the same album they have “Honey Pie” and “Wild Honey Pie”. My mom played that album all through my childhood and only last week did I realize the twin titles!
Anyhow, just piping in ’cause I’m nosey that way. Thanks for the link above; I’ve got my headphones on and preparing to blast off.
P.S. Just noticed Vin Cognito posted another Beatles analysis with James!
Thank you for that correction, Pearl! You’re absolutely right. It’s in the vicinity of 50 years ago that I had lent my White album to a friend, and wouldn’t you know it, it was never returned. Same with my Woodstock album. Seems to be a pattern like lending out your tools. lol
There feels, by the way, to be a certain link between Revolution No. 1 and 9, besides the name. And come to think of it, that same feeling, the juxtaposition in tone and content, very similarly links Honey Pie and Wild Honey Pie together. Wild Honey Pie is to Honey Pie, as No. 9 is to No. 1.
Anyway, when checking out my error (that I’m glad you pointed out) to see for myself, I found this nice link to the White album where you can easily play all the songs on it:
And thank you for the Vin Cognito link. Cool stuff!
On another note, I was planning to post another observation about the The Conscious Resistance website.
I understand the counter-economic idea and black-market activism in the Agoric resistance to the state, wherein Mr. Broze mentions out right, that by its very nature, in practicing Agorism one may run foul of authority, that is, engaging in illicit activities…. Fair enough. I’m an adherent of the old cliche rules are meant to be broken.
However, since Agorism is touted as a peaceful approach to change, I question the wisdom of providing a relatively prominent position on the website dealing with what seems to be the illicit sale of firearms, featuring a photo of a slew of weapons in the back of a pick-up truck, being presented by a guy wearing a sock mask to hide his identity. This, along with guidelines as how to trade in these things, like “always use cash” (duh), is on the troubling side.
Because, what does illicit gun running have to do with Agorism, the culture of peaceful and conscious resistance?
This is not a question for James. This is a question for Mr. Broze, to be asked by James the next time he has Mr. Broze on.
I thought I’d put a link to the TCR article I mentioned above.
It’s titled “Armed Agorism Part 2” – part of a three part series, though I haven’t seen the other two parts. And, quite frankly, I don’t know how I came across Part 2, because it isn’t readily found on the site as I had thought. It dates from September of 2016.
An Agorism lifestyle which includes the support and promotion of local farmer’s markets is very cool. Maybe even doing your own hunting is cool too, if you’re into consuming meat, and/or for barter and income, etc. But, are you really going to go hunting duck or deer with an assault rifle or a machine gun nested upon its tripod, as seen in the photo?
So, I’d still like to know what the deal with that is:
One retraction: I referred to this as “gun running”, which is an exaggeration. It’s about the buying and selling of guns in a “grey market”, i.e., not quite above board. I just don’t like seeing what the inventory depicts. It puts a gray cloud over the whole idea of peaceful consciousness raising, living off the land, bartering, and otherwise resisting living attached to the economic main stream. You’re not exactly going to be shooting your way out of it(the main stream), so why bother with the heavy artillery? And what kind of constituents do you want to attract to your cause? Peace loving souls, or those who love the feel of an AR-15 in their grips?
These are a few of my questions for Broze.
‘…Peace loving souls, or those who love the feel of an AR-15 in their grips?…’
If you like peace prepare for war
I’m pretty sure that people who have the ability to blow chunks off other people will lead a more peaceful life then hoping others dont hurt you.
I personally dont believe in hurting others but just the ability and willingness reduces the need to ever actually do violence- the fact that wicked people never know WHO might be able to hurt them reduces the incentive to harm
THIS song
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNlswqBZ7u4 always made me angry because the guy basically let his pride at signaling his pacifism make him a target for bad people. Even at the end he was just acting for his own pride.
I’m not much a fan of country music or Kenny Rogers, but, that was a sweet song, and Rogers hit it just right…. Yup, the Gatlin boys sure had Tommy in a spot, alright. The song doesn’t say exactly how Tommy got his revenge. There is the hint that he used a gun, because he was explaining to the last one that his act of vengeance was for Becky, and this he said as he watched this last Gatlin brother fall to the ground. So, it seems as if he shot them all. He could have been swinging a tire iron, though doubtful, but, it’s just as doubtful it was an AR-15.
I don’t think Tommy lived his life as a pacifist out of pride as much as he was respecting his father’s last wishes. Though, I guess obeying a person’s wishes could become a source of pride. Of course what the brothers did was beyond his ability to let it go and turn the other cheek. Pride or no pride.
It’s funny that on the surface, the song may seem like a simple country western jingle, but it actually deals with the incredible complexity of the interwoven issues involving morality, spirituality, virtue, self-respect, etc., etc.
Your quote – “If you like peace prepare for war” – is an age old saying, but in the context of conducting oneself as an agorist, doesn’t seem apropos.
I still see no reason to introduce into the mix, the concept of “Armed Agorism” with a photo of an illicit arms dealer in a mask, who looks like a guy who caters to right-wing militias.
But, maybe that’s just the reality. If you want to purchase a firearm without the government knowing about it, those may be the types you would have to deal with, diverse ideologies notwithstanding.
Yet, there are so many other pertinent issues to deal with, and a society premised on the idea of surviving on a grey and black market economy has vast obstacles and limitations enough, without the conjuring up (at least in my own mind) this image of a group of Agorists – gray and black marketeers, hold up in a government siege, armed as they may be, and fatefully prepared for war.
It may be a silly image, but the concept of Armed Agorism makes me think of the siege of Wounded Knee, circa 1973.
Trust me, I know I’m making way too much out of this. And this 3 part “armed” series is already dated – from two and a half years ago.
I do think Mr. Broze’s more recent aspirations, though, of running for Houston City Council, I believe, is by far a better subject of discussion, and much healthier, too, in the long run.
One last thing about that song “Coward Of The County”.
The song ends with the same line it starts with – “Everyone considered him the coward of the county”
Is that simply typical of country western songs, that it starts and ends on the same line? Or, is it saying something?
Could it be that Tommy, even after avenging the debauchery and gang rape of Becky, was still seen as a coward in the eyes of the county, if indeed, he shot the three Gatlin brothers down in cold blood?
Now, Tommy’s uncle thought folks had the wrong idea about Tommy, that he wasn’t yellow, and they were reading him wrong.
In any event, for me, the inclusion of that ending line is a mystery.
‘..The song doesn’t say exactly how Tommy got his revenge. There is the hint that he used a gun, because he was explaining to the last one that his act of vengeance was for Becky..
There was no lyrical talk of smoke or roaring iron so likely just fists. You are right that it wasHIS VENGEANCE.
It didnt benefit Becky, it made Tommy feel better…then the fact that they were alive afterwards left a menace on the loose. The ‘fall’ is evocative of western cowboy fisticuffs
‘….He could have been swinging a tire iron, though doubtful, but, it’s just as doubtful it was an AR-15…”
Is there a difference in morality between cutting a throat, driving a truck over someone or cracking a head open or blowing a hole in someones chest?
Would you deliberately go into a fight for life with a lesser weapon then the best you had?
‘…Don’t think Tommy lived his life as a pacifist out of pride as much as he was respecting his father’s last wishes…’
I disagree, he was wishing to impress his dead father more then protect his family. THIS led to the bullying situation getting to the point that Becky suffered- “A skilled General is not famous because he does great things when thet are easy”
“..It’s funny that on the surface, the song may seem like a simple country western jingle, but it actually deals with the incredible complexity..”
You do know that Shakespeare was just the pop entertainment of his time? 😉
“..like peace prepare for war” – is an age old saying, but in the context of conducting oneself as an agorist, doesn’t seem apropos…’
So people are NOT going to be the same as always? They wont want to hurt you or take your stuff?
‘..I still see no reason to introduce into the mix, the concept of “Armed Agorism”..’
Not a politic picture, true.
‘…But, maybe that’s just the reality…’
Yes, if you believe people should trade at will then that means they will trade things YOU DONT LIKE THEM HAVING… Personally Dispise drug users but the government stopping them buying drugs legally is a worse evil then they are.
“… a society premised on the idea of surviving on a grey and black market economy has vast obstacles and limitations enough…’
“… Mr. Broze’s more recent aspirations, though, of running for Houston City Council..’
Agreed, Local government is the key IF you can still affect it
That Tommy avenged Becky’s brutal assault, I’d imagine it must have made her happy, or at least cope with it better. So, in that sense, it would have benefited her to some extent.
Also, I really don’t know if it were fisticuffs. Talking to someone while “watching” them fall indicates to me that Tommy was passive, standing still – talking and observing – with his only movement occurring either shortly before or shortly after explaining his actions, the pulling of a trigger.
The morality of engagement: Yes, I think there is a difference. Even in Tommy’s instance. If he had gone in the saloon and beat the crap out of each of those Gatlin boys with his fists, he would probably find total redemption in the eyes of the county, if not new found admiration. If he went in there with an AR-15, and blasted them to hell, he might continue, in the eyes of the county, to be considered a coward. Win or lose, people respect a fair fight.
Would I go into a fight for life with anything less than what I had? Well, honestly, probably not. Reminds me of the saying – you don’t bring a knife to a gun fight.
And, yeah, if the Gatlin boys were all packing, then, hell, go ‘head Tommy, blast ’em all to hell!
“You do know that Shakespeare was just the pop entertainment of his time?”
That was excellent. Quite funny. And, ya gotta wonder? Gotta wonder just how far we’ve fallen!
“So people are NOT going to be the same as always? They wont want to hurt you or take your stuff?”
Instead of the assault rifle, machine gun, or maybe even a black market bazooka, just batten down the hatches and dial 911… 🙂
“Agreed, Local government is the key IF you can still affect it”
You can’t effect it if you don’t try. Who knows how much good Mr. Broze can effect, were he to get “inside” the system. Lord knows the guy’s incorruptible. And I’m not being facetiousness, either. I mean that.
hello, manbearpig,
I know it’s bright and cheery in the morning were you are, so you have tons of energy to explain what you mean by the above.
But, this query of mine ought to be my last of the night, the midnight oil, or lack thereof, is about to cause my lamplight to soon be extinguished. lol
Though, on the other hand…..
There feels, by the way, to be a certain link between Revolution No. 1 and 9, besides the name.
I looked it up on the Beatles Bible (great source, btw!). Sure enough, 9 is the result of a ridiculously long version of 1 which disintegrated and mercilessly dragged on:
“The Beatles began recording Revolution 1 (then simply titled Revolution) on 30 May 1968, more than three months after their previous recording session at Abbey Road.
“Sixteen takes were recorded, the last of which formed the basis of the album version. Substantially longer than other attempts, it ended at 10’17” with Lennon’s shout, “OK, I’ve had enough!”
“The final six minutes descended into a mostly discordant instrumental jam, with feedback, Lennon repeatedly screaming “All right”, and moaning from Lennon and Yoko Ono. This later formed the basis of Revolution 9, with the addition of a number of tape loops and sound effects.”
Great link you provided to the White Album. I have it on disc. It’s such a wonderful, diverse and eclectic mix; hard to pick a favorite (definitely not no.9!!), but I never tire of Julia, Dear Prudence and Mother Nature’s Son.
Thanks for the Beatles Bible link. I’m going to check it out, as well as send it to a buddy of mine, who besides being a general rock -n-roll fanatic, loves the Beatles most of all!
Your favorites, or at least the songs you never tire from, are I would say, the very gentlest of the bunch! 🙂
Oh, the list goes on! My next favorite is “Happiness is a Warm Gun” 😉 .
“Happiness is a Warm Gun” – definitely.
I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of “Classic Albums”, or not. It organizes a number of different bands who specialize in covering classic rock bands basically note for note, hence the organization’s name Classic Albums.
So, I had gone to a Beatles “Classic Albums” concert awhile back, and the “album” they were playing on stage that night was Abbey Road. Each song was played literally note for note, and was really incredible, It was amazing the intricate composition of each of those songs. For me, it shed a whole new light on the Beatles musical acumen, of which I’d been unaware.
Hello James and Fellow Subscribers,
I wanted to share a piece of ”occult knowledge”.
How to pronounce Zbigniew. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJN8JG8Ab9g
Now I can finally say that I taught James Corbett something.
Love you all,
Robin Hood
Reference 21:45 You’re Already a Criminal
“Did you really think we want those laws observed?” said Dr. Ferris. “We want them to be broken. You’d better get it straight that it’s not a bunch of boy scouts you’re up against… We’re after power and we mean it…
“There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.
“Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What’s there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted –and you create a nation of law-breakers– and then you cash in on guilt.
(Actually the controlling factor of the 21st century is fear, fear of what can happen if you are interacting with law enforcement and things go sideways. Do you feel guilt if you break the speed limit?–B)
“Now that’s the system, Mr. Reardon, that’s the game, and once you understand it, you’ll be much easier to deal with.”
Excerpted from ‘Atlas Shrugged’ 1957, By Ayn Rand
How the Government controls us:
Well you two I can smell the incense from here. Church is tommaraw’ this is Saturns night and who’s your daddy? Jumping Jupiter, its Haley the Comet Rheinhart.
And oh baby its cold outside!
Good lord! Fifteen minutes?! Pass the whiskey!
I do apologize. It’s not too late to repent: just put on a scratchy wool garment (nothing else, it should itch like the dickens!), sit outside (only if it’s really really cold and preferably by a serene pond) and whip yourself.
And whatever you do, DON’T LISTEN TO LENNY under Corbett’s just for fun!!
Buttered crepes?! Where’s the pain in that?!
Opting out or opting in? Either way you go, you should be equipped to handle anything once you disembark. That is, once you left the curb, which means you are no longer doing nothing. You are in motion. What have you. taken with you and equally what have you left behind? Did you leave your decoder ring, compass, pocket knife? Cell phone , keys to your 1st house? You can expect, like Phroto Baggens you look over your shoulder and hope you return from where you start. But seriously you know thats not going to happen unless you know you are equipped…with a mind of your own.
Ways of thinking, came up lately by reading Alexander M. Neill s book ” Summerhill; a radical approach to child rearing. ”
Freedom is mentioned a lot. Mental health , hygiene and loving childhood ,contrary to fear, punishment, violence and lies. Neurosis developed from the overbearing established system .
Derrick Brose and Corbett have spoken much like A.M.Neill. The common denominator is the battle for our minds, in theory.
What inter development ,to bolster our trip, once we decide to stop doing nothing, do we have?. We must be properly equipped , mentally and physically.
Will freedom from established systems be accomplished all at once or experience organic equilibrium rapidly self organizing. Will the whole of human understanding of reality be incorporated. One, to take the trip to action, two, the place where everyone finds comfortable to exist, and come to inercia.
The first , action will take two forms, material or spiritual.
Both can reach the destination. Material will reflect its self as in a mirror. A fun house of mirrors. Slow time, changing to Becoming what you feared most in the beginning. Having the noroisi of materialism.
Humane behavior is animal magnetism. Where to bolster the masses on the way takes empirical evidence and practice. Here’s a suggestion to bolster the ride for change. This link is a talk on animal magnetism, overlaps Agoism, anarchy and volunteerism in so many ways.
Alex , I always wondered what genera this kinda ” scat” fell into for the uninitiated. Ontology , Man imagine dat Bear scattering such sublime Swine . Gotta scat.
Alex , imagine a antholgia en uma era tecnocraticaia. Se eu fosse fazer um filme, apontando as falhas da Technocracia para equpar a nature’s spiritual superior. Seria Star Wars. No wonder it made a +$Billion dollars.
What’s real here in this link?
Ohh! MBP never before Pearl. Its finally Saturday in Europa so to take a break from the dismal science of economics I propose a listen to more Beatles tunes. Start with this one . BonJour!
Then crapes, cafe and
Then back from the market this one
Is that you on bass?