Welcome back to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:
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Story #1: All the Cyber Attack Stories from the Past Few Days Can’t Be Linked…Can They?
4 Times the US Threatened to Stage an Attack and Blame It on Iran
Declassified: The Sino-Russian Masterplan To End U.S. Dominance In Middle East
‘Chernobyl’ Breaks HBO Record And Thoroughly Beats ‘Game Of Thrones’
Russia Hates HBO’s ‘Chernobyl’, Decides to Make Its Own Series
Story #2: Trump Executive Order Makes Simpler Path for GMOs
“Executive Order on Modernizing the Regulatory Framework for Agricultural Biotechnology Products”
Bayer Asks Judge to Overrule $2 Billion Monsanto Roundup Verdict
Bayer Calls $2B Monsanto Roundup Jury Award “Unhinged”
Bayer + Monsanto = A Match Made in Hell
Alex Jones Interviews Donald Trump (Dec. 2, 2015)
Trump: “I Think I Know” Who Was Behind 9/11 Attacks
Alex Jones Denies CP Allegations, Accuses Lawyer of Frame-Up
Story #3: Facebook Announces “Libra” Cryptocurrency
Report: Facebook’s Calibra Digital Wallet Will Not Be Available in Its Largest Markets
Facebook Libra Cryptocurrency Has Its Uses, Says Bank of England Governor
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You caught me. 😉
The YouTube link for this “Interview 1452 NewWorldNextWeek” of June 20 goes to last week’s NewWorldNextWeek, June 13.
Bitchute link is copacetic.
Thanks for catching that, HRS. The ThemTube link has been fixed.
So true!
“…World War 3 is already underway….”
QUEUED video
Zucker Bucks is very good already, I like it.
Bucks for Suckers.
Social Credit Coin
Liberal-only Coin
Notify-everyone Coin
Assimilation Coin
Or the alternative: Goo-Coin
Generally the big-tech companies are working together
to implement a technocratic similar environment.
They monitor and control all information, mark alternative information as bad.
Monitor and control all (official) science.
Google & FB monitor all contacts and the information that you see.
Amazon monitors all the stuff that you order.
Now Zuck/Google wants to monitor and control all money.
It looks like they are just filling in the holes of information that is
necessary to create a totalitarian system. That is of course “good for you”,
in a technocratic-like way.
Make America GM Again
Make Swamp Rule Again
Peace Prize = Eternal Peace Prize
Anyway. I collected some information about Chernobyl on saidit:
I am not sure about the Russians trying to create an alternative story.
Original article seems:
We may need the russian-newspaper monitor from newsbud to understand if this is a hit-piece or real news. Some newspapers in Russia are aligned with the US.
All other reactions from Russia were kind of positive towards the series.
WWIII–I agree. We are looking down the barrel of a cyberspace event, likely a set-up. TPTsnB have been hard at work promoting a mishmash of confrontational MS news stories informing the public of as much. Cyberspace is the field, the soft spot. It appears the controllers are gearing-up for something big. Of course, they will control the fallout and have THE answer to save the frightened, demanding Normies.
…in comes the i9/11 (LINK in NWNW show notes) lawmakers to fight the bad guys by curtailing freedom of the internet and further controling the public. What a neat little package that fits right into the puzzle — “Lessig also revealed that he had learned, during a dinner with former government Counter Terrorism Czar Richard Clarke, that there is already in existence a cyber equivalent of the Patriot Act, an “i-Patriot Act” if you will, and that the Justice Department is waiting for a cyber terrorism event in order to implement its provisions.” (Unfortunately, we’ll all be affected.)
Labels? MAGMA–Love it! Swamp Thing is the perfect name for our country’s figure head. Who ever thought he would ‘clean up’ anything had to be completely dillusional. He can’t clean out the Swamp. He lives there! He’d destroy his own environment.
Alex Jones? Man! Does the MSM/TPTsnB hate Alex Jones or what? This pedophile/porn accusation is a very common frame-up used by the alphabet agencies to eliminate people they can’t get rid of by other means. They usual send prone to the person’s business computer. When they open it all bets are off. Alex just won’t go away. Sooooo…they want the Normie internet/MSM/et al to judge and try him in public without cause. They will, of course.
Libra? For several years now I’ve been trying to figure how the banksters were going to move the public to a cashless society, monitor every individual’s movement via the chosen method and make the Normies believe they are safe. The mechanism was obvious–cryptocurrencies, but how? LIBRA is the plan, apparently. The Bank of England’s representative as much as confirmed it.
I’m not like some of you who have a clever marketing mind. So I’ll pass the baton on the naming of Libra for the internet to those who have a knack for such things. I do like the start of it here, however.
A newly fledged hummingbird’s criss-crossed beak caused me to go online a few weeks ago and learn that round-up treated sugar cane may very well be the cause. Other studies suggest the increase in overall bird beak deformities nationwide is due to a virus. Riiight. Couldn’t have anything to do with glyphosate.
That is interesting.
My bet is that the cause emanates from glyphosate, even if the hummingbird has a virus (because glyphosate weakens the immune system).
Where were all the crooked beak hummingbirds many years ago prior to glyphosate?
— Central Bank bought Bayer debt —
I should mention that the amount of general-across-the boards corporate debt is staggering. It is way more than previous years. It reeks of the same stench as the 2008 housing crisis.
Many corporations are in hawk up to their eyeballs. Many corporations are issuing bonds, borrowing out the ying-yang, doing weird things with their stock, fibbing on their financials, etc.
I always wondered why Bayer would pay so much for Monsanto knowing that Monsanto had pending potential lawsuits…Enter CENTRAL BANKS.
BLOOMBERG NEWS – April 4, 2019
The ECB Proves Central Bankers Are Bad Capitalists
The Corporate Securities Purchase Program has distorted the cost of money, allowing companies to make questionable decisions.
…Consider Germany’s AG Bayer, which agreed to buy Monsanto in May 2016 for $66 billion in what was then the largest all cash merger ever announced. The deal was controversial from the start as Bayer was going to need to raise billions of dollars. Traditionally, this means a company must go on a road show and explain its plan in great detail. Without evidence of a credible plan, capitalists will not part with their money.
But not the ECB. It just so happened that in June 2016 the central bank began a new effort to stimulating the region’s economy by purchasing corporate bonds under an initiative dubbed Corporate Securities Purchase Program, or CSPP…
…The ECB left those issues to the credit rating companies. As long as a company kept its investment-grade rating, that was good enough for the ECB. The last time investors delegated investment decisions to ratings firms in this manner was mortgage securities in the early to mid- 2000s. This was before housing collapsed, leading to large defaults on mortgage securities and ushering in the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression….
Well, the ultimate blame falls on me for not having used organic sugar. It honestly didn’t occur to me until I saw it. We’re somewhat isolated, so I feed LOTS of birds. The good news is that the crooked-beaked hummer is thriving, feisty and performing jaw-dropping aerial maneuvers just as well as the others. Since 80% of their diet requires protein (small flying insects), I know that bird can hunt!
Near me, I have blue birds, cardinals, mockingbirds, blue jays, various sparrows and wrens, swallows, doves and yellow bellied flycatchers.
I love the acrobatics of those flycatchers. Amazing. They often chase and radically scold those dang grackles, cowbirds and starlings.
The grackles and cowbirds and starlings have become prolific in urban areas. In the 1960’s and 70’s, one almost never saw them. Grackles, cowbirds, and sometimes starlings will hijack the nests of other birds and grackles evidently might eat the young from other nests.
Often when I am in the garden, the mockingbirds will land 10 feet away and pick the ripe blackberries. I’ll get on to them, “Hey! Those are my blackberries!”, but they just look at me and keep pecking away. I just can’t get too mad at ’em. I didn’t net the vines this year…its my fault.
I enjoy the birds. Even, on occasion. the cowbirds. There is a quiet soothing beauty with birds.
One day not long ago, about 15 feet away in a parking lot, a red tail hawk swooped down trying to grab this cowbird standing on the parking lot. The cowbird ducked under a ‘shed’ next to him. I swear!…10 minutes later the cowbird re-emerges with the look of fear and caution in it posture. The “look” on that cowbird was almost comical. Timidly, slowly, it made its way to another area.
What a great read! Yes! Flycatchers are amazing! A few days ago, I had some old eggs from our chickens that I dumped out in a field just down the way for the buzzards, ravens, and whatever other scavengers might come along. Within a couple hours, I noticed a big body right where I dumped them. My binoculars revealed a Caracara eagle enjoying his findings while being dive-bombed, pendulum style, by a scissor-tail flycatcher. It went on for several minutes while the eagle ignored it. Awesome.
Gosh! I don’t think I have ever seen a Caracara, but I know they are around here in Texas. So cool!
Those scissor-tails sure can dive bomb.
Many years ago, I watched a pair chase my cat down the path.
Like you, I really enjoy these types of aspects in our lives.
Libra coin… I THOUGHT it was ‘Libre’ coin but it really is LIBRA…. lol, motto should be “Your heart weighed in our Balance”
name comes from ‘the scorpions claws’ which i guess makes sense since a scorpion needs to hold its prey so it can sting it to death… littler claws mean more toxic venom… also the ruling planet of libra is venus which makes me think venus project but maybe its just lucifer… lol
Thanks for this.
Something striking around the 17 minute mark…
“pointing the bone”
ManBearPig says: “Is that what the media-assisted authorities are up to, you think…?”
Yep, you are right.
They try hard to shape our reality.
They shake that bone at us until the hex starts working.
JEP: I saw your record selection on New World Next Week. LARD! Jello Biafra! WaxTrax! Records.
Good selection buddy!
I list5ned to a guy talking about some of the things he found internet attached with shodan… crematoria ovens(like WHY????) webcams, ect.
All those people with cams that feed on the internet are making a huge spy grid. I suspect that the add ons are by money counting types who really dont understand or are not paid to care when something goes wrong and just worry about a quick buck saved today
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Name it a Borg, Assimilate This !
My nephew is a “White Hat Hacker”. He works for a firm which consults on cyber security, and he tries to find the weak spots. He tells me stories when I see him. Or I hear stories about him from my brothers. And yes, at some meetings, a guy from the NSA is there. My nephew tries to sneak peaks at what the NSA guy is doing.
The following is a short rendition of a few tidbits.
Maybe about 4 years ago or so, my nephew hacked into the Power Grid for Canada. My eyes got as big as saucers when I heard this.
While sitting in his car of a bank’s parking lot, he will be on his laptop until he hacks into the banking protocols.
Once, my nephew flew to Europe to an airline company. A supervisor was giving him the tour. They stopped by the “Cockpit Pilot Training Flight Simulator”.
My nephew says: “I want to do the simulator.”
The supervisor responded “No. No way. That is off limits to you.”
Evidently, that evening, the company’s CEO’s email account was hacked.
The next day, the supervisor comes up to my Nephew and says: “By the way, you can fly the simulator if you want to.”
Those simulators are fun. Back in the late 1970’s, very early 80’s, I worked as a bellman/driver for a big 14 acre, castle-looking hotel by Dallas Love Field airport. I would take the pilots and stewardesses to their destinations and also pick them up. One day, I came to pick up a couple pilots doing their flight cockpit simulator checkout. While the navigator was doing his checkout, the pilots were playing around and flying through downtown Dallas Buildings and having all kinds of fun. They let me fly and try to land. Well…I crashed the plane trying to land.
That is what I logged in here to post, manbearpig!
I’ve been finding that Michael Crichton sure did say a lot of interesting things. I’m on a bit of a kick with him lately.
Have you read State of Fear? It is a powerful book! I only just read it myself about a month and a half ago. It painted such a great picture of all of these things I’d been looking at. In fact, it’s so powerful, I got my father to read it, knowing he has always been a supporter of the CO2 driven AGW argument, and he called me just the other day to tell me that he no longer believes their CO2 lies! Not just in the story, but in the parts following, Crichton just blows that whole idea out of the water.
I have a lot more to say on all this, and I will, but not now.
Thanks for sharing the Crichton transcript!
I read a lot these days. State of Fear would be an great way to get back into reading! Crichton was a good writer, makes it easy. Anyone in your family like to read novels? People know his name, maybe they’d be interested without even having to know it’s being shared for a reason.
And, Dang! Where that SuperMeat video is cutesy and annoying, the trailer for the AntiViral film was so disturbing! Oh my! I have heard the celebrity meat thing mentioned, at least once, it was in a survey question for the audience at some future “food” event. It’s all so sick.
You keep up the good work, too! Talking to people about this is important, too many are unaware, and it is so much bigger than food. It has to stop.
Great link, mbp. I’m settling in to watch now.
Funny how things don’t change. Protestant orthodoxy has its own version of the bone. It’s called the “power of the keys”. Want to go to heaven? Gotta join the church, and as long as you obey and don’t piss off the elders by thinking too much, you’re in! Says John Calvin’s “Institutes of the Christian Religion”, Book 4, Chapter 1, Section 22:
You said it, Girlfriend!
When I was a little pearl, I owned and played that song over and over again.
Woo hoo! I’m dancing!
Over 24 hours later I’m finally seeing this, but the timing for the unwinding couldn’t have been better after a hot, frazzled, stuck-in-traffic day! I’m feelin’ fine.
A belated good night to you too.
A chain for blockheads…. An interesting side note, spell it Libre, then spell it in reverse, Erbil. Not but a few moments of research, and just tripping. Erbil also spelled Arbil, is the Kurdish capital in Iraq. A 6,000 year old city. Named a world heritage site on 6/21/2014…. summer solstice five years later the same week, this Libra is introduced? The organizing hand of civilization, has been enslaving all they can for that long. Outside this ramblin’ of mine, seems like a new form of corporate script. Like from the good old days. Can’t redeem for real gold or “money”. Only goods at the corporate store, on their plantation. Paying rent on their housing, from your paycheck.
Wow! ManBearPig!
Thanks so much for this.
It really does provide insight into how this agenda may roll.
Interesting parallel between Facebook and an independent nation with its own currency:
The idea of comparing the Internet to a nation (with the usual unaccountable and unelected bunch of oligarchs at the top of the pyramids) has also been echoed by Jack Dorsey:
John Batchelor and Prof Steve Cohen go in depth on the NYT article re the malware attack on Russia – 45 minutes of good info.
Libra, apart from being the astrological sign of balance, is also Latin for “pound”, as in ‘pound of flesh’. It is very clever marketing, tying it in, psychologically at least, with one of the strongest currencies in the world, the Pound Sterling.
Good catch Roman.
I also like seeing your source, i.e. “TomsHardware”.
It is interesting to note that Democrats sponsored the letter. Maxine Waters et al.
We can sure tell that “ELECTIONS” are coming as people are preparing to “VOTE HARDER”.
Thus, politicians are “LYING HARDER”.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says that detained illegal immigrant women were told to drink out of toilet because there was no running water at the hot, dry Texas border facility.
(at the 2:11 video mark embedded in article)