Welcome back to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:
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Story #1: “Operation Northwoods” False Flag Plans Turn 57 This Week
“Here’s how investors can gauge Boeing’s stock tragectory following the Ethiopian Airline crash”
Boeing 737 Max: Battle Brews over Who Should Analyze Black Boxes from Ethiopian Air Crash
False Flags Over Kashmir: Prelude to WWIII?
Netanyahu’s Chances of Evading Corruption Charges Waining, Opponents Teaming Up Against Him, So … It’s Time For War
Netanyahu Campaign Draws Accusations of Incitement
Netanyahu Is About To Be Indicted for Bribery In The Midst Of An Election
Grand Jury Filing Over Use of Explosives on 9/11 “Names Names” of Who May Have Blown Up Towers
Story #2: US Regime Change Blueprint Proposed Venezuelan Electricity Blackouts as “Watershed Event” for “Galvanizing Public Unrest”
CANVAS: “Analysis of the situation in Venezuela” (Sep. 23, 2010)
CIA Backed Color Revolutions: The Dishonest Career of the Remarkable Srđa Popović
Episode 338 – NGOs Are The Deep State’s Trojan Horses
Story #3: NEC Scans E-Y-E’S at SXSW
“The coolest thing about the #Oscars that you probably missed? The @CIA’s live #tweets”
CIA @ SXSW: “CIA Secrets to Creative Problem Solving”
John Boehner at #SXSW2019
Bill Nye Teams Up With AOC at SXSW
Report: 20 Major Airports May Get Face Recognition for International Travelers By 2021
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No doubt any thing black and shaped like a box will include Macron and the Christmas package wrappers of Strasbourg, Frongce
Excellent rant. Kudos from this American.
Ditto Nes! ; Mr. Calibrator, If I didn’t know better I’d swear your diolog was lifted from the the soundtrack from the 1970 Warner Bros. movie “Performance”. Have you ever seen the movie or heard the soundtrack? It stared James Fox, Anita Pallenberg and Mick Jagger, his debut into cinema. The sound track had possibly the first rap tune by ” The Last Poets” every similar to your rant. The movie claims to have generated the first music video. It certainly had the first modern dystopia new world London ultra-violence crime syndicate meets rockin-roll psychedelic apathy free love hippies of the late 60s. The feeling or vibe of the movie has manifested into the vibe of present day USA.
My soundtrack vinyl came from Berlin in 1970 from a friend mustering out of the Army.
Link to “Performance” soundtracks.
Talk about Hollywood normalizing the future agenda.
Solar Influence on Weather and Climate | Dr. Brian Tinsley
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ztZg54roPI -SuspiciousObservers
Channels like Adapt2030 will likely be affected by article 13,
as he uses a lot of information from the news.
March Article 13 Vote Limits Web Sharing of Weather Related News & Images
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMD9bCRowJ4 -Adapt2030
It is probably used to suppress diverse ideas.
How does the CorbettReport survive after article 13?
Time for a VPN?
Break up of Yugoslavia is hard nut to crack. Many alternative media get it wrong and here is an article about this
Bringing down Milosevic was the only good thing Popović has done in his professional life.
Documentary about Canvas
Somebody needs to write a metal song called false flags dont fly no more.
‘…vertiginously phallic golden towers and curvaciously carefree playboy bunny grin-ups – Bye Bye…’
Agree with Calibrator. Excellent wordsmithing.
Maybe some of us have noticed this already, but a recent YouTube search of topics dear to the government-MSM-big-tech establishment clearly shows how efficaciously Google has purged nearly all information that contradicts the official line, particlarly 9.11 false flag follow-ups like the Sandy Hook and Boston bombing incidents. Only a couple of years ago, most YouTube videos exposed the contradictions of these official narratives. Those accounts have now been closed, while anything resembling a counternarrative has been erased. Critical examintions of 9.11 itself have disappeared, while parodies of “conspiracy theories” now take up their place. Anyone checking out these incidents for the first time on YouTube would only be given the official propaganda as a reference. (Like James wryly pointed out in “Propaganda Watch”, think of the children.) As of 2019, YouTube is no longer a credible sampling of opinion or information; it has become the audio-visual equivalent of Wikipedia. Any suggestions about migrating elsewhere soon?
Calibrator, is this the same paramilitary
(CIA commando)white supremacist who surfaced shooting up the mosques in Christchurh, NZ?
This is absolutely horrifying. Can’t say I’m too surprised, though.
Pesticide residues found in 70% of produce sold in US even after washing