Jacob Hornberger, President and Founder of the Future of Freedom Foundation and author of The Kennedy Autopsy, joins us today about the JFK files (un)dump that (didn’t) happen last week. We talk about the ongoing cover up of the JFK files, what cookie crumbs researchers have found so far, and what they tell us about the criminal nature of the deep state.
Watch on Bitchute / Odysee or Download the mp4
Future of Freedom Foundation
Regime Change: The JFK Assassination
The Cunningness of the CIA’s JFK Assassination Cover-Up
The National Archives: Lawbreaker and Cover-Upper
What Happened Thursday with the JFK Records?
The CIA Preps Their Next JFK Psyop
JFK assassination files: Oswald meets KGB officer at Soviet embassy in Mexico City
Secret JFK files shed new light on CIA monitoring and manipulation of Oswald
I was 13 when JFK was murdered and living between Dallas and Fort Worth. I remember clearly the 75 year lockup of files after the Warren Commission Report and thinking then that the government is covering up their involvement. A “conspiracy theorist” was born in me as a young teen starting with this event.
Cush350, between Dallas and Fort Worth
Man! That was “in the country” then. It is all metropolitan now.
Yep, it was Bedford, TX. Back in the 1950s there was actually space between each town between Ft. Worth and Dallas, no metroplex. Bedford was really “country” back then. I remember riding my bike all the way to Hurst just to ride on sidewalks.
The Cuban missile crisis in 1962 was also an eye opener for me at 12 yo. Welcome to the real world.
I was in Midland at the time of the JFK assignation in Jr. High. School was dismissed and we went home to our black and white TVs with 3 channels. NBC, CBS, and ABC. After midnight the channels shut down and there was a logo featuring a native American on it to signify there would be no more broadcasts that night. Bye bye.
Thanks James I also really enjoyed your interview with Jacob.
There was a sense of kinship and understanding between the two of you.
Your thoughts and ideas flowed effortlessly.
For the record, I was a mere 8 years old at the time of the assassination and remember it all too well.
It had a long-lasting somber effect on me. I grew up rather quickly after that.
You need to watch “Noam Chomsky – Academic Gatekeeper” by Corbett. It will show you much you might not know about Mr Chomsky
Sarcasm my friend.