Jeffrey Tucker of joins James to talk about his book, Bit by Bit: How P2P Is Freeing the World. We discuss how “the market” is about cooperation and discovery, and how revolutionary peer-to-peer technology is now making the state and all of its functions and functionaries obsolete.
Today’s Dilbert comic shows today’s problem with cooperation:
Anyway, I work on a company that sells cooperative games.
It is actually more fun to help each other than to make each other’s
game more difficult. But for many people is hard to switch to this
concept. We are trained on school, sports and work to compete and
sometimes even to fight each other. We learn to make each other’s
life more difficult.
This competing/fighting environment is a place where our
fleeing/fighting instinct is strengthened, but our natural
cooperative qualities are suppressed.
In a company they tested a social competing concept in a game
for its addictive properties.
See here:
The result was a disaster. But very similar to what we see today
in the world of big corporations.
But in a cooperative environment things go very different.
On schools where we give cooperative game workshops, I have seen the
“toughest” children step forward to help other children. That is
because they want to be part of the group too.
And if children can do it, why not adults?
The social competing game is very similar to our laws are setup. What if our laws are actually the cause of problems? Anarchists will certainly agree.. What rules (if any) do we need to be cooperative instead?
I still remember one of the little quotes that Frank Herbert used to put at the beginning of the chapters in his Dune series; Law creates crime. It made such perfect sense.
That was an excellent podcast! I can’t believe I’ve never heard of Mr. Tucker. I also remember my first experience with email. It was in early 1992 on the now defunct Prodigy network. They issued me a very long numerical password that printed out to somewhere around a foot long string of numbers. It was immediately hacked. When I opened some emails, I was confused because all of these people from all around the world were asking me how I could write such hate-filled racist nonsense. While I never learned what the message contained, I did figure out it was some KKK type nonsense and that someone had broken into my account. Since my location was in South Georgia, they must have decided to have some fun. My reaction? I didn’t know any of these people who were so offended, so I didn’t care. It was probably another 3 years before I used email again though. Not because of that incident, but because I had no reason to use it. I just didn’t know anyone who had their own internet provider.
I always enjoy listening to Jeffrey Tucker! I first learned about him via Corbett Report. This guy has so many, many characteristics which I admire. His ideas and compassion should strike a chord with any sane man.
I’d just like to add this: what happened in 2008 wasn’t due to technology or lack thereof.
We need to digest the reality of the matter and really let it sink: technology won’t fix the problems we have with money/currency. Be it fiat currency, precious metals as money or anything based on the blockchain can be abused, set up to crash later and have its value fixed. There are no fail and fool proof methods of doing currency/money which will allow us to become docile and stop paying attention. The moment you stop being mindful, everything turns to shit very, very quickly.
Technology doesn’t cure societal ails.
Why was I reminded of that old saying in the early computer days; “Computers let us make mistakes so much faster than before!” Or something like that. Most of us are kept running around in circles doing useless work until we are unable to be mindful about anything other than what is totally unimportant. If you are “tuned in” to this tech culture, then you are usually “tuned out” to life itself. When I was a kid, it wasn’t unusual to see people in the woods. Even the deeper woods. Today, I could go a hundred feet from the wood-line and never see another person. This includes all those “country folk” who have addresses in the country. They generally also have these giant street lights in their yards so that no wild critters would ever dare venture into their yard. Oh, did I just go off on a rant? 🙂
Yes, but that’s OK.
The podcast was totally bombed at 44:33 lol
“We need to digest the reality of the matter and really let it sink: technology won’t fix the problems we have with money/currency.”
I think you missed the point of the entire interview. James and Tucker were not saying technology will fix everything. Tucker said the opposite, using the gun analogy. The invention of guns allowed people to protect themselves from the government and others, but it obviously didn’t stop governments from using them for evil purposes. The same is true of technology: a lot of good comes from it, but evil people will use it for their purposes too. It’s always a double edged sword. No one is claiming the Blockchain will save us all.
He specifically stated (paraphrased) “had we had this technology, 2008 wouldn’t have happened. Even if it had happened, we would know what went wrong”
That sentence prompted me to write this comment.
I don’t know whether or not it would have happpened was blockchain around (my contention is that it would had everything else been the same,) but to claim we would have known what went wrong after had we employed blockchain implies we don’t know what happened without it now. But we do, we could have easilly started by locking up people such as Bernanke and co.
There were several misconceptions presented during the talk, as others have pointed out themselves.
“what sounds like the total transparency of blockchain? (whereas I thought it was all about anonymity?) sounds exactly like the message of that Hollywood movie “The Circle”…”
The Blockchain is only the medium that apps run on. Bitcoin is an app, smart contracts are an app, etc. Blockchain is a public ledger, it isn’t necessarily anonymous. Apps with anonymous protocols are what create anonymity, not the Blockchain.
Up to speed? I’m not even going to try. By the time I figure it out, it will be replaced by something else.
Listen to Andreas Antonopolous. He is very bullish on Bitcoin but he is excellent at explaining how it works and why it matters.
Really awesome interview, I could listen to Tucker speak for hours. He has a way of conversing and explaining his points in a clear and easily understandable way.
Im wondering what a block chain is. Trade in peace ? World staged development? Making sense of Yakomoto. Imutible claims of property without central government?
This is heady stuff that doesn’t easily translate to everyday management of doing time. Warning or promise that block chain will never go away. It must be very important but to what end? The fact that a point made about the fed-reserve is studying this doesn’t bode well. When they get their full head of steam up on this it will not be good for someone at my level. Sounds like the ministry of truth or can it be immutable and unchangeable. What in digital form is as concrete as a book?
It must be about trust or faith in the indiviual, and I can’t wait to get the intersection of the block chain and my time in the yard. I’ve had my ah-haw moments before with Corbett and this one alludes me.
Im finding out more from the comments, as Mr Tucker alluded to, a growing idea from others thoughts change into the old gestalt way they preached in the late 1970s. The sum of the parts is greater than the sum of each individual parts as a whole.
Is that part of block chain. If documenting fact can be secured by these multiple nodes in the highly unsecure digital framework I today call the interent, than block chain is the way to go. No more ‘memory-holeing embarrassing facts. If block chain technology is that, than the 2008 comment by Tucker would apply to 2001 events and all the memory- holing of the incriminating facts that subsequently followed. Is block chain the civilian reaction to the military designs of the internet. Seems natural until someone finds away to subvert it to their nefarious deeds.
Ever vigilant comes to mind.
I found this video rather ignorant of reality. In America, the word “racist” is used to stifle discussion, and cripple society. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be around people of your own race, NOTHING. Diversity is about destroying unique cultures. If everyone is brown with black hair, diversity of race and culture is gone.
If YOU want to marry someone outside your race, GREAT, but don’t project YOUR choice on others, that is to say, people who feel otherwise are “racist”.
I have found it is “multiculturalism” that is the death of individuality and uniqueness, a tool to destroy that which is different.
KKK is a contrived organization used to push an agenda. The greatest aspect of Russia is it’s ability to maintain it’s cultural identity, a primary reason the Zionist machine hates it. Europe is dying thanks to “diversity”.
I’d like to add two points here.
Firstly, “multiculturalism” as long as it isn’t en masse is in my opinion a good thing, making a great society greater. The problem occurs when you have a significant mass of people whom are not too keen on adopting local culture, customs and traditions. An even more dire situation is what we have today.
Secondly, to form an opinion on “multiculturalism” it suffices to understand what kind of people are peddling it, the specific way they are doing it and what are their quite obvious long term plans for it.
We should also point the finger at one of the real underlying culprits here, immense disparity which is rampant throughout the world today.
I honestly don’t think a free state will be born of a website.
We need to raise the median of beauty
I don’t see the negativity in my words nor in my stance, but to each their own Pablo. I wasn’t in any way deriding this specific project which may mean something to you or with which you may be involved to some extent, I stated my general sentiment regarding what I consider to be “facebook revolutions” led be “armchair generals.” As much as this definition may be completely inappropriate for this specific movement.
If this turns out to be the real deal, I’ll be happy to munch on my hat. I’m doubtful of a move to NH, though.
I have to say, as far as states go, NH really does have that something which might prevent me from wanting to burn it with fire. For example, the state emblem reflecting Stark’s words sure has a resonant effect.
Pablo, if you visit their forum you’ll see that one of the points of contention is that they have (too) much going on on facebook and not enough on the forum.
You may call it “nitpiciking” if you wish, I’ll see it for what it is. It’s a section of the current state of society which tends to pay attention to what’s in front of it, like stuff on facebook which is usually very much in one’s face. On the other end, there’s a much needed investment in the community, something of which majority may tend to forget about once they get settled in and “life takes over.”
I’m not saying one needs an internet forum to foster a community (that would be actually completely diagonally opposite to my initial statement) but does one need a facebook notification to keep the same community in mind? To that extent, how does the “freedom group” on facebook differ from any other group?
Forums do have a particular number of advantages, as long as there is a supporting community driving it forward, weeding through newcomers and directing them where they need to go.
More New Hampshire trivia.
NH was the first state to secede from Britain.
This state does not require seat belts nor helmets for bike riders.
There is no sales nor income tax, but there is a property tax.
Some cons: home of Adam Sandler and Sarah Silverman. Ugh.
This is funny.
In December 2012, state representative Cynthia Chase (D-Keene) said “Free Staters are the single biggest threat the state is facing today. There is, legally, nothing we can do to prevent them from moving here to take over the state, which is their openly stated goal. In this country you can move anywhere you choose and they have that same right. What we can do is to make the environment here so unwelcoming that some will choose not to come, and some may actually leave. One way is to pass measures that will restrict the “freedoms” that they think they will find here.”
Pablo, there was a “movement” to “claim” a bit of supposedly no mans land between Croatia and Serbia. A Czech Jedlicka established a country on this bit of land he claimed, becoming the first president of the so called Liberland in 2015.
I’m not exactly certain if the project is bustling with activity, for the time being it looks like Liberland goes where its president goes.
The very fact he went to Israel makes me think even less of the project.
A flag was raised on the land.
Back in 2015 there were some ruffled feathers on this side of the border, the are was full of police presence when the news was breaking. They probably didn’t know what to do, so they just sent over police, but I don’t think there was anyone trying to “break into” the area.
“armchair generals”… That is an excellent term.
I really know what that means.
I’m a “grunt” to those guys.
I don’t mind grunting, as long as the general grunts too.
Hola Pablo! I, for one, am very glad that you and mkey are not on the same page. I really can’t see the two of you having collectivist tendencies like that. For me, it is the idea of the individual sparking an interest in others to do their own thing; not to jump on other people’s bandwagons. Just doing those little things by ourselves can make some truly great changes. At least in my opinion.
Absolutely! And are you still be stalked by frogs?
Hey Pablo, whatever you have figured out over there is 100% OK in my book. If I’m allowed one small concession, lets just forgo the drama and let the sleeping dogs lie. There aren’t many places I can share a thought or two these days and I really don’t need the interpersonal drama, especially not over the internet. Peace.
A bit off-topic…
speaking of FACEBOOK…
Kind of funny…online tyrants and their EGOs…
Facebook will block “sharing” of anti-vaccine articles, but a Facebook user can not block feeds which come from Mark Zuckerberg or his wife.
Zuckerberg spoketh the truth and as he spoketh thus it shall be.
Mikey so true. I use to work in thoroughbred racing and discovered to my shock that there was an Jewish mafia. Than it got worse for my nieave paradigm of world understandings. Jewish homeland and Zionism made the numbers thugs I knew look like sesame street characters. Im not anti-siemitic but anti-zionist… However to the man and women that I have talked with about the Jewish faith they cycle the wagons and call me an anti-siemitic a- hole for thinking negitivly against Israel. Not to get to off track will the block chain idea help expose the Zionists for the cancer they are? Can block chain help the war against windmill trumping?
Everybody got into the mafia racket. I used to know a few of the Dixie Mafia in Georgia. I didn’t really want to know them at all. Though I would put them above the law as far as being human. I always find it funny that so many Jews won’t separate themselves from Israel. Though a few do. How could a good practicing Jew support a country that practices a holocaust? I don’t see that mentality in any of the Jewish people I know.
I can’t see how could blockchain help with Zionism, which to no extent should indicate that it indeed can’t. If one forced banks to go on a public blockchain, outlawed such practices as fractional reserve banking, put the currency creation tools back into the control of the public domain etc. you’d see big shifts in power structures globally and Zionism would bear their brunt of it, too. Blockchain could be a part of that shift, but it could also happen without it.
Problem of Zionism is the common problem of any ideology which draws power from blind belief. I don’t think technology in general can help which ideological issues. Well, if you put records of historical events on a public blockchain, one could maybe form some sort of unalterable review of history (at least from the point of view of the person creating the entry) even if you’d always have that what happened before and such events would always, as they are, be fruitful points of contest.
If you have an understanding of a database, basically a table into which new entries are inserted as rows, then you have a good base to understand what a blockchain represents. In addition to containing data, which can really be anything, like information on transactions or documents, the entries in this database are interlinked so that new records point to old records and thus form a chain. When data is inserted into this database, it must be in a format which is agreeable to the database. Nice things happen when you put this database on a peer to peer network. When new entries are added to such a database, peers have to confirm the entry and alterations to entries require changing of all the newer entries and thus consent of the majority.
From this arise certain technical problems, because larger the blockchain, longer a single transaction takes. At least that’s my understanding of the matter, I haven’t really delved much into this issue. I just wanted to offer a cursory overview.
Thank you mkey, that helped now, I’ll watch Tucker for the 10th time to pick his comments apart.
Helped me as well. It has been years since I’ve worked with a DBase or a spreadsheet (like 20 years!), but I remembered enough so that made sense to me. Twenty years! And I haven’t needed one in all that time? Or even then really.
Well, you don’t need a database until you need a database. I can go for extensive periods of not needing one, but usually they lurk behind a corner.
Being a country boy, those DBases don’t generally go out into the swamps where I live. Luckily for me. I think though, that a database was at the heart of the first real computer program I wrote back in 1982. On a VIC20, so you know I was high-speed! I remember taking a computer class in college, thinking I was going to learn more than I already knew. I was wrong. I think I wound up knowing less at the end of the quarter (Georgia and California were the last to switch to semester systems) than I did entering the class. The professor did make up for his lack of knowledge of the subject matter, and his inability to engage his students, by his incredible rudeness and hitlerian attitude. Yep, he was one of those. Luckily for me, when I do need one, it’s really part of a program that doesn’t make me have to re-learn it all over again. I’m not even sure if I even have a DBase program anymore. I’m sure it’s in one of my word processing programs, but I’ve never even looked. And I’m certainly okay with that as I never really liked working in them.
Sadly, there are many douchebags in computer sciences, as far as my experience tells. These people cause irreparable damage to the propagation of computer literacy. It’s the same in any field of study, a bad teacher does much harm. Teachers should be put on a student reviewed public ledger.
Yes, and what is really bad is they are the ones we remember the most. While I did have a lot of very good professors, who didn’t have an agenda beyond helping me learn how to develop my own opinions, the few douchebags tainted the milkshake. Not so much for me, but for the majority of students. I was in my thirties when I went to college, so I had already figured out the ten percent rule. I’ve also learned that these are the ones that are usually lacking in the very skills they are supposed to teach others. They are also the ones for whom the statement “those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.” was created. Unfortunately, academia is one of the most political institutions in existence, so it’s pretty hopeless to expect it to change itself. Luckily, education is changing. I remember once just clicking on hyper-links for about a month and emerging from that experience as if I had just finished a graduate course in amazing. Oh well, such is life.
That was a pretty good video! I live in swamp country myself, so I subscribed to it. I also love going out into the woods for months at a time, though I haven’t done that in about two years now, so I also subscribed to another video channel called “Evolution of primitive technology”. There is just so much to learn in this world!
Thank You mkey, I totally agree.
I live in DC, and all around the nation’s capital, city after city is becoming Latino, in language, in culture, in values. When you go to these areas, you don’t see white, black and latino kids playing together, oh no, it is ALL Latino, more people than many Americans could imagine living many miles form any border.
The nation’s capital is becoming little Tel Aviv, I am sorry if that offends but it is nevertheless true. And those in power have no regard for nation, or citizenship, quite to the contrary, EVERY job available is given to Latino immigrants, often illegal.
In many towns they are implementing voters rights for local elections, which if history is any guide is just a way to introduce the idea to the public and on a grander scale.
“Multiculturalism”, as it is practiced in America means, Americans compromise our way of being in deference to the invading culture. I say invading because it is truly shocking the number of Latino migrants.
I was having dinner with some “Clintonites” (I know them in another capacity, but to set the scene I needed to give their political leanings). They have a summer place up in Vermont, and were telling me how much they loved it, like stepping back in time. But not 10 minutes later they were speaking of their support for the fact that the state was supporting bringing in Ethiopian migrants into the state. Now, they are so indoctrinated in the “multicultural” propaganda, they can’t see how around the country it is precisely the importation of mass immigration that HAS destroyed the America we know.
Hollywood tries hard to demonize our past, the 40’s, the 50’s and 60’s, making them to be all about race wars and sexism, and again they have been successful. I don’t think this assault on our society is by mistake, I think Zionism is at war with Muslims and Christians, pitting us against each other. I see them all the time pushing for war, spending their money demonizing Muslims, and their culture…
If white people invaded any area in the number Latinos are moving to America, those same so called “liberals”, would be freaking out about “gentrification”.
Finally, I am sure Trump is a Zionist asset, while the media hyped him as a “racist”, and a nationalist, he is anything but. He is a Zionist, an Israel firster, and I am confident, he will work to give amnesty to illegals, which will indeed mark the end of America, or any chance to save it. The same evil attacked Russia when Zionist Clinton was in office, but Russia was able to bounce back because they did not have the flood of immigrants, we do, thus it is only a matter of time…
Just a side note, the same media painted Obama as the “peace” President, also to give him cover while he packed bombing and destruction of the Middle East. The media lies, it’s hob is to distract and deceive, what ever they tell us, be sure the exact opposite is the truth.
Following this direction, racial and cultural tensions will only grow stronger and further rise of nationalism and “extreme” right is to be expected. Many European countries have reflected this trend by showing increased support for right wing parties, as if supporting the completely broken partisan system is the way out of this predicament.
What’s worse, due to how liberals put a spin the right, even when these parties make some moves to the benefit of the people they are immediately painted as isolationists, as being anti human rights etc. People really need to realize how the language has been surreptitiously (and, if I may point out, brilliantly) subjugated.
Lee Hamilton (of 9/11 fame) was promoting legal immigration into the U.S.
I personally saw that sly Con-artist in 2009 speaking about immigration. At the time, I was puzzled by his advocating immigration. I knew that there was a hidden agenda, but couldn’t put my finger on it. In 2009, the immigration situation was much different than it is now.
— January 2009 event with Lee Hamilton –
I think that several agendas are packaged with the immigration tide.
~ One agenda is to destroy cultures and cause division.
~ Another agenda is “housing” and the “credit currency” and propping up the economy. People have to live somewhere. “Housing” is a major economic indicator.
I think the U.S. has about a million legal immigrants per year since the year 2000. After all, they need to live somewhere.
And that is a lot of annual housing growth…a new large metropolitan area every year. And this is from ‘legal immigration’. Add the illegal immigration and the housing numbers must be huge.
Nevertheless, you are correct in that Trump is beholding to the zionist shylocks. There is more than a few stories of how close Trump came to losing everything when he was over leveraged in the early 1990s in Atlantic City casino deals. The story goes that the zionist banksters bailed him out with some very high and varied future interest rates and expected paybacks. Same old stories of extortionist and future politico god father style.
Mkey, I wanted to reply to your ‘liberland police comment’. Garrison Kelior had commented about an Irish poet and writer, whose name alludes me ,one of his shows about writers, ‘ born this day in history ‘ this poet was known for his commentary about life in the slums of Boston/New York and had said ” no matter how sad or low or terrible lifes situations where it only got worse when the police show up.” so I can imagine what the state had in mind when they just can’t figure out how to respond to some situations and just send in the keystone cops.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a situation the cops couldn’t make worse. I really don’t understand how people can even consider calling them a reasonable option. I have long hair past my shoulders and a beard. Why yes, I DO look fabulous! But cops never think I do. No matter what the situation is, if a cop gets involved (not as often as this post makes it sound), I’m an automatic suspect.
Firstly, when all you have is a hammer, every problem must look like a nail.
Secondly, the members of the police force are not the brightest bunch. Lets not forget, private policing is becoming more and more of an issue as well.
I understand you support my right to my opinion, as I certainly live in a nation that supports yours.
You though I think greater underestimate Zionism. If your nation is touched by the UN, Wall Street, Central Banking, Entertainment…you are touched by Zionism.
I live in Washington DC, and within the governemnt, you would think we were in the heart of Israel. Behind the American flags, the spokespersons, the puppet politicians, is a system of total control. Go behind the scenes at the state department and you are far more likely to see a Israeli flag or star of David, than a cross or an American flag.
How else would such a country work so diligently on issues that are antithetical to the will of it’s citizens? Americans don’t want to destroy the Middle East, it is our Zionist master’s will.
Zionism uses “multiculturalism” as a weapon, a weapon they know well it’s long term effects. California has no democratic or republican party, it is a state of individual tribe, races,easily swayed by those they identify with, but who they may not agree with. That is the point, buy off a few Latino politicians, and you can remove concerns about Israeli treatment of Palestine, or Israel’s support for ISIS…
Americans are extremely naive, and the rest of the world, AND OUR CHILDREN are paying for that ignorance.
I don’t think you can say that Americans are any more naive than the rest of the world. In many respects, we are less naive than most countries. True, we have the world’s most entertaining idiots, but those are called leaders. Sometimes I think we just keep them there to entertain, or scare the hell out of, the rest of the world. Sort of like Eugene Levy as prez in Harrison Bergeron. Sadly, humans really excel at stupid.
Am I saying Americans are “more naive”, I don’t think so. But, on the other hand our ignorance is far more destruction, since we are the ones destroying nation after nation, and Wall Street is doing pretty much the same.
I really don’t see how these corporations could survive in a libertarian society. The advantage they have today is in the ability to pay for laws which hinder smaller businesses and help them. Monsanto is able to thrive only because it enjoys the protection of armed thugs. Without an armed force crafting rules in it’s favor, how could such a consumer unfriendly beast survive? I know this is a short answer, but that’s all it really needs. But it is a question I hear all the time. We might still have multinational corporations in a libertarian society, but it would only be because we wanted them.
What you are describing there is called crony capitalism and the source of much of its depravity is corruption and abuse of “authority.”
However, if you had a truly capitalist free market, it is my firm conviction you could still get companies which are “too big to fail” which, according to me, would only be a matter of time. Just like in a game of monopoly, a combination of skill and chance leads one to the goal of taking it all. The only thing left to do then is to take it back in the box.
I don’t think we can allow ourselves to believe that in a libertarian society you wouldn’t have people of power willing to trade said power for… even more power, I guess. For that reason I don’t think a 100% free market could work, but a 99% free market should work out just fine.
As long as a public ledger is used magnificent things could be done by using blockchain.
You could have a government of many without representatives. You could have an absolutely inalterable vote count. You could have a very cheap and efficent referendum on practically EVERY decision made. Keep local stuff local and national stuff national without worrying about otherwise surging representative costs.
Her books are on my list for February. I have a long list and a small budget for it.:( But on the thought that these people are not as bad as we thought; I think not all of them are bad, but they are just the stupider ones. Anyone who believes they can control everyone is an idiot in my opinion. After all, they are the ones least able to control themselves. Imagine a world in which every one of us did just one small act for our own liberty every day. Could the powers that cower stop us? I think not.
I had to lookup this organization, it didn’t stick on my radar, after seeing the ties with Maurice Strong it’s obvious it isn’t a humanist organization.
I found it interesting they mentioned in the video it’s a decentralized database, but later they threw in that bit about taxes. I’m sure I don’t know what’s their play is here, but it probably will move in direction of “your publicly distributed blockchain is bad, our privately distributed blockchain is good.” Probably terrorists will be thrown into the mix, causing “concern” over public blockchain.
Of course, the potential for abuse is immense. This swords cuts really deep on both sides.
Block chain technology in the service of private property? Really? What do we humans (sic) Own? What is ‘Ours’, really? The land? Animals? Water? Air? Women? Other humans?
Isn’t it yet another Bad Code that desperately needs to be cleaned out?!
China’s bitcoin market alive and well as traders defy crackdown September 29, 2017
While several exchanges have announced that they will close by the end of this month, traders have now moved to buy and sell bitcoin directly with each other on peer-to-peer marketplaces and messenger apps.
Trading has spiked generally on peer-to-peer marketplaces, according to data website Coindance. On OTC platform LocalBitcoins, China trading volumes more than doubled in the week starting Sept. 16 from the previous week to 74 million yuan. It hit an all-time-high in the week starting Sept. 23, reaching 115 million yuan in trades.
Volumes on Paxful, another smaller marketplace, also jumped to 1.7 million in the week beginning Sept. 23, up from 351,102 in the previous week, Coindance data showed.
Michael Foster, co-founder of, an over-the-counter marketplace for ethereum trading, said mainland China users accounted for a fifth of its 5,000 signups since it opened for registrations on Tuesday.
~ BUMP ~