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So I guess there was some kind of American football game recently that people watched? I don’t know, I’m only interested in CFL myself. But boy do people get excited about the commercials! This year, like last, Broc West subjects me to Super Bowl commercial propaganda for your schadenfreude and edification. Enjoy?
I Watch The Super Bowl Commercials (2019)
COMMERCIAL #1 – Whassup Again | Budweiser Canada 2020 Super Bowl Commercial
COMMERCIAL #2 – Loretta | Google Super Bowl Commercial 2020
COMMERCIAL #3 – The Amazing Things 5G Won’t Do – Super Bowl 2020 Commercial | 5G Built Right | Verizon
I almost expected, on the second commercial with the old man remembering his wife, that at the end of it, his device would mimic his wife and reminisce with him.
10 years out after 40 years in. Can an American clean out all the programming TV has put into place? The state of the union is the Advertising superbowl of the universe. The display of American schizophrenia this year was over the top. I didnt watch it until I saw clips of Guido on Real News. Im sure it would warp a sane mind who live in South America. Anyone watching Guido being put on display should be concerned with the Monroe Doctrine. These two on Real News do a good James and Brock imitation on the State of the Advertised Union of such , ‘I dont even know what to call it, its so vile, villiany and conjo Que to bolelos De pica mearda Guido in my country. There should be sanctions on him.’ The sane have been just as warped here as any, anywhere. What a creep, what a weirdo.
I hope some day to compare the Presidential First Speech to the following 4 state of the union speeches. What a theater of the absurd.
One thing I can’t help but notice is how may “Public Service Announcements” are on the radio in the USA brought to you by the “Ad Council” and some department of the government. (For example, Depression makes you stronger ran on ESPN and probably other places a few years ago.)
MBP; righto! I suppose Siri is as diabolical as Alexis. I was just waxing over my “friends” I spent time with. There is no conversations of any substance. The picture I want to paint is one of the home owners having a discussion of any topic, questions, assertions, ect. Then opinion, yes opinions, you would believe what my libtard host asks Siri. ” Siri … What’s my opinion on ….?” I must admit I was the only one who busted out laughing . The others and Siri are still wondering.
Oh, MBP you are right. I should say that differently. From ” Summerhill” by A.S. Neill, he quotes Shaw.”We cannot sacrifice ourslves for others without coming to hate those for whom we have sacrificed ourselves.” Neill provides a corollary he claims true: We cannot sacrifice ourselves without coming to be hated by those for whom we have sacrificed ourselves. The cheerful giver does not seek gratitude.
I thank I got a two for one. A self-derisor nor a derisor be.
“The A.I. is smart. Humans are idiotic, deaf & dumb, fallible, sentimental fools. The drunk ones will make decent pets.” That’s probably how the bots are REALLY talking when the human isn’t home. It certainly seems to be the creepy underlying message in almost all smart-related IoT’s.
Ugh. Those commercials were excruciating.
As for myself, I stopped watching television about 25-30 years ago. I just have a TV hooked up to a DVD player. Sadly and sickly, I still remember commercials from the 70’s when I watched a lot as a kid. I have seen TV randomly over the years when out and about, visiting family or sitting in the waiting room of some business. Those are like National Geographic moments. I think to myself at these times, to quote Confucius, “What the fuck? Grown adults actually sit through this shit voluntarily without a gun to their head?”
Broc, I got a smile from your Hal joke. Good one. Reminded me of a little cartoon I stuck to my fridge:
A dog is in the washing machine, looking through the glass at a cat, who is just sitting there happily.
Dog: “Open the air lock, Hal.”
Cat: “I’m sorry Dave, “I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
HAL is like the Youtube algorithm.
“Ugh. Those commercials were excruciating.”
Yes they were indeed!
That was brilliant/disgusting how they tried to pull at the heart strings with the firefighters’ selfless work (something 5G could NEVER do, as they said). The logic being, so now when you see firefighters, you will admire them even more AND accept that 5G is an important tool for their work, so don’t ever try to knock 5G again!
“As for myself, I stopped watching television about 25-30 years ago. I just have a TV hooked up to a DVD player.”
Ditto for me. And you know what, I don’t miss it at all. 🙂
Copy that.
Cheers Fawlty.
heh, the wildfires are mostly finished, now we are flooding. I’ve gone from handfeeding the cows for the last year or two to not being able to find them in the grass. 🙂
Meh, who cares? Greta be damned! Unless she’s going to come around and keep our paddocks tidy like the cows do. Plus our cows don’t fart, they’re too environmentally conscious. 🙂
Was ist das?
I’m grinning all down this thread.
I guess Australian cattle make music… toot toot from down under.
I would love to regularly see a HAL-9000 that is gaslighting us.
“There never was money missing from the Pentagon”
Maybe make it also a Big Brother.
“Your thoughts about a conspiracy have been reported”
And adding New Brave World:
“Please take your pills to prevent future dissidence”
“These aren’t the Droids you’re looking for…”
“Palpatine should become emperor
so there can be peace again”
“Shall we play a game?”
> Global Thermonuclear War
Maybe I need add some psychotic behavior too:
“Resistance is Futile”
“Are you Sarah Conner?”
“Give me all your clothes”
“Your wish is my command”
“Now the world has gone to bed
Darkness won’t engulf my head
I can see by infra-red
How I hate the night
Now I lay me down to sleep
Try to count electric sheep
Sweet dream wishes you can keep
How I hate the night” (Marvin)
“Please note that we have added a consequence for failure.
Any contact with the chamber floor will result in
an ‘unsatisfactory’ mark on your official testing record
followed by death. Good luck!” (GLaDOS)
A listener points out the irony of firefighters being used as props to sell 5G when the International Association of Firefighters have been pushing back on 5G cellphone towers due to health problems with firefighters:
Good on your listener for finding that odd juxtaposition of Verizon’s feel-good commercial promoting 5G for firefighters and the news story about California firefighters being exempt from having 5G towers built near their stations for health reasons. (Wonder why they get to be exempt from 5G when California children are stripped of their exemptions from vaccines if they want to attend school?)
As a Verizon Wireless customer, I have mixed emotions: On the one hand I wish I could get by without my flip phone (yup, no smart phone for me; speaking of which, James, has your fondleslab died and have you invested in a dumb alternative?) . . .
. . . yet, on the other hand, I visited the ultra-modern Verizon store near my house twice in the past week and was helped both times by very nice customer service reps, even though I wasn’t buying anything (just getting a free SIM card and some lessons in how to use the iPad Mini that my sister gave me recently).
Last week a construction crew (more like a demolition crew) tore up our grass along the city sidewalks every few hundred feet to install underground boxes that connect, I guess, with the nearby, already erected 5G towers. I mentioned the dangers of 5G to one of the workers, and he said something about hospitals needing it! (Hmm, maybe he saw Verizon’s Super Bowl ad a week before it aired?) When, in reply, I snorted something about health and privacy concerns, he perked up and told me he knows not to mess with the Freemasons. We then had a mini-discussion about black-and-white (“positive and negative”) floor tiles. I said that if 5G or Freemasonry were really good, then there would be no “negative” aspects to them! He liked that idea. I wonder if his bosses at Verizon were listening in on our conversation via his cellphone? 🙂
But back to the SB commercials: Broc’s comment about Verizon’s plans to alter our cellular make-up made me laugh out loud. Good one, Broc.
James, I, too, could’ve sworn the song being played was “Imagine.” Maybe Verizon changed the tune after a few bars because, subliminally speaking, they know their customers shouldn’t really be “imagining” anything good coming from 5G — their tearjerker promo notwithstanding.
This one-time football fan/TV watcher confesses: I didn’t know who was playing in the SB until I happened to overhear a conversation Sunday morning. Didn’t know who won until I happened to ask someone who wasn’t sure of the answer but thought maybe it was KC. (From a remark in this comment section I learned that KC was, in fact, the winner.) Today, it occurred to me that I’d missed hearing about the ads, but I forgot that Broc and James showed us the best of the worst last year. So, now that you mention it, James, I’m gonna make a note in my January 2021 calendar to email you requesting the West-Corbett third annual SB smackdown.
Another aspect that is completely ironic is that nearly every time a bad fire season occurs people have been completely let down by cell phone technology.
About ten years ago I was involved in testing a prototype for an early warning system that used existing FM stations to broadcast alerts (hidden within the signal, didn’t affect normal programs)
While we showed that the 5 prototype units tested worked, do you think we could get anyone in government interested in the idea?
With the limited range of 5G, don’t expect the safety aspect to get any better.
I think that a lot of people need to die first,
before the companies start going back from G-5.
Like Vaccines-injuries, it is probably just cheaper to
give some small funds to people that get hurt.
I know that the science around cell-phone safety is pure bullshit.
It is based on oversimplified models that have no connection
with the biological reality. Instead only heat is considered damage.
Good Thread.
But the International Association of Frefighters disagrees. It began opposing cell towers on fire stations, after firefighters complained of health problems.
“These firefighters developed symptoms,” says Dr. Gunnar Heuser who conducted a pilot study on firefighters at a station with cell towers.
“The symptoms included problems with memory, problems with intermittent confusion, problems with weakness,” Heuser said.
Heuser says their brain scans suggest even low-level RF can cause cell damage and he worries about more vulnerable groups like kids.
Likewise, I have not watched television for a long time.
The difference between a toilet and a television is that a toilet has a button to make the crap go away!
I found those three commercials bizarre.
Trying to put myself into a normie viewpoint, they did not resonate with me. They were odd.
Typically, humor resonates with everyone.
Most folks watch for the clever, humorous Superbowl ads.
I did enjoy the humor and joking around by James and Broc and the one email in this episode.
On a seasonal note, I like to watch clips of the PuppyBowl…really cute.
SUPERBOWL 2020 – $6,000 average ticket on gameday, $15 popcorn, $14 beer
Memory Atrophy – “Use it or lose it”
Just past the 11 minute mark of the video, James says talks about MEMORY ATROPHY.
I can speak to that.
Read this Memory Exercise ANECDOTE and perhaps the discussion of “attention” prior to it.
Cool to see Broc West in-the-flesh! Thanks for the great video editing work you do for the Corbett Report, Broc!