When I started The Corbett Report in 2007, the idea that governments were watching and listening to everything we do was still wild-eyed conspiracy theory. Oh, sure, the fact that the NSA had been secretly and illegally wiretapping Americans since at least 9/11 was, by that point, mainstream news. But those “revelations” (which themselves were old news to conspiracy realists) were not enough to convince the dyed-in-the-wool coincidence theorists that the government was actively engaged in the electronic surveillance of everyone.
We conspiracy realists could (and did) talk till we were blue in the face about the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act and Stellar Wind and Room 641A. “The NSA is splitting off the internet trunk lines and running them into locked off server rooms, for crying out loud!” we shouted. “What more do you need to know?”
We talked to NSA whistleblowers like William Binney and Russ Tice. We learned about ThinThread and Trailblazer, and how mass collection of everything was ready and waiting to go before 9/11. We learned how the NSA was spying on high-ranking officials within the US government itself, including senior congressional leaders, high-ranking military generals, the entire Supreme Court, and even then-US Senator from Illinois and future President, Barack Obama.
We made note of the mainstream media’s own casual admissions of the power of the deep state’s spying tools. We observed how our phones are listening to us even when they’re “off.” How smart appliances will be used to spy on us in our own homes. How the FBI can go back and listen to a recording of any phone conversation you’ve had at any point in the past, even if you weren’t under surveillance.
“Big Brother is already here!” we warned. “1984 is today!”
And we were laughed at.
Fast forward to 2020, and now no one is laughing. Instead, everyone’s shrugging their shoulders: “Yeah, of course the government is tracking us. They have to! It’s for our own good!”
So what happened? . . .
Find out how the public came to love Big Brother in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber. Also, stay tuned for his recommended reading, viewing and listening.
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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 10 issue 16 (May 16, 2020)
by James Corbett
When I started The Corbett Report in 2007, the idea that governments were watching and listening to everything we do was still wild-eyed conspiracy theory. Oh, sure, the fact that the NSA had been secretly and illegally wiretapping Americans since at least 9/11 was, by that point, mainstream news. But those “revelations” (which themselves were old news to conspiracy realists) were not enough to convince the dyed-in-the-wool coincidence theorists that the government was actively engaged in the electronic surveillance of everyone. We conspiracy realists could (and did) talk till we were blue in the face about the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act and Stellar Wind and Room 641A. “The NSA is splitting off the internet trunk lines and running them into locked off server rooms, for crying out loud!” we shouted. “What more do you need to know?” We talked to NSA whistleblowers like William Binney and Russ Tice. We learned about ThinThread and Trailblazer, and how mass collection of everything was ready and waiting to go before 9/11. We learned how the NSA was spying on high-ranking officials within the US government itself, including senior congressional leaders, high-ranking military generals, the entire Supreme Court, and even then-US Senator from Illinois and future President, Barack Obama. We made note of the mainstream media’s own casual admissions of the power of the deep state’s spying tools. We observed how our phones are listening to us even when they’re “off.” How smart appliances will be used to spy on us in our own homes. How the FBI can go back and listen to a recording of any phone conversation you’ve had at any point in the past, even if you weren’t under surveillance. “Big Brother is already here!” we warned. “1984 is today!” And we were laughed at. Fast forward to 2020, and now no one is laughing. Instead, everyone’s shrugging their shoulders: “Yeah, of course the government is tracking us. They have to! It’s for our own good!” So what happened? The turnaround started in 2013. That’s when the public was given another of its phony heroes: Edward Snowden. Finally, here was a real, honest-to-gosh whistleblower spilling the beans and sharing the documents that proved that the NSA was . . . collecting metadata? Yes, our wise and crusading Hero For Truth Snowden shined a light on the real problem with Big Brother: He isn’t filling out the right paperwork, or using the right legal mumbo jumbo to justify his spying. And so this “whistleblower” (who washed out of special forces training and worked for the CIA before becoming a super-duper computer god with access to the NSA’s internal network while he was in his 20s, somehow) just wanted to bring this spying to light so we could have a “conversation” about it! (Oh, and don’t worry, guys: Snowden says there’s nothing to any of that silly 9/11 conspiracy stuff or to chemtrails or aliens or any other crazy theory, so you don’t have to bother thinking about them anymore, OK?) Hearing his reassurances was actually something of a relief, even for the people who barked about how Snowden’s irresponsible actions had endangered American lives blah blah blah. Because, you see, now we could stop doing all that doublethink about government spying. Of course, the government is spying on us! . . . But maybe that’s a good thing. At any rate, it’s a debate we should be having. How much spying is too much? I mean, there is a terror threat, after all, and we want to get the bad guys, right? And you don’t have anything to hide, do you? And so we admitted there is a Big Brother. But that wasn’t enough for Big Brother. Oh no, you can’t just be aware of what Big Brother is doing. You can’t just tolerate Big Brother’s actions. You also must learn to love Big Brother. Then China caught a cold. And so did Europe. And New York City. And—sure, why not—the rest of the world did, too. Maybe not in that order. Or maybe not at all. Don’t fret about the details. The important thing is that (say it with me) nothing will ever be the same again. You will never again be able to leave your house without thinking about the mortal danger that each and every physical interaction with every human being on earth poses. What? Get within six feet of someone? . . . Without a mask on? Are you nuts? Oh, if only someone could save us from this dreaded scourge! But wait . . . Whatever happened to that Big Brother guy? Can’t he find out everywhere we’ve been? And everyone we’ve been in contact with? And if someone gets sick, can’t he just go back and force everyone in that chain of connection into quarantine? Hey, it worked in Korea! Problem solved, right? And so it was that “contact tracing” was born. And it spread to Canada and Australia and India and the UK and (you guessed it) everywhere else, too. What? The contact tracing apps don’t actually work unless a “critical mass” adopts them? Well, then, just make them mandatory! After all, what kind of weirdo doesn’t walk around with a phone surgically attached at all times, anyway? I want professional health care providers (and professional contact tracers and government employees and big tech companies and their subcontractors and app developers and extortionware makers and hackers and everyone else in the world) to know where I’ve been, who I’ve been talking to, what I’ve been buying and doing, and when I’ve been buying it and doing it! I want to be spied on, dammit! It’s for my own good! And that, my friends, is how we won the victory over ourselves. We love Big Brother now. |
Recommended Reading and Viewing
Recommended ReadingBill Gates Is Targeted by Social-Media Mobs Recommended ListeningRecommended ViewingPolicymakers just can’t stop breaking coronavirus rules Just For Fun |
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Make sure you listen to the grown-ups at the WHO, Bill Gates and all the other technocrats that know what is best for *all of us*, unlike all you selfish unwashed masses. Also be sure to snitch on everyone that you catch sneezing.
The argument is always the same and the myths are all similar, “national or public security”, “public health”, “common good”, etc. are all used to violate our individual (real) rights and to destroy our private security, private health and private well-being to the point that no one is safe or healthy.
here’s another way to show your love & subservience… an absolutely amazing opportunity to work for big brother: Free contract tracing course + certificate from Coursera
oops, sorry to disappoint, i was too excited when commenting!! its not a job offer, but what fun…
“In this introductory course, students will learn about the science of SARS-CoV-2 , including the infectious period, the clinical presentation of COVID-19, and the evidence for how SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted from person-to-person and why contact tracing can be such an effective public health intervention. Students will learn about how contact tracing is done, including how to build rapport with cases, identify their contacts, and support both cases and their contacts to stop transmission in their communities. The course will also cover several important ethical considerations around contact tracing, isolation, and quarantine. Finally, the course will identify some of the most common barriers to contact tracing efforts — along with strategies to overcome them.”
It’s amazing how quickly the elites come up with these courses!
In such a short period, when the WHO hasn’t even let the ink dry, as to what is the correct approach to be taking vis-a-vis Covid-19, these charlatans have already set up courses to train the masses on correct contact tracing techniques!
Makes you wonder if the courses weren’t set up and ready to go before the CV outbreak?
I think I’m going to open up a school on correct social distancing techniques.
I’ll have a course for beginners, intermediates and advanced students.
I should be able to make a killing. 🙂
what? calling them charlatans, how dare you!! founded in 1876, johns hopkins is america’s first ever research university, home to nine world-class academic divisions working together as one university. and on Nov 6, 2019 (11/9) ~ WHO Names JHU Center for Health Security a Collaborating Centre such a prestigious honour, albeit totally inconsequential to this discussion. https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/news/center-news/2019/2019-11-06-WHO-Collaborating-Centre.html
excuse my initial outburst, i was most distressed by your mention of the WHO ~ whom i hold in high esteem for all the amazing good works they do globally, & in my formative years left an indelible impression. furthermore, horror of horrors… your crazy conspiracy theory question, & obvious disdain for the elite’s plans… whereas, i am sure the powers that should be always hv our best interest in mind & act accordingly.
anyhoo, i admit im a masochist, & im very much interested in your advanced correct social distancing course, Fawlty Towers. pls post details when available, ’twill be a most excellent way to spend my gubbermint slave money.
Oooh, victoria, your “initial outburst” may’ve hurt Fawlty’s feelings. 🙂
Where are you, Fawlty?
I’ll sign up for your beginner’s course in anti-social behavior, ‘cuz I keep forgetting to go out of my way when I see a friendly neighbor, much less a total stranger, out for a stroll on the same narrow sidewalk I’m occupying.
Seriously? The “science of SARS-CoV-2”, the “evidence”, “how to build rapport”, “ethical considerations”, “contact tracing”, isolation, and quarantine. Please, people, let me “educate” you on my “truth” and just how “important” it is and how it’s “helping” people and how anyone who disagrees or questions ANYthing is insane. If you truly “care” and want to be “ethical”, then just leave me the heck alone and keep me out of the crap you’ve concocted and are constantly bombarding the public with. It’s like the world, in the blink of an eye, has gone batshit crazy. How can people so adamantly believe the extremely faulty and unethical stuff that’s being broadcast to them 24×7. Oh, never mind… I’m told that people are DYING out there (uh, duh… it’s a natural part of life… and the numbers of people dying have not significantly increased since last year… so, why is this a “pandemic”… or, more like, a panic-demic?)… *sigh*
“There will be in the next generation or so a method of making people love their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears so to speak. Producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.”
– Aldous Huxley, From a speech for the Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961
Spot on call, on that quote!
the difference between AI and humans is our unpredictability.
Even when one isn’t enlightened, there is still a tendency to want to be. But how can one want something when one doesn’t know what it is? (aren’t cats curiously like that?).
therefore, we have a wild card to play and its backed up by an urge far greater than any dominator has any clue of. When “liberty” is taken it hurts; and when ones whole life has been without liberty, and so theres nothing to be taken away, I’d bet it still hurts. What we call “liberty” is a right/obligation and privilege as primal as breath.
https://archive.is/6O1KP : “403 Forbidden”…wtf?
It worked for me…
Call me on Skype?
As cathartic as the recommended video featuring Tucker Carlson is, what’s beneath the surface? Playing the “right” dialectic, what’s their goal? To get the serfs to rise up and demand politicians abide by the rules imposed on everybody else? Wrong answer. Is it to help us virtually vent steam? Lull us into believing they’re fighting for us? To keep us divided, blue vs red as with climate change, now viruses? All of the above?
Very well put pearl. The underlying message(s) of Tucker video are exactly what you said. And they are the wrong answer, as you say.
I only got the underlying message of hypocrisy, out of that one. Hypocrisy showing in no uncertain terms that these propagandists don’t believe these fear laden proclamations they are shoveling onto the public.
Straight to the point.
Thank you James.
From the Forbes article James linked to:
Forget Apple And Google: Contact-Tracing Apps Just Dealt Serious New Blow
Without some level of mandatory requirement to use an app in order to work or travel, without penalties, no country will attain the 80% install base.
Those living in Europe and North America will assume Singapore’s latest tracking measures are unlikely in their own countries, but fast forward a few weeks to further infection spikes and we may be surprised.
please make a video of this text
I doth protest!
I feel the masses are too dumbed down.
They can’t read anymore more.
Everything must be a video, otherwise they can’t cope.
Is this video you request for yourself or the normies you want to convert?
Though this may not quite be your point..I believe the population itself is acting to create Newspeak. By dumbing down/simplifying language through slang and trends. It allows us the laziness to use a word (not intended for the purpose or meaning) or someones name to sum up an idea that would normally need to be articulated. There are foreign speakers that try with such effort and enthusiasm to learn English and they speak at a higher level than the natives. Yet Americans don’t even speak English or respect the language. We speak only a small portion of our language probably less than the unused portion of our brains. But yet the population think they are clever when their made up word trends on twitter or where ever. They pride themselves on stupidity. I can almost hear Herzen talking about the masses right now…
Hi Jim!
Are we really being dynamic or just lazy…
Is it the not inventors that are the only ones innovating? “Internet” for instance with innovation. As far as an example of lazy “Selfie” for instance short for self portrait. Sounds horrible to my ears …but this I have come to accept as normal. Is selfie different from mostest, and goodthink, .
If the Borg and the crew of the Enterprise ran around saying “oh snap” “Hey BAE” that would just be BAD writting and ridiculous.
This subject has so many facets , it is way more complex than I can get into at this moment.
An artistic perspective would say it is all subjective and language gets a creative license…slang in particular.( I’ll give it that)
Or like modern art where as an artist spreading feces on a canvas can be called ‘dynamic’ and considered Degas equal.
In that case de-evolution and regression of language.
In my opinion much of the population is lazy to learn anything new and go for easy rather than really look into things..or attempt to think for themselves. The easiest is to follow trendy language..Then if your Dynamic people were so abundant you would not describe your surrounding fellow citizens as “mind-numbing normies..’ Learning takes a long time. I am still learning…Vocabulary and otherwise…And This could be argued for days …One day we will Slang and Lazy the Language as we know it Dead. I am sure there is much you have overlooked and so have I.
Read it to yourself in front of a camera!
Appropriate to this Corbett Big Brother article…
“Hand out the cool shades and bubblegum.”
John Carpenter – They Live 2020 UK version
(H/T to Ukdavec)
Broc West’s IMAGE of Big Brother
as seen at Corbett Report’s 4/27/2020
“Stop Calling It Contact Tracing! – #PropagandaWatch”
Jed, I can’t thank you enough for finding and posting “Brotherhood of the Bell.” I watched it a few years ago but didn’t record the link. Then, when I went hunting for it a few months later, to share with a friend, I could find it NOWHERE. This time, I’m saving it in several folders so it can’t disappear. And I’ll watch it again, too. CQ
Big Brother Nazi SNITCHES
Out Of Touch | Kevin James Short Film
(2 minutes)
You can’t make this stuff up…
Introduced in House (05/01/2020)
H.R.6666 is the
“COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, and Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act”
(It is simple to read, but may make you cry.)
“Where ya gonna go? …cause there is no one like you left.”
(2 minutes)
I will start this comment with a quote extracted from an article by Lionel Shriver that I read today:
We’re told that to get into a sparsely populated lift, we may have to make a reservation on an app. But never fear. I guess we could always throw ourselves off the balcony instead. Why, with the masky, glovey, get-away-from-me future we’re all facing, taking that shortest route to the pavement starts to appeal.
One of the things that we are witnessing that have impressed me the most (and oh boy, there have been so many crazy things going on!) is the “mask phenomenon”. There is almost nothing that makes me feel more anxious about the future than the possibility of seeing a majority of masked drones abusing others who refuse to use them (something that is already happening). Even if they don’t abuse of others, the only sight of faceless people makes me feel extremely sad.
That’s why I would like to know what is the experience that you have about this phenomenon in your countries, to see how homogeneous is it and if there are different behaviours amongst areas.
SPAIN: I can’t say very much about my country because, for a few reasons, I haven’t gone inside any supermarket or store, so I haven’t been told anything for not wearing mask. I have been outside of these places and I have seen most of the people wearing masks and gloves, even while driving. My family have told me that EVERYBODY wears masks inside supermarkets even if they are not mandatory at this moment. In my city (not a big one), depending on the time of the day, around 50-80% of people wear mask and gloves, but I don’t see any kind of bad reaction from one group against the other because many times one masked person speaks normally (with social distancing, of course) with other without this “cloth/device”.
In the internet, though, things are different and I see a much bigger polarization and manipulation about the benefits or wearing masks (as far as I am concerned, NO BENEFIT). In fact, although I haven’t been able to verify it, Soros seems to be behind one “fact-check” Spanish website which clearly defends wearing masks at all times.
At this moment this is all that comes to my mind.
I would love to read your experiences about this topic.
Dallas, Texas area.
Yesterday I went to a small family run Computer shop to get this ole clunker to display Word Documents again. Every May I have to do this. No masks…none of us. The guys told me business was weak, but are very concerned about what the future might entail for the whole of society. They are originally from somewhere in the middle east.
On the way back home, I swung by a grocery store to grab a few things.
Everyone in the store had a mask on that I could see, but for me.
There was a banner out front, hung on a low fencing to direct customers to follow entry designs. It had some kind of notice which said to wear masks when shopping.
I checked myself out at the self serve scanning checkout, which had a notice: “We no longer accept cash.”
As I was rolling my buggy out, I noticed another man checking out. He did not have a mask on.
In the parking lot, I walked over to his pickup truck as he was getting in. I said, “I want to thank you for NOT wearing a mask.” We chatted briefly. I remarked, “The World has gone insane.”
He agreed firmly and loudly: “It IS insane!”
A warm light rain was falling this morning. A toad out my opened back door was croaking for a lover.
I needed to grab some ground coffee for tomorrow.
Again, I entered the grocery store, a different one from yesterday, but larger and with more people.
Everyone, but me had a mask on.
One of these days, I will probably run into this…
(20 seconds)
Thanks HRS for your experience. You have a talent for explaining daily stories! I felt like reading a fragment of a novel.
I totally share your joy for talking with someone not wearing masks. In the last two weeks I have spoken with two neighbours without mask and one of them said that he wasn’t following many of the lockdown rules and the other one even talked to me about “conspiracy theories” (after a few minutes of probing one another about our way of thinking on this topic) and told me two interesting thoughts: 1) she prefered to die than to live in a masked, social-distancing world and 2) that she won’t get any vaccine.
The best thing about this last neightbour is that her husband is a Policeman, so he is aware for sure about his wife ideas (and you know the power of many women to influence their husbands).
“and you know the power of many women to influence their husbands”
Amen brother. Amen.
Lubbock, Texas
Lubbock, Texas
I am thrilled to hear this Camille.O.
That’s the flavor I’ve been hearing about in the less metropolitan areas.
Funny, ironic in a way…folks living in Lubbock know about that sand whipping up with the wind. Your mouth tastes like grit at the end of the day. Tumbleweed highway.
When I was a kid (50’s & early 60’s), living in Odessa and also Big Springs, occasionally our family would go to Lubbock to see friends and the half dozen trees growing up there.
If ya live in Lubbock, you are bound to have grit.
Count me thrilled along with HRS, camille.o, to hear that Lubbock folks think for themselves and take responsibility for their own actions. The scene you describe is unlike the dutiful herd-following patrons of the Houston grocery stores I frequent. In fact, whenever I see those rare humans with actual noses and mouths on their intelligent faces walking the aisles of Kroger and H-E-B, I have to restrain myself from hugging and high-fiving them!
Yes, if there is any benefit at all for the wearing of masks, it is that they are an easy identifier of normies!
I live in a small but fairly progressive city, and still the mask wearers number around 50%. As the Covid numbers have stabilized in recent weeks that number has decreased somewhat.
In my small town in Ireland about 70% of the people I see wear masks, while driving too. 90-95% are social distancing and jump back if I forget and get too close. Social distancing is mandatory and masks are recommended as they “help stop the spread of the asymptomatic” but not mandatory yet. I did get stick from a neighbour in the early days for “not protecting myself” (and her as she is “cocooning” and I do her shopping). She still wears her mask but doesn’t bother me about it anymore. I was in the pharmacy the other day where one person is allowed in at a time and there is a perspex shield just in from the door. Doorman was masked and gloved. Lady behind the perspex was masked and gloved. And everyone else was down the back of the shop talking with no masks or distancing. I have seen far more bad reactions from one group to another about social distancing and using cash than masks. I always get looks or asked “have you not got a bank account?” for using cash.
Small town in Ireland… I am sure it’s beautiful! One of my dreams is to travel around Scotland and Ireland backpacking. I hope I can do it someday.
Very interesting to see that in a little town so many people wear masks. I would have thought that the opposite would occur… Here social distancing is quite a phenomenon too. Yesterday I saw from my balcony two neighbours talking, one with mask and the other without, but with a distance of more than 3m between them (of course I could hear the whole conversation).
Do they really ask you about having a bank account? So disrespectful! They don’t even deserve an excuse, which could easily be that your card is broken.
Oh I would love to travel Scotland too. Ireland is beautiful, west coast especially but I am biased!
I was suprised to see so many down here being obedient too… But there is still a handful of us down here who can smell the rats. Most of the local taxi drivers are running with limited distance, using cash and no masks. Any I have spoken to don’t believe the hype. A good amount of my friends are skeptical and not really following the “rules”. And there’s a baker out selling his bread on the street everytime I am in town. Gardaí have tried relentlessly to move him due to locals complaining about him but he is still there! He knows the laws here are not enforceable laws and has his laptop with the page open and refreshes it whenever he gets hassled!
Also the comments about cash were from the health shop which was really surprising!!
Maybe one day I go there and we find each other without knowing that we talked in the Corbett Report! The landscapes of Ireland and Scotland and likely amongst my favorites… but unfortunately not the climate.
It is good that there are people who don’t buy this story. There are so many things unexplained, manipulated and simply wrong, that I am surprised to see such a high percentage of people believing all this stuff. But oh well, they are free to believe what they want as long as they don’t mess into what others think.
Wow, this baker has strong personality. Tell him to sign up in the Corbett Report to share his experience with us!
I actually will tell him! I am forever delighted to see him still standing tall. There’s a local honey guy out too sometimes but we have never spoken in depth about the situation, he moves when he’s told and comes back a few days later.
In relation to the Irish climate, we get a lot of rainbows so at least there’s that!
I think masks are kinda a good idea- and wish people who have colds would wear them…. it would also be cool to mess with the facial recognition and surveillance cameras
Its only an issue when its enforced by law on or the other way- as to social ‘mask shaming’, if people cant stick to a principle thru that its hard to think the principle matters to them much
Of course I am not saying that people can’t wear masks. They are free to do what they want. What I am completely against is the fact that in many countries there is growing movement and propaganda against people without and in favor of people with masks at this moment (in the media and social networks, at least). In other comments people have been saying that their governments have made mandatory to wear them, and there seems to be no benefit from this measure:
1) The criminals of WHO say: “If you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with COVID-19”
2) Studies show that it doesn’t work for other “virical” diseases, so for the same principle it shouldn’t work on this “coronavirus”.
3) “Face masks cannot stop healthy people getting Covid-19, says WHO” – TheGuardian article
The only conclusion I can get from all this is that people are behaving absolutely in an irrational way (i.e. they wear masks because they want to feel protected, and because they have fear). There is nothing more dangerous that masses behaving irrationaly!
Oh, that’s a good one! In my country, as far as I am concerned, there are no many cctv cameras, so I can’t “cheat” them. But if they set them up and I am still living here, I will buy a pig mask like the guy in the video.
Regarding to the three videos, they are quite interesting. Fist, I think that police officers have behaved quite clever. Second, it’s funny how events can turn around so quickly. And third, what an argument: “The Police argue that in a time where every smartphone camera have facial recognition, why should they be left behind”… This is today’s mentality!
“nothing more dangerous that masses behaving irrationaly!”
thats a big idea; as for mask wearing, I have lotsa exprience wearing them, as a boat builder,, It is uncomfortable, it does lower ones overall air intake. They do block heavy dust, but they efficiently channel fine dust into the nostrils. One virologist compared masks to virus’s like trying to stop a mosquito with a chain-link fence. To be fair, they likely minimize the volume of exchangeable biome. But it may be the biome exchange is the very reason we exist at all; in other words quarantining, when not with strong symptoms, actually can hurt our chances of strengthening herd immunity by open source sharing of viral material and antibodies. other immunity from contact happens by literal voltage exchange with others and the sun.
I’d say that equally dangerous is when half the masses are half irrational and the other half are half rational.
Best description I’ve heard for masks is that they have been used historically to signify a person type; like wearing a yellow star,, this time the mask wearers are those most caught in the spell thats been foisted (“mark of beast”,,). A mask wearer is a black magic supporter/minyon
I’d guess that about 3/4 or more of people in my town/city wear a mask when they are out.
A few days ago I arrived at Costco to grab some groceries and there was a sign at the door stating that masks were mandatory to enter. I will not wear a mask, so I left. I will no longer shop at Costco as long as they enforce wearing a mask, and maybe even afterwards. Before there were really any guidelines for businesses, Costco had deployed huge concert speakers inside its warehouse to blast a propaganda message about wearing a mask, social distancing, and following CDC guidelines, etc. This message was on a constant loop, conditioning customers as they shopped. Not a fan of what Costco has been doing.
i live in a small town in the Netherlands.
nobody wears a mask here, i’ve seen maybe 3 people wearing a mask in the last 3 weeks.
in supermarkets there are perspex plates between the cashier and the customers, and some lines on the floor which are ignored by maybe 1 in 3.
if you visit a hospital, as my gf does in the north when she visits her friend who has a heart-condition, you are obliged to wear a mask. nursing homes are closed for visitors since about 10 weeks, i was not allowed to visit my mother until the very last day of her life.
but what concerns me maybe more is: i have a lot of friends in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda since i go there for work for a few moths every year since 10 years. hardly any ‘cases’ but the obvious corruption of governments has lead to extremely strict measures like curfew, people out of bussiness who live from day to day who have no spare money at all, there’s stampedes, police-violence, the fear leads to lynch-mobs on people suspected from ‘having the virus’, etc etc. only Burundi has kicked all WHO-officials out of the country, and Tanzania is planning on doing so too. but from what i hear most countries are hit really really hard, looks like no going back to how it was is possible. but hey, who cares, Burundi has no comodities, it has no value to the west. how different from Kenya or the Congo.
I am very sorry for your lost. It is awful that something like that is happening so much in these days.
About Netherlands, it is nice to hear your experience. As far as I am concerned, the country where I live have had heavier measures than many places in the world (at least in Europe). Maybe countries that have had this draconian measures are the ones where social distancing and masks have had more “followers” (just guessing, because I can’t know anything for sure).
Yes, what is happening in Africa and other countries with not many cases is absolutely puzzling. I realized while I was looking at the table of this wikipedia page (which is not updated very much and it’s not exhaustive) and then compared these measures with the number of cases from worldometers. I guess that these governments are happy to show how strong they are. All countries should kick WHO officials and start acting with real science, experience and taking into account people’s freedom… but it won’t happen in the so called “developed” world.
By the way, what an interesting experience to spend all this time in African countries. You must have seen a lot of different aspects of politics, way of life and human behaviour!
in case it was not clear the tests are BS:
On May 4th, President John Magufuli (of Tanzania) suspended the head of testing at Tanzania’s national health laboratory after the lab allegedly returned false positive test results. Magufuli said he’d deliberately submitted biological samples from a papaya, a quail and a goat to test the laboratory’s accuracy; the lab diagnosed these samples as positive for coronavirus.
Look at this sentence in the article: Tanzania has been accused of politicizing virus data in the past.… Using virus for politics? NOT POSSIBLE!
I trust nothing I see in the internet, but I wouldn’t be very surprised if this is true. I would like to know what test he used, though. It would be interesting…
it’s very cruel what’s happening in africa at least around the equator. there is no flue in the tropics, because there is fresh food all year long. where i live, we had a total of 10 positives so far, of which one died with diabetes and all the rest recovered. from what, you may ask. tropical country, indeed.
so then these stupid african governemnts try to follow their masters and lock up everyone in their houses. so they starve, and while they lack fresh food, they miss their daily vitamin-c, and some other vit’s, but particularly vitamin-c, and their immune system starts failing and they may get sick and die from any of the 500+ virusses around, even corona.
there is aan immense difference between living in the tropics and living up north. it is called winter and it kills you if you let it.
oh yes, just to be exact: i do not think african governements are stupid because they are african. they are stupid because they do the same stupid things the stupid european goverments do.
i lived in africa for some time and it appeared to me africans are generally more aware of their surroundings and double bottoms therein than myself.
they have a sort of automatic contextualization that you would wish to be typical for the corbett report.
I hope your mother recognized you, San*A, when you said goodbye to her on the last day. I also hope it brings you some comfort to have been able to visit her at the end (as opposed to not at all for 10 long weeks). Finally, I hope it’s somewhat consoling to post your sad news in a place like this, where you’re surrounded by hundreds of Corbett members who are awake, just like you, and who care about you — and about your friends who are oppressed in Africa.
Then it is about the same proportion than my city. I live in one of the areas in Spain with more population, so I don’t know if in smaller cities or rural areas people wear mask at all. I mean in the streets, because I am sure that in their jobs, in transportation and in places where it is mandatory, they wear it.
Where I live there is a Carrefour (a kind of Costco, in the case that you don’t have this company there) and they also use speakers to warn people about these rules. As I said I haven’t get into any supermarket, but I can’t hear it even from outside. It is a good opportunity for searching for little businesses to stop buying in big companies like those.
I agree with you and Fawlty Towers. This is the only positive thing I have noticed from this phenomenon. When I walk or drive and I see people without masks I think: “nice, a human being (or a group of them)!”.
Thanks for sharing what happens in Belgium! You have made me realize that masks are also mandatory in Spain for public transportation, but since I never use it I can’t say if everyone follow the rules or not (I guess they do for the same reason than you).
Oh this is sooo disturbing! I have also realized about how people (mostly women) are wearing masks with designs… And of course taking selfies. Companies and governments are trying to normalize, as you say, this situation. I wonder if from now on every time someone gets a cold they will wear a mask like many Asian countries do.
Soon I have to renew my Passport and if police requires me to go to the Police station with mask I might use something like this. I wonder what they would the tell me…
If I use it I will tell you. I doubt that I would because I am shy, but it would be so funny! Hahaha, maybe they think I am a terrorist, so I better don’t take this risk…
Hmm, don’t believe in what I am going to say because I read this news very fast because I was searching for another thing, but I think that I read that Apple Face recognition didn’t work with mask, but Android did. If this is true, it doesn’t mean that Android can detect our face even with masks. It could be that they facial recognition system is not so secure as people might think (many false positives, like the PCR for the coronavirus :D)
Oh well, they can keep their products for themselves. I wouldn’t even buy an Apple device after being involved in tracking. Recently I deleted Android for the same reason and I installed LineageOS, which works pretty well even if my device is not supported, and seems a more private option than Google’s Android.
I don’t get this “anti-mask movement”.
Why bother if people wear masks?
Another divide line should be firmly established?
Mask don’t provide 100% protection, but to say it provides none is stupid. After all, placebo is proven effective, I guess more than some drugs. You don’t know why an individual wears a mask, you don’t know his background. Maybe he is living with grandma. Maybe he has some serious health issues and this corona could be deadly for him.
Wearing mask outside or when driving a car is unnecessary. I’ve seen a masked guy riding a bike uphill, outright stupid.
Wearing a mask in closed space with many people makes sense now.
Sure I have problem with mandatory things. I had a mask when I was sick a month ago. Now I don’t use mask, they are not mandatory in Croatia. Half of people wear mask, maybe less. I don’t respect social distancing, I found most people are not bothered by this. I had just few situations when people confronted me because of not respecting distance. I’ve observed how strict people are with distancing, not many.
Hello Mik,
I don’t care if people wear masks, gloves or burqa. EVERYONE IS FREE TO DO WHAT THEY WANT. But hey, this “everyone” includes ourselves. What I am saying in my comment is that there is a clear movement to make wearing masks normal, cool and in many places mandatory. This is where my problem and fighting starts, because I REFUSE to wear a mask and having to pay fines if I don’t want to follow the flock. The masking phenomenon is extremely important for humans reprogramming, as well as the social distancing measure.
You say “Mask don’t provide 100% protection, but to say it provides none is stupid”. I won’t get into the flaws of germ theory, but I invite you to read scientific articles assessing the usefulness of masks: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340570735_Masks_Don't_Work_A_review_of_science_relevant_to_COVID-19_social_policy. And there are more articles which you can find in PubMed.
You say that I don’t know their background. Well, I can say that this morning, after answering comments here, I went out to the balcony and more than 90% (I am not kidding) was wearing masks. Many kids doing exercise with masks at all time (like the guy that you say riding hist bike). Again, they are free, but I am pretty sure that you also see a problem here, and mostly for their own health.
The problem with using masks right now is that people are using them because of pure mind control. Wearing them is a an act of believe, because as many have stated, the virus is yet to prove to exist or at least to cause an infection. Why not wearing masks at all times to avoid any possible infection? Placebo effect maybe would work… in the case that there was a disease. Logic tells me that someone who have fell into the fear of this “plandemic”, probably watching news non-stop, will have stress, which is not precisely a sign of health. I would bet that before having a placebo effect, they would experience a nocebo effect because of their terror.
Yesterday, by chance, I read this sentence from WHO: Around 81 000 to 138 000 people die each year because of snake bites, and around three times as many amputations and other permanent disabilities are caused by snakebites annually. At this moment there are 314,530 deaths according to Worldometer of people WITH coronavirus (not BECAUSE OF coronavirus). The number is very likely much lower… if there is any at all, which is also a possibility. Are we going to make mandatory wearing long pants in Australia, Asia, America because their snakes are poisonous? I know that you have a problem with mandatory things, but I tell you this just to support how irrational is this situation.
By the way, for curiosity, a preliminar serologic study have been published in Spain to assess the prevalence of IgG against this coronavirus.
[SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words or less. Longer comments can be split into multiple posts. -JC]
For masks to work for the wearer, they need to believe that “virus” is everywhere. Everywhere, but not on the mask. The mask doesn’t protect the one wearing it, it’s meant to protect those who are near the wearer. Just imagine the average surgery, do you see the patient wearing a mask? Anyway, far be it from me to burst anyone’s bubble, people are free to blindly believe whatever they want, as far as I’m concerned.
Mik, my comment is “awaiting moderation” (probably because is long!), but I want to share a couple of things more with you.
1) Yesterday (I think) I posted this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1esTWVDohY) but maybe you didn’t watch it, so I post it again. It is in Spanish but, if you want to watch it, forget about the text and the audio and watch the images. It shows one of the reasons why I am afraid about masks and all this programming measures.
2) This is just a curiosity: did you know that the king of Spain, Felipe VI, has also the title of King of Croatia -and many other places-? Of course practically means nothing for your country (as far as I am concerned), but since you are Croatian and I am Spanish, I wanted to tell you!
Interesting, I got your comment on email although is in moderation. So I will reply to it.
I’ve read a little of article about masks don’t work. Not long ago I found serious flaws in article from researchgate.net so I’m more suspicious than otherwise. Interesting, they say masks don’t work because even one micro-droplet carry enough infectious agents and it’s almost impossible you won’t catch at least one droplet. Like this Minimal Dose of infectious agent isn’t at least to extent an arbitrary measure dependent of actual immune situation of recipient.
“… because as many have stated, the virus is yet to prove to exist or at least to cause an infection.”
This statement explains a lot. I’m sure virus exists and it’s nasty, for some people deadly.
Nevertheless, this cannot be excuse for corona fascism. What I want to say, lots of bad and stupid things are going on right now, but we should be careful and not reduce everything and throwing to the same basket.
Lets make a mental experiment.
We live in anarchic society. Imagine an infectious agent nasty, causing kind of plague. Situation is dire. A decision is made: Masks are mandatory. What would you do?
You can’t say “I found serious flaws in article from researchgate.net” and dismiss everything coming from there for the same reason that you can’t dimiss everything coming from Linkedin. Researchgate is like the Linkedin of researchers, so there is information of all qualities. You probably haven’t even opened the file, or you would have seen that this researcher is linking to articles in journals, like this one: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19216002. The conclusion of the paper that I have just linked is Face mask use in health care workers has not been demonstrated to provide benefit in terms of cold symptoms or getting colds. (Note that they are talking about health workers, not general population). I don’t care about what explanations researchers give to explain their findings. What matters are the findings themselves.
Are you really sure that this virus exist? (I wasn’t talking about other viruses, by the way, just about the so called covid-19). How can you be sure that it exists and that it’s deadly if 1) official data is simply wrong for so many reasons that I don’t even know where to start and 2) scientific articles -biased because they are using wrong data- have already demonstrated that its lethality rate is in the range of pandemic influenza (at most)? And why not talking about the incredibly strange epidemiology of this alledgely virus? Like for example that in the study of Spain that I mentioned, children had no antibodies against it (around 1% vs 5% in general population) but they don’t get ill? This is just one example of many. If you want to know something about physical world phenomena you don’t read thousands of theories and believe whatever you like the most. You look at the data in which these theories are based and then you judge yourself.
This mental experiment is simply full of assumptions. But let’s make them: 1) this virus you talk about exists (i.e. scientists have clearly proven and shown the experiments that this agent fulfill the 4 Koch’s postulates). 2) It is airborne and very contagious. 3) Situation is truly dire as you say. 4) Masks have been shown to protect against it.
If these four points are clear to me, I would wear the mask before anybody would make this measure mandatory.
If I don’t believe what they tell me about this virus, I would simply leave this society you talk about (as I would have done today if I could)
I’m amazed by the amount of superficial reading nowadays. And it’s getting worse.
I didn’t dismiss researchgate.net just expressed caution. I’ve READ parts of article you linked and polemicized their use of Minimal dose of infectious agent. Check out.
No one is claiming N95 type mask provide 100% protection. Still, it filters out majority of aerosols and thereby reduces germ load.
And that is something, not nothing.
Do you want to say that since mask is not perfect, it is bs??
“I don’t care about what explanations researchers give to explain their findings. What matters are the findings themselves.”
I think this is some hastily writing that doesn’t necessarily present your stance.
I won’t discuss existence of virus.
Check out Peak Prosperity, they provide some interesting observations, with sources.
“….leave this society you talk about (as I would have done today if I could)”
That will always be easier said than done.
I just want to add that the price of masks has increased abominably… So whether they work or not, someone is exploiting fear.
Fawlty!! I re-sent the email; did’ja get it?
Yes I did pearl thanks very much!
I will reply shortly. 🙂
Snowden reminds me of Gates sometimes with all the hand waving speeches. Must be an imposter thing.
no, it is typical american. they call it body language. the idea is that it is something natural. so everybody does it just to not look unnatural. they don’t know why they do it, it is based on social fear, afraid to be different, dumb, etc. they teach themselves more or less like psychopaths teach themselves empathic behaviour, by watching supposedly normal people. i think i even read somewhere there are also training courses for body language, in case you want to be a tv person. for then you could be fired making the wrong moves, with your hands, with your head, your eyes well your whole body. you would not give someone ‘the finger’ on screen, would you. that would be like saying the f-word. you can do these things all day long, no problem, but not on screen. on screen we are decent people, even though we kill millions with bombs all the time.
by the way, the same counts for the music that plays constantly, even when somebody is talking. i know, for i have some hearing trouble, that makes it difficult to understand someone talking in any noise. this music has something to do with emotions and psychology. maybe in case the words are too difficult for you, you can feel their meaning from the music, though i never heard of courses in musical feeling.
it sure is strange, though. it must have evolved from the early film industry, before there was sound. instead of treating it like the rudiment it was, they further developed it and since americans watch tv 8 hours a day as an average, it became a parasitic language, that people feel subconsciously while they listen to the words. that was probably to make them easier to manipulate.
i did not meet that many americans in real time, but they were often a good laugh. i remember a sales team of motorola, intending to sell an expensive system. there were two guys, one was talking about the system while the other was jumping around him all the time, pointing at him and shouting things like “yeah that’s true .. listen to him .. excellent.. ” and so on. he did not understand why i could hardly stop laughing.
well, sorry i’m far off topic, james will kill me..
That is very interesting. I kinda find it hard to believe Americans talk like that in person. I have met many American tourists and none that I can remember had those same movements. I have also met many people who speak with their hands but the gestures seem more fluid and way less pronounced. Maybe I just don’t want to believe it, it feels so false to me. If it is to do with tv then I totally get it. I call that acting.
theres plenty wrong with Gate’s body language, and US citizens dont tend to gesticulate more than any other mob: The manic hand waving and, you’re right, exaggerated arm flailing with little clue otherwise about what he’s actually trying to suggest other than punctuation and perhaps a distraction while he collects his next thought.
perhaps something to pay closer attention to. maybe it can be reverse engineered.
If Bill’s philanthrophic effors go unheeded by the useless eaters, he could have a stellar career in some fields.
He also has quite some experience clowning around and getting a pie to his face so maybe that’s also something worth exploring.
The mask hoax
I saw some videos and photographs of media and politicians taking
their face-masks off when they thought there was no recordings.
1) they probably know that there is no real danger of the virus.
2) In one video is stated that there is already a vaccine.
1> this means that there is a strict propaganda program (like dark winter)
Note: Wearing masks too long can reduce your oxygen
levels to a dangerous level (without you noticing).
2> would implicate that they made the virus.
And probably released it on purpose.
In other posts I already made it clear that it came from a lab,
where they combined 2 viruses and inserted a sequence to make it
spread faster.
Mountain of Evidence show covid-19 was all over the world oct/nov 2019
The Last American Vagabond
Also an interesting angle.
Coincidently, many of my co-workers and I had a touch of a bug around late November, December and early January.
We all kept working, but I remember the dry cough.
A co-worker would have a dry cough and we knew he had it.
My son got a bug around January. He feels like it was the ‘RonaCooties.
Corbett Report OPEN THREAD OF 1/08/2020
“Iran Missile Strike Open Thread”
James Corbett says:
I’m sure you’ve all seen the latest developments in the Middle East by now, and their strange denouement(?)
Unfortunately I’m sick in bed today with the tail end of a flu bug and unable to produce an analysis of these events right now. I am, however, starting this open thread for Corbett Report members to post links, information and analysis of these events.
Stay tuned for further coverage of this issue in this week’s edition of New World Next Week.
~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~
oh!…that’s right…coincidences and anecdotes don’t count.
You make a great point about masks increasing carbon dioxide. This can lead to symptoms like lethargy. With that said, I don’t know how this would decrease oxygen levels though in a significant way, enough to cause a substantial drop in oxygen saturation. I say this because I usually wear a mask for flu season for 8 to 12 hours a day at work in a hospital. Masks are required in one declines the flu vaccine for the duration of the flu season at work. I always refuse it and so must wear a mask and I have never noticed substantial issues. The N95 mask, however, worn all day might cause other symptoms but I doubt it would cause all the symptoms viral pneumonia has, like fever, chills, cough, sore throat, etc.
My point is that I don’t think masks account for people who are getting sick from “Covid 19”. I have seen people get sick from it, mainly mild illness and a few significant cases if someone has some health issues or possibly living in a polluted place. The idea it came from a lab and is a bioweapon would not surprise me, but I don’t think it poses a substantial risk to most people and is just being used to scare people and manipulate people psychologically so they do what they are told. It’s terrible, this kind of abuse that is being done to humanity, is infuriating and most people are so ignorant about their own health and bodies through years of being dumbed down and conditioned to trust “experts” without question that they will do just about anything.
That is terrifying. This propaganda campaign is nothing like I have ever seen before and wearing a mask when someone is outside makes no sense at all. On the other hand, if a person works in a hospital with various germs, it makes sense. Who wants to catch the flu, cold or other stomach flu that makes a person sick. I’ve caught tons of nasty things at work, so I actually prefer a mask when I am around sick people.
I don’t think there’s any reliable data to suggest wearing a mask is effective at stopping the spread “Covid 19” or any other coronavirus unless someone is symptomatic and coughing and puts it on so they don’t hack all over people. Washing hands is best for stopping the spread of germs, there’s actually data on handwashing.
I think the mask, in this case-“Covid 19”, is a sign of conformity and fear and support of this false narrative, ie some deadly virus that is causing mass deaths, which it is clearly not if a person does some research on the facts and how the numbers have been inflated.
Anyway, I just thought I would share my thoughts about maks.
Shouldn’t it be ‘Big Bother’?
This made me feel better James! And so did this speech by an Italian MP Sarah Cunial https://youtu.be/QnsYcsCjLWI
It seems not questioning sophistic arguments and appeals to authority are the means for mental survival in these days of Rona for many whom I try to reason with. These people believe accepting everthing doled out edict from above is all for the best for human health and survival. Some people subsist on one dogma or another, whether it’s AI or scientism or some gadget, like a pill which is sold to alleviate the struggle of having human experiences and emotions technology will tool & “game” you as James say’s. These types have already accepted surveillance in trade for some minor reliance like spelling for yourself or developing a sense of driection & map reading without Google or conversing without referring to the fondle slab for reference or checking references without deferring to the ultimate authority of fact checking websites. These people are hard to get through to, but I will continue to live in support of my ideals and by example. Haha This sounds like some sort of journey entry as I head down river into the Heart of Darkness. Much love Corbetteers!
BUMP Italian video
Thanks Clint,
via Zero Hedge
By GreatGameIndia –
May 17, 2020
Italian Politician Demand Bill Gates Arrest For Crimes Against Humanity
EXCERPTS (Many reference script links in article)
Days after it was revealed in an intercepted human intelligence report that Bill Gates offered $10 million bribe for a forced Coronavirus vaccination program in Nigeria, now an Italian politician has demanded the arrest of Bill Gates in the Italian parliament.
Sara Cunial, the Member of Parliament for Rome denounced Bill Gates as a “vaccine criminal” and urged the Italian President to hand him over to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity.
She also exposed Bill Gates’ agenda in India and Africa, along with the plans to chip the human race through the digital identification program ID2020.
In an extraordinary seven-minute speech met with wide applause, Sara Cunial, the Member of Parliament for Rome said that Italy had been subjected to a “Holy Inquisition of false science.”
She roundly criticized the unnecessary lockdown imposed on her fellow Italians in the service of a globalist agenda. She urged fellow political leaders to desist in any plans to compel citizens to surrender themselves to compulsory COVID-19 vaccination at the hands of the corrupt elite – whom she identified as the Deep State…
(long article touching on many related issues)
…The real goal of all of this is total control. Absolute domination of human beings, transformed into guinea pigs and slaves, violating sovereignty and free will. All this thanks to tricks/hoax disguised as political compromises…
…We, with the people, will multiply the fires of resistance in a way that you won’t be able to repress all of us.…
Thanks Home Remedy Supply
IL. rep who proposed $100 billion NGO contact tracing bill after returning from Bill Gates Aspen Institute conference in Africa –
You’re asking me?
Utter madness! They have succeeded in inverting man and stood him on his head.
The Truth becomes the lie and the lie the truth.
Up is Down and Left is Right — As the mask go on the foolish public, those “in power” are taking theirs off and showing their true faces.
They can’t fool all of the people all of time and the day is coming when the table will turn and we going to sit down and have a chat with the “dragon” and lock them up chains. Fire Upon Babylon and the new world order dis-ease!!!
Capleton – That Day Will Come!
I think, these things, we are living through in this time, are the beginning of some kind of labour pains that will give birth to a new human consciousness. Hard work to do and suffering for us. But we should not forget that it might be only a narrow passage with maybe something good and neccessary for mankind in the end.
Keep up your hope and inner strength!
‘..I think, these things, we are living through in this time, are the beginning of some kind of labour pains that will give birth to a new human consciousnes..’
Thats age of Aquarius thinking- the people doing these things ALSO believe that- but regular humans are not invited.
Wonderful post James.
I have to share this…it seems Alex Jones has finally come to his senses about Donald Trump going along with the warp speed vaccination program.
This video expresses his frustration…there for a while it seemed he was so Pro-Trump that he had lost his political neutrality that he had in former years.
Here it is:
An excellent resource to explore agendas, from our friends at the World Economic Forum.
If the snow (den?) job has been done, then who are you? Are you typing from your igloo? Its true the snow drifts have never been so high.
I’d say that the sudden shift in relation between leaders and followers (more tyranny) has blown the cover for a significant portion of the populous. Us useless eaters have been trundling about, interdependent, yet little did we know how weak the majority’s self reliance was, or how thoroughly the capacity to have original thoughts has been numbed. Perhaps its those that cannot break free of the Simon-says game that are indeed owned, as you say, “completely”, or just enough.
I’m guessing that part of successfully squaring off face to face with a demonic force will include owning our complicity. By much of what we choose to do/use, we feed the obstacle. Use electricity, flush toilets, tapping ones and zeros at each other all day, M.Moores new film is a good punch in the guts on this point.
Our hunger for material manipulations has entrained us, into bed, and to flirting with the very beast that would like to rape us. hunger for push button mod-cons, hot water at the flick of a wrist, for food without having touched soil, for travel in minutes what used to take a day, or hours to cross an ocean that used to take a month to sail,, but at what real environmental cost?
The need to admit to being part of the problem is how we earn the “useless eater” name.
Well put, fantastic insight!
It is! She expressed things extremely well.
Well said. I’m copying and pasting it as a reply to anyone who goes on a self-flagellating rampage. Couldn’t say it better. I will, of course acknowledge the source as “manbearpig”.
Yes!! Thank you!!
You describe being entrained and used by a bent system, but it doesnt make the fact of how we support the very thing that is using us go away, I suppose thats “stockholmish”, Perhaps when I’m pumping fuel into the car, I’m agreeing with the idea of polluting a bit for a certain convenience,, I dont agree with the demonic harvesting of our species, and but cant avoid seeing a hypocracy. Is it even possible to walk ones talk?
I dont usually have much “self-contempt”, though it can spike occasionally. The paradoxical nature of (as you say) being raised these days, trying to make sense of the miracle of life vs relentness manipulations towards death (or is it “2nd birth”), has taught me that at least a little self effacing can help: mental health through humility.
For me, admitting to being a brick in the very wall I’m trying to demolish, is less “austere flagellation” and more keeping it real. I agree with what you say, but all this finger pointing at the super psychotic needs a personal context, so we can choose to be part of the clean-up. does everyone deserve food shelter and help, of course, and to fly around the globe like it was just another bus ride? maybe not.
The shut down has given good evidence of how human busy-ness may, in today’s way, be a big contributing factor: marginal health + retarded intelligence = abusability
here’s Dr Zach Bush & del bigtree with an over-arching perspective on all viral activity and complex significance of the Biome, which I think makes a good case for less busy-ness.
In the mean time I suggest that our way out of the mysterious injustice of these days, along with accurate naming of the wrongs, will be to minimize our individual footprints.
and, you wrote:
“The environment is an important issue, but first and foremost with regards to human health and well-being and not for the sake of “the environment itself”.”
I give you benefit of doubt, but it reads like, “humans” are somehow different or separate from “the environment”? we aint.
trees in the fall are fruiting, The earth in these eons is peopling. we are the environment. To miss, or deny the complete interdependence or continuum-symbiosis is a symptom of human dis-ease.
that makes it into the “cant make this shit up” file
I laughed
I cried
I wasn’t wearing a mask
not too sure who you are quoting about not having kids or medevil living,, I actually met a eugenicist, who simply refused to get the suicidal nature of his mind..
I am sad for those I see who are duped daily into banality, its exhausting, occasionally entertaining, but a most perplexing situation? the spell needs a remedy.
Could someone please explain to me what I am missing that is so important by not owning a smartphone?
I keep hearing how those devices are the tools being used to implement the surveillance state by people I respect but none of them are giving them up? I don’t get it. What the heck makes them so vital and precious to people who are simultaneously afraid of what they represent?
What do you all get from those things that I cannot get from my iPad that only connects to the internet when I am at home or in my shop at work?
This is a serious question please. I really want to know why so many of us haven’t gone back to flip phones or even landlines knowing what we do.
On another note. Yesterday I attended a birthday gathering at a local watering hole here in downtown Saint Petersburg at the foot of the under construction new pier. The pub had their tables separated from each other and displayed the required warning signs and such but it seemed to me that hardly none of the attendees were worried about the virus at all. People were moving tables and chairs closer to each other. Every person I knew and every new person that I met shook my hand when I offered it and there was lots of hugging as well.
I would estimate that about half of the people walking by wore masks but virtually no one at the bar was.
There was zero presence of any officials or police.
Then I read in today’s, (Sunday) paper that a large majority of Floridians are in favor of draconian measures to control this non crisis including tracing and tracking as well as fining non compliers.
This is the same paper that publishes a constant stream of scary numbers about the deaths and infection rates of the virus without ever putting those numbers in any kind of context. Such as how different this years number are from previous years.
The paper lies.
Correct me if I am wrong but our esteemed host mr Corbett is not a iPhone Zombie but even he has yet to discard his fondle slab.
I actually cannot think of anyone who has been sounding the alarm who has.
I honestly don’t get it.
I don’t think that he has but I would love to be wrong about that.
But from your response, I really can’t see what I am missing.
I can access all those social media platforms with my iPad if I desire. Just have to do it when I am connected.
I could load lots of music and have it available anytime just like I do with podcasts without being connected.
I could be wrong about this too but I believe that the instant gratification aspect of the insidious little things are the main attraction.
I actually never had a smartphone.
Its a little weird thinking about it but when I started my business which doesn’t seem that long ago, I had a land line and an answering machine. I made all my callbacks and appointments in the evenings and used pay phones when I was in the field.
Then one day they came up with little cell phones that were pretty handy and fairly inexpensive. Those were the nextel push to talk phones.
Those didn’t last but I never had the need to have a computer in my pocket so I just never moved past that point.
And in recent years I have been convinced that I never should. At least not in this reality.
It is sort of like watching television or voting. I don’t and won’t do either because I think that government is evil and voluntarily validating it in any way invalidates any credibility I may have. And television is, currently at least a tool of propaganda and partaking in even it’s wholesome offerings is subjecting myself to it’s poison.
I certainly understand why those who cannot or will not see the writing on the wall won’t and don’t stop participating in their own destruction. But I don’t think I will ever understand why people who know better don’t do what they know they should do.
Hope your sailboat rigging company’s doing well, Steve, despite the rigged, perhaps fake epidemic and the rigged-but-decidedly-not-fake economy-cide.
Like you, I’ve never owned a smart phone. If it’s as convenient and addictive in all the ways that Hank describes — and I have noticed it is — then I can see why it’s as hard to give up as is, say, the microwave I rely on for quick cooking.
The last time James mentioned his smart phone, he was letting it die a slow death. I don’t believe he’s told us whether it has drawn its last breath and been buried.
My Kyocera flip phone is so heavy-duty (water-resistant, though not watertight) that if I ever need to escape Houston and move to the nearest offshore oil rig, my phone would be as rugged as the brawny workers on the platform. They may have Kyoceras, too, so I’d fit right in. 🙂
I recall that he said he was making an effort to use paper and books more because the fondle slab caused distractions…. maybe a year ago?
Lunduke makes odd changes like that to his schedule in order to check his habits… he did a series where he changed usage rules to pre-fondle slab days
30 Day Challenge: Use modern computers like it’s 1989
will the new video drop in time for brunch? i mean, sure,
it’s super fun celebrating the leech queen’s birthday…………
@ padraig: you must be a Pibgorn fan too.
Thanks Robert.
Comic Book “Infected” – circa 2012
“The comic book, titled ‘Infected’, was a production of the European Commission’s international cooperation and development arm.
It was not intended for widespread public consumption, but instead to be distributed inside EU institutions.
Only a few hundred of the comic books were made.”
VISUALS in article
‘…I loathe myself for this, for using this foul machine in this year, typing this out on a fucking macintosh…’
THAT is the source your your misery- get an x86 PC and put Linux on it and you will learn to love again
we are missing the point, aren’t we? hmmm? yes we are. its the missing point.
“That is, causality is the wrong order,,,”
here’s Alan Watts on cause and effect. Its the eastern mystical way. I find it a great relief.
“something fundamentally incorrect about the way in which we experience our world, specifically the flow of time.”
we fall in love with our models, some are so keen they’d kill to prove a point or at least get they’re way or be right at all cost but these are sand castles below the high tide mark,,
I think of it as a perceptual lock or limit on our species (with a few exceptions). most of us seem to experience 3d versions of our models yet captured by a linear one dimensional record, that we call time or reality, which is in flux tween past present future at vibratory rates that vary greatly for different users. there can be 2d and 3d spherical time, but I gotta get the groceries home,,
the main gig I see, is a beast thats trying to ingress, into our very minds; each move that people make either supports or denys its hunger. Its likely a very old story, but still, Ive watched it growing heaps over the past 2 decades try to avoid feeding it, thanks
**See the IMAGES in the article.
Circles drawn on grass in the park so people social distance correctly.
May 16, 2020 Saturday – article by sundance
COVID-19 Compliance Circles Begin in New York City…
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
These technocratic minions love controlling the fine details of how people behave.
Remember children, please stay within your circles. This makes me think of a teacher and students complying with what they are told. Absolute nonsense.
Escape from Nashville ‘Camp’ – Jump the fence…RUN!
QUOTES from Nashville…
A coronavirus patient was arrested Thursday after prosecutors said he jumped a fence and fled the Nashville Fairgrounds, where health officials are using enforceable quarantines in an attempt to control an outbreak at an emergency homeless shelter…
…According to an arrest affidavit, a 39-year-old man was taken to the Nashville Fairgrounds on Monday and placed under quarantine by the Metro Nashville Public Health Department because he tested positive for the coronavirus.
Health officials told the man he could not leave until he was cleared, but on Thursday he jumped a fence and headed north on Nolensville Road, the affidavit states.
He was stopped and arrested by Metro Nashville Parks police by a city cemetery nearly two miles from where he had been quarantined.
Metro Parks has charged the man with a single count of escape from a penal institution, a class A misdemeanor.
The statute that defines this crime makes no mention of it being used to enforce quarantine orders. When asked about the legal authority to make this arrest, the Metro Health Department cited a different section of law that classifies violating quarantine as a class B misdemeanor, which is a less serious offense….
Quoted from “Nashville Tennessean News” article by Natalie Neysa Alund and Brett Kelman. May 8th “COVID-19 patient arrested after leaving fairgrounds quarantine, court records show”
LINK embedded in article by sundance
Tennessee Police Arrest Citizen Who Escaped Forced COVID-19 Detention Camp…
You gotta love this protest sign…
Taken from an article about the protests in Germany.
Coincidence Theorist
Bravo James, I like this one. To expand on this idea:
Incompetence Theorist
The following is guaranteed without ‘rona
maybe she insinuates ‘rona once around 65:25
Daphne Koller: Biomedicine and Machine Learning
Marcus Hutter: Universal Artificial Intelligence, AIXI, and AGI
I love GreenMedInfo and it has been mentioned many times in the comment sections.
Welcome to the comment boards of The Corbett Report, Concetta. We all are really glad that you are here. A fun group.
A lot of Canadians are here.
James Corbett grew up in Calgary, Alberta Canada. James has a good sense of humor, so we joke with him occasionally.
See this about Calgary for a good smile…and a video below it…
Publié le 17 mai 2020
Manifestation anti-confinement à Montréal et à Québec
Well, I don’t read French and can barely get though English, but I do read pictures.
This Lady is Brilliant:
The Harsh Truth – Why So Many Refuse To See It
It took me more than ten years to admit to myself that 9/11 was an inside job. I don’t use the little labels that I’ve seen and heard in the Corbett Community (of which I am a proud member): “sheeple”, “normie”, “down the rabbit hole”, etc. I don’t think they serve any purpose other than to make some people think they are superior to others because they are the “awoken” ones. That doesn’t lead to an understanding of why the majority of people don’t just “wake up”.
However, my principle aversion to these words is that labels signal or “telegraph” a mind-control technique called “Labeling” and another one called “Us vs Them”. When you see a mind-control technique, you have to stop and take stock, even though it comes from your own group of very “awoken” people. Mind-control isn’t necessarily bad. If you direct someone’s attention to something that you think they should be aware of, you are attempting to control that person’s attention and therefore his mind, in that moment, perhaps with the best of intentions. However, when a group begins to mind-control itself into an Us vs Them position, it is the group that is controlling the thoughts of all the individuals in it. That means that boundaries are being set up with rules and special vocabulary in order to set its members apart. That has advantages, but also dangers.
I have been fascinated by the subject of mind control since I was a teenager after I watched in rapid succession two movies: “1984” and “The Body Snatchers”. I swore to myself, in all my innocence, that the only person that was going to control my mind was me. I can’t count the number of times I have failed to live up to that oath. Sometimes, I realize I am being controlled but go along with the plan (like when I take my shoes off at an airport), at other times I realize it afterward, looking back and realizing “They got me again”. We are all “normies” from the point of view of “The Controllers”. They have been studying the masses (you and me) for centuries. Anyone who pretends to control the tribe, the city, the state, an army, a vanquished population, etc. is adept at the science of mind control—otherwise they rapidly lose control and disappear from history. The Controllers of today see you and me, Corbett Report Members, as normies—predictable. We are just one part of a normal curve—somewhere near the bottom, but still part of the total population curve.
I don’t know what to do. I see the train coming and I feel like I am on the tracks, in a tunnel that does not allow room to avoid disaster. However, this feeling is just another example of Mind Control. They got me again. People all throughout the normal curve are afraid. I am not alone. People are choosing different paths of escape or just standing like deer in the headlights. If we behave outside the normal curve we become “outliers” and are immediately visible to the Controllers.
[SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words or less. Longer comments can be split into multiple posts. -JC]
PATCHED — I suggest that we study the Controllers the way they study us. I am grateful for Corbett’s articles and videos because they help me do just that. I am grateful for the many interesting ideas and links that are included in the comments of other Corbett Report Members. However, lest we fall into the “Us vs Them” trap, always remember, “Know thy enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated. When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal. If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself, you are sure to be defeated in every battle.”
Video Published May 6, 2020
Mayor Cantrell wants every New Orleans business to track customers after reopening
(2 1/2 minutes)
Video April 30, 2020
Kansas City Non-Essential Businesses Must Record Information About Their Customers – 10/10/10 Rule
(2 minutes)
What was the definition of “must” in legalese? “May”?
Mkey…Might! Looking and listening to this guy, the “N” word comes to mind. …..NAZI ger !
Fluoride Fluoride Fluoride – June 8th two week trial
NEW YORK, May 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — The judge in a June 8 federal court trial in San Francisco has cleared the way for three international experts in neurotoxicity to testify on the risks of fluoride in public water supplies, the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) reports.
In addition, the court ruled that the purported benefits of community water fluoridation cannot be part of the trial, restricting testimony to the toxic risks under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)…
…Three experts the EPA sought to exclude from the trial but who will now take part include:
Dr. Philippe Grandjean of Harvard and the University of Southern Denmark,
Dr. Howard Hu of the University of Washington,
and Dr. Bruce Lanphear of Simon Fraser University in British Columbia….
May 18, 2020
Yahoo News
(Video of Trump in article)
Trump says he started taking hydroxychloroquine ‘a couple of weeks ago’
President Trump said Monday that he has been taking the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine for the last “couple of weeks” as a preventive against the coronavirus.
“I’m taking it, hydroxychloroquine, right now, yeah,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “Couple of weeks ago, I started taking it. Because I think it’s good, I hear a lot of good stories. And if it’s not good, I’ll tell you right. I’m not going to get hurt by it.”
According to the White House, Trump is tested every day for the coronavirus and at last report had not been infected…
(then blah blah blah on how it is not proven to be effective)
…Hours after Trump announced he was taking the drug, his physician, Sean P. Conley, released a statement in which he said that he and the president had spoken about taking the drug.
“After numerous discussions he and I had regarding the evidence for and against hydroxychloroquine, we concluded the potential benefit from treatment outweighed the relative risks,” Conley said in the statement without specifying what evidence of a “potential benefit” he had relied upon to reach that conclusion.
Trump also said he is not receiving azithromycin, but is taking supplements of zinc, believed by some to boost the immune system.
“I want the people of this nation to feel good,” Trump said of his decision to use hydroxychloroquine despite having tested negative for COVID-19. He added, “I’ve taken it for about a week and a half now, and I’m still here.”
Asked what evidence there is that the drug can help prevent a person from being infected with the coronavirus, Trump responded: “Here’s my evidence: I get a lot of positive calls about it.”…
…“I was just waiting for your eyes to light up when I said this, when I announced this,” Trump said.
The president assured reporters that “a lot of frontline workers” are “taking it as a preventative.”
“All I can tell you is so far I seem to be OK.”
Trump & hydroxychloroquine & the media’s intent to sink the drug
Many stories have come out in response to Trump’s statement.
Associated Press (with video “analysis”)
May 20
“Analysis: Trump flouts the experts, even in own government”
Great reporting…censored on YouTube and then reinstated.
Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson – Hydroxychloroquine
(10 minutes)
Lozano Medical Clinic – a humble place on Garland Road in Dallas, just down the street from where “North Texans For Truth” has their weekly get togethers.
Location of Protest – Grassy Knoll in Dallas
Notice the maskless Texans
Dallas Doctor Ivette Lozano Treating Patients w/ Hydroxychloroquine & Azithromycin
(14 minutes)
Three years ago this month, when The Corbett Report was celebrating its 10th anniversary, James announced that he would be speaking (via Skype) at G. Edward Griffin’s Red Pill Expo in Montana: https://www.corbettreport.com/sneaking-up-on-the-big-one-oh
Well, according to an email I just got from another Red Pill Expo presenter, all of Griffin’s videos have been deleted by Vimeo: https://redpilluniversity.org
While checking out that sad news on the Red Pill University home page, I saw that RPU has created a pamphlet that debunks eight COVID-19 myths: https://redpilluniversity.org/covid-myths. The two-page PDF can be downloaded and printed.
“Masks are just a form of psychological manipulation.
Many reputable physicians and scientists have said they are worthless and potentially harmful.
Lockdowns are meant to condition people to obey without question.
A nation of people who just do what they are told by the “experts” without question is a nation ripe for a descent into total tyranny.
This is no empty warning – it’s backed up by history.
Time to stand up to all the petty tyrants from our hometowns to Washington DC.
It is time to reclaim our freedom.” – Ron Paul
May 18th – Monday
“Many reputable physicians and scientists have said they (masks) are worthless..”
Not one physicians or scientists who could be deemed reputable could say this, because it’s not true.
I understand people are pissed off because of decrees to wear mask outside. That’s just stupid.
But it’s not ok to fight stupidity with lie.
What a coincidence it is, for those theorists specializing in such, that our modern “hero” whistleblower left out in the cold shares a name with that Catch-22 character who was dying in an airplane, “I’m cold . . . I’m cold.” That one did not so much spill the beans as spill his guts, all in or all out for the truth of his imminent death, revealing to Yossarian that man is matter.
Snowden took a lot of flak, so he must have been over the target. Yossarian tried to ease his pain, but found only an IOU from the Minderbinder corporation. Some kind of prophet of profit, this Joseph Heller.
May 19, 2020 Tuesday – North Texas Anecdote – Covid Fears?
Did someone flip a light switch?
I was out and about today at shopping centers, a hardware store and Sprouts Farmers Market (a natural grocery store chain). Getting warm at 90 degrees F – 32 C pretty much all week.
Parking lots are starting to show many more cars. The number of people NOT wearing a mask was about 50% or more. Most store employees are mandated to wear a mask. Many employees have to wear gloves. Generally, people seemed much more relaxed, happier, with no worries about a social distance, even the ones with masks on. I could sense that some folks wore a mask only as a courtesy to others who might be COVID paranoid.
Today, I made a new friend in the Vitamin Department of Sprouts, a young lady who just got her Masters but has been in the Vitamin Dept for 2 years. She loves it. We talked for about 30 minutes. She and a co-worker are taking Quercetin / Bromelain to deter sickness, which I informed her acts as an ionophore for zinc just as Hydroxychloroquine does. An ionophore helps zinc enter the cell. Zinc inhibits a virus. I told her there is a study about Quercetin and zinc and the SARS-Cov virus.
Grackles, Cowbirds, and Starlings. Around my duplex this year, I have noticed many more of these type of birds. I don’t care for them much…they tend to rob the nests or nesting areas of native birds.
It dawned on me! duh?! The parking lots have been empty in recent weeks. Typically, these birds scavenge out dropped food containers & crickets where people congregate.
VIDEO – Common sight in city areas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Why7dg8BV3I
Back in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s a person did not see this kind of thing in Texas.
As a youngster with a BB gun, I knew about these things.
Friday, I go to my grandson’s small town High School graduation. It will be at the football stadium. Texas high schools have big football stadiums. Families can sit together. I do not think there will be any social distancing enforcers. I’m betting that there will be a lot of close contact. This town has had no COVID cases per the news.
From my son’s 25 acres, he sent an unwanted bull to the meat processor. He told me the T-bone was pretty good. They got a lot of hamburger on hand. Anyway, on Saturday it is expected that more than 60 folks, mostly relatives, will come to his place for tacos, hugs and conversation.
Masks make it harder for people to read each other’s expressions. To guage someone else’s meaning. It’s crowd control 101. If it continues, we will find out who we are, not by human interaction, but by hearing about ourselves on the tv. We will be whoever they tell us to be. Electronic marionettes.
Beta testers in techno-heaven.
Call For Investigations Into The “Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation” For Medical Malpractice & Crimes Against Humanity
In True Big Brother Style…
What critical thinking? Wayback Machine is now complicit in Big Tech censorship
“The webpage archive service Wayback Machine’s decision to additionally label already-deleted articles as ‘disinformation’ is internet history revisionism that comes at a time when critical thinking is desperately needed.
Earlier this month, Wayback Machine took heed of MIT Technology Review’s protests that they are breathing life into debunked coronavirus ‘hoaxes’, and took to retroactively labelling past web pages and content removed from their original pages with warnings decrying the information presented as false.”
Good article by Elliot Leavy.
Last paragraph…
By tarnishing some — but not all — voices with the disinformation brush, much of the media, academia, and (predominantly) big tech are putting ideological allegiances before anything else.
Now, as ever, is not the time for that. Once we know more, we can evaluate what is wrong and what is right.
However, if we continue to censor the past, attaching intent to some but not to others, we will be unable to evaluate anything at all.
May 20, 2020 – Wednesday
“Success Archive” YouTube Channel
On May 3rd, James Corbett had the article “Up Next: The Collapse of the Food Supply Chain”.
The following video is in tune with that article.
Larken Rose Leave Audience Speechless
(7 minutes)
I was just watching this. The title is misleading, they added a reverb to make the audio sound as if recorded a hall. This was pulled from Larken’s recent video.
Shutdowns: Pointless, Stupid and Evil
Who wouldn’t love Big Brother like this
May 20, 2020 Wednesday
Ron Paul Institute (via Zero Hedge)
written by Adam Dick
Test Positive for Coronavirus, End Up in a Police Database
So you are curious whether you have coronavirus? You could take a coronavirus test to find out. Well, not really find out, since the test results are not reliable. Nonetheless, you can take a test to obtain at least a Magic 8 Ball level answer of if you are or are not infected with coronavirus.
Here is some information likely unknown to many people when they are tested: The names and addresses of people who test positive are often handed over to police departments that can input or tag those names and addresses in police databases.
Kimberlee Kruesi provides the details in a Tuesday Associated Press article.
She starts off her article with the following revelation:
“More than 11 million people have been tested in the U.S. for COVID-19, all with the assurance that their private medical information would remain protected and undisclosed.
Yet, public officials in at least two-thirds of states are sharing the addresses of people who tested positive with first responders — from police officers to firefighters to EMTs. An Associated Press review found that at least 10 of those states also share the patients’ names.”
Kinda makes those coronavirus tests that many government officials and people in the media have been promoting seem less warm and fuzzy, doesn’t it?
Continue reading Kruesi’s article via the article’s link above.
“ProPublica” is an atrocious rag.
I was attracted to it in order to read an article entitled:
“Immune to Evidence”: How Dangerous Coronavirus Conspiracies Spread
But this other article caught my eye.
It is a scary read, because it seems that a lot of folks are on board with the idea of being a “Big Brother Nazi Snitch”.
The article gives insight on what may occur. “Wired” also had a recent article on the topic.
May 19th
“You Don’t Need Invasive Tech for Successful Contact Tracing. Here’s How It Works.”
“While most discussions have focused on countries’ use of surveillance technology, contact tracing is actually a fairly manual process. After interviewing contact tracing experts and taking an online course, ProPublica health reporter Caroline Chen presents her takeaways.”
Zero Hedge has some tidbits from this Propublica article and also the Quiz in the article.
May 20, 2020
Take This Quiz To See If You’re “Qualified” To Join The Growing Army Of ‘Contact Tracers’
…Curious to learn whether you got what it takes to tattle on a guy with a cough who happened to pass a recently diagnosed patient so that he can be quarantined for 2 weeks (against his will, if necessary)? Then read on.
1. The definition of close contact is, within 48 hours before the patient’s symptoms began:
A. Anyone who lives in the patient’s household or is a co-worker.
B. Anyone who has been within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes.
C. Anyone with whom the patient remembers spending more than five minutes.
2. What is the difference between isolation and quarantine?
A. They’re the same thing. The words are interchangeable.
B. Isolation means you have to stay away from everyone, and quarantine means you can still go out, but you have to monitor your symptoms.
C. Isolation is the term used for confirmed COVID-19 patients, while quarantine is the term used for exposed contacts. In both cases, you need to stay away from other people.
3. You’re on the phone with Amelia, who tested positive for COVID-19. She tells you her symptoms began on June 4. When you follow up on June 12, she says she hasn’t had a fever in four days and most of her symptoms are gone, but she still feels tired. Can her isolation end?
A. Yes, she’s free to leave home.
B. No, her isolation’s not over yet. (Bonus points if you can explain why.)
4. Andy went to a birthday party on May 7 where he was in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 on May 10. A contact tracer calls Andy on May 11. When is it safe for Andy to end quarantine, assuming he does not develop any symptoms?
A. May 21
B. May 24
C. May 25
5. What is the incubation period of the coronavirus?
A. Usually two days, but it could be as long as seven days.
B. Usually five days, but it could be as short as two days or as long as 14 days.
C. Usually 14 days
(Answers: 1. B, 2. C, 3. B, It hasn’t been 10 days since symptoms began, 4. A. Quarantine is defined at 14 days since the last day of exposure, 5. B.)
OK, I didn’t notice they moved the goal posts again. Incubation time 2 to 14 days? Sounds legit, alright. And very sciency.
Sorry for the second RT article in a row James (This will get your Russian bot social credit points up!)
Company behind UK’s Covid-19 tracing app leaks 296 emails, killing trust in both the government & the scandal-riddled contractor
“Serco, the company behind the UK’s upcoming Covid-19 tracing app, has admitted to a data breach that leaked details of nearly 300 people. But how did it get the government contract in the first place, given its track record?”
A reminder of who Serco is in case anyone has forgotten…
From Wikipedia…
USA Network had an original series called The Dead Zone.
The series premiered on June 16, 2002 and ended on September 16, 2007, with a total of 80 episodes over the course of 6 seasons.
Original air date July 13, 2003 during the 2nd Season was “The Dead Zone” episode #14 (27th cumulative) entitled:
Wikipedia QUOTE
Johnny has a vision of a plague that starts with the children at a science fair.
He and Walt must convince a skeptical health inspector and the CDC of his abilities to save everyone.
He looks into the future and sees the cure weeks before its discovery.
In May 2020 a YouTube video highlighted apparently prescient similarities to the COVID-19 pandemic. Heavy.com noted “It’s no surprise that the episode is so similar to what we’re experiencing now, since SARS and SARS-CoV-2 are in the same family.”
Article from “The Free Press Journal” – May 13th 2020
~~www freepressjournal.in/entertainment/hollywood/when-tv-series-the-dead-zone-predicted-the-spread-of-a-virus-from-china-in-2003
“When TV series ‘The Dead Zone’ predicted the spread of ‘a virus from China’ in 2003”
“The show also suggests use of anti-malaria drug Chloroquine, which was distributed by India to US and Brazil to fight the COVID-19 battle.”
Dead Zone – Plague
(3 1/2 minutes)
(Hat tip to Corbett Member Hanky for sharing this video.)
Costumed mannequins will be seated among the breathing guests at Virginia Restaurant – Social Distance Occupancy Mandates
May 21, 2020 – Thursday
Reuters (via Zero Hedge)
(One can take note of the subtle propaganda insertions within the article.)
Exclusive: A quarter of Americans are hesitant about a coronavirus vaccine – Reuters/Ipsos poll
(Reuters) – A quarter of Americans have little or no interest in taking a coronavirus vaccine, a Reuters/Ipsos poll published on Thursday found, with some voicing concern that the record pace at which vaccine candidates are being developed could compromise safety.
While health experts say a vaccine to prevent infection is needed to return life to normal, the survey points to a potential trust issue for the Trump administration already under fire for its often contradictory safety guidance during the pandemic.
Some 36% of respondents said they would be less willing to take a vaccine if U.S. President Donald Trump said it was safe, compared with only 14% who would be more interested.
Most respondents in the survey of 4,428 U.S. adults taken between May 13 and May 19 said they would be heavily influenced by guidance from the Food and Drug Administration or results of large-scale scientific studies showing that the vaccine was safe.
Less than two-thirds of respondents said they were “very” or “somewhat” interested in a vaccine, a figure some health experts expected would be higher given the heightened awareness of COVID-19 and the more than 92,000 coronavirus-related deaths in the United States alone…
…Fourteen percent of respondents said they were not at all interested in taking a vaccine, and 10% said they were not very interested. Another 11% were unsure.
Studies are underway, but experts estimate that at least 70% of Americans would need to be immune through a vaccine or prior infection to achieve what is known as “herd immunity,” when enough people are resistant to an infectious disease to prevent its spread…
…More than 40% said they believe the vaccine is riskier than the disease itself…
…He has also urged Americans to try unproven treatments for COVID-19, such as the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, which he said on Monday he has taken for weeks despite warnings about its use from the FDA and other health experts….
Del Bigtree debates famous Attorney over U.S. mandates on forced vaccines for everyone
(35 minutes)
Quite a sickening interview. This guy is running in circles as much as Del might have tried.
The article mentioned in the interview.
The Last Smallpox Epidemic in Boston and the Vaccination Controversy, 1901–1903
Regarding “Big Brother Nazi SNITCHES” (Contact Tracing).
Their whole game is dependent upon tests.
May 21, 2020
Laissez Faire
Article By Chris Campbell
Should You Get Tested for COVID-19?
What is a “confirmed case” of COVID-19?
This is not a trick question.
It’s someone who has tested positive for COVID–19.
Meaning, you can be perfectly healthy, test positive, and become a “confirmed case.”
(You are therefore classified as “asymptomatic.”)
So, in light of all of the incredibly strong policies created in response to the “confirmed cases” burning through the world…
Everything, therefore, hinges on the PCR tests –– the most widely used method today –– being accurate.
Of course, 100% accuracy is impossible in anything.
But the question is, how accurate are they?
Even tiny inaccuracies become meaningful at scale.
“If the test is 99% accurate,” researcher David Crowe has pointed out in this paper, “in a city of over 10 million, like Wuhan, there would be about 100,000 false positives (1%).”
The rub?
Testing an uninfected population will produce only false–positives and no false–negatives…
…Strangely, the potential false–positive problem with PCR tests is hardly factored into the equation…
…There is No Gold Standard
The PCR test is a DNA manufacturing technique which uses “cycles” to magnify specific genetic material.
The COVID–19 tests are looking for small RNA segments (genes) of the COVID–19 genome. (Of the total genome, they might be looking for about 1%.)
The FDA has approved 33 different PCR tests from separate manufacturers.
Problem #1: There’s no single standard on what to detect…
…Problem #2: There’s no single standard for cutoff…
(Many details in article)
… The Biggest Problem
We are using these tests as the basis of every decision –– local and national.
And there’s little consistency….