Pop quiz: What’s the most powerful weapon ever invented?
The MOAB? you ask, quizzically. No, I respond authoritatively.
The H-bomb? Of course not. The A-bomb, then. Wrong again. The neutron bomb? No.
I’ll give you a hint: it’s not a bomb at all.
Ahhh, the Rods from God! No.
The mysterious new Chinese microwave weapons? Directed energy weapons generally? Whatever world-destroying technology that DARPA is playing with in Area 51?
The DoD and their MIC brethren in China, Russia and elsewhere are doubtless in possession of weaponry that would boggle our minds if it were revealed to the public, but without even knowing what those weapons are I can unequivocally tell you that none of them qualify as the most powerful weapon ever invented.
OK, last guess: F—I. W.
What a fantastic guess. You get bonus points for a very apt FLNWO callback if nothing else. And, as it turns out, you’re almost right. Or, at least, you’re on the right track.
Certainly the most powerful weapon ever invented is not traditionally viewed as a weapon at all. In fact, it is almost completely overlooked by everyone—even by the savvy sort who have found their way to The Corbett Report. Nevertheless, without it, we don’t stand a chance of stopping the Great Reset, ending the COVID scam, halting the erection of the biosecurity state or dethroning the powers that shouldn’t be.
Do you give up? Alright, I’ll tell you. The most powerful weapon ever invented is . . .
What. You didn’t think I’d reveal the answer above the fold, did you? No, you’ll have to read the full report for that. But don’t worry, this report (like everything else I have ever done) is available completely for free as a public service of The Corbett Report. See the link below for the free version of this editorial or, if you have a heart, please consider becoming a subscriber for access to The Corbett Report Subscriber newsletter. Your support makes this work possible.
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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 10 issue 37 (November 22, 2020)
by James Corbett Pop quiz: What’s the most powerful weapon ever invented? The MOAB? you ask, quizzically. No, I respond authoritatively. The H-bomb? Of course not. The A-bomb, then. Wrong again. The neutron bomb? No. I’ll give you a hint: it’s not a bomb at all. Ahhh, the Rods from God! No. The mysterious new Chinese microwave weapons? Directed energy weapons generally? Whatever world-destroying technology that DARPA is playing with in Area 51? The DoD and their MIC brethren in China, Russia and elsewhere are doubtless in possession of weaponry that would boggle our minds if it were revealed to the public, but without even knowing what those weapons are I can unequivocally tell you that none of them qualify as the most powerful weapon ever invented. OK, last guess: F—I. W. What a fantastic guess. You get bonus points for a very apt FLNWO callback if nothing else. And, as it turns out, you’re almost right. Or, at least, you’re on the right track. Certainly the most powerful weapon ever invented is not traditionally viewed as a weapon at all. In fact, it is almost completely overlooked by everyone—even by the savvy sort who have found their way to The Corbett Report. Nevertheless, without it, we don’t stand a chance of stopping the Great Reset, ending the COVID scam, halting the erection of the biosecurity state or dethroning the powers that shouldn’t be. Do you give up? Alright, I’ll tell you. The most powerful weapon ever invented is . . . Wait. Hold on. Rather than answering right away, let me tell you a story instead. By the 1770s, tensions between the American colonies and Mother England were at an all-time high. The Stamp Act. The Townshend Duties. The Boston Massacre. The Tea Act. The Tea Party. Protests were sweeping the colonies and no one could deny that American anger at King George III and the English parliament was reaching a boiling point. But still, even as the shots heard round the world rang out in Lexington and Concord to mark the beginning of what we now call the Revolutionary War, few understood that the American colonies were engaged in a war for independence at all. Even the Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms sought “to relieve the Empire from the calamities of civil war,” not to achieve independence from England. Although the ranks of those agitating for independence were growing, it was still a fringe idea; the average colonist in 1775 believed themselves to be loyal subjects of the British crown seeking to secure the rights afforded them as Englishmen. So what happened? Common sense happened, that’s what. Or, more accurately, Common Sense happened. Thomas Paine’s political pamphlet, Common Sense, was published on January 9, 1776, quickly becoming one of the most important political tracts in history. Some even hold it, not the Declaration of Independence, to be the real founding document of the United States. (There are even those who claim that Paine himself was the author of the Declaration of Independence, but that’s another story.) It’s difficult to overestimate the impact that Common Sense had in shaping the course of American history. It sold 120,000 copies in the first three months alone, equivalent to 5% of the colonies’ total population of 2.5 million. By the end of the year, it had sold 500,000 copies, or one pamphlet for every five men, women and children in the colonies. To put that in perspective, a book today would have to sell 66 million copies in America to achieve the same status, and with those sales figures it would be the thirteenth bestselling book of all time. But it’s important to note that Paine did not achieve this monumental success by dishing out dumbed-down, mealy-mouthed, wishy-washy platitudes or by regurgitating the type of “common sense” that would have been held by most of his readers. No, he did it by completely and utterly changing the narrative about the colonies’ struggle against the crown. In Paine’s view, the colonists were not aggrieved Englishman seeking redress from their king, as many at the time believed; they were a nation of free peoples engaged in a war of independence from a foreign ruler. Paine did not couch his argument in fluffy rhetoric or condescending patter. On the contrary, he confronted his readers head-on with his radical view.
Incredibly, by the mere force of his words, Paine succeeded. If he had picked up a gun and taken some shots at some British soldiers, he may have taken one or two out before he was subdued. But by picking up his pen, he did something incalculably more effective: he roused an entire nation into open rebellion against the largest and most fearsome military and economic power on the planet. Obviously, we do not live in the world of 1776. But it is worth reflecting on the story of Common Sense, because embedded within it is the answer to the question: What is the most powerful weapon ever invented? Have you figured it out yet? Story is the most powerful weapon. Narrative. Ideas presented in such a way as to provoke certain thoughts or actions. With a gun you can kill a man. With a bomb you can kill a family. With a nuke you can level a city. But with a story you can control the world. This is how billions of people around the world have been locked up as prisoners in their own homes this past year. Not because there is an inexhaustible supply of police thugs standing on every street corner ready to shoot anyone who steps outside of their home, but because a narrative has been constructed such that the vast majority want to stay home. Give a society the right narrative and they will gladly lock themselves inside their own prison and hand over the key. This is why billions around the globe are prepared to roll up their sleeves for an experimental, unproven “vaccine” for a disease with a 99% survival rate. The masses have been given a narrative whereby this “vaccine” is going to deliver them from a deadly plague. It doesn’t matter what counter-evidence is presented to them; the ones who take the vaccine are the righteous heroes of this story, and those who question the vaccines are the villains. This is also why—as I’m at pains to point out over and over again in my #PropagandaWatch series—the powers that shouldn’t be spend so much time, money and effort propagandizing the public. If the world could be ruled over simply by posting armed guards on every street corner and listening devices in every home, you better believe that those who seek to rule over you would do that instead. But how could they get the armed guards to police their fellow citizens? How could they get the snoops to listen in on their neighbors? Where would the enforcers come from? The population needs to be told a compelling story about why the rulers are ruling and why it is wrong to resist their rule. If such a story is secure in their minds, they will happily police themselves. There is a flip side to this seemingly depressing insight, however. Yes, people can be tricked into enslaving themselves through propaganda and narrative manipulation. To a large extent, that explains the situation we find ourselves in today. But the inverse is also true. We can be freed by a narrative that helps us to break out of our mental prison. One storyteller with a compelling tale to tell can re-frame our collective reality in an instant, and the world will change all at once. Sadly, it seems that the powers that shouldn’t be are much more aware of this than we are. This is why the Dutch army is targeting dissenting voices in the Netherlands. This is why the Canadian military declared that they were going to target the Canadian public in the information war (but don’t worry, they totally scrapped that plan). This is why the British army has an entire cyber brigade dedicated to influencing public behavior online, as does the US military, the Israelis, the Chinese and Russians and every other major government in the world. It is because the great resetters and the new world order agenda-setters recognize the power of story and they fear the rise of a powerful storyteller. They’re afraid of dissenters coming along and disrupting their carefully constructed narrative. In the days of yore they would label those subverting their narrative control “heretics” and burn them at the stake. Today they label them as agents of disinformation and seek to censor them out of existence. But the fear that motivates these responses is the same. Once again, the world is in crisis. And, just as in 1776, there are precious few of us who understand the true nature of the struggle that we are engaged in. What we need is a story—a way to explain this struggle to the duped masses who have bought into the false narratives. Unlike 1776, however, it will not be a political pamphlet igniting that spark of understanding among the masses. But someone will appear with a story to tell. A university lecturer or an online blogger or a street activist or a crazed person who emerges from the wilderness in beard and sandals to remind us that we are free human beings and that we have all the power, not the small cadre of deranged psychopaths who seek to rule over us. Whoever it is that brings this message to the world and whatever form that message takes, it will appear as a revelation, as an answer that’s been sitting there under our nose all along. And when that message arrives, it won’t require persuasion or cajoling to convince the public to act. The story itself will compel the public into action. I know these words will fall mostly on deaf ears. One of the narratives that the narrative controllers have implanted in us is that words are meaningless and only the armed heroics of some steroid-laden, gun-toting Rambo can save us from the bad guys. But those who have really studied history know better. They understand that ideas and stories are the only things that have ever changed the world. Where’s Thomas Paine when you need him? |
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Great article.
We are dealing with something now that the colonists never had to. The greatest brainwashing tool ever invented:
The Television.
I would say that our government has been making sure that the population of our country is addicted to the television since it’s first introduction into our society. So, here we are. Is it possible that most American citizens watch at least 40 hours of television a week? how about 80 hours? how about 120 hours? and then, on top of that, they might watch a few movies. I refer to television watching habits PRIOR TO the Covid-1984 con game. Thus, it has to be much worse now. There is not one commericial, not one show (be it a news broadcast, comedy, talk, science fiction, reality, etc.), not one sporting event, in fact EVERY BROADCAST PERIOD, that is not laced with propaganda of some kind, but now that propaganda is Covid-19 related, and it is in overdrive.
Unfortunately, most people can’t break the spell, the enchantment, the sorcery, that is the result of watching TELEVISION ALL THE TIME, because they don’t know they are being brainwashed.
At this point in the game, can you imagine watching a tennis match where sportsmanship and good play are highlighted, where poor sportsmanship and cheating are called out for what they are? How could a sport be changed to focus on the physically gifted only? Sport is not all about that. THE game of tennis seemed to have evolved to a point where the equipment matched the ability of the player. My grandma, who is dead, would be able to return a great shot just by contacting the ball with the current equipment. Topspin used to be a challenge, now it’s a missile-guided weapon, making it all but impossible to play against if you are not tall. Now a ball may land short of the service line and still be forcing you way back to be able to take the ball at an aggressive height.
This is a sport that has been allowed to become modernized to sell overpriced equipment to people who didn’t need it. And it would have been impossible without the unquestioning support of the narrators on tv. Same with grunting, cheating, all of the degradation (deliberate, as it turns out) done to form the modern watching experience.
Now, you can’t watch a telecast without “global warming” and “Black Lives Matter” and of course, now cover to cover covid. How does that get mainstreamed?
Yesterday, I had on TCM in the background, and heard the intro for “Gunga Din” and it was of no importance, a movie I did not like or watch, but it was stated that the film fared poorly because it was released in 1939, a banner year for Hollywood, and he listed all of the great films of that year, EXCEPT the Academy Award Winner: “Gone With the Wind”.
This is exactly how it’s done. Across all spectrum, across all things, the degradation has been ongoing, the acceptance of censorship, the allowance that we can shut you up because we are good and you are a racist, homophobic, environment destroying, thoughtless conspiracy theorist who hates Jews and anyone with money.
The trick is they make you feel like if you are with them, then you side with wealth you do not have, but by extension, you are part of it in hopes that one day if you play by their rules you will have what they have, whatever it is that makes the televised lives so good, and seem so mainstream.
No, we don’t want Biden, and we never did.
We don’t want Trump, but seems he at least talks about some good ideas, and that at least keeps them in the consciousness, even if his actions bely any words you may latch onto.
The realization is now an election is being stolen in front of us, and there is collusion on both sides to prop up something that never was.
Tennis did not need oversize over-tech racquets, and voting does not need anything electronic.
[SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words or less. Longer comments can be split into multiple posts. -JC]
And, just as in 1776, there are precious few of us who understand the true nature of the struggle that we are engaged in.
I believe one fact is that we are not a “precious few” but rather a silenced majority. One of the effects, surely, of Thomas Paine’s time was that wealth and power resided mostly with the crown and its wealthy state-side proponents. I’m sure in that, there has always been the realization of the power of story, but also, most importantly, controlling the story.
Therefore, it may seem surprising that Thomas Paine reached so many:
“t’s difficult to overestimate the impact that Common Sense had in shaping the course of American history. It sold 120,000 copies in the first three months alone, equivalent to 5% of the colonies’ total population of 2.5 million. By the end of the year, it had sold 500,000 copies, or one pamphlet for every five men, women and children in the colonies. To put that in perspective, a book today would have to sell 66 million copies in America to achieve the same status, and with those sales figures it would be the thirteenth bestselling book of all time.”
I believe we are at the crux which is that a story is essential, and it is silenced, and it is building. I interact with people forced to wear a mask and the most “supportable” reason given is that they don’t wish to be ostracized or made fun of or restricted from movement.
I believe there is another level to investigate, and it will require the unmasking of the true actors, without concern for condemnation for the exposure. It will come, they control the dissemination of stories, and dictate morality. Taking advantage of the most encaged, the poor, those who escape the effects of poverty, loneliness through tv.
It is hard for most to live as life is. I watch TV and there are ads where a hard working woman is worried about paying for prescriptions for her son, which is a universal truth, apparent by its inclusion as motivation to buy a product to relieve the stress of poverty in the face of medical needs.
Indeed, every human has the same inalienable rights. The US is lucky to have a document enshrining that, and all we need is to wake up to the “inalienable” part of that and live it.
These rights are, indeed, inalienable. The tragedy of humanity is the fear and survival instinct that simultaneously prevents short term tragedy, in order to confirm long term destruction.
The people who are behind all of the actions that are untenable for humanity have gotten themselves in the position of power, of wealth, and of needing to destroy the world to protect all of that. This is what eugenics is really about. Nothing else.
We are the planets humanity. The greatest thing, good or bad, to ever befall or happen, to this wonderous place.
[SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words or less. Longer comments can be split into multiple posts. -JC]
I would rather get my daily news from people I trust. So I come here. Because I know there is unity in the search for and acknowledgment of truth.
The “message” is already out there but it is drowned by the orchestrated cacophony of the mass media. To be effective a message needs to reach open ears and open minds but nowadays there is shortage of both. Additionally, a message must speak to the needs and wants of the listeners otherwise it will be just another story and nothing more.
How do you make see the chains they are carrying to people who want to be blind? How do you show the value of independence to people who are addicted to government handouts? How do you convince people that being a free human requires effort and work when they are used to the lazy ways of indoctrination?
Maybe James is right and someday the “message” will reach the people and some novel Thomas Paine will emerge, but it will be only when the circumstances will allow. I am afraid that to get there things will need to be much worse. People will need hit rock bottom before they accept a new way. And maybe, just maybe, at that point they will find the strength to discover the message of freedom and self-reliance within themselves. That would be finding real freedom, being free from any outsider carrying a message. The question is: how many people will be left by then?
What makes you think that those surveys are telling the truth and are not just another piece of the narrative?
I have hard time believing that, after months of lies about everything COVID, now we hear the truth about people not accepting the shot. One possible explanation is to give out low acceptance number now so that, after Dark Winter strikes and death (real or made-up) increase, they will be able to show higher acceptance numbers. An upward trend in acceptance will convince even more people to take the vaccine.
On a side note, I actually have some issue with the story that COVID is used to mark people. The reason is that the zombies are the ones who are already well under control of the powers and willingly subject themselves to any for of control their masters come up with. So what is the point?
I came up with an alternative explanation that requires a very big and thick tin foil hat: the shot is to protect the sheep not from COVID but from the next thing to be released. That’s how it became available so quickly: it has been planned for years. So the plan boils down to: scare the sheep with a propagandized flu; immunize the sheep; release a real deadly virus to eliminate the free thinkers; play hero to save the herd; move on with the 4th industrial revolution.
I’ll take my chances with not taking the shot, thank you very much. Your theory is like the notion that deaths from covid-19 have been so small thanks to the lockdown measures implemented. Hope you enjoy your injection.
The Canadian Brainwashing Corporation would never lie. They meant that 68% of Canadians will always obey their government.
Corbett article EXCERPT:
“… What we need is a story;
a way to explain this struggle to the duped masses who have bought into the false narratives….”
It is up to each of us to help spread the story.
suzt says:
Question: what story are we going to spread?
SuzieQ, I think that is a good Question For Corbett.
In my opinion, I believe it can depend upon the target audience.
Not everyone tunes into the same type of story, but some stories resonate well to a broad spectrum of the public.
I thought that Corbett’s “False Flags and the Dawn of Bioterrorism” hit an important button for the targeted audience which “trusts the authorities”.
HomeRemedySupply says:
…but some stories resonate well to a broad spectrum of the public.
I think that Old Yeller is a story which resonates well to a broad spectrum of the public.
Coincidentally, prior to reading this Corbett article on Sunday the 22nd, one of my younger brothers called me while driving home from church up in Nebraska. He is about 17 months younger than me, so we grew up with mutual adventures.
We got to talking about the time in Odessa, TX during the late 1950’s when Mom and Dad took us to the Drive-in theater to watch “Old Yeller”. Ages maybe 6 and 5, or 5 and 4, dressed in our Cowboy-print pajamas, we had plenty of room with the large back seat.
Dad parked with the front wheels on the mound, while Mom turned to us asked, “Can you boys see okay?”
The sound of the bulky metal speaker being placed on the window lip is something you don’t forget. Mom had made popcorn at home to save money. She passed us back the brown, grocery paper sack for my brother and I to share.
I teared up bad when “Old Yeller” died. I was glad it was dark. I didn’t want anyone to see. After a bit, my Mother says, “Are you boys okay?” I nod my head, scared my voice would choke up. On the way home, us boys were kind of quiet.
At home, as we were climbing into our beds, my brother and I were discussing the movie in the way that little kids do: “..Argh…But I wish that Old Yeller hadn’t died….”
To this day, even old men choke up when talking about “Old Yeller”.
Mason County, Texas. If you have every been there, you really get the backdrop of the story. Sunday, I started reading the book online (pdf). I think the script visuals are better than the movie.
Tom Paine inspired people, but he was promising freedom SO NORMAL PEOPLE could prosper.
Freedom creates wealth and tyranny creates poverty. THAT is an idea normal people should understand, but cant thanks to central bank trickery and bailouts.
The best (and truest) story is
a)If you follow the beast system you will burn in the lake of fire.
The one most people will listen to is
b) If you let them do this they will kill you and your family, (BUT only after making you horribly poor… the poverty part scares people even more because humans are retarded)
Absolutely correct James. As to the when this ‘story’ will appear, perhaps we can look to the rockefeller lock step document, after all, they were so kind as to have given us a blueprint for today’s hideous world;
“By 2025, people seemed to be growing weary of
so much top-down control and letting leaders
and authorities make choices for them.
Wherever national interests clashed with
individual interests, there was conflict. Sporadic
pushback became increasingly organized and
coordinated, as disaffected youth and people
who had seen their status and opportunities slip
away — largely in developing countries — incited
civil unrest. In 2026, protestors in Nigeria
brought down the government, fed up with the
entrenched cronyism and corruption. Even those
who liked the greater stability and predictability
of this world began to grow uncomfortable and
constrained by so many tight rules and by the
strictness of national boundaries. The feeling
lingered that sooner or later, something would
inevitably upset the neat order that the world’s
governments had worked so hard to establish”
Notably, this was the end of the narrative.
Linked first link- I recall reading about the Gay Bomb years ago…Harry Turtledove used it as a plot device in one of his ‘World War’ books.
When I originally read abouthe idea it made me wonder
A)What type of person wishes they had a drug to turn other men gay
B)Why they forgot the Spartans were a bunch of perv’s who had to dress their wife up as a little boy n the wedding night.
C)If the REAL plan was to make sure your own men never surrendered for fear of what might happen to them.
The majority of the big ticket items on that list look like a good way to milk the tax payer for grant money
Then let’s hope that, despite the advent of drones and such, Victor Hugo’s words still apply: “No army can withstand the strength of an idea whose time has come.”
Fantastic, James! Are you the one??
BTW, Klaus Schwab was being interviewed today on the Euronews segment, Global Discussion. Promoting his “great reset” and of course his book.
I have a story on this anniversary of the JFK assassination. THE MAGIC BULLET. It enters his back 5.5 to 6.5 inches below the top of his shirt collar between his shoulder blades in a downward trajectory. It then turns upward into his neck and then turns 90 degrees and exits his throat. It then turns right and enters a persons back under his right armpit and exits below his right nipple shattering some ribs and tearing his right lung and leaving bullet fragments. It then makes a right turn followed by a left turn and enters his right wrist form the outside exiting the inside and severing his tendon to his thumb and shattering his wrist leaving bullet fragments. It then enters his left thigh leaving two large bullet fragments.
All the pieces of the bullet magically come together and fly through the ether to Parkland Hospital and lands under a blanket on a stretcher that brought in a child that was having an asthma attack. The bullet was in pristine condition with no missing material.
People can be sold any story and the majority will believe the powers that should not be. Thanks James for keeping this small candle of truth alive.
I agree that it was a coup but it had nothing to do with secret societies or the money supply. It had to do with the conflict between David Ben-Gurion the Israeli Prime Minister and Kennedy over their nuclear weapons program. Kennedy stated to Ben-Gurion that Israel will never have a nuclear weapon. His assassination was a Mossad operation with help from Meyer Lansky and James J. Angleton the CIA’s director of counterintelligence and the CIA’s liaison desk for Israel’s Mossad.
There was only one Kennedy researcher that ever exposed this tie to Israel. The lie to this date has been that it was an American government operation against Kennedy and had no foreign involvement. His death got Israel the atomic bomb and in the fiscal year after his death weapon sales to Israel were more than all the weapons sold to them from their founding to 1965.
The book is Final Judgement by Michael Collins Piper.
While its totally possible, even likely, that the Mossad was behind the plot there is no way they could have moved the pieces that were moved to allow Kennedy to be killed without A LOT of US power players doing the lifting.
It must have been very much a domestic operation even if the Israelis helped or were even a driving force.
I agree. But the Israeli’s were the driving force because they had the most to gain. An atomic bomb.
Too true my brother! Fantastic insight!!!
So instead of taking out a gun and shooting a couple of British, he took out his pen and encouraged (perhaps indirectly) thousands of other people to take out their guns and shoot thousands of British.
Great idea. As long as there are guns in the story somewhere!
Because at this stage of the game passive resistance alone will not fix the problem baring …
• The second coming of Jesus (or your deity of choice)
• Alien intervention (As in little green men, not Mexicans)
• Cataclysmic disaster
I think I’ll pick cataclysmic disaster as I’d really want proof that the first two where who they say they are.
They have prep’d the ground for the FAKE version of every one of those things- my suspicion is that they will get us riled up then spring one of these so we are happy to be saved…
a) Fake 2nd coming (New Age Anti-Christ- see Constance Cumby)
b)FAKE Alien invasion (To unite us all under one flag) see https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-301-how-to-fake-an-alien-invasion/
c)Their already setting us up to fear THAT one… one EMP or a real Plandemic
Sounds like a good one…hard to think what a sheeple would say to that without trying it.
One I have though of was…
“I’ve read thousands of books, but it hasn’t made you smart,
Why would me wearing just one mask, make you safe?”
Perhaps but I also think there has been a lot of influence of propaganda on the masses and university brainwashing that have mentally infected people in the US too.
If people do fight we need leadership with a good plan who are trained.
I wouldn’t post plans here. I think you mentioned the Shelling point being the gun confiscations here. I think you are right, that at that point, it might be too late.
There was a poster here before who was a military veteran who spoke of needing to prepare for that time at which we must fight and said that knowledge of how to be successful was hidden.
I think there are people who post here who are prepared and ready but wouldn’t post this openly since it might be monitored.
With people skilled in military tactics, it might be possible to succeed.
I hope those skilled people who will fight against the great reset are preparing.
I think there are many people who are wearing a mask because they are afraid of non-compliance. They think if they just go along, things will go back to “normal”. They don’t see, like the German people during the rise of Hitler.
I once didn’t understand what was going on, before listening to JC’s material. It took me about a year to break free from the propaganda I had learned. It was like a psychosis that I had. I think we are out of time because the cage is closing in upon us quickly.
What if some of this is just to make people afraid though? People capitulate when they are afraid.
I think that some things are out of our control and we have to try anyway.
I don’t think there is any way to predict the future with complete accuracy. I think the material here has definitely woken some people up.
I think trying to wake people up who think less government is a good thing is who I would like to focus on. People on the left seem to want the nanny state and valid arguments against this fall on deaf ears. This has just been my personal experience though. I may be wrong.
I have noticed more discussion of the great reset on conservative boards. I think there may be more room to change minds there and get people to focus more on the actual people who are planning these things.
We are on no.10, though I read it translated as “Death Ground”
You might be right here. Some people are ready to fight. I think we do need some leadership. I could serve as a medic but have no formal training in battle.
Citizens could organize a national strike first. Is there any constitutional basis for militias to act at this juncture?
I may be wrong, but if free citizens could gain control of the military apparatus, the US could serve as a liberating force.
I do think stories are very effective. I also think at this point in time that violent rebellion may also be a tactic that might help.
I still think that we have a chance. I think you’re right about corruption. People think if they just go along they will be spared. But why survive if you can’t be free?
Who wants to live as a slave with every transaction monitored? Even though this situation appears to be dire, the fact that they need the propaganda and the media, to me shows that they have weaknesses. We can exploit these.
I’m hoping that our militias that have many former members of the military can see what’s happening and can help when the time comes to fight.
I do think that there will be mandatory buybacks of guns here with the rollout of the great reset. If people voluntarily give up their weapons we are toast. This happened in Australia and the UK. They are sitting ducks now and have more draconian lockdowns.
We must not let that happen in the US.
“handing out flyers in front of the grocery store”
I take my hat off to you!
Thank you.
James w
You ever watch V for vendetta and compare it to the book? The comic shows a far grittier world… I can assure you that if England was like in that movie- full of such spacious and clean Old Folks homes, the streets were clean and safe (unless you broke curfew and the cops rape you to death) and everyone had jobs almost zero people would have supported V.
The Eastern bloc did not fall because people wanted freedom, it fell because they created intolerable living conditions compared to the West
The Counter Rebuttal = “I don’t care…”
While shame can be a useful thing in culture its been removed in ours from things that are harmful and weaponized against us. We make a mistake thinking that these people are arguing in good faith or that they are rational.
“..But this is stronger than a religious belief ..”
Not exactly IMO, I think its just that real religions have internal logic built up over centuries. The reason the rulers spend so much infiltrating and destroying traditional forms of Christianity in the west is that you cant just reprogram the rules every week like you can with the Covid and Global warming.
They want to be able to provide on the fly ‘updates’ to peoples worldview.
Glad you have some normal people around you there 🙂
suzt says:
” I discovered this was a belief system, like any religion, so you can’t use logic or facts against beliefs.
But this is stronger than a religious belief and I think James nailed it…
…the Corp propaganda narrative is really powerful and effective. “
“…that I’M the one locked in a belief system…”
You ARE, everyone is. The trick is to be able to slip out of it and try other worldviews for a bit but you MUST have a personal idea of how the world works or you drop into helpless apathy nihilism and death.
Thats why post-modernism and the New Atheists are giving way to the more overtly religious New Age Woke Weirdness.
After deconstructing everything people Must return to savage tribalism
“…they don’t want any discussion….”
Thats because most humans NEED to belong to a group… if you got thrown out in cave man days you were dead. If they think too much it causes them actual pain trying to square things they objectively know are impossible nut in their hearts they REALLY feel like they will DIE if they know the truth.
Think Culture of Narcissism by Lasch
Ben Franklin was also an Illuminist… but take the good and drop the bad from everyone if you can. The founding fathers sure did that with Paine
I know a mason, and indisputably a visitor to HellFire club meetings.
The Mason I knew was kinda an unpleasant person (the kicked him out for reasons unknown) who was always talking about the secrets that he knew… I saw his apron and LOL’d like a donkey. He let me read his little books on the ceremony which was kinda cool and mysterious at the time.
I’d bet that 90% of Masons are just in it for the social benefits…I get the feeling that the real power is in the other 10%.
Mask-less ANECDOTE
Every weekend for weeks, I had been passing out flyers. I am somewhere over 2,000 flyers out.
But I temporarily decided to “give it a rest” just prior to the election and following the election, because I kept running into folks who were proudly and antagonistically virtuous about wearing a mask.
Even though masks have been mandated in Texas for months, I have been going about town like a REAL normal person, without a mask. No problem. That changed as November 3rd got closer. I have had my share of run-ins.
Last Friday at the Kroger grocery store was the latest MASK incident. I was loading my small cart in the aisle, when 15 feet away, a stalky white boy of about 25 years, muffles at me through his mask. I stood up from the lower shelf and said “What?”.
I could tell by his eyes…this is the kind of kid who wants to be a cop so he could enforce rules. I had never seen him before – (grocery stores have a high labor turnover).
He says, “Sir, Did you forget your mask?”
In a normal tone, but with firm intent delivery, I respond, “No. I have T-Cell immunity. I’m exempt from wearing a mask.”
He had a brief pause, and at first I thought the computer upstairs was about to lockup.
Then he says, “Sir, everyone in the store has to wear a mask. We have signs.”
I start to go back to my shopping as I replied, “Go ask the Manager. He will tell you that I’m exempt from wearing a mask.” Then I roll my cart past him as moves away and continue my shopping towards another aisle.
For those that don’t know: Often, the managers of very large grocery stores are too busy with reports and inventory in the office. They don’t want to mess with drama…they get enough on their plate. I don’t even know if I have ever seen the store manager at this location.
Finally, I wrap up my shopping and get in line at the self checkout, where all eight spots had shoppers checking out. By the way, as usual, I am the only person in the store without a mask.
About 30 feet away, the stalky kid was holding his phone and taking pictures or video of me. I raise my hand and wave, smiling.
My turn comes for a checkout spot. The cashier monitor of the self checkout has both a mask and a shield on. I wrap it up and then head to the hardware store. Maskless there also, but without incident.
Good for you!! The t cell immunity part is really great because it’s accurate and maybe it will stick in someone’s brain and they will look it up later.
Thanks for standing up and doing the right thing! It’s an excellent example. I appreciate it.
This is inspiring. I don’t wear a mask, either. My reply to the next person who complains will be, “Masks don’t work. We are all going to die.”
The ability to say – NO : is the strongest weapon, after my opinion.
So the answer is : NO
I truly wonder, what stories would be told were “we” to avoid all (!!!) military words, all RE, DE and DIS words that name (invoke?) what we do not want.
No more “interrogating” “intersecting” “resisting” “decolonizing” “disrupting”… the list is endless, lighting my mind on fire and freezes my heart. All the while what “we” may want is a cool mind and a heart on fire… And who are “we”? and how did “we” allow to get alienated from our “we” and become a commodified identity brand?
I also wonder why when we (!) are literally drowning, up to our collective necks in garbage, we are obsessing over ‘climate’ — what was gained and what was lost by having shifted the discourse away from pollution, emissions, toxic spills, the war machine, big Pharma/Argo, the polluters, pillagers, extractors… to ‘climate’?!
Who profits?
And who profits from having an ‘immigration crisis’ instead of a ’war on the people and. pandemic crises’?
And while I chew on these, here is a quote I want to share:
“All life, regardless (!) of its form, classification or reputation, will respond to genuine interest, respect, appreciation, admiration, affection, gentleness, courtesy and good manners.” [A Kinship With All Life” J. Allen Boone, 1954]
This is my present mantra not so much tearing apart but a way to be in the world and following a primary principle:
No Exception!
It’s what “we” choose to cultivate every moment. Imagine adopting an attitude of kinship with all life w/o allowing exception to any one species or thing — imagine walking out with this inclination, imagine the many adopting these inclinations. Imagine turning around cultivating “.genuine interest, respect, appreciation, admiration, affection, gentleness, courtesy and good manners…” Wouldn’t that right there creat a different world?
“..Imagine adopting an attitude of kinship with all life w/o allowing exception to any one species or thing …”
🙂 Music…
Arrogant Worms – Carrot Juice is Murder
The NY business owners story gets better!
NY business owner tears up $15K government fine on live TV
Fox News – November 25, 2020
Tear it up!
With a big ol’ grin on his face and everyone cheering in the background. I love it.
via London on the Zachary Denman Channel
(4 minutes – Published Nov 11, 2020 )
The Great Reset | Dystopian Sci-Fi Short Film
The Great Reset had to happen so the cashless society could be brought in and the one world government could be introduced… With society now in a Police state and a Mandatory Vaccine now in place. Kain is finding refuge in the empty streets of London in search of a way out…
The Great Reset is the fifth part in the Sci-Fi Dystopian Short Film series, you can watch the other parts here: (show notes)
November 26, 2020
YouTube Attempts To Silence The Mises Institute
(Links to the Alternative Video platforms in article.
(The video took place near where Ron Paul lives, southwest of Houston.)
By Jeff Diest of the Mises Institute
YouTube, the dominant video platform owned by Google, decided yesterday to remove a Mises Institute video. This decision apparently lasts for all eternity, cannot be appealed to an actual human, and comes with this friendly admonition: “Because it’s the first time, this is just a warning. If it happens again, your channel will get a strike and you won’t be able to do things like upload, post, or live stream for 1 week.”
The video, a talk by Tom Woods titled “The Covid Cult” with more than 1.5 million views, was recorded at our live event in Texas two weeks ago. It offered challenges to the official narrative surrounding the coronavirus, particularly with respect to mask mandates. Woods’s talk featured several charts showing rises in Covid “cases” across multiple cities and countries not long after imposing mask rules, demonstrating how such rules apparently have little effect on slowing transmission of the virus….
Here is the Bitchute link to the November 7th talk.
The Covid Cult | Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
(20 minutes)
Johns Hopkins STUDY (which vanished) – COVID deaths “no big deal”
EXCERPT – One money shot…
…After retrieving data on the CDC website, Briand compiled a graph representing percentages of total deaths per age category from early February to early September, which includes the period from before COVID-19 was detected in the U.S. to after infection rates soared.
Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19.
Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups.
However, this increase is not seen from the CDC data.
In fact, the percentages of deaths among all age groups remain relatively the same.
“The reason we have a higher number of reported COVID-19 deaths among older individuals than younger individuals is simply because every day in the U.S. older individuals die in higher numbers than younger individuals,” Briand said….
(Much more in article)
Eric Clapton collaborating with Van Morrison on anti-lockdown song
Published Thanksgiving (Thursday – November 26th)
***** A Five Star Story
The Highwire with Del Bigtree
(1 hour and 40 minutes)(Video will rotate to queue as time passes.)
Del presents the facts about Vaccine Safety and Policy in America- giving you the facts you need to make the right choice for you or your child. This is the Vaccine Safety Project.
My note: Del Bigtree gives a excellent, visual presentation which walks an individual through the story of Vaccine Safety.
This episode is a MUST for any person who is not familiar with vaccine safety standards. It is great for new people.
There is a sudden rapid crescendo at around the 1:20 hour mark. At this point, one connects a tie-in to last week’s Highwire: Interview 1600 – James Corbett Explains The Great Reset on The Highwire
BITCHUTE – The Highwire with Del Bigtree
In the above video, Del Bigtree talks about the meeting with folks like Dr. Fauci.
The following video is related and interesting…
Trump and Dr. Fauci Met With Robert Kennedy Jr. About Vaccines
(12 minutes)
From the same interview with RFK, Jr.
The Problem With the COVID Vaccine | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Explains to Theo Von
(10 minutes)
John Hopkins University WEBINAR – YouTube Video
“Covid-19 Deaths: A Look at U.S. Data”
(67 minutes)(uploaded Nov 13th, 2020)
“JHU Advanced Academic Programs” YOUTUBE CHANNEL
The MS in Applied Economics hosted a friendly conversation on a morose topic on November 11, 2020. This presentation was led by Dr. Genevieve Briand, MS in Applied Economics Assistant Program Director. Genevieve went over where the data could be accessed and downloaded. Together with her, event attendees were invited to think critically about the data presented. This webinar looked at very simple statistics; nonetheless, it shed light on the COVID-19 situation.
The John Hopkins News-Letter
Published by the Students of Johns Hopkins since 1896
November 22, 2020
A closer look at U.S. deaths due to COVID-19
By YANNI GU | November 22, 2020
After retrieving data on the CDC website, Briand compiled a graph representing percentages of total deaths per age category from early February to early September…
Graph depicts the number of deaths per cause during that period in 2020 to 2018…
Graph depicts the total decrease in deaths by various causes, including COVID-19…
…“Since the crude number of total deaths by all causes before and after COVID-19 has stayed the same, one can hardly say, in Briand’s view, that COVID-19 deaths are concerning.”…
A United Kingdom correlating graph regarding death toll.
Covid-19 is “no big deal” as far as an increase in the overall death count.
Corbett article EXCERPT:
“… What we need is a story;
a way to explain this struggle to the duped masses who have bought into the false narratives….”
In tune with James Corbett’s What NO ONE is Saying About The Lockdowns…
~~WWW corbettreport.com/lockdowns/
…we have this here Story for the duped masses…
Machine Gun One Liners of “Mutual Maskerbation” by WhatsHerFace
(under 5 minute video)
Keeping up with the concepts of this presentation is not for the mentally challenged. 😉
James, the editorial is actually a very good start for that fiery counter-narrative you call for. It’s half-way there.
This counter-story that needs to be told to the many, could it be handed out in its printed form, dropped in letter-boxes and slipped under front doors?
Is this also the moment to go back to the old trend of expressing opinions by sporting a pin, this time stating for instance “NO RESET”?
I feel that we need to stop relying solely on social media to try to reach our next of kin, now we perhaps have to go back to our physical roots.
…and this is “A Story”…
The White Rose
Leaflets and Graffiti Campaign
Mielia and I were discussing it. People can watch a film free online at the link below.
The White Rose was a non-violent, intellectual resistance group in the Third Reich led by a group of students including Hans and Sophie Scholl. They attended the University of Munich.
The group conducted an anonymous leaflet and graffiti campaign that called for active opposition to the Nazi regime.
Their activities started in Munich on 27 June 1942, and ended with the arrest of the core group by the Gestapo on 18 February 1943.
Hans, Sophie Scholl and Christoph Probst were executed by guillotine four days after their arrest, on 22 February 1943.
It seems a person can lose their head for passing out flyers.
This is my kind of Graffiti…
Corbett Report.com on a Los Angeles Freeway
IMAGE – https://twitter.com/CosmicHighClub/status/1330777696062775298
Image courtesy of Broc West.
Climate neutrality from Deutsche Bank – part of a greater series of essays related to the Great Reset.
“A certain degree of eco-dictatorship will be necessary
If we really want to achieve climate neutrality, we need to change our
behaviour in all these areas of life. This is simply because there are no adequate cost-effective technologies yet to allow us to maintain our living standards in a carbon-neutral way. That means that carbon prices will have to rise considerably in order to nudge people to change their behaviour. ”
The world is my country, and to do good is my religion. Timing is a big part of a successful venture, and that time is just about here.
Keep your stick on the ice James, and that modern Thomas Moore just may be you..
Where’s Thomas Paine when you need him?
He is in your mirror. Well that is one theory.
Another one, with more evidence,is that he is currently out of commission, delayed by the need to post drivel on facebook.