We all know the Library of Alexandria is on fire, but how do we save it? In this follow-up question and answer session after his presentation to the Justice Rising conference, James Corbett tackles questions about regulating the social media giants, discusses decentralized platforms and talks about search alternatives.
Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds.com / YouTube or Download the mp4
Press For Truth BANNED On YouTube!
Amazon Secretly Removes “1984” From the Kindle
9/11: A Conspiracy Theory (with hyperlinked transcript)
Episode 344 – Problem Reaction Solution: Internet Censorship Edition
What on Earth is the fediverse and why does it matter?
Innovators Are Crafting Decentralized Social Media Alternatives. Will App Stores Pull Them Down?
Luke Smith showin Searx which assembles search results from multiiple engines and gives you an extra layer of anonymity
BTW if you have a kindle paper white there is ZERO need to actually connect it to the internet…you can put it in airplane mode and just feed it by USB cable… even the worst governments could not know what you were reading in your home and what you UNDERLINED…..(shakes head)
Project Guttenburg used to let you doownload a years worth of uploaded books at a time.
I need to be careful how I say this because I would NOT suggest TOR would protect anyone that the NSA is actually interested in finding.
However, they would like as not PRETEND they cant see you and fake some other way that you were caught….abyway
A)The Gov funding (which was for the research/design and NOT to run the network) is the ‘least’ worry since the system does not need you to trust any one node it as long as your not hitting nodes ALL compromised by THE SAME actor.
B)A VPN is far less secure then TOR because (even if they have their own servers rather then rentedspace on someone elses) they are even more susceptible to “gods eye” surveillance by big State actors. They do less hop’s then TOR and you pay for the service…
And IMO there is ZERO chance that any VPN wont give you up if they get a national security letter…no way do I believe that there are no log’s either.
C) Tor is the best that I know of to keep your habits safe from non state actors…. if everyone used TOR google and other analytic companies would choke on their own vomit.
I probably cant stop the NSA but I can stop google.
That said I’m still on firefox which is rapidly going downhill so….
If your going THRU tunnel bear and it disconnects you are not exposed unless your browser then goes to the service your accessing directly- thats why I like Parrot linux and its Anon-surf which locks down all outgoing services, its pretty easy to use.
OTHER services on your PC can give away your ID unless they are locked down.
I’m still on fire fox because I have been busy doing non internet things… that said I dont think we disagree all that much about TOR, unless you think its not google proof?
I just think its the best thing available to an average person…. if I had time I could get 30 raspberry Pi’s and hide them all over the world and make my own series of proxy hop’s to hide my IP, but TBH I am not that important that I need to worry about the NSA, just google and the analytic types
“The Book People of Fahrenheit 451”
there is always a way… lol.
The thing is that having information is less important then the desire of people to have information. When most people are known intimately by their online behavior most will never desire to know things beyond what they are told by their feed they should know.
They did say that in the news at the time… I would be very surprised if professional Special Forces guys got drunk and acted like that without orders.
Aside from being unprofessional it would be rather stupid and such people are not often actually low IQ
I posted 2 links to show that true or not THAT was reported at the time…. links need to be moderator approved.
All I said was basically the idea that professional SF guys would act on their own initiative in such an unprofessional way is not really credible to me…but I have not read the article so I cant say for sure
Im kinda of the opinion, same as Stephen Ward scapegoated in the Christine Keeler case (UK), that if the gubbment want you, they’re gonna have you. No way to hide. I figure anything I do on the net goes direct to my social credit score which must be in the negative by now.
Your right, any one person is an easy target.
The government wants us to be scared, even with AI they are not half as smart as they pretend and even if they were there are still too many of us to do anything about…. they just want to scare us into self censoring.
Yes, but I heard a smart man say (maybe it was James or someone he interviewed) that you can make it so that it will cost the government 2000 dollar to track you instead of just 2 cents if you do nothing. Why should you make it easy for them? And if everybody did this, that would help.
Off topic – I did not read Hersh’s JFK book but it was absolutely lambasted over at JFK Education Forum.
Like Duck says below, I cannot imagine Navy Seals acting that way either.
I don’t think they got Bin Laden. Or in any case, that they found him! Killed him! Buried him at sea! Not buying it.
If you’re a tech doofus, robert, I don’t know what that makes me.
You sound pretty savvy to me. I’ve never even heard of the phones you mentioned.
But it’s great to read about all the alternatives and how people are getting around being beholden to the giants.
I have to agree with James on DuckDuckGo. I have used it for a few years and I have noticed that within the last year or so its results on various issues are heavily “establishment narrative” type-information. Its harder to find alternative articles and perspectives on sensitive issues (i.e. the issues that are discussed on the Corbett Report) that I know must exist. They are definitely much less useful than they used to be. This has become more apparent during Covid19 also.
Yes, the five minute video about 9/11 insanity stories by James Corbett is a work of genius. Humor and satire always helps to destroy sand castles of lies put up by the statists.
I also agree that DuckDuckGo is going SuckSuck Doh! Very sad. I imagine that money has passed hands. When the Central bank can print currency at will, well, bribery will happen.
What was Rothschild’s quote, “Give me control of a country’s currency and I care not who the politicians are.” Well, something like that.
Currency is the choke point. And we are being choked.
Have you considered using an old computer for archive storage, NEVER ONLINE, no physical or wireless connection to internet. Buy a couple harddrives when needed, 1 primary, 1 identical backup.
From online computer, sort & temporarily store, scan for maliciousness prior to transferring content for archive.
Somewhat tedious but only threatened by a burglar.
Anything you want readily available can be kept on device(s) while archived copy remains secure.
Making such content available to a community can follow a wide variety of methods from word-of-mouth>USB drive/disc>persons or any of the online storage, transfer and platforms available while the archive remains secure and totally in your control.
also good results gives:
What scares (terrifies) me far more than digital book burning is “selective editing” i.e. rather than removing a text (for which, if you search hard enough, you can almost always find some reference) is the surreptitious altering of a text thereby altering the meaning. Thus, the text is not disappeared, but, the truth, the meaning and the relevance of the text is lost, perhaps irrevocably. In such a case, you can never be sure of the truth. Worse yet, you can never be sure what the true text is. This applies even if you use a “comparison function” for, without a physical copy, the only thing you can be certain of is that the several digital copies of the text are different. The fragility of the truth in the digital world is becoming more and more apparent. Puder
Question For Corbett:
Dear James, you have mentioned that the links to which you refer in your works get broken, and this is increasingly the case when we visit your earlier works. You also mentioned that you saved a lot of (truth) information from the internet (which you also gave to Broc West which he could use for editing videos).
My question is: Could you provide a bulk download of the information you have saved over the years, so we can increase the chance for saving truth-information on the internet (modern day’s Alexandria’s Library)? I think this would be immensely helpful.
This could be done maybe via a torrent, maybe via your store on your site (on DVD’s / Blue Ray Discs / USB-sticks), maybe through providing a cached link next to the original link on your website or maybe through something else).
I myself have started to save truth-information on my hard-drive and I will continue to do so, but I know this pales in comparison as to what you have saved over the years.
Thank you for all the great work you have been doing!
Again, I want to compliment Broc and James for re-working “How to Save the Library – Questions For Corbett #069” from its original broadcast on Sunday night, September 13th 2020.
Having the graphics in the video and also the source links helps to tell the story. And that’s what these guys do well…they tell the story.
For example, during the original broadcast I did not catch “fediverse”.
Now, I understand.
Relevant to “How to Save the Library – Questions For Corbett #069”…
On April 29, 2020 Corbett Report published Can You Find This Video?
For those who download videos, this 15 minute interview is a keeper.
A video… Can you find it?
Over a decade ago, a well known activist interviewed the Public Relations officer at the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank.
One of the questions asked was:
“People have often questioned about the Federal Reserve being a private bank or a private corporation.
Is that in fact true?”
ANSWER: “It is. …We are literally owned by the banks in our district….”
Many other profound aspects are admitted in this video.
James Corbett has previously interviewed this activist.
Who owns what or whom? Oh that would be slavery. Can’t confuse property rights with human rights, but when it comes to banks.. what do they really own? Don’t they just protect our savings?
Banks own nothing but a building and a safe.
I hate bankers.
I hate slaveholders, and slave dealers, the banks who live off of the slaves.
My savings earn .07% interest in the bank. It’s a joke.
Here is a download keeper.
The NIST Briefing on WTC 7 came out on August 21, 2008 with a live Public Webcast.
Prior to this time, NIST pretty much ignored Building 7.
NIST scrubbed the August 21, 2008 live Public Webcast video from their website.
C-Span covered it.
There are a series of YouTube videos which still exist that show this live NIST 2008 report.
9/11: A Conspiracy Theory is shown in this “How to Save the Library – Questions For Corbett #069”.
No one can forget that Corbett line:
“…and live with pink-haired strippers” which James Corbett links to with an article about Mohamed Atta and Amanda Keller.
Daniel Hopsicker did some excellent footwork research and produced some videos.
Here is an interview with that “pink haired stripper”.
(6 minutes)
Another search engine (which sometimes serves up substantially different results from many of the US based ones) is yandex.ru. However (of course) I would not recommend it as your sole option (and I guess it is also not yielding unbiased search results).
An interesting (German based) social media alternative is “human connection”, which I recommend checking out! Help it grow.
https://searx.me/ is an open source project for a search engine.
if you go to “public instances”, then pick one, your search is aggregated from many search engines , making it anonomized (mostly) and giving you a wider range.
Hard Drive: Bill Gates and the Making
of the Microsoft Empire
Free download
I don’t know if this information was
in Corbett’s documentary about gates.
Well done James
For fun
and warnings from movies from the 70’s
Rollerball https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmTWhvWgST0
Soylent Green https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_PPKGIxQ8o
On Anarchy / Volunteerism
The idea of anarchy is bending into two things which are counter-meaning to each other
1) Freedom to do as any one of the individuals volunteers.
2) The having to endure the things any one of the individuals volunteers.
There is something which begs to be looked at first here and that is that the legal system of governments is a resultant from a previous very much long ago anarchy (using here the actual workable definition for anarchy : Accepted state of existence where every individual is because they volunteer to be and does as they individually volunteer to do). Those who in present time advocate anarchy (whatever form) might be forgetting this fact that what currently is, is because of the aggregate volunteering (anarchy).
The anarchy of the individuals HAS led to whatever currently is.
So, if one advocates anarchy (volunteerism), it should be observable that this one has as the “current system” that it is not the result of anarchy. But in fact, what exists is because of or has come from the aggregate volunteering of the previous individuals.
The current system is the result of what those individuals volunteered.
So it is kind of a silly thing to advocate anarchy over the result which currently is a result of anarchy.
Ok. We see, or have the opinion that what currently is, is not working well. We see also that WHAT we have is the result of the previous aggregate of volunteering – the result of the previous “system” of a long ago basic anarchy. So, I would suggest dispensing the advocacy of imposing an anarchy onto this result of the previous anarchy and instead allow for an evolution of this current “system” into a more educated system using the existing available tools provided by the current system – including the current governments.
If there is “back-off” on the idea that everyone is a volunteer (even if their imprisonment is volunteered into) then mind work is going to be needed until such back-off is dispensed with. I mean why accuse volunteers who do “stupid things” as having got what was deserved, if not also recognizing that these other volunteers you adjudicated as being “victims of a system” are also persons who have got what they deserved?
By assigning that these are victims of a system (not volunteers in the system) you are having these persons as some kind of personal property within your personal thinking/reflecting on how current things are – I submit you are not being realistic. Yeah, we see that this topic can devolve into a different topic of philosophy : One has a right to exist but one does not have a right to live without regard to any of the environment this one happens to be in. In other words the philosophy of, one does not have an “only one” right to how they live in an environment where others also live.
[SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words or less. Longer comments can be split into multiple posts. -JC]
Is Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist a completed documentary?
James, I actually work in a library here in Portland, Oregon. We have had our services cut. We were closed to the public for months. Now, we have had the threat of significant layoffs narrowly (and temporarily) dodged thanks to concerted effort by staff and patrons. Sometimes I walk to work and post flyers on telephone poles to inform the people about what is going on. As I walk, I see discarded masks on the sidewalk. Recently I have considered bringing a Sharpie marker with me to write “OBEY” on any of these I find and staple it to the pole as I go. James, you do the heroic heavy lifting. What do you think about something small like that?
Be careful….I was tasked with making Mess room posters to inform employees of standing orders and reminders on how to do their job…. I made them sound totally Orwellian, going way over the top for a laugh and thought it was hilarious until the Boss tells me their JUST WHAT HE WANTED.
Post “Obey” and some NPC will do just that.
Not sure what an NPC is. I guess what I was wondering about is the ‘small act’. If a lot of people did these small acts of resistance, what might we see? There is the ‘bystander effect’ yeah? Someone has an accident and everyone stands around until the first person does something, then it’s okay for everyone to help.
“Non Player Character”, lol, sorry.
NPC= someone in that % of the population who really cant think for themselves and will just go along with what they think is the popular idea….sadest thing, many of them are not even low IQ but just have a personality submissive to social pressure.
They are normally harmless, but the control of mass media has weaponized them
It may have now vanished into the ether…
For example:
“The Complete 9/11 Timeline” may now be no longer.
Posted in June 2020 at 911blogger.com
History Commons May Disappear
Washington’s Blog with all its great resources had already disappeared, while some parts were archived.
History Commons YouTube Channel is still active (for now).