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I predict that “foreign interference” will replace “the devil made me do it” as the new excuse for everything. But how did I divine this vision? From a crystal ball? Not quite. Find out the secret of how to predict the future in this week’s edition of #PropagandaWatch.
FBI Protected Voices Initiative
Hey James,
Off topic from the video:
I love that you have the Corbett Report screensaver in the background. I’ve been following how its changed over the years and it looks nice there in the background. My only input, is can you place a longer timer on the loop? So it hovers with the Corbett report logo for a while longer before looping again?
MY thoughts as to why maybe it needs a longer loop:
The reason I say this, if you rewatch the video, and note how heavy the “flash” of it draws from your face. Which is fine, it is meant to be eye catching, but if repeated too often a person is unable to not become more drawn to it than your face because it reoccurs enough times to be a “constant”. Ie, you must repeat it after a window where the person has “forgotten” it will reoccur. I’m not quite sure how many seconds it takes the average person to disconnect from a mental thought that’s temporary. Maybe an extra minute on the hover phase? Maybe 45 seconds? Maybe 2 minutes? Not sure. But its approximately fine as it is right now, just an extension from the “large text popup” to the next large text popup would make it appear more of an appeal to glance at. With the timer its on right now, it somewhat feels like a chore. As its so often, your looking at it (after you have caught it once) like 20 times in this 10 minute video :).
Thank you for the video. Gave me a good laugh :).
I collected a lot of information on this on SaidIt:
The Hoax of Russian Hacking
Just replace all those countries with US, they are basically saying what methods they use on other countries.
Ahem, Israel. There is your dominant foreign influence (but they’re allow to).
And, gerrymandering and voter role purging would be far more effective than running troll farm social media truckery, but hey thats being done by USA political parties, so its not “foreign”.
Next, replace Russia, China and Iran, with USA in the FBI fluff piece and see how accurate that is!
“We can meddle with you, but you cant meddle with us!”
Oh, and “When what all american people think is false, our (FBI’s) (dis)information campaign will be complete”.
More lol.
The largest election meddling in the US is by, yes, the US!!! See 2000 for one example but there are many, many more!
Now with Bloomberg in the US race to the bottom, we can see just how all of this works.
As a funny video:
Hacker 4Chan does operation Blue (Mr Obvious)
Not only the man behind the curtain, but the man in front of the curtain, dancing around like a ballerina ringing handbells.
The hypocrisy and bullshit is so frequently blatant and obvious it’s infuriating.
Oh my, isn’t that gorgeous! I kid you not, I’ve got a seed packet of pink mallow flowers waiting to be sown, and for a spring bloom, that time is now. So, I can’t thank you enough for this lovely reminder.
Next bloom time? [gulp] I’ll give it a shot: the Guardian article (dated 2015) says it typically blooms every five to seven years, and looking at their rain amounts so far, I’d say next September-November looks very promising!
“Levin, a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Politics and Strategy at Carnegie-Mellon University, found that the U.S. attempted to influence the elections of foreign countries as many as 81 times between 1946 and 2000. (Add 19 plus years and we can call it around 100 times?)
Comment: That’s just till 2000! The US has gone nuts since then.
Often covert in their execution, these efforts included everything from CIA operatives running successful presidential campaigns in the Philippines during the 1950s to leaking damaging information on Marxist Sandanistas in order to sway Nicaraguan voters in 1990. All told, the U.S. allegedly targeted the elections of 45 nations across the globe during this period, Levin’s research shows. In the case of some countries, such as Italy and Japan, the U.S. attempted to intervene in four or more separate elections.”
And the election tampering included violent overthrows of governments such as the recent coup in Bolivia.
But there is more, much more.
With 800 military bases around the country, the US stands as the premier election meddling country in the world.
FBI agent? Who IS she talking to anyway–Sesame Street 3-yr-olds? She’s being sure to state her propaganda points slowly and distinctly. Good girl! You can follow directions.
Well thanks, Ms. FBI agent. We were all so confused and uninformed before your YT marketing campaign got underway in support of your alphabet agency and their version of truth.
Her unspoken propaganda? The US gives the world freedom and democracy not weapons, drugs, 3rd party mercenaries hired to murder, rape and pillage all possible resources from other countries. Don’t look behind that curtain where the DNC, RNC, US politicians, global corporations, lobbyists, alphabet agencies, MSM and their overlords are waiting, planning and colluding to influence the National elections, AND some have openly stated such. The USA is an innocent, I tell you! It’s them! ‘They’ are BAD. ‘We’ are GOOD. OK? Now let’s all go to our quite place for Kool-Aid and cookies. Hooray!
God, what a joke.
True dat!
I wrote my comment before I read yours. Clearly, I agree.
James, maybe I’ve found interesting stuff for PropagandaWatch lab.
Peter Thiel had a speech at Manhattan Institute for Policy Research that was full of contradictions and many “interesting” propositions, but with fast paced delivery they could go unnoticed. Propaganda for topper echelons.
He is talking a lot of scaling, good (US tech) and bad scaling(China AI gulag). Scaling is good to him, actually making excuses for monopolies. Nevertheless, he is presenting himself as libertarian. At 23:20 he is entertaining idea that maybe a Google could say “What is good for Google is good for America” as ones GM has said.
Q&A(31:40) is something completely different. What a disgrace. He couldn’t hide it.
Q: why is AI communist?
PT is lost in space. But not completely, he is unconsciously spiting propaganda.
Q: something about AI troubles, jobs,
He disagrees. Service economy, yeee.
37:50 A trick starts. “People in Silicon valley are not doing enough”.
Self driving cars that would be Inovation and was promised but not delivered. But few sentences later…no, it’s not so big. “Change from horses to cars is bigger than from cars to autonomous vehicles” . WTF!!!!
With this comment I just scratched the surface.
forgot the link, ah, late hours
Direct link to the video, for those who don’t want to visit the FBI website.
If you do want to visit the FBI website for some reason, please at least paste the URL into the Startpage search box so you can view the site anonymously.
PS: I love that the video has so few views and so many dislikes. Made my day.