Thank you, comrade! Thank you for doing what’s right. Thank you for doing what you know you should do. Thank you for doing what we tell you to do. After all, we couldn’t defeat the deadly and oh-so-real threat of the vile Omicron scariant without your dutiful compliance.
However, it has come to our attention that not everyone is as obedient as you are. There are traitors in our midst, insurrectionists who would question the soundness of the Politburo’s diktats. These meddling miscreants, we have come to find out, are spreading malicious mendacities and salacious slander about our cherished zero-COVID policy and—worse yet—they even say that it is part of a global agenda to bring in a system of (technocratic) biosecurity governance!
I know, I know, it’s hard to believe that anyone would dare impugn the motives of our wise rulers, but it is happening nonetheless. We have kindly informed the masses that it is their duty to ignore the siren song of these seditious subversives . . .
. . . but even so, these riotous rule-breakers persist with their pernicious perjury! Did they not hear the drone’s command?
And, most worrisome of all, there are indications that this urge for “freedom” is spreading among the population.
Today we are here to teach you (so that you may teach others) how to counter the misinformation of these treasonous troublemakers by controlling your soul’s desire for freedom.
Do you want to know how to conquer your own pesky desire for freedom and learn to love the New Multipolar World Order of biosecurity and technocracy? Then you won’t want to miss this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber. As usual, Corbett Report members are invited to stick around after the editorial for James’ recommended reading, listening and viewing, and a coupon code for 25% off Corbett Report DVDs at the New World Next Week shop.
For free access to this editorial, please CLICK HERE.
The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 12 issue 12 (May 8, 2022)
by James Corbett Thank you, comrade! Thank you for doing what’s right. Thank you for doing what you know you should do. Thank you for doing what we tell you to do. After all, we couldn’t defeat the deadly and oh-so-real threat of the vile Omicron scariant without your dutiful compliance. However, it has come to our attention that not everyone is as obedient as you are. There are traitors in our midst, insurrectionists who would question the soundness of the Politburo’s diktats. These meddling miscreants, we have come to find out, are spreading malicious mendacities and salacious slander about our cherished zero-COVID policy and—worse yet—they even say that our actions are part of a global agenda to bring in a system of (technocratic) biosecurity governance! I know, I know, it’s hard to believe that anyone would dare impugn the motives of our wise rulers, but it is happening nonetheless. We have kindly informed the masses that it is their duty to ignore the siren song of these seditious subversives . . . . . . but even so, these riotous rule-breakers persist with their pernicious perjury! Did they not hear the drone’s command? And, most worrisome of all, there are indications that this urge for “freedom” is spreading among the population. Today we are here to teach you (so that you may teach others) how to counter the misinformation of these treasonous troublemakers by controlling your soul’s desire for freedom. Firstly, please study the officially approved sources of information: government-run news outlets like People’s Daily, Global Times, Xinhua, etc. There you will be able to read enriching, reliable and—most importantly—government-approved news articles of hard-hitting importance like: “‘Omicron just a big flu’ a misperception; some in West attempt to delude Chinese public” “Commentary: China’s effective anti-pandemic efforts bespeak institutional strength” “Striving for rigorous and targeted epidemic prevention and control” and These articles will dispel the myths of the misinformers who would seek to downplay the seriousness of the scourge of COVID-19. These liars would even tell you that the Chinese government’s response (like the response of virtually every country around the world) is not motivated by concern for the health of the people but is instead part of a cynical ploy to exploit a ginned-up crisis and implement a total Orwellian system of digital control over the public. What nonsense! Thankfully, you will never hear a peep about such globalist schemes in the state-run media! Besides, where else could you get the straight, unvarnished truth about why, precisely, Generation Z loves China’s political system so much? Now that your reeducation is proceeding apace, you are ready to follow our simple rules for controlling your soul’s desire for freedom:
And if for some reason you forget to follow these basic rules, the appropriate authorities will be on the scene promptly to deliver assistance. Of course, if they’re busy rendering aid to others, there are always the friendly robot dogs who will be happy to remind you about your civic duties: And what of those who still refuse to comply with the public health orders of our rightful rulers? Don’t fret! Soon, these stubborn, subversive saboteurs of the social order will be hunted down with autonomous robot swarms! In the meantime, you can rest assured that the most thorough QR code / digital payment app / facial recognition dragnet in the history of the world will be there to identify dissenters and help the authorities round them up before they can spread the virus of their vile “freedom” lie. Yes, “freedom” might sound like a good thing, but you know better, don’t you, comrade? You know that real freedom can only be found by subjecting yourself to the will of the people—which, as we all know, is synonymous with the will of the government. Real freedom comes from controlling your soul’s desire for individual liberty, as those drone messengers so helpfully remind us. Furthermore, 2+2=5 and the lockdowns will continue until morale improves! But, as I say, you already know all of this. You have demonstrated that you feel Xi Jingping’s feelings and think Xi Jinping Thought. You comply with our lockdowns, our restrictions, our mandates, our “vaccination” programs, our QR code tracking and containment systems, our digital currency schemes and all of the other things that we know are so necessary to defeat this virus. You denounce as foreign operatives anyone who challenges our actions, and you call the videos and reports documenting these actions “fake” and “staged”—exactly as we have shown you to do. But, most importantly of all, you have resisted the alluring apostasy of the subversives. You reject the idea of individual freedom in favour of the true freedom that can only be found in complying with government orders. You understand that everyone has the freedom to do what we tell them to do! Truly, you have controlled your soul’s desire for freedom and won victory over yourself. So thank you once again, comrade! We couldn’t do it without you. |
Recommended Listening and Viewing
Recommended ReadingMori Arinori, the Japanese Tocqueville Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 New Legislation Introduced To Eliminate DHS ‘Ministry Of Truth’ Recommended ListeningAidan Monaghan: Were the Planes Remotely Guided on 9/11? Recommended ViewingFULL INTERVIEW: Corbett & Knightly on the WHO’s “Global Pandemic Treaty” Missing Money in the Federal Government – Catherine Austin Fitts with Kelly O’Meara Just For FunVincognito – homepage for Vinnie Caggiano, musician and music teacher |
CLICK HERE to visit the New World Next Week shop and use the coupon code subscriber25 at checkout to receive a 25% discount on any Corbett Report DVD just for being a Corbett Report member! |
The Chinese write so eximiously!
Great article!
Isnt it interesting that “warp speed” Trump, Biden, Fraudsti, and Pope Francis (1st Jesuit pope) are all for these bio weapon jabs and ALL went to Jesuit colleges. Hence, Trump isnt going to save us.
Why is a religious leader like pope Francis NOT allowing religious exemptions? Why is the bio weapon required to work at Vatican or to go to museums there?
Great video here:
“Francis has since written numerous such letters to Schwab and is listed by the World Economic Forum as an Agenda Contributor. In October 2020, the official website of the Davos WEF wrote,
“In a striking, 43,000-word-long encyclical published last Sunday, the pope put his stamp on efforts to shape what’s been termed a Great Reset of the global economy in response to the devastation of COVID-19.”
The fact that there is no religious exemption against taking the vaccine within the Vatican tells you everything you need to know about the Vatican and the Pope.
Pope Francis has repeatedly amplified pro-vaccination narratives and refused to extend any understanding to Catholics who are hesitant to take the jab.
The Pontifical Academy for Life, the official bioethics academy of the Catholic Church, has also insisted that it is a “moral responsibility” for Catholics to take the vaccine.
“The Vatican has said that it considers it acceptable for Catholics to use vaccines, even those that use stem cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research,” reported the Mail.
The Italian government has also passed a decree applying to both the private and public sector ordering companies to withhold pay from workers who refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccine.
Those found working without the pass face fines of up to €1,500 euros after it was extended as a condition of entry for museums, stadiums, pubs, restaurants, and schools.
As we highlight in the video below, by enforcing vaccine mandates, the Pope is also enforcing vaccine passports, which some Catholics would argue represent something not too dissimilar from the Mark of the Beast from the book of Revelations.
Catholic Archbishop Carlo Vigano called the Pope out last year over this stuff.
Don’t forget the dogma: Pope cannot be wrong!!!
More of his sins:
– pope in bed with monopolists…to preserve wealth of Church I guess
– pope for right-think
Everything coming from the pope, the Vatican and, all other Religions can only symbolise pure evil…?
The current pope, he was the assasin travelling South America on sbkilling spree, befor he became the pope, right!?
And, what about all the other Religions. – are the more humane? Absolutely not..
I met a guy who would have worked with me, on a project about the Nordic/American slavery… Immediately, when he had scanned my research, he knew – as well as I do, the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade never stopped and, is flourishing these years…
Do we as humans, have just a tiny fraction of humanity left in our souls – just asking!?
It’s definitely a contradiction to purported Catholic values like being anti-abortion. The Covid “vaccines” and many vaccines use fetal cell lines in testing and development that were obtained by abortion. In fact there are many pharma drugs that are tested on these cell lines. In theory, true believers in the Catholic faith should be opposed to this, if they oppose abortion, which many Catholics do.
Coming soon to an operational theatre near you!
A homesteader fella spreads conspiracy theories regarding WEF. Don’t watch!
More troubling data for the vaccine: athletes, UCSF, government silence
1001 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 649 Dead, After COVID Shot
Via the “April Open Thread”, the figures were…
On April 15, 2022
930 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 614 Dead, After COVID Shot
Does anybody see a trend?
This is ,- like all the other murders – absolutely horrible/evil/insane!
Within the past year, I have had a
pure evil Dane on the phone, telling me that yes, ONLY the sheep are meant to survive. The people who are fit, intelligent, well educated etc are NOT!!
That comment seem to match your mentioning of a ‘trend’…?
Through May 7th in the European Union…
44,348 Dead
4,279,200 Injured
Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions…
…as More Pfizer Fraud Uncovered
[That is a very long webpage which includes many past headline stories. It is a sad sight…not unlike the civilian casualties of war being noted.]
The very worst crime against Humanity ever ??
How any human can even think of living in such nightmare, is more than 100% impossible for my human brain to fathom…?
Thank you Comrade Corbett. Your words in this article prove you are a doubleplusgood duckspeaker. I will never commit the crimethink of even imagining freedom. Long live Big Brother!
COVID-19 changed many things, and those changes benefit a lot of people. Here in The Netherlands, educated workers now work from home, struggling shop owners enjoy a subsidized and dignified way out, and hospitals reduced doubtful medical treatments.
On the international scene, the war in Ukraine is a proxy war between the US and China. China is behind Russia and the US is behind Ukraine. In addition to their public health benefits, the measures in Shanghai have the same effect as Chinese sanctions against the West would have.
Looking back at the 1920s, many nations wanted to introduce passports and the Spanish Flu provided the chance to do so. History repeats itself with Covid-19 for the digital ID. Most countries back this, including China and Russia.
Correct Weasel.
Is this the way we – the people – want to live?
Like birds in a cage??
Can, and will we stop the insanity?
If yes – how!?
Somebody once said about Totalitarianism that, to stop it, might take the people, to ridicule the totalitarian, self proclaimed “elite”!?!!??
Do we – the people – do we actually have an “,elite” on this planet??
If yes, exactly who are they..??
I see no real elite but, a stack of mind controlled small people, who wrongly think they will be allowed to rule everyone..
Who has the real power to do to us all, what is now done,..??
The real evil (not “elite”) comes from….????
Read this while trying to do the best impersonation of a sly, slippery villain like voice and see if you can get through without laughing. Laughing not because of the real horror occurring in China. Laughing because I know that most people in the US don’t believe that this could happen in our very own “Land of the Free. Home of the Brave.” No matter how obvious the evidence is. It’s ok little sheep, go play on your phone and make your tik tock videos for Chinese data gather…. I mean for entertainment purposes. Because remember our government would never sell or use our data for their own benefits….right?
RE: Corbett’s article How to Control Your Soul’s Desire for Freedom
I enjoyed Corbett’s approach/story to this topic which had some interesting links embedded.
I am so illiterate.
I had to look up the definitions for more than a handful of words.
“…This is especially true given that their fate is just a preview of our own, and our suffering will be just as real as theirs is now….”
Oh well… all the more reason to laugh now while we can 🙂
Your not even suffering yet so why not enjoy a joke? Don’t you recall all those horrible Ethiopian jokes back in the day???? Hahaha…best not to be too sensitive if we wanna make it thru the next few years, eh?
I would.. but your always trying to psyc people out with depression and black pills…almost like you WANT people to just give up and accept death.
You yourself will admit that you desire that people surrender and walk quietly into extinction.
China is merely the living laboratory for what our rulers intend for the entire planet.
Hi James,
You have been nentioned in this off-guardian article 🙂
“Within the resistance groups much focus, understandably, has been directed at various practical solutions advocated by the leading voices, such as James Corbett, Catherine Austin Fitts and Ice Age Farmer, on building new independent economic, food security, financial, healthcare and educational structures. But our alternative world needs more than new independent structures and ways of doing things.”
That was a heartening review, thanks for posting.
I hope that they take it on the road!
Thanks for posting this.
Continuing a quote from the article…
“…and ways of doing things.
We also need to belong.
We need our stories to be told and we need to make sense of our experiences collectively through music, art, literature, and theatre.
Theatre, that physical space where one is immersed in an unfolding human drama enacted by real flesh and blood actors right there and then, and where one is surrounded by other people experiencing the same events in real time – is a place where the magic of meaning making and community building takes place….”
[—It is nice to have the comment section of the Corbett Report in order to relay “our stories”.]
Correct but please, remember to be careful. Many experiences from these sites, are clearly worth killing for – if for no other reason, simply to hide the truth, no matter how tiny part of the truth it is…hide it for as many as possible…?