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Fresh off the heels of pimping for Amazon, Harrison Ford is back at it, this time lending his face and voice to climate change buffoonery for the World Government Summit taking place in the United Arab Emirates. I wish I were making this up. Today, I break down the World Government Summit and the real nature of these globalist institutions that seemingly sprout out of nowhere.
I Watch The Super Bowl Commercials (So You Don’t Have To!) – #PropagandaWatch
Harrison Ford – World Government Summit 2019
Harrison Ford delivers apocalyptic climate change warning
World Government Summit website
Wrong link currently.
From the Home Page, when one clicks on the Han Solo “CLICK HERE FOR MP4 DOWNLOAD AND SHOW NOTES FOR THIS VIDEO” it takes the person to the Super Bowl.
Thanks for the heads up. The link has been corrected.
So as James refers to the Gulf states positioning themselves….
Lets see if I understand this. The Gulf states produce the original carbon rich petroleum and sell the nasty stuff, then when the by-product of their wealth from the ground pollutes the air they want to be at the forefront of capitalizing on the sequestrating of that carbon pollution in the air? That is getting rich coming and going. P.T. Barnum would be proud of these Sheiks.
Thank you, James, for all your insight and hard work. You help enlighten and inspire.
Another great video.
I think it’s quite true that there is an enormous amount of factional infighting between the three model establishment (Conservative, Liberal, Zionst) all of whom, nonetheless, blend into the same overarching goal of complete social control, usually through gradualism.
What is extraordinary is the sheer scope of the pathological ideology which is globalism and has come to define almost every societal domain and its trajectory. You can name literally any socio-cultural and political paradigm and the globalist ideology is there.
Whether occult-spiritual nonsense of the Lucis Trust or the religious corpporatism of the Church; United Nations and NGO affiliates; ecological and conservation initiatives or postmodern educational curricula and intelligence agencies and coporate-military think tanks…
It seems unstoppable and inevitable.
The only thing I think hasn’t factored into their hubris is the tendency of the earth and the cosmos to do a bit of house cleaning every 20,000 years or so when the gene pool gets a bit overun with psychopaths and their penchant for wrecking the social and ecological fabric of the planet. This seems to be the one overriding driver of an evolutionary imperative – cyclic catastrophic change and the consequent burst of creative adaptation.
So, in their drive to control populations they will usher in the very forces which will counter that desire. Not a great scenario for us all, but I think we are probably heading that way over the next twenty years or so.
An eco-technocratic smart utopia of the huxleyian kind over a global reset? I’ll take my chances with the latter.
I favor a global reset as well. Simply because there may be other intelligent life not far from the Earth that have developed into voluntarist societies and if that is the case, humans in their current state shouldn’t be allowed any where near them.
Great analysis, as usual, James.
One of the main reasons that I appreciate your work is the fact that you back up your assertions with documented fact and are clear when you express opinions. And, of course your opinions are always backed up by facts.
However, in this video, when you state your opinion that the trend towards world government and technocracy is not the result of the decisions of an elite club, but rather a trend of various factions trying to achieve similar goals, you state your opinion as fact.
While I agree that this opinion is consistent with normal human behavior, there is evidence that there is something much more sinister going on behind the scenes. It seems to be established fact that there are, in fact, elite clubs with sinister goals such as the Bilderbergs, Skull and Bones or the Illuminati. It is also human nature to use such groups to further and consolidate one’s power. It also seems to be true that there is a widespread trend in child trafficking and mind control techniques that are too horrible to dwell on. From my experience, there is a metaphysical element to the fact of these secret societies and the abhorrent rituals that apparently really do occur.
Just as when you were first presented with the outrageous idea that 9-11 was not what was presented in the media and thought it was preposterous, similarly thinking that child abuse and worse can actually bestow sinister power on the practitioner is preposterous. But is it?
Theories in modern physics are currently skirting the borders of metaphysics and, from my understanding, metaphysics is really just physics on a subtle level. Is the idea that someone could harness the intense emotions created in a horrible ritual really so far fetched? And is it possible that the sinister practitioners do work together to achieve world domination?
Science has mixed with technocracy and other dogmatic thinking.
Also there is a huge problem of group-forming.
It is caused by:
1) “publish or perish”
2) group forming
3) specialist bias “all astrologers think that astrology works fine”
4) citing-credit = citing gives points, which you get when you conform.
5) supporting the product of a company gives you a future.
I talked with PhD student (theoretical physics), and found out that a student who made good work was criticized completely, while another who made very bad work was supported with good grades.
This was because the second (the bad one) had cited a lot of people that were grading his work.
This means that bullshit sells, just like in the news world.
Especially if you can make outrageous claims.
In the news world we have some kind of political credit points.
In the sciences there is citing credit points, combined with career credit points.
If you like to see where hard science fails have a look at:
Astronomy is really the worst “hard” science.
The cosmological redshift can be explained simply with
Sparse Plasma that causes redshift (depends on the amount of free electrons). And background radiation can be explained with water and antenna resonance.
With the sun I already found 9 major errors.
This means that astronomy already fails with the nearest star.
Thank you for the links, Zyxzevn. I’ve watched the first video and Dr. Radin is very credible and gave me a lot to think about. I practice Bhakti yoga, which is a discipline of linking up with the Supreme through love. I’m guessing that the meditation I practice, chanting the Maha Mantra, is easier and more consistently joyful than the TM that he practices. 40 years of meditation for 5 minutes of sammadhi! Of course I’m actually at zero minutes of sammadhi, but am finding it increasingly easier to access the ananda, joy and love that is natural in my heart.
I think this is a good point to remember. However, if people have trouble understanding the geopolitical and socio-political mechanics that led up to the 9/11 attacks for example, then its going to be fairly impossible for them to get their heads around the ritualistic element to these events.
This is partly because an appraisal of level one reality (oil, drugs, human trafficking, weapons etc.) and its underlying ubiquity is still largely absent. Further, that the capacity for a human being with conscience to accept there are a minority of humans who have no conscience and see normal human beings as objects to manpiulate on a whim is a very hard concept to grasp. Normal humns consistantly project their conscience onto those who are effectively empty shells, the result being that such wishful thinking and ignorance of evil becomes fuel for their purpose, which is to extend their predation.
Factor in ceremonial or occult psychopathy that has an extremely long history…Well, people just can’t fathom it and official culture’s programming makes sure their glimpses into that world stay firmly within “conspiratorial nonsense”. Persons like David Icke are very useful idiots in promoting various distortions of ritual and satanic practice so that any reference to bloodlines and ritual is equated with the queen mother drinking blood and partying with reptilians.
What makes it even more impenetrable that most of the occult fraternities are largely red herrings, including the moniker “Illuminati”. In its historical context before the popular hokum of Dan Brown, that brotherhood was likely only a tool for a larger aim of control, even at that time. The real occult body will never reveal itself in public and likely transcends the ideolgies of the three establishment factions.
I’ll wager at the highest level ritual symbolism and practice is a very large part of a small fraternity combined with what we would see as techno-scorcery – a transhumanist updating of the alchemical tradition. The only difference being that the energy of populations is used as an inverted de-scension toward the black sun of matter. That’s a natural pathway of the cosmos also.
Paradoxically perhaps, if you wish to see truth, goodness and the light of knowledge in this world it will always have its opposite. One cannot exist without the other. It just so happens the balance is tipped toward the dark hats at this time but is rapidly moving back toward the centre, despite and due to this increased chaos.
I’m hoping that James Corbett is avoiding discussing this higher level of controlling evil because, as you point out, most people are unable to go there. Just as there is no point in studying calculus without first having the basics of arithmetic, similarly he’d lose a lot of attention if he went the way of David Icke. (The mental image of James Corbett speaking on David Icke’s genre makes me smile.)
My understanding of how things work is that the only thing that we can actually change is our own consciousness. And most of us practice some level of hypocrisy that puts us firmly somewhere on the sociopathic scale. For instance people who have love in their hearts for animals yet eat chickens that were raised in reprehensible conditions without a thought are fanning the flames of cognitive dissonance. James is doing an admirable job of bringing many aspects of cognitive dissonance to light. I’d love to see what would happen if he took on this highest level of evil.
And that’s the problem. To “take on the highest level of evil” which is I believe, straying into hyperdimensional realities one has to be extremely cognizant of the nature of that evil otherwise it’ll mess with your mind in ways that are little understood.
I’ve known quite a few folks who were not sufficiently attuned to their own capacity for evil (the seeds of which we all have within us) and how easily it is to be duped by the idea of a “mission to reveal.” Which is why self-knowledge is so important in these fields partnered with psychology 101 of psychopathy.
You also need a solid network of people to watch your back. Independent researchers who stray into certain fields like DNA mmicrobiology and ethnic specific weaponry; high physics/military intel and Ufology; occult paedophilia; human trafficking and oil/gas/microfinance; geopolitical Zionism etc., and manage to run with a significant piece of the puzzle tend to get targeted if they persist. This is especially true for occult high strangeness which is a whole new ball game as you are effectively opening your mind to places which have been concealed for millennia. For good reason.
So, I think the Corbett report is a fine disseminator of “nuts and bolts” reality at level 1 of official culture and very valuable it is too. Any deeper than that, and he touches on more esoteric topics then he may find that his life would become significantly chaotic or worse, depending on whether or not he connected certain dots. Not recommended however.
But yes, I agree changing oneself and becoming an example is ultimately the only way to change the wider reality.
Tunneled and Anuttamadd, change begins and ends with you.
You have brought up some nice thoughts of a thread that ran through my infinite mind the other night . I didn’t want to loose sight of it so I noted it on the back of an envelope. It goes something like…
This site is a continuation of Curtis / Milner round table group. Its basically anonymous, pyramidal in its propaganda. From James the publisher down to our level of opinioning and supporting the agenda of the publisher. Are we using it against itself? Or being used by it?
When James was describing the Round Table , and how propaganda is put to works , I got a creeping feelings like a disease spreading through a healthy system. Maybe its an antibiotic spreading through a diseased system . Im at a paradox over this and am having trouble coming to par. How are we any different in our…
Judging by the body language of people like Harrison Ford, it appears to be exactly what you say – they’ve been propagandized using propaganda prepared just for them.
More specifically, it appears they were led to believe they’ve been made a member of a special club that has secret knowledge about how grave the situation actually is; knowledge which, they’re told, the public could not handle; knowledge that could cause panic and economic breakdown.
In short, they believe they’re the Super Friends but they’re actually just being duped like everyone else.
Well on day one of the World Government Summit . Rising Tides: Preparing for the New Normal. @12:10 to 12:50 Harrison Ford wasn’t the only shill/payed lier/actor in town. Robert De Nero must be an expert on rising tides. Imagine. Is the tail wagging the dog here?
Such is the role of monotheism and the power of subverted group consciousness…
There is a tendency towards the gradual disappearance of the nation state and the re-emergence of the city state. For that reason, major cities hire former diplomats to conduct “urban diplomacy”. It literally takes a small army of civil servants to keep track of all the globalist events for which local politicians are invited.
Here is a partial list of similar events to the World Government Summit:
1) The World Conference of Mayors:
2) The International Conference of Mayors:
3) The Global Parliament of Mayors:
4) The World Forum for Democracy:
5) The Global Solutions Summit in Germany:
6) Mayors Migration Council:
7) Champion Mayors for Inclusive Growth, organized by the OECD:
8) Women4Climate Conference, organized by C40 Cities, a network of the world’s megacities: For more on the C40:
9) This month, the UN is hosting this conference : From Global Issues to Local Priorities: The role of Cities in the Global Agenda, including Cities for Sustainable Development, Food Security, Nutrition and Climate Change Source :
10) The Urban 20 Mayors Summit and Urban resilience Forum:
11) The International Summit for Cities & regions driving the circular economy:
12) The Taipei Smart City Summit:
13) The Smart City Expo World Congress:
14) The GovTech Summit:
15) The Tel Aviv Cities Summit:
16) The Cities Innovating to Reduce Poverty:
17) Chicago Forum on Global Cities, organized by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs:
18) The French General Assembly of francophone mayors:
And the list goes on and on. Usually, all expenses are paid for the local officials participating in these events. It goes without saying that these events are very popular, and that it is easy for a local representative to become disconnected from the general population if he or she attends only a small fraction of these globalist events.
While propaganda is a serious issue, sometimes we need a bit of satire. May I recommend: “Jussie Smollett Offered Job At CNN After Fabricating News Story Out Of Thin Air”