One thing you learn after spending years in the conspiracy realist space: when the globalists tell you that something is about to happen, you’d better believe they’re hard at work behind the scenes to make that “prediction” a reality.
For example, when 9/11 suspect Philip Zelikow takes to the pages of Foreign Affairs to “warn” about the “eminent threat” of “Catastrophic Terrorism” that, “like Pearl Harbor,” will “divide our past and future into a before and after,” you’d better believe his neocon cronies are about to deliver a 9/11 to the public.
When Bill Gates “warns” us that “we’re not ready” for what he calls “the next epidemic,” you’d better believe that he’s using his monopolization of global “health” to prime the pump for the COVID scamdemic.
When Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping release a joint statement vowing to “accelerate the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” by cooperating on “key areas” like “vaccines and epidemics control, financing for development, climate change, sustainable development, including green development, industrialization, digital economy, and infrastructure connectivity,” you’d better believe they are actively collaborating on the promotion of an AI-driven, Fourth Industrial Revolution globalist agenda with their WEF cronies.
And when the globalists release a detailed timeline telling you exactly what the next steps are in the rollout of the global biosecurity security state, you’d better believe they are hard at work erecting that enslavement grid as we speak.
Luckily for us, we do not need to be mind readers or fortune-tellers to know what the globalists are preparing for our dystopian future. We simply have to read their documents. And boy, have they released some real doozies in the past month: three documents that lay out a precise timeline and an overview of what they’re hoping to achieve and how they’re hoping to achieve it.
Today, let’s examine these documents so that we can better understand what we’re up against and form a more effective plan for derailing this agenda of control.
Read all about the European Council’s timeline for the unfolding healthy tyranny in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber. Then stick around for James’ recommended reading, listening and viewing, and a coupon code for 25% off Corbett Report DVDs at the New World Next Week shop.
For free access to this editorial, please CLICK HERE.
The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 12 issue 08 (March 20, 2022)
by James Corbett One thing you learn after spending years in the conspiracy realist space: when the globalists tell you that something is about to happen, you’d better believe they’re hard at work behind the scenes to make that “prediction” a reality. For example, when 9/11 suspect Philip Zelikow takes to the pages of Foreign Affairs to “warn” about the “eminent threat” of “Catastrophic Terrorism” that, “like Pearl Harbor,” will “divide our past and future into a before and after,” you’d better believe his neocon cronies are about to deliver a 9/11 to the public. When Bill Gates “warns” us that “we’re not ready” for what he calls “the next epidemic,” you’d better believe that he’s using his monopolization of global “health” to prime the pump for the COVID scamdemic. When Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping release a joint statement vowing to “accelerate the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” by cooperating on “key areas” like “vaccines and epidemics control, financing for development, climate change, sustainable development, including green development, industrialization, digital economy, and infrastructure connectivity,” you’d better believe they are actively collaborating on the promotion of an AI-driven, Fourth Industrial Revolution globalist agenda with their WEF cronies. And when the globalists release a detailed timeline telling you exactly what the next steps are in the rollout of the global biosecurity security state, you’d better believe they are hard at work erecting that enslavement grid as we speak. Luckily for us, we do not need to be mind readers or fortune-tellers to know what the globalists are preparing for our dystopian future. We simply have to read their documents. And boy, have they released some real doozies in the past month: three documents that lay out a precise timeline and an overview of what they’re hoping to achieve and how they’re hoping to achieve it. Today, let’s examine these documents so that we can better understand what we’re up against and form a more effective plan for derailing this agenda of control. DOCUMENT #1: The European Council’s Handy-dandy Infographic TimelineEarlier this month, the European Council released a document laying out the EUreaucrats’ own timetable for the implementation of global health tyranny. Entitled “Infographic – Towards an international treaty on pandemics,” it cuts down on all those complicated linguistic thingies—what do you call them again? words?—and reduces the complexities of a legally binding global pandemic treaty down to the lowest common denominator: the “infographic.” With this Buzzfeed-worthy gimmick in hand, the European Council wastes no time in getting down to business, informing us that “On 3 March 2022, the Council adopted a decision to authorize the opening of negotiations for an international agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response” before patting itself on the back for its role in proposing the idea of a global pandemic treaty in the first place: So far, so unsurprising. This is the exact kind of mealy-mouthed “global approach” blah blah blah “common cause” yadda yadda “protecting health” pabulum that you would expect the global technocratic class to administer in a document like this. Then, they lay out an incredibly abbreviated history of how we have arrived at the proposal for a global health tyranny: You’ll note that this curiously truncated “history” unhelpfully informs you that 2021 was “only the second time in WHO history that its governing body . . . met for a second time in the same year” without bothering to link you to the list of World Health Assembly meetings. If they had bothered to do so, as I do here, you could see for yourself that the first time this two-meetings-in-one-year event happened was back in 2006, when the WHO met in May to discuss “Strengthening pandemic-influenza preparedness and response” in the context of the newly revised International Health Regulations and then again in November of that year to appoint Margaret Chan as the organization’s Executive Director. It’s not hard to understand why they leave out that part of the history, though. Not only would it be too much information to include in their childish infographic, it also might have prompted you to learn more about the creation of the “public health emergency of international concern” that was then invoked by Chan during the ginned-up swine flu “pandemic” of 2009 (and again during the ebola “pandemic” of 2014) to justify the consolidation of WHO powers in the dawning era of biosecurity. And, obviously, that kind of history is not what the European Council is aiming for here. Back to the document: Next, we see what is really at stake in this seemingly innocuous proposal for a global pandemic treaty. We learn that what is really being proposed is not that political blather about “banding together for a common cause” but creating a legally binding agreement to govern the global response to global public health “crises” (real or imaginary). Don’t worry, though, this agreement—in addition to promoting the sharing of genetic data and samples among WHO member countries—is rooted in the constitution! . . . The WHO constitution, that is, not your silly, outdated national constitution. This agreement will override that. At last, we arrive at the juicy part: And so we discover the real roadmap for the creation of the biosecurity state as the European Council sees it. First there will be a meeting of an “intergovernmental negotiating body” to discuss progress on a draft for the globalist “health” takeover. “What body? Representing which governments? Convening under what authority? And represented by whom, exactly?” you might ask, if you were the sort to question the information that is forcibly shoved down your throat by the self-proclaimed authorities. But relax, dude! This is an infographic, not one of those complicated overly talky explainer doohickeys! Just turn off you mind, relax and float downstream with the European Council and whoever else is steering this ship! Next we learn that this “negotiating body”—”Is this an official body? Who gets to decide who is appointed to this body? Is it part of the WHO itself?” . . . but there you go again with those pesky questions—will deliver a “progress report” to the WHO’s annual-ish meeting next year. (Now don’t go asking what this progress report will consist of, how it will be delivered, who will review it or what these unnamed officials will do with it! That’s way more information than these poor infographic designers could possibly supply you with!) And then, in May 2024, the “proposed instrument” will be presented for adoption at the WHO’s World Health Assembly, and the biosecurity takeover will be complete. Think of it as Patriot Act 2.0, but global. And focused on medical martial law. Finally, our friends at the European Council put our minds at ease about why a legally binding global agreement is needed after all: You see, it’s just about keeping you safe in the loving arms of the de facto global health tyranny so that they can implement long-term fascism at all levels! Nothing to see here, right? So there you have it, folks: we have two years left before they close the barn door on health freedom at the global governmental level. At least, according to the European Council. But why listen to the EU, you might ask? Good question. The simple answer is that they have a track record of correctly “predicting” the next moves in the erection of the medical martial law grid. Remember when the European Commission released the snappily named “Roadmap for the Implementation of Actions by the European Commission Based on the Commission Communication and the Council Recommendation on Strengthening Cooperation against Vaccine Preventable Diseases” back in 2019? No? Well, let me refresh your memory: Ahhh, right. It just so happens that the EUreaucrats were forecasting the creation of a vaccination card/passport for EU citizens in 2022 just months before the scamdemic was launched. Coincidence, I’m sure. DOCUMENT #2: A Roadmap for Living with COVIDBut, to be sure, it isn’t just the European Council talking about the coming biosecurity grid, and we don’t have to rely on some contextless, sourceless, idiotic infographic to learn what the globalists are planning next. We could turn, for example, to “Getting to and Sustaining the Next Normal: A Roadmap for Living with COVID.” This is a document from . . . who exactly? Well, according to the “About” page on the website, this 136-page report on our coming medical martial law nightmare was put together by some unnamed group of random individuals. Apparently, they all woke up one day filled with concern for Americans in the COVID era and decided out of the goodness of their hearts (and with the help of a bit of Rockefeller funding) to write a handy-dandy roadmap for getting us to what they call the “next normal.” And which random good Samaritan took on the role of “shepherding” (their word) the 53 authors of this report? None other than Ezekiel J. Emanuel, Vice Provost for Global Initiatives at the University of Pennsylvania and former Biden Transition COVID-19 Advisory Board member. Yes, that Ezekiel Emanuel. The document is precisely as disturbing as you would expect, laying out step-by-step exactly how to hardwire the biosecurity state into place through the creation of centralized testing, surveillance, data sharing, monitoring and reporting standards. It also calls for the development of new technologies and processes for combating the inevitable next pandemic. But if all that wasn’t Huxleyan enough, the report also advocates the creation of “a comprehensive, scientifically-tested communication and behavioral intervention infrastructure to increase vaccination, testing and treatment” and . . . wait for it . . . the creation of a new post on the National Security Council: Deputy Assistant to the President for Biosecurity! (And you thought I was joking about biosecurity being the next paradigm, didn’t you?) DOCUMENT #3: National Covid-19 Preparedness PlanEqually disturbing is the Biden White House’s own “National Covid-19 Preparedness Plan,” unveiled earlier this month. Purporting to be a plan for “getting America back to our normal routines while protecting people from COVID-19, preparing for new variants, and preventing economic and educational shutdowns,” the document is broken down into four goals:
Worryingly, many of the creepy aspects of the biosecurity state embedded in this particular plan are already being implemented. For example, on page 34 of the document the US surgeon general is directed to “issue a Request for Information (RFI) from researchers, healthcare workers, tech platforms, and community organizations on the impact of health misinformation during the pandemic.” As The New York Times reports, this request has now been issued:
Meryl Nass summarizes the bone-chilling nature of this request nicely in a recent Substack post on the topic:
Given what we have just seen taking place in Canada around the doxing and financial de-personing of the Freedom Convoy supporters, can there be any doubt that the systems are now being erected so that thoughtcriminals will be penalized for sharing “misinformation” about the next scamdemic? CONCLUSIONThe COVID narrative has fallen apart in recent months and the mockingbird repeaters of the MSM have refocused the attention of their zombie-like viewers onto the spectacle in Ukraine, but the biosecurity agenda has not gone away. Indeed, as Kit Knightly warns in his latest insightful article at Off-Guardian, the “stealth omicron” scare story that is being floated in the media right now reminds us that the COVID narrative has not gone away; it is merely sleeping for now. Regardless of what happens next in the continuing COVID saga, though, the erection of the biosecurity state continues apace. In fact, it is even helped along by the fact that so few are paying attention to this agenda now. Distracted by the pyrotechnics of warfare, the hoi polloi hardly notice that the European Commission is happily announcing their imminent victory in the war over the formerly free peoples of the world. By 2024, if all goes well, they will have their global pandemic treaty in place and absolute power to implement their will anywhere in the world at any time under the cover of any declared health emergency. If you had sprung any of this (literally any of it) on the public two years ago, it would have been swiftly and roundly rejected. Today, it is simply accepted that this is happening. After all, it is the next logical step in the narrative of “pandemic and recovery” that the masses have been brainwashed with for the past two years. The social engineers know what they are doing. They are wearing the population down, first generating hysteria over a perceived crisis and then slipping in the poison pill once the public’s attention has turned elsewhere. This suggests, once again, that our perception and attention are themselves important. They cannot implement their agenda without our acquiescence, so they spend unbelievable amounts of energy propagandizing the public, preventing information about their true agenda from circulating among the public, and working to distract the public. And, once again, this suggests that the work we are doing in pursuing this information and sharing it with others is an important part of stopping the would-be rulers from erecting their biosecurity state. However, this also implies that if we cannot raise sufficient awareness of this agenda among the general public then we will surely lose this fight. The choice is ours. We can either go back to sleep and follow the shiny baubles of the latest breaking news on the MSM news feeds or we can continue to focus on the creation of the biosecurity state, build coalitions with those who are resisting it, and move forward with the creation of a parallel economy for overcoming our reliance on the state’s tools of coercion and control. I know which of those two options I’ll be choosing. I hope you’ll be here with me. |
Recommended Listening and Viewing
Recommended ReadingWhat Is Driving Pakistan’s Outreach to Russia? The Duke Report (alt news aggregator created by a Corbett Report listener) China captures powerful US NSA cyberspy tool Recommended ListeningRichardGage911: Unleashed! podcast Recommended ViewingTaking Initiative, or, How We Got a Town Talking About Freedom Cells There’s a never-before-seen video of 9/11 attack that’s just appeared online The Mayfair Set Part I / II / III / IV Just For FunMacron Goes for a Zelensky Makeover . . . And Embarrasses Himself |
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the new 9/11 video – authentic footage or graphically manufactured? I shared it (as official narratives lie). YET is it verifiable? Thank you
imho, the whole airplane stuff was holographic and the buildings were all prewired to explode …
RE: “There’s a never-before-seen video of 9/11 attack that’s just appeared online”
On March 4th, I posted that video in the comment section of New World Next Week.
Feb 24th (it became live)
9-11 Kevin’s Video with raw audio (includes swearing)
Read Kevin’s description below his YouTube video.
EXCERPT: Copyright 2001 & 2022
I posted this video in the 2000’s but accidently left it private for until now.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Bebop says:
“imho, the whole airplane stuff was holographic and the buildings were all prewired to explode …”
Bebop, You are being silly and joking, or you need to improve your research skills.
I’ve been at this a long time, and cut my teeth on 9/11.
That holographic narrative is put out into the ether by clandestine operatives in order to discredit the 9/11 Truth movement in the hopes that some folks will take the bait.
Some folks like to swallow CIA NSA bait.
HomeRemedy, I am not as well researched as you are on the subject, but I tend to agree that some of the more outlandish theories I see posted are meant to purposely discredit any serious discussion of what actually happened on 9/11. In a previous comment that I posted on CR’s Al Queda video, I outlined how it would be possible, with the airplanes and their onboard Flight Management Computers as they existed, to program them at the departure gate with malware that would then enable hijackers with little flying skills to essentially set up the autopilot to collide with their final targets. This seemed to upset people with its simplicity, as they seem to want an elaborate explanation. There was an academic paper that examined this very hypothesis, but I can’t recall the title or link to it.
Computer Controlled Planes on 9/11
Hi G. Jingping,
I remember seeing some of your comments and responses…
In the past, I have seen so very many fiery arguments and back-n-forth heated contentions about various details of 9/11, verbally and written, that now I avoid getting involved with writing endless pages in an online back-n-forth.
That said, the speculative theory of Computer Controlled Planes on 9/11 can explain a lot of things.
One example: The specific targeted areas where each of the three planes hit seems more than circumstantial.
Kevin Ryan writes about the specific areas (companies) where the planes hit the Towers. I think Richard Grove has a lot to say on the topic.
Kevin Ryan blog –
Aidan Monaghan has done some investigation on Computer Controlled Aircraft. Some examples…
Plausibility Of 9/11 Aircraft Attacks Generated By GPS-Guided Aircraft Autopilot Systems
Review of Analysis of Observed and Measured In-Flight Turns Suggest Superior Control of 9/11 WTC Aircraft
9/11 RESOURCES – On the left side of this webpage are Trusted Websites Recommended by Michael Wolsey
They are a great resource for searching information about 9/11.
Many people have researched and discussed the possibility of Computer Controlled Planes on 9/11.
In my opinion, the theory of computer controlled aircraft seems very plausible. But it is only my speculation.
As far as “who”, if anyone, was aboard the aircraft is a whole other bag of worms. No doubt that there are many unanswered questions about 9/11.
Thank you, HomeRemedy, for your courteous and insightful reply. The Aidan Monaghan paper was the one I was thinking of but couldn’t remember the link. I have utilized the technologies mentioned and they are remarkably precise. And this is with what is essentially tuned and tightened 1980’s technology! As I previously said, you could hand someone a list of which buttons to press and in what order and they could take a suitably prepared plane from cruise to impact with no flying ability needed. Whether that is the way it happened or not was not my point, just that it could be done. The crushing thing is that elements of our own government caused this to happen, or at least shepherded in actors that they knew would do it. Mr. Corbett’s work makes that clear. Adding insult to injury is the certainty that bogus theories are promoted clandestinely by the government in order to bury the truth and mislead the public.
Video is legit. Drone airplane, not an Arab boogeyman. Airplane also has legit acoustics as well. A holograph cannot emulate the immense jet sound wave heard below. We have other senses than sight in the human body. Building was wired though and they did ‘pull it’. Drone airplane was a smokescreen for the controlled demolition. Holographs and directed energy weapons are all disinformation in my opinion. Conspiracy reality Occam’s razor in my opinion.
Oh, and somehow will have to kill me to in order to vaccinate me. Many others endowed by their creator upholding their inalienable 2nd amendment right also feel the same. I suppose the problem will be when Spot ‘the vaccine’ dog “© Boston Dynamics” shows up with a loving pounce of needles.
One thing that was said at the scene I have to agree with: the plane just disappeared in the building.
And there’s nothing wrong with that at all…
If you know about physics and the construction of the towers.
No need to know about physics. ACME university diploma, the one the roadrunner obtained, is mighty sufficient to understand the events of that day.
Anyone who has ever seen a ball enter the baseball bat will know how these things work.
It’s time to brush up on your physics, me thinks. 🙂
The planes did not crash into buildings built with solid steel walls.
Mucho air, and mucho joints that buckled at impact.
And most importantly, don’t forget, these were fawlty towers! 🙂
I’ve watched some roadrunner cartoons this morning so I’m up to speed for this type of discussion. Roadrunner is one fast bird that goes through concrete because it’s going fast. Check.
Mucho air and mucho joints, yes. Especially relevant when we consider that planes are made of … a lot of air, not that many joints and … aluminum sheeting, is it?
Is aluminim that metal that is very light and not that strong compared to steel? It’s not very strong compared to hard wood or plastics, forget about steel. Strange how that works.
But I guess anything goes when one goes really fast. Btw, how fast was that plane going?
It really sounds that you don’t believe planes hit the towers.
What made the holes in your estimation and how do you account for all of the 30+ pieces of plane footage plus other evidence of plane strikes?
You’ve obviously thought this through for quite some time.
Why do you use the word “believe”? I mean, there’s this mysteriously delayed recording two decades later showing, clear as day, in 480p, that a plane has completely penetrated a building. What’s there to believe? Do you know or do you believe that this plane (aluminium encased air) has completely, without any perceivable debris, entered a building (steel encased air) and while in there caused an explosion?
This is really a futile offshoot discussion about things that do not matter. We all know what followed in the wake of whatever was happening that day.
I merely stated that I agree with one of purported witnesses that indeed it seems the plane has just disappeared, going by this footage alone. One of the commentators noted that the sound of the plane really leaves an impression. And we can clearly see people turning their heads in the direction of the incoming plane, as one would expect quite a bit of noise in this scenario. This does, however, present a conflict with some of the previous (old) footage where people who are just as close by or even closer to the buildings only react to the explosion. One would expect them to react to the noise of a low altitude high speed approaching 747.
But, again, weeding out inconsistencies in this impossible story is really beyond something I would find worthwhile doing at this late hours. Yes, you are right, I have spent quite a bit of time with this and I have come to the same conclusion 50 times: these buildings did not collapse due to planes hitting them. I do not need to describe the prison in meticulous, brick by brick detail to understand that I’m in one.
But, again, weeding out inconsistencies in this impossible story is really beyond something I would find worthwhile doing at this late hours. Yes, you are right, I have spent quite a bit of time with this and I have come to the same conclusion 50 times: these buildings did not collapse due to planes hitting them. I do not need to describe the prison in meticulous, brick by brick detail to understand that I’m in one.
That’s all that is important about the towers really.
That and understanding 9/11 was a false flag attack.
I’ve said the following many times:
Some people believe A,B,C,D,E,F and H occurred on 9/11.
Some people believe B,C,D,E,F and I occurred on 9/11.
Some people believe A,B,D,E,F and J occurred on 9/11.
Some people believe A,B,C,D,F and H occurred on 9/11.
Some people believe C,D,E,F and J occurred on 9/11.
One thing they ALL have in common is that they ALL KNOW 9/11 was a false flag event!
Not only that, but “the wind, the wind” which destroyed Paradise et all in one day was moving at 80 football fields a minute.(/an interesting kind of math), which figures to nearly three hundred miles per hour. Strange the trees didn’t blow down………….
hey teeth-cutter,
whats the theory for why/how the nose cone of the north tower jet pierced through the steel into the building then through the steel back out the adjoining side yet was still intact, until the general explosion of that impact overtook and clouded further scrutiny?
Oh you mean the “nose in – nose out” theory made famous by
Ace Baker? LOL!
He made a bunch of mistakes in his infamous debate
on Hardfire with Steve Wright and Ronald Wieck.
He started off by saying there was no plane to be seen until a couple
of seconds before tower impact. Something he said was impossible.
But he missed the plane approaching through the clouds for more than 8 seconds!
As for the “nose in – nose out” business…
If you take the time to carefully study the shape of the nose before impact and the
“nose” coming out the other side of the building, you will see they don’t match up!!!
They are NOT the exact same shape!
And the reason they are not the same shape is because the “nose” exiting the building
is not a nose, but the plane engine that landed at Church and Murray.
If Google hasn’t scrubbed all this info, you can do all the research for yourself to verify this.
I think it would be worth the time and effort.
Because as James always says, “Don’t trust me, do your own research!”
” “nose” exiting the building
is not a nose, but the plane engine that landed at Church and Murray.”
oh good, I never liked the pinocchio version of that fable. so we can call it the jet engine version. My first thought is, gee it sure looked clean for having just punched diagonally through glas aluminium an two structural steel exterior walls. but who knows with the state of special effects these days.
funny how the north tower jet engine could punch through many layers without a scratch, yet the engines from the “jet” that hit the pentagon didnt even mark the wall, nor dent nor scratch paint,, occam’s razor suggests that the engines and wings and tail of that plane disappeared into thin air just before impact.
How can liars do their dirty lying out in the open and not get throw in a pit. imagine fauci and gates and the lot of them in a pit, with no exit. what would they say to eachother? It might finally force their hands?
oh good, I never liked the pinocchio version of that fable. so we can call it the jet engine version. My first thought is, gee it sure looked clean for having just punched diagonally through glas aluminium an two structural steel exterior walls. but who knows with the state of special effects these days.
funny how the north tower jet engine could punch through many layers without a scratch, yet the engines from the “jet” that hit the pentagon didnt even mark the wall, nor dent nor scratch paint,, occam’s razor suggests that the engines and wings and tail of that plane disappeared into thin air just before impact.”
Oh the classic straw man argument. 🙂
Not addressing WTC1/2 but shifting over to the Pentagon.
I really would urge you to do the research I discussed above. If the evidence hasn’t been scrubbed, you should be able to piece all of this together yourself.
I am going to help you out though because I’m a nice guy. 🙂
There is a precious video on YT that is one of my absolute favorites on 9/11.
This video is rich because it seals the deal with respect to a plane crashing into the WTC2 tower. Watch it and LISTEN very carefully. It’s all there.
If you need help interpreting what you are hearing I’ll help out, but you should be able to figure it all out.
nice guy wrote:
“Oh the classic straw man argument. ?
Not addressing WTC1/2 but shifting over to the Pentagon.”
Outstanding evidence, as yet unexplained by A&E for truth nor anyone i’ve heard, has been presented by Dr Judy Wood.
when I mentioned this some months ago here, HRS wrote something about her basic physics or math being wrong? yet her credentials are way past “basic physics”, and my intuition about her would be stunned if she wasnt willing to debate or retract & correct whatever it was?
It seems like willful ignorance to discredit her extensive compilation of quality evidence because of a math or physics error. I still havent been told/shown what her error was?
Nevertheless, for me, evidence presented overwhelms all proposed theories Ive heard (not for lack of searching), and has yet to be explained: ridiculously small debris pile, cookie cutter holes in adjacent buildings, 100’s of toasted cars w/ slumped sheet metal panels yet as new plastic interior, all w exploded windshield, theres more; if your into 9/11 “research” her book is an eyeopener.
but maybe you’ve fact-checked her evidence?
I listened to the video, thanks. I heard an approaching engine of a jet before the explosion of what looked like a crash. what I do know is that a plane crash explosion cannot suddenly disappear 70+stories of otherwise intact structure instantaneously twice in an hour, 3x in 8hrs.
This event may prove to be the most technically mysterious of our lives. My best guess for now is: planes did fly into the towers, or at least they were about the same size and appeared to have wings,,
and then
“controlled demolition”, but just how it was controlled and all the elements involved (considering the evidence above) are not recognizable to even begin theorizing about. I’m willing to assume that the PA and DC “crashes” were connected to the same op, and used similar tech. But as for the details of how all 4 events were executed, no strawman is yet willing to say.
“Nevertheless, for me, evidence presented overwhelms all proposed theories Ive heard (not for lack of searching), and has yet to be explained: ridiculously small debris pile, cookie cutter holes in adjacent buildings, 100’s of toasted cars w/ slumped sheet metal panels yet as new plastic interior, all w exploded windshield, theres more; if your into 9/11 “research” her book is an eyeopener.
but maybe you’ve fact-checked her evidence?”
Yes I have.
If you are interested I’ll go over all the main points you addressed in your post, but let’s spare the poor members here. 🙂
Just send me an e-mail at my website (follow the link on my name).
If you have links to share that would bring clarity to the questions Dr Wood raises, great, but why keep that discussion private?
I will resist long discussion, if you feel we’re wasting space or derailing the narrative here.
But access to debunking her evidence should be for all, especially those who venture here.
with respect, I’m inclined to withhold my address from someone who could be a genuine caring sort, but just as easily an incognito agent with myriad exploitative agendas?
maybe thats paranoia or maybe its prudence? I learned it here.
“If you have links to share that would bring clarity to the questions Dr Wood raises, great, but why keep that discussion private?
I will resist long discussion, if you feel we’re wasting space or derailing the narrative here.
But access to debunking her evidence should be for all, especially those who venture here.”
You keep shifting the focus of discussion.
We were talking about the infamous “nose in – nose out” theory.
Then you shifted to the Pentagon.
Now you are shifting to Dr. Wood!
It doesn’t seem like you have the patience to see through one area of focus, before moving on to something totally unrelated.
“You keep shifting the focus of discussion.”
actually you are:
“We were talking about the infamous “nose in – nose out” theory.
Then you shifted to the Pentagon.
Now you are shifting to Dr. Wood!”
fawlty, that list follows the thread of our exchanges. last thing you said was that you had fact checked Dr Wood
“but maybe you’ve fact-checked her evidence?”
“Yes I have.”
“If you are interested I’ll go over all the main points you addressed in your post,”
I’m interested whaddya got?
“We were talking about the infamous “nose in – nose out” theory.
Then you shifted to the Pentagon.
Now you are shifting to Dr. Wood!”
fawlty, that list follows the thread of our exchanges. last thing you said was that you had fact checked Dr Wood
“but maybe you’ve fact-checked her evidence?”
“Yes I have.”
“If you are interested I’ll go over all the main points you addressed in your post,”
I’m interested whaddya got?
The way my brain works is that if I am researching or discussing a topic I see it through as best I can, BEFORE I move on to research/discuss another topic.
The ‘nose-in nose-out’ topic that you mentioned way above, came from a helicopter video of the plane crash into WTC2.
You seemed to dismiss the video because you couldn’t imagine a nose of a plane entering a building and then peeping out the other side a second later.
Of course that would be physically impossible. Ace Baker was one of the first ones to incorrectly claim that is what we were seeing in the chopper video.
In reality, as I pointed out, what we were seeing was a ‘nose in’ and ‘engine out’.
I started showing proof of this, but then you shifted to the Pentagon!
If you are game, let’s finish the ‘nose in’ and ‘engine out’ focus.
Are you interested? I have lots of evidence for that.
As I said, this video is one of my all-time faves from 9/11.
It is rich in detail and puts a nail in the coffin of the ‘plane-no plane debate’.
It has the smoking gun evidence people yearn for concerning whether or not planes were used on 9/11.
The guys shooting the video were severely traumatized with what they saw and experienced.
It’s all there, raw, uncensored, palpable.
They were located at the corner of Barclay and West Broadway, 930 ft. from WTC2 and diagonally, roughly 656 ft from Church and Murray.
The following occurs chronologically starting at 18 s into the video:
18 s jet engine heard. The sound level and pitch are exactly as one would expect from a jet approaching from behind WTC2.
20 s plane hits WTC2. The sound and sound level are exactly as one would expect from a jet crash.
21-23 s One fellow imploring his buddy to “Get down, get down, get down!” as the jet engine heads in their direction.
27 s plane debris lands
29 s plane debris lands
32 s plane engine lands?
34 s plane debris lands
53 s “Let’s go, let’s get the fuck out’a here!” These guys were scared out of their minds for their physical well-being, and rightly so.
58 s “Get the fuck out’a here!”
1:10 s plane debris can be seen on the street and people tending
to an injured person next to the debris.
1:38 “Let’s get out’a here”
1:41 “Oh my god, that’s so fuckin’ dead right there.”
1:47 “Oh my God, that was fucked up.”
2:20 “…lookin’ down, I was lookin’ up, I was watching it come at us (engine)”
4:05 engine exit hole in WTC2 corner
It’s hard to determine exactly which pieces of the jet debris lands at the times listed above.
It’s likely the loudest sound was the engine landing at Church and Murray.
Strangely this video has only 21,748 views as of today and was posted Sep 27, 2007.
By all rights it should have millions of views given its significance amongst doubting ‘no-planers’.
More evidence will come but this is as good as it gets.
You seem to extrapolate a lot from those sounds. I’ll have to review the video with my headphones on, but those sounds on 18s sound more like I would expect a missile to sound.
The “manhattan demolition” bit looks like the part someone wanted to emphasize the most, which is good.
“let’s finish the ‘nose in’ and ‘engine out’ focus.
Are you interested? I have lots of evidence for that.”
Fawlty, thanks for sharing your efforts to deconstruct the sounds of that video. you claims:
“27 s plane debris lands
29 s plane debris lands
32 s plane engine lands?
34 s plane debris lands ”
is there visual ID to back that up? I didnt see it in the video?
I’m not too curious about the plane/no plane question; its interesting if your into magic tricks, but clearly a normal passenger jet impact and explosion 70-80 stories up, cannot cause a building built like that to freefall. Ive worked years with steel, and Ive read the scantling detail for those towers, 47 core and 236 perimeter
structural steel columns. try to picture that much steel, the box beams start with 3″ thick plate and taper over the whole length,, that much steel plus 220 floors of 10″ reinforced concrete is huge mass, so what made that mass suddenly turn to dust?
I’m curious your take on the Dr Wood evidence, specifically: the small debris pile remaining
the cookie cutter holes in bldngs 5 & 4 (#’s?)
the toasted cars
the lack of destruction below street level
the minimal seismic signature
How can sequence controlled charges (the kind the public knows about) cause those effects?
“Fawlty, thanks for sharing your efforts to deconstruct the sounds of that video. you claims:
“27 s plane debris lands
29 s plane debris lands
32 s plane engine lands?
34 s plane debris lands ”
is there visual ID to back that up? I didnt see it in the video?”
WYSIWYG with that video. The beauty of the video is that you don’t need visuals. There are plenty of other videos showing the plane striking WTC2 (30+) and the engine and other plane debris flying out of the tower. This is only video to my knowledge, that has the sounds of the debris and in particular, the plane engine, striking the ground. The timing is perfect.
You can see some plane debris in the video at 1:10 as I mentioned. Which sound corresponds to that piece is anyone’s guess. One of the sounds likely corresponds to the 51 Park Place debris discovery in April 2013 between two buildings and of course one sound would correspond to the engine at Church and Murray. 51 Park Place is approximately half way between where the men were shooting the video and the corner of Church and Murray.
Here is another video, this one a compilation of 30 separate videos showing the plane striking WTC2.
You asked about visuals to back up the sounds. There are plenty in this video:
1:30 lots of plane debris flying after hit…
1:55 lots of plane debris flying after hit…
3:20 lots of plane debris flying after hit…
3:50 lots of plane debris flying after hit…
5:45 lots of plane debris flying after hit…
6:10 nose in – engine out (stop the video there to see)
6:38 nose in – engine out (stop the video there to see) follow engine as it flies…
7:25 lots of building and plane debris flying after hit…
9:08 engine flying out…
9:23 engine flying out…
“I’m not too curious about the plane/no plane question; its interesting if your into magic tricks, but clearly a normal passenger jet impact and explosion 70-80 stories up, cannot cause a building built like that to freefall. Ive worked years with steel, and Ive read the scantling detail for those towers, 47 core and 236 perimeter
structural steel columns. try to picture that much steel,…”
Of course you are correct. The planes did not have anything to do with the destruction of WTC1 and WTC2.
“I’m curious your take on the Dr Wood evidence, specifically: the small debris pile remaining
the cookie cutter holes in bldngs 5 & 4 (#’s?)
the toasted cars
the lack of destruction below street level
the minimal seismic signature
How can sequence controlled charges (the kind the public knows about) cause those effects? ”
I was a Dr. Wood disciple for a very brief period of time. I almost bought her book!
But it didn’t take long to see all the flaws in her theories.
I must give the woman some credit however.
She was correct that a directed energy weapon was used to bring down the towers (WTC1/2/7), however not the kind of weapon she had in mind.
The directed energy weapon used was a nuclear energy weapon, directed upwards from the sub-basements of WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7.
All of the points from above (cookie cutter holes, toasted cars etc. etc.) can be explained by the nuclear devices that were planted in the sub-basements of the towers.
You can read all about it here:
you’ve put excellent info together. thank you.
Gee Fawlty,
you’re not mucking around,
after reading your posts, there’s one supposition that I’m hung on, and a few lingering “yes buts”,,
“Pyroclastic dust clouds occur on our planet in only two instances:
1. A volcanic eruption
2. A nuclear explosion”
perhaps we can say, “only two known”,, If nuke device mavens are still speculating about just what “clean nuke” device was used, I wonder if another type of destructive dynamic exists other than than the two you name? perhaps it has similar signatures as nukes? or coulda been used as well as?
I still wonder about the toasted cars and flipped cars next to intact trees (shades of the calif fires evidence in that)?
I also wonder about the stairwell survivors; this along with the cookie cutter holes indicate a defined boundary of whatever super-dooper physics was being “aimed and fired”,
the notion that devices we’re in the sub-basements but the debris finishing at the street is counter-intuitive but so is the way microwave ovens thaw something frozen from the centre out.
I like Uncle Joe’s theory that 3 layers were operating:
mercenary high jackers
deep staters
each knew nothing of the layer of higher tech sophistication above,,
may I share those posts?
thanks again
you’ve put excellent info together. thank you.
Gee Fawlty,
you’re not mucking around,”
Thanks. They don’t call me Fawlty Towers for nothing. 🙂
“after reading your posts, there’s one supposition that I’m hung on, and a few lingering “yes buts”,,
“Pyroclastic dust clouds occur on our planet in only two instances:
1. A volcanic eruption
2. A nuclear explosion”
perhaps we can say, “only two known”,, If nuke device mavens are still speculating about just what “clean nuke” device was used, I wonder if another type of destructive dynamic exists other than than the two you name? perhaps it has similar signatures as nukes? or coulda been used as well as? ”
Well of course there is always that possibility.
But that lies in the pure open-ended, speculation category, with nothing but “I wonder if…”
When you have so much solid evidence pointing to a nuclear device, why try as hard as you can to say, “Let’s see if I can dream up something better.”
“I still wonder about the toasted cars and flipped cars next to intact trees (shades of the calif fires evidence in that)?
I also wonder about the stairwell survivors; this along with the cookie cutter holes indicate a defined boundary of whatever super-dooper physics was being “aimed and fired”, “
Pommer gives a very reasonable explanation as to how the stairwell survivors survived the nuke.
As for the toasted/flipped cars etc., they could just as readily be explained by a nuke device as they can by a never-seen D.E.W..
“the notion that devices we’re in the sub-basements but the debris finishing at the street is counter-intuitive but so is the way microwave ovens thaw something frozen from the centre out. ”
It’s not counter-intuitive if you take the time to watch Pommer’s videos and read his papers.
I had my own questions as to how exactly the devices would tear the buildings down from top to bottom, but correspondence with Heinz got all of that straightened out. It helps that he’s a nuclear physicist. 🙂
“I like Uncle Joe’s theory that 3 layers were operating:
mercenary high jackers
deep staters
each knew nothing of the layer of higher tech sophistication above,,
may I share those posts? “
By all means go ahead! I haven’t heard of Uncle Joe’s theory yet.
J “overcoming our reliance on the state’s tools of coercion and control.”
V I agree with the just-on-th-other-side-of-the-ridge immanence;
and yet
take small respite in the fact that many of the clear seers I followed in the sixties were speaking in similar terms. I didnt miss the fat lady did I?
I also find release from the way a big part, the visible part, of the locals reacted on the day after the recent big flood. Details of horror, are being uncovered still, 2 weeks later; but the other story is how the switch on the social paradigm was flipped hard. people became calm, clearly focused on cooperation & understanding and above all helping, everyone was covered in raw sewrage, the town of 10,000 had gone under, the hinterlands, especially catchments had seen many landslides, beaches littered with dead cattle having been flushed down river,,, (with respect, a few spots, where rivers join, have it far far worse and but everyone hardened the f up and did the right thing. It was miraculous to be a part of.
The quality of spirit did wane a bit as soon as the cars all got hooning around again (our ability to suddenly runaway). noone needed an ism nor mask to know who they were or what to do.
as for digital currency. the phone tower had a fire, and suddenly (for a week) it was cash only at all the shops. that was also a relief.
just sayin, the immanent threat of oligarchic domination is dust on the shoulder, easily brushed aside of the humanity heart that was ready to shine at the drop of a ,,lotta drops
Vadoum, a week ago or so wrote there was a big storm and flooding in the land of Oz, (Kansas?) you asked for info on weather. At that time I looked up to see what had happened and there was nothing available on the net except storms from 2021. Maybe you live elsewhere, but I thought that odd that there was no news of a big storm. I do believe that wether can and has been weaponized.
apologies if my cryptic cheek misguided your understanding.
oz is also known as Aus (,,tralia). Heres link to a local paper with some photos and articles:
“rain bomb” is officially everyone’s expression.
The small city of Lismore has condemmed thousands of houses, and bodies swept away on the night are still being discovered 3 weeks later.
the “flood of 2022″ central east coast australia happened over night. over 24hrs, during sunday night and monday (feb 28,,) the catchment hills and valleys that are spokes off of a 50 mile diameter caldera, copped nearly a meter of rain. For the U. S. of a. readers, thats 38” of rain or if it had been cold enough 30+ feet of snow, in 24hrs. The week average accumulation was 1400mm (4.6ft of rain or 46ft of snow).
There is no precedent for that volume of rain these parts.
the position of the stalled low (downgraded from cyclone to gale) was such that the tight spiral was over land while the trailing long tail was over the sea. The fact that it stayed in approximately the same section of coast for a couple of weeks continuing to dump record breaking volume makes one wonder if there was a pumping/suckng of ocean water that then dumped further along the vortex,,? i dunno? But essentially, the drainages had been stressed but were coping with the continuous week of rain, but then everyone went to bed sunday night. More than a few wont be waking up again, but for those that did: some rolled from bed into a couple feet of water, while others had sat with kids on a just-above-the-surface roof top, city and town cbds are still mopping up, thousands of structures condemmed, many land slides took out roads, flow meters above the guard rails took out many bridges and causeways….
(with respect for those lost or sick), the deluge-given great pause, has had a revealing effect. when the rubber, uh, was no longer aloud down the road, then the people stopped muckin’ around with monkey brained opinions and started showing good manners.
so s511, whadya reckon?
” little too late!”
the turn out of new and improved personas was huge
the time it lasted was little, as soon as traffic resumed people returned to the every man for himself lonely hearts club swarm
but “too late”, nah, wait for the fat lady to sing bruz, and in the mean time, two foot steps and a heart beat.
Ohhhhh Thank Corbett!
I was looking for that EU vaccination roadmap doc! Last week I’d even promised to present it to a student at our next class but felt daunted at the effort of trying to find it again! Now I’m ready in time for this week’s sessions of Conspiracy English for Business people!
As usual, I feel like Mr. Corbett’s been reading my mind!
The Macron makeover article is pretty timely too!
Jupiter tumbling from the vertiginous heights of the Elysée’s Mount Olympus.
The timeless myth of the fall “From Heaven to Hoodie”!
The spring Equinox has ushered in a most promising pedagogical period indeed!
A most joyous Springtime to you oh fellow Corbetteers!
Luckily for us, Bill Gates’s “gigantic mRNA factories” in India will just be finished around 2025..
Just in time to save us!
Now we just have to make sure the bio-terrorists he warned us about are caught thereafter, right? I wonder where they get their supplies from..
Also, if Schwab’s “prediction” that we will all submit to be brain chipped by 2026 is true, that means, between this current 1984 event and the pandemic 2 event, policies will be enacted in which there will be no “out” allowed for.. disagreement. Without the full anti-dissent infrastructure in place before 2026, I cannot imagine the full population allowing themselves to be brain-chipped.
And thereafter, we will be happy. 😉
James, you might want check the date on the creation of a vaccine card/passport for EU citizens in “2022” just months before the scamdemic was launched. If I’m not mistaken things started to go according to plan a little bit earlier than `22.
Thanks for all you do,
Tim K
James, another thing, in the sentence “Furthermore, read the last paragraph in the NY Times article below, closely.” you might want to take out the word “below” or replace it with “above”
Tim K
RE: James Corbett’s 3/21/2022 article
Globalists Release Timeline for Health Tyranny
Corbett invested a lot of time into putting this pertinent article together. It is one of his best. There is a lot of urgent and important content here.
Here are a few things which caught my eye…
Under DOCUMENT #1…
INFOGRAPHIC: What are the potential benefits of an international agreement on…
Last two items…
~~~ ”Sharing of monitoring data, genetic data, samples, technology, and their associated benefits.”
~~~ ”A One Health approach that connects the health of humans, animals, and the planet.”
Under DOCUMENT #2…
Ezekiel Emanuel – When people follow Corbett’s “that” link, it takes them to Corbett’s 3/06/2021…
Episode 396 – Bioethics and the New Eugenics (with transcript) [Use your Ctrl + F keys to search “Ezekiel Emanuel”.]
That announcement meant very little to the general public, who likely only know Emanuel as a talking head on tv panel discussions or as the brother of former Obama chief of staff and ex-mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel. But for those who have followed Ezekiel Emanuel’s career as a bioethicist and his history of advocating controversial reforms of the American health care system, his appointment was an ominous sign of things to come.
He has argued that the Hippocratic Oath is obsolete and that it leads to doctors believing that they should do everything they can for their patients rather than letting them die to focus on higher priorities. He has argued that people should choose to die at age 75 to spare society the burden of looking after them in old age. As a health policy advisor to the Obama administration he helped craft the Affordable Care Act, which fellow Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber admitted was only passed thanks to the stupidity of the American public.
Much more on Ezekiel Emanuel and his Eugenics mindset in Episode 396.
The New York Times:
President Biden’s surgeon general on Thursday formally requested that the major tech platforms submit information about the scale of Covid-19 misinformation on social networks, search engines, crowdsourced platforms, e-commerce platforms and instant messaging systems…
… The notice asks the companies to submit “exactly how many users saw or may have been exposed to instances of Covid-19 misinformation,” as well as aggregate data on demographics that may have been disproportionately exposed to or affected by the misinformation.
As Corbett says: ”…can there be any doubt that the systems are now being erected so that thoughtcriminals will be penalized for sharing “misinformation” about the next scamdemic?”
A link for free download of Eustace Mullins “Murder By Injection” published in 1988 –
A link to much of his other work including “The Secrets of the Federal Reserve” – a great resource. Thanks, James.
For folks who want audio, it was also read in chapters recently, perhaps still? , on bitchute. Not sure which channel tho.
No one’s shooting at the likes of Bill Gates or Klaus Schwab so your average sheeple is going to consider all this to be less important than the day to day fighting in the Ukraine where people are getting shot at all the time.
Nice work, James. Very informative and important article. The clock is ticking….tick, tick, tick.
Why Anger towards the Unvaccinated was Intentional Psychological Manipulation, by @NakedEmperorUK
Why do the “vaccinated” want a WAR with Russia, while the “unvaccinated” don’t?
A poll in Canada confirms that those injections have made people more belligerent, which could have catastrophic consequences for us all.
by @mcrispinmiller
The Doppleganger:
New poll indicates that “vaccine refusers are much more sympathetic to Russia.”
This should go on Mr. Corbett’s “same facts, opposite conclusions” page.
I’m not sure if I’m missing something. People want “vaccines” because they are brainwashed by propaganda. People want war because they are brainwashed by propaganda.
It stands to reason that those who resisted the one facet of propaganda will resist the other as well. Especially considering the freshness of the not long past experience.
[No links without titles or explanations in the comments section, please. Please repost these links with titles and explanations of why people should be clicking on them. -JC]
President Joe Biden says:
”…there’s gonna be a NEW WORLD ORDER out there and we’ve got to lead it and we’ve got to unite the rest of the free world in doing it.”
Monday March 21, 2022 – The Daily Wire (with White House video queued)
Biden On ‘Significant Opportunities’ In Current Events: ‘There’s Gonna Be A New World Order Out There’
BIDEN: “I think this presents us with some significant opportunities to make some real changes.
You know, we are at an inflection point, I believe, in the world economy, not just the world economy, in the world, occurs every three or four generations.
As one of my, as the one of the top military people said to me in a secure meeting the other day, 60 million people died between 1900 and 1946 and since then we established a liberal world order and that hadn’t happened in a long while.
A lot of people died, but nowhere near the chaos.
And now’s the time when things are shifting.
We’re going, there’s gonna be a new world order out there and we’ve got to lead it and we’ve got to unite the rest of the free world in doing it.”
—- And thus with Biden we add another note to the New World Order symphony recording which Corbett well documents.
A few related and recent CorbettReport headers…
Sunday March 20th, 2022
FLASHBACK: Globalization is Dead. Long Live the New World Order! (2019)
(39 minutes)
It’s Confirmed: Tyrants LOVE China! . . . But Why? – 3/14 newsletter
James Corbett Redpills the Dutch
RECORDED ON JANUARY 21, 2022: Elze van Hamelen of De Andere Krant interviews James Corbett about
3D chess and geopolitical struggle and what it tells us about the larger struggle for societal control, from vaccine passports and pandemic treaties to central bank digital currencies and the digital ID grid.
I Read The Great Narrative (So You Don’t Have To!)
Remember when the World Economic Forum held a conference on “The Great Narrative”? And remember when Klaus Schwab threatened to release a book on the topic? Well, guess what? It’s heeeere.
That’s right, I read The Great Narrative and now I’m spilling the beans on the globalists plans for the technocratic future . . . and revealing the truth that we have the power to write our own narrative.
…and, of course, this very 3/21 newsletter…
Globalists Release Timeline for Health Tyranny
Think about this….the “elites” or as I like to refer to them, the “irrelevant” hold what power over you. As a sovereign human?
Fake fiat currency. That’s really it. So… now think about this.
What if you chose to no longer engage, never pay taxes again, never hand over your fiat currency to the powers that shouldn’t be.
Their power is held within the currency you provide. Stop providing it to them.
WE generate wealth through our work and labor.
They would fail in a year..
Therefore, WE have the choice to provide for them, or ourselves.
I choose myself and friends and family.
Stop paying tax,
Stop complying to their rules,
Stop being complicate and take control of YOUR life!
It can be done, haven’t submitted income tax here in Canada for 3 years now.
Create community and people in your circle you can trade with, create contacts that you can aid, and can aid you.
I’m not totally there yet but working on it daily. I would never suggest its easy, but it’s so worth working towards.
I’m spiritual at heart. Believe in humans, love all of you, want the best for all of us.
Dis-engage, take over your own life, mother earth gives everything we need.
Take yours.
In Lak’ech
Canada’s “marketing boards” collect hidden tax to finance their social systems by setting product sales’ prices.
James, you keep talking about a parallel society. Do you really think the powers the shouldn’t be will allow us to build it?
They allow you what you make them allow you.
They would be providing good services such as stable money, strong defense, law and order and good schools if people MADE THEM. People instead imagine that they need government to let them do things when fact is government LETS people do exactly as much people decide to do. The Gov you actually see is on the edge of breaking it’s own survival systems as we speak hence the push for tyranny
Also an old German swords master said that swordsmen who think too much about what their enemy is gonna do rather then what They are gonna do seldom win…..
I think James did a post on
“Klaus Family Values”, which I think you can also find on revolver news site. Basic Nazis. Schwab developed the cooler needed to develop nuclear, and sold nuclear to So Africa when it was under sanctions.
Planes no plane
Germs no germs
The germ theory is irrelevant to the scamdemic…. the real questions are
Did we actually lose masses of people to covid?
Will the lockdown kill more people then the sickness?
Do you need a jab with unknown and unknowable dangers for a sickness that appears unlikely to kill you?
Are people dying at a higher rate now that the vaccine got rolled out?
The actual mechanism of germs or terrain matter not at all when it comes to the health scam and clot shots
Hi Duck,
Thanks for so clearly stating my own valid or invalid point of view.
The undeterred effort of “removing it from the cabal’s weapon bag”, as donilo puts it, is quite laudable and necessary, like exposing the myriad of other ways the Cabal is enslaving and otherwise harming Humanity (ie: environmental poisons passed of as agricultural necessities or fighting climate change, synthetic bio-Franken foods, digital mind-warping and mass media perception management, systemic monetary control etc).
But, as is so often the case, I don’t think it’s striking at the root and will simply channel the powerful energies of the Disenchanted towards subsidiary issues, even if “germ theory” should turn out to be an utterly unfounded WMD.
It seems similar to engaging in the Nuclear/Microwave/holographic space weapons vs. Thermite explosives argument surrounding 9/11.
Yes we need to know about the arsenal of methods the Cabal uses to twist and subvert our minds and bodies, but the terrain vs germ theory debate, though relevant, is not primordial:
indeed, a bioweapon by any other name remains a bioweapon,
whether it’s a virus, a retro-virus, an exosome or some other nano-toxic mRNA blueprint for lethal and sustainable, even generational poisons.
“They” will simply change the definition of the word “virus” or “retrovirus” to “poison protein, prion or proto-poison” and the injections remain “necessary” or simply change the nature of the bogeyman itself, it becomes a Chinese synthesized Franken-particle that needs “vaccination” to fight, end of debate and on with the show.
Closer to striking at the root from my limited and fallible perspective is understanding the sovereignty of our bodies and the connections between the Covid injections and sickness, suffering, death and chronic tyranny. But when people don’t want to listen they simply don’t.
Arguments that are simpler and easier to demonstrate such as the VAERS smoking gun are inaccessible to people who aren’t interested,
nevermind overturning their entire perception of health, disease transmission and the panoply of poisons they helped put into their own children’s bodies.
However, as Mr Corbett always says, Do Whatever You Can and Want to do to help. So donilo must do what he feels is essential and he will help people who are receptive to that angle of the vast tyrannical illusion.
The no germ theory is an extremist position that gives
more power to the medical dictatorship.
Because for most people it appears as craziness.
You can actually detect viruses in plants and see how they behave.
The more convincing position is to state that viruses do almost no harm
when you have a good immune system. And thus should be in a healthy
natural environment and not interfere with your natural immunity.
Same could be said about an unproven and unprovable theory that makes man fear even a remote contact with friend and foe alike.
I wonder what the chances are that Ezekiel will check out at 75?
One of the top memes I’ve seen recently: covid was an inside jab.
Regarding the second document, the list of the authors are in another page of that same website.