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Remember “freedom fries” and “freedom toast”? Well, it turns out that the Iraq War wasn’t the first time such propaganda nonsense was forced down the throat of the American public. Join James Corbett for this week’s edition of #PropagandaWatch where we learn all about “liberty cabbage” and the other war hysteria that swept the world during WWI…and how it’s still with us today.
Freedom Fries: And Other Stupidity We’ll Have to Explain to Our Grandchildren
The famous “Holocaust denial will be put on trial” act.
Thanks for that, harris. That looks like the right one (although I can’t be 100% sure). But I’ve changed the link regardless.
More words
“Freedom fighters” – those people from Aghanistan related to 911
“Hollanditus” – The Dutch did not want nuclear weapons in their country.
“Hot dogs” – I think WW2 introduced “hot dogs” as a replacement of “Frankfürster sausage”
I still wonder how “Hamburgers” stayed popular.
I got a new word:
“Freedom Roulette”
I think everyone here already knows what countries are being
targeted with propaganda today?
Well, every country that is being threatened by the US today.
ah, really?
Hot dog instead of Frankfurter?
I have to look that up.
In the end, even that wouldn’t surprise me anymore.
Sorry, I am a wiender-schnietzel, I assumed it was like that, but the name “hot dog” seems much older.
The german immigrants indeed imported the sausages.
Probably the change of words happened automatically, due to popularization of the word instead of propaganda efforts.
“British kiss” brings to mind the stiff upper lip–that’s not gonna work.
The first casualty of war is truth and the first corpse is the judicial body. Generalbottlewasher trained in the arts animal, vegetable and mineral! As my future son-in-law Jack sings “love conquers all sir”
Here’s another link for the audiobook
Here’s a more encompassing lecture by Raico
Don’t you just love the English language of Francis Bacon. You could never be found guilty of violating The Gayssot Act by specking Bacon.
Freedom Lies and Fiberty Cabbage!
The Fibs they institutionalize in France now explains the origin of Aunt Agnes’s favorite exasperation.” …of all the gall in France.”
The first thing i thought of at the time was…
Freedom fries instead French fries only proofs the stupidity of the average American. Because the French didn’t even invented fries, but hey i’m from Belgium.
And Belgium also didn’t participated in that war.