Almost exactly a year ago, just as the “Russia hacked the election!” delirium was taking shape, I pooh-poohed the idea that “Russiagate” (as it has come to be known) would persist for very long. Once the Trump administration started plowing ahead with its agenda, I argued, the Dems would toss Hillary aside and move on with politics as usual.
Russiagate fading away as Democrats come to terms with the 2016 election? Really, James?
Now I’ve made some inaccurate predictions before (OK, a lot of inaccurate predictions), but that one takes the cake in terms of how wrong I ended up being.
If you want a demonstration of this point, just type “russia collusion” or “russia interference” into your search engine of choice and feast on the millions and millions of nothingburgers that have been produced this past year chasing this non-story. It would almost be comical how stupid these stories are if it weren’t for the fact that they have real world consequences.
Remember when the evil Russkies hacked the Vermont electrical grid?! Of course you do. But do you remember when the MSM presstitutes immediately amended their fear porn story to admit that the grid had not, in fact, been hacked at all? Of course you don’t, because the headlines are reported breathlessly and the “corrections” are issued quietly.
And do you remember when the dastardly Russians hacked into the voting systems of 39 states before the 2016 presidential election? Yeah, that didn’t actually happen, either.
And remember when the Russians went international and took their well-known operation to control people’s minds through Facebook ads across the pond to England, where they successfully pulled off “Operation Brexit?” Well, the results are in, and the latest headlines tell of the startling breadth and scope of this mass mind-control experiment: “Facebook says Russian-linked accounts spent just 97 cents on ads over Brexit.”
And remember when ABC’s Brian Ross reported that candidate Trump directed Flynn to make contact with Moscow? One stock market crash later, the suspended Brian Ross would like you to know that he meant president-elect Trump. (Meh, close enough!)
And remember when CNN dropped its bombshell story about how Wikileaks, those known Russian collaborators (*citation needed), were caught sharing their leaks in advance with Team Trump last year (BOOM!)? Well, guess what? More fake news.
It’s almost as if this whole Russiagate story is a wild goose chase that the fake news MSM is using to keep the American public distracted. They use a simple enough formula:
- Use a scrap of information to create an elaborate conspiracy theory about nefarious Russian activities.
- Quietly retract the story when the information is discredited.
- Rinse.
- Repeat.
It’s enough to keep the fluoride-addled, increasingly deranged Hillary holdouts renewing their subscription to the New York Times or the Washington Post even as it makes the rest of the population increasingly tired of the whole story.
But what if that’s the point?
Unbeknownst to a large section of the public, there is a very real story about actual collusion between team Trump and a foreign power. The collusion is deep, nefarious, compromises American goals and interests and is being studiously avoided by the dutiful lapdog mouthpieces in both the anti-Trump and pro-Tramp MSM fake news camps (and even among many in the pseudo-alternative media). And you haven’t heard a peep about it because this collusion touches the third rail of international geopolitics: Israel.
Discover the truth about the real foreign collusion scandal in this week’s subscriber editorial.
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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 7 issue 45 (December 16, 2017)
by James Corbett Almost exactly a year ago, just as the “Russia hacked the election!” delirium was taking shape, I pooh-poohed the idea that “Russiagate” (as it has come to be known) would persist for very long. Once the Trump administration started plowing ahead with its agenda, I argued, the Dems would toss Hillary aside and move on with politics as usual. Russiagate fading away as Democrats come to terms with the 2016 election? Really, James? Now I’ve made some inaccurate predictions before (OK, a lot of inaccurate predictions), but that one takes the cake in terms of how wrong I ended up being. If you want a demonstration of this point, just type “russia collusion” or “russia interference” into your search engine of choice and feast on the millions and millions of nothingburgers that have been produced this past year chasing this non-story. It would almost be comical how stupid these stories are if it weren’t for the fact that they have real world consequences. Remember when the evil Russkies hacked the Vermont electrical grid?! Of course you do. But do you remember when the MSM presstitutes immediately amended their fear porn story to admit that the grid had not, in fact, been hacked at all? Of course you don’t, because the headlines are reported breathlessly and the “corrections” are issued quietly. And do you remember when the dastardly Russians hacked into the voting systems of 39 states before the 2016 presidential election? Yeah, that didn’t actually happen, either. And remember when the Russians went international and took their well-known operation to control people’s minds through Facebook ads across the pond to England, where they successfully pulled off “Operation Brexit?” Well, the results are in, and the latest headlines tell of the startling breadth and scope of this mass mind-control experiment: “Facebook says Russian-linked accounts spent just 97 cents on ads over Brexit.” And remember when ABC’s Brian Ross reported that candidate Trump directed Flynn to make contact with Moscow? One stock market crash later, the suspended Brian Ross would like you to know that he meant president-elect Trump. (Meh, close enough!) And remember when CNN dropped its bombshell story about how Wikileaks, those known Russian collaborators (*citation needed), were caught sharing their leaks in advance with Team Trump last year (BOOM!)? Well, guess what? More fake news. It’s almost as if this whole Russiagate story is a wild goose chase that the fake news MSM is using to keep the American public distracted. They use a simple enough formula:
It’s enough to keep the fluoride-addled, increasingly deranged Hillary holdouts renewing their subscription to the New York Times or the Washington Post even as it makes the rest of the population increasingly tired of the whole story. But what if that’s the point? Unbeknownst to a large section of the public, there is a very real story about actual collusion between team Trump and a foreign power. The collusion is deep, nefarious, compromises American goals and interests and is being studiously avoided by the dutiful lapdog mouthpieces in both the anti-Trump and pro-Tramp MSM fake news camps (and even among many in the pseudo-alternative media). And you haven’t heard a peep about it because this collusion touches the third rail of international geopolitics: Israel. To uncover this story, let’s go back to the whole Flynn plea deal drama. Remember that discredited Brian Ross story? The one that sent the stock market tumbling because everyone thought the whole administration was about to come crumbling down? Well, after the correction was issued and the dust settled, the Russiagate hysterics just continued bumbling along their merry way. But wait. What was that story actually about? What did Flynn actually do? For those paying attention, Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, pleaded guilty to one charge of making false statements to the FBI. Specifically, he denied telling the Russian ambassador not to respond too harshly to the sanctions that then-outgoing President Obama had just slapped on Russia, and he denied trying to convince Russia (“and several other countries”) to take a specific position on a UN Security Council resolution that was submitted on December 21, 2016. According to Flynn’s plea, both of these denials were false. OK. So what? So what, indeed. If the charge is Russian collusion, then the first example is, if anything, actually counter evidence. Flynn, on behalf of the then-incoming President of the United States, asked the Russian ambassador not to get into a diplomatic tit-for-tat with Obama. That is not a smoking gun of collusion with a foreign power, it’s just a simple job description for someone whose duty was to act as a diplomatic go-between for an incoming administration. The only question is why Flynn denied having the conversation at all. But what about that second denial? About the UN Security Council resolution? What was that all about? The resolution in question, United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334, was submitted by Egypt on December 21, 2016, and passed unanimously with one abstention: the United States. The Flynn plea describes the resolution cryptically as pertaining to “the issue of Israeli settlements.” More specifically, the resolution reaffirmed the UN Security Council’s understanding that “the establishment by Israel of settlements in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, has no legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law,” among other equally fiery statements. As I noted at the time, the resolution’s passage was remarkable for the fact that it was one of the strongest UNSC statements against Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestine to pass a vote, not because such resolutions are never tabled but because they are always vetoed by the US. So it was in this context that we can understand Flynn’s position. He was ordered, according to his own plea, “to contact officials from foreign governments, including Russia, to learn where each government stood on the resolution and to influence those governments to delay the vote or defeat the resolution.” The plea itself only states that the order came from “a very senior member of the Presidential Transition Team,” but reports from inner sources soon confirmed who had specifically put Flynn up to this task: Jared Kushner. Yes, that Jared Kushner. The Jared Kushner whose family is so connected to Israel’s zionist likudniks that he once let Benjamin Netanyahu sleep in his bed. (Yes, literally.) The Jared Kushner who failed to disclose that he led a foundation that actually funded an illegal Israeli settlement. (Yes, really.) The Jared Kushner who is actually leading Team Trump’s quest for the “ultimate deal”: Israel-Palestine peace. (You can’t make this stuff up.) So just to spell this out: Trump’s zionist son-in-law got Flynn to twist the arm of every single member of the UN Security Council to vote against a resolution condemning illegal Israeli settlements…and this is a Russian collusion scandal? That is so far from reality it doesn’t even make sense. Unless, of course, you realize that there is almost no one on either side of the phony left/right divide willing to call out US-Israeli collusion, because it enjoys completely bipartisan support. Haim Saban, the billionaire media mogul who was a key funder of Hillary’s failed presidential quest, actually hosted a gushing, fawning celebration of Kushner at a recent Brookings Institution event. Meanwhile, Trump’s main backer, Sheldon Adelson, just had his decades-long dream come true when Trump unilaterally recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Democrat. Republican. When it comes to this collusion story, there’s no real difference. This, of course, is merely one window into the much, much bigger story of US-Israeli collusion. A story that would actually be worth all the attention that is currently being lavished on the Russiagate nonsense (and then some). But you will never see this story being blown wide open by a bombshell breaking news report on your favorite MSMBS channel. |
Recommended Reading and Viewing
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but but, Mr Netanyahu has visited Congress three times, even invited by Speaker John Boehner without informing the then President. He has such great charts of bombs with red lines. He defends the Jewish State against all it’s aggressive neighbours. He gets repeated standing ovations. What a fine fellow he must be.
Boehner was so flabbergasted by the supposed God on Earth, pope Francis I, he cried like a baby and soon resigned.
Now, the US has Paul Ryan, a tea party type Republican. Boehner was viewed as a moderate republican, or a classic one. So I will give him that although he’s a deluded moron (I’m born Catholic so I reserve the right to laugh at somebody who gets so emotional because the Emperor of the West is in the same room as him/her) at least he didn’t really like or agreed with Mitch McConnel and the R senators who from the start were caught on mic saying “we’ll oppose ANYTHING Obama proposes, even if we agree with it as a rule”.
Of course Obama was horrendous, but that was just thinly veiled old school racism to me. Kentucky (where McConnell represents) was the state that voted the least for Obama in 2007, barely 30%..I think that since it mattered little who won, although, McCain with his latent defective brain would have bombed Iran thus starting WW3 on a whim, I still believe it’s the only thing Obama was instructed by the CIA to do that benefits humanity in some perverse way….and it showed how deeply from another time Kentucky seems to live in. Also, Obama intensely hated Netanyahu, so he cannot be 100% evil :laughs:
The applause, the clamor, the chanting, could it be more obvious?
Barf! I could only watch a little bit…
Oh man!
Sick. The U.S. is sick.
That just may be the fix. The next time Bibi wanders in for a quick visit, spike the congressional coffee with some elephant ready tranquilizers. When Bibi sees the lack of enthusiasm on the congress people part, he may just stage the largest and most puzzling mass suicide of all time, where all the congress people would be found with their heads put together, all at once ventilated with a high powered large caliber bullet.
It’s crazy enough to work.
I have often thought of Russia gate as controlled opposition with the demonizing of Trump keeping his supporters defending the Trump and administration as must be ‘swamp drainers’ if the MSM, three letter agencies et al are attacking. Meanwhile this admin is giving everything the plutocracy asks for which is against the interests of the rank and file Trumpster. The facade of Trump as a swamp drainer and of American democracy must be maintained, or SWHTF, even as the deception becomes more convoluted and difficult with each presidential election cycle.
As for the Israeli-American connection we can boil this down as the western plutocracy acting through the Israeli LLC in influencing by any and all means the USA LLC. Both are corporate entities as registered in Washington DC as with almost every other nation on this planet. Check it out, Canada is a corporation registered in Washington D.C. Washington D.C. being one of four sovereign non national entities on the planet. The others being ‘The City of London’, the ‘Vatican City’ and the head quarters and grounds of the BIS in Basel.
Each? I thought it was obvious Romney was going to lose, badly, no matter how largely fudged Obama’s win was exaggerated electronically by them paper-trail-less voting machines and central tabulation servers.
O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!
Walter Scott
“By way of deception, thou shalt do war.”
Come on now, that’s crazy talk. These guys need dual citizenry just so they could move quicker and cut through diplomatic redtape. It’s for the children.
This might be a bit late, but almost a year ago there was an expose revealing Israeli influence in English politics. I’ve supplied a link to a teaser and yes, you can take it with a grain of salt considering who created the doco. IT is however a small taste of something that James has alluded to here. If this small fish was caught on camera admitting to wanting to make changes to the parliament to favor Israel, then image what is possible with bigger fish and even more influence…
James touched on a method the Lamestream media uses to get false information into the publics consciousness, almost underhandedly. They start out by posting some audacious bit of fake propaganda, like “Russia hacked the election!”. Then they slowly backtrack on it as more information come out. That or they publish some false story, then recant in a few days later. But either way the damage is already done. In the minds of many befuddled Americans, too busy with work and the insane entertainment industry to monitor a blip in the 24 hour news barrage. So the headline just becomes ingrained in their memories and eventually it’s just assumed that Russia did hack the election despite there being no evidence and in many cases the news organization retracted the story. I listen to the news readers talking like these baseless theories are fact, and just shake my head.
I’m glad James is now posting his videos to Bitchute as well as the old site YouTube. I don’t think it will be long before bad sites like Corbettreport are eliminated on mainstream platforms like YouTube and Fakebook.
“The happy-go-lucky Jewish group that connects Trump and Putin” was a headline for a lengthy politico article for which the author was accused of conspiracy antisemitism in many other articles from other outlets onwards.
A German youtuber made the same connection alleged in this article via Lev Leviev and Roman Abramovitch and Kushner and ond and on to the Chabad Lubavitch movement to Putin.
Also Putin may very much appreciate the deportation and terrorism crisis in Europe imho. The russian army didn’t stop the war in Syria and Iraq right away. That’s something I can’t oversee.
RT is definitely pushing his ingratiation campaign in Germany. One of their main broadcasts is named Der fehlende Part = the missing part. Yes, they openly attempt to position them as alternative media and are quite successful with this. Persons like Daniele Ganser featured in interviews.
(Also many Russian Germans voted AfD.)
So, weaken Europe and pull its people closer to Russia as part of Putins strategies?
Haha, Ivanka becoming POTUS exactly like in House of Cards you mean in the end? That would be an interesting prediction for the 2021 selection.
There it is again Chabad Lubavitch (and Putin).