In this in-depth exploration of the death (?) of Jeffrey Epstein (?), James and The Corbett Report community members tackle 3 questions: What do we know about this incident? What do we not know? And what does it all mean?
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Support The Corbett Report – Become a member | |
Time Reference: | 00:00 |
Interview 1464 – James Corbett on Defending Utah Radio | |
Time Reference: | 00:16 |
Jeffrey Epstein Found Dead From Apparent Suicide | TODAY | |
Time Reference: | 00:39 |
Corbett Report open source investigation into Epstein’s death | |
Time Reference: | 02:34 |
Requiem for the Suicided | |
Time Reference: | 04:02 |
Episode 304 – Political Pedophilia | |
Time Reference: | 05:55 |
“Epstein” search on | |
Time Reference: | 06:07 |
The Conscious Resistance | ||
Time Reference: | 06:30 |
Jason Bermas | |
Time Reference: | 06:41 |
July 6 – Epstein arrested | |
Time Reference: | 08:25 |
July 10 – Epstein confirmed at MCC in Lower Manhattan | |
Time Reference: | 08:41 |
July 23 – First “suicide attempt” | |
Time Reference: | 09:07 |
Late July – Taken off suicide watch at lawyer’s request | |
Time Reference: | 09:48 |
August 9th – Thousands of pages of documents released | |
Time Reference: | 10:34 |
August 9 – Cellmate removed, Epstein not monitored as required | |
Time Reference: | 11:09 |
August 10 – Dead by “bedsheet hanging” | |
Time Reference: | 11:36 |
“No Way Epstein Killed Himself” | |
Time Reference: | 12:19 |
Photos show Jeffrey Epstein as he’s wheeled into Downtown Hospital | |
Time Reference: | 14:59 |
The doors of New York Presbyterian-Lower Manhattan Hospital on Google Maps | |
Time Reference: | 16:59 |
Qno casts doubt on fake Epstein claims | |
Time Reference: | 20:17 |
philippesd points out cauliflower ear | ||
Time Reference: | 22:02 |
Chief Medical Examiner performs autopsy, delays cause of death pending further info | |
Time Reference: | 23:59 |
JFK Assasination Explained by Dr. Michael Baden | |
Time Reference: | 25:08 |
Time Reference: | 26:01 |
Michael Brown’s Family Hires Medical Examiner | |
Time Reference: | 26:15 |
Who Is Dr. Michael Baden, the Coroner That Examined Michael Brown? | |
Time Reference: | 26:52 |
Octium on Baden and Nick Rockefeller | |
Time Reference: | 27:14 |
What We Know About Jeffrey Epstein’s Autopsy | |
Time Reference: | 28:35 |
4chan post + (archive link) | |
Time Reference: | 30:01 |
Why was Jeffrey Epstein’s death on 4chan before it became public? | |
Time Reference: | 30:53 |
There’s no video of Jeffrey Epstein’s apparent suicide: sources | |
Time Reference: | 35:05
Jeffrey Epstein was taken off suicide watch at his lawyers’ request | |
Time Reference: | 36:42
BoP Guidelines Require Report to End Suicide Watch | |
Time Reference: | 37:58 |
BoP guidelines | |
Time Reference: | 38:34 |
Before Jail Suicide, Jeffrey Epstein Was Left Alone and Not Closely Monitored | |
Time Reference: | 40:34 |
Short staffing at MCC (June 2018) | |
Time Reference: | 42:37
Jeffrey Epstein feared cellmate, a muscle-bound ex-cop charged in murder who was moved before financier’s death: report | |
Time Reference: | 43:35 |
Feds: Ex-cop Nicholas Tartaglione had phone while in custody | |
Time Reference: | 44:37 |
The security lapses at the jail where Jeffrey Epstein killed himself | |
Time Reference: | 45:47 |
Suicide supposedly nearly impossible at ulta-secure Jeffrey Epstein lockup | |
Time Reference: | 46:27 |
A dozen FBI agents raid Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Pedophile Island’ | |
Time Reference: | 49:55 |
Osama bin Bogeyman? ‘CIA getting rid of old asset’ | |
Time Reference: | 52:41 |
Klasfeld: No one will have standing to challenge search warrant on Epstein house | |
Time Reference: | 54:42 |
Jeffrey Epstein’s final days — and the legal cases that won’t die with him | |
Time Reference: | 55:02
Barr criticizes prison’s ‘serious irregularities’ after Epstein death | |
Time Reference: | 58:12 |
Did Donald Barr Hire Jeffrey Epstein? | |
Time Reference: | 1:00:07 |
Trump defends promoting conspiracy theory about Epstein’s death: ‘It was a retweet’ | |
Time Reference: | 1:01:27 |
Epstein’s Death Demands Investigation, Not Conspiracy Theories | |
Time Reference: | 1:01:35 |
Jeffrey Epstein: How conspiracy theories spread after financier’s death | |
Time Reference: | 1:02:20
Conspiracy Theorists Are Domestic Terrorists! – #PropagandaWatch | |
Time Reference: | 1:03:15 |
Jeffrey Epstein and When to Take Conspiracies Seriously | |
Time Reference: | 1:03:41 |
Join the community – Become a member | |
Time Reference: | 1:07:47 |
UPDATE – Epstein Alive – Suicide Faked –
That’s definitely an interesting thought. Like the video says, we just need to keep investigating. The sad thing is the amount of disinfo being passed around. This whole thing just seems like a psyop to wrangle a bunch of innocent people into being labeled a conspiracy theorist…which is actually a dangerous label nowadays to our good ol friends the Government. Everything is too in-your-face that it almost just seems like a big taunt against us.
Here are links to an in-depth investigation.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
An interesting article which shows why it might not have been far-fetched for Jeffrey to have wanted to take his own life. That place is a tragic example of cruetly.
I fail to understand your logic as there was only one previous (apparent) suicide in MCC’s previous 21 years.
” … do they understand that those with a potential interest in masking the truth of Mr. Epstein’s death are as easy to find as opening a magazine or turning on TV?”
It may be that credulity has finally been stretched beyond it’s limit, when the NYT is giving space to an “incendiary” comment like that.
…..on the other hand, the Times’ opinion piece not once, but twice, handily cements the false 911 narrative in place. First, in the sub-heading of the article:
“I believe that Al Qaeda attacked us on Sept. 11.”
and, again, in the body of the article:
“I believe that Al Qaeda terrorists carried out the Sept. 11 attacks.”
How sneaky and crafty is that? lol
I’ve always found the old axiom “choose your battles” somehow irritatingly annoying. This article is somehow reminiscent of this meme, and I find it equally obnoxious and annoying, especially when this fucking idiot contends that he’s a “…lifelong journalist who believes in waiting for the facts before reaching grand conclusions…”. Yeah, well, facts have been piling up for the last 18 years about the official conspiracy to deceive the public about 911, and still, after such a nice long wait, this idiot wishes to throw his “grand conclusions” in reader’s faces.
Who’s he kidding?
Interesting conclusion on the legal ramifications….just like after the NY Madam’s ‘suicide’ and with her little black book fallng into the authorities possession. Epstein’s death will be like pulling one’s hand out of a bucket of water as far as any effects on the on going trade he practiced. Others now ply this trade where Jeff let off. And just like before the FBI and certainly the NSA know who all the actors are.
On a note of interest it should be noticed that elite criminal acts of this sort as standard practice today, being disruptive to the social good, will not be the standard practice under a Technocracy….also of note is that natural human freedoms will have also been (to use today’s terminology) locked down. Hat tip to ‘Blue’ on this conclusion.
GJELTEN: Uscinski says his research suggests that people who ascribe to conspiracy theories are often those who feel they’re under threat or out of power or somehow left on the outside. So connecting the dots may satisfy an emotional or intellectual need.
Kurt Andersen says it can also be fun.
ANDERSEN: Look at this. This person was here at this time. And look. It connects to this. That is part of the pleasure of puzzles, of detective fiction, of thrillers. It is a form of entertainment.
GJELTEN: But a potentially dangerous form of entertainment if people take action based on a perceived conspiracy.
Moral of the story: don’t prosecute (“take action”) deep state conspirators.
I wish CR wouldn’t cite headlines or content from the Daily Mail, or its similarly trashy online edition ‘Mail Online’ (45m42s)
Here in the UK it is widely acknowledged that this outfit is not worth the paper it’s printed on, and I cringe when I see it cited by people I take seriously, such as James. I’ve been meaning to point this out before, but never got around to it.
I’ve always held the impression that this publication merely take other news sources and try to spin them to make them more clickbait-y, whilst being careful to avoid libellous accusations.
There, I said it.
Otherwise, keep up the good work, James and Broc. I’d hate to take you both for granted!
Best site on the net (if not cite lol)
Regardless of what may or may not have happened to Epstein there are some clear patterns emerging in the way the story is being spun in my view. It is notable that we seem to be moving away from the investigation of the Epstein’s crimes and paedophile connection with the political class to the story being about Epstein and his suicide.
This may just be because it’s the fresh big story in the news cycle but there is also, as James noted, a move towards using the story as an attack vehicle upon so called conspiracy theorists. It appears to be a desperate attempt as it makes little to no logical sense.
However, I’ve written a post explaining my perspective for those who are interested.
I think this is an excellent (preliminary) report on what is known and not known on the Epstein exit- from-view. Thank you, James, for looking into his lawyers being behind the removal of the suicide watch. As you pointed out, that cannot happen; lawyers have no say in removing a suicide watch. And such removal is rarely, if ever, done on the basis of just a face-to-face interview with the inmate. It includes usually 2 or 3 interviews (with high profile cases, sometimes 4 or 5 interviews) an extensive review of his behavior, overall and specific adjustments, the observations of officers, nurses, social workers (was he assigned a psychologist or social worker?? Did such a person ever interview him — it is mandated he be interviewed (and observed in follow up) after a suicide watch is ordered and after a suicide watch is ended). And even if Epstein wanted no suicide watch (doubtful since he had been attacked, and likely knew something was amiss in the jail), the coordinating clinician could still deny the end of the suicide watch (and should have since Epstein complained about being attacked). That he is the most well-known person jailed in the last few years should have automatically led to regular psychological scrutiny (interviews, follow up observations, notes in the chart, etc.); that he complained of being attacked should have mandated a daily interview (even from the door if Epstein didn’t want to be interviewed in his cell), and regular observation — especially since this was such a high profile case (and there are certainly enough qualified clinicians in the BoP to afford this level of coverage — they may be understaffed vis officers, but qualified mental health clinicians can be pulled from a wide variety of sources in the BoP, and all of them know and expect this). Finally, it would be an abrogation of clinical protocols to put a person in his cell as a “cellmate.” That is, perhaps, the most egregiously unusual fact of this case, ESPECIALLY such a high profile one as this! You never put a person such as Epstein in a cell with another person (and did he not already complain of being attacked??), you never do this as a part of a suicide watch, or a suicide watch that has just been concluded. That is absolute madness and nowhere in clinical protocols.
Cellmate, ex-cup, ridiculous.
I’ve heard pedophiles have the hardest time in jail of all inmates. I’m not surprised.
Or is this maybe another not true urban legend?
Not only an ex-cop, but a known “thug.” No supervising clinician would ever allow this person to be Epstein’s cellmate under any circumstances (unless the supervisor was bought); and no supervising clinician would ever allow an inmate to be in Epstein’s cell for any reason (unless s/he was bought). Not really an urban legend. Pedophiles have (maybe) the hardest time in jails IF they are placed in general population (housed on the mixed floors of other inmates), which frequently does lead to their rap sheet/charges being discovered (often through C.O. leaks). Then they are typically targeted by certain types of inmates. They, generally, don’t have that much difficulty in special housing (i.e., the mental health unit, the medical unit), UNLESS the staff of the facility (e.g., mental health staff, nursing and/or medical staff, and/or C.O.s) treat him badly, which would mean intentionally. Epstein was placed (according to reports) in MCC 9 South, which is special housing. He should have been put on a slightly modified suicide watch (the jacket used could’ve been removed after 10 days or so) at his entry to the unit. Such a watch, for this high profile case, should NEVER have been removed; no legitimate clinician would have done so. So, in addition to the sleeping C.O.s, it appears the supervising mental health clinician (a psychiatrist or psychologist) was also corrupted.
What distraction?
Hotfoot: and the beat goes on. Zionist’ literal thinking. 1700 creeps pride on parade. This monstrous act will be spun so as to make the 1700 into victims.
I appreciate your comments about “C.O.” versus “guard.” That was my experience too. And you are correct in your observations about Epstein’s (possible) death by bedsheets. One of them can be ripped into strips, or even twisted tightly, making it possible for it to bear 200 pounds without breaking. He might have been able to use two sheets as well. To me the question is, how could he have hung himself from the (alleged) upper bunk in his cell? There is not enough height; he would have had to kneel and die on his knees (so to speak). I don’t recall MCC having bunks in their cells (but maybe things have changed?).
Uncensored editable wiki articles:
And a brief explanation of why I made the lists:
If you’d like to help improve the article and lists, feel free to join InfoGalactic for all its pros and cons, or provide info or comments for me to copypasta and I’ll add them as I find them.
Also, James, please interview magnora7, founder of, expert on the Rothschild’s, Reddit conspiracy guru, etc.
I totally agree, it’s awkward. And it’s not even correct. It really should be “pedophilocracy” according to the word experts at Wiktionary. The late great David McGowan coined the term.
Ha! Amazing!! Same exact thing happened to me, just the other day in a conversation, I was frustrated trying to recall author Ian McEwan, but it also came out Ewan McGregor, even though I knew that wasn’t quite right, but incredibly close.
On a more serious note, I recently encountered McGowan’s writings for the first time via Edward Curtain’s sober essay “Happenings in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave”. I just don’t know how much more awakening I can stand. Seriously, it’s almost as painful as learning Santa wasn’t real. I’ve hesitated to ask what others here thought of McGowan, but this segue is as good as any other.
Opinions, thoughts, pros/cons…anyone?
En Garde!
alexandre, I’m going to jump right in here…. I don’t know McGregor, I don’t know McGowan, I don’t know whomever, but, it doesn’t matter when the nose knows….
A little while back among the conspiratorial (nefarious circles, imho)sprung the idea that the whole of the love, dove, 60’s, 70’s hippiedom was orchestrated by US intelligence agencies, from Jim Morrison on down….Yes, including the fact(?) that Morrison’s father was a very high ranking naval officer, blah, blah, blah. (okay, like his kid can’t rebel?) Anyway, have you any notion of how square these guys in government were back in the sixties?
To make a long story short, muddying and retrofitting the narrative that the peace and love movement, however pot and acid driven it may have been, was some kind of CIA covert operation is total hogwash, total new wave, next ignorant generation PSYOP. Politely said, it’s just plain bullshit.
Bottomline: Heed your sister. Yesterday’s experience was real – ever more real than today’s. Best keep it real….
And…. stay en garde!
Also, I like your idea about creating a space within the Corbett Report( a room – call it a living room with a fireplace, etc.)where subscribers can hang out and get expansive and talk about subjects free of moderation, e.g., the 500 word cutoff, or waiting on a cue for siting too many links, etc., etc.
Though I understand his point, I disagree with GBW, who nixed your idea of incorporating within TCR a separate space apart from the “orchestra” of subscribers. Yes, we’re one big orchestra, and James is our conductor – naturally – after all, TCR is his website.
But, harking back to Caitlin Johnstone and the “narrative”, is it really that wonderbar for James to control the narrative? Yes, it is his website, but why not throw a little anarchy into a corner of it?
Ironic, no?
Also, these rooms for the more ardent subscriber wouldn’t be at all exclusive, correct? Any subscriber who wanted to put his/her, her/his, er, their, two cents into it would be free to do so. Democratic, socialist,libertarian, anarchic all in one….
Without moderation, perhaps it might be more difficult to control the narrative as would be the wont of those who enjoy setting agendas surreptitiously, and instead of the never ending, daily skirt, issues can be delved into and explored in an organic fashion, room by room, day by day, as subscribers see fit.
Anyway, just a thought. I like your idea!
En garde!
Exactly what I was hoping, opposing perspectives. Thanks for both of your replies.
“Why were you hesitant do ask about McGowan here?”
Right? I dunno…maybe that’s one of rabbit holes I don’t want to explore. Also, unless knowing is actually profitable, affecting important decisions in my life, such as voting, my health or enabling something I have control over, then it’s little more than sensational knowledge threatening to undermine the few pleasures which remain.
On the other hand, who doesn’t resent being manipulated and lied to? And once you’ve heard, read or seen something, you can’t un-see it. In which case, I’d require evidence, and I don’t know how thoroughly documented McGowan’s claims are (there’s very little of his stuff I’ve found, and what I have someone uploaded to
As you can see, I’m in the throes of whiplash.
Full spectrum dominance does not only apply to war.
They would charge you for the air you breathe if they could.
All the laws are conspiracies in their favour.
Everything _IS_ tied to conspiracies.
Candlelight is dim.
If the 60s were not orchestrated by the CIA, then why did Timothy Leary credit them with 80% of his ideas?
The hippie culture was intentionally engineered and took on a life of its own.
If you want as social area you can visit, like Reddit but non-partisan. There’s a CorbettComments sub to discuss TCR and it even has a chat.
David McGowan coined “pedophilocracy”?
David McGowan coined “pedophcracy”, but to be more correct technically it should have been that.
Television is not a “correct” word either. “Tele” and “vision” are Latin and Greek, and technically it’s an improper word fusion.
Well, about the time I discovered Corbett through Sibel Edmonds (late 2015) I was a clueless, budding Libertarian and I did vote in the last election. 9/11 was what brought me here. Everything else has been learned since. I’m pretty much persuaded on the uselessness of national elections, but a few here have made excellent points about voting on the local scene. So, that’s where I am for now, paying closer attention to battles at home.
Thanks for jumping in, Jason.
Throes is an intense struggle, either physical or emotional. So, as I’m somewhat torn by what little I’ve read of McGowan’s, I see my inner dialogue as a mental kind of whiplash, back and forth. As I just wrote it in haste, I hope I’ve not put our language to shame. I’ve been known for my glorious belly flops more than once.
I can’t imagine mandatory voting, and hope that doesn’t happen here. So you get fined if you don’t? I feel for your sister. Not doing so is taking a stand which marks you for later. I often wonder if I’ll have what it takes if and when it comes to something like that. So far, my standing firm has been in smaller things, and the results aren’t fun, but at the same time, I have a greater sense of peace, and my convictions solidify.
I hope Jason returns to follow-up with your question (copied below), because McGowan made some pretty serious claims.
“But if I’m not mistaken McGowan indeed doesn’t have anything really concrete. I’d have to check. You sound pretty sure, though. Do you have good stuff on that?”
“candlelight is dim” was a clever retort with a soft touch. Besides the initial ego deflation, it made me literally laugh out loud. Still does.
Okay, here’s a quote of David McGowan’s:
“To my mind, the greatest guitarist who ever lived was Jimi Hendrix, and Janis Joplin was arguably the finest female vocalist – in terms of raw power and emotion – to ever take the stage.”
The above taken from:
So, listen, if the guy can come out with a statement like that, then he’s not all bad. He’s got some very good taste in music. On that note, I’m right there with him, completely.
But let’s face it, it’s pretty much a given that the CIA and their ilk have their tendrils everywhere and everyplace, even right here on this forum, monitoring it at the very least – of that I have little doubt. Who knows, maybe they’re attempting to steer it, too.
But, to the degree they can steer this board, influence it, control the conversation, etc., is most likely the same extent to which they may have tried to steer the counter-culture/anti-war movement decades ago. If anything, they would have become more adept over time, no?
So, you tell me, how much influence does the intelligence community have over the Corbett Report community? Your answer may be a useful guide and determinant concerning the veracity of McGowan’s thesis.
To answer your question as to why Timothy Leary came out and said he credits the CIA with 80% of his ideas, perhaps he was tripping at he time. lol
Hmmm, Wes to jazz as Jimi to rock. Of course, it always boils down to dif’rent strokes.
But, one of my all time favorite performances can’t be touched (within its genre):
First, please note: Put on a good pair of headphones and turn up the sound!
A girlfriend of mine got to see that concert and fuck was I envious….
“CIA is monitoring us here?”
You’re questioning it?
According to your post above, forget about monitoring, forget about influencing, the powers above have the ability of production….
Even in far off lands,eh?
CIA here? Hahahhaahhaaa
Anyway, my friend, this section of the peanut gallery is closing down for a week, or so…. CIAo 🙂
Candlelight, that was the BEST performance I’ve EVER heard!! I’m going to be coasting on that one for a very long time. Alexandre, you are missing out, dude. Wow. I’ve got goosebumps*.
One of the things I find disturbing about McGowan’s quote above is that if what he asserted can be proven (one of the most horrific claims being that the Rolling Stones performed “Sympathy for the Devil” at a concert while knowing a human sacrifice was going on backstage), is that he could still say, yeah, these guys are still great, I own all their albums, pull them out every now and then ’cause they just sound so damn good…. Let’s apply that reasoning to the 9/11 perpetrators: Yeah, the Bush administration did 9/11, purposely killed 3000 innocent civilians to justify a forever war destroying millions of lives in 7 countries, but, gosh darn it, they’re such nice folks, I still play golf with them on the weekends.
So far, all I’m seeing are wild, Hollywood tales with little evidence. Maybe McGowan was the CIA tool instructed to sow such a malignant distrust into everything, thereby creating a psychological panopticon effect.
*Just messin’ with ya, Alexandre. It was a Jimi Hendrix performance, but I never was a fan (diff’rent strokes and all).
By the way, I’d like to add my 2 cents about the suggestions for a conversational, off-topic lounge. Doesn’t that go against the whole point of The Corbett Report? I couldn’t find the one short video he did showing a well-worn path cutting across the grass, ignoring the sidewalk, but this longer one should make plain why a comfy, designated place is quite unnecessary:
Awesome that you loved the song “Machine Gun” by Hendrix!
As well as sorry that alexandre somehow couldn’t get the link. So, for alexandre, please know that it was a link to a 1970 live performance of Hendrix’ Band Of Gypsys at the Fillmore East venue in NYC. The entire performance was made into an album titled “Band Of Gypsys”. I highly recommend it.
In a way, that song alone – Machine Gun – puts the lie to McGowan’s premise that the CIA “created” the hippie phenomenon to drive a wedge of sorts into the anti-war movement. As here is a uniquely strong anti-war song delivered to a very psychedelic, stoned audience, a youth culture that had no beef with hippies, who understood what it meant to be a hippie, that is, to drop out and reject the “Man’s” war mongering society, and who freely engaged in being “weekend hippies” themselves when and wherever possible. Yet, at the same time, very willing to march and speak out against war – the Vietnam war in particular. What actually killed the anti-war movement was the cessation of the military draft, i.e., mandatory enlistment.
PS: After writing and performing “Machine Gun” in early 1970, Hendrix died later that year. Interesting that Martin Luther King died relatively soon, too, after adding an anti-war message into his speeches.
We know that the CIA is tasked with controlling/steering outcomes by killing the messenger, among other means and methods.
Pearl, you really struck the nail on the head if we were to get all conspiratorial with McGowan when you wrote the following:
“Maybe McGowan was the CIA tool instructed to sow such a malignant distrust into everything, thereby creating a psychological panopticon effect.
Maybe McGowan was CIA, or maybe he simply found a nice little angle in which to write a book, and in so doing, created a nice, neat fictional account of the past with the utilization of fictional connections to various “dots” that were, in reality, not connected.
alexandre, you wrote the following:
“If Corbett starts mobilizing millions of people towards anarchism, and then people started acting on it, then maybe their heads would turn. I think they have other things to worry about.”
That couldn’t be a truer statement, my friend.
As long as Corbett’s message touts anarchy as a societal solution, which resonates with very few souls, let alone millions, and at the same time encourages citizens not to feed and legitimize the
“machine” with their vote, Corbett will be forever free of the guillotine, and be of no worry to the “Man”. Also, as an aside, to deny in its entirety, any epigenetic influence on climate, I believe, however intuitively or counter-intuitively, would have a placating, calming effect on the powers that be. After all, the powers that be are the owners of production. Production produces pollution….etc., etc. You can take it from there.
Interesting background info on that Hendrix tune, Candlelight. How the CIA is wrought with so many deadly, convenient coincidences!
Awww, CIA separating myths from facts – adorable!
Even so, there were some interesting bits in there which had me recalling Fletcher Prouty’s “Secret Team” (I really need to get back to and finish that book…).
You’re not hanging out on, or visiting, often, are you? Looking for a job? Any opportunities for Brazilian jazz hipsters to spy on other crazy jazz hipster, independent thinking, “New System” advocators? LOL…..oops, I misspoke – CIA employees are not spies.
Sorry, just kidding…..
But, they do make that perfectly clear on their official website, kinda, sorta? The Cloak and Dagger mythology is just that? A myth?
Who knows, I breezed through that page so fast, I wanted to leave before they knew I was there…. 🙂
Anyway, all kidding aside, I’m not a jazz aficionado by any means. I do enjoy certain jazz if it’s more smooth and subtle and melodic like John Coltrane’s form of what was described to me as “progressive” jazz. I find it soothing and intricate, like a fine bottle of Burgundy. About the time you were in NYC dealing with your rat infestation lol, I had gone to see a jazz artist with a good buddy of mine who was himself a musician and dabbled with composing. He took me to see Chick Corea, and I knew I was “supposed” to like it, but, it just didn’t do anything for me. I mean, I was appreciative of Corea’s talent and skill on the piano and his composition, but, it simply didn’t reverberate in the same way as Hendrix’ guitar did and will always do. I do like Miles Davis’ music for his horn’s pure concentration of explosive power, which I believe mirrors Miles’ persona to a Tee, somehow. Apparently, he had a fashion line, including men’s ties, of which I’m a proud owner. It’s wide, colorful and lively, and absolutely one of my favorites.
In another post you brought up the idea of Arthur C. Clarke’s “The Sentinel” that I’m assimilating as being a metaphor for the vast gulf existing between “elites” and those mere mortals whom they control, whereby their(elites)perception of life, of what’s real, comes to be but a hollow imitation of what’s real, lacking all substance, emotion, warmth; that which we would call human, or having any semblance to any living being. And, therefore, they, the elites, have become capable of committing any atrocity against what for them has become an “abstraction”.
It’s fascinating that you mentioned it, because it’s in its own way very similar to, and a metaphor for, the developers and advocates for AI in general and trans-humanism, in particular, and their penchant for equating the consciousness of the living being with the electro-stimulation of the silicone wafer.
Life as computation equals substance lost. In this envisioned frenetic future, will the souls of these trans-humanists even rust for us?
CIAo – belo
InfoGalactic is not my site. I’m an anarcho-lefty-atheist-truther, Vox Day is an alt-right Christian writer/blogger/vlogger. Unlike Wikipedia it does not censor alternative views.
Thanks so much for the Joseph Smith perspective!!!
You are quite correct in what you say. Even rock stars in the 50s were marrying girls. What happened behind closed doors will never be known.
I don’t want to presume you want your name on such an article, but I’m also very happy to add a citation if you’d like credit as it’s mostly in your words. And if you wish me to re-write any of it let me know.
Moved off:
Moved to:
I’d like to know what you honestly think about my 4 citations, including these: It also cites this article:
Is this legit? A smear job? A mix?
I have nothing against Mormons. Every one I’ve met in person has been great. I despise dogma and centralized power – and woo.
I’d rather be corrected than right.
I used to live in Peekskill and Croton, Westchester County, NY. It did occur to me that ex-cop and alleged multiple killer and cellmate Nicholas Tartaglione was on the Briarcliff police force and the Clinton’s primary residence is only a few miles away in Chappaqua. I am sure it is only a coincidence as the Clintons would never get involved in a murder for hire conspiracy of an inconvenient witness.
Very interesting. Thank you for sharing that tidbit.
In ten years time,assuming nothing major happens to the economy, people will be discussing the escape or Epstein to pleasure island…. or how he was killed by smurfs….. or by transgender smurfs……or zero point energy lizard people…or whatever, divide and confuse is the name of their game.
The aim of our opponents is to make us argue, we will be able to spot the ‘Glowey’ folks amungst us in the next few weeks because they will post tidbits to make us fight and become as useless and weak and divided as Kennedy assassination theorists and 9/11 truthers who spend more time arguing over energy weapons and invisible planes then exposing documentable crimes and inconsistencies. A FACT based outlook is why I love the Corbett report
Watch for those who try to make people believe crazy stuff that lacks evidence or who want to make people fight over cultish points of view…. Epstein is a nothing burger, until normal people feel the results of the deep state screwing up normal people will talk but not act. The glowey folks want to keep the 5% who are awake fighting and hating each other
Common sense and documentation and a demand for provability is why I generally trust the corbett report…. the powers that are want us to loose connection with reality
Nicely said Duck.
Breathe Epstein Breathe
When the ‘New’ System saves us from the old you know it will be bringing all kinds of things the old WISHED it could get done.
Trump could right now become the greatest president since Washington by rounding up the pedo scum… but if he does I would wonder what HIS true agenda was…. and i would bet its not far off of those who own the pedo scum
Alex,Duck you are spot on target. You must be feeling better Alex, with this vigorous expose’ on this rotten system we have. Im a fan of improvising. Why, with this crowd could be anything ? I’d say its the Elect pimps world move to normalize and allow underage girls and boys the right to work as prostitutes. Equal pay and right to early admission in a growth industry removing all stigma of age or sex discrimination. A U.N. charter for equality maybe. The New System you pointed out. God help us indeed!
Sorry gang, but this edition could have been about a quarter of the time. Repeating the blather from the msm and thanking subs endlessly did nothing. Not up to your usual standards, James, frankly a waste of time.
One aspect I don’t see talked about: has any official source said that the death was by hanging/strangulation? And what does a strangulation victim look like? Not like the pix I saw, that’s for sure.
A million helping hands?
One can only dream!
Perhaps it could have been shorter. However, at the beginning of the video James specifically stated this report would recap “What we know” and “What we don’t know.” It did.
Thanks, James. Neatly laid out and easy for the Normies to follow–assuming any ever see it. Hopeful on that front.
The fact that he tells us ahead of time that it will be a waste of time, doesn’t make it any less so.
I would caution that the story that he hung himself using a bedsheet came from an unidentified source, and may not be accurate or complete.
However … you are right. The method he supposedly used to kill himself has the benefit of being relatively painless and not requiring forceful strangulation. Also the source speaks of multiple broken bones, which really implies force. Because lets say on losing conciousness he may have slumped heavily against a very tight bedsheet noose and broken his hyoid bone as mentioned. But multiple broken bones? I cannot imagine that is possible using the kneeled towards the floor explanation of how he died. I suppose we need to be clear if it is multiple fractures of the same bone, or muliple bones? And which bones exactly those were.
Frustratingly these reports are yet again anonymous.
The problem with the hanging by bed sheet scenario is that the bedsheets were allegedly paper thin according to that former inmate which James referenced, if I recall correctly. There’s so much information it’s difficult to keep track of who said what, when at times.
In The Times article, “Jeffrey Epstein ‘child rape victim’ sues his estate and former girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell” re: victim Jennifer Araoz’s advancement of her sexual abuse claim, states “A post-mortem examination found broken bones in #Epstein’s neck which were consistent with hanging, The Washington Post reported last night, citing two sources.”
Reuters article via VOA News – “Jeffrey Epstein Autopsy Report Shows Broken Neck, Washington Post Says”:
“It was unclear if the medical examiner had made a final determination into how Epstein died. NBC News cited an unnamed source as saying Epstein’s body was claimed by an associate.
“Dr. Zhongxue Hua, the Bergen County medical examiner in New Jersey, said a neck fracture was atypical in a suicide, but warned not to jump to conclusions.
It’s unusual to have a neck fracture,” Hua said. “But the first question to address is when did it occur.”
If Epstein’s neck fracture was fresh, Hua said, then “at a minimum, it’s a very unusual suicide.”
Hua said he was familiar with Barbara Sampson, the chief New York medical examiner, and Michael Baden, a doctor who observed Epstein’s autopsy.
“The case is in two sets of top-notch hands,” he said. “Both have the highest integrity.” [Cough!]
Although official reports say the broken bones in Epstein’s neck are consistent with death by hanging, amongst the bones said to be broken is the hyoid near the Adam’s apple in men. It is said that the breaking of the hyoid bone is more common with “homicidal strangulation” than suicidal hanging. This information was used in the case for the defence of NYPD officers in the death of Eric Garner whose crime was selling cigarettes on the street to passers-by.
Geeze Louise, here’s some more information about the cases Michael Baden has ‘handled’. Not only did he chair the federal committee that re-investigated the death of President Kennedy (Baden said it was Oswald) [which we knew], he also chaired the federal committee re-investigation of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s death (Baden said it was James Earl Ray).
“Working with journalists, producers, and private legal teams, he investigated the deaths of the lost Tsar Nicholas, John Belushi, the president of Poland, Nicole Brown Simpson, Liz McPherson, Kathleen Savio, and, earlier this month, Eric Garner, who died in an alleged choke hold on the streets of New York City. Along the way, he also hosted HBO’s hit series “Autopsy” and landed a contract — active for more than a decade — as a “Death Correspondent” for FOX News.”
“He now lives in a [pretty darn expensive piece of pie in the sky] sprawling 18th-floor apartment overlooking New York’s Museum of Modern Art, according to the New Yorker. He keeps a dog, a red-headed poodle named after the older, smarter, lazier brother of Sherlock Holmes. And he writes crime thrillers, with the main characters modeled after him and his second wife, Linda Kenney, a high-profile defense attorney.”
“In 2007, Baden was again in the news for questionable conduct, this time as he took the stand in the Phil Spector murder trial. He had a fresh theory of how Spector’s alleged victim had died, one that provided room for the defense to explain some blood on Spector’s jacket. During cross examination, the prosecutor asked Baden if he had any conflict of interest in this case.
“None that I can think of,” he said, according to the Los Angeles Times. Moments later it was revealed his wife was one of Spector’s main attorneys.”
Excerpts from 2014 article: Who Is Dr. Michael Baden, the Coroner That Examined Michael Brown?
After the untimely death of a blackmailer I would expect to see the leverage released all over the internet – so why don’t we.
JE never implemented a plan to release the evidence as a contingency?
That’s the rub for me, why I don’t believe he is dead. Of course he would have set up a dead man’s switch. It’s inconceivable to me that he would not.
Agree, we should look behind the curtain. Not just individuals, their (mis)deeds, but Ideas foremostly.
First they ruined with pedophilia the image of “moral bastion”, the Church. I really don’t want to defend the Church in any way, but anyway it is very important thing for many people. Unfortunately, because of this psyop many people thrown the baby out with the bathwater.
Now it might be that “political system” came on turn. Look at pleiad of despicable characters: trump, johnson, juncker… I think every country has at least one.
Production of chaos, Everything is possible but nothing is Real.
Let the people be embroiled in hard emotions. Let them lose their mind. Or switch off like many do.
They will do anything to prevent people from realizing that so called elites are just humans that have to play the game, they must maintain The System (Idea)…’s about survival for them.
The most revolutionary(evolutionary) questions shall not be asked, preferably not even imagined:
How the System operates, what are its basic premises.
Is it a mere coincidence that Basic Income recently became Freedom Dividend?
Sure, a hipster is better idea-salesman for target group (young voting cattle).
Mik: that’s great stuff to chew on. If only i had a printing press, all my friends would never want for money or run out of toilet paper.
Im telling the world the liberal Zionist mind is cracked, completely nuts. Which of course makes my azkenasi Jew friend think Im an antisemetic nut job.
“Im telling the world the liberal Zionist mind is cracked, completely nuts.”
Are you sure this is the only or better said, the biggest obstacle towards a better world?
Mik: No there are bigger but it is the irritation of the hour, peeves-dejour! As my liberal minded Zionist golf companion said ” universal incomes a great ideal but Im not paying for it, I got mine” .
I would hate to pop his bubble but sometimes reality needs to be reconciled , unless you are a Zionist and know what many uses a press has in reaching your goal, like my friend, who champions it but refuses to use real capitol to finance it.
You got the ball rolling, so what would be bigger than having someone else pay for your contrivences and cheer for your successes. That’s like being tricked into rooting for a tick on or a tapeworm in your belly. Nuts. Zionist nuts. Its parasitic.
P.S. Mik. The show ” Hamilton ” is in town tonight. I wouldn’t’ go and I told em ” I would go if Burr would shoot him again and again and again.”
This is one story where the immediate looser got to rewrite history and the winner is vilified.
Mik: you may have something there. The idea. Not the group-dejour that is using the idea. That would necessitate a thought police to eradicate an idea.
Hmmmmm. No that’s not going anywhere, like a snake devouring its self. Im with Alexandre Im going to Kashmir but Im stopping by the bodega for a 44oz.Polar. my head hurts.
“They’re so far away from us by now that the word “survival” doesn’t mean anything for them.”
Yes and no. If they stop playing the game they are gone, like driving bicycle, if you stop turning pedals you’ll fall.
They are game makers and people are merely spectators.
But I think the main difference between us is World View. They think they are special, in a way they are (game makers). On the other hand, people think that is just how things are, it’s a “natural state of affairs” (game takers).
At the end is just World View, not they vs. us, it boils down to Idea.
That is why I said they are just people.
Most probably, anyone living in their circumstances would behave just the same.
I enjoy reading your posts. You have an active mind.
This one got my single brain cell rattling.
You don’t believe that degeneracy or power thirst is a human thing. From my observation, thirst for power and greed are what sets us apart from other creatures. We are an immature and undeveloped species.
And how can creative genius and disgusting behavior be the range of human potential, that not all humans can be called people. The bummer is that, that is the human package. That is people. Chopin and Jeffrey Dahmer can coexist in the same person. There is not necessarily a range. Humans are an evolutionary misfire. One can speculate that human DNA was seeded by alienDNA a long time ago to achieve a desired result, which might explain some things. But how would one know that for sure? It’s possible I guess. How would I know, or anyone else? I’m just a silly human who talks to his cats and enjoys Gilligan’s Island reruns.
Here we have a nice example how searching for human sub-spices leads nowhere, ends up with reptiles, undeveloped power lusty and greedy creatures… Well, some folks once went other way in this endeavor and find Übermensch.
On the other hand, pathological greed and power lust are well explained using system perspective (system <– instantiation of idea).
What is valued and rewarded by present socio-economic system?
Wealth and material goods are among the top. Should we then be surprised with all the greed and power lust? Environment, circumstances stimulate and reward such a behavior (Milgram!). System abuses human nature.
Certainly, so called elites are bad, eugenicists, pedophiles… lets say they are abusing the people. But just somehow nullifying them would not bring a salvation. You can add nullifying the bankers, nullifying the state…
Without a change of system that is abusive in itself, we will have the same shit, just in different package.
At the end it is an extremely pervasive Idea that is almost never examined, rarely even at TCR. Well, it's hard nut to crack.
So, epstein like stories are distractive in a way, taking our time for some immediate solution action, taking our attention from really important things, producing "useless" unreal emotions….
unreal emotions…
Once upon the time emotions were reaction on events in our immediate vicinity.
Now they are triggered by media events, somehow virtual reality. Real emotions because of virtual reality, therefore I said unreal emotions.
” … a former federal prosecutor said: “I’ve been on the ninth floor many times, and it really is hermetically sealed from the rest of the population.””
And I read somewhere else a lawyer describe layers of security on the way to visit a client in the Special Housing Unit, sometimes taking hours to get let into and out of the unit.
In the case of a homicide Mayor DeBlasio is correct – human error could not have been involved.
It doesn’t matter how comatosely asleep the guards were, nobody could have gotten to Epstein without passing through many, many locked doors and security checks.
This was a specifically isolated unit in a maximum security jail. If someone got into him, that would have had to have been coordinated and organised from the perimeter of the prison to the door of Jeffrey’s cell.
Appartently every inch of the prison is electronically surveiled (except the inside of the cells), which means even if both cameras which look towards the door of each cell in the Special Housing Unit were at that moment not working, the perpetrator would have been visible in other cameras on the way to the unit, and entering and exiting the unit. At 4-6 a.m. there cannot have been too many people coming and going.
this Epstein case that is no more — for a hot moment the veil was lifted…
Now we all can be safely diverted to discuss the way he died (or not)…
FROM The Hill
Report: Epstein autopsy finds several broken bones in neck, raising questions
By Tal Axelrod – 08/15/19 07:20 AM EDT
Epstein was a rich and famous/infamous person who knew his life was in jeopardy in one way or another.
According to Acosta, he was told that Epstein was an intelligence agent/asset.
Can’t imagine Epstein NOT having a “dead man’s switch” unless he was indeed intelligence with complete faith in them taking care of him.
It is my understanding that intelligence agents/assets are not assassinated because other agents/assets would lose faith in the system.
The jail situation was ridiculous in the extreme. Nobody is buying any official narrative coming from there. He could have just been drugged into oblivion in the jail, rolled into the hospital in that condition, appearing to be dead – but not. 2nd coroner suspect as hell.
He could have then been switched out at the hospital and taken to some remote area to receive plastic surgery and witness protection type measures with a new identity. Unless we see that dead man’s switch get triggered, that’s my best shot at what happened given the above.
Did I hear correctly? The only other individual to ever die in MCC custody, supposedly from hanging himself, was a Mafioso who was going to sing to the Feds.
REALLY? Does no one see the obvious connection?
Either that or there’s a wormhole inside the prison cell.
The book Ghislaine Maxwell was reportedly reading last Monday, while sitting alone in a public place.
Wow that’s pretty pointed if she’s really reading “The Book of Honor: The Secret Lives and Deaths of CIA Operatives.”
Exactly. The deep state is having fun playing with the plebs.
Have you seen this supposed review of “The Book of Honor : The Secret Lives and Deaths of CIA Operatives” on Amazon by one G. Maxwell?
5.0 out of 5 stars A comforting read after a personal tragedy
August 15, 2019
Format: Kindle Edition
“A good friend of mine died recently under very tragic circumstances. Some of us saw it coming for quite a while but it was still a huge shock when it finally happened. I picked up this book at the advice of a friend and absolutely couldn’t put it down. I’d read it walking the dog, getting fast food, or even just lounging around the house. It helped me realized that my friend really believed in something, and that giving your life for the CIA, NSA, FBI, Mossad, or other intelligence agency is truly a higher calling and not something to mourn. A wholehearted recommendation.”
– 157 people found this helpful
You just can’t make this shite up. Oh wait a minute, they do.
With regard to the alleged Amazon book review above, note it’s in relation to a Kindle version of the book, whereas the staged photos have “Ghislaine Maxwell” reading an actual book, the cover of which cannot be seen.
This is all managed and staged in my opinion. I could of course be wrong, but me thinks there may be a few actors kicking about in L.A.: “Ghislaine Maxwell Reportedly Leaves Cryptic Review Of ‘The Book Of Honor: The Secret Lives And Deaths Of CIA Operatives’ Days After Being Spotted At In-N-Out Burger In California”
I apologize if this has been posted. It’s pretty jaw dropping. Esp the end. “Jeffrey Epstein’s Bodyguard on His Former Boss’s Lifestyle, Cruelty, Suicide”
Jake Morphonios provides a bit more background and other information about Igor Zinoviev, Epstein’s former bodyguard and trainer, sometime driver, in his podcast. He then goes through Nestel’s interview with Igor which Myra posted above. It’s worth listening to in my opinion:
This is absolutely appalling, disgusting if true, especially given Victoria Robert Giuffre’s claims in the unsealed documents that Epstein had to be “serviced” at least three times a day.
“Jeffrey Epstein Spent Time Alone With Young Woman In Prison’s Attorney Room” published by Forbes, 15 August 2019:
The day after he was taken off suicide watch, disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein spent at least two hours locked up alone with a young woman, in a private room reserved for inmates and their attorneys, according to an attorney who was visiting the prison that day.
“The optics were startling. Because she was young. And pretty,” said the visiting attorney, who asked that his name not be used because he didn’t want to create friction with the prison administration. He speculated the woman could be a lawyer—NBC News has reported that Epstein paid members of his team to sit with him in a room for eight hours a day for attorney-client meetings, allowing him to avoid his cell.
The visiting attorney went to the Manhattan Correctional Center on July 30, a day after Epstein was reportedly taken off suicide watch and transferred into the Special Housing Unit (SHU). During the hours the visiting attorney was present, it wasn’t Epstein’s main lawyer, Reid Weingarten, or other named attorneys who visited him.
“If I was him, I would have hired… an old bald guy,” said the lawyer, who said the young woman was in there with Epstein for at least two hours when he was there. He also pointed out that the room is locked when prisoners go in, after their handcuffs are removed, and unlocked only when prisoners leave and handcuffs are put back on.
Weingarten and other attorneys representing Epstein have not responded to requests for comment by Forbes.
Cont’d at source:
Correction: Although I’m pretty sure Victoria Giuffres has said something similar, it was Johanna Sjoberg who testified that Epstein needed to have 3 orgasms a day, and “once told her he received so many massages multiple times a day from different women to satisfy his “biological” need to orgasm.”
Bill Clinton Painting in Epstein’s house
Creator of the bill-in-blue-dress painting:
Link to artist:
Artist with pictures:
Picture of Bush with 2 paper planes and 2 block towers
Respond of artist:
Analysis of the blue dress painting
(Likely hillary’s)
Does he like wearing dresses?
Via voat:
David Icke released a superlative “dot connector” analysis yesterday dealing with the Epstein situation from a very in-depth, wide angle perspective.
This might be pure coincidence.
Since the Vice article above was published, which rightly and cleverly points out that there are two mobile devices on her table, along with two drinks cups … the original photo that the New York Post published has been edited. The lower portion of the photo showing the second mobile device has been cropped out, and the drinks cups are now hidden behind the New York Post banner.
This was what the photo looked like when the article was first published:
This is what you find if you go to the article page on the New York Post website today:
[Please do not post contextless links. All links must contain some description or reason for others to click. -JC]
Does anyone else think that if he had commited suicide we would have been told by now? If fact, no matter what happened we would have been told something by now, unless there is a lot of story management going on.
The initial story that was sold was one of individual incompetence but that doesn’t seem to have been swallowed completely.
Then came the story of the investigations being stone-walled by employees who fear prosecution. Are they going to stick with that story for a while, or are they interviewing for a patsy as we speak? The problem with that is the prison doesn’t allow for one or two rogue agents to infiltrate it. That story would require a whole lot of patsies.
So maybe they are hoping to wait us out? Say nothing. Literally.
Indeed it has, or at least that tweet has been removed.
And today, it is announced that the Met Police decided against ‘a full’ Epstein trafficking investigation, surprise surprise. Not! :
“Prince Andrew has always denied “any form of sexual contact or relationship with Virginia Roberts”.
“Channel 4 News can reveal that the Metropolitan Police began a review of “available evidence” in 2015 after receiving a complaint over claims in court papers that a girl was “forced to have sex with Prince Andrew”.
“Channel 4 News also understands that lawyers for Virginia Roberts independently contacted the Metropolitan Police in 2016.
“The Metropolitan Police said it “reviewed the available evidence” and decided that the matter “would not progress to a full investigation”.
“It is not clear what constituted the available evidence.
“The Met Police has refused to answer detailed questions about the allegations and whether they ever spoke to Epstein, his friend Ghislaine Maxwell, Prince Andrew or anyone from the Royal Household.”
One point that I don’t recall being aware of before is that NAPAC creator Peter Saunders allegedly brought the allegations against Andrew and the possibility of child trafficking in London, connected to Epstein and Maxwell, to the Met’s attention in 2009. Saunders is also on IICSA’s Victims and Survivors’ Consultative Panel. The UK’s “Independent Inquiry on Child Sexual Abuse” aka IICSA, is the official state-sponsored cover-up of rampant child sexual abuse and elite paedophile rings in the UK, which connect with others in Europe and around the world. Epstein’s little black book is filled with the contact details for many of the British elite.
Please watch this deep state manufactured Channel 4 propaganda news piece which confirms that the aeons old cover-up of child sexual abuse and worse, continues here in the UK:
In 2014, “Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk was spotted at a Vanity Fair Oscar party in West Hollywood with Ghislaine Maxwell, suspected sex trafficker and Jeffrey Epstein’s longtime partner” in crime. Elon Musk is a technocrat, transhumanist as was Epstein.
Epstein Strangled? An ER Doctor Weighs In – Stefan Molyneux
Still needs to see full report.
Explains injuries caused by hanging, and how
Epstein could not break is his neck-bones.
We first need more evidence, but my hypothesis is a
cord tied around the neck. With a bar to tighten the cord.
Okay good. These guys seem to be taking this seriously.
“Jeffrey Epstein’s former cop ex-cellmate who is facing life in prison for the murders of four people in a drug deal gone wrong, has been cleared of any wrongdoing related to what was allegedly his first suicide attempt last month.”
Is this just an error? Up until now Tartaglione has been reported as facing the death sentence.
That he had been cleared of wrong doing in the first incident was reported early afternoon on Friday 16th, despite prison officials apparently confirming that in an email to his lawyer on Friday 9th. Why did his lawyer not mention that the prison had officialy cleared Nick of involvement when questioned about his client’s role in the earlier incident?
“We’ve always maintained Nick did nothing wrong and that’s clearly been borne out here by the jail itself,” Barket said.
So why not mention the email, he got a week ago, earlier?
I must say he did always maintain that Nick did nothing wrong, but he made it seem that the prison not bringing any discipliniary action against him was proof that he had been cleared of any wrong doing. When he could just have said that the prison had contacted him to let him know that Nick was not suspected of wrong doing.
The timing is interesting as well.
The first article saying Tartaglione was cleared of involvement in the 26th July incident was published less than an hour and a half before the news broke that the ME had determined the death to have been a suicide.
The meaning of the news that Tartaglione was innocent is explained to the readers in black and white.
“What this means is that whatever happened to Epstein was inflicted on himself,” said Cameron Lindsay, a former warden at four federal facilities. “It looks like a pretty straightforward case of someone who wanted to die.”
Throwing it back to when Bruce Barket was clearly baiting the hook when he said that Nick knows a lot but it would be unclear if he’d be in a position to cooperate.
And in this podcast:
At 06:42 he says that Nick will be cooperatative with law enforcement – or not.
At 04:40 he says that Nick was there during the first ‘suicide’ attempt but cannot talk about what Nick witnessed.
At 06:00 he is almost speaking gibberish trying to not to catch himself out. He says Nick and Jeffrey were in a cell together. Then, “according to what everybody has reported” Jeffrey was found unresponsive with marks around his neck. Then Nick alerted the corrections officers.
This was the special housing unit. The door would have been locked. It’s a tiny room. There is a huge blank space that needs to be filled in in the story Nick’s lawyer is telling.
Let the clowns in, Oh? They are already in the room!. The BirkyVille Media hard at work this Sunday August 19, 2019. The Tulsa World head propagandist Wayne Green, editorial pages editor, steps forward with the real agenda. Quote” Too many people die of suicide in America; too many of those who die of suicide do so in jail.”
Wayne wasn’t this originally a story about raping children?
You go on to say quote” the appalling number of suicides in the US and Oklahoma reflect that they can be dark and dangerious places that are holding people, many of which don’t need to be there.”
The photos of him on the gurney seem to dispute the anonymous reports in the Daily Beast that he was “living like a pig in a sty” from the time of the first attempt on his life.
He is clean shaven and his hair seems to be about the same length and of the same style as usual.
The poster in the bus shelter is not the current one, which has been in situ since the 28th of July according to the advertising company.
Neither do they have any record of that poster ever being posted there. Which leads them to speculate that the image of the poster has been photoshopped in.
So how long ago was the photo originally taken? The current poster for a hospital would not have been photoshopped out. Neither would a previous poster been photoshopped unless it specifically dated the picture, perhaps by depicting a movie that has already been out quite a while.
Which leaves us with a few possibilities. One is that this is the work of an opportunistic paparazzo who had the photos on file and decided he could make a pretty penny by passing them off as recent. What counts against that story is the way the New York Post responded to speculation about the photos by editing out the troublesome details. Presumably if the duplicity came from a third party the paper would have printed a retraction apologising and saying that they had been duped.
Another possibility is that the duplicity came from within the New York Post itself.
Another possibility is that these photos were staged some time ago, to be used for the purposes they are now being used for. This begets the question, for how long has a ‘G. Maxwell is on the run’ story been planned?
They’ve edited the article again!
They have now removed all mention that the photos came from an outside source.
Originally they reported it like this:
“A source told The Post that a daily regular took the photo.”
“The photographer told the Post that Maxwell was “perfectly friendly, very lovely”
“When the Post’s source snapped a picture of the raven-haired 57-year-old, he asked, “Are you who I think you are?” She replied, ‘Yes, I am.’”
Now, all mentions of the source, plus Ghislaine’s quotes as attributed to the source, have been removed from the article and replaced with the phrase, “The Post found the socialite hiding in plain sight … ”
When many journalists, from Vice to the Daily Mail to the New Yorker even, are debunking these photos, why is the Post not distancing themselves from them? In fact why are they doing the opposite and removing all mention that they came from an outside source?
Mindblowing thread about same photos. I had not seen the recently added photos to the Daily Mail article.
But the thread also goes on to connect the photos to Leah Saffian. Please read.
A family endeavour – you said it right. Former family employee Leah Saffian takes photos and gives them to former family employee Kevin Smith to distribute.
After studying the randomly and nonsensically photshopped G. Maxwell photos from the In-n-Out Burger, the only conclusion I can come to is that the release of these photos was a pre-planned red herring, designed to be a mystery that could be almost solved, so as to scatter attention from and dilute the story of Epstein’s death.
The beginnings of this deception are there in the first, and only, official press briefing (emphasis on brief) by AG Barr when he leads with the first mis-direction of institutional incompetence and follows with a shot at co-conspirators. Actually the Daily Mail was the first to turn attention towards G. Maxwell about seven hours after the news of Epstein’s death first broke and they have been pushing that angle of the story with the New York Post ever since. The New York Post is interesting in that they were the first to get the story the Epstein was dead (the Daily Mail was second), along with the photos of him being brought into hospital. They were also the ones who published the In-n-Out photos of Ghislaine and have stood by them.
What they didn’t stand by was a report that AG Barr had visited the MCC around the time of Epstein’s 26th July incident.
On the first mis-direction, the acting head of the BOP has been returned to his old position and a permanent director put in place. But we are not told that this has anything to do with Epstein. The only way to connect the two is because of the timing. AG Barr in his statement does not mention any failures, in fact he commends Hurwitz for doing a good job and says they will be working together closely when Hurwitz returns to his former role.
Senator Ben Sasse has responsibility for pushing this angle of the story into the limelight because of his public letter to AG Barr on the day Epstein died basically calling out the prison as inadequate.
The news that the ME decided Epstein had died by suicide was released after 4pm on a Friday, which is when Seymour Hersh said a story gets released that people do not want picked up. Everyone has left their offices and won’t be back until Monday morning so there is little chance to get a statement from anyone which could bump the story back into the headlines.
By then, a story planted about Maxwell being spotted in L.A. could have absorbed everyone’s attention and the M.E.’s report will be old news. It is so much more interesting to go after a breadcrumb trail of solveable clues even if it leads to a deadend, than to follow up with the central aspect of the story when that has ground to a halt.
Hopefully the New York Post can take some heat over the Maxwell photos (maybe somebody in America has a way to report them for publishing photos they knew had been photoshopped). Otherwise this planted side-story looks like it has worked perfectly for what it was needed to do.
“Pre-planned” because of the bus shelter poster not being the one that has been up since the 28th of July and because taking photos of someone in public attracts the attention of those nearby, it’s just a normal relfex to look over when someone is posing for a photo. Certainly in the days after Epstein’s death, but maybe even earlier than that, it would have meant taking too big a risk of being recognized.
I’m going to get a t-shirt that reads “Katy Perry fondled my firework last Friday night.” 😛
We decline to comment.
This doesn’t add much to the discussion. I just thought this official response to a request for basic information summed up the attitude of the state from the beginning of this saga until now.
Read more,
Not sure if this is related or not but “Kai the hatchet wielding hitchhiker”, (who went viral back in 2013 for the interview below) talked about some 30 year old, 300 pound dude who bragged about raping a 14 year old while on a business trip in the Virgin Islands.
Maybe this story needs to be revisited? Interestingly, a few months later, Kai was arrested for murder of New Jersey attorney Joseph Galfy (which he said was in self-defense because Galfy tried to rape him).
Epstein, the financier and convicted sex offender, signed a will detailing nearly $600 million in assets just two days before he killed himself in a Manhattan jail cell. In the will, he named biotech venture capitalist Boris NikolicOpens a New Window. as “successor executor,” the person who would take control of the estate if the two named executors are unable or unwilling to.
Nikolic is a physician who completed postdoctoral training at Harvard Medical School, where he also served as an assistant professor. He previously served as chief advisor for science and technology to Bill Gates. Nikolic, a Harvard physician (2016) with a background in immunology, advised Gates’ Catalyst 3 (bgc3) as well as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He led a $120 million round in which Gates and 12 other investors last August funded the hot CRISPR gene editing startup Editas Medicine. He also participated in a $61 million round this year for Twist Biosciences, a synthetic DNA startup.
As co-founder and managing director of health care and life sciences venture investing firm Biomatics Capital, Nikolic sits on the boards of directors for several of its portfolio companies.
After leaving Gates in 2014, he funded more than a dozen firms in gene editing and other health technologies. A prospectus for a successful public offering of one of those gene companies, Editas Medicine Inc., said he controlled a stake worth $42 million. He was hosted at Harvard as recently as 2014 by George Church, a biologist who oversees the Harvard Human Genome Project, according to online calendars. Epstein provided funding to the project. Church founded eGenesis, to develop synthetic organs, as well as Editas. Both firms received early investments from Biomatics Capital, where Nikolic is one of two managing directors. Biomatics, which is based in Boston and Seattle, is run by several former staffers from the Gates Foundation and Gates Ventures.
Q: What does vaccines and gene editing / cloning / human DNA manipulation have in common?
A: Everything!
Morphonios has a long series about Epstein.
He has done detective work on sex-trafficking, and
understands the juridic system.
#14 Jeff Epstein Becomes an FBI Informant
M discusses the evidence around the sweetheart deal.
#13 The Epstein Case is Sabotaged by the US Attorney’s Office
#12 Meet Epstein’s Russian Bodyguard, Igor Zinoviev
#11 Alex Acosta Throws Epstein’s Victims to the Wolves
#10 Why Were Epstein Victims Afraid to Talk to the FBI?
#9 Krischer Uses Grand Jury to Torpedo Case Against Epstein
#8 The Dirty Dershowitz Hit Job on Jeff Epstein’s Victims
#7 How Prosecutors Stabbed Epstein Police Detectives in the Back
#6 Epstein Races to Silence Victims Before Police Can Find Them
#5 Stand Up Poet Benny Wills – Break Free From the Matrix
#4 Jeff Epstein Victim Tells Her Tragic Story – NSFW
#3 Police Catch a Major Break in the Epstein Investigation
#2 The Amazing Story of How Jeff Epstein Got Busted
#1 Jeffrey Epstein & Other Powerful Perverts
Shocking New Epstein Documents Unsealed – Files Reveal New Details
Jeffrey Epstein Found Dead from Alleged Suicide
Another coincidence…
August 28, 2019 – Zero Hedge – “Tyler Durden”
FBI Crime Lab Analyzing Two Broken Cameras From Outside Epstein Cell
An FBI crime lab is examining two cameras from the area outside Jeffrey Epstein’s cell which reportedly malfunctioned the night he died, according to Reuters, citing a law enforcement source.
The two cameras would have had a view into the Manhattan jail cell where, on August 10, Epstein was found hanging by his bedsheet in what has been ruled a suicide.
The cameras were sent to Quantico, Virginia, site of a major FBI crime lab where agents and forensic scientists analyze evidence.
The Washington Post reported on Monday that at least one camera in the hallway outside Epstein’s cell had footage that was unusable. The newspaper said there was other usable footage captured in the area. -Reuters
During a Tuesday court hearing, Epstein’s lawyers Reid Weingarten and Martin Weinberrg told US District Judge Richard Berman that they doubted Epstein committed suicide, and that the pedophile’s injuries were “far more consistent with assault” than hanging, according to Weingarten.
Weingarten cited the defense’s own medical sources. Broken bones were found in Epstein’s neck during an autopsy after he died Aug. 10.
Such fractures are somewhat more common in cases of strangulation than in hanging.
Weingarten told the judge that when he and other defense attorneys spoke to Epstein shortly before his death “we did not see a despairing, despondent, suicidal person.”
Weingarten’s comments came during a proceeding where prosecutors were seeking the dismissal of child sex trafficking charges against the Epstein as a result of his death. -CNBC
…Mike Krieger shared his incredulity on the matter also:
“They must be joking.
Apparently TWO cameras malfunctioned outside of Epstein’s cell?
This would be almost comical if it wasn’t so infuriating”
August 28, 2019 – Another Zero Hedge article (at Activist Post)
Epstein’s Own Lawyers Tell Court He Likely Died By “Assault” As Federal Case Dropped
…Weingarten said Berman had a “pivotal role to find out what happened.”
“We want the court to help us find out what happened,” Weingarten said.
“We’re skeptical of the certitude” of the finding of suicide by hanging by the New York City medical examiner, the lawyer said.
There are “significant doubts” regarding “the conclusion of suicide,” Weingarten said.
Federal prosecutor Maurene Comey told the judge that Epstein’s death is already subject of “an ongoing and active grand jury investigation.” Comey explained, “It is not the purview, respectfully, of the court to conduct an investigation into uncharged matters.”….
This may be just one of those ‘coincidences’, but listen to Trump’s words on Twitter relating to the incoming Florida-bound storm:
If that doesn’t sound like a metaphorical warning to his cohorts and fellow child-abusing parasites, I don’t know what could.
“It hit the Virgin Islands, but not as bad as it could have”
“…Could be an absolute monster..”
“..almost certain that it’s hitting dead center..”
“..bigger, or at least as big as ‘Andrew’..”
Maybe, just maybe I am finally losing a grasp of reality and deep faking my own discernment skills.
Brace yourselves folks, the orange one has spoken.
Take care all
More info on Epstein from Mint Press News:
Witney Webb on Mint Press News
Interview on Media Roots Radio (with Robbie and Abby Martin)
interesting article on Epstein circle connections, not just Maxwells (Hochs) and Wexner, but the “philanthropist” Megagroup of billionaires and their close connections to organized crime ;
“They have swing.” What a cool way to describe it. That will now be a part of my mental vocabulary.
And on the contrary- if you did write a thesis on it, Corbett would probably find that to be an interesting read. I know I would.
What’s even more painful is that I keep falling for these tricks!! Somebody slap some sense into me.
The gorilla suit sitting off to the side reminded me of the first one (that had to be a wink to Simons & Chabris):
There is! It’s been a while since I’ve gone downtown, but I hear that the daring feats of people on the e-scooters have caused a few accidents and plenty of anxiety to motorists. After failing each of these tests, I’d better steer clear of the area myself.
And unicycles! My kids went through that phase a few years ago. Uphill, downhill, even through brushy terrain, like a mountain bike. They never did get around to “extreme unicycling”, though it did appeal to the more adventurous one; not enough hours in his day, fortunately.
Well, come to think of it, there was that clamorous worldwide movement parading through every big city’s streets shouting, “we need instant access to e-scooters downtown NOW!” Yeah, remember? It coincided with the driverless car demand! I remember feeling so warm inside to the point of weeping, to actually be part of something so smart and sustainable.
Damn…good catch, mbp.
With “reality” shows like “wifeswap”, I guess it’s only a matter of time.
That was a seriously intensive presentation of dystopian nature. Is there any place left to fly away to?
This response is not in the correct order because the reply tab is sometimes not there.
Anyway, knowing that you are a jazz man, I knew why you used that word. And it fits perfectly.
Most jazz I hear I just don’t understand. I grew up listening to various forms of rock music, mostly what was called prog-rock, like Yes, Genesis, Camel, Rush, and maybe Pink Floyd fits in that category. But I have heard some Coltrane which is very cool, and the old Nat King Cole Trio stuff is priceless. He had swing back then, before he went commercial.
Late, late October 2019 (10/30) Epstein was murdered!
Corbett Report Member “zyxzevn” gives links to Jason Bermas and other sources which discuss the strangulation, among other aspects.
October 21, 2019
Interview 1484 – Ripple Effect Roundtable on Epstein 9/11
On this special 200th episode of The Ripple Effect podcast, James Corbett, Jason Bermas, Sam Tripoli and Whitney Webb join host Ricky Varandas for a roundtable discussion on Jeffrey Epstein, 9/11, and all the other tentacles of the octopus conspiracy.
October 31, 2019 UPDATE
Interview 1489 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato