And now, from the palatial Corbett Report studios in western Japan, it’s time for The 3rd Annual REAL Fake News Awards. Which media organization will take home the most Dinos for their dishonest reporting? Who will bear the shame of the biggest fake news story of the year? Find out in this year’s exciting gala broadcast!!
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- CNN, The Washington Post and NBC Universal for their misreporting on the Covington High School students.
- Dishonorable mention goes to The National Review for “The Covington Students Might as Well Have Just Spit on the Cross.”
- h/t to kit8642 who provides more details about the suspicious sourcing of this viral video clip in the nominations for these awards on
- CBS News for “Chemical weapons watchdog OPCW defends Syria report as whistleblower claims bias“
- More information on this story
- Time Magazine for “2019 Person of the Year – Greta Thunberg“
- Please read “The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg” for more info on this story
- Relevant article and video from
- ABC News for their “dramatic coverage” of “Turkey’s” military bombing “Kurd civilians” in a “Syrian border town”:
- Dishonorable mentions go to Emannuelle Macron, Leo Dicaprio, Madonna and other Twitterati who posted there own fake news about the Amazon fire (h/t manbearpig)
- The Japanese government, for their admission that 40% of the 56 key government economic releases are in fact fake, fudged or completely made up!
- ABC News for “It was unbelievable what we had. We had Clinton, we had everything.“
- Follow up: Scoop: ABC News/Epstein
- Real Story: Epstein stories at corbettreport
- Whitney Webb articles at MintPressNews
- Derrick Broze on Epstein
- Dishonourable mention goes to The Atlantic for “How the Epstein Case Explains the Rise of Conspiracy Theorists“
Blocked on youtube: “copyright” strike.
Well, it managed to stay stay up on gootube for at least 14 seconds but was taken down within a few minutes.
This video, which has been blocked on YouTube, has 4 views and 30 likes
It’s up now. But still better to view and comment here. I go out of my way not to use YT now. Everyone should do that, -hat’s where their power comes from. If enough people do it, it sends a very clear message: You are the online version of the dinomedia.
Even if its not always obvious bc the talking heads on TV continue with false narratives, more and more people watching know theyre being lied to. We, by talking and sharing have literally changed the narrative on some major events, including 9/11, Syria and Libya, etc.
Principled people dont like being lied to about major world affairs and the actions of our supposed leaders. we’re going to take a more proactive approach getting informed. The problem is that, even as they say “I know the media lies”, most people will never take the time and effort to look at alternative information. Most people seem unable to care about the truth of “Upsetting issues I have no control over & dont want to be called a conspiracy theorist.” Thats’sad. Like how under-subbed corbettreport is on YT is sad in what it says about our society. . –anyway, pardon my rant to what was going to be a one line reply. cheers
Well said, alucientes !
Great work – and still on youtube when accessed from New Zealand – 3385 views
Look what The Atlantic article ‘How the Epstein Case Explains the Rise of Conspiracy Theorists’ uses as examples of conspiracy theories,-two [obvious imo] psyops: ‘pizzagate’ and ‘Qanon’.
Well done James and Brock. Must be a difficult task choosing who to ‘award’ for what as there is so many news stories to fill the bill.
One item that would a least make the runner up category was the Maldive’s foreign minister lamenting that his nation will soon be submerged (again and again) from rising human created CO2 emissions and subsequent rising sea levels. This must be at least the third speculative date for the end of the Maldives even while five new airports and massive ocean front tourist investments (Sauds have ponied up 10 billion to build tourist resorts) on what is supposed to be a nation having already gone or now again going to a watery ending.
Like the head of the W.H.O. says its not the vaccine but the psychosomatic reaction to the vaccination experience.
What if I have a reaction to the fake news like I would have a reaction to … The Dino fake news award. Is there a fake news injury court? Is there a fake news anti reaction pill being developed?
W.H.O. hinting at a new paradigm ( or parody ) of new medical condition( psychiatric) and billion $ market for new big pharma response.
Check it out. The U.N. is the true new funny farm .
From the Highwire.
???; ?woof woof woof.
???; mon petit Cheri, Hit the Road Jack!
Hangin on da corner, cool fool sucking on a menthol talkin about how the big apple is out a sight, when he ain’t never had a bite.
Night descends as sunlight ends, black is back where it all begins . Wake Up or we’re through. Why you treat me so mean? Hit the road Jack.
Friday night will do.
Look out!! here it comes again ???!!!
Haley the Comet. Two in a row! Soc lo vie!
Great show.
Like in the list that I posted,
it is what is NOT reported that shows how fake the official news is.
Hello everyone!
As some of you have noticed the first attempted upload on GooTube was blocked worldwide due a B.S. copyright claim. James has since removed the small clip causing the issue & re-uploaded it.
However, should you wish to watch The 3rd Annual REAL Fake News Awards in all it’s uncensored glory, please watch and/or download the mp4.
Thank you all again for watching & supporting The Corbett Report and thanks to our amazing sponsor Learn 2 Code! 😉
Hi Broc,
Great work on the video editing.
/People in the background also matter, else the thing does not happen.
Hmmm. Lots of good and a few oops’es. (Live by the feather, die by the feather).
The ABC “News” fake video of the “attack in northern Syria, by Turkey” is to me the most flagrant, idiotic, “stock footage will do, but, hey let’s arc things up” abuse of broadcast news in the year. However, James claims that ABC is reporting on “bombings” when that verb is not mentioned in the included footage. Ooops. Nonetheless, this shows how “news” organisations will use whatever footage (irrespective of its veracity, and their doctoring thereof) most enrages the viewers; non-click clickbait?
ABC editors and managers covered up the Epstein scandal (atrocities), not the reporters. C’mon James.
Actually, the “cover up” award should go to the entire MSM for the US influence to alter the interim and final reports by the OPCW on Douma, not the Epstein thing. (Mil Intel will run influence operations, and be-damned the young girls and/or boys involved).
After note: I really liked the reference to and abuse of the “holywood” awards style. Sarcasm and satire are a necessary psychological bulwark in this age.
Episode 372 – The 3rd Annual REAL Fake News Awards!
was an incredibly stellar production!
The video, the script, the music, the effects, the topics (dino awards), the humor…the entire gamut.
I was sooo impressed!
It makes a person proud to be a Corbett Report Member.
And the acting! Gosh!
The actor in the Corporate Sponsor ad, “Learn 2 Code” was fabulous.
I need to get an autograph!
I bet that actor’s wife carries a baseball bat to keep the fawning women away.
Well, Ms. Goodman lives off of charity from philanthropists (funding), liberals, for whatever that means. Certainly not radical. She is now the ‘old PBS’ gussied up as radical news.
The hippie woman on PBS you mention, is Judy Woodruff. She is hardly a hippie: she is a bloated corporate stenographer for power married to Al Hunt, a former member of the Crossfire team, an old news show from the 1990’s.
Woodruff has had multiple face lifts to continue her sojourn lying on P “BS.
You might not know that PBS is now a for-profit organization and you can read about the hostile takeover of the sullen and former public airwaves by members of the Washington Post.
As I wrote 8 years ago in Truthout:
“What PBS, like the Post, failed to report was that The Washington Post executive Boisfeuillet (Bo) Jones Jr. became president and CEO of MacNeil/Lehrer Productions back at the end of 2011. Jones now produces the “PBS Newshour.” Jones was the chairman of The Washington Post for three decades (“Longtime Washington Post exec Bo Jones to MacNeil/Lehrer,” October 27, 2011). They also fail to report that PBS’ nightly business report was purchased by Atalaya Capital Management, the owner of Washington City Paper, which charges $150 for prostitution ads.
All of this suggests that “Newshour” was never a public news program in the first place. The line between the corporate world of media and the so-called public news hour is not blurry; it is virtually nonexistent.”
You can find the article at Truthout.
Thanks very much for resource ( “The Manufacturing of Greta Thunberg”).
Man, what a resource.
Also very refreshing way of thinking.
From volume I, act I:
(climate change at the highest level is)
“What is going on – is a rebooting of a stagnant capitalist economy, that needs new markets – new growth – in order to save itself.”
More than less markets are saturated, new has to be invented, climate change, space race, human dumb-down, certainly-you-don’t-need market,…
Bus driving infected patients – dutch state news
Man that was good! Was that Broc West doing that whole thumbs up for learning to code for getting a job running AI fake news bots segment? haha I love it.
Thanks James 🙂