From SOPA and PIPA to ACTA to CISPA to the TPP and now back to CISPA, internet activists have been caught up in a deliberately bewildering game of whack-a-mole with freedom-crushing legislation. Now, ISPs are doing an end run around the whole legislative process altogether and voluntarily collaborating with the entertainment industry to spy on their own customers. All of this is enough to leave concerned netizens demoralized, and in the war of attrition that is exactly the goal. Join us today on The Corbett Report as we explore a real, grassroots, alternative solution to the problem of internet censorhip that can help to end this government/corporate control over our communication once and for all.
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Stop SOPA/PIPA | |
Time Reference: | 01:12 |
Understanding SOPA/PIPA & Why You Should Be Concerned | |
Time Reference: | 02:13 |
SOPA/PIPA Strike First of its Kind | |
Time Reference: | 02:39 |
Aaron Swartz: How We Stopped SOPA | |
Time Reference: | 03:03 |
SOPA and PIPA Shelved, For Now | |
Time Reference: | 03:43 |
Say No To ACTA | |
Time Reference: | 04:42 |
ACTA anger: Protesters hopeful as official resigns | |
Time Reference: | 05:27 |
European Parliament rejects ACTA | |
Time Reference: | 06:13 |
CISPA: What You Need to Know | |
Time Reference: | 07:23 |
Everything You Need to Know About CISPA | |
Time Reference: | 07:53 |
Cybersecurity Act fails in the Senate: Will Obama move it forward? | |
Time Reference: | 08:28 |
The 2013 State of the Union Address (Enhanced Version) | |
Time Reference: | 09:15 |
CISPA cyber bill resurrected in Congress | |
Time Reference: | 10:29 |
34 Civil Liberties Groups Speak Out Against CISPA in Lead Up to Hearings | |
Time Reference: | 11:06 |
Corporate Lobbying Offers Best ROI | |
Time Reference: | 13:24 |
Six Strikes (New World Next Week) | |
Time Reference: | 14:13 |
Cyberattack Identified as Top U.S. Threat | |
Time Reference: | 18:49 |
Banks Cyber-attacked – by Iran? | |
Time Reference: | 19:08 |
At Cyber War: How Chinese Hackers Spy on You | |
Time Reference: | 19:23 |
The government has an “iPatriot Act” ready for Internet control | |
Time Reference: | 21:03 |
Jack Blood on Pirate Internet | |
Time Reference: | 22:51 |
Reporters’ Roundtable Ep. 126: Mesh Networks | |
Time Reference: | 30:40 |
LocalOrg | |
Time Reference: | 40:02 |
Decentralizing Telecom | |
Time Reference: | 40:43 |
Project Byzantium | |
Time Reference: | 43:45 |
Lil Sokz – Anti-SOPA Rap Song (CISPA) | |
Time Reference: | 48:46 |
Hi James,
Regarding Wireless Mesh Network security (someone gave this link to me when I mentioned Mesh Networking as an alternative to the ‘Net… thought I’d share it).
Thanks for this important detail!