Truth. Justice. Accountability. The idea of an international rule of law appeals to our innate sense of justice, but the most horrific plans are often cloaked in the most beautiful lies. Just as the ideals of international law are used to cloak the imperial ambitions of the globalists, so too is the idea of seeking justice in these controlled courtrooms a phoney pipe dream. Join us today on The Corbett Report as we explore the only real solution to this problem: removing the bodyguard of lies from the power elite and withdrawing ourselves from the systems that seek to legitimize their rule.
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League of Nations: Introduction | |
Time Reference: | 00:16 |
Episode 234 – How To Carve Up The World | |
Time Reference: | 04:35 |
James Perloff explains the CFR origins of the League of Nations | |
Time Reference: | 04:46 |
Nuremberg: Tyranny on Trial | |
Time Reference: | 07:37 |
Murray Bernays and Edward Bernays (see footnote #22) | |
Time Reference: | 12:43 |
CFR history page admits CFR supported League of Nations | |
Time Reference: | 13:43 |
The Nuremberg Trial: Landmark in Law by Henry L. Stimson | |
Time Reference: | 14:06 |
Historical Roster of CFR Directors (including George H.W. Bush) | |
Time Reference: | 16:52 |
Bush delivers NWO speech on 9/11/1990 | |
Time Reference: | 17:27 |
Angelina Jolie speaks at the CFR | |
Time Reference: | 22:18 |
I.C.C. Chief Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo: Gaddafi Personally Ordered Mass Rape, Bought Containers of “Viagra-Type” Drugs for Troops | |
Time Reference: | 25:07 |
US Intel: No Evidence of Viagra as Weapon in Libya | |
Time Reference: | 25:23 |
“Legal Imperialism” and International Law: Legal Foundations for War Crimes, Debt Collection and Colonization | |
Time Reference: | 26:23 |
James Petras on The Corbett Report | |
Time Reference: | 30:39 |
UN demands prosecution of Bush-era CIA crimes | |
Time Reference: | 37:32 |
Italian court finds CIA agents guilty of kidnapping terrorism suspect | |
Time Reference: | 42:03 |
The Court System Song | |
Time Reference: | 49:36 |
It is a good plan. I’ve been working on it.
Its almost like there is recurring theme lately. Here’s a few excerpttts (😉) from a great Gary Barnett piece from this morning.
“Every aspect of government, every moronic vote for any master, every atrocity, every war, every form of censorship, every genocide, every economic disaster, and every form of totalitarianism, is fully dependent on the lack of self-ownership by any and all in the collective herd of those who voluntarily allow themselves to be enslaved by any ruling State. Any acceptance of rule, any rule, is the antithesis of freedom. The very idea of rule runs counter to any sanity, and no one who accepts rule without active and forceful dissent, deserves his lot in life as a slave.”
“the real problem lies with the fact that the people individually and collectively have accepted authoritative governance as their god.”
“It seems, no, it is almost certain, that people everywhere support the very evil they claim to abhor. Every country on earth has a government, and every government is pure evil; only seeking money, power, and control over their subjects. In WWII, the German people supported German government, the Americans supported the U.S. government, the British supported the government in England, and on and on, and all supported war. Any who shun rule, any who loathe war, any who want to be free, have to stop all State authority; they have to abolish the perpetrator of war, which is the State.”
“The only way any government or State can rule, the only way it can demand compliance of its criminal arbitrary ‘laws,’ the only way it can advance any war, is with the voluntary consent of the people. Withhold that consent, negate all authority, and defend at all costs your own liberty. It is time to eliminate the State, once and forever, and sent it to the depths of hell where it belongs.”
Full article,
“….The only way any government or State can rule, the only way it can demand compliance of its criminal arbitrary ‘laws,’ the only way it can advance any war, is with the voluntary consent of the people……”
Laws AND war (and genocide) Pre-date the State.
“….In present-day Germany, a massacre took place some 7,000 years ago, when attackers apparently tortured their victims—in part by breaking their shin bones—prior to killing them. Similar Neolithic massacres have been uncovered elsewhere in Germany and Austria, as well as in Croatia and France. Meanwhile, the inhabitants of Jericho, among the oldest cities in the world, built city walls around 8000 B.C., seemingly to keep out invaders….”
In order to live in groups humans must have Laws, its not a case of ‘if they dont then x…” its just like entropy, laws happen because the strongest in a group will enforce them, and if he does not then someone else will. The reason people submit to laws is because its IN THEIR NATURE, if you dont you cant live in a group.
Likewise War is seen with even primitive humans, even chimps have their own version. Again, you do not need the state to have people wanting to get together and steal from or rape their neighbors.
The State is how such things are
a)done efficiently (organized groups smash disorganized ones almost every time)
b)regulated, since even the strongest cant just rule by force 100% of the time and needs consent to at least some degree.
“Then you ACCEPT that AT THIS TIME humans must be ruled by governments with the authority to use coercion?”
No, of course not. I accept that at this time human are ruled by governments with ZERO moral authority to use coercion. Instead of moral authority, they rely upon the threat of violence.
However, the fact that God allows mankind to make choices that are not in man’s best interest does not suggest or imply that it is God’s perfect will or that mankind would not be better off making different choices.
Why do you assume that our current condition reflects the condition that God would like us to strive for?
“how does this apply TO NON CHRISTIANS? Who’s authority are THEY under?”
As you say, some of them are acting under the authority of evil entities. But most aren’t. Most people are acting under their own authority. Satan isn’t stupid. If people are doing his work without his input then he’ll just leave them to it.
But to your question. You’ve acknowledged that you believe that God blesses nations because of the faithfulness of a percentage of it’s people. Right? So, its not our problem to worry about what that percentage is. Just to stay faithful, keep praying, keep believing and leave it in His hands.
But certainly we’re not to submit to evil by giving up and not trying to bring about positive change. Especially when that change is introducing others to the savior.
“ Would you THEN say God does not believe in using Coercive power?“
You won’t find me putting God into any boxes. He could annihilate humanity with a thought if He chose to.
As I stated, God’s is the only authority that I will voluntarily submit to. He can and has used coercion, judgment and punishment. And He will do so again according to the Bible.
But also according to the Bible, we are currently existing in an age of Grace. It is by the authority of the Bible that I maintain that coercive, immoral, violent governments are not something imposed on us by God. Rather it is the manifestation of a God rejecting religion of man’s making. “The Most Dangerous Superstition” if you will.
“Yes, because they were meant to be His personal people.”
Why are you assuming that God wanted all the other nations to be ruled by earthly authorities but not His people?
“you can run around naked and are now ‘without sin’ (and can thus steal and kill as you wish.)“
As Paul might reply to such a silly notion, “God Forbid”.
“The Murder hippy Adamaites ”
Hey! What’s with all the hippy bashing?
I’m really starting to think that you’ve got a problem with hippies. 😁
I’ll get to responding to your misconcep….um…uh…comments another day. Both my brain and forefinger are worn out tonight. Its been fun.
Yes, its fun. See you later I guess.
On Hippies, the Adamites WERE proto-hippies in that they wanted to get away from the old structures of law and morality and exist in their own moral space.
The actual hippies appear to have been mostly a creation of the establishment, doing revolution from above, acc to some folks like Mcgowan (“Weird scenes inside the canyon” but its kinda a scattershot book)
But present company excepted. 🙂
Hey Duck, if you have 17 minutes to spare sometime, I would really appreciate your thoughts on this video.
I’m sorry about the gootube link but I couldn’t find it anywhere else.
The video is an Old Testament, ancient language theologian talking about the Noahide so-called laws.
I have seen the term a couple of times here in the comments. By you and Rex I think. But I really didn’t know anything about it till I heard about this video.
I would be interested to know if dr Heiser’s explanation lines up with what you understand or if you have a different perspective. Thanks
“ In present-day Germany, a massacre took place some 7,000 years ago, ”
That appears to be an oxymoron. But I’m sure that it must be only because it is removed from its context.
But to get to the point. I took Barnett to mean that the only way such things like arbitrary laws and unjust wars can happen is for the people to go along with it. Seems obvious to me.
As to the massacre of the 7000 you refer to, Assuming that it actually happened, (your link is bad). Are you suggesting that it was carried out by individuals acting independently? Mob rule?
The use of a standard method of torture would indicate a certain level of collective behavior.
Frankly, I would tend to think that there would have to have been someone who instigated or “ruled” the others in order to carry out such a large “massacre. A government of sorts.
hmn… link works ok for me, not sure whats up with that.
I will post the wayback link
The thing about humans torturing and genociding each other is that YES they are in organized groups. The fact is that TO EXIST in a group humans automatically organize themselves.
This organization grows to become ‘a state’ , in a more modern sense, when tech and the culture gets complex enough (farming/division of labor,ect) and you can NOT have a complex culture without something like a state.
If you can not escape organization, you can not escape the existence of a state OF SOME KIND…. its like wishing that human nature was different or that energy and goods were free and unlimited.
My long winded point is…. its silly to wish humans would all live in peace and freedom without conflict (they never will in this world) and your better off accepting the world as it is and shaping the government to suit yourself as best you can
“My long winded point is…. its silly to wish humans would all live in peace and freedom without conflict (they never will in this world) and your better off accepting the world as it is and shaping the government to suit yourself as best you can”
Well, I can’t disagree that there will always be conflict. With or without government as we know it.
That said, I’d prefer the second option and any nonviolent steps that move humanity towards a more anarchistic society I would support.
I am sure that the transition to a world where people are forced to take personal responsibility for their lives will be rough. But I believe that eventually there would be more real peace and freedom in a world without government. Especially if Christians begin to take their responsibility to their fellow humans seriously.
“…Well, I can’t disagree that there will always be conflict. With or without government as we know it….”
The issue is that without ANY government the group that organizes will always be able to take the possessions, and freedom, of the group that does not.
This was true when Rome smashed the divided tribes, and when divided Indians were pushed off into reservations by the Europeans, and in Australia when the aboriginals got shoved off so whites could have their land. Compare the aborigines to the Maori who fought the settlers to an accommodation.
Even moderns, with modern weapons, like the Afrikaners were smashed by better organized resources of the British Empire.
“…That said, I’d prefer the second option and any nonviolent steps that move humanity towards a more anarchistic society I would support…..”
I see your point, and KINDA agree, but would phrase it as supporting Government that allows the maximum amount of freedom. I can use anarchism as an ‘ideal’ , (like a perfect Christian) but in the real world totally ignoring the mechanism of power leave the subject in a position like the aborigines (as opposed to the Maori )
“….Especially if Christians begin to take their responsibility to their fellow humans seriously……”
THAT is an interesting question
1) WHAT do you think those are? I can tell you what I think they are but what do YOU think those responsibilities are?
2) Do you wish to live in a Christian ruled theocracy?
Or in your mind do you think that Christians should just serve others and provide services and good to them?
3)Do you support the idea of MAKING people become Christians so that the mass of humanity can be served? Or just depend on those who CHOSE to? Which begs the question, what about those that just want to freeload off them?
“Do you support the idea of MAKING people become Christians”
Oh absolutely. That always works out so well. 😁
“The issue is that without ANY government the group that organizes will always be able to take the possessions, and freedom, of the group that does not.”
The problem with these kinds of discussions is that they inevitably end up where we are trying to identify and then solve hypothetical problems that might arise in a hypothetical situation. And we’re handicapped by the fact that we can only evaluate those hypothetical situations and problems using the knowledge and understanding that we currently possess.
So, I take your point that a bad guy who is able to organize a bunch of other bad guys to form a group would be able to take advantage of others (groups?). I would go so far as to say that violent incidents are inevitable during the transition to a free society. It is arguable that the violence would exceed that of the current state but who knows. The point is that there is always a price that must be paid in the pursuit of worthy goals. And it would be a shame if humanity is not willing to sacrifice for liberty anymore.
“I see your point, and KINDA agree, but would phrase it as supporting Government that allows the maximum amount of freedom.”
I can only support a “government” that supports total freedom. I believe that is the only way I can express or communicate my core beliefs.
But I won’t actively oppose one that is making strides in the right direction.
“THAT is an interesting question
1) WHAT do you think those are?”
I believe that the primary responsibility, and privilege, is to be the image of Christ. To reflect Christ’s nature in our lives.
I believe that one of the responsibilities of a Christian is to pray. To pray for the things that Christ would care about.
I believe that a very important responsibility of a Christian is to strive to have a deeper relationship with Christ by spending time studying, not just reading His Word and praying constantly that God’s Spirit would lead to a fuller understanding.
I believe that a genuine, born again Christian truly has God’s law written on his heart. Its called a conscience. And when one’s life is honestly surrendered to Jesus Christ, our conscience is superior to any man made laws.
“Do you wish to live in a Christian ruled theocracy?”
No, I wish to live in a Jesus Christ ruled monarchy. And I actually am fully looking forward to seeing that happen.
You see, that is where my theology has led me. I am actually one of those nutballs who believes what the Bible says. Even the supernatural stuff.
I actually believe in the power of prayer. I actually believe in a real resurrection and a real heaven.
I actually believe that God is in complete control of everything and that He is more righteous and loving than His creatures can imagine.
And I actually believe that when God is not the central focus and foundation of man’s endeavors, they are doomed to failure.
“…And I actually believe that when God is not the central focus and foundation of man’s endeavors, they are doomed to failure…”
However, I would (respectfully) say that you appear to be idolizing ‘freedom’ in your earlier post.
There is NO support for Anarchy in anything Jesus, or the Bible, ever said….the universe is a Monarchy with all worldly rulers temporary rulers in temporal matters.
Slaves are told to mind their earthly masters and rulers are (generally, not always) said to be appointed by God.
“….The problem with these kinds of discussions is that they inevitably end up where we are trying to identify and then solve hypothetical problems that might arise in a hypothetical situation…”
Not really….the fact that people must have SOME form of order to live together is not a hypothetical. Its pretty clear when you see ghetto murder rates or people crapping on the sidewalk….actually saw that here the other day so its not just for San Francisco
That order may be spontaneously generated, ‘from the will of the people’ if you like, but its enforced by sanctions upto and including violence
“…I would go so far as to say that violent incidents are inevitable during the transition to a free society….”
I would say that they are the precursor to the establishment of ORDER by some kind of hireachy, probably (if there is no order ebfore) a violent and brutal one. MY POINT IS THAT THE STATE OF ANARCHY DOES NOT EXIST FOR LONG and never will exist in groups of people above a tiny size
“….The point is that there is always a price that must be paid in the pursuit of worthy goals. And it would be a shame if humanity is not willing to sacrifice for liberty anymore. ….”
Again, ‘Liberty’ in the sense of “freedom from human control”, is NOT a value that you see extolled in the Bible- quite the opposite. It is generally spoken of as an evil when “all men do as seams right in their own eyes’ (Judges 21:25….but many examples)
This kind of “Liberty” (rather then the freedom to do what is right) IS, on the other hand, often used in the sense of “do as thou wilt” as a satanic suggestion that humans should ‘be as gods’ and choose their own moral system.
“…..I believe that a very important responsibility of a Christian is to strive to have a deeper relationship with Christ by spending time studying, not just reading His Word and praying constantly that God’s Spirit would lead to a fuller understanding…..”
HOW exactly would this make the world a better place? Interested in your POV on this. I agree with your point, but how does it affect the worldly life of others?
“Again, ‘Liberty’ in the sense of “freedom from human control”, is NOT a value that you see extolled in the Bible- quite the opposite. It is generally spoken of as an evil when “all men do as seams right in their own eyes’”
I disagree that freedom from human control is not, as you put it, extolled in the Bible. When Israel demanded a king, to be like the other nations, God warned them of the foolishness of their choice.
Before the institution of the monarchy in Israel, God was the authority and He played a pretty direct role in ruling the people through the judges.
There are numerous passages in the Bible that speak to our relationship with earthly authority. But that doesn’t imply that an authoritarian government is or has ever been God’s preferred system.
And please don’t bring up the misunderstood Romans 13 passage.
“the fact that people must have SOME form of order to live together is not a hypothetical.”
Agreed. But order doesn’t necessarily equate to authoritarian rule.
“HOW exactly would this make the world a better place? Interested in your POV on this. I agree with your point, but how does it affect the worldly life of others?”
I believe that God blesses nations and that He judges nations. I believe that there was a time when my country, the U.S., was blessed by God. And I believe that a large part of the reason for that is because people used to take their relationship with God a lot more seriously than people do today.
I believe that when more of God’s people fully commit their lives to Christ and sincerely try to reflect His character through their prayer and the choices they make in their lives, then God will bless that. And the people and communities around those committed Christians will benefit from the blessings too.
“…..Before the institution of the monarchy in Israel, God was the authority and He played a pretty direct role in ruling the people through the judges…..”
YES, just as that Rule was exercised thru other figures…..meaning that people were NOT free to do whatever they liked. They were not free to worship false gods , nor to argue with Moses, and WERE KILLED by God when they flouted the authority of His representatives.
So…. Do you know of Gods representative HERE on Earth TODAY?
Unless you know of such a Prophet or Judge then one must assume that you agree that THE BIBLE is the true Word, and ultimate Authority?????
“…..There are numerous passages in the Bible that speak to our relationship with earthly authority. But that doesn’t imply that an authoritarian government is or has ever been God’s preferred system…..”
1) I think you ought to define “authoritarian”, so we do not talk at cross purposes.
2) Its pretty clear from the Bible that God has zero issue with monarchy, or laws, or the death penalty for those who break them.
3)Christians are warned against expecting much good out of the present world- unlike, blasphemous,Talmudic jews Christians have NO “tikkun olam” directive to FIX the world- that is placed in Gods hands and takes place at the End.
“…..Agreed. But order doesn’t necessarily equate to authoritarian rule….”
I don’t want us to talk past each other, so I must ask you what you think authoritarian rule is.
From your earlier statements I THINK we both agree that the Bible is True and the basis of all authority, but if not correct me. If we DO agree on that then its pretty clear from the Bible that the death penalty, laws, and some kind of earthly ruler are sanctioned.
“….I believe that God blesses nations and that He judges nations. I believe that there was a time when my country, the U.S., was blessed by God. And I believe that a large part of the reason for that is because people used to take their relationship with God a lot more seriously than people do today. ….”
YES, 100 % agree.
However, those people lived under stricter moral laws then we do today. The Founding Fathers and the society that created the USA would never have countenanced abortion, mass single parenthood, welfare, or open homosexuality. This is directly because of their Biblically based worldview
“…..I believe that when more of God’s people fully commit their lives to Christ and sincerely try to reflect His character through their prayer and the choices they make in their lives, then God will bless that. And the people and communities around those committed Christians will benefit from the blessings too…..”
Yes, agree, but would point out that the community can only benefit IF THEY ALSO take up the same practices.
There were plenty of Baal worshipers living amoung faithful Israelite’s and these were clearly cursed by God, who had His agents kill them and smash their alters, so just physical proximity is clearly NOT enough to gain a blessing.
“people were NOT free to do whatever they liked.”
Correct, as I’ve reiterated numerous times, they absolutely weren’t. They, as Christians are meant to be, were under the authority of God.
The scripture says that we are to acknowledge Him in ALL our ways and He will direct our paths.
“one must assume that you agree that THE BIBLE is the true Word, and ultimate Authority?????”
Completely agree and have stated so.
“I think you ought to define “authoritarian”, so we do not talk at cross purposes.”
Authoritarian as I am using it means violently coercive.
“Its pretty clear from the Bible that God has zero issue with monarchy, or laws, or the death penalty for those who break them.”
On the contrary, I think that we both can agree that God did in fact have a problem with the establishment of a monarchy in Israel and made that clear.
As to man made laws, I think that the same argument might be made.
The Bible is clear that God’s original plan for mankind did not include the institution of laws and punishment. His plan was for man to be submitted to His authority and to live in a close loving relationship with Him.
It was only man’s rebellion that brought about the need for laws and government.
“Christians are warned against expecting much good out of the present world”
Very true. Personally, I don’t at all expect that men will be able to improve his lot here on earth. I’ve read how the story unfolds.
But I nevertheless welcome any movement in what I perceive as the right direction.
“its pretty clear from the Bible that the death penalty, laws, and some kind of earthly ruler are sanctioned.”
I won’t argue with that. But I will insist that those things are and were never God’s preferred method of human governance. He intended and still intends to eradicate all governments of man and rule His children directly.
“those people lived under stricter moral laws then we do today.”
My point precisely.
“Yes, agree, but would point out that the community can only benefit IF THEY ALSO take up the same practices.”
May I remind you of Jesus’s conversation with Abram prior to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah?
He was willing to spare those cities full of depraved and degenerate people if only for the sake of 10 righteous.
God will and does sometimes bless an entire community for the sake and because of the faithfulness of a few.
“……Bible that the death penalty, laws, and some kind of earthly ruler are sanctioned.”……….I won’t argue with that…..”
Then you ACCEPT that AT THIS TIME humans must be ruled by governments with the authority to use coercion?
Then what do we disagree on?
“…….people were NOT free to do whatever they liked.”Correct, as I’ve reiterated numerous times, they absolutely weren’t. They, as Christians are meant to be, were under the authority of God………”
OK, We AGREE on that but how does this apply TO NON CHRISTIANS? Who’s authority are THEY under? Well, clearly Satans authority and thus their actions will be evil and should probably be curtailed, do you agree?
Next, you are probably right that God did not wish for humans to need coercive human government- HOWEVER the fact is that after the Fall humans are NO LONGER in that state and will not be until the return of Jesus.
“……Authoritarian as I am using it means violently coercive……”
Consider what God did to Egypt until they comlied with His orders. Consider the grumbelers and others who were KILLED by God in the desert, consider that God told people to STONE TO DEATH sons who disrespected parental authority. Now… could say that was a neccesity THEN, but (even if the fact that God does not change were ignored) we see Ananias and Sapphira killed by God for disrespecting the Holy Spirit. In the End Times those who did not respect Gods authority get thrown into the fire…. Would you THEN say God does not believe in using Coercive power?
“…..a problem with the establishment of a monarchy in Israel and made that clear….”
Yes, because they were meant to be His personal people. He also picked David for his own purposes as his king.
“……As to man made laws, I think that the same argument might be made.
The Bible is clear that God’s original plan for mankind did not include the institution of laws and punishment…It was only man’s rebellion that brought about the need for laws and government.….”
It ALSO was not intended that DEATH exist either. Sin brought death, and the Fall brought the need for punishments (note that Eve is told that she will long for her husbands authority)
And the fact is that you SAID that such things are needed now, in the fallen world, and will be until Jesus return….you don’t want to fall into the Taborite “adamite” murder hippy fallacy that you can run around naked and are now ‘without sin’ (and can thus steal and kill as you wish.)
“…….He was willing to spare those cities full of depraved and degenerate people if only for the sake of 10 righteous.
God will and does sometimes bless an entire community for the sake and because of the faithfulness of a few……”
He ALSO lets their sin ‘run its course’ and THEN destroys them JUST as He did to the people in the Land. Today people are often given to ‘strong delusion’ that they desire until their sins are ready for punishment
AS to God NOT imposing coercive earthly powers over other how do you reply to Paul when he told SLAVES to serve their masters?
Or Jesus when he tells us to render to caeser what is ceasers? Or even Romans 13? Obviously its not a blanket endorsement of ALL governments but the PRINCIPLE of governance and the right of rulers to impose law is pretty clear.
You might like to listen to Stone Choir podcast, their Lutherans but they make some pretty good points about faith, politics and the natural order of things.
I asked …“Then you ACCEPT that AT THIS TIME humans must be ruled by governments with the authority to use coercion?” and you said
“….No, of course not. I accept that at this time human are ruled by governments with ZERO moral authority to use coercion. Instead of moral authority, they rely upon the threat of violence….”
BUT you ALSO say that “people were NOT free to do whatever they liked….They, as Christians are meant to be, were under the authority of God….”
So…. WHOS AUTHORITY are the NON Christians under?
I counter “…As you say, some of them are acting under the authority of evil entities. But most aren’t….” with
2 cor 4 “…4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ…”
1 john 5:19
and the temptation in the wilderness, where the kingdoms of the earth are offered to Christ by satan.
So IF YOU ARE NOT IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD YOU ARE IN THE KINGDOM OF SATAN….flat out there is Biblically no other option. The jews who cursed jesus were of “their father the devil’
“….You’ve acknowledged that you believe that God blesses nations because of the faithfulness of a percentage of it’s people. Right? …”
NO, not really.
God may hold off judgment, but if one looks at the OT you see that God generally lets such people run until their sins are in their fullness and THEN ELIMINATES THEM and replaces them with better people. Abraham is specifically TOLD he can not have the land because the sins of the people there had not YET run their course.
“….You won’t find me putting God into any boxes. He could annihilate humanity with a thought if He chose to. ..”
Thats a good attitude UNLESS it devolves into pretending that God does not set and impose standards or that He is unknowable- these are Deist and Humanist traps to free us to work our own will. The Murder hippy Adamaites were the result of loosing touch with simple Biblical principles.
Duck and Slow anarcho hippie, I salute your well-informed, thoughtful, patient, good-intentioned and good faithed conversation/debate.
As an orthodox christian and a conspiracy realist, I my self am wrestling whith these tensions between political theory, political theology and Scriptures.
But I have two questions for you, or maybe three:
1) what christian denomination are you two?
(if you care to share, of course), because it may reflect your political philosophy also,
2) do you have jobs?
3) do you have families, children?
because you sure have plenty of time to write comments.😃
Not that I mind, I really enjoyed your discussion and I envy your level of engagement.
NO reply button, so here is my reply
1) Bible ‘sola scriptura’ church that I wont name. I am torn in that on the on hand this limits weird man made doctrine (for a few generations) and on the other its hard to get consistent doctrine when everyone is starting from scratch. Also harder to kill a church that does not have easily infiltrate-able seminaries…..
2)I am independently poor 😉 (or a bum, depending on your POV)
I did not breed as many kids as I wanted, but the wife refused to let me have extra wives on the compound ……;)
4) Your welcome… I get a headache if I read too much or listen to podcasts too long so its a pleasure. I guess I ought to be less lazy and clean the damn garage so I can move my office back out there.
@ George Perju
Hi George, There was no reply button on your comment so I hope you see this.
I’m replying here since I absolutely despise, hate, loathe, and basically strongly dislike the way that the comments get squished to the right till a relatively short comment, with one word per line, takes forever to scroll through. I just cannot read those comments easily. Hate it! Hate it! Hate it!
Okay, rant over.
To answer your questions George.
1st, I attend a Calvary Chapel. But I consider myself nondenominational.
There are theological differences between what the Holy Spirit has led me to understand compared to traditional church doctrine. I do not believe that there is any possibility of finding a local congregation that conforms perfectly with one’s own understanding unless one has stopped seeking understanding.
2nd and 3rd, I am recently retired, in failing health and with only furry, feathered and finned dependents that require my care.
My wife kinda takes care of herself.
But in all fairness, in regard to having lots of time to comment. Yesterday was Sunday after all. Sheesh. 😉
On the story about the HAARP and aurora Please check out Good scientific group and debugging conspiracy theory.
Thanks, don
ps “working for the greater good” is a conspiracy theory. ha