Episode 246 – Meet The Clintons

by | Oct 8, 2012 | Episodes, Podcasts | 1 comment

Shameless liars. Committed globalists. Inveterate womanizers. Unrepentant drug runners. Unconvicted money launderers. Fake humanitarians. And two of the most popular politicians in America. Meet the Clintons.


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Fareed Zakaria’s Plagiarism: Even Worse Than It Looks
Time Reference: 00:58


Bill Clinton on GPS
Time Reference: 01:29


Clinton lies about Lewinsky
Time Reference: 04:35


Clinton “apologizes” (for being caught)
Time Reference: 04:56


Hillary Clinton Iraq War Vote Speech
Time Reference: 05:26


Hillary lies about Iraq war position
Time Reference: 05:44


Hillary on Gaddafi: We came, we saw, he died
Time Reference: 06:17


Bill Clinton fakes crying at Ron Brown’s funeral
Time Reference: 06:28


Hillary, Walter Cronkite and World Government
Time Reference: 07:29


Bill Clinton agrees with Bush about New World Order
Time Reference: 08:32


Hillary Clinton admits that the CFR runs the Government
Time Reference: 08:47


Bill Clinton admits to attending 1991 Bilderberg Meeting
Time Reference: 10:53


Hillary Clinton questioned about Bilderberg
Time Reference: 11:27


The Clinton Chronicles
Time Reference: 12:11


Adam Curry and John C Dvorak discuss Hillary’s alleged womanizing
Time Reference: 13:25


The Clintons (BBC)
Time Reference: 14:57


The Mena Connection
Time Reference: 18:42


The Clinton Chronicles
Time Reference: 28:40


Clinton Namechecks Quigley at 1992 DNC
Time Reference: 32:53


Is Bill Clinton A Descendant Of Cecil Rhodes?
Time Reference: 36:11


Student Bill Clinton ‘spied’ on Americans abroad for CIA
Time Reference: 47:14


Meet Hillary Clinton’s main fundraiser: Lynn Forrester de Rothschild
Time Reference: 50:20


Bill Clinton keynote at Re|Source 2012
Time Reference: 51:11


Clinton pimping drones in the name of Kony boogeyman
Time Reference: 53:19


Clinton Foundation Accused of Sending Haiti Shoddy, Toxic Trailers in Earthquake Aid
Time Reference: 54:02


Bill Clinton – Gettin’ Sticky With It
Time Reference: 56:44

1 Comment

  1. Haiti holds a special place in the hearts of Bill and Hillary Clinton

    In the strange circle of life, it all comes back to Haiti. Couldn’t have said it better myself. The crown jewel of the Clinton Empire is Haiti. After the Earthquake in 2010, the Clinton’s injected themselves into the country and took control of the economy.

    Here are the relevant excerpts from the article, for laying the groundwork:

    When Bill Clinton married Hillary Rodham in 1975, a friend gave them a trip to Haiti. Since that honeymoon vacation, the Caribbean island nation has held a life-long allure for the couple, a place they found at once desperate and enchanting, pulling at their emotions throughout his presidency and in her maiden year as secretary of state.

    With the world’s attention now trained on the devastated Haitian capital, rebuilding the country will be a central part of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s lives going forward. And for the 42nd president, the catastrophe offers the opportunity to fulfill whatever unrealized ambitions he has for the long-suffering nation.

    The Clintons are at the center of the global relief effort. Bill Clinton is the U.N. special envoy to Haiti and, together with former president George W. Bush, is leading America’s humanitarian and long-term recovery efforts in Haiti. Hillary Clinton is among the top officials responsible for the nation’s work aiding Haiti and its paralyzed government, and plans to fly there Saturday. “The two agencies in the world that can run these things are the United States and the United Nations, and the Clintons sit atop this package,” said former senator Tim Wirth, president of the U.N. Foundation.

    Bill Clinton is credited with prioritizing Haiti more than any other modern president; in 1995, he became the first commander in chief to visit the island since Franklin D. Roosevelt.

    But Clinton failed to achieve his goal of economic growth in Haiti. His administration intervened in 1994 to reinstall President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and a democratic government in the wake of a military coup. When Republicans took over Congress the next year, they checked Clinton’s every step in Haiti, and within two years Clinton withdrew U.S. troops from Haiti. The island state has continued to be plagued by crime and drug trafficking.

    “The unfinished business was whether there could be enough assistance to get an infrastructure to allow Haiti to dream of becoming this century’s South Korea,” said Taylor Branch, a longtime friend. “Naturally, Clinton hoped that Haiti could have an economic rebirth to go along with this political rebirth. But it didn’t happen.”

    On Thursday, Clinton and Farmer convened a long-scheduled meeting in Clinton’s Harlem office of about 50 philanthropists, financiers and leaders of nongovernmental organizations interested in the long-term development of Haiti. Clinton said his strategy is to “build back better.” That means not just fixing roads, but also planting trees on deforested hillsides, growing more mangoes to export and expanding organic recycling programs.


  1. Meet The Clintons « Silver For The People – The Blog - [...] = ""; google_color_text = ""; google_color_url = ""; google_ui_features = "rc:0"; DOCUMENTATION: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=5843Shameless liars. Committed globalists. Inveterate womanizers. Unrepentant…
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  3. Meet the Clintons | 9/11 - A Cheap Magic Trick - [...] For original documentation, to to the Corbett Report False flags, Inside job, Media coverup, Pentagon, Phony war on terror…
  4. Tragedy and Hope Media Mail / This Week’s Publications 10.15.2012 | Wiki World Order - [...] (Video) The Corbett Report episode #246: Meet the Clintons [...]
  5. Chore majaki czy realna rzeczywistość? « ZYGFRYD GDECZYK - [...] nie będzie dalej badana, a liczba ofiar wokół Clintonów wzrosła do ponad 100 (body count, corbettreport). To było w…
  6. ▶ Meet The Clintons – YouTube « The Progressive Mind - […] Episode 246 – Meet The Clintons […]

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