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Do your own research! Read it for yourself! It’s in the show notes! How many times have I uttered these words? These exhortations represent the founding ethos of The Corbett Report. I want you to read the source documents for yourself and come to your own conclusions. But guess what? The establishment doesn’t want you to think for yourself, and now that the Corona World Order is beginning the Great Reset, they are coming out and saying as much. Find out the details in this week’s edition of #PropagandaWatch.
Chris Cuomo CNN LIES And Says Reading Wikileaks Is Illegal
You Must Not ‘Do Your Own Research’ When It Comes To Science
Fluoride on The Corbett Report
Dr Fauci says you don’t need to wear a mask
Fauci gets upset with GOP lawmaker’s question about masks
WATCH: Rep. Jim Jordan asks Dr. Fauci if nationwide protests helped spread the coronavirus
Technocratic writer explains why it is important
not to do your own research,
by not doing his own research,
and thus making false statements.
How to investigate the truth
Besides reading all the sources,
we should learn how to understand all this information.
Please add more points if you have one.
By stating that James Corbett has made false statements are you suggesting that we research the information that he has provided and thereby proving the premise of his video, or are you just wanting us to take your word for it? I would like to research the information of the false claims that were made. Please elaborate which of the statements are the false statements. Calling someone out as a liar without stating what the lies are is proof of nothing except that you are one of the ones that cannot be trusted.
I’m scratching my head trying to find where zyxzevn stated James made false statements. In the link he provided, he’s expanding James’s report “Who Will Fact-Check the Fact Checkers”.
After reading several replies it is obvious I was in error. When I clicked the reply button I was replying to the initial comment posted at 11:21pm. Because there was already a reply, my reply was added under his own reply and not directly under the original comment. I did not realize that the original poster was adding to his initial comment in his reply posted at 11:38. I now see that was the case. Now I cannot find a way a delete my original reply. As I am in error I apologize to the original poster, zyxzevn. Also thanks to the folks that pointed out my error.
I did not write it clearly enough.
I tried to keep it compact and English is not my native language.
That is how easy we make mistakes.
Maybe you know how to rephrase it better?
The Technocratic writer, who wrote the Forbes article is blaming other people for not following the consensus.
He does that by pushing for not doing research, but by listening to “experts”.
With that he assumes that people are too stupid or too uninformed to do their research.
Technocrats like him make several errors.
1. They think that the consensus is what all experts in the field think.
2. If you are well informed about the subject, you find out that there were several major errors made. But they think that being better informed would bring you to the consensus.
3. They think that there was no fraud or bad science in any of the consensus. But it is very easy to point that out in many cases.
4. They think that the narrative pushed by the companies and politicians is the science consensus. If there is some kind of consensus. This is never the same.
5. They thinks that bad science can not be spotted or understood by outsiders. Even if they are very intelligent and know more about the field than most experts.
6. They think that science is fixed/ established. And at the same time, they think that science progresses with new ideas. This is logically conflicting.
7. They think that group-think or bias is not a problem.
8. The noble lie. Many technocrats think that it is OK to lie to people, if it can push people to decide certain things. They believe that this helps science or humanity.
9. They think that scientists and politicians and companies are helping us out of good heart. There is no manipulation or profit of any kind involved.
10. The extreme rich people that support technocratic leadership have only the best for every human in mind.
I think that many of these points can be found back in the article.
Most scientists that did actually work in a field, know that many of these technocratic assumptions are based on lies.
And most people that look at the research will see that many of these technocratic lies have consequences for them.
Smart people will clearly see “OBEY ME”, embedded in the meaning of the article.
Any scientist wants to follow the research and check the science and the logic behind it. If science is correct, the scientist will come to the SAME conclusion.
Even if he is not an expert in the field, he will be able to understand each step.
But in many narratives this is not the case, and he will find very bad science.
Something that he can recognize, because he is outside the field and does not
have the same bias and group-think that those in the field have.
And a lot of bad science is also caused by commercial or political decisions.
But IF the technocratic writer (Forbes) would have done any research
for himself, he would have found out that he is just a political tool.
A tool who writes for political activists that pretend to be scientists.
Activists that want to push a narrative and push a political decision.
A decision that will often cost a lot of money, and often will
force people into decisions that they did not want to make.
But the writer clearly did not do his research is both a puppet
and a political activist who pretends to be a scientist.
By doing their own research people can weaponize themselves against
these political decisions.
Decisions that affect themselves directly.
With little research they can learn that the narrative
is completely VOID OF SCIENCE.
And that a consensus in these topics not really exists.
So with the writing of this article
the Forbes writer just showed that he is VOID OF SCIENCE.
“thus [the technocratic writer is] making false statemens”
One of the tools I find help are ‘Read aloud’ or text to speech apps. Point it at a website and set it going.
For me, whom isn’t the quickest of readers, can listen to the source material. It also helps when I’m doing the washing up or other tasks.
I’m listening to The Gulag Archipelago at present. Eye opening.
if you like audio books its gutenburg project works read aloud… unless you already know of it… 🙂
A lot of people cannot devote their entire lives to researching every subject to get to the truth of everything because they have to spend most of their lives working to pay the bills, child rearing, taking care of the home, etc. So we depend on YOU, James Corbett, and others like you to help us get to the truth in a more condensed version. Learning who you can trust is probably the most valuable life lesson, and that comes by trial and error. The research that I have learned is most valuable is who I can trust based on the history of the source of information. I have yet to find an instance where James Corbett has lied, or even been wrong. I cannot trust either of our governments, the elected or the shadow or deep state government. I cannot trust the pay to play medical establishment or their manipulated “double blind” studies and results. I certainly cannot trust main stream media. I cannot trust roughly half of alternate media. The truth is a commodity I hold very dear and it is hard to come by. Again, thank you James Corbett, for being one of the few that I can actually say I can trust.
Hi s.s.w,
I definitely understand what you are saying pertaining to having to deal with our every day lives. James does a great job of giving us content but I personally don’t trust that every conclusion he comes to and says is correct. I do not assume that James or anyone is “telling the truth” or can’t be wrong. That’s where doing our own research and reasoning comes in handy. What I love about his content is that he sources everything and I am able to delve into that information and find other information, as well. James isn’t about sensationalism and feeding into every contrarian belief. His findings are evidence based. I do not trust the government, the medical industry, and the list goes on but I also don’t discredit every single thing that comes from their mouths. That is up to the listener to research and come to their own conclusion.
Even if the readers do not follow up and do their own research by checking out the references, the inclusion of references shows that the Author has confidence that they have a quality article.
I remember spending 8 hours searching PooTube to locate a video in which Judy Wood had grabbed a few frames from to “prove” her energy weapons theory, after locating it, it took a further half hour to locate the parts of the video which contained the frames and then about 20 seconds to debunk her claim. I guess she counted on people not wanting to spend the time looking into stuff if you make it hard for them. But she was wrong.
There you go. You hit the nail on the head.
Great example Octium.
Great example.
It is amazing how “myth” travels like gossip, and then later becomes cemented into a concept held by many.
I agree with much of this. This type of research is what JC does as his life’s work. Other people will not have the time to delve into this material as JC does. However one can scan the references and research areas of interest. For me the present Covid propaganda is relevant because I work in healthcare so have researched this more extensively. His other material on geopolitics I have not devoted substantial time because I find it more of a chore like a school assignment and so I just scan references he posts.
I find JC material very trustworthy. He also correctly stated that objective journalism is not possible since we are all subjective in interpretation. But the MSM is for the most part a propaganda tool like the ministry of truth in the book 1984.
22:16 minute mark
James Corbett says:
“Either you understand that you are being played for a chump,
and being told to be ignorant and to just trust authority,
There’s no help for you if you do, if you do not see what is happening.”
I’m an optimist in the sense that I think no one is beyond redemption. I’d also hate to think that we – in the end – will stay a minority.
I think with enough patience, perseverance, pedagocial insight and also humility in the sense that you respect where the other person is at, it is possible to give another person insight.
Granted, it COULD take – depending on the person – a lot of hard work so this kind of effort might be reserved for special loved ones, like a brother, a spouse or a very good friend. Others might be easier.
Of course, I just don’t have the time to put in the effort to help everyone so practically you might be right for some people.
But theoretically I think the principle still stands: if I cannot give someone the necessary insight to see what is happening, the fault then is with me.
Anyway, I have been thinking about this subject for some time and have written down some of the ingredients that I think are necessary in writing an article (or just giving out information) that will reach even the most “ignorant” of people:
1) Pedagocial.
I think the article has to be constructed in a pedagogical manner. Don’t assume any knowledge in your audience. There needs to be a build-up. You have to start at the beginning, or at least where the other person is at.
2) Basic Topics.
Focus on basic topics first, not contemporary topics. Your audience still has to acquire a body of knowledge you allready have but they don’t.
4) Easy
Keep it as simple as you can without sacrificing your core message. You’re audience is probably not interested in reading a lot on the topics that you value. So make it easy for them.
5) One topic.
Stay focused on one topic per article.
6) Short.
Don’t make the articles too long. Make it so that it maybe fits on one Letter-sized paper. Remember to “kill your darlings”. Remember that almost everything you say, you can say even shorter. This really is true.
7) Authorative references.
Make sure you put in references that are as authorative references as you can because people have to be able to convince themselves what you are saying is true when they follow up on the reference (just don’t put in too many references because you’re not writing a scholarly paper).
8) Put in the work.
Spend enough time to write these articles. I think that if done well, these articles can be pieces of art. You have to put in the work though.
9) Inviting a friend to read: make it personal.
If you have friends who have a political view that is utterly rubbish, then make it personal point that they HAVE TO read your articles (but only if your articles are indeed very good). You can say for example: “Let’s have dinner, I’m looking forward to it. By the way, I do want to discuss something with you. But I would like you to read something first.”
[SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words or less. Longer comments can be split into multiple posts. -JC]
10) Quality above quantity.
You don’t have to write down one article a day in this manner, you can write down one article a week or even a month. Just get it right.
In 1918 the population of the USA was about 100 million. 150.000 flu victims was 0,15% of the population.
In 2020 330 million people live in the USA. And now 150.000 COVID-victims is only 0,04% of the population: about a quarter of the Spanish Flu deathtoll.
Don’t do your own math…
Hans Verbeek says:
“Don’t do your own math…”
Okay. You’re the expert. 😉
Considering all the paranoia and obvious lies regarding the management of this “pandemic”, I’m having an increasingly harder time to trust any stories from 100 years ago. What do they say, who writes the history?
Anyway, regarding Cocrap 666, considering we are heading into a new winter season, I’m becoming increasingly interested in knowing at what point exactly will these liars, crooks and thieves start counting the numbers for the new season.
They framed cocrap themselves, it’s supposedly related to a family of flu viruses and hence the totals need to be presented in a seasonal fashion to match your typical flu shtick. Meaning, the counters will have to reset and reset soon, having an incredibly deflationary effect on the teevee watchers, in the opinion of this subscriber.
Not only did liars, crooks and thieves had to deal with the ever shortening attention span (which usually comes in handy but now it’s such a drag) now they’ll have to shoot themselves in the foot.
I’m not holding my breath.
‘… having an increasingly harder time to trust any stories from 100 years ago. What do they say, who writes the history?…’
True, but 100 years ago there was a larger number of interests trying to write history and bring you news… there was still main streem news that told a different story… the ‘Radio Priest” was flat ouit predicting the US getting dragged into WW2 before FDR had him run off. I think ww2 was when things got way tighter on the number of news sources
Yes this is exactly what I’ve been saying for a few months now.
The great reset?
Sure, but let’s reset on a level playing field!
As you say, the flu numbers are reset in the fall each year after an approximately six month flu season.
We’ve had Covid now for around six months. Sometime in September/October we need to reset the numbers to zero and rinse and repeat (death and cases).
Flu numbers zeroed, Covid numbers zeroed, level playing field right?
The great reset?
BTW, Mr. Siegal might just as well have titled his article:
“Don’t think for yourself, ever!”
On another note… does anyone know where the proper place to posit a Question for Corbett is?
Fawlty Towers , I believe that I have heard James say that one can leave questions for him in the previous QFC show comment section.
Also I think that there was the sound cloud option and a way to send a question by video but I can’t remember that part.
Thanks Steve.
You’re welcome. I look forward to hearing the question.
Taken from the Twitter of Broc West which showed the Twitter of Coronavirus Plushie @SmashingPumpk18 which had this…
…great 5 minute VIDEO
Doctor, NHS Team Leader & a Mask Fit Tester:
The Masks People are Wearing are Useless for COVID19
Spread this 2 minute Video…
Bill Gates & The Corona Virus Crisis: A Coincidence Theory
These people are doing their research and, even worse, their own thinking. SHUT IT DOWN!
That’s indeed a great introduction for the Gates-series!
Broc West retweeted 2 minute Corbett Video – #ExposeBillGatesDay
The final 10 seconds have impact.
From Twitter of Coronavirus Plushie @SmashingPumpk18
My above comment with the YouTube 2 minute video Bill Gates & The Corona Virus Crisis: A Coincidence Theory was found from Twitter user “Coronavirus Plushie @SmashingPumpk18”.
How to Manufacture a Pandemic? – (via Coronavirus Testing)
(2 minutes) (Deleted from YouTube)
(Broc West retweeted Coronavirus Plushie @SmashingPumpk18)
Here’s a mirror of the original minivanjack video.
A push to COVID test every single American several times a week.
…Imagine a $1, at-home, paper-based test that’s as easy to distribute and use as a pregnancy test. Imagine waking up in the morning, adding saliva or mucus to a tube of chemicals, waiting 15 minutes, dipping a paper strip in the tube and reading your results — instantly.
Now imagine every single person in America doing this every couple of days.
So-called rapid antigen tests aren’t science fiction.
In fact, they already exist.
Two such tests, made by BD and Quidel, have received emergency authorization from the Food and Drug Administration, though both still require instruments to run….
Brought to you by rabid Yahoo propaganda writer Andrew Romano – West Coast Correspondent.
James, I have taken to heart your consistent exhortations to do our own research.
When I am extolling your site I have always mentioned that you leave show notes and links at the end of your videos.
I have gained an enormous amount of information over the past five years of not only listening to and watching you, but from commenters on the Corbett Report.
Am I outraged? YOU BET. I just hung up from my local Dept of Health, after calling my State Attorney General’s office, about the fact the the Apple Store at a local outdoor mall is TAKING PEOPLE’S TEMPERATURE before allowing them into the store. This, of course, in addition to the mask.
I (mistakenly) purchased a used iphone months ago after years of having a tracphone. I went to the apple store to purchase a piece I need in order to use headphones instead of holding the phone against my head.
3 Security personnel and at least 2 uniformed Apple staff greet me at the door. After mentioning that I could not wear a mask due to medical condition I was told I would need to speak to a manager. In the meantime a staff member held up a thermometer gadget and asked if he could take my temperature.
Me: My temperature? At an Apple Store???? Absolutely not.
I told them I would wait outside. To just send a salesperson out so I could make my purchase. The manager (a royal Twit) came out. I told him what I needed. He held up a face mask “Can you put this on?” I said “No”
Him: Sorry. I can’t help you.
So now on the hunt for a new phone.
When I called board of health they said Apple is allowed because – drum roll –
“We’re in the middle of a pandemic”.
For what it’s worth (nothing) I let her know just what I thought about politicians and government agencies that were supposed to represent us, and stand up for us, rolling over and letting all this tyranny happen under the guise of a “pandemic”.
I told that to the Attorney Generals rep, also. And to the Apple Rep in Cupertino.
Even my 16 year old niece who was with me at Fort Apple looked at me later and said “Big Brother”. I said “EXACTLY”
Flip phones all the way!
You can buy them mail order and activate them in your home and their too dumb to spy (much)
Best of all I can take the battery out without tools, unlike an apple product
Cricket is saving my business over 200 a month.
Just have to adopt the mindset that you carry a phone to make phone calls.
I have computers and a iPad for other stuff. It really is possible to survive without being connected 24-7.
I bet there’s an argument to be made relating to discrimination and baring access to certain people in an otherwise publicly accessible space. Usually, I wouldn’t want to argue with sort that are “just doing their job” but for Apple I’d make an exception.
The best solution, by far, seems to be selling that phone.
You could also buy a piece of equipment at a 3rd party store. It also supports smaller businesses. There are options besides Apple. I will never buy another apple product again from an Apple store. They sucked before Covid. Good for you for refusing to comply with these intrusive unnecessary rituals.
The Romans picked a Dictator for the emergency and then he gave up his power and normal government resumed … Cincinnatus was one famous for giving up his power, Julius Caeser one famous for not. I’m re-listening to “the history or Rome” podcast by mike Duncan and its really true that history just rhymes again and again
Not really hiding the dictatorship much it appears
I THOUGHT this was fake, but no
Same guy in this vid
from Australian News
‘Psudoscience’ and the tec elite are a new concept that grew up like mushrooms on cow pats and cancer on sugar when money started to get sloshed around
This Luke Smith talk is on that subject
I trust Alex Jones to
a)give you just enough truth to get your attention
b) then just enough fudging on the facts that you look dumb if you repeat him to others without looking up sources
Well Mr. Corbett, I am here. And I hope other open minded people are to.
I live by the expression, “If it is too good to be true, it’s probably isn’t.”
Having worked in the media I know that the average news story is only the tip of the iceberg. I have noticed that journalism has forgotten the 5 W’s. Who, What, Where, When and Why and How. If a news article has not satisfied the aforementioned test, then it has failed to inform.
Also a proper news article should leave the reader with thier own conclusions. Or even no conclusions. Is not that the result of reporting facts?
Keep up the excellent work.
John G.
Welcome. It would be interesting to hear more about your experiences with the media.
I had the opportunity to be involved in events that were covered by local newspapers not too long after I acquired the skill of reading. And therefore early on in life acquired also a deep skepticism of journalistic integrity.
And every other personal experience other than puff pieces since has only served to reinforce that mistrust.
Can you believe this shit?
Councils can demolish contaminated buildings under powers to stop second coronavirus wave
Councils will be able to draw on six separate Acts of Parliament to impose lightning closures of public buildings, order mass testing, ban events or shut down whole sectors of the economy.
for some reason, I took to posting some comments on the CBC (Canada) site in the comment section of vaccine-related articles.
I posted fair, carefully worded comments, citing data and / or reputable individuals, such as Swedish Covid-19 chief Anders Tegnell. With links. Comments leaning toward the idea that the pandemic might not be as scary as many think it is.
My comments were deleted by CBC as fast as I could write them. I guess you are not allowed to talk about Sweden’s chief medical officer in Canada.
In other news, Dr. Tam, our top doctor in Canada, now says we need to get the vaccine, multiple doses, and wear masks, and social distance, for 2 – 3 years. Seriously.
I’ve been reading the transcripts of a real interesting three-part interview series on the history of Populism.
It covers the origins of the term populism, and it reads like a kind of battle between the people’s versus the elite’s definintion of populism:
Populism is Not Mob Rule – Thomas Frank (1/3)
A few excerpts:
“And it begins in the year 1890…There was a group called the Farmers Alliance that started organizing, far back then, the majority of the U.S. population were farmers.
…This group was enormous. One of the biggest mass movements of all time in American history.
…started a third party, and it was the last of the great third party efforts and also the most successful of them.
…it’s 1891, the Kansas populists have just gone to a convention in Cincinnati where they have launched their movement on the national level
…on their way back to Topeka…on the train…trying to invent a name for a word to describe people who are members of the People’s Party… And they came up with the word populist
…The word caught on and the movement caught on…And they ran a guy for president in 1892 didn’t succeed, but they won a lot of other offices.”
“…one of the two major parties decides to capture this…protest sentiment that’s out there in the country, and in this case, it’s the Democratic Party
…in 1896 and they toss the incumbent president, Grover Cleveland, overboard.
…And then they nominate for their presidential candidate…named William Jennings Bryan…who has just given this incredible speech attacking the gold standard…And then a few weeks later, the populist party, which has made its convention, says, OK, Brian’s not perfect
…But we’ll get on board with him…And when these two things happened, the elite of the United States went crazy. They went into a kind of hysteria and I call it a democracy scare. The leading newspapers of the country, combined with the leading academics of the country, the millionaires, the captains of industry, all of them, joined hands and went hysterical together, hysterical that this was happening to them.
…And Mark Hannah…went door to door to the headquarters of the great American corporations in Manhattan and said…the Republican campaign is taking…whatever percent of those profits. That’s what you’re giving to this campaign. It is part of the class war to stop William Jennings Bryan”.
…and here’s the kicker of it, the word that they use to describe Brianism, the fear that the danger of Brianism, the one word that they settled upon was populism. It said this is populism, it’s mob rule, it’s the danger of the mob. That they’re going to come in and overthrow the legitimate government…they’re crazy, they are mentally ill.
Corp. Dems Idolize FDR, but Hate His Policies and the Populists That Supported Him -Thomas Frank (2/3)
Liberal Elites Will Create Conditions for Another Trump – Thomas Frank (3/3)
“There’s this fascinating moment, Paul, where the word itself, populism, gets flipped and it goes from being a positive thing, you know, the sort of left-wing worker, farmer/worker movement in the 1890s, it goes from that to be a very negative thing to being, something fearful and dreadful. You know, something that’s paranoid and suspicious, and pathological and anti-Semitic. And that moment when that happens is in the 1950s.
…And the man who is probably single-handedly most responsible for this is Richard Hofstadter, the greatest American historian of his day, probably of the 20th century, and aside here.
…But now I’m an adult, and I look back at his masterpiece, which is a book that came out in 1955 called, ‘The Age of Reform’, and now as an adult see very clearly what this book is. It was meant as a history of different reform movements in American life. And, you know talking about which ones succeeded and which ones failed. And it was a vicious attack on populism, on the populist movement of the 1890s. But now, as an adult, I can see that it was something else at the same time. It was a manifesto for Hofstadter’s generation, so it was these two things at the same time.
And let’s begin by saying this is the book that really turned the tables on populism and made it into a negative term, a term that you applied to authoritarians and to people like Donald Trump. Hofstetter went back and looked at the original populist movement and said it was, “it was pathological. It was an expression of status anxiety. Farmers were people who were on their way down, and because they were on their way down, they imagined all these scapegoats for their problems, and, you know, they were cranks. They rejected expertise, they were anti-intellectual, and above all, they were anti-Semitic”. And he actually tried to blame anti-Semitism in America, all of it, basically, on populism, which is ridiculous, which is utterly fatuous, but he said that. This book was massively influential, it was a big bestseller. It won the Pulitzer Prize, it has been described as the most influential work of American history ever published. And Hofstadter’s larger idea, as I said, it was a manifesto for his generation and his sociological cohort.
What I mean by that is he said there are two models for reform. One of them is the populist model, a mass movement of working-class people. And that’s how you get reform by bringing together people at the bottom, and he said that doesn’t work. We can see that doesn’t work because populism was a pathological movement that was delusional. They were all hypnotized demagogues, anti-Semitism, scapegoating, et cetera, all of which turned out to be wrong.
has anybody found many problems with the information presented in this WWII documentary?
Hitler does say some quite bigoted things about black people in Mein Kamph, but I have never seen so much new info on Bolshevism anywhere besides here, on corbettreport
Few minutes of documentary, here and there, is enough.
They are pimping the idea of cultural marxism, an idea that has been debunked.
Really not necessary to watch 12 hours of most probably indoctrination, while you can get what you need to know for the beginning in just 3min.
Monty Python Communist Quiz sketch
I don’t have time to evaluate the video but I will say this. Awhile ago I watched a documentary about WWII called The Greatness Story Never Told. It was very eye opening for me. I didn’t get the feeling that it was trying to promote an agenda but rather to shed some light on a period in history that was indeed primarily recorded and reported by the victors.
Again I don’t know about your video and don’t have time to find out but if you haven’t had the opportunity to learn about the war from the other perspective it might benefit you to watch it.
We are all “trained” by society to believe authorities, and that somehow despite not being perfect they mean it good with us. They have set up this circus of mainstream media “variety” to give the illusion of pluralism. However on certain issues the mainstream media is very totalitarian. They try to limit thinking space by censoring, and calling it missinformation or far right.
To see the reality as it is, takes time and the will to do so, and it also takes courage. Most people do not lack intelligence to see past smoke mirror they lack courage. Because seeing the things as they are was very unconfortable in the past, now it has become creepy and ,in my opinion, we are headed to nightmare-modus.
Those who see the problems clearly have the responsability to act, and I think if a majority of people saw the problem, we would almost have the solution. Change your beliefs change your life. Change the beliefs of many people change society…
It’s a big social experiment, let there be no doubt about that.
I missed this one, Stefan Molyneux was also deyoutubed about a month ago.
Stefan Molyneux | Why YouTube Deleted My Channel | Modern Wisdom Podcast #195
“Are there any other tests related to this I haven’t considered?”
I am not certain if this is a rhetorical question asked with tongue in cheek. However, at the risk of abandoning subtle nuance, I would like to speculate a possible answer with the question of my own.
How easy would it be for companies undertaking PCR tests to, at the same time, profile individual DNA and feed those profiles back to central repository of DNA profiles?
As I say wild speculation on my part, with my tinfoil hat firmly in position and reporting for active duty.
I’d trust him to clean out a cookie jar and that’s about it.
I discussed ‘rona insanity with some normies, some of them guardian readers, and was astounded with their almost the same reply: they said they are unqualified to read medicine articles and then conclude something.
Of course, neither do I find myself qualified to read all medicine articles, but some of them are within my understanding, particularly when they are read by some doctor (Peak prosperity). You must stay vigilant, the doctor might plant some deception, but at the end you will most probably gain new knowledge.
Normies didn’t accept my reasoning, they didn’t accept that this is in fact looking for second opinion, something that should be done by default. And what is the worse, they made the decision they are incapable of understanding without even trying to read and understand.
I wouldn’t be surprised some them saying to a kid: How do you know you can’t, you didn’t even try.
Yes, I know Peak Prosperity. However, if you’re a relative layman trying to get a good handle on how the medical aspect of Covid-19 works, I recommend You can get the “Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) Updates Explained Clearly” there for free.
A lot of their video’s are to be found on YouTube as well, but it’s of course better to go to their own site.
For example, if you want to check out how the novel coronavirus works and which medications work and why and how, you could start out with:
– Coronavirus Epidemic Update 32: Important Data from South Korea, Can Zinc Help Prevent COVID-19?
[start at 2 minutes, 45 seconds]
Then go to:
– Coronavirus Epidemic Update 34: US Cases Surge, Chloroquine & Zinc Treatment Combo, Italy Lockdown
[start at 1 minute, 30 seconds]
Then go to:
– Coronavirus Pandemic Update 35: New Outbreaks & Travel Restrictions, Possible COVID-19 Treatments
[start at 1 minute, 20 seconds]
And then just look at the headlines of next updates and take it from there.
I think it’s a brilliant series. You’ll be much more confident in discussing the medical aspect of the corona-virus, and KNOWING which medications to take.
Well, if you have ONLY listened to mainstream-media up to this poiint, he will definitely have some good information for you.
But…that hardly applies to people who listen to the Corbett Report, does it not? So no, since you are commenting here, I don’t think you should go there regularly to get your information. Of course, you can get your information everywhere, even from the mainstream. So if he has a scoop, you could check it out.
In short, I would say he has some good basic info, but I think he is not a truth-seeker. Instead, I think he is a commercial exploiter who tries to attract viewers and he doesn’t shy away from sensationalism in order to do so. Let’s say that 60% to 80% what he says is true and the rest is sensationalism. That’s not nearly enough for me to follow him as a news source on a regular basis.
Touche Jed, touche. Of course, by not reading this article you are passing on the opportunity for your daily enema, but I’m sure there will be more of those forthcoming.
Check it out, they get it, share far and wide!
Research. Reality is most of us flock to you because we trust your reporting, but I have also verified through show notes, particularly subjects that I find most important. But generally, if I could do the research, I would not have time to do the work that keeps the internet going.
Ben Swann did a piece pointing out the CDC’s own study showing face masks are not effective against viruses. I went to the CDC website and on their main page they had a highlighted text showing “new” research that may indicate utility, leaving us to look at those “new” studies. Well, I looked, and all I got was a list of footnotes. I read each footnote and the links provided by those footnotes and fail to see that CDC has any new evidence in contradiction to the original study showing masks not designed or effective for virus prevention.
Still, if someone wanted to “fact-check” Ben Swann, they might have just stopped at the highlighted text and assumed CDC now believes masks are effective based on new studies.
I did not see anything that vindicates the CDC, only things that vindicate Ben SWann’s reporting.
I don’t watch Ben Swann religiously (like Corbett Report) but I do think it may be worth looking into his ISE.Media.
Anyway, good job here.
FLUORIDE TRIAL – Today will be a big day
Thursday, August 6th, 2020 the Judge in the Fluoride Trail should make a ruling.
This link goes to a “Fluoride Action Network” webpage which has an embedded video playlist that addresses commonly asked questions regarding the trial.
Around 1pm Central time in the U.S. on August 6th.
The Judge is running behind schedule for the Hearing.
Derrick Broze Twiiter updates
Judge Chen recapping the previous hearings and why he gave EPA and Fluoride Action Network a chance to come to an agreement.
Chen says he is disappointed to hear that there is not going to be an agreement….
The CDC’s public credibility is at stake –
Fluoride and “Covid-talk”
The CDC is the primary promoter of water fluoridation in the U.S.
They have an entire large department dedicated to the public relations and promotion of water fluoridation (not to research on its toxicity).
If it turns out that water fluoridation is a brain altering toxic substance, then in the public’s eye, the CDC will lose credibility.
What does that do for all the CDC’s Covid advice?
There are a myriad of scientific studies which show Fluoride’s harmful effects.
Four game-changing studies definitively demonstrate the neurotoxicity resulting from water fluoridation.
These 4 studies are beyond reproach.
Water fluoridation can and does irreparable damage to the brain, and is compared on par to lead toxicity.
Game-Changing Study Number 1
Bashash 2017 Study: Fluoride Exposure in Utero Linked to Lower IQ in Kids
Game-Changing Study Number 2
Green 2019 Study: Second U.S. Government Funded Study Shows Low Fluoride Exposure Reduces IQ
Game-Changing Study Number 3
Riddell 2019 Study: Fluoride in Water Linked to ADHD Symptoms and Diagnoses
Game-Changing Study Number 4
Till 2020 Study: Fluoridation Lowers IQ of Formula-Fed Babies (UPDATE)
Playlist of short Q&A VIDEOS from “Fluoride Action Network”
~~ Fluoride absorption in the shower or tub?
~~ Getting Fluoride out of the body?
Nazi Germany & Fluoride to control people – MYTH
Derrick Broze Fact-Checks this canard
Grapes, “The Raisin Conspiracy” and Fluoride
Interesting vis. the new “checkpoint system” being implemented in NYC.
“the mysterious Australian with a thick Kiwi accent executing pre-piled silicon dummies in Christchurch”.
Christchurch was real, but the ‘lone’ gunman had handlers helping him that day.
I disagree Fact checker. I think perhaps spending more time trying to build community would change your perception. I think that human consciousness can change. Most people have their humanity. So much of it is about people pretending to be asleep rather than lacking basic goodness.
I suspect that you have a hatred that is based on distance from your own humanity. Many people hate traits they see in themselves and project this on to others.
I completely agree with you. I am encouraged just about every time that I have interactions with people. Today I had the pleasure of convincing a very nice young woman who was selling me a battery at a Autozone store to emulate her older male coworker by pulling her mask down below her nose.
She also confided in me that she knows that the whole thing is, her words, “bullshit”.
I really believe that lots of folks have had about all of this that they can stand. We few have to continue to encourage them by being the ones who disregard the “rulers”.
That video actually cracked me up. It’s all very absurd “the new normal” it’s comical actually. Thanks for sharing.
It sure beats your negative view though…dark, pessimistic, isolated, and disconnected. I’m sorry you feel so utterly negative, that must be a real bummer for you. I’m sure I do a lot more good than you do in the course of a day, so I feel no guilt when laughing and the absurdity of this situation. People still have a choice, in how they see the world and how they interact with other people in it.
I have noticed something though, a common theme in your writing here is that of hatred and disconnection to humanity and that is something that you can try to change. You also appear to admire the “elites” and attempted destroyers of humanity and I find that appalling.
That’s heartbreaking, the glaring, sterile isolation and indoctrination within the institution. More reason to homeschool.
Yes indeed it would seem homeschooling or private or non state sponsored schooling is necessary to foster healthy development. I think the responsibility is on parents to create supportive environments. Though I went to public school in the 80s I can’t say it was much better than what is presented in the video. There was always a degree of indoctrination when I went to school and of course the bullying from other kids. I found that my parents shaped my thinking at a core level much more than school.
There was a documentary called Human Resources that discussed the education system that presents a strong argument that school is to indoctrinate and create obedience in children. Yet even though substantial brainwashing in schools persists the innate human spirit has a way of overcoming the programming in many individuals.
These techniques are not effective to squelch consciousness and I think many even create more rebelliousness.
Wasn’t Alex Jones connected to the CIA? I read something to that effect however this may not be true. I thought the website “wikispooks” had an entry about him but I don’t know if that website is a trustworthy source of information.
This is where looking for primary source documentation is critical and doing one’s own research and thinking with one’s own brain is helpful.
first time i watched jones, around 15 yrs ago, i felt like puking… could hardly tolerate his act. eventually viewed more videos & checked out infowars, concluded he’s controlled opposition. today, i found Alex Jones Gives Us a Sign…
that said, ive gained knowledge from sites & ppl i consider untrustworthy, further researching via other sources.
Hi victoria!
totally Off topic
Me again, just wanting to send a further big”Thank you” to you!
I try to keep up with all the comments here. A lot of further good sources offered by the CR community.
All the links and hints you provide in your comments are really helpful! also i appreciate your willingness to share your personal SRA experiences and help with sources! It is unimaginable to me what you have been through and have to still deal with..i already lack adjectives to only describe dealing with the topic during personal research.
Horrific as it is i hope more and more people will find the courage to look into the enormes SRA topic & MK ultra programming, taking it seriously and becoming more and more aware how enormes it is, which i believe to be (as with any painful-horrific massive trauma event) the first and major step towards healing as humanity globally.
I had followed you Chat with Noahsark723 (thanks to you too Noahsark723!)
back in may/june and had watched TheologyEd`s I, pet Goat II series back then..the symbology in the video and the possible interpretation of it combined/ in resonance with your memory, like the attack on America, july 4th (and further more Atlantis, Blavatsky).. at the very least mind blowing and -boggeling i must say.
Maybe you already are aware of it; he brought out two episodes about Donny Darko (showing similarities between 2001 and 2020 astronomical calendar like the solar eclipses on june 21st and dec.14th and the lunar eclipse on July 4th/5th and the possible predictive programming in it for 9/11 and the 2020 1984-scamdemic)
this part being about predictive programming for august 2020
..althought i`ve always been very careful when it comes to numerology/symbology/ astrology/ interpretation (healthy load of scepticism being a crucial trait whilst dealing with such information i think) theologyEd does make a lot of sense and i do feel that he is on to something. Also his own down-to-earth approach and caution with predictions and stating them purely as hypothesis is very sympathetic
so glad to hear my sharing helpful, Chapati. its my hope helps others as well in one way or another. your strength to look at & to speak up about sra & mkultra i very much appreciate :)) and yes, growing awareness around important for global healing.
many interesting things in the aug 2020 video… first i’d heard of the telegraph’s operation blackjack slideshow, “this is not entertainment” ~ yep, it aint, except for elitest jerks.
im with ya on healthy scepticism, & also like theologyEd’s style… he’s been busy, many videos since i’d previously visited & am looking forward to doing some catching up, the darko episodes — intriguing… thanks!
hi Chapati, ive viewed more video, in first donny darko episode… 88 as heil hitler — yep, i got that coding… & at 8yo, nazi summer camp began on 8/8, lasted two weeks, ended with closing ceremony bonfire on the 22nd.
2020 numerologically as 22 master builder. 22 synthesizes and expands the powers of 11. There is four times the power and energy in this vibration so there is four times the strength to use on the material plane. This is the ‘God’ energy brought to the material plane and put into form … it can achieve what is hardly imaginable. The 22 can turn the most ambitious of dreams into reality and is potentially the most successful of all numbers.
whilst 22 isnt addressed in this article, itsa good read At the top of the chart, we find a lonely 8 occupying a special position – like a coach, it directs the play. The 8, shaped like it could topple any time, is the number of money, power, and most of all, balance. It represents the material world of finance.
TheologyEd’s exploration of aug 22=july 4? disturbing possibilities :((
take care
p.s. 8/22/2020 ~ 8/22/22 ~ 8/44 ~ 8/8
I remember seeing this about a month ago and realized that people trust Anthony Fauci so much that they even believe him say that he didn’t recommend face masks before even though he knew it was important to wear face masks back then because there was a shortage of face masks back then and he wanted protect health care professionals. How thoughtful he is!
I watched that clip again of Fauci saying masks weren’t necessary, etc. and then him being questioned by that committee and “setting them straight” (my marks)
I mean it is beyond laughable. Beyond. Laughable.
The scary/comical thing is that this goes on ALL THE TIME. Once you have started “doing your own research” you run into these back-peddling/bold-face lying episodes quite frequently.
Colin Powell and the WMD’s come to mind.
So does that famous scene in the Godfather when Pentangeli lies to the senate at the last minute.
Bobby Kennedy Jr. mentions when interviewed about his father Robert Kennedy, that his dad told him “Powerful people lie”.
All I can say is OMG. Does this Ethan Siegle not understand that critical thinkers KNOW who he’s working for in creating this ridiculous article? I agree. It’s CLICK BAIT, nothing more important and certainly not accurate at all. It’s completely transparent as to whom is in control of his opinions–BLUE PILL ALERT!!
College was supposed to teach you, Ethan, to think critically–well, unless you took a business degree with no classes which required critical thinking. Most business students just marked T or F on their exams. Not uncommon.
You seem to be including yourself, by association, in this group of unquestioned experts as you state. OMG. You are a complete fraud. How do you live with yourself? Where do you fit into the picture, Mr. Siegle? I’ll tell you because you are clearly too stupid to know. YOU DON’T! You’re are a lock-tugger, a peasant and you don’t even know it.
Stupid article, definitely click bait for the sleepers. Piss off, My Siegel. Piss off.
To be honest regarding Covid, although the Corona Virus is a real global pandemic, but the official narrative is indeed not true since there’s absolutely no such thing as a Chinese Virus, since its actually a Zionist Bioweapon created Donald Trump the Zionist Tyrant alongside Israel the true enemy of humanity.
When it comes to my thoughts regarding what to deal about the Covid1984 Trumpvirus (Remember that there’s real connections between Donald Trump & Bill Gates, plus Trump is ordering the U.S. Military to vaccinate everybody which is not good at all, even harmful to autistic people like me). I don’t mind social distancing as long as its voluntary, which I feel very mixed about anyway anyhow, & I’m totally cool with mask wearing in public as long as its voluntary. Its the Quarantine crap that I’m absolutely against. Social Distancing & Mask wearing should simply just be voluntary & that’s it.
Hi Robert. I have a half brother in Indiana with your name. I think that he’s still a statist though.
Where are you from?
When you say “Corona Virus” are you referring to the corona virus that supposedly causes covid-19 or are you referring to the entire family of corona viruses?
I’m from Oregon & currently living in Montana, Steve Smith, & I’m basically happy to be a Cascadian. to answer that question, mkey, when I by Corona Virus, I legitimately mean both of course, & I’m aware that there are countless Corona Viruses. The reasons about why the official narrative is fabricated is because China didn’t create it, and I don’t buy into any of that fake Bat Soup & Wet Market crapa single bit. That’s why I believe its Donald Trump & Israel who created this Covid Bioweapon in the first place.
Where have you seen evidence that covid19 even exists let alone that it was designed as a weapon?
We have a number of people that have died of various causes that have shown to be “positive” by a “test” that is reliable in identifying the virus causing covid19 as much as one could reliably identify another human being by some hair clippings.
Hey, I not afraid to go there.
James is obviously very much confused about the greatness of Bob Dylan. After all, could the Nobel Committee be wrong? Please.
Is there anyone on earth who you can trust to be correct on every conclusion that they arrive at? Not in my opinion. But the fact that I don’t necessarily agree with all, most, some or any of their conclusions doesn’t mean that I don’t want to hear the information that they present.
When it comes to trusting another person’s motivation who you don’t know and will likely never know personally, there are only a few things that you can go on.
Gut feeling. Most people would tell you it’s bullshit. But my gut feeling has saved my life so I trust it to a degree. But not too much.
Who backs them? Thats the easy one. Thats why I don’t watch television or read newspapers. (Except through the filter of those I trust).
But mostly I trust people who make sense. James Corbett makes it simple. You and me are feeding his family so I don’t have to worry about him being swayed by his sponsors.
I am pretty sure Alex has sponsors. That doesn’t mean that he can’t be trusted. But I can’t trust him as easily.
But how can anyone ever hope to find anyone who they can completely trust?
Trust is kind of like other emotions or feelings. You don’t always love someone to the same degree. Why should we expect to always trust them to the same degree?
Sorry for rambling.
Any idea that there is such a thing as settled science or absolute experts on anything is ludicrous (except YouTube of course who seem to be experts on absolutely everything and know exactly what information should be removed on any given topic). Science is just theory and changes all the time so at what point do you say it is settled. “No I’m sorry Signor Gallileo we know that the sun goes around the earth and that will be believed for all time”.
If you asked 10 experts about pretty much anything you would probably end up with 10 varying opinions unless of course they were all being bribed or blackmailed by the same organisation. Absolutely nothing in this life is certain or settled even whether or not we exist because some experts say we don’t.
You could have 10.000 scientists on one end, all in agreement and one jag off scientist on the other end, bringing valid data and establishing a sound hypothesis. Consensus on the most basic level is abhorrent to the scientific method.
If we aren’t supposed to do our own research, because we aren’t experts and can’t understand the science, why are we allowed to vote for leaders? Doesn’t that exercise require at least as much real understanding as any scientific inquiry?
After all, we are trusting ‘experts’ when we vote for people to make all the important decisions for us. If we can’t understand science, how can we understand the competing claims of the political parties? Is there a consensus on what is best for the economy, immigration, basic law and order?
Consensus is the enemy of clear thinking, not the result of clear thinking. We should question everything any ‘expert’ says because, although they might be more learned in their field of expertise, we can’t assume that they are not compromised in some way and, therefore, we cannot assume they have our best interests at heart.
If we aren’t smart enough to do our own research, to evaluate competing claims, why are we allowed to vote? Why, indeed, should we even be allowed to walk around with money in our pockets? Truth be told, I am sure that this is their real attitude toward the individual. “Shut up, and listen to the experts,” they say. What they really mean is, “Shut up, and don’t think.”
This matter is a lot simpler. If there is a risk for undertaking some procedure, someone has to take responsibility. If something is mandated, then whoever is mandating/executing orders is on the hook and responsible.
When the chain accountability is severed, you get this type of shitstorm. Turn around everything and things spin out of control.
Now doctors and scientists are starting to behave as politicians. Imagine if all of us started to behave like that, where would it take us? Without integrity and morals our civilization would fall apart.
I’m on board!
Cheers Mal