“WA State Bill Will Send Political Enemies to Psych Wards” blares a recent headline from Kurt Nimmo’s Substack.
The bill in question, Washington State Legislature House Bill 1333, “Establishing the domestic violent extremism commission,” would, according to its critics, “criminalize thought and expression under an invented category of offences called ‘domestic violent extremism'” and allow the state’s attorney general to “prosecute some people for words and speech, rather than violent acts.”
Although there is nothing in the bill itself declaring that “political enemies” of the state will be sent to “psych wards,” the idea that psychologists and psychiatrists might be employed on such a “domestic violent extremism commission” to diagnose political dissidents with some form of mental disorder is not a misplaced one.
In fact, as it turns out, there is a long and worrying history of psychiatry being used as a weapon to silence those declared to be enemies of the state. And, more worrying still, recent events have demonstrated that—far from being a relic of the past—the pathologization of political dissent is becoming even more widespread than ever before.
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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 13 issue 08 (March 12, 2023)
by James Corbett The Bad Old DaysThe history of psychology is, to a large extent, the history of cruel and unusual punishments meted out by rulers on political dissidents. That psychology has always been a convenient tool for the ruling class to wield against dissenters may seem like a controversial observation at first glance. But this is precisely what the most mainstream of establishment sources tell us . . . when they’re talking about the establishment’s enemies. In 1983, for example, Dr. Walter Reich was afforded prime journalistic real estate in America’s newspaper of record, The New York Times, for a lengthy report on “The World of Soviet Psychiatry.” After reporting that the 1977 congress of the World Psychiatric Association in Hawaii had voted to condemn “the systematic abuse of psychiatry for political purposes in the U.S.S.R.,” Reich notes that “Western concern over pyschiatric abuse in the Soviet Union had only grown” since the congress’ vote and that “the Russians were in danger of being suspended or even expelled from the international psychiatric organization.” Reich then spends the majority of the rest of his 6,000-word article contrasting the American approach to mental health—in which “psychiatric treatment has become acceptable enough during the last few decades for people in emotional distress to seek it out”—with the Soviet approach—in which “the need for psychiatric care is more likely to be seen as a cause for shame.” The Soviets, we are told, had taken the honourable study of the human mind and weaponized it, turning it into an instrument of political oppression.
Lest the reader be left in any doubt as to his message, Reich states it clearly later on in the piece: “[T]he experience of Soviet psychiatry had a lot to teach,” he tells us, “about the vulnerabilities of psychiatry to misuse wherever it is practiced.” To be sure, Reich isn’t wrong. The horrors of the Soviet psychiatric system—in which political dissidents were routinely diagnosed with “sluggish schizophrenia,” psychiatric hospitals were used as temporary prisons during periods of protest, and troublesome rebels were kept in medically induced comas or drug-induced catatonic states for extended periods of time—has been well documented in numerous mainstream sources, both popular and academic. But these horrors were given their most poignant expression in the words of Alexander Solzhenitsyn:
As Reich correctly observes in his report, the Soviet pathologization of dissent does indeed serve as a warning that psychiatry is vulnerable to being misused “wherever it is practiced.” But, by a funny coincidence, these concerns only ever seem to come up when psychiatry is being “misused” in countries that are on the US State Department’s enemies list. Thus, there are no shortage of sources that will tell you about:
. . . and any number of similar examples of psychiatric abuse by governments at war with or in the crosshairs of the US government. Often excluded from this analysis, however, are the horrific abuses that psychiatrists in the West have inflicted on their patients in the name of state security. For example, while the history books will rightly condemn the horrors of the Nazi eugenic sterilization program, they seldom explore the roots of that program. As it turns out, those roots were in the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, Human Heredity, and Eugenics, which was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. What’s more, Ernst Rüdin—the director of the also-Rockefeller-funded Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry and one of the key architects of Germany’s eugenics program—modeled the Nazi eugenics legislation on America’s own “Model Eugenical Sterilization Law.” In fact, America’s first professor of psychology, James McKeen Cattell, helped bring the eugenics pseudoscience to the shores of America in the first place. Having befriended Francis Galton, the progenitor of eugenics, during a trip to England in 1887, Cattell returned to the US with an enthusiasm for the idea. He later wrote a letter to Galton bragging, “We are following in America your advice and example.” Still further back in history, Benjamin Rush—one of the founding fathers of the United States and the man officially recognized by the American Psychiatric Association as the “father of American psychiatry”—made early contributions to the weaponization of psychiatry by inventing a number of mental disorders to pathologize dissent. The most notable of these made-up disorders was “anarchia,” a type of madness Rush defined as “an excess of the passion for liberty,” which “could not be removed by reason, nor restrained by government” and “threatened to render abortive the goodness of heaven to the United States.” And what did this “father of American psychiatry” prescribe for those he deemed to be suffering from mental illness? Well, for starters, he “treated his patients with darkness, solitary confinement, and a special technique of forcing the patient to stand erect for two to three days at a time, poking them with sharp pointed nails to keep them from sleeping—a technique borrowed from a British procedure for taming horses.” He also invented two mechanical devices for the treatment of the insane: a “tranquilizing chair,” in which the patient’s “body is immobilized by straps at the shoulders, arms, waist, and feet [and] a box-like apparatus is used to confine the head,” and a “gyrator,” “which was a horizontal board on which torpid patients were strapped and spun to stimulate blood circulation.” Rush’s apprentice, physician and outspoken germ theory critic Samuel Cartwright, made his own contribution to the field by inventing a disorder he named “drapetomania, or the disease causing negroes [slaves] to run away“:
Yes, the history of psychiatry is replete with examples of political dissidents, unruly populations or other “social undesirables” being labeled as insane and sent to the madhouse . . . or worse. But that was then, many would be inclined to argue. This is now. Surely psychiatry isn’t used to suppress dissent any more, is it? . . . The Bad New Days. . . It sure is! And I’m not just talking about psychiatric repression in some backward, evil dictatorship like Russia. (Although, to be sure, there is that, too.) No, once again, it is the “liberal,” “enlightened,” “free and democratic” West that is leading the way in weaponizing psychiatry against the masses. And, incredibly, the wielders of this psychiatric weapon don’t try to hide the fact, but have instead actively sought to codify it in their “bible.” Since 1952, the American Psychiatric Association has published the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or the DSM, as a guideline for the classification and diagnoses of mental health issues. Commonly referred to as the psychiatric diagnostic bible, the DSM, according to the APA itself, “is the standard classification of mental disorders used by mental health professionals in the United States and contains a listing of diagnostic criteria for every psychiatric disorder recognized by the U.S. healthcare system.” Critics have long questioned the influence that Big Pharma has had in pressuring the APA to diagnose more and more behaviour as “abnormal” in order to prescribe pharmaceutical interventions to a greater and greater percentage of the public. Concerns over Big Pharma’s influence on the creation of DSM are not trivial. In 2012, a study led by University of Massachusetts-Boston researcher Lisa Cosgrove noted that 69% of the DSM-5 task force members had ties to the pharmaceutical industry, including paid work as consultants and spokespersons for drug manufacturers. On certain panels, the conflict of interest was even more profound: 83% of the members of the panel working on mood disorders had pharamaceutical industry ties, and 100%—every single member—of the sleep disorder panel had “ties to the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture the medications used to treat these disorders or to companies that service the pharmaceutical industry.” If these task force members’ goal is to make sure that more and more pharmaceuticals are sold, then by every measure they’ve been remarkably successful. Recent surveys indicate one in six American adults report taking a psychiatric drug, such as an antidepressant or a sedative. Worryingly, the number of children being prescribed antipsychotic medications like Adderall and Ritalin has continued to increase decade after decade. But more worrying still is the way that this increase in antipsychotic prescriptions has been justified—by the invention of a new “mental disorder” called Oppositional Defiance Disorder. Clinical psychologist Bruce Levine, who has spent decades ringing the alarm bell about the ways in which his profession is being used to repress legitimate political dissent, explains in his 2018 book, Resisting Illegitimate Authority:
Levine goes on to point out that the front line of this assault on the human psyche are the children who are diagnosed with a mental disorder for demonstrating previously normal childhood behaviour:
But the pathologization of those who show signs of “oppositional defiance” is not confined to children. Levine also observes, citing his own clinical experience:
As we shall see next week, the weaponization of psychology against those independent free-thinkers who tend to question authority is not some vague, amorphous concern about a Big Pharma boondoggle that is hurting people in the pocketbook. Rather, this weapon is now being used against critics of the biosecurity agenda and others who dare point out that the globalist, transhuman emperor is wearing no clothes. But if it is true that the study of the mind has been weaponized and that that weapon is being deployed against conspiracy realists, the obvious question then becomes . . . Who Loaded the Weapon?In October 1945, George Brock Chisholm—the man who would go on to serve as the first Director-General of the World Health Organization and the man who helped spearhead the World Federation for Mental Health—delivered an incredibly candid lecture in which he laid out his plans for steering the profession of psychiatry in a bold new direction. Published in 1946 as “The Reestablishment of Peacetime Psychiatry,” the lecture includes a proclamation that psychiatrists should take it upon themselves to rid the population of the concept of good and evil entirely: “If the race is to be freed from its crippling burden of good and evil it must be psychiatrists who take the original responsibility. This is a challenge which must be met.” Perhaps unsurprisingly, Chisholm’s call to action was taken up by the British military. The “challenge” of “freeing the race” from the “crippling burden of good and evil” was taken up by British military psychiatrist Colonel John Rawlings Rees, the first president of Chisholm’s World Federation of Mental Health and chair of the infamous Tavistock Institute from 1933 to 1947. In 1940, Rees gave an address to the annual meeting of the UK’s National Council for Mental Hygiene in which he laid out in predictably militaristic terms how this ambitious plan for reforming the public psyche was to be achieved. In “Strategic Planning for Mental Health,” Rees—after claiming that the psychiatrists of the council “can justifiably stress our particular point of view with regard to the proper development of the human psyche, even though our knowledge be incomplete”—asserts that they must aim to make that point of view “permeate every educational activity in our national life.” He then launches into a startling confession:
Then Rees brazenly proclaims that “Parliament, the Press and other publications are the most obvious ways by which our propaganda can be got across” before reminding his audience once again of the need for secrecy if this plan to influence the development of the public psyche is to succeed: “Many people don’t like to be ‘saved’, ‘changed’ or made healthy,” he remarks. So what were Rees and his fellow travelers really aiming at in their “fifth column” campaign to “attack” the professions and propagandize the public? His true intentions are revealed through his work for the British military—including his alleged drugging, poisoning and mesmerizing of Rudolf Hess, the Deputy Führer of the Nazi party who was captured and held by the British for decades after making a still-unexplained solo flight to Scotland in 1941—and through his work at the Tavistock Institute, where he attempted to mould public opinion in the UK to his liking. As The Campaigner magazine explained in a Tavistock exposé published in 1978: “The theme of all of Rees’s known work is the development of the uses of psychiatry as a weapon of the ruling class.” That work, the article elaborates, included advising Rees’ superiors how they “can succeed in structuring a stressed individual’s or group’s situation appropriately, the victim(s) can be induced to develop for himself a special sort of ‘reaction formation’ through which he ‘democratically’ arrives precisely at the attitudes and decisions which the dictators would wish to force upon him.” In other words, Rees’ work centered on the Problem-Reaction-Solution method of mass social control that Corbett Reporteers will be very familiar with by now. It should be no surprise, then, to learn that Rees’ research heavily influenced the operations of a budding young intelligence service that was then forming in the United States: the Central Intelligence Agency. Indeed, the CIA has always been interested in weaponizing psychiatry as a way of achieving success in their covert operations. In fact, the CIA even openly advertises job opportunities for psychiatrists to “help the CIA mission where it intersects with psychiatric and broader behavioral issues.” But when most people think of the CIA and weaponized psychiatry, they think of MKUltra and mind control. As even the Wikipedia article on the subject admits, the CIA’s “Project MKUltra” was “an illegal human experimentation program designed and undertaken by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), intended to develop procedures and identify drugs that could be used in interrogations to weaken individuals and force confessions through brainwashing and psychological torture.” There is much that the public still does not know about this project, its forerunner programs, Project Bluebird and Project ARTICHOKE, and the depths to which agents of the US government sank to discover ways of manipulating, melding, erasing or reprogramming individuals’ psyches. But what we do know about the program is chilling enough. One series of experiments, presided over by Sidney Gottlieb, involved administering LSD to unwitting Americans, including mental patients, prisoners, drug addicts and prostitutes. This included “Operation Midnight Climax,” in which unsuspecting men were drugged and lured to CIA safe houses by prostitutes on the CIA payroll. Their sexual activity was monitored behind one-way mirrors and was used to study the effect of sexual blackmail and the use of mind-altering substances in field operations. Another experiment, dubbed MKULTRA Subproject 68, was overseen by the esteemed psychiatrist Dr. Ewen Cameron. This subproject involved Dr. Cameron using LSD, paralytic drugs, electroshock therapy and drug-induced comas to attempt to wipe patients’ memories and reprogram their psyche. When brought to light, the program was identified as an attempt to refine methods of medical torture for the purpose of extracting information from unwilling sources and was condemned. Lawsuits regarding the blatantly illegal experimentation conducted by Cameron continue into the current era. Although MKUltra “officially ended” after its exposure in the 1970s, the CIA has not stopped employing psychiatrists to find new and innovative ways to psychologically torment their opponents. In May 2002, Martin Seligman, an influential American professor of psychology and a former president of the American Psychological Association, delivered a lecture at the San Diego Naval Base explaining how his research could help American personnel to—in his own words—”resist torture and evade successful interrogation by their captors.” Among the hundred or so people in attendance at that lecture was one particularly enthused fan of Selgiman’s work: Dr. Jim Mitchell, a military retiree and psychologist who had contracted to provide training services to the CIA. Although Seligman had no idea of it at the time, Mitchell was—as we now know—one of the key architects of the CIA’s illegal torture program. Naturally, Mitchell’s interest in Seligman’s talk was not in how it could be applied to help American personnel overcome learned helplessness and resist torture but rather how it could be used to induce learned helplessness in a CIA target and enhance torture. As it turns out, Mitchell’s theory (that “producing learned helplessness in a Qaeda interrogation subject might ensure that he would comply with his captor’s demands”) was bogus. More experienced interrogators objected at the time, noting that torture would only induce a prisoner to say what his captor wants, not what he knows. What those interrogators didn’t understand was that extracting false confessions from prisoners was actually the point of the CIA torture program. It was “confessions” extracted under torture, after all, that went on to form the backbone of the 9/11 Commission Report, with a full quarter of all of the report’s footnotes deriving from torture testimony. The Worst is Yet to Come . . .Yes, from mind control experiments to torture programs to brainwashing and lobotomization, there can be no doubt that the governments, militaries and intelligence agencies of every major nation have devoted considerable resources to the weaponization of psychiatry over the course of the past century. But, as it turns out, one of the simplest and easiest techniques for controlling dissent is simply to pathologize it. As we are beginning to see, simply declaring resistance to the status quo to be a form of mental disorder can be an exceptionally powerful tool for silencing opposition. Next week, we will examine the ways this technique is now being employed against the conspiracy realists who seek to point out the obvious truths about the homeland security state and the biosecurity state. Stay tuned . . . |
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Accomplished pharma prof thrown in psych hospital after questioning official COVID narrative – LifeSite
Early on December 10, Pr. Jean-Bernard Fourtillan was taken from his home by a team of French law enforcement officers and forcibly placed in solitary confinement at the psychiatric hospital of Uzès.
Thanks for the intel. Looks like it is a trend that is increasing globally now.
Incase you missed it, I shared info on a similar incident that happened in Vancouver, BC, Canada in another thread (linked below).
The instance I share info on in the comment linked above involves a well respected family doctor that was grabbed from his home by RCMP, dragged off to the psyche ward of Lion’s Gate Hospital then locked up and drugged for 25 days (after he spoke out publicly to voice the concerns of his medical colleagues that were observing an inordinate increase in stillbirths occurring in women that had received an mRNA injection.)
Resource with lots of anti-psychiatry stuff:
In short: Psychiatry is a pseudo-science.
Psychiatry doesnt lend itself to number and measure mavenry (“science”). and given that a mind attempting to understand itself, never mind another mind, is a task that verges on nonsensical (spoiler,: its whats in the mind that matters but the mind doesnt matter),, I try to cut psychiatry some slack.
Because, people do become overwhelmed with dissonance and dis or mal brain functioning, and some have found help with this from the psyche’twistas. This includes hard-cases and even some who claim great lucidity.
In my experience, there are hardcore and more subtle cases (one only has to look in the mirror), and but these people have been, at least relieved of some suffering. Just sayin’, the trade is one of the many human efforts that have been coopted,
main stream officially recognized psychiatry has caused enormous suffering, and this deserves to be brought to light.
James, this subject is one I’m close to, and am glad-as that youre persuing it. The abuses are so beyond the pale, that it makes it difficult to even glance at without being effected personally. on ya for having a go at them.
as for the big picture,,
my best guess about the badsters at the moment (arent they just walk-ins, doing the dirty using human skin?) is that they are undoing themselves, and but that yours and others efforts to name the intentions of their actions accurately hastens the effect.
‘People do become overwhelmed with dissonance’… in comments
Yes, and then tend to vent at the wrong set up target, display all the symptoms that get you viewed as nuts, feel powerless rage etc.
Strangely, pointing out the badsters tactics in provoking the subjects into acting out in the wrong paradigm, may be too abstruse to be heard in loud debate. It looks like just trying to distract and shift the blame, itself another tactic badsters employ.
Like the loss of Church authority over morals paving the way for net porn expansion, which made voyeurs of us all, there are always a lot more symptoms which come to light before clarity prevails…. We all got homework to confront.
Taking the lid off power tactics, even at a personal level, like Games People Play did, is bound to offer food for ego games and exploitation we hadnt yet thought of, a life long meditation for most of us.
To attempt to expose these power hungry tactics at a societal level, you’ll be reading Machiavelli and Faustus, and unless you’ve done your own work on that chakra, learn some good ideas for finding like minded players, exploiting the ignorant or less intellectual
It seems these power players have read all the esoteric religious scripts, imbibed those ways to reach the truth of life, and reverse engineer how to circumvent the ego, to find and exploit all our weaknesses, all the places we hide our desires.
Since this self work goes on till the end, I presume, for precaution, I too am vulnerable to such subversion.
It is as if the game is not just at a societal level, but a spiritual one too.
After 4 years of psychology degree I had to abandon head space and take up handwork with wood and stone, lots of nature and being a part of it.
In your opening para, you add, ‘its what’s in the mind that matters but the mind itself doesnt matter’
I can agree if you mean that fixating on some content of the mind may be what prevents seeing that the mind itself doesnt matter.
That is the whole point of meditation, to get bored of the endless drivel passing through, and tiptoe away into the surrounding silence
Small correction, Aderall and Ritalin are stimulants not anti-psychotics which are a different class of drug. Sorry for the wikipedia link but here’s a definition of medicines in this class:
I wondered about that. Thanks for making that correction.
Great work, James. Very well written and informative article. Sounds like you are preparing the script for a forthcoming documentary.
I read almost all of this. https://archive.org/details/psychiatry-of-enduring-peace-and-social-progress-chisholm-and-sullivan-1946/page/n38/mode/1up?view=theater. While he went too far in his confident beliefs that psychiatry would save the world by removing the reality of good and evil (silly), I think he had a point in that the type of religion that was popular back then was harmful. As a Christian, I have learned that Jesus came to offer grace and forgiveness so that we could be set free from sin and the burden of guilt. We are not meant to live under condemnation and threats AFTER we have accepted the gift of salvation by faith in Jesus. He paid the price.
This article reminded me of James W. Douglass’ book, JFK and the Unspeakable. In that book, Douglass describes a man named Ralph Leon Yates, a refrigeration mechanic, who was driving between jobs on November 20, 1963 when he stopped and picked up a hitchhiker. The hitchhiker was the Oswald look-alike who had been used by the CIA to do outrageous things publicly in order to create an image of Oswald as a dangerous communist.
According to Yates’ report to the FBI after the Kennedy’s assassination, the hitchhiker asked him if he thought a person could assassinate the president. He then asked if it could be done from a tall building. The hitchhiker pulled out a photo of a man with a rifle and asked Yates if he thought that gun would do the job. The man then asked Yates if he knew the President’s parade route.
Later that day, Yates told his coworkers about the strange conversation. After Kennedy was assassinated, Yates realized that the hitchhiker looked identical to Lee Harvey Oswald so he attempted to tell his story to the FBI. They did not want to hear it. He tried on four different occasions. The last time he told his story he did so in a polygraph examination. The polygraph results indicated he was telling the truth. That wasn’t the result the FBI was looking for, so they decided the test was “inconclusive.” They then told him he needed to immediately drive to Woodlawn Hospital, a hospital for the mentally ill. He spent the rest of his 11 years of life locked inside various mental hospitals. Yates never recanted on his story and kept talking about it until he died.
To contact the FBI about some true events does apper to align well with mental illness.
Haha, I see what you are saying. But this was back in the day when the FBI had a better image. Even still, normies are asleep to the true reality of the FBI and other intelligence agencies.
House Bill 1333: Under this legislation that did not pass the House chamber, a Domestic Violent Extremism Commission would have been created in the state of Washington. Some of the duties included for that commission would have included addressing and adapting responses to early signs of radicalization as well as recommending policies to address domestic violence extremism.
The bill was sponsored by Rep. Bill Ramos, D-Issaquah, and while it was placed on the floor calendar, it was not brought forward for a debate. (Maybe next year. Hope not.)
Read more at: https://www.bellinghamherald.com/news/state/washington/article272991535.html#storylink=cpy
I have experience as a consumer/patient for depression and ADD treatment as an adult. I didn’t need a diagnosis per se but rather to explore treatment options that I had already researched on my own. I was not relying on them for all of my information.
I also don’t discuss controversial topics with doctors as a patient. I’m in the US where laws are different though and I’m sure I probably could discuss these issues without consequence. My husband has a bigger mouth than I do and told his doctor he though Covid was a scam, the doctor disagreed but there was no consequence. The doctor disagreed with him, but that was all.
They have rules/laws about what criteria they can use to interfere with a persons civil rights (danger to self/others or grave disability) and those are limited in the US currently (this was not always the case). I think the danger must be physical violence, not “harmful ideas”. I’m sure the government would love to change these laws but I think there would be resistance to it. I’m also not an activist and am not in the public eye so am probably not a threat to tyrants.
If I was, this may be different but different doctors have different opinions and I think that if someone is not violent and states the facts clearly and logically it might be hard to convince everyone you’re insane. It’s also costly to confine people especially if you’re contesting it in court. There is a limit to government resources. This is in the US where civil rights violations are at least on the mind of courts and people are entitled to legal representations even in medical cases.
Allowing psychiatry a path to recovery, I can point to what was once The American Journal of Schizophrenia and is now orthomolecular.org – the free archives of which represent one of the greatest resources in medicine.
Look up any ailment or nutraceutical in their 50+ year record of quarterly publications. Read about the treatments Rockefeller did not want you to know.
Excellent article James!
Thanks for the recipe share. Careful though, those things are addictive. It is easy to loose all self control, eat twelve at a time and then not have room for the rest of the dinner you had planned. 🙂
This is a very important topic. Thank you for the historical examples of the weaponization of psychiatry.
When I take a step back from just recent history and take the act of “pathologizing” dissenting voices out of the institutionally defined box of psychiatry I start to realize how this method has been used to lock up, silence, drug and kill free thinkers, outsiders and non-conformists all through the centuries.
Religious institutions were (and still are) particularly adept at pathologizing dissent. They used different words, but their meaning, implications and the consequences were very similar (or often even more severe than the consequences faced by those that dare to oppose the priests of modern day statism).
Just look at what they did to Galileo, or the many medicine women, healers and people who dared to share their non sanctioned plant medicine or embrace the animate world view in early American history. They were declared as “heathens” (another word for non-conformists), “witches” and being “in league with the devil” and were imprisoned, tortured and murdered. Those words that were used to dehumanize those people are just older (and more blunt) versions of the fancy new words used by the priests of psychiatry today.. and for the same purpose. They sought to pathologize dissent, to silence alternative views and to stampede the population to conform to an ideology.
More recently here in Canada the church and the state worked in conjunction to pathologize dissent in the form of creating Residential Schools. After all, the torture chambers, brainwashing facilities and death camps referred to as “residential schools” were really just a physical expression of a statist and dogmatic religious institution worldview that pathologized an entire culture as “savage” and “uncivilized”. The mindset of the indigenous peoples (who viewed nature as being filled with animate beings, each possessing a spirit and deserving of our respect, people who had no prisons, no money and did not recognize nationalist statist puppets as their leaders) was seen as a form of dissent that had to be smashed, silenced and beaten out of them. The residential schools were the physical manifestation of that attempt of the church and the state to pathologize dissent.
(continued from above..)
Interestingly, that attempt to pathologize the dissenting voices of the people who lived on this land before the Europeans arrived is apparently still a psychological weapon being utilized today.
I was recently communicating to a man that lives in northern Ontario about the proposed lithium mines and how he and his community view these projects. Willie Ermine (a Cree Elder) told me that not only have the mining corporations sent in teams to speak at their town meetings and use what seems like “The Delphi Technique” but they have also (and perhaps more disturbingly) started having local government officials and mining “experts” that visit their community try and convince them the lithium mines will be good for their psychological and physical health. They have tried to tell the people that live there that the Cree are sick because of their lack of access to technology and infrastructure, describing them as “disorganized and dysfunctional” because they see the trees as alive, the Sturgeon as their relatives and the rivers and lakes as having a spirit.
The reason I say their attempts to pathologize the worldviews and ways of living of the indigenous peoples living up north is disturbing (beyond the obvious) becomes clear when you look at an example such as how since mining operations have begun extracting in the “Ring Of Fire” (for more info: https://web.archive.org/web/20120223005612/https://ontarionature.org/protect/campaigns/ring_of_fire.php ) places like the Neskantaga Ojibwe community have now been living with water contamination for over 25 years. They lived in one of the most pristine places on Earth (Surrounded by healthy boreal forest, eskers mostly untouched for thousands of years, and a labyrinth of fresh water as far as the eye can see) for millennia and the way they lived kept it that way until the mining corporations showed up. Now the government psyop goons and mining propaganda teams are trying to convince people in communities like theirs in Northern Ontario that the reason they are getting sick in the last few decades is because of their lack of technological infrastructure! That is some next level hubristic Orwellian doublespeak!
Now the mining corporations sneakily portray the people living how their ancestors did up north as backwards and uncivilized (arriving with smiles on their faces, bearing gifts and asking the indigenous people to sign contracts) sound familiar? Nothing has changed but the tactics and terminology, the colonial statists (and their corporate friends) are still weaponizing psychiatry, pathologizing dissent and using those psychological weapons to achieve their goals. They may use words like “sustainable development”, “inclusiveness” and “reconciliation”, but what they really mean is Boreal Forest clear cutting, open pit lithium mines, poisoning the water supply even more, bribing anyone who gets in a way and silencing or demonizing anyone who refuses to be bought.
People tend to romanticize Native American cultures. Those cultures were not perfect; they experienced injustice and tragedy — at their own hands — just like every other culture. I am not denying people from Western cultures exploited and oppressed them. But I am also saying, for example, Lakota tribes hated and warred against other native people, notably, the Pawnee (who, by the way, practiced human sacrifice).
That is true and it is worth pointing out (because placing any culture, group of people or individual on some pedestal as pure is unhealthy). I do not romanticize their past nor do I romanticize the potential of their worldviews to provide solutions to the present challenges we face. I am fully aware of the conflicts that existed between the various indigenous tribes of what is now called North America and while I cannot speak to the validity of your claim about human sacrifice I would suggest that we should keep in mind that demonization and dehumanization of the perceived “enemy” or targeted “sub-human class” of an empire is a time tested psychological warfare technique that has been employed in both real time conflicts and retrospectively as “victors write the history books”.
Lets assume that some isolated tribe of indigenous people (or several out of hundreds of different cultures that existed here) engaged in human sacrifice. Even if that were true, if I look at the history of the imported European institutions and statist belief systems I would say that the repeated and widespread examples of viscous torture, mutilation, child abuse and psychopathic mass murder of dissidents that were par for the course in the history of those institutions and statist organizations are far more disturbing, immoral and evil than any isolated incidents of human sacrifice you might like to point to in North American ancient history. Therefore, I propose that people do far more irrational and fallacious romanticizing of Christian institutions, European imported statism and the myth of the “more civilized settler” than any one engages in with regards to Native American cultures.
There were many cultural practices that existed in what we now call “North America” (or Mshike Mnise which means “Turtle Island” in the Anishinaabemowin language) before the Europeans came to claim the land as their own and commit genocide (killing off up to 98% of the local population in some areas). Though there was a great diversity in their cultural practices and belief systems, they all shared several common themes.
Some of these cultures formed democracies (such as the Haudenosaunee Confederacy) others were matriarchal societies but the one through-line that can be observed in the traditional views and spiritual teachings of all of the indigenous cultures of Turtle Island is that they recognized all of our fellow non-human beings on Earth as animate, imbued with a spirit and as persons deserving of our respect and reverence. Also, something that is of critical importance to realize about the difference between the religion and spiritual beliefs that used to guide the people that called this land home, compared to the imported European religion, is that all the various indigenous teachings viewed our non-human fellow beings on Earth as wise elders, from which we had much to learn.
It’s being used as a narrative to manipulate people for sure. The elites want a new culture now, so want to destroy the old one. I didn’t used to believe that, but I do now. No culture is perfect. I think the best thing that can be done is to respect other cultures and not interfere with them. That’s the mistake is going in and disturbing other people.
As you mentioned, there are a lot of historical examples of brutal “primitive” civilizations such as the Aztecs and others. Some native American tribes were very brutal to other tribes. So to generalize about “indigenous” people that they were all benevolent is incorrect based on what little I know. There are some very valuable attributes to most cultures that are adoptable in order to improve ones own culture or community.
Westernized, civilized cultures sacrifice the unborn, the old, the young and everything in between every day and in droves.
Bloodshed and sacrifice. All day, every day, industrial scale.
Well said.
I do not think I have heard it put quite so poignantly and concisely before, but yes, that is the cold hard truth I see all around me in Canada now.
Whether it is in the school “vaccination” clinics, the hospital or the elderly care facilities.. its human sacrifice, all day, everyday (for profit).
When I really think about it I would prefer a war club over the head and/or an arrow in the chest as opposed to the sickening, nefarious and pure evil process of being convinced you are safe and then drugged to death by a bunch of brainwashed cold hearted industrial medical staff.
I would rather face death honestly and knowingly.
The so called “civilized” world is far more nefarious and savage then any zealous misguided tribal warrior ever could be. Within the dominant institutions of the “Westernized civilized cultures” it seems that all humanity has now been extirpated… it is a machine, designed to grind human beings into commodities. We are conditioned to become products, consumers and to treat others like products and numbers, no remorse, no mercy, no compassion. Only a life long conditioning driving people to gather more material things, more social accolades, more ego flattering praise, more dominance over the next person.
That is quite a dark tangent I went on there, but it is what I see in the system all around me, so I will call it like it is and I thank you for doing the same.
Gavin, it’s not the system, it’s the people who are doing it. Based on their broken processing, they are sacrificing their own children. Some 60 million unborn are being sacrificed every year.
It’s a complex industrialized operation in which fetuses are being ripped out, sometimes ground into bits and pieces, while care is being cremated and personal responsibility is being pummeled.
This is pure evil, Gavin. We have to stare this beast right into its eye and say no more.
Yes I see what you are saying..
To be honest, when I wrote that comment last night what was really weighing on my heart and mind was not the human sacrifice aspect of our sick industrial civilization in the west… it was this : https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/32ecd9e7-839e-43b2-ac00-1abf813b9101
I am having trouble finishing the article, as I used to spend time amongst those thousand year old beings when I was a kid and visiting Vancouver Island with my grandparents.
Doing the research, watching the videos of the brave forest defenders being beaten down and dragged off by the thugs with badges and seeing the bulldozers and chainsaw wielding goons move in to chop down healthy trees that are 3 times older then this country, its hard..
But as I outline in that rough draft for an article linked above.. (as of now) judges in the corrupt court system (the ‘priests of corporation dominated statism’) are going to allow the clear cutting of the very last intact old growth temperate rainforest on Earth starting in june 2023.
It is not just the logging corporations making profit from destroying this very last section of the ancient temperate rianforest, its the RCMP, the BC government and federal government raking in millions – billions on their corporate mercenary style police security contracts, “stumpage fees” and taxes.
It is hard for me to put into words how devastating seeing those last sections of rainforest being targeted for clear cutting is for me. If I thought it would make any difference I would gladly sacrifice my life to protect those forests… but the forest protectors have been fighting since the 90-s (including my grandparents) and they are just beaten, mased, tased, dragged off to holding cells and the clear cutting continues.
It is looking more and more than the Cree prophecy about the last tree falling may end up coming to pass.
I really despise destruction of natural habitat and including moving other animals off, pushing them off like they don’t matter. I think it’s wrong and selfish. I can understand why someone working in logging though would value his personal finances over the environment though if he was supporting his family, maybe an ill relative. People are sometimes put in ethical dilemmas where they go against what they know to be right.
And I do think that many native populations of humans did have a very different way of viewing the earth and living things and man’s role in it. There is a profound wisdom there that goes unrecognized.
I think the people who have the most culpability are the parasitic elitists who have vast amounts of wealth and power who are so empty and greedy and twisted that they exploit desperate people or people who cannot see beyond their delusions.
But it does break my heart to see natural land ruined and species extinct, like it breaks my heart to see our species being culled and enslaved.
I have also worked with Native American people in the US healthcare system and that too is very crushing because much of the population has been poisoned by various incompatible “foods” and vices that make this population the most physically unhealthy in the US (in my experience). I really don’t know what to do about any of this. It’s overwhelming and then I just want to escape and try to forget because it’s so painful.
I hope that you never lose your empathy and harden your heart. We need more people like you in the world.
Yes, this is trully sickening. People need to understand that rape of the Earth has repercussions for what we see in our society every day. As above, so below. As below, so above.
I find solace in knowing we are exactly where we ought to be which also means that we can turn things around.
I can appreciate the conscious choice to try and put yourself in someone else’s shoes to empathize (such as you did with the hypothetical logger in your comment) but there are several aspects of the hypothetical logger’s financial conundrum that I think are worth exploring further to illuminate some built in fallacies in the premise of their story.
First of all, I just wanna say that I have loggers and foresters in my family, I work in landscaping, so sometimes I personally choose to cut down trees as part of my job (as a last resort), I work with arborists regularly (many of which used to be professional loggers) so the act of cutting down a tree and the dynamics involved in the logging industry (and those that choose to work in that industry) are dynamics of which I have intimate knowledge.
In order to deconstruct the myth of the hypothetical ‘poor logger man with 5 kids and a grandma that needs surgery (who feels forced to clear cut 1000 year old trees)’ we will first need to take account of the fact that there are plenty of logging jobs in bc that do not target the last remaining old growth stands IN THE WORLD.
Since there is only 2% of the original old growth temperate rainforest left in BC (which is the only section left in the world that has not been clearcut) you can understand that we have been chopping down very old trees and replanting monocultures of young ones for quite some time now. This means that there are plenty of re-planted timber forests on Vancouver Island to be logged that are not sensitive ancient rare ecosystems with the last original trees living in them.
The difference is that logging corporations, government entities (and to a lesser degree, loggers) make about 4 times as much money chopping down the ancient trees, as opposed to the replanted ones. When a logger takes a job to cut down old growth they are given bonus pay, one for being willing to drive past the hundreds of indigenous people and other forest protectors attempting to block the roads and into “the exclusion zone” (which is the area being guarded by militarized RCMP with submachine guns, tasers, mace and zap straps) to chop down the very last thousand year old trees in existence on the Island, and two for danger pay, as they are cutting down massive trees that often splinter and explode sideways as they are falling.
Now it is also worth noting that loggers are not inept, helpless, stupid people that are unable to put their significant skills with machines and physical endurance to use in one of many other jobs that are available in that region (that do not involve the destruction of the last old growth trees).
They have a choice. Even if that was the only possible job available to them (which it isn’t) they still have a choice.
(continued from above..)
I was “just following orders” I was “just trying to pay the bills”.. these lines could be used to justify the choices being made by a mass murdering fascist soldier or death camp ‘doctor’, the modern day equivalent (nurses/doctors continuing to pump people full of mRNA injections without having done their homework on the contents of those injections or pumping people full of remdesivir on ventilators even after seeing first hand what the results will be) or an RCMP officer smashing a woman’s face with a baton who is peacefully protesting for medical freedom in Ottawa or a logger taking a job to chop down healthy 1000 year old trees.
I suppose the question we should be asking ourselves is, how would we feel if it became more profitable to kill our parents or our grandparents to someone in an industry and they decided to do so because they would value their personal finances over the life of our loved one ?
While some might say that the hypothetical built into my question is absurd or outlandish, there are in fact human beings in positions of obscene material wealth on our planet now that see human beings in exactly that way (as “resources” or “live stock” to be managed, culled, monocropped, profited from and controlled how they see fit).
Thus, I feel that if we acquiesce, passively accept and/or attempt to rationalize the kind of behavior that resulted in what is shown in the images linked in my draft for an article above, we are feeding into the industries, institutions and machine like way of thinking that will expedite our arriving at a time and place in which each and everyone of us will be treated exactly as those ancient trees are being treated now.
With regards to how you feel that those who have “the most culpability are the parasitic elitists” I personally think that everyday people are just as responsible, if not more so. It is as Catherine Austin Fitts is fond of saying, “we need to stop building our own prison”.
If people refuse to pick up a gun and go kill humans in some far away land so corporations can cash in, there would never be a war. If doctors refused to violate their oath and did their due diligence in having a solid understanding of the medications they are offering (and/or pressuring people to take) think about how many lives would have been saved in the last 3 years. If police refused to follow orders to crush peaceful protestors in name of corrupt politicians and their corporate masters, the will of the people would be heard and change our systems of governance. If people refused to take jobs that involve the wholesale destruction of nature and transformation of that which is living, into dead disposable products, the last of the ancient forests and pristine waters could be preserved.
Pointing our finger at big bad guys sitting in their mansions is comforting, but in reality they are only as powerful as we are compliant.
(continued from above..)
Thank you for your comment about the value of how many indigenous cultures viewed the Earth and other living things. I do think we have a lot to learn from such ways of seeing and I hope the little nuggets of knowledge and lenses of perception that offer glimpses into their animate worldview which I included in my book help to plant seeds in some hearts and minds where they can set down roots in communities all over.
I appreciate you sharing your experience in working with Native American people in your professional capacity in the medical field. I grew up in a school that had about 25% indigenous students and I observed similar trends in alcohol addiction.
When I take a step back and think about the history of how alcohol was introduced (at least here in Canada) it was typically used to make the chiefs compliant before signing treaties and contracts. Cases of whiskey were provided pre-emptively before negotiations and then after signing over their land they (the military officers, railroad barons and government land acquisition teams) kept a steady flow of cheap booze flowing onto the reservations to keep them docile and unable to mount an effective resistance if they ever decided enough is enough and wanted to take action to protect the land. That tactic really served as a sort of rudimentary “Delphi technique”.
In the broader scope of history the weaponization of alcohol (essentially a ‘non-lethal’ bio-chemical / psychological weapon) against the indigenous peoples in the situations I described above served to create a sort of multi-generation mental slavery. I doubt the military commanders and railroad barons had enough foresight to do that intentionally, but nevertheless, the results of pacifying and inculcating an entire generation of people through flooding their culture with an addictive substance has mulit-generational ripple effects. Large percentages of the kids I went to school with seemed to have been born with a pre-disposition to develop alcoholic tendencies… a sort of ‘epigenetic collateral damage’ inflicted on them from a war that was waged on the bodies and mind’s of their great grandparents.
You said “It’s overwhelming and then I just want to escape and try to forget because it’s so painful.”
I can relate to that, and I am not perfect so on occasion I have done just that. Though more and more, I strive to muster the courage to choose to bear witness to what is happening with my eyes and heart wide open.. as a way to honor the sacred value of the beings and lives that are being lost and to be able to serve as an effective story teller for future generations, in the hopes they can use the scars on my heart as maps to guide them forward to a better future.
Thanks again for the heartfelt comment and for caring enough about your fellow beings to know what is happening is wrong and feeling pain when you look with eyes wide open.
Descent into madness indeed.
“When we look at our nation and observe the increase in abortion, homosexual behavior, suicide, etc., many Christians are saying that the nation has a problem, and there is need to change the laws of the nation to stop this increasing slide into immorality. It is not changing the laws, however, that will provide the solution. There has to be a change of the hearts of people toward God so they will want to have laws in accord with the principles of God’s Word. The problem is that the world has abandoned belief in absolutes because it has rejected the God of creation and devised a world view that is in direct opposition to Christian ethics based on God’s Word.
Tragically, it is not just non-Christians who have abandoned the teachings of Genesis. Many church leaders are responsible for taking people away from God’s Word. The philosophy of the day is just like that described in Judges 21:25, when “every man did that which was right in his own eyes.”“
Be not deceived, God is not mocked. We are reaping what we have sown.
If a logger crossed your path who had reluctantly signed up to take the job to cut down the last thousand year old trees in the temperate rainforest of BC as it was the easiest and fastest paying job available to him and he came to you, feeling conflicted, asking for guidance, what bible verse would you read him?
There are so many to choose from it would be difficult to pick just one.
But maybe this passage from psalm 147.
5Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite. 6The LORD lifteth up the meek: he casteth the wicked down to the ground. 7Sing unto the LORD with thanksgiving; sing praise upon the harp unto our God: 8Who covereth the heaven with clouds, who prepareth rain for the earth, who maketh grass to grow upon the mountains.
Or this one from Matthew 10.
28And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. 29Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.
But if I were limited to only one it would likely be this from Romans 1.
18For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 19Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. 20For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 21Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
God is in control Gavin. He always has been and no matter how much we have and continue to let Him down, His plan for this earth will be accomplished.
When I started reading that it sounded like “5G is out Lord, and of great power”.
Maybe that will end up in the King Bezos translation.
Thanks, I appreciate you taking the time to share those.
Based on your understanding of the bible, would you say that anyone who reads it should already understand that destroying the wilderness for profit is immoral? Or more specifically in this case, would you say that someone who has read the bible should know that destroying the last remaining intact wilderness containing old growth forest in a given region (for profit) is immoral?
Thanks for your time.
hahah! Now I can’t stop seeing it when I try and re-read Steve’s comment! 🙂
“the King Bezos translation”.. you crack me up, the idea of a power hungry-ego driven billionaire re-writing the bible to get people to worship their products is both hilarious and horrifying to contemplate.
“Based on your understanding of the bible, would you say that anyone who reads it should already understand that destroying the wilderness for profit is immoral? Or more specifically in this case, would you say that someone who has read the bible should know that destroying the last remaining intact wilderness containing old growth forest in a given region (for profit) is immoral?”
No. Not “anyone” who reads the Bible would know or believe that destroying God’s creation is immoral. After all, not everyone who reads the Bible is a child of God.
But anyone who has trusted God as their savior and has submitted themselves to His sovereignty would certainly realize that destroying what God has blessed us with is the antithesis of stewardship.
In Genesis 1 the Bible says:
28And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. 29And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
I understand that you chafe at the words “subdue” and “dominion”. But I ask you to consider what God was trying to communicate.
You have dogs and I know that you love them. But you don’t let them do whatever comes naturally to dogs. They would likely chase and kill other animals that you or your neighbors care about. They would dig through the garbage and make messes where they shouldn’t. They would dig up your vegetable garden and jump on people.
No, you trained them. You subdued them.
You’re an expert gardener. What are you doing when you prune a fruit tree or move a tree to a more advantageous location? You are exerting your dominion over them.
Genesis 1:12 says, “ “And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.”
How could a child of God in his right mind think that its okay to destroy something that God calls good? He wouldn’t think that and he wouldn’t do that.
Only those who reject God and His word would be able to justify destroying God’s gifts for profit.
Just as Judas was willing to betray the Lord for thirty pieces of silver because he was a child of the god of this world, so are they who would wantonly destroy the environment for profit. God is not in them.
Thanks my friend, I appreciate your in depth and candid response.
I just wanted to say (in case it came off otherwise) I am not asking these questions with some devious intent to criticize Christianity or interrogate you or something, I genuinely either do not know the answer and/or I am curious about your individual perspective on these things.
Thanks for elucidating on your views of how the teachings of the bible relate to humanity’s relationship with the more than human world (nature/wilderness).
I would like to know more about this concept of a “child of God” that you mentioned.
How does one discern who is a “child of God” and who is not?
Is every human being qualified to and/or capable of discerning who is to be considered as a “child of God” and who is not?
If not, and only certain people are capable and/or qualified to do so, who are they? And what makes them special?
I am down with and endorse the word stewardship in the context of humanity’s ideal relationship with nature, but as you deduced, “subdue” and “dominion”, not so much.
I agree with your use of the word “subdue” in the context of dogs (which is probably one of the reasons I am not as fond of living with dogs as I am other beings). My wife loves dogs, so we have always had them in our life, I like dogs and I see their many virtues and gifts they share with humanity and the more than human world (the non-domesticated canines that is) but being that they are a pack animal, as you alluded to, living with a dog requires that one exert their dominance over the dog in order to be perceived as pack leader. Exerting dominance over other beings (even if it is just in the form of a firm voice and/or embodying a dominant presence in posture/energy etc) is not something that comes naturally to me. I do it, since if I did not, our great dane would certainly choose to engage in behavior I would consider unpleasant and problematic, but I do not enjoy it.
I do not however agree with your use of the term “dominion” with regards to my interactions with plants and trees in my garden (or elsewhere). I do not exert my will over those beings, I actually look to them for guidance in choosing where to place them and how to encourage healthy growth patterns. I see those beings as my wise elders, who are to be learned from and treated with reverence, not my subordinates.
Thanks again for taking the time to share the bible passages and for sharing your thoughts on having “dominion” over and “subduing” the natural world.
“How does one discern who is a “child of God” and who is not?”
1 John 3:10
In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.
Ephesians 5:1
Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; 2And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.
“Is every human being qualified to and/or capable of discerning who is to be considered as a “child of God” and who is not?
If not, and only certain people are capable and/or qualified to do so, who are they? And what makes them special?”
I’m not entirely certain that I understand your question. But if you’re asking if it is plainly obvious to everyone if a particular person is truly a child of God in normal everyday circumstances, I would have to say no.
Just as people can be hypocrites in every other part of life you will certainly find those who proclaim to be believers who are not. And you can’t always tell. At least not until the person is faced with some trial or threat that forces them to make a choice to compromise or stay true to their beliefs.
Hypocrisy among believers has been a stumbling block to people since the beginning and that is a horrible thing. But remember, God never asked anyone to follow His followers. He said to follow Him.
John 12:26
If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.
(There are too many passages to list where Yeshua said to “follow me”)
That said, it is possible to weed out some pretenders in some situations by having conversations with them. If someone claims to be a believer but is embarrassed to be open about their devotion to Yeshua then you might have cause to question the sincerity of their commitment.
Matthew 10
Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. 33But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.
But judging another’s faith is not something that I would want to engage in lightly.. only God knows what’s in the heart.
1 Kings 8:39
Then hear thou in heaven thy dwelling place, and forgive, and do, and give to every man according to his ways, whose heart thou knowest; (for thou, even thou only, knowest the hearts of all the children of men
“I do not enjoy it.”
Understandable. But I don’t think that He ever promised that we would.
Genesis 3
And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; 18Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; 19In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
Thanks for the additional bible verses and for sharing your thoughts on how one can be discerned as being “a child of God” (in the context of how you and the bible use that phrase) or not.
I quoted you about half way down this post
“Bloodshed and sacrifice. All day, every day, industrial scale.”
Thanks again for sharing that concentrated expression of an ugly truth.
The best documentary I have ever seen is “The Mind of Man” put together by Truthstream Media. It is a history of the experiments done on the mind in Canada and the USA throughout the development of psychiatry and psychology. It covers all of the twentieth century. Aaron and Melissa Dykes sell the documentary on their website, but it is still available for free on that site you left a couple years ago. My own research on mind control stopped after watching it 4 times. My question was can humans be mind controlled? I did several years of research before concluding that their work left no doubt. And when I was a college student, I wanted to be a psychologist. Thank God I saw the light before entering the field. Good work here, James.
Deep Analysis of Black Holes
In-depth article about Black Holes and what is wrong with the evidence
“It is telling that one of the considered ‘founders’ of this country, one who was recognized as the Father of American psychiatry, one who signed the Declaration of Independence, and one of the ‘leaders’ in the ‘ratification’ of the Constitution, did not want anyone to have any “excess of passion for liberty.” That is real rule-negation anarchy, as evidenced in his mental disorder description he called “anarchia.” If that is not a complete, total, and ludicrous contradiction, nothing is.”
“There is no reason to be afraid, and once self-reliance, confidence, and individual sovereignty, are expected and sought, the light of freedom will shine brighter. What is necessary is to never trust the State in any capacity whatsoever, question everything and expect valid answers, accept nothing but the truth, and practice disobedience at every possible opportunity. Do not comply with any harmful government mandate or order, resist all ‘authority,’ and scream out for independence without pause”
“As The Campaigner magazine explained in a Tavistock exposé published in 1978…”
I think I have said this before, but I personally am convinced that the largely LaRouche camp initiated fuss about Tavistock is all in all nonsense. Riddled with half-truths, actual quotations from actual books mixed with hard to prove and disprove allegations. Ultimately I had to admit, there is just too much word-salad (or let’s better say emotionally/morally loaded accusations) mixed in with the actual quotes and thus a very different picture is painted.
To my knowledge this all started with the April 1974 and May 1974 magazines, but precursor articles where published too.
Indeed, the address by Rees which Corbett links to, is very disturbing
I will remain biased against LaRouchian or Tavistock material though.
Otherwise very informative article
there is no virus
Have you James or anybody studied the False Memory Syndrome Foundation and the theory of False Memories and how it was used to cover up institutional abuse by psychologically bypassing real memories of abuse as figments of imagination?
“Lie, cheat, and steal: The CIA’s disastrous scientific legacy
Originally published: Science for the People on Volume 25, no. 3, Killing in the Name Of by Owen Marshall (more by Science for the People) | (Posted Jun 06, 2023)
Empire, Imperialism, Inequality, State RepressionAmericas, United StatesNewswireCentral Intelligence Agency (CIA)
As the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) marks its seventy-fifth anniversary, it has made conspicuous efforts to rebrand itself as a progressive force for scientific and technological change.
Facing the retirement of its notoriously “pale, male, and Yale” Baby Boomer cohort, it has awkwardly adopted the language of neurodiversity and intersectionality in an attempt to appeal to the relatively young and tech-savvy Silicon Valley set.1
Through its in-house venture capital fund In-Q-Tel, it has recently made well-publicized investments in CRISPR-based wooly mammoth resurrection research, information-collecting skin care products, and the synthetic biology firm—and alleged “colossal scam”—Ginkgo Bioworks.2
Hey James, I featured your excellent series in a post I just threw together:
I think you may appreciate the content if you get a chance to read it.
Thank again for all your hard work on this informative series of articles.