Dissent Into Madness: Projections of the Psychopaths

by | Mar 27, 2023 | Newsletter | 64 comments

In Part 1 of this series on Dissent Into Madness, I recounted the sordid details of “The Weaponization of Psychology,” noting how the psychiatric profession has been turned into an instrument for repressing and marginalizing political dissidents.

In Part 2 of this series, “Crazy Conspiracy Theorists,” I detailed how conspiracy theorizing is being pathologized as a mental disorder and how this false diagnosis is being used to justify the forced psychiatric detention and medication of 9/11 truthers and COVID dissenters.

This week, I will examine the great irony of the situation we find ourselves in: that those who are wielding the psychological weapon against any would-be dissenters are themselves driven by a psychopathological disorder . . .

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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 13 issue 10 (March 26, 2023)

by James Corbett
March 26, 2023

Being Sane In An Insane Society

urinal sign

If you are reading this column, chances are you’re already aware of just how insane our society can be.

Maybe you first realized something was deeply wrong with our world when you noticed the discrepancy between what most people actually believe—that JFK was assassinated as the result of a conspiracy, for example—and what you’re expected to say in “polite” society—namely, that the Warren Commission got to the bottom of the matter and that anyone who questions its findings is a crazy conspiracy theorist.

Or perhaps the penny dropped when you heard ex-US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright blithely declare on 60 Minutes that the death of half a million Iraqi children in the State Department’s campaign against Saddam Hussein was “worth it.”

Or maybe you, like many millions of others around the world, began to question the sanity of our society when you saw the madness of the past three years, with governments locking people in their homes and subjecting the poorest among us to starvation and forcing never-before-used medical interventions on billions of people in the name of “public health.”

I, too, have had my own such moments of awareness. And, feeling the frustration that comes from realizing just how sick and twisted the world can be, I am often reminded of Jiddu Krishnamurti’s famous observation: “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

But I’ve also found that you get used to the insanity of this sick society after a while. In fact, you come to expect it.

Of course politicians are always lying to the public.

Of course those in positions of power wouldn’t think twice about killing thousands of their fellow citizens—let alone untold millions in the Middle East—in order to achieve their goals.

Of course they’ll cook up a phoney scamdemic to usher in their biosecurity state and of course it has nothing to do with keeping people healthy.

In fact, once you’ve seen through the lies and realized just how profoundly sick our society has become, it turns out that it’s not the big things that shock you anymore. It’s the little things.

Like the sign above. It’s plastered above the urinal in the washroom at my local cafe and it’s a common enough sign in men’s restrooms here in Japan. It exhorts the reader to take “one step forward” because, even here in Japan, despite Japan’s reputation for obsessive cleanliness, men can sometimes be careless and miss the urinal. That wasn’t what caught my attention, though.

No, what caught my attention about this sign was its invocation of “SDGs: GOAL.6.” Granted, most people in Japan wouldn’t think twice about this entreaty. But for me it was one of those small yet incredibly sharp reminders of the sickness of our society.

For those not keeping track at home, “SDGs” stands for “Sustainable Development Goals,” the “transformative goals and targets” that the UN unleashed upon the world in 2015 as part of its “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” Goal 6 in particular promises to “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all,” which is one of those wishy-washy, innocuous-sounding statements that hides a much more nefarious agenda of resource monopolization and population control—tyrannical aims characteristic of so many of the SDGs.

Meanwhile, I have been watching with consternation as the SDGs have begun intruding more and more into everyday life here in Japan. It’s not at all unusual to see a product ad displaying the characteristic coloured boxes indicating which SDG (or SDGs) that product is supposedly promoting (however tenuously), or to see lapel pins sporting the rainbow circle of the SDG logo, now a common accoutrement on the suits of Japanese salarymen.

But to see an SDG here? On a sign over a urinal? Is there truly nowhere we can go where we’re not subjected to this 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Enslavement propaganda and all of the Great Reset/Fourth Industrial Revolution/neo-feudal/transhuman nightmare it invokes?

Perhaps the strangest part of all is that if I were to point out this insanity to the average person here, they would look at me as if I were the crazy one. And if I were to back up my viewpoint with the volumes of documented information about the perverse nature of this UN-fronted globalist agenda—the information contained in numerous documentaries and podcasts and interviews and articles on the subject—I would doubtless appear even crazier.

“What’s the big deal? It’s just a sign.”

As it turns out, the sign is indeed a sign. A sign that our society is in fact suffering from the effects of a mental illness.

Our (Mis-)Leaders Are Psychopaths

They are “remorseless predators who use charm, intimidation and, if necessary, impulsive and cold-blooded violence to attain their ends.”

They “ruthlessly plow their way through life, leaving a broad trail of broken hearts, shattered expectations, and empty wallets.”

They have “no feelings of guilt or remorse no matter what [they] do, no limiting sense of concern for the well-being of strangers, friends, or even family members.”

Am I talking about politicians? Technocrats? Billionaire “philanthrocapitalists”? Royalty? Captains of industry?

Of course I am. But I’m also talking about psychopaths.

We all know what a psychopath is, or at least we think we do. They’re chainsaw-wielding, crazed serial killers, like Leatherface from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Or they’re knife-wielding, crazed serial killers, like Buffalo Bill from The Silence of the Lambs. Or they’re acid-spraying-lapel-flower-wearing, crazed serial killers, like The Joker from Batman.

But if that is what we think of when we think of a psychopath, we find that once again we are the Hollywood predictive programmers’ victims, constructing our understanding of reality not from actual, lived experience but from fictional characters dreamt up by writers and projected on a screen.

In the real world, psychopaths are a subset of the population who lack a conscience. The full implications of this strange mental condition are not apparent to the vast majority of us who do possess a conscience and who assume that the inner life of most people is largely similar to our own.

In The Sociopath Next Door, Dr. Martha Stout, a clinical psychologist who has devoted much of her career to the subject, demonstrates what the absence of a conscience really means by inviting her readers to participate in this exercise:

Imagine—if you can—not having a conscience, none at all, no feelings of guilt or remorse no matter what you do, no limiting sense of concern for the well-being of strangers, friends, or even family members. Imagine no struggles with shame, not a single one in your whole life, no matter what kind of selfish, lazy, harmful, or immoral action you had taken. And pretend that the concept of responsibility is unknown to you, except as a burden others seem to accept without question, like gullible fools. Now add to this strange fantasy the ability to conceal from other people that your psychological makeup is radically different from theirs. Since everyone simply assumes that conscience is universal among human beings, hiding the fact that you are conscience-free is nearly effortless. You are not held back from any of your desires by guilt or shame, and you are never confronted by others for your cold-bloodedness. The ice water in your veins is so bizarre, so completely outside of their personal experience, that they seldom even guess at your condition.

The possibilities for manipulation, deceit, violence and destruction that this condition presents should be obvious by this point. And indeed, as a number of books by psychologists and researchers studying psychopathy—from Howard Cleckley’s seminal 1941 work, The Mask of Sanity, to Robert Hare’s popular book, Without Conscience, to Andrew Lobaczewski’s rescued-from-the-dustbin-of-history-by-an-independent-publisher opus, Political Ponerology—have repeatedly tried to warn the public over the years, psychopaths do exist, they represent something like 4% of the population, and they are responsible for much of the havoc in our society.

So how do we know who is a psychopath? That, as you might imagine, is a highly contested question. While various biomedical explanations for the condition have been proffered—dysfunction of the amygdala and ventromedial prefrontal cortex, for example—and dozens of studies to determine the relationship between brain physiology and psychopathy have been conducted in the past half century, psychopathy is most commonly diagnosed by way of the Psychopathy Checklist, Revised, known as the PCL-R.

Devised by Robert Hare—the most influential psychopathy researcher of the past half-century—the PCL-R involves, among other things, a semi-structured interview in which a subject is tested for 20 personality traits and recorded behaviours, from “egocentricity/grandiose sense of self-worth” to “pathological lying and deception” to “lack of remorse or guilt” to “early behaviour problems.”

Although none of these personality traits are indicative of psychopathy by themselves, the presence of a certain number of them (corresponding to a score of 30 or higher on the PCL-R test) is used to diagnose the condition.

So, how would your average politician score on this test? Let’s see.

Egocentricity / grandiose sense of self-worth?


Pathological lying and deception?


Conning / lack of sincerity?


Lack of remorse or guilt?


Callous / lack of empathy?


Parasitic lifestyle?

Isn’t that the definition of a career politician?

Early behaviour problems?

Check. (<-Actually, this one is straight from Stout’s book . . . but her story of the young boy who uses his “Star-Spangled Banner” firecrackers in their skull-and-crossbones-emblazoned box to blow up frogs is just a “composite” case that isn’t meant to represent anyone in particular, of course.)

I could go on, but you get the idea.

To be fair, a cherry-picked list of isolated examples of politicians’ behaviour like this is not enough to diagnose anyone as a psychopath and, by itself, should not convince you of anything. Nor should you be convinced by the psychologists who have offered their professional opinion on politicians they have not themselves examined—like neuropsychologist Paul Broks, who, in 2003, speculated as to whether Tony Blair was “A Plausible Psychopath?,” or professor of psychology David T. Lykken, who, in the Handbook of Psychopathy, argues not just that Stalin and Hitler were high-functioning psychopaths but that Lyndon B. Johnson “exemplified this syndrome.”

So, is it fair to suspect that psychopaths are overrepresented in the political class? According to Martha Stout, it is:

Yes, politicians are more likely than people in the general population to be sociopaths. I think you would find no expert in the field of sociopathy/psychopathy/antisocial personality disorder who would dispute this. . . . That a small minority of human beings literally have no conscience was and is a bitter pill for our society to swallow—but it does explain a great many things, shamelessly deceitful political behavior being one.

For whatever it’s worth, certain members of the UK government seem to agree. In 1982, one UK Home Office official suggested “recruiting psychopaths to help restore order in the event England is hit by a devastating nuclear attack.” And the reasoning behind this official’s surprising suggestion? The fact that psychopaths “have no feelings for others, nor moral code, and tend to be very intelligent and logical” means they would be “very good in crises.”

To be sure, the a priori case for the utility of psychopathic traits in political office is fairly obvious, but empirical data to back up this intuition is hard to come by. After all, politicians, corporate chieftains, royals and bankers are not administered a PCL-R test before assuming their office or position.

Nonetheless, a number of researchers have offered some data that supports the political and corporate psychopathy thesis. They include:

  • Clive Boddy, a professor at Anglia Ruskin University, who argues that “[e]vidence for the existence of white-collar psychopaths comes from multiple studies which have found psychopathy among white collar populations”;
  • Dr. Kevin Dutton, an Oxford University psychologist who used a standard psychometric tool—the Psychopathic Personality Inventory (Revised)—to score a number of current and historical political personages, finding that Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz scored relatively high on the test (along with Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein);
  • Scott O. Lilienfeld, a professor of psychology at Emery University who led a study of the 43 US presidents up to George W. Bush. demonstrating that certain psychopathic personality traits directly correlate with political success; and
  • Ryan Murphy, research associate professor at Southern Methodist University whose 2018 study concluded that Washington, D.C., had the highest prevalence of personality traits corresponding to psychopathy in the continental U.S. (and also found that the concentration of lawyers is correlated to the prevalence of psychopathy in a geographic area).

Even Robert Hare—who has coauthored one of the few empirical studies confirming a higher prevalence of psychopathic traits among corporate professionals in management training programs than in the general population—has said that he regrets spending most of his career studying psychopaths in prison rather than psychopaths in positions of political and economic power. When questioned about this regret, he noted that “serial killers ruin families” while “corporate and political and religious psychopaths ruin economies. They ruin societies.”

The fact that the key positions of political, financial and corporate power in our society are dominated by psychopaths certainly helps to explain why our society is as profoundly sick as we non-psychopaths know it to be. For those who still believe that our sick society can be cured by recourse to the political process, this seems like the worst news imaginable.

. . . But it’s even worse than that. These political psychopaths don’t just ruin societies. They reshape societies in their own image.

Projections of the Psychopaths

In psychology, “projection” refers to the act of displacing one’s own feelings onto another person. As Psychology Today explains:

The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.

This concept of projection equips us to better understand why political psychopaths pathologize conspiracy theorists and political dissenters: they are projecting their own mental disorders onto their ideological opponents.

But there is another sense in which psychopaths are “projecting” their pathology onto the world stage. You see, psychopaths do not merely take advantage of their lack of conscience to obtain political or economic power. They use that power to shape the organization they’re leading into a projection of their own psychopathic tendencies.

In one memorable scene from the 2003 documentary, The Corporation, Robert Hare points out that a corporation under the management of a psychopath could itself be diagnosed as psychopathic. Thus, the egocentric and narcissistic tendencies of the psychopath boss are reflected in the development of the corporation’s public relations. The psychopath’s capacity for guilt-free deception and manipulation of others is reflected in the company’s advertising and marketing material. The psychopath’s willingness to commit crimes without shame in pursuit of his objectives finds its analogue in the corporation’s willingness to flagrantly break the law. And the psychopath’s utter lack of remorse for his crimes is mirrored by the corporation’s cynical calculation that fines and punishments for its illegal acts are merely the “cost of doing business.”

But the psychopath does not stop at turning an organization into a projection of his own perverted personality. Be it a business, a bank, or, in the case of a political psychopath, an entire nation, the organization under his control eventually starts to change the character and behaviour of the employees or citizens under its thumb.

The idea that psychopathic systems can make non-psychopaths act like psychopaths might, at first glance, go against our moral intuitions. Surely, we reason, people are either “good people” or “bad people.” They are either psychopathic or sane. They are either the type of person who commits a terrible crime or they aren’t.

As it turns out, however, our reasoning has been proven wrong by research into “secondary psychopathy.” This category of psychopathy, sometimes referred to as sociopathy, is meant to differentiate primary psychopaths—those born with the “lack of conscience” and its associated neurocognitive impairments discussed by Hare, Stout and others—from secondary psychopaths, who develop psychopathic traits as a result of the environment they are functioning in.

Many experiments have been conducted over the decades researching the phenomenon of secondary psychopathy and how “good people” can be placed in situations wherein they will do “bad things,” from the seemingly mundane Asch conformity experiment, which showed that people are often willing to state and even believe demonstrable lies in order to avoid breaking a group consensus, to the truly shocking Milgram experiment, which famously demonstrated that ordinary people could be induced to deliver what they believed to be potentially fatal shocks to strangers on the say-so of an authority figure.

But perhaps the most revealing experiment for the purposes of understanding secondary psychopathy is the Stanford Prison Experiment.

Led by Stanford psychology professor Philip Zimbardo, this 1971 experiment involved recruiting participants from the local community with an offer of $15 per day to participate in a “psychological study of prison life.” The recruits were then screened to eliminate anyone with psychological abnormalities, and the remaining candidates were randomly assigned as either guards or prisoners and told to prepare for two weeks of life in the basement of Stanford’s psychology building, which had been converted into a makeshift prison.

The results of that experiment are, by now, infamous. Immersing the participants in the role play with realistic surprise “arrests” of the prisoners by real Palo Alto police officers, the exercise quickly descended into a study in cruelty. The prison “guards” quickly devised more and more sadistic ways to assert their authority over the “prisoners,” and two of the students had to be “released” from the prison in the first days of the ordeal due to the mental distress it had placed on them. The experiment was called off after just six days, with the researchers finding that both the prisoners and guards had exhibited “pathological reactions” to the mock prison situation.

How did this happen? How did otherwise average, healthy young men descend into such barbarity in less than one week?

In his book The Lucifer Effect: How Good People Turn Evil, which documents that study as well as subsequent decades of research he did into the psychology of evil, Zimbardo reflects on how a system can reflect the pathologies of those who created it and how it can, in turn, influence individuals to commit evil acts: “unless we become sensitive to the real power of the System, which is invariably hidden behind a veil of secrecy, and fully understand its own set of rules and regulations, behavioral change will be transient and situational change illusory.”

The true import of this lesson was felt three decades later, when the US began its detention of prisoners at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. The physical, psychological and sexual abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib was brought to the attention of the world in April 2004, when graphic images of the abuse were first published in American media.

Once again, the public began to question how the otherwise average young American men and women who had been assigned to the prison as military police guards could have committed such incredibly sadistic acts.

That question was answered in part by the Senate Armed Services Committee report on the Abu Ghraib abuses. The report details then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s approval of a request to use “aggressive interrogation techniques” on detainees, including stress positions, exploitation of detainee fears (such as fear of dogs), and waterboarding. It recounts how Rumsfeld added a handwritten note to the request’s recommendation to limit the use of stress positions on prisoners: “I stand for 8-10 hours a day. Why is standing limited to 4 hours?” And it condemns Rumsfeld for creating the conditions by which his approval could be interpreted as a carte blanche to initiate torture of detainees: “Secretary Rumsfeld authorized the techniques without apparently providing any written guidance as to how they should be administered.”

It should come as no surprise, then, that, as even a cursory review of Donald Rumsfeld’s career will demonstrate, he exhibited several of the personality traits on the PCL-R checklist, including pathological lying and deception, callous behaviour and failure to accept responsibility for his own actions.

The connection between the Stanford Prison Experiment and what happened at Abu Ghraib did not escape the attention of investigators. The so-called “Schlesinger Report” on detainee abuses included an entire appendix recounting the Stanford experiment and what it taught about how secondary psychopathy can be induced in those working in a system or institution.

Nor did the connection between Stanford and Abu Ghraib escape the attention of the public. After revelation of the Abu Ghraib abuses in 2004, the Stanford Prison Experiment website’s traffic exploded to 250,000 page views per day.

What most of the public do not know, however, is that the funding for the Stanford Prison Experiment came from the Office of Naval Research, which provided a grant “to study antisocial behaviour.” It seems that the military psychopaths certainly did learn the lessons of that experiment—and then promptly weaponized them.

Whatever the case, although nothing in any of these experiments or research exonerates any individual from the evil deeds that they have committed, these findings do shine a light on the problem of secondary psychopathy.

How much of the madness of our society is a projection of the psychopaths who are running it?

Ruled by Madmen

At this point in our study, we have reached a conclusion as startling as it is undeniable: We are ruled by madmen and, living and working under their mad systems of control, we risk becoming mad ourselves.

Even worse, the last few years of COVID insanity have shown us that the political psychopaths are perfecting their weapons of psychological control and that a large percentage of the public are more than happy to be the enforcers of the biosecurity prison state.

In the conclusion to this series, we will examine the pathocracy that these political psychopaths have constructed and discuss how we can break free from the madhouse they are creating.

Stay tuned . . .

Recommended Listening and Viewing

Recommended Reading

Operation Choke Point 2.0 Is Underway, And Crypto Is In Its Crosshairs

From a subscriber: David Skripac archive at GlobalResearch.ca (h/t David Skripac)

Churchill, Hitler and “The Unnecessary War”: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World by Patrick J. Buchanan

Recommended Listening

CBDC Can Arrive Next Month! Are You Ready? (Click on the title to play the audio)

Recommended Viewing

Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Synthetic Sex Identities (h/t CQ)

Inside The Minds of Elite Psychopaths | James Corbett

John Perkins: China & West Are Both Creating Death Economy Using Hit Man Model

Just For Fun

From a subscriber: Py – Tys (Dozegons)


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    • Dalesco

      “..What is often difficult to grasp is that psychopaths are usually likable individuals….”

      Not in my experience, they are usually annoying scumbags, nor (as the UK gov thought when planning to recruit them) are most of them very good at anything. A few are useful, but most tend to do whatever appears like a good idea at the time.

      Most people know a psychopath- and their usually people like the emotional bitch who lies all the time or the guy whos always in debt and can not SEE a reason Not to do heroin or steal you credit card.

      “…This explains in part why so many admire them and see them as role models….”

      The people who make movies and TV shows are the reason that people think psychopathy is cool.

      People today sell their self power for the comfort of being a cog in the machine…thus the Power Fantasy of being “Free to do whatever I like” as Hannibal Lector and such. The fact that a Lector, in real life, gets almost zero enjoyment out of the things that make average people happy is lost on them.

      See video and see the type of people that are attracted to LARP’ing power are quite dangerous even if not psycopaths.

      People who LOVE something are far more ‘powerful’ (and dangerous) then someone who is just not smart enough to be scared.

      • Maybe you’re immune to their charm and seduction techniques. If not, maybe you haven’t spotted every single one of them you’ve met in your life.

        Regardless, from what I’ve observed, people with a profile that overwhelmingly matches the psychopath checklist often have some kind of charismatic aura. This charisma generates admiration among the entourage that will naturally gather around them – or at least, it does for a while.

        Thanks for the link, I do appreciate Devon’s work.

        • Delesco

          “..Maybe you’re immune to their charm and seduction techniques…”

          Maybe, I AM kinda a disagreeable person and that kind of charm works best with people who are looking for a Leader and are thus drawn to high confidence.

          “..Thanks for the link, I do appreciate Devon’s work….”

          He is THE BEST on propaganda breakdown isn’t he?

          I wish he still did video essay stuff because while he’s worth dropping a few hours on the live streams go all over the place 🙁

          Maybe we should do a list of the top people for each skill in the next Open thread?

          Mr Corbett- best at meticulous research and easy absorption of info

          Blackpilled- best at deconstructing propaganda and social engineering

          Dr E M Jones best at Historical overview of social engineering and the JRS

          Jay Dyer- best explaining of religious engineering

          Chris Knowles – Best at throwing an interesting, curve ball view and looking at stuff from a new angle.

          Richard Grove- best at assembling stuff

          We should do that in the Next months thread and people can make a list of the best researchers and what their good at…with the internet getting bad at feeding us stuff we dont already know its probably a good idea to do a thing like that…kind like the old “Web Ring” idea

          • Well, good on you. Unfortunately, it isn’t the case for everyone.

            As you point out, their high degree of self-confidence (as well as typical extroversion) can be fascinating to others. Their engaging personality, their transgressive tendencies, their apparent spontaneity and spur-of-the-moment manners – commonly mistaken for authenticity of character, although related to their amygdala dysfunction – can all create small addictive rushes of adrenaline for those around them. Their careless attitude can be captivating on one hand, while their capacity to switch to a deceptive personal closeness makes one feel special on the other.

            Of course, they won’t all be cut out from the exact same model and perhaps this is the type that can be noticed more easily. But I’ve frequently spotted said characteristics among folks that qualify for such diagnosis – an analysis confirmed by immoral deeds that inevitably arise and for which their justifications no longer work after several occurrences. The reason for which they move around regularly, whether socially or geographically.

            • Dalesco

              “…their capacity to switch to a deceptive personal closeness makes one feel special on the other….”

              Ha! Thats why I am immune.

              When people get suddenly friendly with me I know I’m not really that cool or likable so it makes me suspicious right away. 🙂

  1. It’s a mad mad mad world indeed. So unfortunate that human evolution has failed so miserably. Thanks for the essay

    • “… So unfortunate that human evolution has failed so miserably…”

      What has failed is the Immune system of society.

      When people gave up judging and shunning others for immorality there was no longer any filter to keep such people on the margins.

  2. Looking forward to the next article in this series. I have long believed that psychopaths are running our world and that all candidates for high office or position should take a psychological test (on which they would no doubt cheat) before being allowed to enter business or politics. I would very much like to know how to escape their madness (without actually leaving the planet.)

    Thanks, James. IMO, this is one of the most important topics people need to know about, since so few seem to recognize that the “undead” walk freely among us, until they’re dictating our whole lives.

  3. It always occurred to me that mainstream psychology structures the mind like that of a psychopath.

    Everything is emotionless and based on logic that can be tricked.
    And as a therapy the psychology advises to ignore emotions and
    to restructure the logic.
    That is exactly how a psychopath works.

    • Zyxzven

      “..It always occurred to me that mainstream psychology structures the mind like that of a psychopath…..”

      The bad seed grows bitter fruit.

      See “Degenerate Moderns” by EM Jones, (Fidelity press) for the story of how creepy and gross the founders of Psychology were in their personal lives- disgusting, Fk’ed up people they were

      • Duck, after you mentioned “Degenerate Moderns” a few days ago, I searched and found and downloaded this archive.org PDF:


        Scrolling through the book just now, I came across one of what I’m sure are many memorable quotes: “There are ultimately only two alternatives in the intellectual life: either one conforms desire to the truth or one conforms truth to desire.” Makes me want to keep reading. So I will.

        A few comments up, Duck, you wrote: “When people gave up judging and shunning others for immorality there was no longer any filter to keep such people on the margins.”

        On the one hand, I completely agree with your point. Immorality has to be marginalized, so it won’t grow from serpent-size to dragon-size.

        On the other hand, I’m wondering how judging and shunning actually heals a person who is caught up in immorality? Isn’t that the goal we all want?

        The divine love and compassion Jesus expressed was so powerful and the view he held of man as the image and likeness of Spirit so correct that his theology healed any and every sinner who was ready to yield to the Christ.

        Or, to use E. M. Jones’ language, who was ready to replace false desires with truth (actually, Truth).

        It’s not easy to denounce and reject the immoral act while truly loving the person committing it (including when that person is yourself!), but at least we have proof, from the 1st century A.D., that this purely spiritual (meaning non-material) method of healing works, individual by individual.

        I wonder if Jesus healed anyone who would today be diagnosed as a psychopath? If so, he knew that God could (and would, and did, and does) restore their “missing” conscience, their empathy, and their doubtless longed-for peace.

        James, thanks for tackling this important subject. Can’t wait for the fourth installment . . .

        • CQ

          “…On the other hand, I’m wondering how judging and shunning actually heals a person who is caught up in immorality? Isn’t that the goal we all want…”

          On helping others the first thing is to make sure that they WANT to be helped…. no one can BE reformed unless they first have a desire to change.

          Thats why, in a Biblical sense there is a difference between “worldly Sorrow” where you regret the results of what you did, and “Godly sorrow” where you regret what you DID. Good example being “I am sorry my wife caught me cheating” (worldly repentance) vs “I feel so bad I cheated on my wife even though she has not found out yet”.

          The unpleasantness of being punished sometimes helps people develop real sorrow at things they have done…but mostly not. Mostly, like prisons, you just need to exclude or execute such people so they cant do too much damage

          “….It’s not easy to denounce and reject the immoral act while truly loving the person committing it….”

          A good parent punishes their child for bad behavior when they are too small to know ‘right from wrong’. The parent probably loves their kid, which is why a good father does not try to be indulgent.

          “….I wonder if Jesus healed anyone who would today be diagnosed as a psychopath? If so, he knew that God could (and would, and did, and does) restore their “missing” conscience, their empathy, and their doubtless longed-for peace….”

          Thats an interesting idea! I would ASSUME (not an expert) that IF they wanted to repent I believe they would revive help just as faith is first a choice and then a gift. (See Mark 9:23-25 )

          • Yes, Duck, I used the expression “ready to yield”: that was my lingo for “want to be helped”! 😉

            I like your differentiation between worldly sorrow and Godly sorrow. It reminds me that repentance, if it’s real, is always accompanied by reformation, regeneration.

            Also, that’s an excellent point about a good parent punishing the bad behavior of a child. As I think you’re implying, the punishment won’t “stick” if the child doesn’t tangibly feel the love underlying it and truly feel a desire to do better. It’s logical to me that children of any age have an inherent sense of right and wrong, whether they can articulate it or not. (So do all sentient beings.)

            I’ve read testimonies about children whose unnatural tendency to act dishonestly/selfishly/angrily dissolved, like dew in the morning sunshine, when the parent(s) stopped being taken in by the erroneous picture presenting itself as “their” imperfect child and realized–in the way Jesus modeled–that God’s child is naturally upright/unselfish/loving, etc.

            By the way, Duck, I followed up on your comment about Blackpilled, which (or who, if I’m referring to Devon) I’d only vaguely heard of before. That clip on the lust for power is exceptional. Thanks.

            • Hello, I’m butting in with some additional thoughts (Duck and CQ). I enjoyed your conversation and thought of King David, probably the go-to for displays of Godly sorrow! He realized his sin was a deep rebellion against a Holy God who formed him and gave him life with clear instructions on how to live.

              “For I recognize my rebellion; it haunts me day and night…Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me.” (Psalm 51:3,10)

              So, David commits adultery and murder, basically, and yet it HAUNTED him. Psychopaths can do that and more without blinking.

              Repentance is a beautiful thing! I wonder if psychopaths are able to even do that? Their conscious is seared; it’s dead. Jesus forgave sins because of a person’s faith and humble trust in Him (except for maybe in the case of the demon possessed, when repentance and worship followed the healing). If a person can’t even realize and admit to their own faults, how is there hope and healing for them? Duck said it, a person has to want to be helped.

              • All good thoughts, ariellek.

                I wasn’t familiar with the words “rebellion” and “haunts” and “loyal” in those two Psalms verses; they fit perfectly with the point you’re making. KJV reads: “For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me. . . . Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”

                King David sure acted like a psychopath — or, in his case, sociopath — when, once on the throne, flexing his power muscles and feeling immune from retribution, he stole Bathsheba from her husband and ordered Uriah killed on the battlefield. I wonder how long David remained in that conscience-less condition before the courageous prophet Nathan dared tell him the story about the poor man who loved his lamb like a child (see II Samuel 12).

                If I were a psycho- or sociopath, I gather I wouldn’t see myself as lost, past help, beyond help. Nonetheless, I think I would, deep down, want someone like Nathan to recognize and point out my wrongdoing and at the same time understand my God-made-thus-Godlike-thus-truly-good selfhood.

                Similarly, I’d like to believe that the psycho- and sociopaths of this world DO have an inner struggle and DO long to be healed by God and finally feel the peace of God, even if their hope for reform is only a dim, distant glimmer.

                I say that based on this hope-filled explanation Jesus gave to his disciples when they couldn’t envision how a camel could go through the eye of a needle or how a man wedded to his material possessions could ever be saved from that fatal dependency: “With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26).

                “All things are possible” must include the possibility of psychopaths at some point acknowledging their need for divine help. So, for this reason, I don’t want to conclude that they are forever lost, forever unsalvageable. In fact, I rebel at that belief!

              • “I rebel at that belief!”
                I do also.

                This case is worth considering.


                “Wood tried to bludgeon his father to death with a ball-peen hammer. He served time in prison as a result. That’s where he met Randy, a fellow prisoner, and Christian who challenged him to answer questions. To think about the implications of his self-proclaimed atheism. Wood idolized reason and rationality. But Randy forced him to reason his way to the existence of objective morality — and to its Source. His story is a powerful example of why pursuing the truth should be our primary objective. It’s a reminder that Truth is found in Jesus of Nazareth … and only in Him.”

              • Thank you, Steve, for telling us about David Wood. I read everything on the website whose link you provided. Then, because the YT video was missing, I did a search and found his testimony elsewhere.

                Here’s a half-hour version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9a6U-BF-T6g (he’s telling his story as he walks through a subway station)

                And here’s an hour-long version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkeHRu6wLkg (he’s giving a speech at a church in Houston)

                Also, I learned more about him here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Wood_(Christian_apologist)

                I watched a little of the first video and will finish it after saying: “Thank you, Steve, for providing proof that Jesus included clinically diagnosed, remorseless psychopaths in his beautiful promise, ‘. . . with God all things are possible.'”

              • Steve, I just finished watching the half-hour version. The tears flowed freely. Especially at these three places (I went back, listened again, and wrote down David’s words):

                “Most of them [he was referring to Jesus’ twelve disciples] went to their bloody deaths claiming that they had seen him risen from the dead.” I never knew that! I knew they died in violent ways, as martyrs, but never had I read or heard that they all testified, just before their last breath, to being witnesses to the risen Christ. That got to me.

                “I went from believing that I was the best person in the world to thinking that I was the worst person in the world.” And, a little later, “How is the worst person in the world going to ever do the right thing?” The remorse, the shattered heart, the humble supplication — all of it touched me so.

                “For the first time in a lot of years, I didn’t want to hurt anyone. And I had a strange sense that I had somehow known the truth all along.” Another tear-jerker.

                Steve, no wonder something inside you and me rebelled at the belief that certain people are hopeless.

                Nothing Jesus ever said was hot air. Nothing he ever did was in vain. Truly, truly, truly, “with God all things are possible.”

              • CQ, I grew up with the KJV and love it! But the version I used for above reference is the NLT. For daily reading, it’s easier for me to understand.

                Maybe I’m too skeptical. In the context of that conversation with the rich man and the disciples, Jesus pointed out that even though the rich man had followed the commandments to love his neighbors, he still had one thing separating him from God: his love for money and possessions. In that moment, the rich man turned away, unable to sell them to follow Jesus. Maybe (hopefully) he changed his mind later! We’re just not told. But that rich man wasn’t a psychopath. I believe that God can make a new creation out of a psychopath if it’s possible, because He can do anything that is possible. But is it possible? Maybe I have a hard heart about psychopaths and need to pray about it…

                I remember who I was. In my past, I did things God calls an “abomination” (occult stuff) in His Word and it broke me but in a way that led to freedom in Jesus. My question is… I knew I was doing wrong and did it anyway, but psychopaths enjoy doing wrong. I had guilt all along for it, but psychopaths don’t feel that. What is that about?

                I’ll look into David Wood’s testimony and maybe find an explanation or answer there. Thank you for sharing the link, Steve Smith! Today, not so randomly, a friend shared a story with me of a murderer who was saved while in prison, shedding some hope on this dark and sad subject.

              • ariellek, I’m not seeing email responses because I pressed the button that requests notification only if the reply is to me (I didn’t want my inbox to be overwhelmed), and of course at this place in the thread, all the replies have to go to you!

                But I came back here to clarify something. I misunderstood David when he said that all the “apostles” (he used that word, not “disciples) had seen “the risen Christ” before their violent deaths. He didn’t mean JUST before they were martyred; he meant that either a few days after the resurrection or, in Saul’s case, some years later, they were witnesses to the fact that Jesus overcome death.

                I realized my mistake only after I listened to David’s hour-long talk in Houston (the second link in my above comment).

                After reading what you wrote, I realized that I’d written something that could be misunderstood. I didn’t mean to say that the rich man was a psychopath. Far from it. I was simply putting Jesus’ statement about “all things are possible” in the context of where and to whom he said it. I felt that, if it applied potentially to the rich man (despite his obduracy), then why couldn’t it be true for every seemingly impossible situation, every apparently beyond-hope reprobate — including a psychopath.

                After you listen to the half-hour testimony of David, you will see why Steve brought it to our attention. We learn in the hour-long speech that David was clinically diagnosed as a sociopath — though it sounded like he was a verifiable psychopath from his very youngest years.

                Please let us know how you responded to either or both of David’s accounts.

              • “He can do anything that is possible. But is it possible”

                Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?
                Jeremiah 32:27

                And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.
                Luke 18:27

                With respect, it is a trap to lean on our own understanding when we think about the nature of God.
                How could anything be impossible for God? For if He wasn’t omnipotent, then He wouldn’t be God.

    • while were on that topic:

      I’m still waiting to hear an apology from those claiming to hold high ground:

      his holiness the dalai lama: got jabbed and suggested others should too??
      amritananda ma who mandated that her clinic workers get jabbed??
      sad guru who I think speaks with real authenticity about “yogic” perspectives & traditions, but when he stumbled onto the jab question, he promoted it, like he knew what he was talking about, but he clearly didnt: for that instant, he became pure propaganda.

      somebody’s gonna be disappointed

      • These people are either  puppets acting on threats, or they genuinely are that naive / under educated to commit such acts and promote the jabs, when there has been so much evidence that they are excessively deadly not to mention nefarious on an unprecedented scale.

        could these “saintly” types be shills or walk-ins or double agents, actual eugenicists?

        Amritanda ma: told the health workers in her clinics to get jabbed, which also jabbed many civilians


        Dalai lama:  I’m underwhelmed with his demonstrated lack of critical awareness. I dont think he’s capable of faking that act, maybe I’m wrong? He is promoting suicide, but why?


        Sad guru (at about the 7min mark), shares sound advice and then shills for big pharma..


        makes me think  of politics and population control rather than someone who would help others find the jinga. Ananda Ma’s move is less surprising to me. the dalai lama one could be a deep fake? if its real,  there’s two less people to praise.  why do we praise people we’ve never met & dont know much about?  seems like a bit of a rip-off?

        the hugging mother,,,I waited a day, (in line with thousands) to eventually have a “hug” from Amrit Ananda Ma. It wasn’t sharing a hug, rather I was physically marshalled to my knees and my face thrust into her belly, she put her arms on top of me for a short light squeeze, and then i was hefted up and taken by both arms firmly & quickly away, told to sit with the others who had just gotten “hugged”, nearby/up on the stage with her, about 50 people were being cycled through this after-hug sitting game. As I began to relax into a meditative state, I’d been there for maybe 3 minutes, one of the minders singled me out, came over and ordered me to leave,,  wow, that’s in the bin with the least inspiring meetings I ever had.

        the lama,,,,Ive listened in person a handful of times to him rave on in Tibetan for hours, sat through days of Kalachakra teachings (which were translated into generalized English in real time) that game was always  boring. I have romped on a snowy mountainside with the dalai lama in 3 separate exceptionally vivid dreams, they occurred over maybe 10 yrs. We were laughing and playing like old friends, Now he’s won a “grain of salt” badge.. I would give him the benefit of the doubt if it weren’t for his simply repeating of the marketing standard that has captured so many trusting people. in this video i see no master of his own person when he promotes the jab.

        sadguru,,,speaks eloquently of yogic understanding, but then, with the same confidence and authoritative tones he speaks in virological suppositions, and of getting jabbed as a “good thing”. he is merely repeating/promoting the govt/pharma propaganda rather than developing any sort of critique.

        these sorts of people have huge amounts of knowledge to share, but they are not absolutely principled themselves. and it looks as though the jab con has fooled them all.


    • Thanks for the link mkey! I was recently traveling for business and speaking with a coworker who’s German and he’d mentioned this interview as a significant turn of events in the public media there.
      Unfortunately, he also described a recent event at a playground with his daughter who was assaulted twice by a child psychopath. The other boy was nice at first and lured her to a more secluded area when he pushed his daughter down and kicked her in the head and face. She came and told her father and it happened again shortly thereafter! The father at once grabbed the boy by his arm and brought him to his parents. The boy’s parents where initially upset that their child was being led against his will by the arm. After beginning to describe the incident, they made a comment about “oh, that again” and your daughter should be more careful.
      Other tales of 5G towers/antennas being cranked up way too high in the apartment areas, confirmed with high quality tools he used to confront the telecom companies. The hypocrisy is becoming more obvious to those with a dog in the fight and half a mind to question what they are told through their fondle slabs and Bluetooth earbuds. Sure made me question my Sony wireless ANC earbud purchase for the flight. Glad I found my old Klipsch wired passive noise cancelling set in my laptop bag for the flight back 😉

  4. In a recent “Here for the Truth” interview, one of Mr. Corbett’s interlocutors asked about occult tendencies in high level conspiracies. I think that the occult appeals to the worldview of these psychopaths not so much on theological terms but on more practical grounds. They see how people are fooled and tricked by mumbo jumbo and to them it becomes a wonderful tool to add to the available means of manipulating the public. They usually are coy about it so as to add plausible deniability and gaslighting potential to it. There is always the possibility, though, that their descent into madness becomes complete, and they start believing in their own god-like powers.

  5. Interesting article and I’m looking forward to the next part in the series. I think it’s extremely important to get a grasp of the psychological manipulation being used against us. I think it’s useful to understand ones enemy to anticipate his moves to subvert him and not get sucked into his game.

  6. Milgram and Stanford Prison are indeed famous, widely taught at universities, and described in detail on Wikipedia. How can you not notice what this means? They are false knowledge, the result of manipulation, and not reproducible.

    • Really? So you reckon they are fake?

    • I don’t think they are fake, but rather it’s hard to study this kind of thing in a lab setting (I think). I mean there may be some part that knows that participants are safe in the environment. I don’t know how they controlled for that.

      I mean people are into weird stuff maybe it just gave them an outlet to express it.

      To compare the experiment to what prisoners experience in prison would be interesting. I have watched documentaries on prison (mostly male experiences) and it’s fascinating and also disturbing. For anyone interested in the variation of psychopathy and violence and institutional violence I would recommend documentaries on male prisons.

      I know I’d never want to go to prison especially if I were a man.

      • They have both been heavily criticized as questionnable in the way they were conducted and the way the findings are interpreted.
        It would appear that about 50% of the people in Milgram’s did not believe they were really harming the subject – so they just played along. This completely invalidates the idea that the vast majority would act that way in a real life situation.
        Phillip Zimbardo has been discredited since the Stanford Prison experiment. As with certain reality shows the individuals acting as guards or prisoners were pushed or given no choice as to act in a certain way that would confirm the expected outcome.
        The Robber’s Cave experiment, conducted in the 1960s by Muzafer Sherif, which studied in-group preference and inter-group conflict between two groups of teenage boys also had elements of competition inherent in the experiment which encouraged rivalry between the groups. Sherif had run a similar experiment in 1953 but the two groups of boys had all become friends by the end of the first week so the study was halted.
        The vast majority of people are decent. This is why psychopaths are so damaging at work and in other institutional settings. As James points out they can create the conditions where people start to act with similar pahtological traits to theirs. I do not believe, however, that the above social psychology experiments have anything to offer in terms of understanding those mechanisms.
        Suffice to say if you sow discord between people and torture people’s spirits – as psychopaths are wont to do – they will start to behave in inappropriate ways; especially when the psychopath is the boss.

        • The logical conclusion when in a school setting doing an experiment is that everything is legal, so the idea that a professor would allow a subject to die would violate the law. Under normal circumstances people would presume the professor isn’t crazy and actually mortally wounding his subjects if only to avoid legal penalties, irrespective of the moral ones.

          However, while the results of these experiments should be looked at critically i.e. they cannot simulate what would happen in the real world, regular people have done horrible things.

          All a person needs to do to verify similar tendencies is talk to former soldiers who have seen war or been told to carry out illegal and immoral orders. It does happen, people have killed innocent people because it was a direct order and they were in a situation where they felt forced to comply. Also, interviews with POWs could show that men are capable of extreme depravity when they no longer see the other person as a human being.

          As far as in group and out group conflicts in prisons for example, there is definitely a hierarchy inside. In fact in California prisons in the past people went by race, the whites were formed a group and the blacks formed another group and other races essentially had to associate with their own racial group inside. It was imposed, an unspoken rule and if people went against it could face deadly consequences, like lack of protection from others inside.

          However prison does have plenty of psychopaths and sociopaths but also some people who aren’t who had to go along with this to survive. It wasn’t really a choice but the structure was still in place. It’s fascinating really. Like no one is forcing them inside to do these things, but it’s been established and they go along.

          I’d like to think that I would keep my humanity under all circumstances but I know that there is a base survival instinct that everyone has built in that can influence behavior under duress. It’s shocking to hear what people have done in war time and sometimes some of the people will say “you don’t understand you weren’t there.” And that is partially true that maybe regular people even good people could do horrible things under duress.

  7. James, one of your finest articles EVER! Can’t wait for part 2. But considering the chilling information and conclusions drawn in this one…I don’t know if I want to know more. Sometimes I think it’s better to bury one’s head in the sand…

    Thanks so much!

    • k
      “Can’t wait for part 2. But considering the chilling information and conclusions drawn in this one…I don’t know if I want to know more.”

      you just read part 3.

      there are many styles of broken law, but few actual names.
      the only way a dragon will pay any attention to anybody, is when one knows its actual name.

      were drowning in models of what why and how human personas function, and like electricity, we can talk about it, we become entangled in its causes and effects, but we dont know what it is, or perhaps thats just until our vehicle (body) carks it.

      As I watch the years and people trundle bye, gross psychological disorders are one thing, and those who practice wholesale slaughter from the shadows, while able to maintain a calm even charming front, those are people whose inherited powerful memory demons (that little devil on your shoulder), and have gained enough power (jumping from host to host over 7 generations to inspire one to lust after death or pain or both. a wisoned elder woman said that was the basis for all the death in hamlet’s story; once told to her she replied: “whomever wrote that story has a really good understanding of the struggle thats happening on this planet”.

      My guess is that the first act in the transformaretta were all part of, is the sudden flooding from all quarters the truth of what our actions mean (for the greater awakening and good of the entire biome/planet.

      first the cockaroaches scatter. its messy. Those still decent enough to be still standing will need to strategize to maximize not feeding & steering clear of these pests.

    • Too late, might as well face it. Our days of blissful ignorance are behind us. I have faith in your ability to process the hard truth 🙂

  8. This topic deserves the attention you’re giving it, James. There is a documentable trail of psychopaths in powerful positions, especially in this day and age. And it is so disturbing that they are the “change makers” in society. Thereby creating sociopaths, almost by design (or example). I could even say that it seems trendy to have no empathy, to be narcissistic, brutal, and deceptive. Coined with the phrase “I don’t give a f*ck”. A prime example of those attitudes of insanity being embedded in the common psyche.

    I was also reminded when those same crazies tried to call the “anti-maskers” sociopaths, or was that anti-social?? A Brazilian study, I think…

    Ignorance is strength.
    War is peace.
    Freedom is slavery.

    So what is the answer to dealing with psychopaths? I know! Use their own eugenics ideology against them! Snag up that CRISPR gene editing machine and just cut out the “psycho gene” out of the human gene pool. Right? Easy peasy. Don’t allow them to exist!!
    Well maybe not. I actually happen to frown on gene manipulation, even for the “greater good”. Looking forward to the solution on this one. Maybe something that is actually attainable like strong values, and more love, attention, and empathy.

  9. News and the Psychopaths…

    Wed Mar 29, 2023 – Bloomberg
    Canada Targets Banks for Billions With Dividend Tax Change

    (Bloomberg) — Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland is planning to raise billions of dollars from banks and insurance companies by changing the tax rules for dividends they get from Canadian firms…

    …The change comes as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government faces a deteriorating fiscal outlook and slowing economy, while it ramps up spending to help residents cope with inflation, prop up the health-care system and compete with the US on low-carbon initiatives.

    The government abandoned plans to balance the budget by 2028 and intends to run larger deficits every year until then.

    Trudeau and Freeland have targeted the financial sector for new revenue after the federal debt ballooned to pay for income support and other programs in the Covid-19 pandemic.
    The government previously introduced a corporate tax hike on large banks and life insurers and a one-time windfall tax on financial firms called the Canada Recovery Dividend….

    • As a shortcut to the Robert Hare Psychopath Test…

      In my book, anyone who supports Chrystia Freeland has sociopathic/psychopathic traits.

      Conversely, anyone who detests Chrystia Freeland is a friend of man.

      • Most of the people with whom she associates are a) meth heads or b) meth pushers.

    • I’m betting that this extra tax will find its way to the people, i.e. the real trickle down effect. Any takers?

      • Yes, mkey, I agree.

        But why, in your previous comment, do you say that most of CF’s associates are meth heads or pushers?

        • That is because I find Crissy (a.k.a. fidgety hell spawn) to be an angel dust aficionado.

          But I do get your point, if one is a meth hound, it does not mean that everyone among their entourage are the same. But I still don’t like very much any of these people.

          • Oh, I hadn’t heard that about her. That explains your remark.

            What’s funny is that I wasn’t making any point. I was just curious. But last night my sister made that very point. She told me her hot button issue is when people say “every” “all” “always” and “never.” Making such sweeping statements, she said, ruins their credibility, especially in the eyes of their detractors.

            But you didn’t ruin your credibility, mkey. You didn’t say “every.” You said “most.” You’re safe! 🙂

            • I try not to generalize and, thereby, obviate painting myself into a corner.

              Maybe you haven’t seen that video showing Canada thugs and dictators in chief letting their rulings loose over the plebs (I believe it was the curious case of fascist outpour over the truck driving terrorists).

              HRS might hook us up with a link for your viewing pleasure. Essentialy, in that press event recording, Crissy is exhibiting remarkably odd behavior. It seemed like she cameoed fidgety mannerisms of a TV portrayed meth junkie.

              Thus I assumed she’s chasing that crescent PCP dragon. And since misery loves company, safe to assume they smash that powder together.

              • Trou d’eau (pronounced like Trudeau, but means ‘puddle of water’) just closed the debate in the House over Bill C11, that infamous bill that is going to supposedly encourage Canadians to watch more Canadian content in social media sites. That means that it will be pushed through rapidly without debate. He isn’t even pretending to allow us any democracy.

                Pardon the GooTube, that’s where Poilievre posts his stuff:


                His name is perfect. Oh yeah, and Justin, in French, when said quickly, sounds like ‘juste un’, which means ‘just a’. Put them together. You gotta admit, his parents had foresight.

              • Wow, glad I asked what you meant by meth head followers, mkey. Thanks for putting out an APB on HRS (I’ll reply to him in a sec).

                And thanks for supplying the emergency call for clicks by Pierre P. (not T.), lotusblossom.

                The next YT video that popped up was this speech he gave against the bill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74SiZeN922E

            • Here is something else that might be of interest: lawsuit against Canada’s Federal Government for the use of the emergency act by the Canadian Constitution Foundation taking place April 3-5th, 2023.


              I just watched the YT video (again, no choice, that’s where it’s posted) and the rep said they are allowed to use some of the testimonials presented during the Rouleau Commission. As Corbett would say, let’s not hold our breath, but if they win, YAY!

            • Sometimes I start to believe that the system can be fixed before shaking myself from it and realizing that if Poilievere ever makes it as PM of Canada, he will be forced into submission:


              Here he tells the tale of how airplanes were invented and makes a point of saying that the government was utterly worthless. The Wright Brothers did it by themselves, and these low-born citizens were heroes. Government funding was wasted on a loser. (OK, P. didn’t use the word loser, but…)

              • lotusblossom

                Maybe Pierre P. will be the exception to the rule? Maybe he will be elected PM (one can hope) and will refuse to submit.

                I never knew about the failure of the government-funded airplane.

                Sent this video to my pilot friend in Toronto, who walked away from his job rather than take the jab.

                Haha, I’m sure Pierre meant “loser” (or worse), even if he refrained from saying it.

        • WATCH THIS animated gif of Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Finance taken from formal announcements to the Canadian people.

          Quick…light that crack pipe.

          • Never saw this ’til now, HRS.

            Thanks for coming to the rescue. Mkey knew you’d have the goods.

  10. This is indeed true. A good public figure to examine on this subject is Prince Harry if you are as interested in this phenomena as I am.
    I believe that there are more psychopaths and narcissists out in the world than the psychiatric articles would let on, and I truly think that Psychopathy is the head of the hydra.

  11. Typo: “Jidda” Krishnamurti should be Jiddu

    During the early Covid protests in 2021, I went to a protest with a sign I had made with the quote you mentioned: “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” Its a powerful quote, and I felt it best encapsulated what was going on in the world.

  12. I wonder whether any candidate will campaign on the theme “I am not a psychopath.”

  13. This is fantastic series of articles JC. Many things are starting to make sense after reading this.Thanks!

  14. Well….taking a breath…I’ve read all three installments of this, and scrolled past the same old folks’ endless comments here, so erudite!!, and yet, I wonder?

    Is it a not okay reference, or did I forget in the past years to mention that Michel Foucault clearly and historically showed that psychiatry was actually invented as a way, as per the request of the euro “judiciary”, to incarcerate those who had committed no crimes?
    Was I made irrelevant here too soon to mention that? Shame…but that’s how it is.
    Oh, well, spent all my time in school waiting for the boys to catch up, anyway. Got to read some cool things while they were catching up with what I got the first day.
    Same same, no different.
    But hey, you all wouldn’t want to lose all those psychiatric definitions of what’s wrong with women, would you? Watch out, treading on thin ice here.

  15. Dr. Zimbardo’s thesis isn’t fully explanatory. Yes, there are social & situational forces (upbringing, good/bad family, abuse, dehumanization, torture, etc.) which influence one’s behaviour. But I am not convinced that these sum of these horrible forces would necessarily turn every human being into an evildoer or a psychopath. (Why wouldn’t such abuses turn some or many individuals the other way, towards “saints”?) I don’t think the current conventional psychology & psychiatry can satisfactorily explain the real nature of evil.

    (I agree with most of what Dr. Levine said in Finding Mental Health SolutionsWatch, his weakness is that he does not correctly consider what “true/real” religion is and why religion is rational/irrational… Spinoza’s & Einstein’s religion is a mock religion. And I think Einstein was intelligent enough to understand that what he believed was a sham self-deception. Not so sure about Spinoza…)

    Quoting G.K. Chesterton, such approach is a part of the “torrent of modern talk about treating crime as disease”. Chesterton’s “Orthodoxy” is an excellent attempt/analysis of who should be locked up in Hanwell (London’s first pauper lunatic asylum opened in 1831) and who should not:

    “The fallacy of the whole thing is that evil is a matter of active choice whereas disease is not. If you say that you are going to cure a profligate as you cure an asthmatic, my cheap and obvious answer is, “Produce the people who want to be asthmatics as many people want to be profligates.” A man may lie still and be cured of a malady. But he must not lie still if he wants to be cured of a sin; on the contrary, he must get up and jump about violently. The whole point indeed is perfectly expressed in the very word which we use for a man in hospital; “patient” is in the passive mood; “sinner” is in the active. If a man is to be saved from influenza, he may be a patient. But if he is to be saved from forging, he must be not a patient but an IMPATIENT. He must be personally impatient with forgery. All moral reform must start in the active not the passive will.”

    ( http://www.gkc.org.uk/gkc/books/ortho14.txt

    https://www.chesterton.org/crime-and-punishment/ )

    Continued with next post…

  16. Try as you may, I don’t think atheistic or non-Christians societies & individuals can come up with a good explanation or a perfect just society – no law or legal system on its own can fully address ethics/morality and truth!

    (This is the key point of Christianity of the New Testament with respect to the Old Testament of Jews. Very aptly, the key Christian/Catholic holy day Easter ceremony reading concludes with verse 17 of the Gospel of John – “because while the law was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. https://www.vatican.va/archive/ENG0839/_PX9.HTM )

    “Once abolish the God, and the government becomes the God.”

    “When you break the big laws, you do not get freedom; you do not even get anarchy. You get the small laws.”

    ( See https://www.chesterton.org/quotations/government-and-politics/

    Ironically, a very good explanation of “When you break the big laws” quote can be found on the Community in Mission blog of the Archdiocese of Washington:

    https://blog.adw.org/2013/06/when-you-break-big-laws-you-get-small-laws-a-meditation-on-a-teaching-by-chesterton/. )

    “The key concepts here are Chesterton’s notion of 1) “sin” and of 2) “truth” for example

    If it be true (as it certainly is) that a man can feel exquisite happiness in skinning a cat, then the religious philosopher can only draw one of two deductions. …

    It is true that some speak lightly and loosely of insanity as in itself attractive. But a moment’s thought will show that if disease is beautiful, it is generally some one else’s disease.

    And if great reasoners are often maniacal, it is equally true that maniacs are commonly great reasoners. … etc.” ( http://www.gkc.org.uk/gkc/books/ortho14.txt )

    How do we know what is “True”? And unless the psychologists and psychiatrists can explain and address “sin” and thus evil, their explanation and treatment will be insufficient even ridiculous as Dr. Levine pointed out!

    Dostoevsky’s ‘Crime and Punishment’ was a literary approach towards a correct explanation. Chesterton’s “Father Brown” detective stories were another good approach towards crime, and
    some psychologists are discovering the true nature of the problems and Chesterton’s deep insights:

    “‪It was in 1927, in The Secret of Father Brown, that G.K. Chesterton wrote the following,‬
    ‪which rather succinctly‬… ‪No man’s really any good till he knows how bad he is, or might be‬…”


    It is not so much about a scientific/psychological “Lucifer effect”. It is more about Lucifer himself/herself, and about how the Demons act in the world and how they can get into people heads and minds. There has been a lot of talk about a new interesting movie Nefarious coming April 14. I haven’t seen it but judging by a plethora of reviews and comments of people who have seen the previews, this may be one of the most enlightening and important movies of our time!


  17. The 4% idea is not very helpful, although it is clear that the dissociated state that leads to psychopathology is widespread in this era. The trigger is trauma. In elite society, trauma is doled out in a measured way, through boarding schools where a particular kind of bullying is encouraged, against a backdrop of enforced separation from the nurturing environment of a supportive family. As this is a generational tradition in the elites, there is actually almost no awareness of having a safe, loving, compassionate home for those who are groomed to become leaders. Another proposal that I feel could be seen in a slightly different light is the idea that these individuals are somehow a different type from the rest of us. Actually, we humans have all suffered ancestral trauma, and the problem of dissociation is common in every lineage, in every family even. I would like to make a proposal, coming from my 35 years experience as a clinical psychotherapist, and working with whole families. The dissociation does not eliminate shame. It merely buries it deep inside the subconscious realm. Actually, we can not be entirely dehumanised. My experience is that even the most dissociated of us can find their way back home, and can recover the connection with the true Self. I could explain more about how this can be achieved, but this comment is only to point out that we are dealing here with a pathology, which is a disturbance. And as such, a cure is always possible. Of course, the cure will not come from modern psychiatry or any form of pharmaceutical medicine. But it is possible, and given the scale of the problem, which is by no means a black and white problem, but more of a spectrum, that more or less affects us all, it is a blessing that we have the capacity to heal, even from deeply traumatic histories.

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