Interview 1907 – Dissecting the (s)Election with Whitney Webb

by | Oct 30, 2024 | Interviews | 28 comments

via “In this episode, Whitney is joined by independent media veteran James Corbett to discuss the upcoming US presidential election, how it differs from previous cycles and why rejecting the corrupt political duopoly is more important than ever.”



Episode 404 – A Brief History of Hopium

The Media Matrix – Full Documentary

Narya and Peter Thiel Lead Investment in Rumble

The Strange Story of Peter Thiel | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (coming soon)

The Secrets of Silicon Valley: What Big Tech Doesn’t Want You to Know

The Man Behind Trump’s VP Pick: It’s Worse Than You Think

Episode 429 – Meet Elon Musk, Technocratic Huckster

“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East

16 Years After Iraq, The US Has Become A Nation Of Passive Neocons

Deep State Rising: The Mainstreaming of the Shadow Government

Episode 395 – Precedent Trump

A Brief History of Political Assassinations

Episode 389 – Debunking the JFK Silver Certificate Myth

One Nation Under Blackmail

Episode 454 – JFK: From Mongoose to Gladio

Mae Brussell predicts the Reagan assassination the day before the shooting

Hinckley wasn’t the shooter?

“Sustainably” Surveilling and Tokenizing Nature: The Case of O.N.E. Amazon

‘Gaps And Inconsistencies’: Up To $41 Billion In World Bank Climate Handouts Unaccounted For, New Report Finds

Mysterious record methane surge since 2020 was not fossil fuels but “90% due to microbes”

Sustainable Debt Slavery

Solutions Watch | The Corbett Report

Fight the Banksters with Cash Friday – #SolutionsWatch




  1. “Quote/unquote assassination attempts”, well yes but I prefer ALLEGED assassination attempts. Hardly any pundits, MSM or ALT, seem willing to hypothesize that these AAA’s are staged or faked. I guess these are seen as being too big of lie? No one would deceive us like this, right?

    • Those stage production “Quote/unquote assassination attempts”,” were hokey and fake as hell events, and it’s obvious to the mainstream alt-news who pretend they were real. I finally realized the reason for this is they simply don’t want to alienate the Trump base for revenue and clicks, so they just go merrily along with the ruse.

  2. I love how while the choices keep getting worse, the push to obligate voting keeps getting stronger.

    I have seen, for the first time, commercials stating how while who we vote for is “private”, if we vote is public. If we don’t vote “our family, friends and neighbors will know”, oh the horror.

    And now I see a commercial stating “everyone else is voting, don’t be left out”.

    This psy101 level mass manipulation is quite interesting, I don’t know if they mean it just as a tool to actually get people to vote (which I understand it does increase voting) for their ever worsening options, or if it is simply a stepping stone to where they are taking us: “good citizens vote, don’t you want to be a good citizen, you do if you want to eat.”

    I have not voted since the scam that was Obama, and I certainly don’t plan on changing that now. They can do as they will, but I will not participate in their delusion.

    I am often disappointed in American’s behavior, their falling for one scam after another, but I will say, I am heartened to notice how few signs or stickers of Biden, Harris or Trump I have seen this season. Not ONE campaign sign on any lawn or car in my community, not one. The only signs you see are the ones placed anonymously in public places. With one notable exception, there is a wealthy gated senior community near where I live, I bike through there, you do see a lot of Trump, and to a lesser degree Harris signs there. The “Greatest Generation” will buy into the phantasmagorical phenomena that is democracy at all cost, to them ignorance truly is bliss.

    • I need to add to the idea this is an incremental approach to obligatory citizenship, instead of the government being there for us, we are there for the government. We are obliged to serve the government, the governemnt has no obligation to serve us, which it most certainly does NOT.

      The idea they are showing each side how terrible Trump and Harris actually are, makes me think this is part of the beating down of free will (1984 “how many fingers am I holding up”). Harris was not a democratically elected primary candidate, but the product of a carefully orchestrated coup, perpetrated with the full cooptation of Trump and the Republicans. Why would Trump agree to a debate before the party conventions actually chose their candidates (Biden was in no shape to run for Pres, and all of Washington knew that, so why help him out the door with an unpresented/unorthodox (no audience) pre-convention debate) other than to start the ball rolling of the coup to install Harris as the Democrat’s candidate. They knew Harris would not win the Democrat Primaries, so they did a bait and switch using Biden. After the Biden and Trump debate, the “we were lied to” nonsense from the media and influencers began, as well as the calls from all circles for Biden to step aside, which he did just at the right time.

      Nevertheless, they wanted Trump v Harris, and that is what we have, two “flawed” candidates (of course using the word flawed for these two POS is like calling the 9/11 report simply flawed), and we are told we need to vote “our nation and Democracy itself is in peril” (again).

      They have given Harris one issue, abortion, which again was carefully reintroduced as an issue when the Supreme Court dutifully made it so. Funny how these things play out so seamlessly. Of course, it is rather galling how when it comes to killing a fetus it is, “my body my choice”, but that philosophy goes out the window when it comes to an experimental unnecessary MNRA shot. At the risk of being rather provocative, it is nevertheless safe to say, the “believe the science” narrative was far more accepted within the Democrat/Hillary Clinton/Predominantly Female perspective, as well as the push for mandatory “vaccines”. Seems the hypocrisy of their perspective is lost on them. They did not do that under Trump, that would go against his image, so they waited for Biden, whose supporters believe in forcing people to do what is right from their grossly misguided perspective.

      Like all of these operations, there is more than one objective, they have big plans for this election whomever they choose to install, but one aspect of it seems to be the idea that being invested and participating in their system is required to be a citizen in good standing.

      • Australian citizens are fined something like 200 dollars if they don’t vote.

        I never have. I don’t support govt. by representation. That’s “passing the buck”.
        A young woman involved in the Kerry campaign hopes some years ago began to chide me for not voting. I asked her “why do you value voting? ”
        She was stumped. I suggested, “Is it because it gives you choice?”
        She admitted that this was so. “Well, then,” I said, “I choose to not vote.”
        Slam dunk.
        “Don’t vote, it only encourages them. ” Utah Phillips

        • Well said, poor Aussies, they seem to be the testing ground for many of the globalist’s societal experiments.

          One of my favorite historical figures to quote is Mark Twain, he turned out innumerable quotes that were as poignant today as they were in his time. His quote about stating “if voting made a difference they would not let us do it”, is so right on the money.

          So few people can face the breadth and scope of the enemy which faces humanity, so they cling to the artifacts of they myths associated with our Western society, voting being one of them.

          • You write “so few people can face”, but the better way I think to state this is that they are not willing.
            That’s when we enter the realm of denial.
            Much has been denied, both publicly/politically, and personally.

            I call alcoholism “the disease of denial”.
            Oz is the second most alcoholic nation , after Germany.
            The end of flagrant murder of the aboriginals there was quickly followed up by
            “legal” human trafficking trades, like Germany.

            Thanks for my Halloween ’24 motto:
            “All the answers reside in what’s been denied. “

            • I do not agree whatsoever, it is best not assume what people can and cannot deal with.

              The Jewish/Zionist matrix is vast and all encompassing, to believe everyone within that matrix is simply unwilling to see it is unjust and a gross oversimplification of the situation.

              To wit, Christians believe in something that is absolutely impossible, is it simply an unwillingness to see their beliefs are a myth, or is it much more than that?

              I would say, humans are ill-equipped to deal with such relentless malevolence, most are rather simple in nature, just want to live their own lives. This Zionist scourge prays upon the weaknesses and fears of the masses, it is NOT humanity’s fault we have this virus attacking us, each deals with this evil in their own way. The victims are never at fault for how they deal with the abuse.

  3. Heaven forbid you point this out to the hopium addict. They can remain in stasis much like of a marble statue that can’t see,feel, or be cognizant of the fire that is burning everything in Rome.
    The level of avoidance is seen right now by these Americans I’m speaking of, the gullible, who ignore what the Zionist are doing to Gaza, Lebanon and Iran .
    I tell these people , these stasis addicts, when they finally do complain about something, this was last nights conversation with a friend in Shelbyville , Ky.

    “”the lake is 2 feet down and it’s our water supply, I hate to see it””
    ” You just had a hurricane a hundred miles south of you, didn’t it flood there?”
    “” It rained one afternoon, we are in a dry spell.””
    ” welcome to Zionism”
    “”I don’t know what Zionism is””
    ” The full control and taking of all resources of a people, nature, region,city, state or country by technology, deception, violence and force. World racketeering .”
    ” “That’s pretty deep.””

    I think I’m in very deep waters. Thanks to Whitney and James for firming up the ground I’m wading in . I’m sending this to my friend in Shelbyville. Maybe he won’t turn to stone.

  4. Our recent past is our foreseeable future, because neither the ideology nor the power-centers profiting from it have changed. Far too many worry about possibilities more then understanding reality.

    The social engineering for the past century has been very successful in creating today’s weak population who talk in cliche’s as if they thought it up themselves, who participate in behaviors, when looked at with clear eyes is quite foolish and filled with cartoon mentality.

    The fundamental weapons/tools of deception are the encouragement of FEAR and a belief in SCARCITY. We are not a nation founded on any religious values but rather founded on greed and control

    In 1604, a group of leading UK politicians, businessmen, merchants, manufacturers and bankers, met and formed a corporation called the Virginia Company in anticipation of the imminent influx of white Europeans into the North American continent.

    After the original American colonies won their ‘independence’ and an ‘independent’ country was formed after 1783, the Virginia Company simply changed its name to… the United States of America. The United States of America is not a country, it is a corporation owned by the same bloodlines who owned the Virginia Company. Hence the “Executive” branch of our government (control-mind) reality, so well sold by myth and lies to be a “bastion” of freedom.

    Through the ongoing destruction of freedoms and sovereignty and natural evolutionary progress, humans have abdicated self-control for a belief that others need to be in charge of medicine, education, values, etc. using the method of “Demon’s and Redemption” I have talked about here before. Governments, Corporations, Churches, etc. all offer “redemption” at a cost, that is always creating more things to be “saved” from.

    We have been engineered into a perception prison of belief and held in place by shackles of fear. The biggest thing missing from today’s political digital dialog comment box “Einsteins” is SOLUTIONS.

    THEY GOT YOU GOOD (song)

    • The Inqusitions, four hundred years of them, made the word “abdication” a bit irrelevant. Unless being tortured and murdered consists of an “abdication”.

      • I wonder why you and a few others here NEVER have anything but sh*t to say to me??

        I’ve been posting here off and on, for well over a dozen years and the past few years a gang of you have arrived and post thousands of words just about every episode with your “deep” opinions seeking some sort of narcissistic validation perhaps.

        All this pseudo intellectual nonsense is quite sad but definitely reflective of the success of the controllers. I usually just avoid responding to this petty, adolescent tripe but sometimes I think of all the lurkers who check this site out and need to understand that this is not TheGatewayPundit and other pretend “alt” sites.

        Of all the good stuff in my post that could inspire some intelligent conversation, you choose to be an arrogant word cop on a trivial word.

        • Please point out to me the question posed in your post that “could inspire intelligent conversation”.

          Also, your definition of “intelligent conversation”.

      • Very interesting, I am not surprised to hear America was created in some backroom meeting, versus the grandiose myth we are fed, not surprised in the least. America/the West is built on a mountain of lies, one laid atop another.

        I have often wondered how and why areas of centralized power such as Washington DC, London England and The Vatican are nations within nations, seeming sovereign locals yet seats of governments.

  5. I would add, I believe in something called major “lifetime actors”, men or women who have been picked at an early age (family connections) to serve the system: Henry Kissinger, Peter Theil, Elon Musk, Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Larry Fink, Vladimir Putin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John D Rockefeller…and so many more, people whom were chosen to serve a purpose throughout their lives, “made men” if you will. They know what they are doing and they are EXACTLY like actors playing a role, with their scripts and their managers managing their lives and their image.

    You also have lesser lifetime actors, the influencers, people with little power outside their ability to push a narrative in one direction or another, people who may or may not even know they are being used, great example would be Kanye West and Jim Morrison, also the likes of Jeffery Epstein and Alex Jones, who do know they are being used and their role.

    These people do not have free wills, they simply serve at the behest of the powers behind the scenes. They serve because they have no choice, they gain power and live lives of luxury, but they serve a “higher power”, they dare not stray from this life, lest their plane may suffer a mishap.

    This is not necessarily the case, but it is most likely the case.

  6. Thanks for pointing out the hopium of the political party (MAGA) of the “false savior.”
    The MAGA party promises to build four FREEDOM CITIES on federal land! Add that to the national voter ID pushed by Vivek Ramaswamy and lord knows what other changes will be made “for our benefit” (e.g. messing with the food)!
    The implementation of Agenda 21/2030 continues unopposed in my county because we need federal and state funds to finance their mandates. I received a 20% hike in my school taxes this year and they plan to build a bus garage and replace ICE buses with electric ones (in the hills of upstate NY)! I anticipate another huge tax increase and combustion of the new bus garage. Yea.

    • Geez!
      Those property taxes are insidious in so many ways!
      I could rant for hours.

      I’m laughing at the electric bus idea… in cold winter, with hills, high original costs, battery instability especially in humid conditions, parts replacement costs, recharge time, the electric grid strain and the electric bill.
      Those bus heaters will quickly drain a battery.
      Politicians and Government Authorities love to ‘Virtue Signal’ by pushing silliness like this.

  7. It’s humbling to listen to two of THE most insightful brilliant genuine journalist minds out there who are not MSM or MSM alt-media compromised. The sheer brainpower of these two makes me kind of giddy inside just considering that at least some audiences out there are getting unvarnished truth.

  8. OMG Here we go again.
    Just five minutes ago I was sitting outside, considering “choice” in a mechanistically and energetically over-imposed landscape/geography/planet. Of course, the system of wage slavery is always part of it .

    I said to myself, “Is that the only choice you have left? Tweedledum or Tweedledee? ” A half minute later a woman walked by me with a Voter’s Pamphlet in her hands. Too much.

    I was thinking about religions…nothing and no one has “choice”….to nations and governments and groups of all kinds, all defined by inclusion and exclusion, and “rules”, some choices for some….and what appears to me a rabid propaganda of choice and will-imposed “personal sovereignty” in the worst interpretation.
    “Everybody wants to rule the world”. Nightmares of Powerlessness fueling Illusions of Grandeur.

  9. There, that confirms that AI was intended to be artificial information.
    It also didn’t take long to see that RFK’s campaign was a feint.
    As I noted when the date of his upcoming announcement of running was released.
    No one expects to win when announcing on an eclipse day.

    “The Society of The Spectacle” Guy Debord

    “The root of the spectacle is that oldest of all social specializations, the specialization of power.
    The spectacle plays the specialized role of speaking in the name of all the other activities. It is
    hierarchical society’s ambassador to itself, delivering its official messages at a court where no one
    else is allowed to speak. The most modern aspect of the spectacle is thus also the most archaic.
    “The spectacle is the ruling order’s nonstop discourse about itself, its never-ending monologue
    of self-praise, its self-portrait at the stage of totalitarian domination of all aspects of life. The
    fetishistic appearance of pure objectivity in spectacular relations conceals their true character as
    relations between people and between classes: a second Nature, with its own inescapable laws,
    seems to dominate our environment. But the spectacle is not the inevitable consequence of some
    supposedly natural technological development. On the contrary, the society of the spectacle is a
    form that chooses its own technological content. If the spectacle, considered in the limited sense
    of the “mass media” that are its most glaring superficial manifestation, seems to be invading
    society in the form of a mere technical apparatus, it should be understood that this apparatus
    is in no way neutral and that it has been developed in accordance with the spectacle’s internal
    dynamics. If the social needs of the age in which such technologies are developed can be met only
    through their mediation, if the administration of this society and all contact between people
    has become totally dependent on these means of instantaneous communication, it is because
    this “communication” is essentially unilateral. The concentration of these media thus amounts
    to concentrating in the hands of the administrators of the existing system the means that enable
    them to carry on this particular form of administration. The social separation reflected in the
    spectacle is inseparable from the modern state — the product of the social division of labor that
    is both the chief instrument of class rule and the concentrated expression of all social divisions.
    to be continued……

  10. “Separation is the alpha and omega of the spectacle. The institutionalization of the social division
    of labor in the form of class divisions had given rise to an earlier, religious form of contempla-
    tion: the mythical order with which every power has always camouflaged itself. Religion justified
    the cosmic and ontological order that corresponded to the interests of the masters, expounding
    and embellishing everything their societies could not deliver. In this sense, all separate power
    has been spectacular. But this earlier universal devotion to a fixed religious imagery was only a
    shared acknowledgment of loss, an imaginary compensation for the poverty of a concrete social
    activity that was still generally experienced as a unitary condition. In contrast, the modern spec-
    tacle depicts what society could deliver, but in so doing it rigidly separates what is possible from
    what is permitted. The spectacle keeps people in a state of unconsciousness as they pass through
    practical changes in their conditions of existence. Like a factitious god, it engenders itself and
    makes its own rules. It reveals itself for what it is: an autonomously developing separate power,
    based on the increasing productivity resulting from an increasingly refined division of labor into
    parcelized gestures dictated by the independent movement of machines, and working for an ever-
    expanding market. In the course of this development, all community and all critical awareness
    have disintegrated; and the forces that were able to grow by separating from each other have not
    yet been reunited.” Guy Debord: “The Society of The Spectacle”

    • Wow! That quote is awesome. Thanks for sharing.

  11. The JFK Assassination almost caused a Nuclear War! – Nov 22, 1963

    Around the 48 minute mark, Whitney Webb and James Corbett discuss John F. Kennedy.

    Abilene, Texas had Nuclear Missiles in the 1960’s
    KTXS Anchor Will Jensen spoke with the last living crew member (Frank Dlugas) from the Abilene, Texas area who played a role in the Cuban Missile Crisis, and he says it wasn’t the only time we came close to World War III.
    [Sidenote: Abilene recently halted their water fluoridation.]
    Thursday October 17, 2024
    Former missile facilities technician remembers Cuban Missile Crisis 62 years later

    “I was on crew 34 then at the Nolan Missile Silo, and I was the MFT, the missile facilities technician,” Frank Dlugas said. “I took care of everything on that site except the missile itself.”

    It was a dangerous and important job for the 23-year-old, now in his 80s. He said he’s the last living crew member of the 12 Atlas F missile silos in our area around Dyess Air Force Base. The Cuban Missile Crisis started October 16th, 1962.
    “We were on what they call a category two, which is a yellow alert,” Dlugas said.
    “We were on a yellow alert all the time. So, that meant the silo had to be ready to launch a missile at any second.”

    It was a 13-day confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. The two superpowers came close to nuclear conflict when American deployments of nuclear missiles in Italy and Turkey were matched by Soviet deployments in Cuba.
    “That was the scary part for a couple of weeks until they got it over with, but the WORST day that I remember that we came pretty close to annihilating the gene population of the world was on November 22nd,” Dlugas said.
    …He said at first, America thought Russia was behind it.

    “We were up in a RED ALERT then we had the missiles actually up out of the silo,” Dlugas said.
    “I raised the missile up out of the silo and was topping it with liquid oxygen.”
    “I mean if their nuclear weapons were as sound as ours were, which they were at the time, they would have completely obliterated Abilene and this area around here,” Dlugas said…

    “Well, I’m very thankful because, like I say, anybody with a brain in his head and a feeling for HUMANITY would know what you’re about to do would destroy all of the human gene on the face of the earth,” Dlugas said.

  12. When reading through Whitney’s post “Sustainability Surveilling….the case of O.N.E. Amazon”, I reached a dizzying point of view. Information seekers, seeking information on information to the nth degree.
    “What the heck do they have about information? ” I had to ask. I got a clear image.

    These guys were “gathering information” in college on everyone around them. They themselves didn’t have dates, or go to dances, or socialize at large; nor were they invited to parties, . They watched from the sidelines, like the geeks they are, and sought their revenge through amassing information on everyone “else”. Those “others”.

    And even when they do those “human” things like party and court and mate, as one great lyricist expressed, “you watch yourself from the sidelines like your life is a game you don’t mind playing to keep yourself amused. ”

    Mostly they can’t figure out how to be human. It eludes them. They crave and seek the “spot light” as they have no inner light guiding them.

  13. I am so glad that Corbett has shownotes, because when they were talking about Climate Change he mentioned a methane study.

    “Mysterious record methane surge since 2020 was not fossil fuels but “90% due to microbes”” is a quick read.

    I guess healthy soil for plants will doom the polar bears.

    • On the Halloween (October 31) edition of ‘New World Next Week’, a variety of stories sync with this Whitney Webb and James Corbett hangout.

      Interview 1908 – BRICS Unveil the NEW New World Order! (NWNW #570)

      Story #1: Oops, Science Was ‘Settled’ Until It Wasn’t – Plants Absorb 31% More CO₂ Than Thought

      The above Methane article.

      ‘Gaps And Inconsistencies’: Up To $41B In World Bank Climate Handouts Unaccounted For, New Report Finds

  14. There was some mention of the running illusion of who is in power, including pedos and the manipulation of common people… In the spirit of providing information that gives perspective;
    Here is a link to a whistleblower’s story about such issues – Cathy O’Brien talks about inside workings of the ‘government’ – including having been involved in prostitution and dealing of drugs, but also being pimped out to politicians, and other abuse – “Trance Formation of America: The True Life Story of a CIA Mind Control Slave” –

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