We are living in world-historic times, and, like it or not, the choices that we make over the next few years will have profound implications for the future of the human species.
Whether or not to wear the mask. Whether or not to take the vaccine. Whether or not to get the health app. Whether or not to fill out the digital visitor card. Whether or not to take the chip.
Perhaps the most insidious thing that the would-be rulers of society have ever done is to convince the public that there’s no choice to be made. That in each and every instance, you HAVE to do x, y or z.
But this is a lie. These are choices we are making each and every day. They have always been choices.
Now, don’t get me wrong: choices have consequences. There’s nothing to say you won’t suffer for making the “wrong” choices in the coming years. In fact, the severity of the consequences we face for making day-to-day choices is about to escalate greatly. “No jab, no job” quickly becomes “no vax, no travel” and, inevitably, “no injectable 5G luciferase microchip, no access to the market.” Only those who are deliberately deluding themselves fail to see the reality by this point.
But, nonetheless, we make a choice each and every day to either comply with what we know is wrong or to refuse to go along with the charade. But we have a weapon at our disposal. A secret weapon that has been used throughout the centuries to bring down the dictators.
The would-be dictators are pushing as hard as they can right now to secure control over the masses. Do you have the weapon to disable even the mightiest tyrant? (Spoiler: yes, you do.) Learn all about it in this week’s important edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber. Corbett Report members can access the full newsletter by logging in to the site.
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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 10 issue 34 (October 25, 2020)
by James Corbett Choices. We are living in world-historic times, and, like it or not, the choices that we make over the next few years will have profound implications for the future of the human species. Whether or not to wear the mask. Whether or not to take the vaccine. Whether or not to get the health app. Whether or not to fill out the digital visitor card. Whether or not to take the chip. Choices. Perhaps the most insidious thing that the would-be rulers of society have ever done is to convince the public that there’s no choice to be made. That in each and every instance, you HAVE to do x, y or z. But this is a lie. These are choices we are making each and every day. They have always been choices. Now, don’t get me wrong: choices have consequences. There’s nothing to say you won’t suffer for making the “wrong” choices in the coming years. In fact, the severity of the consequences we face for making day-to-day choices is about to escalate greatly. “No jab, no job” quickly becomes “no vax, no travel” and, inevitably, “no injectable 5G luciferase microchip, no access to the market.” Only those who are deliberately deluding themselves fail to see the reality by this point. But, nonetheless, we make a choice each and every day to either comply with what we know is wrong or to refuse to go along with the charade. But we have a weapon at our disposal. A secret weapon that has been used throughout the centuries to bring down the dictators. The Secret Weapon The “secret weapon,” as it turns out, is not so secret. It has been known and discussed for centuries now. Powerful as it is, though, it is so seemingly simple that it is discarded and forgotten as easily as it is found, only to be rediscovered every generation or two. As listeners to my recent podcast with Keith Knight of Don’t Tread on Anyone will know, the secret weapon has been around for at least five centuries now, articulated with grace, style and concision by Étienne de La Boétie in his 16th-century treatise, The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude.
This wisdom was rediscovered in the 19th century by Henry David Thoreau in his classic work on Civil Disobedience.
And in the 20th century the idea was given new life by Mahatma Gandhi:
And, as listeners of my podcast on Eric Frank Russell’s 1951 story “. . . And Then There Were None” will remember, the inhabitants of the far-away planet of Gand will rediscover this “secret weapon” hundreds of years in the future. In this story, a simple ivory strip with the letters “F—I. W.” engraved on one side is revealed to be the most dangerous weapon in the possession of the the Gands:
As Russell’s story goes on to make clear (listen to it or read it if you haven’t yet done so), the deceptively simple mantra of the non-cooperationist (“Freedom—I Won’t!”) is like a super power. Understood and practiced by an entire planet full of people, the practice of non-compliance makes that people ungovernable and unconquerable. Tyranny cannot exist where there is no one to follow the tyrant’s orders. Yes, as humans have known for hundreds of years, the key to overcoming dictatorship is to engage in active disobedience against it. This is why the state invests so much of its time and energy into propagandizing the public. It requires massive amounts of brainwashing to convince people to go along with a system that is so evidently detrimental to their physical, mental, economic, social and spiritual wellbeing. But it is a sign of the effectiveness of this propaganda that we have to turn to the history books (or the annals of science-fiction) for examples of calls of mass non-cooperation. Thankfully, the era of the “Great Reset” is at the same time awakening a significant portion of the public to the dire nature of our predicament and the need for disobedience. From Victoria to Dublin, the human spirit is rising once again to combat the despotism that is descending upon it. So how can we apply this ancient wisdom to our own lives in the present day? What can we do to start down the path of non-cooperation that will be so essential to throwing off the yoke of technocratic tyranny? Getting Started If we are to have any hope of negotiating the gauntlet of choices that we are about to run through, it is imperative that we be prepared to face the consequences of the choices that we have to make. But before we can even begin to prepare ourselves physically or economically for those consequences, we have to be prepared psychologically. That means committing ourselves to the principle of non-compliance with that which we know to be wrong, and determining where, when and how we make our stand against the authoritarians. Back near the start of this COVID World Order crisis, I wrote a Guide to Surviving a Crisis which exhorted my readers to engage in some self-reflection about their lines in the sand:
Well, here we are seven months later. We are about to enter the “dark winter” of the second wave, which, we are constantly reassured, will be the toughest part of the scamdemic. Worse, the Americans in the crowd are about to go through a (s)election cycle that is almost guaranteed to lead to more widescale unrest. Even the MSM is starting to flirt with the idea that this “could be the beginning of the end” of the United States. If ever there was a time to engage in that round of self-reflection, this is it. If ever there was a time to draw your line in the sand, this is it. Your responses to this round of self-questioning will determine how you go about preparing yourself and your family in real world terms, so be as specific as possible when preparing your list. And be honest with yourself. If you commit yourself to something unreasonable and you end up breaking that pledge, then you may feel like the entire list has been undermined. So, when you prepare your list, write what you mean and mean what you write. What are the things that you are prepared to compromise in a moment of emergency and what is the inviolable line in the sand that you will not cross under any circumstance? Think about your own situation and be as specific as possible. Do you have a loved one who requires ongoing medical attention and who may be subject to harsh restrictions in the event of future lockdowns? Do you have a job that will require you to travel or is likely to require proof of immunity? Do you have children who will suffer if you are forced out of work or out of public life? No one said that the choices we are going to make will be easy. That is why we should start preparing our answers now. What happens next? After you have plotted out the most likely scenarios for the coming years and drawn your line in the sand, it is time to prepare and fortify yourself for whatever may come as a result of that choice. If you absolutely refuse to get vaccinated under any circumstances, for instance, you better be working on securing yourself a job or some means of subsistence that will not require such a thing. If you will not submit to the new digital government IDs or the health tracing apps or the digital currencies, you better be working on developing a community (or a freedom cell) of like-minded people (preferably in your geographical vicinity) who can help to support each other as the walls of the police state start to close in. The specifics of what will be required will depend on where we have drawn our lines in the sand, what resources we already have available to us, the community in which we live and a million other variables. But once we begin defining those variables and wargaming various scenarios, we will be able to come up with concrete plans for securing our food supply, building a local trading community, and stockpiling resources for the times ahead. The future is our choice Non-compliance is a time-tested strategy. It has worked to bring down dictators and empires in the past. No, the victory is not eternal. It does not forever solve the problem of authoritarianism that has always plagued mankind. But guess what? Nothing has, and nothing will. This is part of the way human society functions. It is a struggle that is engaged in afresh by every generation. Anyone who critiques an important strategy for undermining the authority of a dictator because it won’t solve all of humanity’s problems for the rest of eternity is either a troll, a coward or an agent of discord. But let’s for a moment concede everything to the trolls, the cowards and the agents of discord. Your act of non-compliance will change nothing. It will solve nothing. The steamroller of the New World Order will roll right over you and carry on its merry path without a second thought, and your sacrifice will have achieved nothing. As Thoreau observes:
Even if our critics are right that this, our most powerful weapon, will be ineffective against the dictators, they are wrong to imply that our acts of non-compliance are meaningless or wasted. At the end of our life, we will each have to come to our own reckoning. In the scales, we will have to weigh our actions, our decisions and our choices. Did we resist evil? Or did we lay down before it in the hopes that it would leave us alone for a short while longer? That choice—the choice to stand up for what is good or to lie down and comply with evil—is what matters in the final reckoning. Mighty are those who will be able to face their final day with these words upon their lips: “No, I will not comply. No, I will not do as I am told. No, I will not stop what I am doing.” If any of the foregoing leads one to the conclusion that I think these choices will be easy to make or that only the weak will fail the tests that we are about to face, then I have failed in my job as a communicator. On the contrary. Only the strongest of the strong will be able to commit themselves fully to non-compliance. When faced with the prospect of losing their job, how many will stick to their principles? And what about when the ability to buy and sell hinges on you saying “yes” to the demands of the tyrant? Who will separate themselves from their own family or force their children to live as outcasts by refusing to go along with the agenda? Only the fool looks at Gandhi and sees a frail, weak man. If I’m being honest, I, too, worry about these choices and exactly where it is I draw the line in the sand. But as difficult as it will be to maintain the ideal, it remains the ideal. Freedom. I won’t. |
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fuck the fraud. music on a sunday? whacky times.
Nice one padraig!
I see Ian Brown’s Twitter is no more, wonder if he deleted it or it has been totally censored?
My lines have been drawn in the sand, since I was quite young. Growing up in Africa and seeing the corruption and the broken system well out in the open, my eyes were opened to how the powers that be all actually work.
I have not vaccinated my children, I do not wear a mask, I do not distance myself from people (although I do not deliberately encroach on personal space either) I speak openly about what I feel about these restrictions affecting the most vulnerable in society the most. I speak openly about why I choose not to vaccinate. My 81 year old father does not have the flu vaccine they try to encourage him to have every year, he has emphysema. He also has been meeting with his elderly friends and doing what they normally do. My friends and I all meet up and do the things we normally do. I am meeting more and more people who feel the same way I do and some of them have surprised me.
I am not fully prepared for the worst case scenario if it happened suddenly, but I am resourceful and know like minded folk who could and would all team up and support each other. I am confident that all the small cells/groups of people against this shizzle will be able to survive this psychological warfare which could turn physical and very nasty in the not too distant future because human being turns against human being cos survival….
no fear. love life. be ready.
Thanks nexangelus.
I really liked reading your post.
‘Syndemic’ COVID-20 needs ‘Social Vaccine’ as global food shortage begins
As countries are furiously stocking food in anticipation of global food shortages, ‘experts’ are now calling COVID-19 a Syndemic “COVID-20,” requiring a ‘social vaccine’ comprising Universal Basic Income & nutrition, free education, huge dietary changes. The technocrats will stop at nothing, including engineered food shortages, to push their Great Reset into global communism and transhumanism. Christian breaks it down.
When any gov’t spokesperson issues a decree relating to Covid measures and it appears on YouTube with comments enabled, the comments are almost without exception hostile. 🙂
I feel a bit sick though, very dismayed – have known about nonviolence and passive resistance for most of my life, but the organisations of the Peace Movement I have discovered to have either been usurped by the spook agencies or they were started by the spooks in the first place.
Am now a pensioner and dependent on my pension/(aka welfare – pensions are officially welfare now).
So there is no cosy affinity group, and every action that I take, I take on my own. That others will see fit to act with me going on my example, is unknown.
Thanks for the references for further reading.
When any gov’t spokesperson issues a decree relating to Covid measures and it appears on YouTube with comments enabled, the comments are almost without exception hostile. 🙂
I feel a bit sick though, very didmayed – have known about nonviolence and passive resistance for most of my life, but the organisations of the Peace Movement I have discovered to have either been usurped by the spook agencies or they were started by the spooks in the first place.
Am now a pensioner and dependent on my pension/(aka welfare – pensions are officially welfare now).
So there is no cosy affinity group, and every action that I take, I take on my own. That others will see fit to act with me going on my example, is unknown.
One of “Western civilization’s” greatest writers, even philosophers, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, never advocated “peaceful resistance” to evil:
“At what exact point, then, should one resist? When one’s belt is taken away? When one is ordered to face into a corner? When one crosses the threshold of one’s home?…”
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?…The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst; the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!”
— Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956, p. 13 and footnote 5.
Honest Government Ad | Q
Quality satire. No offense meant or implied toward any Q people in the audience.
As James points out by the articles he hyperlinked to, it’s not that vaccines may be mandatory, you just won’t be able to participate in much of society within the pale. You will be a minority “outcast” of society. But overall, I think even at the severe inconvenience, among other things this will cost, your spirit will be full of life knowing you have not gone against your true intuition. This will be the greatest reward.
No jab, no job: Businesses call for right to sack workers who refuse COVID vaccine
The jab won’t be mandatory, however, Health Minister Greg Hunt told Sunrise that the government “have absolutely kept on the table concepts such as no jab no pay, no jab no play.”
Coronavirus Australia: Deputy CMO Nick Coatsworth reveals possible restrictions for refusing vaccine
Speaking at a press conference on Wednesday, Dr Coatsworth said rules like ‘No jab no pay’, which would restrict government payments, could be brought in to ensure more Australians are immunised against the coronavirus.
He mentioned regulations around international and interstate travel, and even moving within the community, would need to be reviewed.
Australian pubs and restaurants could also refuse entry to people who refuse to get vaccinated.
… Dr Coatsworth said other possible measures would need to be discussed and decided by the government. But he listed as possible measures:
• Not being able to go into restaurants
• Not being able to travel internationally
• Not being able to catch public transport
Dr Coatsworth also flagged the idea of “a yellow fever vaccination certificate” he described like what they had in the “olden days”.
… Dr. Zac Turner, a medical practitioner and biomedical scientist with experience in humanitarian vaccine aid, told,…“No longer can we nurse the conspiracy theories of a few, and put us all at risk.”
Perhaps we could begin to share the idea of being “naturalists” (oh hang on that means nudists I think) or purists or Human 1.0…something that defines and connects all of us that don’t want vaccines/transhuman tech upgrades, that prioritise human freedom and health. You know, like make it cool for the kids to trust and believe in our innate or latent abilities for achieving more health and well-being than ever before without the help of Uncle Bill or his psychopathetic mates..
There are bound to be perks. No jab, no pay, no taxes. This could work out wonderfully for whomever was so inclined.
What do you mean by this? That you don’t have to pay taxes if you refuse the vaccines?
Well, if you are refused service, why would you have to pay for it? Fair is fair.
Of course that makes perfect sense, but the government does not see it that way. Me telling the government that I never signed any agreement to have my money taken from me in the first place never stopped them from demanding it.
But you are not generally being denied service, are you? There are two sides to every “contract” and if you are not allowed to use the service that sets some unwelcome precedents.
Not to mention that, if this is carried out strictly and efficiently, one will be forced into the black market anyhow. Depending on how many would accept such a challenge, that could prove to be quite a boon.
Not to mention that, if this is carried out strictly and efficiently, one will be forced into the black market anyhow. Depending on how many would accept such a challenge, that could prove to be quite a boon.
I’m with you 100% on this. This could be a very good thing. And no doubt will open up more opportunities than there are now to participate in black and grey markets, which will then make it easier for more and more people to leave the system if they choose to.
If refusal exceeds 10%, I guarantee “the authorities” will take active measures against us, “criminal penalties” and “re-education.” If only a few percent, they’ll “deal with” us in the “it’s voluntary” manner.
I think this speech by David Ike is worth a listen. He nails the point about “the power of no”, which is how Corbett essentially puts it as well.
Hi James, I think you are a success not a failure, no matter what happens. The success is to find and present the information people are looking for and have it backed up with facts and truth. After that, it is out of your control. Society is a mass of individuals coming together, like a song of many voices. 15 years ago, we didn’t even have a place to go for clear thoughts and truth, now we do. Keep up the good fight, society will find a way. Already – there is bitchute and cryptos (though you need to know which are good and which are bad).. Brave browser and more. You are doing a great job, very successful! Eventually we will have our freedom moment as more and more people change how they do things and walk away from the tyranny. I just ask people questions they can’t answer..How long will you wear your mask? How long will you stay locked down? Why are flu death down 90%? I think it is clear to the awake. Just walk away and the castle will fall. #walkaway
“One man with the truth outweighs the whole world.”
James Corbett has fulfilled his mission. He can no longer fail. But I definitely salute him for continuing on until the end.
From article:
Even if our critics are right that this, our most powerful weapon, will be ineffective against the dictators, they are wrong to imply that our acts of non-compliance are meaningless or wasted. At the end of our life, we will each have to come to our own reckoning. In the scales, we will have to weigh our actions, our decisions and our choices. Did we resist evil? Or did we lay down before it in the hopes that it would leave us alone for a short while longer? That choice—the choice to stand up for what is good or to lie down and comply with evil—is what matters in the final reckoning.
Mighty are those who will be able to face their final day with these words upon their lips:
“No, I will not comply. No, I will not do as I am told. No, I will not stop what I am doing.”
My comment:
Why do we need to wait until the end of our lives, our “final day”, to come to our own final reckoning? Why would there be a reckoning, anyway? What would be the point of that, to review your life and evaluate it? It’s already in the past, gone forever, irrelevant. What is that going to achieve? At that point, you are about to die anyway, so why would it matter to think back and review the decisions you’ve made in life? James, you are sounding a bit religious speaking of final reckonings. Sounds a lot like an inevitable judgement of God, or something. That would be ironic since you were mocking religion at Anarchapulco.
I believe the implication here is that one will not go out with words that have been left unspoken and not lived by. Cowards will die as cowards.
Further, to refer to spirituality, hardly equates invoking religion, does it? The two only briefly cross their paths. Behind religion there is organization and control, while spirituality caters to our sense of being and allows for cocreative life experience. We could refer to this as a overshadowing intelligence, god, spirit or quantum entanglement, but whatever it is it’s not religion.
Absolutely, spirituality and religion are completely different. Religion is the institutionalization of spirituality, the bastardization of spirituality and the essence of life, the unspeakable, unknowable intelligence that we are all made up of like you refer to.
But in spirituality as I experience it, there is no final judgement. However, final judgment and reckoning is is the distinguishable language of the Bible and referred to countless times in western religion. There is no hiding from the all-knowing, big daddy, strict father figure who will damn you to hell if he wishes. This was the feeling I got from James’ words, and I think that idea is nonsense. Who is being judged anyway? Our ego consciousness that most of us think we are? I’m sure other people would interpret final judgments in other ways, but that’s what I felt from it.
My interpretation of what he wrote was that we will judge ourselves based on the choices we make. Eventually, we will get to the end of our lives and review the things we have done and the choices we made and it’s comforting to have as few regrets as possible.
I know when I have done things that go against my moral code, I feel terrible like my consciousness has been narrowed. I don’t know if this is “god” or “human spirit” or “soul” but it is visceral for me. I feel it. It affects me.
If I comply with a fake crisis and tyranny and others follow my lead, I would feel that I have harmed not only myself but others. This is how I was raised. My mother once told me “the thief steals honor from himself”.
My line in the sand is the vaccine and mask outside and I am going to try to come up with a list of things I would like to stop supporting economically, like Amazon, Google, Apple, Microsoft.
It would be helpful if someone could come up with a complete list of these corporations that we need to starve out of existence to stop this nightmare.
This has been a nightmare for me, not in a physical way but psychological and spiritual. It’s like a bad trip that I can’t come down from as if someone punched me in the stomach over and over again. I feel like a captive.
I haven’t vetted the information in these graphics, but they show what we are up against. Almost all major online/television/radio media you come across, almost anything you find in the grocery store or any other store comes from one of a handful of corporations:
“Food”, clothing, common home essentials:
These came in handy for me. Thanks!
“It would be helpful if someone could come up with a complete list of these corporations that we need to starve out of existence to stop this nightmare”
I think it’s not the answer you expected, but it’s the right one, no doubt.
I just wonder who are the owners. Although a company can be owned by another company, at the end, it is always, it has to be, a physical person.
With today technology it is possible to find out, but they don’t want to be known.
We should demand this.
God is dead, we killed him, said Nietzsche.
And then came spirituality.
Certainly I don’t want to defend religion let alone organized religion, but with disappearance of religion we as society lost outside reference point, God is something absolute, unquestionable. Now we are self-referencing, we define ourselves, and that is very tricky and dimly. We have individualized path towards God would probably agree spiritually inclined.
The problem is, every religion has a set of beliefs amalgamated with a set of values and the latter also went down the drain.
How to define nowadays a set of values that won’t be relativised by someone? How to define a set of absolute values?
There will always be a skeptic, in worst case looking for a proof (you know, scientific method), but there is no way of proving this.
Values are about intuition and at the end/beginning about belief.
Also, religions are about long run, eternity, the opposite of our times.
“Lets get together tonight.”
“Ok, but ring me before, just in case”
At least in the West, the “Kingdom of God”, heaven, represents permanence after we die–everlasting peace. And people desire that. They want to hold on to that forever. However, nothing in this life is permanent and it is because we constantly strive for permanence that we constantly suffer. We are grasping at something that always slips away from us. And the desire to live blissfully in heaven is just an extension of that mindset. We want permanence, but this time after we die. Therefore, I don’t think peace can be found through the belief of a religion. It will always leave you wanting more, never satisfied.
In regards to religion making people more virtuous (i.e. good values): is it really genuine virtue if you are doing good deeds, or trying to be a “good” person because you think that’s what a good religious person should do? I think that would be inauthentic.
Of course I don’t want to paint with too broad a brush, or say that every religious person is like this, but it seems that even the “good” products of religion, such as “good” values, are phony most times. They are phony because those who employ them are doing so not because that’s who they genuinely are as a person, but because they act as a means of attaining something else, whether that is heaven or the appearance of virtue among their peers.
Let me start with excerpt from Hiroyuki Hamada’s article:
“As we are born into the social order, where those ideas are reinforced and physically manifest as social framework, we internalize those ideas, we become a part of the social mechanism and the ideas become “reality”.
But strictly speaking this “reality” is somewhat different from what is inherently real in a material sense. What we perceive as “reality” is our interpretation of matter which has been shaped by the imperatives of the social order.”
I think you are thinking anchored in current paradigm, describing how things currently are, more or less. What we definitely know about human nature is that it’s flexible and therefore we have the basis for thinking how things could be and, if we are bold enough, how things ought to be.
Different social framework would make different people. Sure, many, probably most of the people are incapable and/or uninterested in social matters and would follow new “rules” in a ritualistic manner, without understanding, unconsciously. That’s, I think, reality in a materialistic way. I don’t expect most of the people will achieve mindfulness in a real meaning of the word, not depraved new-age meaning.
I have a feeling your reply exudes nowadays lack of values, I don’t mean you personally don’t have values. Interesting, you put good in quotation marks, three times, man.
What do say, should we put goodness as fundamental value?
My response at the bottom of the thread because we ran out of room.
James Corbett said:
“In the scales, we will have to weigh our actions, our decisions and our choices.”
This can apply to the past, present or future.
But, keynote, this is about the individual.
Each individual has their own Code of Integrity, however nebulous it may be at times.
And, each of us, at times, has tripped up following our own integrity.
All in all, it boils down to ME.
Quoting James,
“In the scales, I will have to weigh MY actions, MY decisions and MY choices.”
For example: I’m not gonna wait for some “Leader” to tell me to disseminate or get the word out or make a public statement by non-compliance with mask mandates. Screw that. I’m just gonna do it, and have been, every week for months.
I am proud of my dissemination statistics.
I feel like these dissemination actions are extremely important, and so I’m doing them on my own volition. I do it alone, not with someone else. My courage derives from me, not based on being with others as a group, or a group think. However, I do enjoy being with like-minded folks while doing activism, and I feel that group activism communicates well.
If others want to be sofa-sitters. Fine. Not me. I’m gonna do some dissemination.
I think James Corbett lays it out well at around the 31 minute mark.
A Message to New “Conspiracy Theorists”
Video starts with “chase that tail”. No, James is not telling us guys to chase women. 😉
No, James is not telling us guys to chase women.
That would be a very imprudent advice 😉
Chase that tail! lol that was perfect timing. Can someone meme this please?
For giggles, I replayed it and replayed it. The line comes out like very assertive advice to other men. Broc West could have fun with this.
Haha it completely does, which makes it that much funnier.
Broc, you know what to do!!
Thank you James. I needed a good half time pep talk.
Like so many others, I feel like I’ve been fighting a lonely battle for years. Alienating people close to us and never being able to take those damned sunglasses off.
Thankfully it has also caused many of us to to prepare early. Thereby making some of those choices unnecessary. Unless violence becomes rampant or police confrontations become invasive, I am confident that I can survive pretty well indefinitely. Albeit survive is not the same as living normally. So it won’t be a tea party.
I honestly feel like I have lived a charmed life in light of how much I have gotten away with that the state says is illegal. Even now I have a crowing rooster that the city bans while pampering plants that the state disallows. I back fed my water system with water I collect. I compost “everything”. All in the same fairly small town that I have run a business in for decades. I have pushed my luck and my luck has held.
And even though I am an anarchist. I appreciate how lucky I am to have settled down in in a state that isn’t being totally stupid…yet.
The only thing I haven’t proven is my ability to look at someone pointing a gun at me and tell them to go jump off a bridge.
But I am getting the feeling that I will have the opportunity to test the strength of my convictions well before I have the opportunity to taste freedom.
Decisions need to be made, the list I will.
I recently started to wear a mask in shops because I dread going in shops without one so much that I was going without things. So I can deduce that I am susceptible to pressure
I need a group, something like Alcoholics Anonymous to keep me on track, perhaps that is what this group is. Long may it last. Thank you thank you thank you. One other thing would be to find people in my area who don’t go for the masks failing that move somewhere there are others doing it.
My line is the vaccine – Freedom I Won’t.
Here is my 6 cents in the medium of song
The social pressure is powerful. I think that is why many people wear masks. The risk of being called out in front of everyone in a store for not wearing a mask is greater than the desire to not wear one. Even though I oppose the mask, it is not worth it to me to put up a fight about it in day to day shopping. I did at the beginning, but it gets tiring for me to deal with that every day for something that doesn’t directly harm me. However, my line in the sand is vaccines. The implications of mandatory vaccines is immense. Being fired from your job, not able to take flights or ride public transportation, not being able to attend sporting events or concerts, not being able to shop in your local grocery store. These are very heavy consequences. This requires a lot of planning to find alternative means to still enjoy these things.
Me either, I wear one to go shop. But I’m currently living in CA and it’s enforced here (inside masking). I noticed when I traveled to Arizona to a small town there, they had signs on the door, but many people didn’t wear a mask when going inside to shop. No one said anything either.
The vaccine is also my line in the sand since I don’t want a weird side effect from an experimental drug that serves no purpose. I value my health above everything else. Working with sick people in hospitals has shown me that health is precious.
I’m also in CA, and I originally staunchly refused to wear a mask, but I’ve since then relented and wear one, but I only cover my nose unless certain businesses also require that I cover my nose, which are few. Sometimes I even wear it just to enter and then pull it down or off once I’m in the store and more concealed in the aisles. I think for most of us here, the fear of being arrested is present, but even the social stigma has a strong effect on obtaining compliance as we all just want to get along and it’s hard to fight that feeling. We should however try to organize publicized “no mask days” and events to counter the MSM’s propaganda, where the lack of any “spikes” in deaths or infections will continue to disprove their narrative.
Right now we’re losing the mask battle, but if we can get a small majority to stop masking, then we’ll again be on the winning side as more and more will then leave the masks off, hopefully permanently.
That’s how I see the vaccine issue also. Even if I didn’t know everything that I do (thanks in large part to James’ work) about the history of vaccines/big pharma and the ruling “elite” generally, I still wouldn’t take the vaccine just out of common sense. An illness with a reported fatality percentage of roughly 99.96% (or whatever it is now) is not even remotely worth injecting experimental vaccine chemicals into my bloodstream.
It is really just common sense, a vaccine developed faster than any other vaccine developed. Clinical trial subjects with substantial side effects. An experimental mechanism of action, never been done before. Why would anyone put themselves at risk for a disease that most people survive?
It took me a long time to get used to not wearing a mask where everyone else is. I’m in Melbourne, it’s “mandatory” and nearly everyone complies. I wasn’t prepared to be muzzled though. We are social creatures and we want to fit and belong, and I was the same, I would avoid going places sometimes. Trust me, eventually you will get used to it. It’s a great exercise in detaching from other people’s perceptions of you and it’s worth it to do what you feel is right.
Muchos grathias Sinorita Suzt. Your story’s are inspiring. I can’t believe that guy sprayed you with chemicals. Yuck.
I’m somebody who hasn’t taken a paracetamol in about 10 years, so a whole vaccine no thanks.
I get food at this shop where there is a young girl who gets panicky when I come in, last time she rang the bell and asked to go on a break just before I got to the till. I’m like a mud monster after a day on the farm, I can tell she is repulsed by it. The poor girl. She’d be healthier if she shook my soil filled hand.
Oh cool! SuzieQ!
From Sydney, Australia
– Keeping daughter (5 years old) home from school today. School says if child has any flu-like symptoms they cannot return until they have a negative Covid test and a clearance certificate. I don’t want my daughter to have the test (that I don’t trust) so I guess she won’t be having flu-symptoms anymore. Reasoning today is that she didn’t sleep well because of the storm.
– I have to say that some of these negotiations are challenging in our household as people have different ‘lines in the sand’.
Herd Stupidity
(A little over 3 minutes)
Source is from Tony Heller’s YouTube.
Epic speech by Tory MP Desmond Swayne who destroys Matt Hancock (not in the room) & The Government’s Narrative.
I like the way that guy thinks.
The Bible, primarily, the Book of Revelation, is becoming “real” right in front of our eyes. ALL of us will be compelled to make a Choice in the foreseeable future, to accept some sort of physical “Mark” on our bodies, in order to “buy or sell.” We are warned that accepting that “Mark” will bring horrors in this life, and in the afterlife. Apart from the “religious” implications, such a “Mark” will be the permanent end of your individual freedom, as you will be tracked and controlled on every tiny decision you make.
I urge you, whether you take the Bible seriously or not, to consider the permanent consequences of accepting their “vaccine” or their “immunity passport” which is the leading candidate for that “Mark.” YES, I know it will mean misery and death to refuse, but freedom matters, and the warnings of God matter even more.
Revelation makes clear it’s something that will be obvious to others so that they can allow or disallow us to “buy and sell.” No such scheme has ever been tried. No such scheme was even conceivable prior to the age of electronic computers.
As for who will be held accountable, obviously a child younger than the age of accountability will not be thrown into the flames for having the damnable Mark put on them. Likewise with those too young to understand the Gospel in general.
The only real strength comes from God, usually through His Holy Spirit. One may be a quadriplegic, and still have inner strength exceeding the beefiest men.
Gandhi didn’t “defeat” the British. The banksters who orchestrated World War II did. Britain was exhausted by the fratricidal war, and “anti-racism”/”anti-colonialism” led to the political decision.
NO “peaceful resistance” has ever defeated a conquering army or occupier. That’s propaganda from the System to lull the Sheeple into believing armed resistance is unnecessary. Same as how the System pushes us all to “vote.”
I hadn’t thought of the switch from colonialism to fake democracy in terms of Gandhi. Seems he might have been an agent…
The trick has been very clever – move from colonialism which was a visible enemy, to controlled democracies where the leaders of every party are under the control of the same hidden leaders. Where there is “free trade” meaning multinationals. Where the media are controlled. Where the military are controlled. Where education is controlled. Where banking is controlled. And so on… So that there is greater control under”democracy” than there ever was under colonialism but now people no longer have a visible enemy you align against.
This is what the roundtable set out to accomplish. So was Gandhi in the circle of helpers ? It appears so.
We’ve lived under a shadow regime for at least two centuries, with the core of that shadow “world government” regime being the banksters. Everything done by “respectable” countries and entities was directed by and/or approved of by them. Orwell was a prophet or someone otherwise privy to secrets, as he so aptly described what was then, and what has happened now. The fake “conflicts” between “the West” and “the East” (either Russia or China), all theater for the Sheeple.
Was Gandhi part of The Problem? I don’t know. He seems to have had a character a lot less “noble” than he’s been popularly perceived as, but, he also seems to have had some noble traits not consistent with being their (willing) servant boy. Likewise with King, and the latter part accounts for his “neutralization.”
Thanks! Always more to the story!!!
Again, You bring some interesting stuff to the table.
Thanks so much.
Well, Gandhi’s movement influenced MLK and Christianity as well. Without Gandhi, would there have been a Civil Rights movement here in the US? We’ll never know what might have been.
I think the banksters definitely influence things, but I think it’s hard to control everything with the certainty of the outcome.
Non-violent resistance/civil disobedience can be very effective to change the hearts and minds of the people enforcing the “rules”. Human to human interaction is important. After all, people of conscience outnumber those without. It’s just a matter of reaching the majority to do what is right, rather than go along with tyranny.
I also think that violent resistance has its place as well. Thanks for the information on Gandhi. I have heard he was not the martyr he claimed to be. I don’t think the same can be said about MLK. As far as I know, King was a man of integrity and bravery that spoke to the heart of the masses.
Isn’t India still under colonial “influence” (very strong) to this day???
African Justice for BG/MG 2020, then India second in line!
Recommended read
At the end he astray with China, still he makes some good points about it.
Rage at the Machine said it best; F U I WONT DO WHAT YOU TELL ME!
Ghandi refused no matter what the consequences to him, being beaten, jailed, killed. When the S.African. government forbade Indians to go from one province to another, he gathered the Indians about him and said either you all follow me in disobeying no matter what is done to us or we don’t do it. This led to the first victory of non-whites against the white government. I tried unsuccesfully to persuade a black woman who cleaned my room at University: I said you Blacks should go en masse to all the places where you are forbidden, the cinema, cafés, concerts etc. until the jails can no longer hold you. She said, no, she was worried about her children
Refusal does not always work but I have a good story to tell about a successfull refusal. I was at a posh English boarding school in South Africa which was somewhat militaristic. Prefects had the right to inflict punishments on the boys for minor misdemeanours; after three punishments you were obliged to attend a prefects meeting where they could yell at you and beat you. You could receive a punishment for not knowing what was happening in the rugby gamnes. After a bad verbal experience with prefects I decided I was never going to co-operate in any way. They walked like gestapo up and down our domitories asking about the rugby. I think I was physically the weakest boy in the school, Fortunately I was in the third bed the prefect came to. I said, “Don’t ask me anything, I’m not interested.” When he picked up his book for punishments, “I said, “Don’t write anything in that book. I will not do it.” Suddenly the whole dormitory rose up in revolution and we chased him out and down the stairs. Fortunately we had the most humane Housemaster and he said, “Leave Felix alone, he is interested in music.” After that no one was obliged to watch the rugby matches. If I had had one of the other harder Housemasters I would have refused anyway, no matter what happened.
Later when I was a senior with a study of my own, younger boys came up to consult me on how they could refuse to do things.
Nice account.
I despised their sports at school as well. They mostly left me alone however as I think they were frighted of what I might do to them with technology. Especially after walking around with a light bulb in my hand that was lit up without it being plugged in (Well before the days when you could get bright low voltage LED bulbs!)
That is a very inspirational anecdote!
I think a good but unfortunate way to determine absolutely whether an individual in this world was playing for the right team is to see if they have been taken out. Most who have looked into it would deem John Lennon to be one such person. What was it that made him so dangerous he could not be allowed to survive? Simply staying in bed and saying don’t participate and a system is powerless. All the bluster of those participating in BLM and other movements designed to aggravate, with responses well planned for, have nothing by way of power compared to these simple few words James is echoing here. A system relies on interdependence. Don’t participate and down comes the whole deck of cards.
Some tips from the experts…. a little dated (1944) but still good for ideas.
Best thing is you no longer have to travel all the way to a foreign country to carry it out anymore.
Tyranny is now available by home delivery!
Here are my choices:
1. mask? only if required to enter the store (I’m in CA, so most require it.)
2. vaccine? – hell no
3. health app? – likely will require vaccine, so another hell no
4. digital visitor card? – if vaccine required, then hell no
5. chip? – total hell no
6. relocate? – most likely
I highly agree that we need to start building our communities now with like-minded conspiracy factualists we trust.
It’s fascinating actually. In a bad way. It’s like the learned helplessness experiments on dogs. I am fighting the effect on my own psyche. I’m a strong person, but I don’t like confrontation and I always feel so anxious without a mask. I’ve been harassed before for not wearing one or given dirty looks. It’s so uncomfortable. I hate this time we are living through, that will likely get worse. Like a nightmare that goes on to the next one and you keep trying to wake up.
I could also see it as a challenge to refuse to comply and “go along” regardless of how uncomfortable I feel.
Thanks for this write-up GENDUN LAMA.
We are in South Africa
In many ways I feel like we are almost the poster children of covid restrictions, as we have been going through all these restrictions for months now
I wear a mask (under the nose)to get into the store, or else we are refused entry. I walk around in malls without one – do get the I hate you stares a lot. For all else, hell no!
As a business owner to 30 employees, we have all the covid signage on the front door, but no one wears masks – in my view its a form of torture to wear a mask for an entire day.
I will not enforce any vaccines on my employees. However, we work with big banks, and Im pretty sure they will start bullying us at some time, but that bridge we will cross when we get there, and enforcing vaccines is a no-no to me.
I am busy converting my fellow owners (my husband included) to conspiracy theorists, as I do believe we will need to be wide awake before the final onslaught starts
Relocation is an option – but I agree with James, we might need to fight for our freedom no matter where we go. Trying to grow the idea of freedom cells/ independent communities, but a lot of South Africans are still glorifying the new normal at this point.
Regards from the darkest summer in recent South African times
I strongly agree with
Irish red head Dave Cullen (Computing Forever) on
the importance of REACHING JOE NORMIE.
REACHING JOE NORMIE – I believe that this will always be the way forward, no matter where we are in the world.
I don’t recommend watching the entire Dave Cullen video from the beginning, unless you have time to burn, or unless you want the audio for background while you do other things, or unless you are interested in perspectives of “How Joe Normie Thinks”.
BITCHUTE – Computing Forever
I could use some serotonin.
Thanks for the communication.
You hit it with me here…I resonated with 40 Hours Per Week Wearing A Face-Mask! – TRUTH & TYRANNY.
October 28, 2020
FACT CHECK – Corbett’s “Your Guide To The Great Reset”
via Dr. Mercola’s article What You Need to Know About ‘the Great Reset’
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We follow ethics principles recommended by the Associated Press Media Editors, and we even have adopted Associated Press style guidelines to distinguish our writing style from other health sites.
Therefore, when it comes to the topics we cover, we fact check every claim we make, and clearly identify sources, vet the people we interview and write about, and verify all medical information with referenced, hyperlinked, medical literature sources.
We do use news hooks gathered from mainstream print and broadcast media, but we don’t rush to print our version of the story in the name of a “scoop.” Instead, we take time to investigate the article topic and dig deeper than what you see in other health and news sites — including mainstream news media — asking ourselves: Are the quotes accurate? Is there a backstory the news source missed that we need to share with our readers? Is the article accurate and honest?…
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Cindy Bevington Olmstead is our content researcher and editor. Before joining, she worked more than 23 years in the newspaper industry as an investigative reporter, winning more than six dozen state and national awards — 44 of them first place — during her tenure…
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I have not heard of Claire Edwards before but she hits just about every nail squarely on the head with this reading.
Meme based on movie “Get Out”
Why the government tells you that the virus is so dangerous..
Can also be applied to 9/11.
Here’s some humor for you 😉
Any similarities with real life are purely coincidental.
Great background sound!
That was one minute well spent. It helps with sanity.
Luke Pompey’s COVID19 Test “Test”
This Brit apparently ordered in the “test” kit, didn’t swab anything, sent the “sample” back in and has gotten a positive result. To be perfectly honest, the “test” is so sensitive that probably by the very virtue of the swab being somewhere near you for a minute or two is going to pick up enough material that can be then multiplied a hundred of thousand million times to net a positive result.
What an agenda!
I guess the bogus test would come in handy for work if a person got paid leave from the employer. 😉
The world is insane.
Oh cool! Leonardo!
Good job on the health front.
Welcome to the comment boards.
There are a lot of folks from Spain and the Americas here who speak Spanish.
But your English sounds better than most Texans can say it. 😉
Alex Jones and Joe Rogan talk vaccines – The pro-vaxxers want this censored by Spotify and are leaving Spotify.
“U.N. vaccine causes polio”
90 second Video on Twitter
The comments under the Twitter are interesting to read.
So he wasn’t a saint, just a man.
I don’t know how it is in other places but where I am in southern Ontario the govt has an insidious way to get people to wear masks: the stores are fined if they allow anyone inside not wearing a mask.
Now, I have a favourite Philly cheesesteak place. I’ve known the owner for years and they’re the best cheesesteaks outside of Philadelphia. I can’t not go there. But I don’t want the guy to be fined so what do I do? I wear a mask, like a good little Canadian. Yes, I’m weak, but you haven’t tasted these cheesesteaks.
Of course, I’ll refuse the vaccine, but I suspect the WHO psychologists are working right now on how best to sell it, and it won’t be the way you expect.
God Speed James! I can only pray that I will possess, through my Lord Jesus Christ, all that is required of me in this dark period to come. That my actions are pleasing to God this includes not allowing them to corrupt what he created in me with a vaccine! Even so come, Lord Jesus come?
One EXAMPLE of Disobey – Drawing Your Line in the Sand
Spirituality shop fined $880 in Ontario for posting mask exemption sign
(11 minute video, but one can skip around to get the story)
Spirituality In You store owner Heather Rulton posted a plain-language sign in her window saying ‘No Mask! No Problem!’ and now faces a $880 fine after multiple visits from London, Ontario bylaw officers.
Texas is carrying on LBJ’s tradition of Voter Fraud…
Zero Hedge
(YouTube Videos expose the blatant fraud – Lots of names.)
Project Veritas Infiltrates Texas ‘Ballot Chasing’ Ring Targeting Senior Citizens
The undercover investigative journalists at Project Veritas have done it again – this time infiltrating a Texas ‘ballot chasing’ operation in Texas which targets senior citizens.
The racket consists of operatives, such as Raquel Rodriguez – “nominally a political consultant for GOP House candidate Mauro E. Garza, the owner of the San Antonio’s Pegasus Nightclub” – who “develops personal relationships with senior citizens when she harvests their ballots and then uses different post offices, so that the bundles do not draw suspicion.”
Despite consulting for a GOP candidate, Rodriguez was caught on camera convincing a voter to switch their ballot from John Cornyn (R) to M.J. Hegar (D)…
Raquel Rodriguez: “I can honestly say I’m bringing at least at least 7,000 votes to the polls.”
Journalist: “Seven thousand—and that’s for San Antonio for this area too. It’s a lot.”
Rodriguez: “That’s a lot. It’s a lot, period. Just so you know–have an idea–so this is what I do.”…
(Many More Details and LOTS of MONEY changing hands at Veritas link.)
PHOTO – Box 13
The Box 13 scandal was an event which occurred in Alice, Texas during the Senate election of 1948.
(Alice is in far south Texas, near the Mexican border.)
Lyndon B. Johnson was on the verge of losing the election to Coke Stevenson.
Six days after polls had closed, 202 additional ballots were discovered in Precinct 13, which were in Johnson’s favor.
To cut these guys a break, it’s just too damn easy, and thus enticing, to not cheat on election day. With all the circus going on (media pandering, advertisement brainwashing, bribery, candidate rigging, counting machine fraud, voter registration, voter disenfranchisement) to lose some votes on voter day is just a drop in the sea of incompetence and dishonesty only a government can foster.
Very interesting response—thought provoking.
I agree, people are definitely shaped by their cultural and societal milieu. And religion, myth, tradition, is obviously part of that. And I don’t think that is a good or bad thing. It’s just a thing.
It’s been said that the two words the devil introduced to the human language are “ought” and “should.” Why should things be any different than they are naturally occurring now? Or, why ought they be different? Why the desire to “improve” things? If we were to ask, “should a tree grow its branches differently?”, most people would say “of course not, because that’s just what the tree does.” Its branches just shape themselves that way naturally. It just happens and there is nothing wrong with that.
Human beings are the same way, but we think we are different. We think we need to change how we naturally are. Some of the most horrendous events in history occurred because the people who perpetrated them did so to “improve” the current state of affairs, to make things how they ought to be. Think of the Crusades: “We need more Christianity in the world! And if you don’t think so, we’ll kill you, because its for the betterment of mankind!” There are many other examples.
And lastly, I put good in quotation marks because “good” is not an objective measure of something, it is a subjective opinion. There is no such thing as good, as its own standalone idea. The idea is somewhat agreed upon from society to society, and even then there are many opinions of what is really means.
“..We think we need to change how we naturally are…”
Should we ell Ted Bundy or Isreal Keyes to “be himself???” Humans are naturally going to exterminate other humans and steal their things.
“..Think of the Crusades: “We need more Christianity in the world! And if you don’t think so, we’ll kill you, because its for the betterment of mankind!”..”
That is not how the Crusades happened, they were defensive wars against Muslims who encroached as far as they were able into other peoples lands… true Christians in their dominion were only reduced legally to 2nd class status and heavily taxed but Hindu’s suffered a huge genocide, one of the larger and least known ones, in India since they were not ;people of the book’
“..because “good” is not an objective measure of something, it is a subjective opinion…”
Subjective-ism is toxic, its societal AIDS and any culture that swallows it will not last long.
I found this quote quite profound…
scpat says:
“Who is the “boss” of your own body?
If you didn’t govern your body and command your heart to beat and your lungs to breathe, would they stop functioning?
Who is the boss of the animal kingdom and the rest of nature?
How do birds know when and where to migrate to each year?
What guides them and other processes of nature of this kind? …
…Is there not a deeper, unknowable, indescribable intelligence that governs the world naturally? “
“Why should things be any different than they are naturally occurring now? ”
Nature, naturally must be used very carefully in conjunction/comparison with humans and human society, some very important ideas that steer society are completely human inventions with nothing similar in nature.
If we continue on current trajectory we are fucked, something is damn rotten and that is not something from nature, it’s man made. I guess you agree. What can I say on that: we should make a change, something ought to be different. Sure, some very nasty people in history used such a language and no doubt we have to be cautious, but we also need boldness in our spineless times.
“….“good” is not an objective measure of something, it is a subjective opinion.”
Opinion?? Do you think we can’t evaluate things? Or maybe that is pointless endeavor that cannot bring anything meaningful? Are you aware that as a consequence of what you said the notion of truth becomes absurd.
Ones I worked with a guy and philosophize about something. The guy said: who are you to judge? I replied: are you aware that you just judged me?
Man-made and not something from nature? So we humans aren’t part of nature, you are saying? That is how most people see themselves, separate from the rest of life and hostile toward it, which explains the predicament of humans generally.
My intent is not to be ‘wishy-washy’, with the “everything is relative” attitude, although people will interpret what I have said in that way. I never said we should just roll over. After all I’m on this website not just to learn but also to apply the things I’ve learned to my lived experience.
But you have to understand that at the same time, self-improvement and “progress” is impossible, because the one that needs the improvement is the one that is trying to do the improving. Now how can that work? It can’t, because the selves we believe we are, which is a compilation of memories and experiences, can’t do jack shit.
We feel that ‘I’ can do something and ‘I’ can act on something. But if the‘I’ we feel ourselves to be is a collection of past experiences we keep in our brains (which it is for most people) that the ego takes possession over and identifies itself with, then in that sense we can’t act on anything. That’s why we get stuck trying to improve ourselves and never can, because there is no one to improve. The thing we are trying to improve is an idea of ourselves. And no amount of physical force and effort can change that.
We are part of nature, human-animals would say if this phrase hasn’t been hijacked. On top/beside of that our predecessors built the rest. Survival of the fittest is not motto in human society, like social-darwinists are preaching.
The problem is, to often things are built atop of nature, not beside, with the nature. But that is not a problem that comes out of individual and is aggregated in sick idea that we are pests on gaia. We are quite determined with our social environment and those who are not stick out as black sheep. Even black sheep were ones children learning from parents and social environment, most of them didn’t have enlightened parents, still they succeeded, actually they changed themselves. Of course, usually not completely on their own but with help of other black sheep.
Authoritarians In Bubbles Fighting Herd-Immunity
Herd-immunity explained:
About the Cognizant’s piece you did…LVMH….That’s the French luxury multi national corp that just bought Tiffany this week for 15B and change…Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy, (world LEADER in high quality products….??)
Thanks JC for everything you represent!
“California restaurant uses ‘Godfather’ quote on anti-mask billboard”
(News Story from Fox News)
Basilico’s Pasta e Vino, an Italian restaurant in Huntington Beach, Calif., recently put up a “Godfather”-themed billboard to show its opposition to masks.
The billboard — which uses font similar to the iconic 1972 film poster — says “Leave the mask, take the cannoli,” according to a photo from KTLA taken on Monday.
The line is derived from a famous quote in “The Godfather,” which says: “Leave the gun, take the cannoli.”
The Highwire with Del Bigtree – Bitchute
(17 minutes)
Restaurant owner Tony Roman, of Basilico’s Restaurant in Huntington Beach, CA,
not only decided to never shut down, but doesn’t allow people with masks to enter the premises.
Surprisingly, his restaurant has remained packed despite a direct challenge from CA Governor Gavin Newsom and the liquor board. With liberty and freedom at stake, Tony is laying it all on the line.
#BASILICOSHB #BeATony #Freedom #Masks #LeaveTheMask #PastaVinoAndFreedom
(The restaurant gets hit with tremendous vitriol, harassments and death-like destructive threats.)
I have not read that one yet.
Dr Jones’s work is great
‘Culture Wars’ magazine is one of the best sources for long form written articles on those kind of things.
Great and inspiring message James, thanks for sharing. I do often wonder what you and your family will do living in Japan, one of the most compliant countries in the world centered on social pressure.
I assume that Japanese officials might be more reasonable when presented with evidence of what’s going on. Maybe they have leaders that are less psychopathic than others. The evidence that lockdowns are harmful is overwhelming and also that the new vaccine is potentially very harmful and unnecessary. It is morally wrong that governments and their owners are doing this.
I have always assumed that the Japanese have strong moral values and would not do this to their citizens. Perhaps I am wrong though.
Thanks for fighting the good fight, Ron. Hopefually all of the sacrifice will add up to something crazies can pay attention to.
This website offers some great resources for those intending to draw a line in the sand, and encouraging others to embody their God-given Freedom/sovereignty and say I won’t.
Any that attempted to flee to Canada from the US in 2020-2021 (to avoid injection/NWO tyranny) were certainly in for an unpleasant surprise. I know some people that were trying to flee Canada last year (like some kind of ‘reverse-underground railroad’ type situation).
They certainly went for the low hanging fruit here, and then they shook the tree and got some medium hanging fruit, they even chain sawed some branches off and got a good portion of top hanging fruit too!
You make some great points with the other parts of your comment.
Amen to your last couple sentences.