by James Corbett
March 20, 2021
The stage is now being set for the next great war on the so-called “Grand Chessboard.”
As anyone who has been paying attention to global geopolitics in recent years will know by now, the US Empire (the US, the UK, Israel, the Five Eyes allies, NATO and all their regional allies and vassals) are preparing to square off against China and the Axis of Evil (China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and any state that provides any resistance to the US Empire) for global control in the 21st century.
And, as readers of this column will be uniquely prepared to understand, this entire conflict is part of a 3D chess game that is taking place over and above the regular, 2D nation-state chessboard that we are being asked to fixate on.
However, there is a 2D chess game going on, and it is part of the Problem-Reaction-Solution that the 3D chess players are using to bring about their agenda. So today let’s examine the latest moves on the grand chessboard and see what they reveal about the globalists’ plans for total control.
Learn about the latest steps toward engineered war and our role in this ginned up conflict in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber. Also, stay tuned for recommended reading, viewing and listening.
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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 11 issue 08 (March 21, 2021)
![]() by James Corbett The stage is now being set for the next great war on the so-called “Grand Chessboard.” As anyone who has been paying attention to global geopolitics in recent years will know by now, the US Empire (the US, the UK, Israel, the Five Eyes allies, NATO and all their regional allies and vassals) are preparing to square off against China and the Axis of Evil (China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and any state that provides any resistance to the US Empire) for global control in the 21st century. And, as readers of this column will be uniquely prepared to understand, this entire conflict is part of a 3D chess game that is taking place over and above the regular, 2D nation-state chessboard that we are being asked to fixate on. However, there is a 2D chess game going on, and it is part of the Problem-Reaction-Solution that the 3D chess players are using to bring about their agenda. So today let’s examine the latest moves on the grand chessboard and see what they reveal about the globalists’ plans for total control. Problem: The Rise of ChinaRemember five years ago when everyone was talking about the 十三五? Well, guess what? It’s already time for the 十四五! (My, how the half-decades fly by!) Yes, as you no doubt know by now, the Chinese Communist Party just wrapped up the fourth session of the 13th National People’s Congress at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. And, as you also know, dear informed reader, that means that the ChiComs have just laid out their next five-year plan. (Do you have your copy yet?) There are at least four categories of hot take on what the latest five-year plan entails. There are the hot takes from the partisan lying mockingbird repeaters in the controlled establishment press who are trying to scry the tea leaves for weaknesses and vulnerabilities of the New Red Menace™. Observe, for example, Foreign Policy‘s gloating that the plan shows Beijing’s “lack of ambition” or The Economist‘s finger-wagging about China’s lackluster carbon reduction efforts or the Council on Foreign Relations’ warning of Beijing’s “growing urgency to protect China from external vulnerabilities through attaining self-reliance in science and technology.” There are the hot takes from the actual state-controlled Chinese media. See Xinhuanet‘s calm and measured observation that the passage of the plan “demonstrates the unity of the leadership of the Party, the position of the people as masters of the country, and law-based governance.” There are the hot takes from various industry publications that focus on what the plan means for those seeking to corner the domestic Chinese market for their goods or what China’s moves will mean for their sector. Thus, PitchBook concentrates on China’s efforts to woo foreign capital by loosening restrictions in certain industries, Nature emphasizes China’s decision to create a “strategic research force for the nation,” and Power Technology does a deep dive on the implications of the new five-year plan for the energy sector. And then there are the hot takes from quasi-independent media sources that—in seeking to combat the predominant establishment narrative—serve mostly as a mouthpiece for ChiCom talking points. Take Pepe Escobar, for example, whose latest piece on The Shape Of Things To Come In China starts out by reporting on the details of the five-year plan and ends up in a paean to the Chinese Communist system of technocratic tyranny, claiming that “public opinion confidence in the Beijing leadership remains solid” and that the ChiComs system “is like a sophisticated mix of internationalist Marxism with Confucianism (privileging harmony, abhorring conflict): the framework for ‘community with a shared future for mankind.'” What all of these perspectives ultimately serve to do is to reinforce the central narrative of the New Cold War: that the rise of China is a threat to the Western establishment. This narrative bolsters the impression that the 2D chess game is really the game for all the marbles (to mix gaming metaphors) and it throws the general public into a fear state, where they are more apt to call for action to combat this vile threat than to seek to understand the nature and origins of this threat. That’s convenient for the 3D chess players, because it plays right into the next stage of their controlled dialectic, namely . . . Reaction: The Rise of the QuadAs Newton taught us, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. And so it is that, once we are conditioned to believe in the rise of the New Red Menace™, we are simultaneously prepared to expect a reaction from the West. Thus, when the Japanese see headlines about the Chinese naval threat against the (uninhabited) Senakaku Islands and the Australians read about how their government is being threatened by the ChiComs and the Indians read about Chinese cyber intrusions into key infrastructure networks and Americans read the latest story about the Chinese bogeyman (today’s horror story: China is coming for South America!), it seems only natural that our valiant political leaders would do something to counteract this neo-Yellow Peril. Well, fret not, dear scared citizen, your leaders are indeed taking action. They’re forming The Quad! No, “the Quad” is not some new Marvel Comic superhero team; it’s the snappy name for the US/Japan/Australia/India alliance that is seeking to keep that rising Chinese menace in check. The Quad—formally known as the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue—was first proposed by then-Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in 2007, but was activated in the Trump Administration during Pompeo’s Indo-Pacific security push. Like everything else of significance to the 3D chess players, the transition from the Trump-era Quad to the Biden-era Quad has been seamless. Trump Secretary of State Mike “lie, cheat, steal” Pompeo’s call in October of last year for the Quad to become an “Asian NATO” became Biden’s call for a Quad leaders summit this month as if nothing at all had happened in the intervening months. The fact that Team Coke and Team Pepsi are working toward the same foreign policy goals is baffling to those stuck looking at the 2D chess board, but from the 3D perspective, this continuity of agenda is telling. It demonstrates that the China bogeyman narrative is important to those who are steering this agenda. Whatever flavour of cola is in power, it is essential for the public to understand that China is The Enemy and must be confronted by The Good Guys. Hence, the Quad marches on. As I’ve demonstrated at length before, it’s not that the ChiComs and their “axis of evil” friends are actually the misunderstood good guys in all of this. It’s that the entire ChiCom threat has been carefully and deliberately constructed by wealth transfers, banking agreements, R&D investments, military technology “leaks” and offshoring of manufacturing over the course of several decades. Just as Antony Sutton demonstrated with regards to the Soviet Union in Cold War 1.0, the neo-Red Menace of Cold War 2.0 is similarly a paper tiger constructed by the same network of 3D chess players on the global chessboard and for the same purpose: to prepare the public for the inevitable “solution.” Solution: WarAs I’ve often had cause to observe, you don’t need to have a crystal ball to see where this is headed: war. Yes, we all know that we are in the preparatory stages to outright confrontation right now. The pieces are being set in place, the narrative is being formed, and the pawns in the game (you and me) are being told why we will have to fight and die for the glory of our square on the grand chessboard. But this is a phony narrative. In reality, there is a war taking place, but the war is not a war between China and the US. It’s taking place between the so-called, self-appointed “Superclass” that stands over and above this nation-state system and the average person. The end goal is not to destroy either the American Empire or the Chinese Communist system, but to merge these systems into the worst of both worlds, a technocratic tyranny where the few rule over the many. This is, in some ways, the very premise of all of the work that I have been doing here at The Corbett Report for the past 14 years, so either you get it by now or you don’t. But if you don’t, this explanation might be the easiest way for you to understand the concept. If you do understand it, then I think it is imperative that we make a commitment right now not to be swept up in the war hysteria that will inevitably be sweeping over the population in the coming years. We cannot control the 2D chessboard ourselves, but we can at least control what role we have in this game and can refuse to play the part of obedient pawns in the game. In the end, the average Joe (or Zhou) on the streets of Shanghai is not your mortal enemy. The actual threat to your life and livelihood come from the would-be misleaders who have lied to you about 9/11 and the war of terror and weapons of mass destruction and the 2008 financial crisis and the wars in Libya/Syria/Yemen and COVID-1984 and nearly everything else of importance. The politicians and establishment media mouthpieces for the real ruling oligarchy—the 3D chess players who are manipulating this game for their own benefit—are now trying to gin the public up into hysteria over the growing Chinese menace even as they’re attempting to implement Chinese-style lockdowns and facial recognition systems and social credit scores at home. Are you going to fall for it? |
Recommended Listening and Viewing
Recommended ReadingFeds Raid Multiple Crypto-Currency Operations in New Hampshire Recommended ListeningGrand Theft World Podcast 019 | Algorithmic Governance Recommended ViewingBunty’s Blog (seed to harvest garden vlog) Just For Fun(?)WORLDWIDE FREEDOM RALLY – BRISBANE – CORBETT REPORT SHOUT OUT |
For more fun:
A year ago:
At the vaccine company:
The Woke Mob Wants YOU! (Recruitment Video)
Medicine that does work:
New recommendations:
Claim has been disputed:
Some really good ones, the new recommendations being my favorit, followed by close second Florid give-no-shitters.
Corbett’s Just For Fun(?)
Worldwide Freedom Rally – Brisbane – Corbett Report Shout Out
(One minute)
I enjoyed seeing the Corbett Report sign in Australia with Broc West mentioned.
In reference to Worldwide Rally for Freedom Saturday March 20th
Off-Guardian.Org also had this QUOTE…
“There’s a good discussion of this on New World Nextweek, with James Corbett and James Evan Pilato”
Morning from England!
Not sure if any of my UK brethren posted about a trial of UBI right next to the county in which I live now…gag…an article I missed from February this year, someone else may have posted this already…
They’re doing that in the USA right now. They’re just calling it Pandemic Unemployment.
Extended AGAIN until Septemeber 2021.
I swear…I thought I heard John Wayne when I heard this…
“It was them there Chinese Chi-Coms that did this virus on the world. And they gotta pay for it, I tell ya!“
The Wuhan Flu, sponsored by Tony Fauci’s NIAID. The Wuhan Institute’s “Bat Lady,” educated at the University of North Carolina, USA.
Mr. Escobar is a truthful, intelligent and knowledgeable investigative reporter. Mr. Corbett might not agree with him but he deserves more respect.
People in the west have been accosted their whole lifetime by anti-China propaganda. It’s difficult for people to see through the veil. Pepe helps to see things from another perspective.
I didn’t find the article disrespectful of Escobar but rather laid out an opposing opinion. The government in China is blatantly totalitarian and I would oppose any support for that system. The Han Chinese appear to have a culture of submission and obedience to the state and this is in opposition to freedom. Though not all Chinese obey many do and I see that among many American Chinese too “keep your head down and mask on” and stay away from non conformists and people who are different. That aspect of the culture is distasteful to me probably because I grew up in the west but I happen to think freedom is better than obedience and conformity.
The Chinese government welded people in their homes in Wuhan. Any support for that needs to be questioned. Is Mr. Escobars article supportive of this? The Chinese government is monstrous.
>I didn’t find the article disrespectful of Escobar
“quasi-independent media sources that … serve mostly as a mouthpiece for ChiCom talking points”
But is this statement accurate? The quasi independent part? I completely agree with the “mouthpiece for ChiCom talking points” part. That statement is accurate in my opinion.
Mr. Escobar has been a courageous independent investigative reporter for many decades. He has put himself in harms way many times to report on events. He has many times been the only counter to the imperial narrative around the world. The ad hominem “mouthpiece for ChiCom talking points” attempts to demean him. He’s walked the walk and needs respect.
I don’t believe this was an ad hominem attack. “Serving as a mouthpiece for Chi Com talking points” is not a personal attack but rather an opposition to the narrative they are supporting. If Mr. Escobar’s piece is supportive of the Chinese government then that diminished his other positive work to oppose imperialism because the funding of the imperialism also supports ChiCom government. Mr Escobar’s work in this instance supports a false dichotomy between the Chinese government and the Western government when in fact it is the same oppressive force that owns and operates both governments.
The things that the Chinese government have done to their citizens is morally reprehensible and I don’t understand how anyone who has been “a courageous independent investigative reporter for many decades” could support it.
Are the only two choices, the ChiCom way or the imperialist West way? Mr. Escobars piece in this case seems to support that idea and also paint their government in a positive light. There is nothing about their government that is appealing to me.
‘..Though not all Chinese obey many do and I see that among many American Chinese too “keep your head down and mask on” and stay away from non conformists and people who are different….”
Too many centuries of civilization- when you have a bureaucracy that can target a whole family for the crimes of one of its number you rapidly breed out the genes that foster interdependence.
Fascinating take Duck. I didn’t consider epigenetics but you are correct to point this out.
Excellent piece, James.
I sense that here in the US we had Team Coke captain Trump insisting that we “hold China responsible” for the scamdemic and abandon the WHO while acquiescing to these two players’s policies UNTIL we had Team Pepsi captain Biden insisting that we not condemn China (because it’s anti-Asian hate), all the while continuing their draconian and oppressive policies. There is indeed a 2D illusion with a certain sort of 3D business as usual going on. I have been noticing it for a while now as have some friends and family, but not nearly enough of us have.
At our in-town freedom rally on March 20, the pro-freedom movement was met with counter protest from the local BLM contingent. They labelled the freedom seekers as (cue mock surprise) “white supremacists” and proceeded to shout down and instigate conflict with the rally attendees, some of whom were unfortunately all too accommodating.
Question: How can we, while in that type if environment, bridge the gap toward the BLM (and gay and trans activists and outright communists) protesters to help them see that everyone in that park last Saturday has a common enemy and it isn’t each other?
This seems imperative, yet I can not see the solution.
Wow that’s disheartening to hear. I don’t think there’s any way to get them to see a common enemy unless they desire to hear another perspective. Unfortunately BLM Antifa and trans/activists are on the side of the state and the tyranny. College kids are schooled in cultural Marxism and that ideology is the enemy of liberty. I took a few classes outside my major in college and got a full dose of postmodernism propaganda. Thank goodness I didn’t get a big dose of it because it is very affective to keep the division strong.
During any confrontation using non violent communication skills first may be effective to start a dialogue. However if this is met with hostility and violence self defense and standing up to it is necessary.
Correction: BLM “leadership” and Antifa work for a real, live Devil. Lies and deceit are the modus operandi.
The “transgender” (sic) agenda is based on a satanic lie from a literal pedophile and child abuser, “Dr.” John Money. It is both mental and moral illness. There is no “reasoning” with them.
SOME of the BLM followers can be reached, as many are Christian or otherwise good-hearted folk. They already know that a certain self-chosen “elite” aren’t actually their “friends,” and most of them know the “vaccines” are Tuskegee 2.0. Helping them to see that we are not their enemy, and that we have many common goals, is attainable.
And in re: to those who are born with genetic abnormalities, e.g., hermaphrodites, they’ve always been with us, and the sane among them only want to live a normal life. They’re not part of the Problem. I only condemn the diabolic fanatics of the “transgender” (sic) movement who demand children be molested for “gender identity,” and those who demand we accommodate their anti-reality as “real.”
All too true, cu.h.j.
You can’t expect BLM to align with freedom groups. Look at where BLM’s funding comes from… the purpose of these groups is to tear down western society. Period. Perhaps that’s not what they started out to do, but if so then they have been perverted to the cause of the globalists.
Most of the garden-variety of BLM followers are right: there is a big problem with police brutality and state-sponsored terror. We must never dismiss that, although the portrayal as “Blacks are the only victims” is flat-out wrong. But the followers are not the “leadership,” who seem to be all Marxist “culture warriors” aka Cultural Bolshevists. And yeah, we know who and what are funding the “leadership.”
Agreed a big problem and white folks are also affected by this too. Not a peep about those people though.
The banking & media tribe desperately wants to paint Blacks as “uniquely oppressed,” just as that tribe has insisted their suffering during World War II is also, somehow, “unique.”
I’d suspect more non-Blacks are molested and killed by the police in sheer numbers, because pounding on or shooting a White guy, for example, doesn’t invite endless *ewsmedia propaganda to destroy the lives of the cops involved.
I agree, I think statistically whites are killed more often. I think police brutality and state violence is wrong no matter who is being harmed.
I think that BLM should go volunteer in the inner city of Chicago and other poor black neighborhoods and this may actually help. But BLM isn’t about actually helping black communities, but rather a politically oriented organization that is designed stir up hatred.
I think it’s important not to associate all black people with BLM though because many black people don’t align themselves with this and just want a normal life and not to be treated any differently.
I think tribalism and identity politics are tools the “elites” use to create division and individuals who happen to be grouped into a tribe (not even by their own choosing) shouldn’t be treated differently or with prejudice and hate.
People are more than their physical characteristics and cultural identities. I think each person is born unique.
“..The banking & media tribe desperately wants to paint Blacks as “uniquely oppressed,” just as that tribe has insisted their suffering during World War II is also, somehow, “unique.”…”
The Black-Jewish alliance is a historical thing, Dr Jones has written plenty of articles about it for Culture Wars mag
‘..Most of the garden-variety of BLM followers are right: there is a big problem with police brutality and state-sponsored terror….’
The vast majority of brutality that blacks suffer is inflicted by other blacks…even the local governments that control the (often majority black) cops or let them sicken and die of lead in the water and bad food are run BY other blacks.
The real problem is the social aggression inflicted on their family structure by welfare and government programs. That aggression hurt THEM FIRST but its color blind and is destroying the hispanics and whites right now- If we could assume a continuation of ‘normalcy’ white culture will be just as messed up in 10 or 20 years
The NAACP was founded not by Blacks, but by the usual suspects in culture-wrecking. Incessant “you be oppressed” propaganda for generations has led to Blacks being whipped into anti-White hysteria. And certainly, the endless “war on poverty” multi-generational welfare system has further greatly damaged the Black folk of America. The falling away of Americans, including Blacks, from traditional Christian morality has taken down all of us. It’s just more obvious among Blacks, but the dire effects are getting worse and worse among White Americans, too (as you note!). Young Whites are acting like that infamous word more so by the day.
I don’t think the Christian religion has a monopoly on morality. A person does not need to be religious or Christian in particular to behave ethically. Just my opinion.
Isn’t the idea of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” found in most religions and also among atheists even that it doesn’t feel good to harm others.
I remember being a kid being bullied and how that felt and then I remember picking on some kids a few times and this didn’t feel “right” and in fact made me feel bad. I think most children who are not born sociopaths or with other neurological abnormalities are hard wired for empathy. This is why we have mirror neurons. We have survived as a species because of cooperation and mutual respect.
I mean no disrespect for Christians and have family members who are practicing Christians and also family members who are practicing Jews. I have no religious affiliation myself but do believe in a soul and that living things are more than just biological machines. I am still a moral person and behave ethically despite no religious affiliation.
“.. it doesn’t feel good to harm others…”
If that were true there would be no need to make laws against it.
People will generally be nice to those that they have a link with , genetic or religious, and they care nothing for the suffering of people they DONT have a link to.
Watching the head of Apple berate the morality of others when the company he runs uses literal slave labor- the women folk of which are kept in literal rape camps- makes that point super clear. If people cared he would be out of work by now.
“.. A person does not need to be religious or Christian in particular to behave ethically….”
Why would they bother to?
The only reasons that people who do not believe that there is a supernatural judgment have to behave ethically are
a) It benefits me to do so
b) I will suffer punishments from the law if I do not
c) It pleases me to do so
When those three reasons are no longer true then there is zero reason NOT to murder, rape, rob and destroy.. the end result of not being religious may take generations to reach, because social habit is strong, but the philosophical end point is functionally psychopathy- (perhaps) softened by racism since caring for genetically similar people is normal.
Yeah, their fake “Christ” is a pansy New Age homo, like they portray his followers. Or militant Christians who are whitewashed versions of their “Islamic terrorists.” And rarely do they allow the use of Jesus CHRIST except as cuss words. “Jesus” alone, maybe.
You cannot convince the brainwashed with any amount of true information, as Yuri Bezmenov, et. al., warned.
‘… bridge the gap toward the BLM (and gay and trans activists and outright communists) protesters to help them see that everyone in that park last Saturday has a common enemy and it isn’t each other?…”
Yes, it is.
They are your enemy and they serve your enemy as street fighters. Trying to make common cause is like an American Indian making common cause with the 7th Cavalry or the Texcoco with Cortés.
They hate you and your family in a way you do not understand.
If the agenda goes thru those people will enjoy destroying you and your way of life before themselves getting purged
James, great article.
And you’re exactly right, the average “Joe”, whether in China, Russia, Iran, etc. is not the threat. I live in very multi-national Los Angeles, and as anyone from a major city can tell you, the average Joe and Jane just wants to live and let live. They want to be able to work a little, play a little and raise their kids. They are not thinking of world domination, which is what the govt-owned MSM wants you to think. That’s their theatre.
Instead, the reality is that it’s only the approximate 1% Dr. Evil megalomaniac, psychotic billionaires who are crazy enough to concoct these schemes. They are the in-bred Gates, Rothschilds, Rockefellers of the world who have insatiable desire to have it all, and killing billions of people is not only not a problem for them — they relish it. It brings them so much joy to know that they are locking down others as this feeling of empowerment is all they dream of each waking and sleeping minute.
May they therefore find their way to Hell when the time comes for Jesus/God to wipe THEM all off the face of this Earth, and may God decide their fate.
The Chinese don’t have a three millennia-old civilization for nothing. They’ve EARNED it. They’ve worked, bled, and died for it. “Communist” or not, Beijing works for CHINA, not a “world community.” And good for them. Until, if and when, the Chinese actually threaten the Bill of Rights or my home right here, they are not my “enemy.” As for a threat to the Bill of Rights, we know that is a lot closer to home than East Asia.
“..Beijing works for CHINA, not a “world community.”
That may be partially true…the Chinese are pretty xenophobic but they are apparently easy enough to control if you get hold of the reins.
Unfortunately, the self-chosen Master Race infiltrated Mao’s operation, and made it successful. How many are still involved? I’m not sure we know. But, current CCP policy seems to be very much “National Bolshevism,” that is working well for the majority of the Chinese people.
My contact with native Chinese is limited, but it is reported that they are entering the consumption phase and starting to have the early signs of family breakdown.
The reports of their boys having issues with being overly feminine and of sexual deviance becoming more acceptable indicate that their fate will be similar to the western world.
That is incredibly sad. Maybe technology itself is the problem? Like Dr. Kaczynski suggested.
I dont know… maybe its the cost of being too rich? When life is marginal you cant get away with too much stupidity. Wealth externalizes the pain or delays it until a future time.
You should recall that they went thru the Cultural revolution pretty recently too, after generations of disruption that must be as bad as what the Bolshevik communists did to Russia. That kind of damage to society takes a long time to fix, even if its trying TO be fixed, rather then made worse.
I think you’re perceiving the Chinese people through the Kosher lens of that Hollywood Talmudvision. Are they corrupted? Certainly. But their natural instincts still seem good on most issues. And until they directly threaten my way of life apart from our foolish hand-over of our industrial base to them, I can’t find them to be a threat.
Talmudism is the cancer, and the Chinese haven’t been fully indoctrinated by any means.
What is “bizarre” about it? Does it not fit the “approved” world view you prefer?
From ancient Babylon to today’s Mystery Babylon, the “traditions of the elders” that Jesus Christ condemned as satanic have been the foundation of the financial and moral corruption of the world.
Those people did not get ‘ruined’ by accident or chance.
The reason that people are so easily destroyed is because they refuse to see that the revolution is being imposed on them from above.
Dr Jones has Culture wars magazine which has plenty of documentable detail on who is doing what to society
at culturewars .com
Hollywood is the main part of the problem… it has remade the west in the image of the USA and the USA it remade in the image imagined and desired by a tiny minority of movie makers.
Doc from tv in 1998
Mass Transgenderism and adoption of homosex did not just happen – almost billion dollars have provably been spent creating it
This talk from 1996 goes into the kind of people who reshaped society – I recommend the book BTW
“..People become spiritually and mentally ruined first and foremost because they choose to not care…”
Wrong… many people who are utterly disgusting DO care… about power, or wealth, or some social issue or some political point.
People are ruined because they do not have their priorities of what to care about right… that is a spiritual sickness.
‘… Increasingly, our access to information is being squeezed..’
Not exactly right… we are being deluged with information- even “alt” information. Without a coherant world view making sense of that information iis impossible and we are just sent insane by not being able to make sense of the world… THATS why Q-tards are popping up like mushrooms after rain.
‘..Only God can judge when someone is spiritually ruined…”
THAT is true, however people often use it as an excuse to ignore bad behavior so that we can excuse our own.
God is pretty clear telling people how to act and what kinds of behavior and people to reject and avoid.
Of course there has to be a reason why American kids are learning Mandarin at the grade school level while thousands of American men and women are teaching Chinese kids English by means of VipKid…
The ultimate scheme is to merge China’s culture with the U.S. just as Senator Dodd discovered in the Reese committee investigation that the goal in the past was to merge the Soviet Union with the U.S.
By that time the USA will be a very different country…pretty much a third world dump, possibly split by means of ethnic hatreds into smaller, more manageable regions.
It will be lucky if the US manages to come out of the next ten years as well as Russia came out of the Soviet Union…either way US education levels are laughable and the need for unskilled workers in the future will be small… there will be no merger unless the Chinese are also degenerated to a lower level. The US does posses good natural resources…but again, so did Russia.
Understandably the US hegemonic power is weakening in favor of these other rising powers.
All I can say is an elite family like the Rockefellers always favored China – the UN has given the majority of its awards to China, the media fawned over how China handled the recent pandemic.
David Rockefeller in 1973 wrote a glowing obituary to Mao Tse-Tung praising the “social experiment” of the Great Leap Forward (which resulted in the death of untold millions).
Zbigniew Brzezinski was instrumental in the securing of the technocratic infrastructure of China that started way back in the 70s (see James report China and the New World Order).
China has been buying up water, land, and other resources including a main holder of bonds in which the national debt is tied to that can be reclaimed at any moment…
It sure looks like China may indeed take over…or be merged into one global technocratic state with it as the model.
“..It sure looks like China may indeed take over…or be merged into one global technocratic state with it as the model…”
As I understand it China is a generation or two behind the west in its population decline…800 million by 2100 and what age range will they be in?
They are starting to suffer feminization of their men and the talk they have of restoring masculinity via government programs kinda reminds me of how the US in the 90’s was going to roll back the excesses of the 60’s but ACTUALLY everything go worse.
From what I am told they are starting to be heavily hit by the introduction of societal weapons such as divorce, consumerism and delayed childbirth so while they may rule it will be as the least degenerated society…
Europe and the US will be third world by then and the outside remodeling of India will have given them the same social cancer thats killing everywhere else.
They dont need so many of us as they once did and are going to thin the herd…maybe they wont even pretend that peoples or nations matter anymore
The United States, as it has been, will not exist in 2040. It will be a new South Africa, or it will have devolved into multiple states, with some doing well, and the rest doing as expected (ala “democratic” South Africa).
Nice Article – as always. China has it’s own issues, and I wouldn’t go to war with them any more than I would anyone else.
Of all the things that I have ever seen, these two clips were the scariest ones. This is top on my list of worries (yeah.. don’t worry – been working on solutions for over 10 years now James.. before you ask).
1. Report how the vaccines will be the mass murder agent – making the virus harmful for all:
2. This report from Bigtree at Highwire.. that reflects the first one:
The vaccine will focus your immune system permanently on one string of the covid, and will weaken it to every other infection, while making covid much much stronger.
If this is true, its more time to drive to the cabin than help the neighbor plants seeds. Just saying.
Thanks for the link…watched video 1 and its very interesting
Thought provoking article on the Great Reset and the battle for Globalisation.
Also being censored by twitter – must be good ?
It’s Time To Get Real About Vaccines – DELETED BY YOUTUBE!
Jerry Day just doesn’t shut up.
mkey says:
“Jerry Day just doesn’t shut up.”
Amen Brother!
Jerry Day says:
“I will refer you to some very important websites…
…James Corbett’s….”
Empowering women and girls in the U.S. and around the world…
(If Bill Clinton is invited, they certainly should include New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and other notables.)
PRESS RELEASE – March 23, 2021
Vice President Kamala Harris, Stacey Abrams, Wes Moore, Mayor Muriel Bowser, Howard University President Dr. Wayne A. I. Frederick, and other global leaders join President Clinton, Secretary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, and college students from around the world for 13th annual CGI U meeting with Howard University
This week, global leaders will explore topics on COVID-19 recovery, empowering women and girls in the U.S. and around the world, restoring faith in democracy, environmental justice, and creating systemic change – featuring conversations with…Blah Blah Blah….
“Trust us. We decide your future, your health and what you should think.” -Not a quote, but should be.
“I see that it is invariably where I lacked a political purpose that I wrote lifeless books and was betrayed into purple passages, sentences without meaning, decorative adjectives and humbug generally.”
I found this thought provoking.
Solution for new energy source
The SAFIRE Project: Transformative Technology | Montgomery Childs & Michael Clarage [GlobalBEM]
By recreating the electrical model of the sun, the experiments
show how the energy of the sun is created.
This involves the transmutations of elements differently from nuclear fusion.
The experiments seem related to Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR),
which already have been repeated all over the world.
With all kinds of different theories.
Some think that these transmutations already happen in biology,
and may be far more common than we think.
I think this experiment is the clearest, because it mirrors
what happens on the sun. And it just shows how the sun really works.
Personally, I think this knowledge has been a military secret for a long time.
They discovered the electrical nature already in top secret nuclear bomb tests.
Because the mainstream solar model has so errors, so obvious that I think
that there must be a special agenda to dumb it down.
The attack on LENR was also immense and dumb, similar
to a CIA cover-up operation.
Listed some of the science on:
Hi, I am a fresh new member and this is the most important happening of our era. Good article, though I would like to know more about this topic from your point of view, as the world is not as simple as “black and white” and there is much more to this.
The US Empire – the great establishment was accustomed to that they can do whatever they want and nobody ever will try to stop them so they eventually went too far. By now they have just realized they are not the almighty entity, they can be challenged, so they are doing whatever it takes to convince the entire world that they (the US empire and everybody behind it) are the good guys. But those who live in the western world know, that they are not, they are just pro liars, and damn good at it!