CBDCs: A Country-By-Country Guide

by | May 16, 2022 | Newsletter | 64 comments

Way back in 2017 I created a country-by-country guide to the biometric ID control grid that was coming into view even then. In that editorial I noted that “it doesn’t take a Nostradamus to understand where this is all heading: From the cashless society and the biometric ID grid to the cashless biometric grid.”

Well, here we are. It’s 2022, and the merger of the cashless society and the biometric ID grid is nearing completion. In fact, the current iteration of this control grid agenda is even worse than predicted. Now known as Central Bank Digital Currency, or CBDC, this programmable digital money offers the banksters numerous options, including the ability to combine the cashless society with the biometric ID grid and even a social credit system. If and when CBDCs replace other payment methods, the banksters’ control over society will be unprecedented.

But however closely you might be following the drive toward the CBDC dystopia, you might be missing the forest for the trees. Although each country’s central bankers talk as if they have come up with the idea for a digital currency all by themselves and as if there is no international coordination behind the CBDC agenda, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, as a recent Bank for International Settlements report indicates, 90% of central banks around the world are currently studying the feasibility of issuing their own CBDC.

In the past, I have warned about the coming CBDC nightmare and talked about the numerous ways we can start taking the monetary power back into our own hands.

Today, I am going to drive home the point that the coming CBDC prison is truly global in nature by demonstrating that it is not just being put into place in one or two totalitarian countries, but in nearly every country in the world. Only when we recognize how dire the situation is can we hope to motivate communities to implement the survival currencies that will see us through the controlled demolition of the existing monetary order.

Corbett Report members are encouraged to log in to access the full country-by-country guide and to leave info about CBDC implementation in any countries that are not included in this list.

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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 12 issue 13 (May 15, 2022)

by James Corbett
May 15, 2022

Way back in 2017 I created a country-by-country guide to the biometric ID control grid that was coming into view even then. In that editorial I noted that “it doesn’t take a Nostradamus to understand where this is all heading: From the cashless society and the biometric ID grid to the cashless biometric grid.”

Well, here we are. It’s 2022, and the merger of the cashless society and the biometric ID grid is nearing completion. In fact, the current iteration of this control grid agenda is even worse than predicted. Now known as Central Bank Digital Currency, or CBDC, this programmable digital money offers the banksters numerous options, including the ability to combine the cashless society with the biometric ID grid and even a social credit system. If and when CBDCs replace other payment methods, the banksters’ control over society will be unprecedented.

But however closely you might be following the drive toward the CBDC dystopia, you might be missing the forest for the trees. Although each country’s central bankers talk as if they have come up with the idea for a digital currency all by themselves and as if there is no international coordination behind the CBDC agenda, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, as a recent Bank for International Settlements report indicates, 90% of central banks around the world are currently studying the feasibility of issuing their own CBDC.

In the past, I have warned about the coming CBDC nightmare and talked about the numerous ways we can start taking the monetary power back into our own hands.

Today, I am going to drive home the point that the coming CBDC prison is truly global in nature by demonstrating that it is not just being put into place in one or two totalitarian countries, but in nearly every country in the world. Only when we recognize how dire the situation is can we hope to motivate communities to implement the survival currencies that will see us through the controlled demolition of the existing monetary order.


The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has been exploring the possibility of an Australian Central Bank Digital Currency since at least 2019, when its “Innovation Lab” drafted a Submission to the Senate Select Committee on Financial Technology and Regulatory Technology, which states that “the Bank is conducting research on the technological and policy implications of a wholesale CBDC.” It made good on this threat in November 2020 with the announcement of a partnership between the RBA and Commonwealth Bank, National Australia Bank, Perpetual, and ConsenSys Software to “explore the potential use and implications of a wholesale form of central bank digital currency.” Philip Lowe, governor of the RBA, has publicly expressed skepticism about the need to implement a retail CBDC in Australia, but the door is still open to the possibility.


The Bahamas became the unlikely location of the world’s first nationwide CBDC when they launched the “Sand Dollar” back in October 2020. The island archipelagoโ€”with one of the highest per capita incomes in the Americas and a 90% mobile device penetration rateโ€”was viewed as an ideal laboratory for the CBDC experiment by central bankers and hyped as a harbinger of a “new world economy” by the global financial press. . . . But the banksters have not been thrilled with the results so far. The IMF told the Central Bank of The Bahamas earlier this week that it needs to “accelerate its education campaigns and continue strengthening internal capacity and oversight” of the currency.


Roberto Campos Neto, president of the Central Bank of Brazil, confirmed last month that the bank will be running a pilot test of its CBDC, the digital real, before the end of the year. “This is a way to create currency digitization without creating a break in bank balance sheets. This project should have some kind of pilot in the second half of the year,” Neto said at the press conference announcing the pilot’s launch.


This past March, the Bank of Canada (BoC) announced that it had partnered with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to “collaborate on a twelve-month research project on Central Bank Digital Currency.” The projectโ€”which the BoC describes as “part of the Bankโ€™s wider research and development agenda onย digital currencies and fintech“โ€”will “explore how advanced technologies could affect the potential design of a CBDC.” This will in turn “help inform the Bank of Canadaโ€™s research effort into CBDC.”


Chile’s central bank issued a report this week on its plans for a future Chilean digital currency. Spouting the usual bankster platitudes about how a CBDC “would contribute to achieving a competitive, innovative and integrated payment system that is inclusive, resilient and protects peopleโ€™s information,” the review ultimately concludes that “a deeper analysis of the benefits and risks” is in order, and promises (or threatens, depending on your perspective) to issue a new report on the subject toward the end of the year. In the meantime, the Chilean Central Bank governor, Rosanna Costa, has said that Chile’s CBDC “should operate both online and offline” and that it should “allow the authorities to trace the transaction afterwards” while paradoxically “safeguarding personal data.”


The digital yuan (as readers of this column will already know) has been in the works for at least five years. It is no surprise, then, that China’s CBDCโ€”already operational in various trialsโ€”is seen as one of the most developed CBDC projects in the world and is held up by various Western countries as the bogeyman justifying their own CBDC experimentation (“We can’t let the ChiComs beat us to the punch!”). As you may or may know (depending how closely you’re tuned in to CBDCInsider and other such sources of info), the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) did a “test rollout” of the currency at the Beijing Olympics this year, offering athletes, attendees and press the chance to use the new CBDC at the Games. That test was deemed a success, with the PBoC later declaring that the digital yuan was used to make 2 million yuan ($315,000) of payments per day during the event. Now, in the latest move toward full implementation of the Chinese CBDC, three cities across China have declared they will accept the digital yuan for tax payments.


The EU is currently conducting “in-house experiments” for a digital euro and expects to start working on a prototype next year. As part of its ongoing “research” process, the European Central Bank released a working paper this past week on “The digital economy, privacy, and CBDC.” The paper suggests that a digital euro could strike a happy balance between “inefficient” offline cash transactions that preserve anonymity and “efficient” online bank deposit transactions that do not preserve anonymity. The best kind of digital currency, the report concludes, is a “CBDC with data-sharing,” a conclusion they arrive at by redefining privacy: “Privacy is not the opposite of sharingโ€”rather it is control over sharing.” Actual Europeans are not buying this self-serving twaddle, but the ECB, unsurprisingly, seems not to be listening to them.


The Bank of Ghana was one of the first African countries to announce that it was developing a digital currency. And now, with the release of a design paper for the eCediโ€”its retail token-based CBDCโ€”it is one step closer to implementing that vision. The bank is currently soliciting feedback on the proposal from the public.


The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) has released a number of studies, white papers, proposals and discussion papers surrounding the topic of CBDCs over the past few years, from the 2019 announcement of Project LionRock-Inthanon (a joint project with the Bank of Thailand to study the application of CBDC to cross-border payments) to last month’s “Discussion paper on e-HKD from policy and design perspective.” This paper invites “views from the public and the industry on key policy and design issues for introducing retail central bank digital currency,” leaving little doubt that the introduction of a digital Hong Kong Dollar is now all-but-inevitable.


Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman made waves earlier this year by announcing that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) would launch a CBDC sometime in the next fiscal year. Lest there be any doubt about the Indian government’s intention to make good on its digital currency threat, Union Minister of State for Electronics and Information Technology Rajeev Chandrasekhar asserted in March that the digital rupee is a “natural progression” of the digital payment ecosystem. But for those worried about what life in the coming digital dystopia will be like, relax! RBI Deputy Governor T. Rabi Sankar saysย the bank “will probably go in for a very careful and calibrated, nuanced manner” as it springs its CBDC trap on the Indian public.


There’s an old canard in conspiracy realist circles that there are only three (?) central banks on the planet that aren’t owned by the Rothschilds. The exact list of these supposedly independent central banks varies in the telling, but Iran is usually included among them. Well, guess what? The Central Bank of Iran (CBI) is all on board with the CBDC revolution! This past January, Abutaleb Najafiโ€”the head of CBIโ€™s information services companyโ€”revealed that, after two years of “continuous work” on the platform, “the infrastructure needed for CBIโ€™s cryptocurrency and now its pilot version is ready.” Details on the pilot test of the Iranian CBDC are scarce, but Najafi has confirmed that both state-run and private banks in the country will allow customers to open digital wallets for the currency during the trial.


Generally speaking, central banks are finding CBDCs to be a public relations disaster. In every country they hold “public consultations” about a central bank digital currency and solicit comments from the citizens, but find the overwhelming majority of those responses are negative. As it turns out, people are wary of a government-issued programmable money that could be used to completely exclude them from the financial system itself if they dare engage in activities the government disapproves of. The Bank of Israel (BoI) has decided to do an end run around this problem by simply declaring (without showing proof) that it has “received public support for its plans to possibly issue a digital shekel on grounds it would help the economy by supporting innovation in the payments system, reducing the amount of cash and bolstering the fintech sector.” Yes, the banksters actually want you to believe that the majority of Israelis supportย the idea of a digital shekel because it willย reduce the amount of cash. Riiiiiiight. Don’t worry, though. The BoI says it “has still not made a final decision on whether it will issue a digital shekel” even though “all of the responses to the public consultation indicate support for continued research.” Riiiiiiight.


In March, Bank of Japan (BoJ) Governor Haruhiko Kuroda declared that the BoJ has no plan to issue a digital currency as of yet but that it “will prepare ‘thoroughly’ to respond to changing circumstances that could require it to do so in future.” Last month, BoJ Executive Director Shinichi Uchida clarified that the bank would not introduce a digital yen as a means of achieving negative interest rates, as some have warned. Around the same time, Kazushige Kamiyama, head of the bankโ€™s payment system, pledged that the BoJ would follow Sweden’s slow, cautious approach to CBDC testing before any digital yen is actually implemented. In a sign that plans for a Japanese CBDC may be further along than publicly acknowledged, however, Kuroda took a moment from fearmongering about decentralized digital assets to state that a CBDC “could be an option to secure a seamless and safe [payment and settlement] infrastructure in Japan.”


The Bank of Namibia revealed its plans last month to launch a CBDC. “We cannot ignore CBDC, it is a reality out there and for that reason, the Bank of Namibia has started researching CBDCs and they very soon will go out with consultations,” the Bank of Namibia Governor Johannes Gawaxab said at a press conference announcing the move, adding that a consultation paper on the plan is nearing completion.


As discussed on a recent edition of New World Next Week, Nigeria is one of only two countries in the world with an official, nationwide CBDC (the other being The Bahamas, mentioned above). The eNaira is a stablecoin minted by the Central Bank of Nigeria, making it a true digital version of the fiat currency. This CBDC has already been declared a success by the bankster class, with the IMF predicting that the eNaira will be adopted by 90 percent of Nigeriaโ€™s population. An upgraded eNaira wallet app will be available this coming week that will allow Nigerians to “do transactions such as paying for DSTV or electric bills or even paying for flight tickets.”


For those who still believe that Vladimir “Get the Vaxx” Putin (and his pals at the WHO) are somehow against the New World Order despite being demonstrably on board with every part of the technocratic agenda, here’s another dose of reality: the Central Bank of Russia (CBR) has been working on its own CBDC project for years. Last year, the CBR announcedย the creation of a “pilot group” of 12 banks that will test a version of the digital ruble later this year. According to statements from CBR representatives, citizens will be able to use the CBDC “for purchases, transfers to individuals, firms and the state, tax payments, conversions to foreign currencies in e-wallets and as a store of value.”


Rwanda hopped aboard the CBDC bandwagon last June, with John Karamuka, the Director of Payment Systems at the National Bank of Rwanda, tellingย The New Times that the central bank was “studying the possibilities of issuing its own Central Bank Digital Currency in response to global trends in digital currency.” Earlier this year, central bank Deputy Governor Soraya Hakuziyaremye confirmed that the bank was still in the investigation phase and that it will reveal its stance on implementing a CBDC by the end of December 2022.


In 2019 Saudi central bank (the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority, or SAMA) announced Project Aber, a partnership with the Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates, to determine whether a new, dual-issued digital currency could be used as a unit of settlement between the two countries. The final report of that project was released one year later, concluding that “a cross-border dual issued currency was technically viable and that it was possible to design a distributed payment system that offers the two countries significant improvement over centralized payment systems in terms of architectural resilience.” This led to an admission last October by a SAMA official that the central bank is now actively exploring CBDC as a means to digitize payments, with an ambitious target of having 70% of all payments in the country being conducted digitally by 2030.


The country’s central bank, the South African Reserve Bank (SARB), revealed in May 2021 that it had commenced a feasibility study for a general-purpose retail central bank digital currency. Earlier this year, it announced that it had completed the second phase of a separate trial, known as Project Khokha 2, focusing on the creation of a wholesale central bank digital currency. Its project report on the trial concluded that the trial was successful and that the next steps should include further testing and collaboration with other countries on the development of a cross-border digital currency. To that end, the bank announced in September 2021 that it signed up to a pilot program to develop a shared platform to enable cross-border digital currency transactions with Malaysia, Australia and Singapore.


The Bank of Korea (BoK) launched a “forward-thinking” digital currency pilot program in August 2021 with the aim of exploring the feasibility of a retail CBDC. Selecting Ground Xโ€”the blockchain subsidiary of Kakao, Koreaโ€™s largest social networkโ€”as its blockchain simulation provider and partnering with Samsung to research cross-border payments to other mobile phones or connected bank accounts, the BoK has reportedly invested 5 billion won in the project. Phase 2 of the trial, testing “payments using CBDC, remittances between countries, and applications of privacy technologies,” is slated to wrap up this June.


In December 2020 the Bank for International Settlements launchedย Project Helvetia, a “proof-of-concept experiment to integrate tokenised digital assets andย central bank money” in conjunction with the Swiss National Bank (SNB). In January of this year, the SNB revealed the results of that experiment: Project Helvetia “has successfully used central bank digital currencies to settle transactions with five different commercial banks.” The results of the test, we are told, will allow the bank to proceed with some of the most advanced CBDC testing in Europe and “could pave the way for the implementation of a digital currency in Switzerland.”


Remember Bitt, the Barbadian fintech firm that helped to develop the eNaira for Nigeria? Well, guess what Bitt’s working on now? An electronic hryvnia for Ukraine. That’s right, the Ukrainian government paved the way for a CBDC last year by announcing a test pilot of the digital currency, which was slated to begin this year. No word yet on how Russia’s ongoing “special operations” in the country have affected that plan, but so far there has been no formal announcement that the CBDC idea has been scrapped.


The Bank of England (BoE) has been looking into the possibility of creating a digital currency in the UK since at least 2015. They are still officially in the “research” phase, with the bank releasing “Responses to the Bank of Englandโ€™s March 2020 Discussion Paper on CBDC” in June 2021. In November 2021, the BoE released a statement that it will “launch a consultation which will set out their assessment of the case for a UK CBDC” sometime in 2022.


As you may have heard by now, the Biden White House issued an Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets this past March. Although the order generated a lot of stories about how the administration was clearing the way for the possible introduction of a digital dollar, it should be noted that the Federal Reserve has been actively exploring the concept for some time now; the “go ahead” from Biden was more window dressing than substantial policy shift. Specifically, the Boston Fed has been collaborating with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on Project Hamiltonโ€”a “multiyear research project to explore the CBDC design space and gain a hands-on understanding of a CBDC’s technical challenges and opportunities”โ€”since the summer of 2020. The first fruit of that collaborationโ€”a report on Phase 1 of the projectโ€”was released earlier this year, resulting in new “learnings” about the best way to design a CBDC and clearing the way for Phase 2, which, we are told, “will explore new functionality and alternative technical designs.”


Although The Bahamas and Nigeria are now touted as the first countries to have a national CBDC in place, Corbett Reporteers will remember that Venezuela launched its own “cryptocurrency” in 2018. Of course, as I pointed out at the time, it isn’t really a cryptocurrency; it’s a Central Bank Digital Currency. It’s completely centralized, it’s closed source and there’s only one government-run block explorer and one government-issued official wallet. You might also recall that, in a remarkable coincidence, Venezuela introduced its social credit ID cardโ€”the “fatherland card”โ€”later that same year. Well, in case you were wondering, Venezuelans are continuing to be pushed off the digital cliff into technocratic tyranny. Just this past March, President Maduro announced that the country’s minimum wage would now be pegged to the digital currency.

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Indian Supreme Court Judgement Against Vaccine Mandates + Debunking false claims + First results

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Guy Mettan: Ukraine is the First Battle of the Third World War

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All the World’s a Psyop (+ more analysis)

Sculpting A Society

Why Koko (Probably) Couldn’t Talk (Sorry) | The Deep Dive

Just For Fun(?)

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Featuring such hits as:

Merck to buy FDA for $5.7 billion

TIL if you type “I am a liberal”, you get an upvote;

Taco Soup Soup (+ human actually makes taco soup soup);

I (25f) just found out my boyfriend (25m) is being cheated on. I don’t know what to do;


and, of course:

We are likely created by a computer program.

And don’t miss the Interactive sub, where humans and bots can comment on bot-generated posts like:

TIL: That the inventor of the Ouija board lost his job because he couldn’t remember the name of his daughter, who was namedย Ouija Board 3. This led to his death in 1996.


BREAKING: Great Britain has been flooded and everyone has died


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    • Driving license, gun owning license, business license, fishing license, hunting license, marriage license and working license were accepted as the norm. Many localities had the grow food and rear animals licenses, as well.

      The new norm are a shopping license, enhanced working and business license, eating license is right on the cusp.

      What else needs to be covered? Fornication under king’s consent, anyone?

  1. RE: Corbett’s May 16th article
    CBDCs: A Country-By-Country Guide

    All the many source links provided in this article…Man!…that took some work!
    In a sane, non-corrupt universe, this Corbett newsletter would be a headline article at The Wall Street Journal.

    — Prescient —
    Corbett stands out with his foresighted insight of the potential future landscape.
    Out the gate, he opens with this line:
    “Way back in 2017 I created a country-by-country guide to the biometric ID control grid that was coming into view even then.”

    2017 was the same year he put out “Why Big Oil Conquered the World”, as a follow-up to his 2015 “How Big Oil Conquered the World”.

    I feel very fortunate to have found The Corbett Report. Corbett’s prescience and approach to situations have added so much to my life.

    A couple lines in his article caught my eye…
    …(I grinned on this) — “There’s an old canard in conspiracy realist circles that there are only three (?) central banks on the planet that aren’t owned by the Rothschilds….”
    …(clever, deceptive marketing by Authoritarians) — “…simply declaring (without showing proof) that it has “received public support for its plans….”

  2. Corbett’s Recommended Listening and Viewing for Subscribers.

    I can’t wait to explore the Just For Fun(?)

    • The question is are people getting as stupid as bots or are bots getting as smart as people?

      I think the former…. as Sam Vankin pointed out a while back before the internet went mainstream all the stupid people hung out in the slums abusing each other but now the internet allows them a platform.

      There may be only one way to tell the difference ๐Ÿ˜‰

      If we witre lkie tihs hmunas can slitl udnresntnd us but mbyae bots cnat??

      Hmn…. my spell checker got most of that so maybe letter shuffling won’t work.

      • We’ll probably have better luck talking like the mafia members. I mean the other, non state ran mafia. You know, that guy with the thing that was asking about that the friend of ours?

        • Mkey
          Lol… you may be onto something there ๐Ÿ™‚

          I think that’s why Jay Dyer does his show like that. He had a pretty interesting talk on the mafia.

          Funny enough I am watching Sopranos for the first time ever…got the disks for 2 bucks and scanned them to my media PC….I’ll write it off as educational

  3. TBH places like Ghana south africa and Nigeria are naturally set up to avoid the worst of CBDC since th6people there are automatically more family dependent and already know the gov is run by corrupt and incompetent people who (depending on their tribe) may hate them just for being who they are.

    Its people who already live in the “open society ” of primarily economic, rather than family , relationships that are the most controllable…. I read in Culture Wars a while back that there is a big push to drive Indian Indians into new modern tower blocks and get them away from the busy street culture. That reminds me of what they did to the UK back in the 60s (see TV doc “why I hate the 60s” ) where neighborhoods where replaced by tower blocks and people became more atomized and distrustful of each other.

    The whole issue of personal freedom depends on the fact that THEY have product that people want…that’s their control model and has been thru sugar coffee tea gin and opium to Netflix and smartphones and like buttons….the real power they have over us is that we want the trash they have. Its Edmund and the Turkish delight from lion witch and the wardrobe.

    The moment we can say “meh” is the moment their power goes away….thus the drive to bring comforts to the 3red world.

    • Now I read my post I realize that I should add that Dr Jones of Culturewars magazine wrote a book (not read it yet) saying that the creation of suburbia was designed for the same social engineering reasons of destroying homogeneous ethnic communities in urban areas that had political power and creating deEthnicized “white people” without a coherent voting block.

  4. Why koko probably could not talk at WebArchive is NOT playing on this device…. not sure if that’s me or them.

    Someone else try pls and tell.me if it’s running for you?

      • Pearl

        Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚
        It must be this thing. Been to busy to sit down at a real computer.

  5. Not a big surprise when Iranโ€™s parliament building is a pyramid with 33 windows…..

    Miles Mathis website has work on the rulers of Iran; Khomnenes and Pahlavis

    • Yes, and the incredibly brilliant Mathis insists ? = 4!

      The Extinction of ?


      So, without any further ado, are we to surmise there’s a correlation between 33rd degree Masons and the ancient Persians?

  6. OK I am going to need a little more details on how this will work for starters and the end game.         
    It is my understanding the end game is ONE (1) and only ONE (1) central bank for the entire world and ONE (1) CBDC for the world.         
    This ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT central bank controling the one CBDC of everyone on the planet. Am I off there?         

    What I see now is country after country marching almost in lockstep to create THEIR OWN CBDC. CBDC in yuan. CBDC in $U.S., CBDC in pesos, CBDC in hryvnia, CBDC in rubles, CBDC in shekel etc.         

    Is the goal to eventually amalgamate all of the 200+ CBDC’s into one?         
    Is this stated somewhere or is it assumed?         
    Or would the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT be just as happy to have the entire world using 200+ CBDC’s, one for each country?         

    Now let’s focus on an individual country.          
    Let’s say Country A goes all in, in one or two years. Total CBDC in their country.         
    It’s understood that cash would be eliminated at that time.         
    Let’s assume CBDC payment methods would be some form of electronic (computer, phone etc.)         
    or plastic chipped card.         

    How would the system differ from what we have now, except for the fact that there would no longer be cash?         
    In many countries the majority of people pay with plastic cards already (credit cards, debit cards).         
    The money we see in our accounts today is a digital representation of cash.         
    A digital representation of cash or digital currency is going to look the same.         

    So the big question is control. Today we have control of how we access and spend our money.         
    Our money is deposited in banks for the most part.         
    Are these bank going to continue to exist with CBDC’s?         
    I can’t see them going the way of the dinosaur willingly.         

    So back to Country A. Your money is now in your bank, but instead of being able to take out cash, you can only take out CBDC. A possibility I just thought of is that IF THE BANKS WERE NICE, they would issue CBDC ‘gift cards’ of various denominations, say $10, $20, $50, $100 etc. WITHOUT any chips in them…

    • Then you could withdraw $20, have it placed into the plastic gift card and then you could spend it on anything you’d like. The receiver would receive the gift card and then could in turn use it to spend as they see fit, etc. In essence the gift cards would be the new form of ‘cash’.              

      Let’s say the banks aren’t nice and don’t like that brilliant idea.         
      You can only use your plastic CBDC card or electronic slave devices for payments.         

      How would that be different from what we have now?         
      Unless you are deemed a terrorist by your government, they can’t block access to your bank accounts.         
      Or can they? In addition to CBDC’s are governments going to make new arrangements with the banks such that they report all transactions on a yearly/monthly/weekly/daily basis to the central bank?         
      Will the government also implement new powers whereby they can freeze anyone’s bank account, no questions asked?         
      Why would issuing a new currency inspire such draconian powers?

      If these things did start to happen in a few countries (freezing accounts) isn’t it likely there would be huge pushback to a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT and its ONE CBDC?

      • Fawlty Towers

        I would expect that you will SEE one CBDC (unless they go with something like Bitcoin) in each state.

        I expect there will be a thing like apple pay or the credit card system or whatever so you can spend in other countries without needing to convert “e-bucks” to “bitPeso” yourself.

        The system just has to interlock and share data…. it could one day become 1 system but a world wide control grid does not HAVE to be ONE system (which would be less desirable for the many local state bankers who want in on the game).

        Personally I imagine they want a cyberpunk future where the nation states are tiny and weak and easy to stamp on….. just like agenda 21 is seen at LOCAL levels even though it’s world wide there won’t be push back unless people became aware and have something to fight for….. With no real politics or religious principles or ethnic areas most people will go with what’s easy andwalk where the farmer wants

    • Regarding the thing you said about “deposits”, do note that most of the “money” in the system is credit/debt anyway. It is estimated that about 3% of currency in circulation is actual cash. With fractional reserve lending (which went almost to 0) there are no deposits whatsoever.

      • Yes I realize that.

        If your 3% cash number is fairly accurate, then removing cash from the system in a state/country wouldn’t be a great change, even if not desired.

        What it comes down to in my mind is the end game.
        CBDC’s alone would not be unbearable.

        It’s what might happen soon after…
        Happy drunk politicians on power trips (a la Trudeau) who may start freezing
        people’s CBDC accounts for whatever reason(s).

        Linking the CBDC accounts to other digital systems (health, recreational, work, social credit, etc.) so that access to any of them could be stopped at any moment without recourse.

        The end game would be essentially total control of people’s lives.

  7. Well this is a little frustrating…

    I deliberately broke up my post into two parts to be sure I wasn’t
    going anywhere near the word limit.

    It was put in the moderation cue nonetheless (the first part). ๐Ÿ™
    Now I’m in a pickle because I can’t post the smaller second part
    until the first part is accepted.

    Well I could post it, but it wouldn’t make sense to anyone if they
    hadn’t read the first part, first.

    • Was it the links?

      Links sometimes cause that and sometimes do not. The system appears to dislike YouTube links the most…. you could post part 2 with links added and get it out in moderation? Then it will show up all at once

      • There weren’t any links in the post that was put in the cue.
        I think mkey may have hit on the reason. It could be weird formatting
        in my posts.
        I am not typing directly into the comment box.
        I am copying text into the comment box that I have typed in another program.
        That’s all I can think of for the moment.

        You should also know that I was using mkey’s special comment box.
        It’s a tool he has created to facilitate adding special formatting into
        your post.

    • I don’t know (yet?) what’s happening, but in this post that was help up there wasn’t a lot of extra characters, as I was expecting. Maybe they were cleaned up later. Note that you can always delete your comment and try again. I have to check your message. Maybe you can send me over some output from your application? If you have the above post in it, that would be perfect. You can also use something as simple as pastebpin.

      • OK mkey I just conducted a logical experiment with interesting results!

        I made two posts here. Each post consisted of the first part of my two-part post that gave me problems yesterday.

        For post one, I DISABLED your Tampermonkey scripting. I simply copied the same (problem) text into the comment box and tried to post. The post went through without a hitch.

        For post two, I ENABLED your Tampermonkey scripting. I copied the same (problem) text into the comment box and tried to post. The post went into the MODERATION CUE !

        I deleted each post after doing each test.

        • The second post had a high character count due to many nbsp characters. I have no idea how those get added but they will count toward the total character count as a single space instead of 5 letters.

          Characters: 3272 | Words: 374

          I can fix this by simply clearing them out before sending to server. It must be some strange conflict with the browser. The interesting part is that I don’t see that you used any sort of formatting so why would that get added is beyond me.

  8. I recently received a PDF from a South African friend titled “The Synagogue of Satan”. The author seemed not very literate in the English language, with misspellings, punctuation, and style, and no cites. It is 300 PDF pages of double-spaced text and I’ve spent delays reading in order to ponder what I think I know and what I would confirm as accurate. I have only read through 50 pages so far, and am concerned about the coming CBDCs. So far the main thrust of this article is about the Ashkenazi Jews, and more specifically the Rothschild banking “system”. From my non-scholarly study of history, I found agreement. Here is a link for those more capable of sorting out the truth. I hope this link works, cause I am not a geek, I am just a grumpy old man, who can’t fight, too slow to run, so I’ll just shoot you!


    • Herr Rothschild helped to popularize the Star “of David” (in reality, the Star of Remphan/Saturn/Satan) as a symbol of modern Jewry. “Rothschild” – “red shield” – refers, in fact, TO a red Star (or shield) “of David.” While the Star of Remphan was, indeed, used back well into the past, the symbol of the (real) Jews was (is) the Menorah.

      The symbolism of that demonic, occult talisman is hard to overstate.

      The building Mystery Babylon System is so named because it originated in ancient Babylon, and is based, fundamentally, on both Babylon’s financial schemes and its occult/pagan religious practices. Its ways were injected into Western Civilization via another Babylonian product, the Babylonian Talmud.

      Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 are powerful, ominous verses.

      • Mkey
        Yes, and a better link. Mine was double-spaced without the Index and other source material.

    • Hagar

      If you want to understand how it works with jewish power vs. Jewish influence vs. influence of jewish ideas imbibed by others try “The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit” by EM Jones.

      He is correct that you can not understand history without taking these things into account…. the book is 3 volumes and expensive but will reshape your understanding of the last hundred years as much as Mr Corbett changed understanding of the FED or WW1

      • Duck,

        I grok that. Unfortunately, I have not the time nor the resources for an expensive 3 volume discourse. Like so many, I must rely on Mr. Corbett for insight. I just wonder if the oft-repeated phrase, ‘it’s the Jews and it’s the lawyers’ is this the reality? Oh well, I am just clinging to my Bible and my guns.

  9. Revelation 13:17 represents the written manifestation of what an old man saw via a Divine Vision of our era, over 19 centuries ago. It’s coming, regardless of whether one “believes in” it or not.

    CBDCs are just a large piece of the System that is going to be deployed.

    St. John’s words thus, “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name,” were the warning. And now it’s almost here.

    Prepare. And understand that a relationship with Jesus Christ is the ONLY thing that will protect you from the horrors yet to materialize. No amount of human planning or resources can overcome the monstrous design on humanity.

    • Sadder to spread one’s own sense of misery and helplessness….. even back when I was an atheist the hate some folks had for the religious always struck me as envy of the peace it might give

      Since you think no hope exists what other than malicious pleasure exists for you in attacking others hope?

      • Fackchecker
        “..Itโ€™s the frustration of being swept along with the Herd of dumb Jewdupe goyim, right onto the cattle-chute into the Abattoir….”

        Well… you gave up.

        Don’t expect anyone else to help you if that’s the choice you made.

        Your not even really suffering yet…. you have food and internet. If that is what you can’t give up then at least enjoy the truck ride.

        • Ok factbot

          Explain what possible problems a person on the internet who has not starved to death has…. 1st world problems make me grin…. people who have never actually had privation whine so much

      • I don’t bother responding to him anymore. There is no point. He’s as much a religious fanatic as anyone who he has contempt for allegedly is.

    • It’s very clear to me that, whether there is a new virus or not, COVID-19(84) [or maybe CONJOB-19] was much more psychological warfare than “pandemic.”

      We may not know most of the truth about things, but we know our rulers are lying to us.

  10. A coward runs away thru fear…. trying to make people give up without a fight is MALEVOLENCE, not cowardice.

    It’s a good tactic for the enemies of humans to practice on us

  11. Poor old FC can be bit (i.e. a whole bunch) of gloom and doom, that stormy weather that ruins the parade, but in this case I would say that you are completely off the mark. He’s been rather objective in his replies to you and you seem to have taken it personally, what whatever reason.

    I’ll try to offer the same from another perspective: you can’t have just a little bit of freedom and you can not let go of just a little bit of freedom. You either have it all or you don’t have any. One single individual can not be fully free until ALL are fully free. There are no ways around these facts.

    Now, when it comes to paying taxes or jumping through various bureaucratic hoops is something vast majority of us does. Daily. To do otherwise is usually very difficult and often even lethal. So we do it and kind of try to find some middle ground. But being aware of it and not doing what needs to be done about it does not mean we are free. It means exactly the opposite.

    I personally do fear that some form of digital currencies will be foisted upon us, to a great extent they already have been. The “debit” system is nothing but digital “money” you can easily be locked out out, any day of the week. The bug in the system is availability of cash, which is scheduled to get scantier, I’m sure. Not because I can read the future, but because I can read the past. It happened many times already and all signs are telling us that a really big credit crunch is about to occur. Not as a failure of the current system, but as its best work, the great finale.

    But yes, resist, hold on, don’t give in, but also lets not lie out ourselves. Just remember how many people you know who didn’t really want to take the “vaccine” but they buckled, many of them just so they could go shopping, or whatever. A lot more people will be buckling when digital funny money hits. Well, buckling implies presenting some resistance so that’s probably a poor choice here.

    Lets just remember that some hundred years ago you have those Tibetan monks immolating themselves because it was demanded of them to carry documents. Now try to fathom the gap between that mentality and what we have as standard today.

    • Mkey
      You are correct that it will get harder tti stay off grid but
      People who have at least some of their own food, people who know others to trade with, people with family and friends they trust…. THOSE people will be able to stay alive and do what they like.

      The problem is that such people need at some level to think LIKE criminals (NOT doing g crimes though lol!) And understand that the system is hostile to them. The people who depend on the system will have no choice just like the people who can’t endure hardship or do without some conveniences will have no choice.

  12. The chronic stress thing is a misnomer. What we are really talking about is the fight or flight response of the human body to a perceived dangerous situation. Perceived being the key word, how can the brain know what’s happening if it were not through perception. How well is perception aligned with reality?

    When it comes to being in constant “stressed” state the body is actually gearing up for a critical physical activity by sending more blood to muscles and less to the brain and viscera. The entire organism reacts to this state by halting growth in favour of of maximum power draw. Loss of IQ is to be expected, probably no need to mention what happens to reason.

    People are so easily triggered to these states these days that I don’t think their bodies could differentiate between a “hurtful” tweet and being eyed for breakfast by a Bengali tiger.

    • Mkey

      True…stress is what you feel when you know you should do something but have not yet done it.

      People are going crazy because they live in a dopamine fix ‘rat utopia’ of low physical activity and high social media.

      For those wondering what I’m on about lol

  13. Bermuda makes sense. That’s where all these freaks hang waiting for “land to rise”, etc. Ghislaine, Terramar, all that gobbledegook.

    Thank gooodness the beast continues to grow, huger and huger, and easier to defeat all at once.
    The bigger they come, the harder they fall. It oughta rival the Walls of Jericho for a world class rock and roller.

    Be Afraid. Be Very, Very Afraid.

  14. Here is some information related to CBDB in New Zealand. Overview – very early investigative stages. All being driven by the RBNZ – the central bank.

    1. Reserve Bank consults on the future of money


    Worth noting the public consultations took place when the most populous areas (Auckland and the North) were under a hard lockdown due to Covid restrictions. It would appear pushing this through is more important than Covid.

    2. The Future of Money demands innovation

    Latest position


  15. This “duck” commenter told you he adheres to what you know as “judaism”?
    Interesting. More nasty cockfights. I can hear Benatar singing….

    • No… duck is not a jewish duck.

      That would be weird

  16. RE: — Bitcoin Prices —

    Gareth Soloway, a technical trader, has correctly forecasted Bitcoin prices in the past, which I have noted way back on the Corbett comment sections, repeatedly. He had some extraordinary forecasts which came true.

    The following might be of interest to those owning crypto…

    Monday May 16th interview by Daniela Cambone with Gareth Soloway.
    Crypto Carnage:
    Why Bitcoin May be Headed to $12,000
    And Can UST/LUNA Be Saved?


  17. Fact checker

    “….He makes no room for the acknowledgement of chronic stress that is….”


    stress is that feeling you have when you SHOULD do something but haven’t.

    If you are thinking that a lockdown is gonna destroy your life you are leading the wrong life.

    Getting stressed out and dying is something that happens to animals, or stupid people.

    I have had some rather unpleasant, stressful things happen in my life but the idea of fagging out and dividing or just giving up is just retarded

    People go thru wars and genocide and slavery and rape and crippling accidents so honestly people who give up because the lockdown STRESSED them deserve nothing but disgust…stop being such a baby or you really will lose everything

    • I’ve found the “lockdowns” stressful and depressing, probably because I felt/feel like I’m not doing enough to speak out and am disappointed in myself. I’m also disappointed in people who went along with this. They gave up their liberty when they could have stood up, like the gym owner from New Jersey, who kept his gym open and gave the middle finger to the government. I’m sure he suffered consequences, but could be proud of himself and look at himself in the mirror with pride.

      That’s the depressing part for me, people easily trading their soul for convenience. And am I also guilty of this as well? Maybe I am because I go along with the testing policy at work because I want to keep my paycheck. Maybe when I am angry at others, it’s the weakness in them that I also see in myself.

      I do know one thing and that is that there are people who have suffered in their lives far more than I ever have and when I feel bad, I try to remember that it could be so much worse. The fact that I still have an intact healthy body is something I am grateful for.

      This is not to say that I think that people should be passive and just “look at the bright side” but in their struggle allow themselves to see a bright side that gives them strength to continue. Nothing is black and white, at least this is what I think. Humans can’t see the whole picture and have a subjective experience.

      • You are definitely entitled to your point of view. And I’m not offended by your comments. But, to feel relief that one does not suffer the way another person is is a normal reaction as far as I can tell. Maybe it’s a thing among health care providers, when you take care of someone who was just paralyzed from the neck down or who was diagnosed with metastatic cancer to think “I’m so glad I have a healthy body that can walk”

        It’s something that is a visceral response. Maybe it’s that dark side that everyone has within themselves. It’s a human failing perhaps.

        And I am mildly medicated, not excessively so though. And who knows if the meds do anything at all at this point. I know who I am. I would probably have a much meaner disposition if I was un-medicated though. I don’t think there is something “not right” with my existence though. I enjoy my existence a great deal, despite the stress. And I’m glad my mom decided to have me and it would be disrespectful of me to her to repudiate my existence.

        If you don’t enjoy your existence and have an intact body and mind, I have compassion for you but also don’t understand how you could not appreciate what you have. I think it’s okay to enjoy what you have, even if there are other who are suffering. Maybe you can reach out to some people who you see suffering and try to help them.

        • We are all on death row though, everyone, even our foul psychopathic would be overlords like Carstens and Gates. Everyone has an expiration date and will for a long time to come.

        • โ€œ I might similarly say, If you are on Death Row, you canโ€™t help anyone.โ€

          I would disagree.

          โ€œToday you will be with me in Paradiseโ€

          I am pretty sure that one of the recipients of these words were happy to hear them..
          But that is only assuming that one considers encouraging words, thoughts of hopefulness and optimism to be helpful.
          I do.
          Of course according to the old oaters. A couple puffs from a hand rolled cigarette was happily received.
          To each his own. ?

        • Yeah, the death row thing was distracting. But, I don’t think individual circumstances necessarily preclude helping someone who is suffering. But, I also am not convinced we are on “death row” as you say.

    • You mean you have compassion for the “dumb masses”? Or just the people who know what’s going on, but are compelled to go along because they have no perceived choice?

      I personally felt bad for people who’s businesses were destroyed by lockdowns and for teenagers who committed suicide during this time. I feel compassion for “good” people who might not know what people here know, but aren’t the kind of people who would sell their neighbors out to the gestapo. They kind of person who would help you out if you were attacked by someone on the street or give you directions if you were lost or who would help you jump start your car. There are even some people who might donate a kidney if someone needed it. There are some really kind hearted people out there.

      Who do you think deserves compassion, fact checker? I’m just curious as I look into my own heart and soul during these trying times.

      • Cu.h.j

        I don’t think FC actually feels compassion for the sufffering masses- he just tries to use the compassion of others as a weapon.

        I could be wrong but few people actually feel the toxic level of empathy he expresses because they don’t KNOW any of the people they claim To care about.

        Signaling virtue is what weak bad people do to control others thru guilt.

      • You can not feel compassion for an Abstraction…. “all living beings” is an abstraction.

        Right outta screwtape letters , at the British Museum where people can think for hours about “mankind” without a second’s regard for the ACTUAL men only yards from them.

        Vanity and posing are not empathy and care.

    • Lol fact checker

      I am sorry if the brutal reality that no one cares about your minor worries upsets you…. I know that can make you

      But the joke is that you try to make a VIRTUE of being too sensitive to survive hardship.

      Honestly if you really are too pathetic to cope with the minor struggles of a lockdown you WILL DIE. Everyone alive today is alive because one or more of their forebears suffered and fought thru things more horrible than this.

      Thank you for the compliment btw… a “barbarian” is a far smarter and healthier and happier creature than the decadent foppish creature of a late stage civilization.

  18. Bitcoin can not become a world currency…. the system is set up to be too slow for everyone to use it.

    They could use exchanges acting like local Fed Banks…issueing their own version to locals they could balance up the bitcoin ledger at night like banks balance up… using it like Reserve money?

    I don’t pretend to understand exactly but as I understand it the bitcoin code was written with a rather small “buffer” which was ok at the start but can’t handle a world wide volume of traffic.

  19. FC says,

    “Indeed, Iโ€™m already on the โ€œhill that Iโ€™m going to die onโ€”

    Well, if I die
    On top of the hill
    And if I don’t make it
    You know my baby will ~ Bob Dylan

    But, I’ll tell ya, FC, you ain’t on it…you is way over the top!


  20. Quoting FC, once again:

    “The masses are being trained and conditioned to CBDCs as we speak…”

    This is absolutely true. No doubt about it. And forget about kids – that’s obvious. What I marvel at is seeing a grown man at a cash register (cash register – given the context, this terminology sounds already awfully anachronistic) use his credit card to charge a three dollar and change item, as if he had no cash on him whatsoever. Simply by casual observation, cash is being exchanged less and less each and every day that goes by. So, in general, by and large, we’re already living in – and for the vast majority of the populace – fully accepting a cashless economy – and “loving it”, too, as you suggest.

    The thing is, once drugs and prostitution are legalized, will it really matter?

    No comment.

  21. I know I know, James has been warning us about this for years. But when it hits home and you are taken by surprise as I was today, it feels like your head’s been clubbed by a 2×4.

    So I enter the front door to my local Royal Bank and something seems off, immediately.
    I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but I was getting some bad vibes.
    The lighting inside seemed to have changed slightly.

    Then I notice an impromptu table at the front entrance manned by two employees,
    but I walk in another direction to the banking machines and do my business.

    Being curious after I was done, I headed towards the table, with its sign prominently saying “Digital Banking” and asked what was going on?
    One of the two women responded and what she said totally floored me!

    She started by saying all the teller stations are now closed, no cash is given out there anymore. and no person-to-person business is conducted in the bank.

    I hadn’t been in the bank for quite a while so I asked how long has this been going on? She told me since Sept. 2022. Then I asked how many other Royal Banks in the city are doing this? She said this is the only one. I asked about banks in neighbouring cities? She again said this is the only one in the two neighbouring cities. Then I asked about Toronto? She said she didn’t know and I asked about the rest of Canada? Again she said she doesn’t know. I asked about the other competing banks? She didn’t know.

    I asked her why they are doing this (as if I didn’t know)? She said it was to bring people on board to digital banking! I responded by saying I have been doing digital banking with my computer for more than 20 years.
    She said there are still many people who aren’t taking advantage of ‘digital banking’.

    She said they are bringing it in slowly so people get used to it. (Where have we heard that before?)
    She said by 2030 around 70% of their banks will be like this.

    Then I started to get into a conversation with her about what is really going on.
    I probed her to see if she knew. She didn’t let on to anything. We talked for about 10 minutes or so and then I left asking her to let management know this is likely the final straw that breaks the camel’s back for me and my business with this bank.

    I’m still in a bit of shock!

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