Solutions Watch

Communicating This Info to Others – #SolutionsWatch

Communicating This Info to Others – #SolutionsWatch

Many people know all about the problems we are facing, but they have difficulty communicating those ideas to others. Are you one of those people? If so, this conversation is for you. Today, James talks to Benny Wills about Parrhesia, his course for helping others to learn how to unlock their voice and communicate their ideas boldly and effectively. (Hurry, the next season of Parrhesia starts in the next two weeks.)

Take A Break – #SolutionsWatch

Take A Break – #SolutionsWatch

Summer has alighted upon the Land of the Rising Sun so I will be taking a break for the next week or two. In the meantime, I invite you to ponder the need for downtime; not just “recharging the batteries” in the physical sense, but reconnecting with the world around us without the newswires twittering in our ear. In that moment of calm, is it possible for us to rediscover what it is we are fighting for (rather than what we’re fighting against)? I think so. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go sit under a tree and watch the toads mating.

Ice Age Farming – #SolutionsWatch

Ice Age Farming – #SolutionsWatch

Today James talks to Christian Westbrook (aka the Ice Age Farmer) about the problems facing the global food supply—from the coming global solar minimum to the globalist plan to “reset the table” and transform global food systems. More importantly, we discuss what can be done about these problems.

Antiganda – #SolutionsWatch

Antiganda – #SolutionsWatch

Today James continues the discussion on “positive propaganda” by looking at some examples of #antiganda. Activists around the world are creating eye-catching messages designed to get people to question their conditioning. Here’s how you can join them.

Non-compliance at Travel Checkpoints – #SolutionsWatch

Non-compliance at Travel Checkpoints – #SolutionsWatch

For the better part of a century, the image of a uniformed policeman stopping citizens on the street with the words “May I see your papers, please?” has been shorthand for a tyrannical police state. But here we are in COVID-1984 where this is happening on a daily basis in many places around the globe. This week on #SolutionsWatch, James talks to Dan Dicks of about his own experience at such a travel checkpoint in Canada, and what it shows us about how non-compliance can work.

Buycotts – #SolutionsWatch

Buycotts – #SolutionsWatch

Today James answers a question about boycotts with an answer about buycotts. How do we flip the script on the boycott idea to make it about empowering the world we want rather than avoiding the world we don’t want? And how do we create an effective buycott list?

How to De-Google – #SolutionsWatch

How to De-Google – #SolutionsWatch

Remember when Google was just a search engine? In the age of Gmail and Google Drive and Google Maps and GooTube and Google phones, it’s truly unsettling to think how much of the average person’s online activity is now directly feeding the Google data behemoth. Today on #SolutionsWatch, James talks to Rob Braxman (The Internet Privacy Guy) about how to de-Google, and why protecting your privacy online is so important.


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