Solutions Watch

Go Forth and Multiply – #SolutionsWatch

Go Forth and Multiply – #SolutionsWatch

Do you think the world is overpopulated? Are you worried that having a baby would contribute to climate change? Deep down, do you hate humanity? If so, then it’s time to stop swallowing the propaganda of the anti-human death cult and to realize that creation is our ultimate act of rebellion agains the elitists and eugenicists.

How to Meet Like-Minded People – #SolutionsWatch

How to Meet Like-Minded People – #SolutionsWatch

Forming community with like-minded people has never been more important . . . and it has never been more difficult. As the gatekeepers of our increasingly disconnected world try to close the door on our various options for finding community, today James explores some ways to meet sane people in your area, from the technological to the old-fashioned.

YouTube Pirate Streams – #SolutionsWatch

YouTube Pirate Streams – #SolutionsWatch

Remember when people used to set up pirate radio stations to broadcast forbidden or controversial media to the masses? Well this is the 21st century and increasingly people are looking for ways to punch through the social media censorship algorithms to broadcast forbidden truths to the duped masses on the Big Tech platforms. Today Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond to explain how he’s doing just that, broadcasting on YouTube with his TLAV Pirate Streams despite being officially banned from the platform.

Black Market Fridays – #SolutionsWatch

Black Market Fridays – #SolutionsWatch

You’ve heard of Cash Fridays. How about Black Market Fridays? On this edition of #SolutionsWatch, James introduces the idea for setting aside a day every week (or even more) to explore the free market, support agorist enterprises, avoid using cards or bank payments and growing the counter economy. It doesn’t matter how/where/when you do it, but if you’re not finding, connecting with and supporting the free market options in your area, you’re not going to survive the coming crisis.

Fight the Banksters with Cash Friday – #SolutionsWatch

Fight the Banksters with Cash Friday – #SolutionsWatch

While you were distracted by the scamdemic, the banksters have been working on the greatest wealth transfer in the history of the world. It’s called the Going Direct Reset, and it’s going to fundamentally transform the monetary system as we know it. Today Catherine Austin Fitts of joins us to talk about this transformation and what we can do about it.

Teaching Children About Liberty – #SolutionsWatch

Teaching Children About Liberty – #SolutionsWatch

I’m often asked if there are good resources out there for introducing children to the ideas of liberty, economics, self-ownership and other important topics. One book series that I’ve begun reading with my own children and that I can recommend is The Tuttle Twins. This series of books recounts the adventures of an intellectually precocious pair of twins learning about important philosophical and economic concepts. Today we talk to the series’ author, Connor Boyack, about the books, how they can help you to open up important conversations with your children, and what’s in store for the Tuttle Twins in the future.


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