Solutions Watch

Writing A New Narrative – #SolutionsWatch

Writing A New Narrative – #SolutionsWatch

Do you know about the most powerful weapon in the world? It’s used against you every day. You use it yourself, even if you don’t do so consciously. And it can change the entire world. Just sit right back and listen to a story. James is going to tell you all about it.

The Bystander Effect – #SolutionsWatch

The Bystander Effect – #SolutionsWatch

The bystander effect describes a seeming paradox: the more people who are around to help in a given emergency, the less likely that any one individual will actually stop to help. Today James dives into the psychology underlying the bystander effect and explains how we can flip this quirk of human cognition on its head to help change the world for the better.

Picnic Protests Sweep the World! – #SolutionsWatch

Picnic Protests Sweep the World! – #SolutionsWatch

This week we look at yet another way of protesting the incoming vaxx passport agenda: picnicking. Join James for this week’s edition of #SolutionsWatch where he looks at how we can render the vaccine mandate debate moot when we stop begging for scraps from the would-be ruler’s table and build a table of our own.

Fighting Vaccine Mandates – #SolutionsWatch

Fighting Vaccine Mandates – #SolutionsWatch

While the UK is supposedly dropping their vaccine passport idea (for now), things are looking bleak in country after country as people all around the world are facing the threat of vaccine mandates. Today on #SolutionsWatch James explores the array of solutions that are on the table to thwart this threat.

The Activation Tour – #SolutionsWatch

The Activation Tour – #SolutionsWatch

Derrick Broze and Miriam Gomez of The Conscious Resistance join us today to talk about The Activation Tour, a whirlwind 28-city tour that they’re engaged in to foster activism and spread a message of empowerment across the US.


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