Paul writes in to ask if I have the full JFK secret society speech. Why, yes, I do! And guess what? The full speech shows that those highly-edited two-minute YouTube videos you saw back in the day were misleading at best and downright dishonest at worst. Wait until you hear what JFK was actually saying.
Peter writes in to ask how we should respond to the Bank of England’s rigged survey about CBDCs. James answers by describing the Delphi method and how to anti-Delphi in real life.
Are mRNA vaccines being developed for livestock? You bet they are! So what does this mean? As usual, it depends who you ask. Find out the bad, the worse and the putrid of third generation vaccines and the future of food in this week’s edition of Questions For Corbett.
Today James demonstrates the proper way to formulate a question about someone’s research if you want to get a useful answer. And, as an added bonus, you’ll learn how the UNFCCC was rigged from the outset and how the much-ballyhooed IPCC report is nothing but a negotiated political document!
Tony writes in to ask about how to introduce his Swedish friends to voluntaryism. I don’t know about Swedish language resources, but if you’re looking for a manual on voluntaryism in English, boy, do I have some suggestions for you!
Last week James solicited your questions on False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda and you responded. In today’s edition of Questions For Corbett, James answers your queries on Al CIA-da, the invasion of Iraq, the role of Cheney in 9/11, Eisenhower’s awareness of the conspiracy and much more.
Kevin writes in with the eternal question: a book recommendation for him and his son. James responds with a few dozen suggestions from his False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda research reading list.
It seems everyone is talking about technocracy these days, but what is technocracy. You may think you know the answer to this question, but you probably don’t. James answers this question once and for all in today’s edition of Questions For Corbett. Along the way, you’ll discover that being able to answer this question is imperative if we want to be able to identify the technocratic enemy and, ultimately, derail their plans.