Doug writes in to ask if I’ve taken The Conspiracy Test. In fact, I haven’t! So, let’s take it together! And what better topic to test our conspiratorial skepticism on than the Global Warming conspiracy?
“. . . but how do I make money from this information, James?” is a question I receive from time to time. Or, more charitably, “Given the conspiracy reality, how do I invest for my retirement?” That’s a better question, but still, it depends on what we mean by investment, and what it is we’re looking to achieve in the long run. No, I’m not an investment advisor and won’t give you the latest hot stock tip, but I do have some things to say about this topic.
So you’ve watched 9/11: A Conspiracy Theory and now you’re wondering who Jessica Lynch is? Well, you can always check the hyperlinked transcript. But while we’re at it, why not dig a little further into the Jessica Lynch and learn all about how the media fabricates war stories for the consumption of the fluoride-addled, television-addicted masses?
So, is it true that the Rothschilds own the Fed? And if not, then who does? Today James gets to the bottom of the whole Fed ownership things and helps you reformulate the question in a meaningful way that will help you dazzle and impress your conspiracy realist friends.
Did you know that a third of the planet is under some form of economic sanctions at the moment? And, more to the point, do you know what that really means? Join James for this edition of Questions For Corbett as he delves into the horrors of economic warfare and clears up the confusion between (voluntary) boycotts and (government-imposed) sanctions.
Today James answers the question he received most often from the attendees of The Better Way conference in Bath: are we going to win this thing? Get ready for a bigger answer than you’re expecting and a homework assignment of your own.
Questions For Corbett is celebrating its 10th anniversary! Join James for this 100th Episode Extravaganza where he takes on the task of answering 100 questions from the ever-growing question bag in as entertaining and informative way as possible!