
Episode 430 – The Media Are the Terrorists

Episode 430 – The Media Are the Terrorists

Yes, it’s true: the terrorists do hate you for your freedoms, and yes, the terrorists are out to get you. But here’s the real question: Who are the terrorists? Join James for today’s important edition of The Corbett Report podcast where he explores the nexus between mass media and modern-day terrorism.

Episode 429 – Meet Elon Musk, Technocratic Huckster

Episode 429 – Meet Elon Musk, Technocratic Huckster

Elon Musk is back in the headlines again (not that he ever really went away). He’s going to save free speech on Twitter (honest)! He’s going to end the war on Ukraine (that he supported with Starlink)! He’s going to give Taiwan to the Chinese (and not just because of Tesla’s Shanghai factory)! Yes, Elon Musk is a WEF Young Global Leader and a self-promoting charlatan who would have amounted to absolutely nothing without unrelenting support from government and his globalist pals, and he is the next white hat saviour that is being set up to mislead the masses with their next hopium fix. But as James peels back the layers of this technocratic huckster, you’ll find that it’s even worse than that . . .

Episode 428 – Torturing the Truth

Episode 428 – Torturing the Truth

We all know that torture is bad, but are we really aware of how much of the narrative of the past two decades was constructed on torture testimony? Do we know the CIA contractors who developed the torture program or the steps that the intelligence agencies took to cover up their illegal activities? And, when we connect the dots, are we prepared to face the parallels between the torture regime and the biosecurity regime? If you haven’t followed the twists and turns in the torture story since my 2008 podcast on the subject, buckle up. It’s going to be a wild ride.

Episode 427 – Remembering Tim Ball

Episode 427 – Remembering Tim Ball

Today on the program James celebrates the life and work of Dr. Tim Ball, a man who devoted his retirement years to fighting the good fight against the agents of the climate scam and the green enslavement agenda. His fearless truthtelling in the face of so much adversity serves as an example to us all.

Episode 426 – Who Controls the News Controls the World

Episode 426 – Who Controls the News Controls the World

I noticed a funny thing when browsing the propaganda newswires lately: all of the stories about the Queen’s death said the exact same thing! What’s going on here, and why does it matter? Join James for a wild ride through the history of newswires and the formation of the fire-induced collapse hypothesis as he explores the dictum Who Controls the News Controls the World on this week’s edition of The Corbett Report.

Episode 425 – Blood on the Cutting Room Floor

Episode 425 – Blood on the Cutting Room Floor

Do you think The Corbett Report’s new 5+ hour, 50,000 word documentary, False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda, wasn’t long enough? Do you think it missed key parts of the Al Qaeda myth and failed to document important parts of the War of Terror story? Well, so do I! Today, let’s take a tour of the cutting room floor and see what was left out of the documentary.

Episode 424 – False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda – Part 3: The War of Terror

Episode 424 – False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda – Part 3: The War of Terror

When viewed in its proper context, the war on terror was no failure. In fact, waged on fictitious grounds against a shadow enemy, the great military campaign of the 21st century was not a war on terror at all. It was a war of terror, a pretext for the construction of an international security grid in the name of fighting a bogeyman that never existed in the first place.

Episode 423 – Into The Metaverse (The Media Matrix — Part 3)

Episode 423 – Into The Metaverse (The Media Matrix — Part 3)

We stand at a precipice. On one side is “reality”: the original, authentic, lived human experience. And on the other side is the metaverse: the world of constantly mediated experience. In the middle is hyperreality, that blurry space between the real world and the mediated world. And, living as we do on this side of the electronic media revolution, it is the only place we have ever known.


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