Biosecurity Theatre

by | Aug 15, 2020 | Newsletter | 100 comments

You know about “security theatre,” right? That’s the kind of take-off-your-shoes-and-belt nonsense that was instituted at the airport post-9/11 to give passengers the feeling that the government was protecting them from those dastardly Al-CIA-da terrorists.

Of course, these measures do nothing to actually prevent terrorism. Even the MSM mouthpiece media was forced to admit that the TSA never caught a single terrorist with such practices.

But that’s not the point. These procedures are only there to give the impression that agencies like the TSA are actually keeping the public safe.

Well, guess what? As we transition from the post-9/11 “homeland security” paradigm to the post-COVID “biosecurity” paradigm, there is now an equivalent to the security theatre phenomenon taking shape: biosecurity theatre.

I know you’ve noticed it already. The stickers on the floor at the supermarket telling you exactly where to stand when lining up at the cash register. The “one-way aisles” telling you which way to walk as you do your shopping. The infrared thermometer guns pointed suggestively at your head before you enter a public building, as if such a device could actually detect a fever within a fraction of a second of “scanning.”

Of course these gadgets and procedures are not meant to stop the spread of any infectious pathogen. They are merely there to make the public feel better.

But as ridiculous as all of this biosecurity theatre is, it just got 1000x more ridiculous.

What’s the latest example of biosecurity theatre? And what does it tell us about the nature of the biosecurity state that is being erected around us? Find out all the details in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber!

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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 10 issue 26 (August 15, 2020)

by James Corbett
August 15, 2020

You know about “security theatre,” right? That’s the kind of take-off-your-shoes-and-belt nonsense that was instituted at the airport post-9/11 to give passengers the feeling that the government was protecting them from those dastardly Al-CIA-da terrorists.

Of course, these measures do nothing to actually prevent terrorism. Even the MSM mouthpiece media was forced to admit that the TSA never caught a single terrorist with such practices.

But that’s not the point. These procedures are only there to give the impression that agencies like the TSA are actually keeping the public safe.

Well, guess what? As we transition from the post-9/11 “homeland security” paradigm to the post-Covid “biosecurity” paradigm, there is now an equivalent to the security theatre phenomenon taking shape: biosecurity theatre.

I know you’ve noticed it already. The stickers on the floor at the supermarket telling you exactly where to stand when lining up at the cash register. The “one-way aisles” telling you which way to walk as you do your shopping. The infrared thermometer guns pointed suggestively at your head before you enter a public building, as if such a device could actually detect a fever within a fraction of a second of “scanning.”

Of course these gadgets and procedures are not meant to stop the spread of any infectious pathogen. They are merely there to make the public feel better.

Even The Bezos Post is aware of how ridiculous this all is. As Anna Fifield recently noted in a report on how Beijing is coping with the “new normal,” the biosecurity precautions that are being put in place in China’s capital are demonstrably useless.

“Security guards with temperature guns man the gates at supermarkets and residential compounds, pointing them at the wrists of every person who wants to enter. This is largely a formality, as the reading often does not reflect reality. This reporter has recorded temperatures in the low 80s on several occasions, yet was alive enough to walk through the gate.”

Yes, that’s the essence of biosecurity theatre: it’s “largely a formality” and “does not reflect reality.”

But as ridiculous as all of this biosecurity theatre is, it just got 1000x more ridiculous.

Effective August 1st, the state of Wisconsin is requiring all state employees to wear face masks in state facilities. But the state’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is going one step further: the department is requiring its employees to wear face masks during teleconferences . . . even when they’re at home alone.

That’s right, people who are sitting at a computer by themselves with no conceivable possibility of spreading any sort of pathogen are being required to mask up. And why? Because, as Natural Resources Secretary Preston Cole reminded DNR workers in a July 31st email, they are “set[ting] the safety example which shows you as a DNR public service employee care about the safety and health of others.”

They’re not even pretending this is about health or safety at this point. The point of this exercise is (in their own words) to shape public expectations of “acceptable” behaviour in the new biosecurity paradigm.

Talk about theatre.

But there’s a deeper level to all of this. The post-9/11 security theatre, for instance, was not just about justifying the budget of bloated agencies like the TSA. It was also there to reinforce the narrative.

“Why are these jackbooted thugs at the airports frisking octogenerians in wheelchairs, making people empty their colostomy bags and generally treating passengers like inmates during a prison lockdown? It must be because the terror threat is real! Thank goodness for those kind-hearted TSA agents keeping us safe from the big bad terror bogeymen.”

Similarly, the Covid World Order biosecurity theatre is there to reinforce the narrative of the Big Bad Virus.

“So why is everyone suddenly forced to wear masks (even in Zoom meetings from home)? Why are we all standing on social distancing stickers in line at the supermarket checkout? Why are students’ desks being encased in perspex? Why are security guards with infrared thermometers checking everybody entering office buildings and other crowded spaces? It must be because the corona threat is real! Thank goodness for those valiant government employees who are working to keep us safe from the big bad viral bogeyman.”

But in fact it’s even worse than that.

In the terror paradigm, at least the “terrorists” were identifiable bad men with evil intentions. According to the terror narrative, these were people who consciously set out to cause death and destruction. Security agencies can and do treat everyone as a potential terrorist because they can claim ignorance of people’s intentions until a thorough examination is done. But in our own mind, we know that we are not terrorists and that if we were to be accused of terrorism it would be a false charge.

But in the biosecurity paradigm people are being accused of spreading a viral pathogen. According to the health authorities, there’s no way to know if you are an “asymptomatic carrier” unless you are tested (multiple times, even). So maybe you are a biosecurity threat. If an agent of the state performs an examination and deems you to be a carrier of the deadly SARS-CoV-2 (or whatever Gates and his minions are dreaming up for “Pandemic II”), how could you refute it? In this case, your intentions don’t matter. You can protest your innocence all you want, but the tests don’t lie.

Of course, the tests do lie. But again, that’s the point. It’s like another feature of the old-fashioned security theatre: the metal detectors that operators can trigger to go off at will, or the drug sniffing dogs that can be signaled to give a false alert. When the state wants to detain someone in the future, claiming that their target “tested positive” for *insert scary-sounding virus here* will be all the justification needed for most normies to go along with their incarceration.

In the end, biosecurity theatre is not as harmless as its name might imply. It is part of the societal conditioning that we are being subjected to. The social engineers hope this conditioning will train us to:

a) believe in the seriousness of the biosecurity threat presented by SARS-CoV-2 (or whatever virus they tell us to fear next);

b) comply with agents of the state and other authority figures in whatever tests and screenings that are required to access any given space; and

c) create the uncertainty in us that anyone—even ourselves—could be a grave threat to public safety without even knowing it.

And now, as we are seeing in Melbourne, in Auckland, and in other places around the world where the public have seemingly lost their mind over the “existential threat” posed by this “deadly virus,” there are all too many who are willing to move from biosecurity theatre to biosecurity totalitarianism.

The public is being softened. And the worst is yet to come.

Recommended Reading and Viewing

Recommended Reading

3 Ways Human Psychology is Being Exploited by COVID-19
The Trilateral Commission’s Faux Attempt at Democratising
Scientific History of RaTG13

Recommended Listening

Defiance! 6,000 Attend ‘Illegal’ California Church Service

Recommended Viewing

It’s Time to Revisit the Truman Show
The Casedemic Hysteria (h/t pearl)
Bigtree and PFT on Censorship and Mandatory Vaccines

Just For Fun

Music for the New Normal

Fear the Real Virus” by michaelkeever

Instagators” by XL

Free Lovin’ Man” by Russ Robson

No One’s Listening” by One Now Ago

Who Is Bill Gates?” by Kodomosan


To access this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber, please  and continue reading below.

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    • I’m a bioterrorist for sure. Maybe we should have a bioterrorist support group, complete with a 12 step program.

      • BSG – Bioterrorist Support Group
        Thanks for the idea!

        Didn’t you once mention this support group?
        This just may offer the cure, where I can shake it off with fire.

        I’m a little timid. It seems too human.

        …on fire! Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na

        • Something like that but with more guns and germs. We would also need something to set us apart and make easily distinguishable from others. Maybe herpes?

    • Unfortunately, virtually every state legislature created a law giving the governor of that state the authority to rule as they are doing in a state of emergency. So the governors have all declared a state of emergency and so are theoretically acting under the color of law, extending the state of emergency at will.

      “…in an honest court of law….” Again, unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer honest courts of law. Most have been corrupted and compromised, or threatened, to the point they bow to the will of their rulers. There are a few yet, but I’m sure they will be put out of business before long, with kangaroo courts or administrative courts taking their place.

    • altittude

      They already have back doors and access to most of the communications a very few excluded

  1. I want to BUMP this…

    In Corbett’s “Recommended Viewing” is an August 10th
    Dan Dicks (Press For Truth) interview with Del Bigtree of The Highwire
    (on Censorship And The coming MANDATORY VACCINATION PROGRAM!)

  2. Spot on James. The Fear Industrial Complex is softening up people to accept the chains of slavery.
    Back in the 80’s when I started to wake up, I had the notion that the game plan before us consisted of reducing the “First World” countries to that of the a “second World” existence, and perhaps raising the “Third World” countries up a bit to reduce the gap.
    Now I see that they are going to reduce us all to a mean bare existence where the joy in life is crushed, and the population is culled so that “our betters” can enjoy the green pastures of life with out us nasty mouth breathers clogging up the highway.
    Thank you for you insight James.

  3. This past week, I often thought about Corbett and his family going camping.
    The kids are at a perfect age for this. What wonderful adventure and exploration! I’ll bet there were some beautiful lasting moments.
    Maybe some bugs too.

    I consider Alberta, Canada the Texas of that country, a frontier of sorts. I’m sure James is no stranger to the outdoors.

    But it is probably nice to be back home. To rest up. After exhaustive relaxing with nature.

  4. We are truly living in bizarro world when the pastor of the mega-church mentioned in Ron Paul’s podcast is hailed as a libertarian hero. That pastor is John MacArthur who is no freedom fighter but a tyrant. This same man has preached in the past that the American Revolution was rebellion against God and His established government. The most likely scenario is that with the lockdowns, the money flow was drying up. These despots only understand power and money. They couldn’t care less about the people.

    • I watched that podcast. In this instance what he did was right even if the motive was for money. The fact is that Covid doesn’t pose a substantial risk that warrants this degree of fear and paranoia. Masks don’t work, most people who would get sick from it have already got sick and herd immunity is developing in the healthy population (a good thing/what is desired). Validating this mass psychosis by compliance is harmful to people.

      I had a friend who committed suicide in July because of the lockdowns and this is not an isolated instance. These lockdowns are killing people for no reason and they are wrong. I don’t care what this pastor’s motives were, the fact that he went against this bullshit is good. I am the type of person who thinks that action and acts are more important than motives which is why I think capitalism (true free market) without regulations is critical for a free society. Just my opinions though. I really enjoy the Ron Paul report.

      • It’s part and parcel with the confusion of the days. Fortunately, my memory is still intact and unless I’m administered a forced lobotomy, I’ll never forget MacArthur’s firm alliance with other protestant popes who defended pedophiles and rapists satisfying their lusts from within their authoritarian, loveless institutions.

        • I hear ya. Sounds like he’s a real piece of shit-the phony minister that is.

          • Ha! Couldn’t have said it better myself.

  5. Maybe more education about how masks are ineffective, like flyers would be a good idea. That’s scary that you live in a red state that seems to be complying with these stupid rules that have no benefit and may actually harm people.

  6. I wonder if there is a way to use psychology against them. We know how they think and what makes them tick. I think people should be able to use “dark psychology” against these fuckers. I think we need to explore all of the options. How does one beat a sociopath with the extraordinary influence of the mainstream media and organizations that legitimize the propaganda?

    There must be a way to reverse the mass brainwashing at least to secure allies in influential positions.

    • I think you are correct and I hope so too that someone hacks Bill Gates’smart home. I wish those pies in the face were something else, to be honest. I don’t believe in the death penalty as a state mechanism but do strongly believe in natural law and that a psychopath who has substantially harmed people and is a danger forfeits their right to exist.

    • Stronghorse, good tactics that I think I can pull off….Thanks!

  7. ledhead1789 says:
    I’ve been shocked at how fast people have completely altered their behavior without question to comply with these tyrannical dictates.

    Me too. I’m shocked. And I’m in Texas. (Of course a lot of blue state people have moved here over the decade.)
    The small towns are more free than the urban areas.
    But, I’m aghast at the compliance.

    I put out some signs today.

    • Millie Weaver
      A few hours after her arrest, I caught the news cycle and posted updates here…

      For me personally, the film’s biggest take-home was just how vast, vicious and advanced these Psychological Operations are.
      These folks aren’t kidding around.
      Like our food, so very much of the public ‘perception’ is blended with stuff that is not organic.

      There is no argument that political factions, corporations and nations use these ‘tools’. We all know this.

      But I can’t wrap my head around this idea that “our political party or persona” will save us with a solution to it all.

      To me, “voting as a solution” is like walking from the mud into the quicksand.

    • Shadowgate is propaganda and is half true. The whistleblowers are true, but Millie leaves out Israel’s role in all of this and tries to blame China.
      The main whistleblower in documentary, the guy, has immediately been calling her out on this.
      Watch Adam Green’s commentary on it.

  8. So glad he’s back – the one journo that gives us proper links unlike most others. Activist Post has been really creeping me out this week with their propaganda-ish articles and click-baity titles.

    Like this quote from Phelan “There are already numerous reports of dissidents in the US being put into psychiatric hospitals and chemically “lobotomized” with drugs.” SERIOUSLY? Because I spend most of the day reading and researching and I have not seen ONE report on this. If this is true it’s huge and where’s the link?

    Sorry to locate this in JC’s thread but I’m curious whether other readers have heard anything of Phelan’s quote above. AP has no comment thread and if that wasnt the only place to get news from Spiro I’d unsub them.

    • southamerica,
      You said it. I too am glad he’s back.

      I looked through the Janet Phelan article.
      Her statement “…the successful use of fluoride to dose the water in Auschwitz and other concentration camps in Eastern Europe” is a Myth, a Canard.

      However, the article she cites by Professor Parker Crutchfield is alarming. I read his article. Forced drugging and “mental illness” labeling for conspiracy realists is not a stretch.
      They still electro-shock mentally handicapped kids last I knew. (TruthStreamMedia I think)

      I had to grin about the hormone example Crutchfield gave. Oxytocin.
      I have tried that.
      Years back when I was doing intensive research on herbs, vitamins, supplements and anti-aging approaches, I read some very interesting studies and reports. So, I got some of that Oxytocin and tried it. Sometimes it was okay, but no big deal for me. (ha…porn stars would sometimes take it.)

      Anyway, in my opinion, Pleban may have a bit of hyperbole to the alarmist tone, but I can see where the Psychiatric industry might jump all over this line of mental enforcement for those of us who do not comply.

      I’m glad that you expressed your thoughts, SouthAmerica.
      That’s what I like about Corbett Report comment section. We can speak freely.

  9. Another great podcast by John. I wanted to mention it somewhere in these threads, but got sidetracked. I’m glad you put it forth.

        • All is good for me and mine – the frustration stems from the fact that the wider population (and even some of my close friends) see nothing wrong with this, mainly because the orders are issued from a smiling female who displays her new infant at any opportunity. People are slowly waking up but the deluge of pablum from the msm is hard to shovel away.

      • Apologies for that and thanks for the link

        • An excellent article nonetheless.

  10. hey mssr brock west can you comment on events in oz? from friends/relations.
    tanks dude

    • “I’m glad that you expressed your thoughts, SouthAmerica.
      That’s what I like about Corbett Report comment section. We can speak freely.”

      Amen! I am currently undergoing a form of censorship at another site. You don’t know what you’ve got ’til its gone…

      You should be proud of yourself HRS! Kudos to you!
      You are my type of man. 🙂

      On biosecurity theatre and its effects…
      A few weeks ago I visited family and was taking the elevator down to the parking lot. The ‘house rules’ are facemasks anywhere in the building except your apartment.

      Well when the elevator door opened there was a family of four or five people in the elevator all without masks. Of course I don’t wear one either.
      We smiled, they left the elevator on the ground floor and I continued to the parking floor.

      Fast forward to yesterday. I was visiting my family again. Once again was taking the elevator down, this time to the main floor parking lot.
      I get in the elevator, and immediately see an older man wearing a mask.
      Doors close and he tells me there is a rule that I have to wear a mask.
      I tell him I have a medical exemption.

      He rushes to push the button to open the door and jumps out of the elevator as fast as he can!

      The world has gone completely MAD!!!

      • “That’s what I like about Corbett Report comment section. We can speak freely.”

        Ja, ja, ja, yes we can even though when we do, we’re berated for it.

        I, too, have been censored from another site, by a libertarian. I wonder if he has emotional probs or something. Here’s the joke: he was censoring my posts on his site and he cancelled my subscription to his nl, but he still accepted my monthly donations. !?! Great guy.

  11. James, what was your point in linking to the ridiculous fear porn site peak prosperity and the over the top, trapped in the wrong paradigm nonsense from the German gibberish-spouting virologist, but I being redundant? He doesn’t seem to get the fact that all his supposed virus sequences are self-reflexive and prove nothing.

  12. “ belief in the authority of government.”

    Hasn’t that always been the real issue? And has anything changed?
    I am all for pointing out the stupidity and hypocrisy of the reaction to this supposed virus. I take every opportunity to express how ridiculous and draconian most of these edicts are.
    But I am always sure to bring it back to the root of the problem. Government. And the fact that it/they don’t have any inherent right to rule other people who have not chosen to be slaves. This is the same exact argument that I used before corona. Only the examples of tyranny cited were different.
    I almost always get people to at least partially agree that the lockdowns and business closures and mask mandates are destructive, pointless and unfair. Just as I can usually get someone to agree that the government has no right to force people to fund things that they disagree with. Such as war and foreign military aid. But I don’t often seem to be able to get people to take the obvious next step towards anarchy.
    And shouldn’t that always, no matter what era or what the current events, be the ultimate objective?

  13. “ The real problem is simply the idea that anyone has any right to rule over another”
    Yep. Thats pretty much it.

    “ So please impart your vast worldly knowledge upon me and tell me exactly how each of you intends to personally taken action to effect real change in this dying world, or is this just another think tank unable to execute action.”

    I know for a fact that I have no vast knowledge about anything and never claimed to. And whatever action that I have taken may very well be entirely different than what someone else chooses to do. But I will say this. Even before I was made aware of the great delusion that I was a victim of for nearly a half century I knew that it just made sense to try to live as simple and as self sufficient a life as possible. I knew that the secret to contentment was not to acquire more but to be satisfied with less. That the greatest pleasures and rewards in life are not those that one can purchase. Etc. Etc.

    Now that I am more conscious of what the real situation is concerning governments and natural rights, very little has changed. I have the same goals, I have the same chores, I have the same enemies and challenges. It is just that now I understand clearly what I believe I always knew on a more subconscious level.
    I have always been idealistic to a fault. I have drawn my line in the sand. I don’t look for confrontation but I will not compromise my principles. There are principles worth fighting and dying for. But it doesn’t make sense to martyr oneself unless you have a really big audience.

    It is easy to lose sight of the big picture in the midst of all the madness and it is a struggle sometimes to remember that nothing has changed.

    My advice to anyone is to seek personal health. Both physically and spiritually. Keep working towards the goals that bring personal satisfaction and fulfillment. Thats why gardening and keeping animals and playing my guitar are just as important now as they ever have been. Perhaps more.
    I advise trying to keep the pessimism at bay in spite of what appears to a hopeless cause. Because even if the world is beyond hope, (and I don’t believe it is), pessimism is not conducive to personal health or contentment. And what the heck, might as well take care of yourself in any case.
    Most importantly perhaps is not allowing ourselves to become distracted and derailed by all the static.
    Focus on the root of the problem. If we can stamp out the superstition of government authority, 99 percent of the evils disappear. It won’t happen overnight. It might take many generations. But there is no other way to get where we need to go than to eliminate that poisonous delusion. We mustn’t get sidetracked. And we mustn’t forget that this world is beautiful. Nature is beautiful. Creation, including humanity is beautiful and we are blessed to be able to experience it.

    If we allow them to steal all our joy and wonder then the terrorists have already won.

    • altitude,
      I read your post above Steve’s.
      You are spot on when you said,
      “Apathy and Complacency will kill everything.”

      I think each aware person can do something.
      Just something.
      A step…then another step…then another… to help to inform others.

      An greater informed and active public is the only hope for humanity as we know it.

      These “so-called aware” folks who think that they can ride it out and just hunker down somewhere while doing nothing, already have lost parts of their humanity.

      So, as for me, I’m gonna ‘do something’ and have been doing something.
      Each of us can do something.

      Via Broc West
      here is two minutes of Corbett

      • “ I think each aware person can do something.
        Just something.
        A step…then another step…then another… to help to inform others.”

        Absolutely! Every new encounter is a possible opportunity.
        That is why it is so critical to be informed ourselves.
        I feel very fortunate to have places like the Corbett Report to rely on.
        There is such an enormous overload of important information to stay current with that it is all but impossible for average people like me. People like JC are like a filter. Keeping out the trivial distractions and drawing attention to the things that we are supposed to be distracted from.

        I shudder to think about what I would be today if it were not for the internet and some people who saw through the bullshit and were brave enough to tell anyone who would listen.

  14. For anyone who still hasn’t read up on RNA and it’s relationship to DNA, now is the time. DNA is a complex subject and probably for good reason. I have a bare minimal understanding of it but I know enough, to know that I would never try changing my default settings. This is what the RNA vaccine is designed to do.
    Would you trust your auto mechanic or your crazy cousin Larry to perform brain surgery on you? Probably not. I should hope not anyway. There isn’t a human on this planet who I would trust let alone authorize to alter my RNA or DNA in any manner.
    Related information
    The bible says that animals can procreate “each to their own kind” and science proves that this is true. Giraffes cannot mate with dogs etc etc. The reason this holds true is DNA. All animals share certain DNA but specific DNA is relegated to classes of animals, such as mammalian, reptilian and so forth. Those divisions or differences continue to widen as you work your way down to a specific species. Most of this should sound familiar to anyone who paid attention in school. What allows us to procreate as humans is having the same structured DNA with the only real differences being those which pertain to our physical features.
    If RNA vaccines can change RNA then it is possible to change us into something non-human. DNA can be proven therefore, if our DNA is changed sufficiently the case could be made that we no longer qualify as human which in turn could be used to deny us any human rights.
    If our DNA does not change in unison or in the same exact way around the globe, humans will no longer be compatible with each other and the species dies out. Be sure that Gates would never allow this filth into his body or that of his family.
    Anyone willing to gamble? When the vaccine arrives, expect government to move quickly. President Trump has already stated that he has the military “ready to go”. You average infantryman doesn’t have the training to administer vaccinations so you can guess what their purpose would be.

    • Operation Warp speed with the military to execute the vaccinations is a shock and awe campaign. People are being shocked into compliance with the insanity and rapidness of what is taking place. Many people are held hostage to the emerging paradigm on account of financial reliance on the system. Government employees are the first line of enforcers of the new normal, not because of their personal belief necessarily, but because their paychecks depend on their compliance. Small businesses will be raided if they don’t enforce the “recommendations” of the (private corporations) CDC and WHO as parroted by their State governors and departments of health. It is a daisy chain of complicity. I work at an elementary school, and it disgusts me to see the masks, plexiglass, face shields, hand sanitizers, and 6 foot distance enforced on our 5 years olds. I put up flyers at stores, complain to whoever I can, call my union and elected officials. The corporate media holds tremendous sway over the minds of the masses. It is possible that the vaccine will be like a branding of our beings, with those at the top cementing our chattel status. Some say the speed at which this is all happening is a sign of weakness and desperation on the part of the controllers. I am not so sure about that.

  15. This is a video of the recent “arrest” in Australia where a girl was manhandled for not wearing a mask. We have a side by side comparison with the video of the same event from a different angle. It is obvious that the male voice was added to the video later and it looks like the cops are “cooperating” with the in existent actor.

    • That was interesting. Thanks!
      It seems that the atmosphere is being agitated deliberately to infuriate the thinking people. This helps them to identify and target the alpha-males easier!

  16. PC is solely about normalizing lies. I’ve seen it turn normal people into conniving bastards without them even realizing it. If anything, I like to provoke this sort, which is very easy since any form of truth is aggravating to their inner structure made of cards. Well said, Theodore.

  17. Uploaded August 14th – Friday

    ‘Do Not Trust The Medical Or The National Security Establishment!’
    With Guest Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

    (40 minutes)

    Very interesting interview, as Kennedy talks about the 50-75 year family battle with the CIA.

  18. I had never heard of “ciphers” before watching the latest Academy Of Ideas video. Meaning people of no worth or value. Empty vessels.
    This episode is particularly timely. I highly recommend investing thirteen minutes for it.

    Listening to these podcasts always reminds me of how much I missed by not taking education seriously in my youth.
    So much to learn, so little time.

    In case you haven’t discovered it yet, This channel is a treasure.

    • What was Joe Pantoliano’s character named in the Matrix movie?

  19. Low IQ demonstration at Sturgis Bike Rally

    Antifa protestors were on the scene.
    Everything was pretty tame for the longest time.
    Then, the tall Antifa fella with purple hair kicks a bike riding by.
    Not too bright.
    The police probably saved his life.

    Here is the HD video with quality sound of a very agitated crowd of bikers.
    (4 minutes or much less)

    • Here is video of the Sturgis Antifa protest.
      It was very tame, until the 28:45 mark when the tall Purple haired protestor kicks a bike.

    • I’m not sure what’s the point of adding the fake audio. I’m referring to the 4 minute video.

    • Just heard this, Steve, beautiful, thanks!

      • Yeah. I love spontaneous stuff like that.
        Isn’t it incredible how beautiful and inspiring people can be? And incredible how horrible and disappointing we can be as well. Sometimes even the same individuals.
        Us humans really run the gamut. Sure makes life interesting.

  20. Laurnie,
    Glad you are here!

    No, I haven’t subscribed to “Counter Markets”, so I can’t say much about it.
    However, James Corbett has interviewed Vin Armani in the past.
    He seems like a nice guy.

    As for me, I am sometimes very reluctant to chuck out decent amounts of money on a non-voluntary basis for products and service sold by some of those within “The Truther Community”.
    This could include Gold and Silver, or Health Supplements, or Gardening Guides, or “Make Money Books”, or investing, or “Manuals on ________ “.

    Over the past 15 years in the truther community, I have seen those whose intention is not necessarily to truly benefit the buyer, but rather to primarily benefit the seller’s own pocket.
    I am all for exchanging products and services, especially within a freedom minded community.
    But personally, I am somewhat cautious with most vendors, anywhere.
    In the buyer’s eyes, there should be a fair exchange of value leaning the scale towards the buyer.

  21. Monday – August 17, 2020
    The Conscious Resistance – Derrick Broze

    This is 10 minutes well spent.

    The Great Reset: Where Do We Go From Here?
    (10 minutes)

    • Derrick Broze says:
      They call him an “anti-government activist”. The documents also link to an introductory event we held on Freedom Cells in Austin, TX. The docs also contain a link to a vid I did on using Freedom Cells to organize against violent cops. Clearly concerned about Freedom Cells.

      Found out a good friend/activist John Bush and I were listed in the #BlueLeaks from Austin Regional Intelligence Center, which is a Fusion Center. The documents from the ARIC contain a report of a Terrorism Liason Officer who was investigating John in 2016.

  22. This is what I do to avoid being muzzled during airline flights. It has been tested on a couple of European flights and I am sure It can be extended in other countries too.

    I start munching food at the start of the flight and I carry on grazing for the entire duration of it. If the cabin crew sees you eating food they cannot demand that you wear a mask.

    Just do it sloooowly and continuously (excellent for your digestion too) to ensure a pleasant journey maskless 😉

    • August 17, 2020
      The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has launched a comprehensive campaign to put an end to

      …July 21, 2020, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) issued a press release1 and testified in a Senate hearing on the topic of COVID-19 scams.

      The press release contained lies, fabrications and a reckless disregard for truth in an attempt to put an end to me and this website.

      Additionally, in an August 12, 2020, email, CSPI president Dr. Peter Lurie — a former FDA associate commissioner — claims I’m “profiting from the pandemic” through “anti-vaccine fearmongering” and reporting of science-based nutrition shown to impact your disease risk.

      According to Lurie:
      “Mercola brazenly has claimed that many of his products are coronavirus treatments or cures, including vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, selenium, ‘molecular hydrogen,’ licorice, and other substances.

      Besides profiting from the pandemic, Mercola has seemingly advised people to contract COVID-19 after taking supposedly ‘immunity boosting’ supplements (which of course he sells). Making matters worse, Mercola is a leading proponent of anti-vaccine conspiracy theories — and has been fearmongering against prospective COVID-19 vaccines even before such vaccines are available!”

      CSPI is now urging the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Trade Commission “to bring enforcement proceedings against Mercola and his companies for their unlawful disease claims that falsely and misleadingly claim to treat, cure or prevent COVID-19 infections.”

      Lurie is asking CSPI members to flood these agencies with prewritten Tweets urging them to take action against us….

  23. People power is still real.

    From this…

    “Australia should make any coronavirus vaccine compulsory for its 25 million citizens bar medical exemptions, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Wednesday, wading into a heated ethical debate.”

    to this

    “Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison has backtracked on comments he made saying that he planned to make coronavirus vaccinations as mandatory as possible.

    “Can I be really clear to everyone? It’s not going to be compulsory to have the vaccine, OK?” Morrison said Wednesday”

    All in less than 20 hours.

  24. August 17th
    via GatesNotes – The Blog of Bill Gates
    (Video Embedded)

    “Mosquito Week”
    As COVID-19 spreads, don’t lose track of malaria

    The pandemic is a reminder of why we need to eradicate this mosquito-borne disease.
    Mosquitoes don’t practice social distancing. They don’t wear masks, either.

    As COVID-19 spreads across the globe, it’s important to remember that the world’s deadliest animal hasn’t taken a break during this pandemic.

    Mosquitoes are out biting every night, infecting millions of people with malaria—a disease that kills a child every other minute of every day.

    Most of these deaths occur in the poorest countries with the weakest health systems. Now, they face the added burden of halting the coronavirus. And in many of these countries, COVID-19 cases are likely to peak at the worst possible time: the height of their malaria transmission seasons…

    A recent modeling analysis from the World Health Organization found that if essential malaria prevention and treatment services are severely disrupted by the pandemic, malaria deaths in sub-Saharan Africa would reach mortality levels not seen since 2000. That year, an estimated 764,000 people died from malaria in Africa, most of them children…

    …For malaria, that means continuing with campaigns to deliver long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets, control mosquito populations with indoor spraying,….

    (MORE Mosquito related stories at his blog)

    • I want to emphasize that Bill Gates deliberately tries to make people ill.
      We see it repeatedly in a variety of his endeavors.

      Regarding Mosquitoes as an example, he recommends:
      long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets
      indoor spraying of insecticides.

      Any person with common sense, and especially anyone trained in toxicology, knows that continuously breathing indoor chemically toxic air is extremely unhealthy and will eventually result in a sick individual.

  25. From the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness (DDP) Conference 38th Annual Meeting, August 16, 2020, Las Vegas, NV.
    SARS-CoV2 and the Rise of Medical Technocracy. Lee Merritt, M.D.
    (one hour)

    She covers a lot of ground with easy to grasp slides and talking points, citing science publications and the Covid scam. Sources at the end.
    Masks are discussed in detail.

    Red Pill Expo Jekyll Island, Georgia – 2020 October 10 & 11

    Note from the website:
    Our videos were disabled last month by Vimeo because of our skeptical view of the pandemic.
    We quickly found a way to re-activate them without Vimeo or YouTube, but this requires uploading many video files, and the process is slow. Meanwhile, if you see “Sorry, this video does not exist”, click on “Source” below the video and you likely will find what you seek.

  26. List of like-minded Alternative Decentralization Groups and People

    On Thursday, August 20th, Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance interviewed Brandon Smith of Alt-Market.
    Derrick and Brandon discuss two recent articles from Brandon which outline the growth of tyranny in the age of COVID19 and how both left and right are falling for it.

    Brandon quote:
    I think that we are definitely at a point now where it is safe to say…the so-called conspiracy theorists and the preppers were right.

    Around the 21 minute mark, “Fourth Generation Psychological Warfare” comes up.
    Basically, when a person or culture’s humanity is destroyed, so goes the society. Dehumanize people and you will bring down the civilization of that area.

  27. August 20, 2020 – Thursday
    Del Bigtree on The Highwire (the long 2 hour feature)

    The Highwire –
    Gross overcount of Covid cases, Massachusetts vaccine mandate,
    Covid vaccines and their safety (antigens, T-cells, immune response) with James Neuenschwander, M.D. (a.k.a. Dr. Neu), the current push of Flu vaccines,
    Interview with Mikki Willis who directed “Plandemic 2 – InDoctorNation” and talk about Dr. David Martin on “Reclaiming our Humanity”,
    AUSTRALIA SKYNEWS reports how the lockdown was entirely unnecessary and also how outlawing Hydroxychloroquine murdered people.

    • Interviewed on The Highwire was James Neuenschwander, M.D. (a.k.a. Dr. Neu).
      Here is his Michigan website

      You will notice that he treats many folks with Autism and autoimmune conditions.
      Also, he offers IV Therapy (Intravenous Therapy) of Vitamin C and other nutrients, along with many alternative therapies to help the body balance.

    • The last segment of “The Highwire” has a video clip of…
      AUSTRALIA SKYNEWS August 16, 2020 – Sweden & Switzerland
      (8 minutes)

      FROM Skynews…
      Sky News host Rowan Dean says the effectiveness of the COVID-19 herd immunity strategy implemented in Sweden and Switzerland “should put the fear of God into every politician in this country”.

      Some emerging reports seem to endorse the herd immunity strategy utilised by Sweden, which has now recorded far fewer deaths per capita than the United Kingdom while maintaining basic freedoms and a far milder recession.

      Former Swedish State Epidemiologist Professor Johan Giesecke warned a major lockdown would simply destroy the economy and leave the population without herd immunity and permanently vulnerable to future COVID-19 outbreaks.

      Mr Dean also examined Switzerland and its use of the drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) which is currently banned in Victoria and Queensland as a coronavirus treatment.

      He said “Switzerland briefly banned the drug after the Lancet claimed it was killing people” but quickly re-instated the drug when the article was withdrawn by the journal.

      According to a study done by John Hopkins University during the weeks preceding the ban on HCQ in Switzerland the fatality ratio index for Switzerland fluctuated between 3-5 per cent.

      “Will history record that not only was the destruction of our economy completely pointless but preventative treatments using drugs such as hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin in combination with others were sitting there right under our noses all along?” Mr Dean said.

      • BUMP
        This Skynet mainstream news video is top grade.

    • Watched this, HRS. Especially liked his interview with Mikki Willis.

      I thought Plandemic 2 was very very interesting. Especially the patents on corona virus! Why isn’t this on 60 Minutes???? (rhetorical question)

  28. Friday – August 21 – The State of Virginia
    via Zero Hedge

    Virginia Plans Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations For All Residents

    …from ABC News 8:

    State Health Commissioner Dr. Norman Oliver told 8News on Friday that he plans to mandate coronavirus vaccinations for Virginians once one is made available to the public.

    Virginia state law gives the Commissioner of Health the authority to mandate immediate immunizations during a public health crisis if a vaccine is available. Health officials say an immunization could be released as early as 2021.

    Dr. Oliver says that, as long as he is still the Health Commissioner, he intends to mandate the coronavirus vaccine.

    “It is killing people now, we don’t have a treatment for it and if we develop a vaccine that can prevent it from spreading in the community we will save hundreds and hundreds of lives,” Oliver said…

    …The decision comes after Massachusetts said it would make the flu vaccine mandatory this year as part of a campaign to protect the state’s medical system….

    • At least good people in Massachusetts are not mincing words when discussing their priorities – protect the health system at all cost.

      • I received a letter in the mail yesterday from my health care provider – a big big health care company in Massachusetts that I hate but stay with so I can continue with my doctor and hospitals.

        The letter asked if I would be interested in volunteering for the new COVID VACCINE!!!!!

        I can’t wait to write my reply letter. Although I’m wondering if I should send it anonymously should I need surgery anytime soon! lol

        But, really, sending out letters.

        By the way, has anyone else’s medicare health insurance started “in home” visits? Mine has – and advertises them like they are the greatest thing since sliced bread.

        AND they keep calling. I finally let one representative just have it. I told her I was not interested, that I was not sick. “But what if you GET sick” I told her four times, I’m not kidding, that I did not want the service and she kept coming back with an argument.

        I finally said “No one is coming into MY house to check up on me. No one. Now I’m hanging up.” And I did.

        It dawned on me recently, especially after watching Alison McDowell on wrenchinthegears, that this is the new data collecting. Right in your own home. This is not some altruistic option. This is part and parcel of the 4th industrial revolution.

        Oh my God, I’m going to be one of those tough old hillbilly woman standing at the door with a shotgun.

        • ha!…I will be sure to knock and then step back from the porch.

          Very interesting anecdote about Medicare and Health Insurance.
          I agree, it sounds like data collection.

    • There is a protest scheduled at the Massachusetts State House in Boston, MA on August 29. This is really going too far.

      I am wondering if they are doing this to gage what the blowback will be when the mandate covid vaccines.

      In any case I plan to be there.

        • Oh good lord HRS – You flatter me!

          I only wish I had the courage of many I see and hear. But thank you for your kind words. I certainly am motivated by the activist actions of several Corbett members, yourself included.

          I am already planning my sign for the protest next week.

          Also, FYI everyone – Go over to CHILDREN’S HEALTH DEFENSE website and watch the press conference about the suit they just filed against Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook. Really really interesting. And hopeful.

          Thanks again, HRS.

  29. August 20th

    2,700 evangelicals warn against politicizing coronavirus, urge Christians to take vaccine

    A coalition of more than 2,700 high-profile evangelicals spanning the fields of science and religion have signed onto a statement billed “A Christian Statement on Science for Pandemic Times,” which warns against the politicization of the new coronavirus and urges Christians to take appropriate action against it, including taking a vaccine when it’s ready.

    “We are deeply concerned about the polarization and politicization of science in the public square when so many lives are at stake. The word ‘science’ has become a weapon in the culture wars.
    Scientists are vilified and their findings ignored, while conspiracy theories go viral.
    Sadly, Christians seem just as susceptible to these trends.
    Thoughtful Christians may disagree on public policy in response to the coronavirus, but none of us should ignore clear scientific evidence,”

    the statement published online by the nonprofit organization BioLogos says.

    “We call on all Christians to follow the advice of public health experts and support scientists doing crucial biomedical research on COVID-19.”

    BioLogos was founded by U.S. National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins, a devout Christian geneticist, and his wife, to foster discussions about the harmony between science and biblical faith. Collins was honored earlier this year with the Templeton Prize, a financial award of $1.3 million for his storied career using science to advocate for the “integration of faith and reason.”..

    …Nevertheless, it urges Christians to wear masks, get vaccinated, correct misinformation, work for justice and pray.

    “Mask rules are not experts taking away our freedom, but an opportunity to follow Jesus’ command to love our neighbors as ourselves,” it says.
    “Christians are called to love the truth; we should not be swayed by falsehoods….

    • The irony is ripe in this one. They are worried about weaponization of the word “science”, are they?

      Mark Passio for years has been talking about the “scientism” where cut and dry science has been replaced by a dogma, in which people yet again blindly believe in experts and their lies insted of trusting evidence and truth.

      In that view, for this “christian” organization to be supporting “scientism” and thus bolstering the full spectrum dominance of the scammers in chief is particularly fitting.

    • That’s bizarre, as its stated numerous times in the Bible that faith in Jesus will save you from everything. No need for modern medicine at all.

  30. AUDIO – “Guns & Butter” with Michel Chossudovsky
    August 19th

    Interview of Prof. Michel Chossudovsky with Bonnie Faulkner on the Economic and Social Dimensions of the Covid Crisis
    (1 hour)

    NOTEWORTHY blatant observational concept…
    Politicians and health officials in more than 190 countries obey orders emanating from higher authority.

    In turn millions of people obey the orders of their governments without questioning the fact that closing down an economy is not the solution

    (H/t to Joe.s)

  31. Any chance of making the comments newest at the top? Or having a menu to sort them? Cheers

    • One time, Corbett tried a new approach to the comment placements.
      It didn’t go over too well.
      Many regular commenters had a hard time connecting back to the original Sub-Thread.

      After awhile, a person gets used to this format.
      It is easy to scroll down the page and glance over comments.

      If you want to search a keyword, press “Control” and “F” on a computer.
      A search box will appear.
      Enter your keyword, press “Enter” and you will see the highlighted results.

  32. Same trick works for cats as does politicians. You ignore them. They hate that and will be all over you after a while…

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