Becoming Sovereign – #SolutionsWatch

by | Nov 19, 2024 | Solutions Watch, Videos | 25 comments

Benny Wills joins us once again to discuss his latest online course, Sovereign Secrets, which teaches you how to gain independence by starting your own business, how to maximize your productivity, and how to live with purpose by creating a future on your terms.

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Sovereign Secrets

Communicating This Info to Others – #SolutionsWatch

Laughing At Tyrants – #SolutionsWatch

The Self-Reliant Way – #SolutionsWatch

How To Be Happy – #SolutionsWatch



  1. Could Faith in God help us also? For the lack of purpose feeling I mean

  2. “The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. To be your own man is hard business. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.”
    – Rudyard Kipling (1865–1936)
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    With today’s abundant spy and snooping tech both with civilians and “others” being “gray” is more challenging. Also the demand for documentation of this and that is far more stringent.

    And the biggest issue of course is just how willing one is to compromise life quality for mental emotional quality. Where to live, what to drive, what sort of diet all come into play.

    I’M A FREE MAN (song)

    • If you only “own yourself” while others own the capital, then you have no option but to prostitute the only thing you own in order to survive.

      • Comment box offerings need more clarity with their limited space.
        IMO, Kipling’s “owning yourself” is an analogy to one’s sovereignty of values thoughts and behavior.
        Not sure what sort of “prostitute” behavior you are addressing??

        The word “Survival” is bandied about a lot these days. You are offering no true definition of what it means in that sentence. (Food, shelter, water. Mobility, speech, etc.??) Someone brought up in a very wealthy environment may see “survival” quite different then a poor or tribal person hey?

        In my case driving a 1973 Dodge Van for over 40 years or writing music on a $150 guitar, being self sufficient with most areas of carpentry, auto/motorcycle/home mechanics and electronics, etc. could be seen as a method of “survival” talent to be able to live on lower income, thus less effort at employment and more at enjoyment.

        The purchasing of good “tools” and doing the building, repair, maintenance, etc. of one’s “stuff” rather then paying for others to do it is an investment into self reliance and pride and strength of character. Much better investment then “boys toys.”

        For me, compromise is not “prostitution” but rather a smart way to find a smoother, satisfying life as long as one is clever or aware enough to understand how to maintain one’s boundaries and not lose one’s sovereignty or “center” as some paths call it.

  3. In today’s world to reach the spirit, one must, first of all, make a firm decision, a very intense commitment, to be very different from your contemporaries — and yet get along with them.
    Human beings who overcome themselves, free themselves of the power that limits all beings. From Rudolf Steiner.

  4. This episode seems to be an advertisement. In no way it is helpful or make any sense. When you have your own company you don’t deal with government the guy says? What country is he living in?

    Also that ‘I make you 10k a month’-stuff is played out by now, come on… If you make so much money and want to ‘help’ us, why you ask us money for common sense info?

    ‘start your own company so you don’t need to work for a boss’ MIND BLOWN!!!!!

    Look at this below… You’re serious? SAVE NOWWWW

    What’s Inside:
    💰 Escape the System: The $10k/Month Blueprint ($2997 value)
    💰 Free Your Speech Masterclass ($497 value)
    💰 Self Reliant Way Masterclass ($997 value)
    💰 Escape the System Mastermind ($1,297/month)
    🎁 3 Coffee Chats every week
    🎁 Empowered Parenting weekly meetups
    Total Value: $5,788 — Now Just $79/month

    • ”He you want to make 10k a month….? Usually I charge $2997…. But for you only $79”


    • Well, there ya go…
      …you make some points on why this Benny opportunity is not for you.
      Everyone has their own pathways in life.
      Best wishes on your personal pathways.

    • “Hey, look here! These magic beans will make you super-duper smart. Yours for only $100 a piece!”

      Okay, let me give it a try. Here’s a $100.
      . . .
      (after a while)
      . . .
      Um, these are no different than ordinary beans.

      “See? It already works!”

    • Same!

      „You wanna be sovereign and self sufficient? Then give me Fiat Money and I make you a Fiat Money millionaire.“

      Beine an anarchist means for me cutting ties to the government. That implies most importantly governmeng money. Which might be the hardest part on sovereignity.

  5. I would be surprised if Benny Wills didn’t have a high IQ, or at the very least above the norm. But I understand what he’s saying about the other things about intelligence that aren’t measured on an IQ test being critical to success in life.

    Those “other things” are critically important. The idea of leadership and guiding others are necessary too because there are many people who need that. Some people need mentorship in order to grow.

    At any rate, I’ll check out his website.

  6. I found Joy Camp over a decade ago and loved the humor.

    When Benny began to lead people into Buddhism, Hinduism and New Age philosophies, I tuned out. He’s all about “enlightenment” in spiritual darkness. Jesus Christ is the light of the world. He is the truth, the way and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by him.

    Benny was raised in Hellywood circles and is influenced by devils which only want to lead people from deception to deception. I personally don’t care to listen to his solutions because they’re founded on sand.

    Also having looked into the “Sovereign” movement, I’ve found many truths associated with it, but to actually live “Sovereign” is an illusion. It never works out practically, as it does on paper and in theory.

  7. During my life, I have tried well over 100 different business ventures.
    Some worked out extremely well.
    Many were flops.

    But I will tell you this…
    Having someone who is a listening board, someone who you can bounce ideas off of, someone who is genuinely interested — all this makes a huge difference!
    I can’t emphasize it enough.
    I can’t emphasize it enough.

    For anyone who even might be ‘toying’ with ideas, or needs a change of scenery, it certainly will not hurt to just look over Benny’s website.
    The guy is a “safe” character to communicate with.
    So, if after reviewing the website and if you have questions, ask him.
    He won’t snark you or guilt-trip you.

  8. I recognized when I was a kid that the more skills you have, the freer you are. It’s also one of the reasons why I started teaching, and why I wrote my textbook.

  9. If “starting your own business and maximizing your productivity” is the way to sovereignty, then those who are not business savvy or productive will never be sovereign.

    • You are missing the point.
      No one is saying “This is the ONLY solution” or “This solution is the Ultimate Silver Bullet”.

      Virtually, much of my adult life I have been self-employed.
      Many times I also worked a job(s) while being self-employed.
      I know about this stuff.
      I like having more control, more options in my life.

      Self-employment gives a person more control over their life.
      The self-employed person is the driver – not the passenger of the car.
      Some people like to be controlled. Some folks prefer to be passengers.

      Taking Risks
      …element related to NARRATIVE – Suggestion

      • Yes, and our purpose of being born here is to give the passengers a ride, not simply drive away and leave them in the gutter.

      • I think it’s really cool you’ve been self employed. I personally enjoyed this solutions watch very much and am inspired to check out what Benny Wills has to offer because I’m needing to get out of health care.

        I have finally reached the point of being so turned off by mainstream health care that I need an exit strategy.

        But I know that I’ll need to work in health care part time, so will have to travel to work in cities to maximize my income in order to fund whatever I decide to do.

        I think you exemplify flexibility and creativity and the willingness to take risks which are necessary for a fulfilling life.

        Risk taking is something I need to learn. I’ve always been risk averse which is a shortcoming of mine.

        • From my eye, you recently have taken some dynamic risks!
          You moved from a pleasant climate and city venues to the dry desert and to a switcheroo on the job scene.
          Doc, you got bigger balls than most of us men.

  10. I really like this guy… common sense and fun, plus faith in your self…. Benny is a great leader for himself, and us. Buz

  11. The 10k blueprint scheme might mean: 106 people give me $79 a month. It was just not presented correctly.

  12. Hi awake people
    this is for Dutch people who wants to know more about sovereignty in dutch and to learn how to get sovereign in Holland by changing a contract with the dutch coverment that you didn’t sign for.
    The rest will be explained in the following sites by people who’ve done this already and are free of the criminal state of the Nederlands.

  13. As a voluntaryist the thing that is most a gotcha to me running my own business is that doing so, especially in the US, makes me a tax collector and enforcer of various State decrees. Even selling courses, digital information and consulting online now requires, if your are in the “white market” economy, gathering information about my customers for charging them sales tax for the state they may reside in or VAT etc outside the US. Which means I also have to invade their privacy a bit demanding their location which I otherwise don’t need. This really bothers me.

    I wish we had better Counter-Economics to get around more of this. As a techie I would love to help make it so.

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