Did you know that Cheney and Obama are eighth cousins? Or that Obama and McCain are 22nd cousins? Or that every US president in history can trace their roots back to British royalty? Is it true, and if so, what does it mean? Join James for this month’s edition of Questions For Corbett where he ponders this as well as natural monopolies, the viability of conspiracy theories, peak oil, 3D chess and more.
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Episode 244 – Secret Weapons Technology
The Corbett Report Extras YouTube channel
Episode 277 – …But What About The Roads?
Contra Krugman on the Flint Water Supply Problem
On the Viability of Conspiratorial Beliefs
“On the Viability of Conspiratorial Beliefs” – Debunked!
Confessions of an ex-Peak Oil Believer
@Brytmann asks about Presidential bloodlines
All presidents bar one are directly descended from a medieval English king
12 Year Old Discovers ALL U.S. Presidents Related to One British King
Are all the U.S. Presidents related to each other?
Van Buren also related to King John
McCain and Obama share royal lineage
How Many Relatives Do You Have?
I knew it! Madonna…Celine Dion…George W. Bush!!!
Kerry’s royal roots will give him victory, says Burke’s
James Corbett on The Anarchist Standard
Thanks for another great episode of Q4C.
I would like you to do some work on “Richard Nikolaus Count Coudenhove-Kalergi ”
the “Founding Father” of the European Union.
There is a lot of controversy on his plan and parallels to current developments in Europe.
A. Monkey
I second this idea. I’ve been researching on Count Kalergi and it does look like the invasion or the importation of colored body people to Europe is engineered. Quoting Karlergi’s book, ‘Praktischer Idealismus’, the citizens of the future “United States of Europe” will not be White people anymore. Here’s more info on
White genocide is real and is happening.
Fantastic analogy with the 2D and 3D chess James !! wow , really hit a note ! Thats a perfect way – in my mind – to explain the system . And also explains how many of us in the “open-minded” world will get caught up defending sides in the 2D world while those controlling are sitting comfy watching ( and surely giggling ) from their 3D world chairs !
Excellent , truly perfect way and so simple ( i think ) to put it & understand it .
I’ve always wondered if there’s a story behind that quintessentially British female voice that tells us we’re listen to The Corbett Re-Port. But I won’t ask about it, seeing that I now hear James complaining about being swamped with questions.
I heard him answer this before. I don’t think it’s anyone he knows. He just paid for the voice tracks online.
I was amused, once, to find out that I am probably related, by marriage, to Mata Hari, a..k.a. Margaretha Geertruida “Margreet” MacLeod (née Zelle; 7 August 1876 – 15 October 1917), better known by the stage name Mata Hari, was a Dutch Frisian exotic dancer and courtesan who was convicted of being a spy[1] and executed by firing squad in France under charges of espionage for Germany during World War I. — wikipedia. Now Macleod is the name of an ancestor of my grandmother, Mabel Lorenz Ives, daughter of Charles Louis and Sara Sophia (McLure) Lorenz. Now the McLures, McClures, and MacLeods are all related, and come from the Island of Skye, as did the unfortunate Ms. Zelle. I lost interest and patience trying to tighten the connection still further. But when all is said and done (more is said than done), it does not really matter very much. She was shot to death by a French firing squad in 1917.
Question –
In the past even the mainstream media was mentioning the classified “28 Pages” about 9/11. However, currently there does not seem to be many headlines about the “28 Pages”.
In light of the masterpiece “How Big Oil Conquered the World” along with the very recent drop in oil prices and Saudi pumping to gain market share, do you think that there is a connection in the scheme of things?
In other words, do you see any link between the “28 pages” not now in the headlines and the current oil situation?
Best, TomT in Dallas
This article astounded me…
“Saudi Aramco, which handles the marketing of Saudi Arabia’s crude, is the successor to the Arabian American Oil Company, a partnership between Chevron, Texaco, Exxon and Mobil established in the 1930s and 1940s.” …
“In 1988, Saudi Aramco bought a 50 percent stake in Texaco’s refining and marketing operations in the eastern US and on the Gulf Coast, which was named Star Enterprises (“Saudi Arabia, Texaco join forces” Los Angeles Times, 1988).”
“In 1997, Royal Dutch Shell joined the joint venture, subsequently renamed Motiva. When Chevron merged with Texaco in 2001, Texaco’s interest in the combined refining and marketing operations was sold to Shell and Saudi Aramco and reorganized as a 50:50 joint venture between them.” ….
…and more….
Mika –
I’ve been married 20+ years and my wife and I have more differences of opinions than similarities. In fact, as James mentioned with his wife, it is a very healthy situation to be in. I have noticed that John & Jane marriages (you know, matching jumpers and matching viewpoints) can shatter with any fundamental disagreement. IMO long-lasting relationships (sexual or not) need a good dose of healthy personality clashing too.
My point is, I suppose, that it is probably better to find someone you’re attracted to and find if you have anything in common on which to start growing together. Apart from anything else, you may not be able to know what motivates them as they may not even know yet themselves.
I could write books on this subject as it’s of great interest to me, especially as many attitudes sold by our society are just so unhelpful on anything but the most superficial level. But I’ll leave it there.
I hope you find a good quality of love between you and another person.
Hello James,
The easiest way to explain my question, and my thoughts behind it, is with an analogy:
Let’s say you’re watching a professional skateboarder’s montage video, and you see him landing all of these insane tricks – you think he’s god-like. What you don’t see is his failures and mistakes which got him there (to be fair, a lot of montage videos do now include some of these clips).
With that said, I’m curious as to what failures and mistakes you have made in the past which have molded you into who you are today; to see you as a fellow human being who also makes mistakes, learns from them, and excels forward.
I wanted to ask this question because you’re someone I look up to; as do many others. This question came to mind because of the recent coverage of the falsification of peak-oil, something which I hadn’t been aware of before. I’ve studied the philosophy and design principles of Permaculture, and within this community peak-oil has become an embedded belief – along with ‘sustainable development’, which the word itself has become bastardized by globalists, but, I still believe there is merit in the idea of being self-sustaining.
I guess what it is I’m looking for is motivation, or reassurance of the human condition. Maybe this is something I can start doing myself – create content based around the idea of motivating others. I really enjoy your #solutions based videos – I feel like many have been misguided and have become lost; maybe what we need to do is give each other the guidance and compassion to find our ways back home.
I’m rambling now, but I think I’m learning something as I type this. Thanks James. This might have been what I needed.
It’s been 50+ years since the JFK assassination. The official story is that it was done by a lone nut, yet 5 decades later there are thousands of documents that are still sealed.
Even if I were to buy the official story (and I don’t) this piece of it makes absolutely zero sense and thus feels very damning to TPTB. I have a theory that TPTB would never let a candidate get elected who would re-open the JFK investigation. In fact I almost view it as a sort of measuring stick of whether or not TPTB are still in control (unfortunately they are).
Is this too simplistic a view in your opinion or am I on to something?
P.S. I know there are other similar cases where investigations could be re-opened (e.g. 9/11) but the JFK thing (sealed documents 50 years later) seems like an even more flimsy official story.
Hi James,
On April 6 the Dutch population will be able to give their opinion about the association and free trade agreement between the EU and Ukraine, in a citizen-enforced, non-binding referendum.
The Dutch government now holds the EU presidency, and a no-vote by the Dutch citizens would be noticed in Europe. Furthermore, I believe that an association agreement with another nation requires an unanimous vote by all the EU members.
EU commission president Jean-Claude Juncker stated that if Dutch voters turn down an EU-Ukraine treaty in this referendum, this would “open the door to a large continental crisis” and may benefit Russia. He called on Dutch voters not to “change the referendum into a vote about Europe” and to “vote like a European strategist”.
My question is this:
Can you explain why – in your opinion – the Dutch voters should vote for or against an association and free trade agreement between the EU and Ukraine?
Hi VoltaicDude
(cc James)
Thank you for your comment. If I had to answer my own question, I think I would have provided a similar answer to your answer. I would probably have used some general descriptions about NATO aggression, the probable dubious role of Western intelligence agencies in the Maidan uprising and the failure of similar trade-agreements such as TPP/TTIP/NAFTA but I wouldn’t have been able to bundle it into a coherent narrative nor provide specific details. I am not exactly new when it comes to the alternative media. I have been ‘awake’ regarding the NWO for a few years (thanks to Edward Griffin) and also have been awake to the shenanigans of the financial Powers That Be such as the FED and ECB for some additional years. To top it off, in the last year, my understanding of NWO-related matters has grown rapidly thanks to James and the corbettreport.com
To be clear, for these reasons, I think I am against the association agreement between the EU and Ukraine. However, I am old enough to remember the cold war. It was a extremely big deal at the time. And it seems we are heading for a new one (even if it is fabricated by the West). The ugly thing is that even our Western leaders are the instigators of a new cold war, IF this leads to a real war with Russia (and China) you don’t want to be on the receiving end when it comes to yourself and your family.
Even if you dislike Empire, and even when there is a 3D-chess game going on, when 2 empires clash you want YOUR empire to win. Because the ultimate consequence is that if your empire does not win, you and your family will be dead or hurt. Again, this is the case even if you dislike the concept of Empire and the New Great Game.
Therefore, I am hoping James Corbett can provide a coherent narrative and his honest assesment/thoughts about the matter.
I mean, if I have a hard time convincing even myself, how can I hope to present the case to my partner, family and friends. I think it is important because I think this is a front in the Infowars that the average citizen CAN make a difference.
Hi James,
Regarding my QFC on 21 february. The Dutch referendum on April 6 about the EU-association treaty with Ukraine has already been held, so the concrete practical (although maybe not philosophical) relevance to answer this specific QFC has been reduced.
Any way, I have voted gainst treaty purely because of my increasingly anti-globalist view – partly because of your work – so you might take some pride in that.
However, I could not provide a coherent narrative on the EU-Ukraine treaty to the people in my surroundings (which was the reason for my QFC) because I could only offer them generalities, such as NATO/Western aggression, the negative impact of similar treaties in the past such as NAFTA, and the likelihood that this treaty will benefit the elite and not the ordinary man. It was too hard for me to fluently back it up with hard evidence in a normal conversation. My general sounding explanations came across a little vague to them, so I am sad to report that they mostly voted for the treaty.
On the plus side and with regard to the bigger picture, I am glad to report that the Dutch population turned down the treaty with 61,1 percent against and 38,1 percent for the treaty. 0,8 percent voted blank. The turnout was 32,2 percent which makes the result legal (although still not binding). Prime minister Rutte says that he will take the result into account and that the treaty cannot be ratified ‘just like that’. He says that the Dutch government will have study on the results, and that now a step-by-step process will come into play that will take weeks (or months) rather than days. Some sceptics say they will find a way to push through the treaty. Which isn’t hard to imagine since 27 of the 28 EU nations already have ratified the treaty.
However, it does a signal to the rest of Europe, especially now the Netherlands presently holds the EU-presidency.
Nigel Farage, leader of the Eurosceptic UK Indepence Party in the United Kingdom says this was just the appetizer. The main course will come on June 23, 2016 when the United Kingdom will vote if they will leave the EU or not. He says a Dutch no-vote on the Ukraine-EU-association treaty will help enormously for the Brexit because he now can point to a continental-wide anti-EU-sentiment. So that will be something to watch.
I loved your video a while back about Chomsky being a gatekeeper for the NWO. I was just reading the comments under it and I see you caught a bit a flack from a couple listeners. So I’m not sure if you’d be into doing another one…
For years, I’ve been listening to Stefan Molyneux. I love hearing him destroy socialists of all stripes. He constantly promotes anarcho-capitalism and peaceful parenting, two concepts with which I whole heartedly agree. And for the most part, he is very consistent in his arguments.
But over the past few months, I’ve noticed a bit of gatekeeping from him as well. For the most part, he (correctly) prescribes the majority of our society’s problems to government intervention. But when discussing Big Pharma and vaccines, his rhetoric is almost indistinguishable from that of the average reddit user. There is a particular episode where he is refuting anthropogenic climate change, and his exact argument could be used to refute vaccine safety, but he doesn’t seem to notice this inconsistency.
There have been other moments in which I find myself arguing with him as I drive to work. But that’s ok. I don’t have to agree with him on everything. But it all came to a head recently when he posted a series of videos called “The X debate, yes really!” The first one was “The Flat Earth Debate, Yes Really!”. The next one was “The Young Earth Debate, Yes Really!”. As you can guess, he argues against opponents of questionable intelligence about these outrageous, nonsensical topics that no almost no one would take seriously.
Good for entertainment, maybe. But then recently, he did another one called “The 911 Truth Debate, Yes Really!”. If you haven’t heard it, I suggest you give it a listen, especially the last 10 minutes or so. Rather than giving the caller (an admitted novice when it comes to 911) the last word on the topic, he takes out his earpiece so he can “rant to the end”. He then proceeds to give one of the most ironic speeches I’ve ever heard. He accuses the caller of working against his own stated goal of ending the war on terror. He says that by bringing up these questions about 911, he’s actually hurting the liberty movement by associating these ‘outlandish’ claims with the cause of freedom, and that people will hear the 911 stuff and be turned off from the idea of liberty. The crazy part is that almost every line of this diatribe is perfectly applicable to Molyneux, himself.
He closes the video with a chilling and almost creepy statement that mirrors his idle, Chomsky. He says that even if you found a smoking gun tomorrow that absolutely proves beyond the shadow of a doubt who is responsible for 911, it would change nothing.
Sorry for the long rant, but I was curious if you had interviewed him in the past, so I searched your past episodes and found his name quite a few times. It appears that he even filled in as a ‘guest host’ for you on a few occasions. So I guess my question is this:
How well do you know Stefan Molyneux? Are you friends? Would you be interested in discussing 911 with him? And if he refuses, would you be interested in making another gatekeeper video? If so, I would be more than happy to help dig through his videos and provide specifics.
I saw James’ video on Chomsky some time ago and I totally agree with the assessment that his video about Chomsky being a gatekeeper is brilliant! If James wouldn’t have pointed this out, how would we even know? We would have taken what Chomsky said at face value. I also read the comment-section and I thought that the flack James caught in the comment-section was undeserved. If I have time, I might go back and counter those comments there.
So I also wish James would make more video’s like these. I have no opinion about Steven Molyneux (so fine do a QFC on him), but there have been a few people in the alternative media that I have been wondering about. And it doesn’t always have to be the case that they are gatekeepers, they can also be salesmen. For example: pimping fear is a known tactic to sell your product. A lot of people in the alternative media do that.
Another thing is that some people in the alternative media go way way way overboard. I mean, it is proven without a doubt that there are multiple conspiracies. But not EVERY thing is a conspiracy (lizards anyone?!) For example: what about David Icke?
But I agree again with the choice for a ‘gatekeeper’ because these are the people that spread disinformation that is the least conspicuous, but no less poisonous.
In short, James Corbett’s role is to be a guide of sorts, in my opinion at least. It would be a lot harder to navigate the media without this kind of guidance. I mean, I wasn’t even aware of the concept of gatekeeper until I watched James’ Chomsky video.
So I agree we should definitely have more of those video’s!
After all, if James were to give anything less than his honest assessment on people or subjects – wherever it may lead – I would not be following his site.
I have a question, which I’d like to submit in video form. I don’t see how to post a video here… can I just email it to James?
You can mail it or upload it to a video sharing site (as a private video if you like) and send me the link. Thanks.
If I understand the Rothschild family narrative correctly it seems as if they’re able to use their enormous wealth to influence government. It’s interesting to me that government didn’t just threaten to take their wealth via some type of taxes/regulation. In other words, it seems as if money “won out” over government instead of vice-versa. The article below talks about how the reverse seems to happen in China.
I’m interested to hear your opinion about why money wins over government in some cases but not others. And does the idea that government might steal from rich families almost force them to take measures to try to protect their wealth (even if via evil schemes)? I’m certainly not trying to defend the Rothschilds btw. Just trying to get a clearer understanding of how things work. Apologies if I’m asking a question that is very difficult to know the answer to. I have a lot of respect for your knowledge though so I feel like it’s okay to ask you tough questions.
Just over one percent of Chinese billionaires identified by the Hurun Report as the country’s richest over the past 17 years have been jailed, charged or even executed mainly for bribery, embezzlement or economy-related crimes, the publication said.
Alex Jones has inspired many people (including James Corbett, as I understand) to join the alternative media and spread the message of truth. However, he doesn’t always tell the whole story and can be quite misleading to his listeners. He is another gatekeeper. (See my post above about Stefan Molyneux.) It’s high time these people are called out for what they are.
And just to be clear, this is not about a difference of opinion. This is about withholding facts from the public and controlling the narrative. People like James are shining a light on the corrupt groups and individuals who are destroying our societies, and Jones and his ilk are casting shadows.
I’ve got another QFC that is right up your alley. It has to do with bitcoin and the parties who are controlling it’s future.
I understand that many of your listeners may not be up to speed with the block size debate, so here’s a quick summary as I understand the situation:
Early on, when Satoshi was still in control of the project, he (she, it, they?) implemented a 1MB limit to the size of blocks on the blockchain. This was to prevent a spam attack – basically filling transactions with unnecessary information to bloat the size of the blockchain and make it impractical to run a full node. In Satoshi’s own words, this was meant to be a temporary fix until a better solution could be devised. Now, years later, bitcoin is gaining acceptance and becoming more widely used around the world, and this 1MB block limit is beginning to cause problems. Since only so many transactions can fit in a block, bitcoin cannot scale beyond it’s current limitation of about 7 transactions per second. We’ve already seen days where many blocks in a row are full, which causes a delay in the network. And some users end up having to wait hours or even days for their transactions to go through.
For the past year or so, there has been a heated debate regarding what should be done about this problem. Several solutions have been proposed to increase the block size limit. The least radical, in my opinion, is called ‘Bitcoin Classic’ which would raise the block size limit to 2MB and everything else would stay the same. To me, this seems like a sensible approach which would buy us more time and keep the network running smoothly for another couple years while we work out a long term solution.
However, many of the ‘Core’ devs are staunchly opposed to any block size limit increase. They argue that an increase would lead to further centralization of bitcoin as fewer people would have the resources to run a node due to the accelerating increase in the size of the blockchain. But many in the community suspect that these core devs have other motives. Several of them have been hired by a company called “Blockstream” to work on ‘off chain’ systems that would supplement bitcoin and allow for additional functionality on the blockchain. They are accused of censoring the discussion (in the case of Theymos, moderator of r/bitcoin) and preventing the size increase because it would make their products less viable if bitcoin could scale and allow more transactions per second.
The problem is that if something is not done fairly soon, then we’re going to have full blocks all the time, which will grind the network to a halt and cause bitcoin to crash. This would hurt Blockstream as well, causing their investors to lose the $75 million they’ve spent so far.
And here’s where it gets interesting. A recent post on r/btc suggests that the legacy fiat banking elite are the ones behind Blockstream and that they have no intention of getting a return on their $75 million investment. As the author of the post (u/UndergroundNews) points out, the banking cartels spent much more than that to eliminate Gaddafi and establish a new central bank in Benghazi. And seeing as crypto currencies are the biggest threat to their hegemony, throwing away a few million to destroy bitcoin would be nothing for them.
Since you yourself are a bitcoin user, I wondered if you’d be interested in digging a bit deeper into this story.
P.S. If this is true, it could definitely be interpreted as good news for humanity in general, as the bankers know their time at the top is limited, and that it’s crypto that will bring on their downfall.
I second that (that is, if I am allowed to second another QFC apart from submitting my own one for the following episode :-)). I’ve actually been wondering myself about Alex Jones. I think he does provide useful information. But I genuinely wonder if there isn’t some disinformation going on as well. Are his motives pure, or if there’s something else behind it? What does this mean then, if the latter is the case.
Like I said before: I think that James’ role is to be a guide in the media-landscape, not only with regard to the mainstream media but also with regard to the alternative media. THAT is his niche or forté. More so than anything else, in my humble opinion.
I realize that one has to be careful in doing this. I also realize that calling out gatekeepers, fear pimping salesmen or other people on falsehoods does not make you new friends, but James’ quest is about finding the truth and not about making new friends. Being friends with such people would only hurt James’ reputation, because pursuing the truth – WHEVER IT MAY LEAD – is his strong suit IMO. I think James’ audience is keenly aware of this. James has his own strong base and is therefore independent. Compromising when calling out issues or people on falsehoods would only weaken this base of strength.
Hello James !
As a huge fan of your work, and especially the FLNWO-series, I have a question. Where can I find the early episodes, I understand that you have done episodes about “The Insider” and “Blade runner” But they are no where to be found. Could you please direct me on the right path, or if unavailable, PLEASE re-upload them(!)
Best regards from Stockholm Sweden
Hello James,
Who is Hillary R. Clinton?
Lately I have seen a lot of coverage for the fight between “Cultural Libertarians” and “Third Wave Feminism”, and I wanted to ask a few questions:
#QFC 1
What is your opinion of Third Way Feminism and the current battle that rages in Youtube/Twitter/etc between the likes of Sarkeesian, J. Valente, Milo, Sargon of Akkad, etc?
#QFC 2
What is your opinion of the MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) movement and their tenets? What do you think about Barbarossa, Paul Elam, Stardusk, Sandman, etc?
#QFC 3
What is your opinion about the concepts of gynocentrism, hypergamy and men disposability?