Newsflash: contrary to the worries of conspiracy realists, global government is NOT a far-off, distant threat waiting for us in some potential dystopian future.
No, it’s not a future threat. The truth is that global government is already set up and functioning. Here. Now.
In fact, it’s not even happening in secret. It’s happening in the most visible way possible: a party.
Oops! Did I say “party”? I meant “Conference of the Parties,” of course, aka the mechanism by which individual nation-states have been willingly ceding their sovereignty to the globalist technocrats for decades now.
Never heard of “Conference of the Parties,” you protest? Of course you have. I talk about the COP of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) pretty much every year. In fact, I’ve been covering it since at least COP 15 in Copenhagen in 2009. Lest we forget, 2009 was the year EU President (and Bilderberg lackey) Herman von Rompuy declared to be “the first year of global government,” specifically citing the COP in Copenhagen as “another step towards the global management of our planet.”
Another step, indeed.
Fast forward to 2023. The globalists are fueling up their private jets and chauffered limosines for another wine-and-dine fest—this time COP 28 in Dubai. Yes, it’s just a matter of weeks until we get to bear witness to the annual ritual of these would-be global rulers jetting in to lecture us peons about how we’re not doing enough to save the planet.
But do you know what a COP really is? And did you know that the UNFCCC’s COP is not the only COP being run by the de facto global government? And did you know that the real point of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) so-called “pandemic treaty” is to establish yet another COP chamber in this increasingly bloated shadow government?
Get in, buckle up and hold on. You’re in for one of the most important lessons of your life.
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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 13 issue 33 (November 19, 2023)
by James Corbett November 19, 2023 WHAT’S A COP?On one level, the entire concept of a “Conference of the Parties”—or, in globalese, a “COP”—is as simple and straightforward as it is innocuous. Just ask our <sarc>friends</sarc> over at, who provide this definition for COP in relation to the annual UNFCCC summit:
Note how the friendly folks over at (brought to you by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration!) are keen to stress that, under the terms of the UNFCCC, the “parties” are legally committed to take voluntary actions to prevent the sky dragons from torching the planet. Relax, guys, it’s all voluntary*! *You’re just legally obligated to do it.In fact, you’ll note that this strange obligatory/voluntary tension pervades’s COP write-up and any number of similar COP explainers.
Hmmm. They “agree to specific goals” but “develop their own voluntary pledges” to meet those targets and they “must” report on their progress toward those “voluntary” targets. Confused yet? Good. Then the globalists will be happy to hear they’re doing their job right. You see, these technocratic schemers realize that no one is going to bother digging up (let alone actually reading) the Framework Convention on Climate Change itself. They realize that average people have enough on their plate just working their 9-to-5 and making ends meet, so they’re not apt to discover the tyrannical rules their government has legally committed them to under Article 4 of the climate change convention. And they realize that no one is going to bother to follow the threads and figure out the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change isn’t the only supranational, sovereignty-busting, globalist treaty signing entire nations on to the UN Agenda. There’s also the Chemical Weapons Convention and the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Stockholm Convention and a bewildering array of such similar international agreements. And even if the average Joe and Jane did familiarize themselves with all of these various conventions and all of the things that these agreements obligate their nation to do, they wouldn’t take the trouble to read the Rules of Procedure dictating how these “Conferences of the Parties” are actually run. Thus, they’ll never read Rule 30 of the UNFCCC COP:
Or Rule 32:
Or Rule 42:
And if, by some minor miracle, they did bone up on the Rules of Procedure for the UNFCCC COP, they’d then find out that they haven’t even scratched the surface. Why? Because, there’s not only a COP for the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, there are also individual COPs for the UNFCCC sub-groups, like the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement. And there’s a COP for the UN Convention to Combat Desertification. And a COP for the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. And a COP for the Chemical Weapons Convention. And a COP for the Stockholm Convention and a COP for the Rotterdam Convention and a COP for the Basel Convention and COPs for the Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol. So you see, global government is already here. It is operating through a network of conventions and agreements, obligating governments to act in certain ways and committing them to reaching various targets in a wide variety of fields. And guess what? As bad as all of this is, it’s about to get even worse. THE WHO: NEW COP ON THE BLOCKRemember that WHO document popularly referred to as the “pandemic treaty” that I’ve been ringing the alarm bell about over and over and over and over for the past two years? Well, it’s not called the “pandemic treaty” anymore. It has now transitioned from its previous formal title of a “WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response” to the somewhat less unwieldy “WHO Pandemic Agreement.” The latest draft of that agreement was released three weeks ago. Have you read it yet? If you did read that document, you would have noticed all manner of horrible things hidden deep in that forest of legalese—like, for example, the worryingly woolly language used to describe the “infodemic” problem and the accompanying internet censorship solution that both Tedros and UNESCO are now openly lusting after. You will also no doubt have noticed something relevant to today’s subject buried on page 24: Oh, of course. Yes, this is a move straight out of the globalist playbook: distract everyone with the word “treaty” to make them think that this is a document that will require special ratification by their national parliament or congress, and then spring an “agreement” on them that will, in most cases, do a complete end run around the political process. And then, as the coup de grâce, insert an article establishing an entirely new bureaucracy, one that will serve as a de facto arm of global government—one that can then redraft and rewrite the global health rules at will at any time in the future. It’s malevolent. It’s dictatorial. It’s a travesty. But you have to admit it’s brilliant. Assuming this agreement (or something very much like it) gets the rubber stamp at the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva next May, most people won’t understand what just happened any more than they understood what happened when the UNFCCC established its COP or any of these other globalist institutions first established their respective COPs. So, for those who can’t be bothered to read the WHO Pandemic Agreement (or even just Article 21 of that agreement), here are the lowlights:
There you go. The global government is about to assume jurisdiction over your health. It is in the process of setting up its governing body for drafting up the rules that will control your government’s response to the next declared scamdemic. And hardly anyone in the public even knows this is happening. Any questions? I thought not. Of course, some might object: “Don’t worry! It says right there in black and white that the rules of procedure and the funding for this body have to be adopted by consensus! You can’t even get three of these technocrats to agree on what to eat for lunch, so nothing will ever get decided!” But if you do raise that objection then it’s clear you’ve never seen what this type of “consensus agreement” looks like in the WHO process. (SPOILER: it involves a confused old man vaguely asking if the committee is ready to approve the draft, looking around the room of half-asleep bureaucrats for ten seconds, declaring that the draft has been approved and then having to repeat his declaration so that the assembled functionaries and gophers know it’s their cue to applaud.) This is how your coming global governmental body will be brought into existence. This is how it will establish its Rules of Procedure (which can be composed of whatever phoney baloney rules they want). This is how it will establish its funding mechanism: in a transparent sham of a parody of the “democracy” that these rulers pretend to hold dear. THIS IS HOW SOVEREIGNTY ENDS“Shut up, conspiracy theorist!” say the professors and the politicians and the obedient establishment toadies in the lapdog press when confronted with the argument laid out in this editorial. “This COP business isn’t global government and it isn’t nefarious. After all, your governments have voluntarily committed themselves to these agreements and thus to be bound by whatever decisions the COPs make!” Hard to argue with that, isn’t it? Unless, of course, we understand that our governments’ arbitrary enactment of rules and restrictions without our consent is precisely the problem. First, our (s)elected representatives sign us up to overarching, unaccountable, international bodies like the UN and the WHO. Then they appointed nameless/faceless bureaucrats to act as our unelected representatives at those bodies that sign us up to conventions and agreements that most of us don’t even know exist. These conventions and agreements then “obligate” our national governments to take certain actions or to refrain from certain other actions. Finally, those same governments pass legislation that makes these pledges and targets and restrictions the law of our land. But all this is “voluntary,” you see? It’s all above board. There’s no global government—only global conventions that parties have agreed to abide by. And to rub even more salt in the wound, those same fact checkers who would deny that this web of conventions and agreements in fact constitutes a de facto global government will also tell us that these agreements don’t go far enough in removing any pretense of national sovereignty from the international system. Just ask Mostafa El-Harazi and Noor Irshaidat. They are the two Carey School of Law juris doctor students who penned an op-ed for the Kleinman Center for Energy Policy last year, in which they lamented: “What is notably missing [from the UNFCCC], however, is an ‘enforcement mechanism;’ a provision to explicitly deter state parties to the UNFCCC from noncompliance through fines or jurisdiction to an international court like the International Court of Justice.” Or ask the boffins over at ScienceDirect, who, in their overview of the UNFCCC, bemoan its toothlessness: “[T]he UNFCCC contains few specific requirements and, notably, no enforceable requirement for signatories to reduce the emission of GHGs.” Or ask boffins like Robert Keohane and David Victor, whose 2016 Nature article on “Cooperation and discord in global climate policy” asserts, “Effective mitigation of climate change will require deep international cooperation, which is much more difficult to organize than the shallow coordination observed so far.” But, as I say, not one person in a thousand even knows about the Framework Convention on Climate Change or the Basel Convention or the proposed WHO COP, and not one person in a million knows what any of these bodies “voluntarily” obligate the member parties to do. Would you prefer to watch the sportsball game or read a hundred-page document of complicated legal jargon? Would you rather go out for a night on the town with your friends or commit to studying the organizational chart of some obscure arm of the UN bureacuracy? Exactly. As I’ve had cause to note before, The End of the World Will Bore You to Tears. So, if we perish from lack of knowledge, then how do we thrive? By learning more about these instruments of control, that’s how. Specifically, we can counteract the globalist agenda by learning more about the treaties and agreements and conventions that are increasingly governing our lives. Then we can parlay our knowledge into a movement. We’ll know we’re making progress when the drive to exit the WHO (and exit the UN while we’re at it) become the only political issues that people are interested in talking about. And we’ll know we’ve really been successful when those same people start talking about individual sovereignty and our natural right to withdraw from every governmental system of control. Sisyphus, meet rock. Happy rolling! |
Recommended Listening and Viewing
Recommended ReadingWhy is everyone concerned about the WHO? 5 Ways To Prepare for the Online Privacy Crackdown Gladio: NATO’s Dagger at the Heart of Europe by Richard Cottrell Recommended ListeningPodcast — Jessica Solce — 3D Printed Guns & How We Win The Techno-Political War Recommended ViewingZeroHedge Live Debate: Laura Loomer vs Dave Smith Showdown Over Israel-Hamas War Tücken und Ziele digitaler Zentralbankwährungen – James Corbett im Interview (English version HERE) Just For Fun |
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Great article James. It is going to be a long slow road out of here, but I have moments of hope. From time to time here in England I come across people who get what is going on in most unlikely places. Shopkeepers and bar workers seem to “get it” the best for some strange reason, and are happy to discuss, like they too are surprised to find someone else in their orbit happy to talk without fear of ridicule. How we move the vast majority of BBC and other MSM viewers, most of my friends included, I do not know. But for now, I am happy to take some comfort that, as I was advised by one small shop owner in the north of the country recently, “there are more of us out there than you may think!”
I experience the MAJORITY of encounters are with those who doubt the globalist msm narrative is anything but not so subtle forms of deceit. It appears to be the majority, with hotspots of those whove had their faith stollen, and without the confidence to pick up and start from scratch, become their own prison guards.. however, that media makes it look like the reverse.
Yes, those few misleaders are toungin’ for it. But whos to say theyre not bent to think and choose to be that way? bent by who? I think it be the microwaves to look out for. mood manipulation inner voice (thoughts) manipulation,,
the level of psychotic flip from lack of confidence can be a symptom of excessive lying (the denial of our complicity in the bad guy con.
the entire danish nation is a rgeat example on how the manage and control a nation wityhout any major hickops on the road to tyranni. The great nation .. Hearrry!”!
The lucky few”
A lost cause with to many drones im afraid. They like beeing enslaved and redused to a drone, a shell of what we once were… Im afrid, its to late for many of us..
Good day
Get ready for UN 2.0 coming to you in 2024!
Oh yes..
Total control and under the boot of SECURETY,,,
Makes me sick
James, rest assured, people are reading and sharing your alarm. Even though you’ve read the documents “so I don’t have to,” this time, I’m going to!
The battle is on so many fronts, from the mundane injustices of every day life (the decline of doctor/patient relationship) to global treaties and everything in between. That’s what’s so exhausting. So, you are, of course, familiar with the adage, “Pick your battles.” How do we prioritize on which front to fight?
Keep after ’em!
Kristine (from the sunny climes of Detroit)
best place I know to battle-choose is the mirror.
2 foot steps and a heart beat, is what weve got.
I try to improve communication, which once flowing can conjure the synergy of team work, and all fresh dominos can fall from there. notice how the devices keep us from face to face communication (he said, looking in the mirror).
It is.. We beeing beaten on all fronts and i really dont see how we could emerge with any win at this time.
hate to say this, but Iv given up.
to much to deal with..
they are litterly destroying us piece by piece
The rock is hard as the propaganda that has encased the minds of normal,upper economic mortals. They are not about to risk getting that wet. So now what? Yelling in their ear hoping their perception changes to ” what was that you where saying?”
I had that experience in OKC recently. Drinking with military men. The liquor these morons drank did soften their hard think. I think it helped loosen up the layer upon layer of propaganda these uniformed professionals mistake as obedience for discipline.
I found the black guys to be more open minded, aware of the propaganda tool and seemed more aware to their predicament. The others less so. All in all they agreed things had changed in their profession from when they enlisted. All we’re waiting to cash out.
It seems the UN crowd has neither obedience or discipline. Maybe when push comes to shove the uniforms may break with the diplomatic suits and free up the upper economic proles to think,
” what was that you were saying?”
Even more frustratingly the faceless bureaucrats negotiating away our individual and national agency and sovereignty can’t even be identified via FOIA’s. This might be one of the few legitimate uses I could imagine for the increasingly ubiquitous Facial Recognition enabled surveillance cameras being rolled out on the nod by our (s)elected representatives. It’s intended we never find out who was in “The Room Where It Happens”.
Yes, the term psychopathy clearly reached brand new levels 😱
Great Article James.
Trying to convey this to the average person is i’m afraid almost useless.
I’m reminded of jack Nicholson in A Few Good men “You can’t handle the truth!”.
Lately , i just live by another couple of lines from popular movies.
“Don’t follow anyone” Life of Brian.
“I would never belong to any club that would have me for a member.” Annie Hall
Also by a song, “Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think.” Doris Day
Also check “once upon an ocean” by Kevin Ayers
“Then we can parlay our knowledge into a movement. We’ll know we’re making progress when the drive to exit the WHO (and exit the UN while we’re at it) become the only political issues that people are interested in talking about. And we’ll know we’ve really been successful when those same people start talking about individual sovereignty and our natural right to withdraw from every governmental system of control.”
I disagree 6,000,000 %. I have been trying to speak to people about these problems since 1995. The end result is I have no friends. Even my very large family avoids me. No one cares as long as their table is full.
They all believe it is prophecy and that prayer/JESUS is the answer!
What a twisted world we live in.
I guess we have been gas lit for a few 1000 years now.
can we please have a tool kit for ways of responding to/disarming the various forms of gaslighting? Is there even a proper word for it in English? a light hearted delivery of a razor sharp question is the best I know of. the question is the hot potato, chuck it straight back. My current reflex is to name the technique quick-smart, as someone is doing it. the better the psycho dynamic description the quieter they become. some will run or doze off , trickier, more muscular intellects will spin relativism, or keep changing the subject, anything to avoid facing the music, including murder.
looking back at the huge waste because of gaslit entanglement, it seems like human capacity to emotionally manipulate through deception is so pervasive it could take 6 million life times to figure out an antidote.
Here’s a breakdown of a few ways to understand it.
VC, I think youre right. the technique has been the principal modus operandi of the few controlling the many since days of yor. and here we are, with tech finally able to allow those few to take a break and let the algo take over. they must be looking fwd to a rest, could be they become bored to tears? after constant immersion and propagation of deception, I dont think the body mind has capacity left to feel anything: the “hungry ghost” realm, living dead.
& thanks, I’m keen to finish reading about the big muck-up (your link)
Is each ‘Conference of the Parties’ followed by a bonfire of the vanities, or do they simply burn an owl?
Has anyone seen what the CDC is doing now? They have joined the Ad Council A company that took a study and came to the conclusion people don’t trust Health Officials or legislators anymore. So the CDC is throwing hundreds of millions into hiring and training Hairdressers, teachers, community leaders on how to have conversations to redirect our opinions about vaccines. Check out the article:
I don’t get it. Have you been sleeping through all of the plandemic?
What happened then?
Did it happen even though there was no “pandemic treaty” or WHO COP?
Damn right it did.
So why pretend this is so urgent/important/dramatic for our future?
I tell you what it is: it’s potato potaato, that’s what and it doesn’t matter whatsoever if you or any one of us read these boring UN or WHO documents or not!
You’d be better off buying guns and learning how to use them 😉
Yup that’s what I’ve been thinking all along too.
If they were able to get 90+% of the world to follow in lock step almost every
suggestion/recommendation/mandate (call it what you like) during the
scamdemic without a pandemic treaty, will it really make a difference in practice,
if they follow in lock step with a treaty?
During the scamdemic there were a few areas that played along less and people noticed that those areas didn’t fare any worse. This new “treaty” seems designed to eliminate that, as well as silence us “naysayers”.
I still don’t see what the big deal is.
What are the chances that a ‘once-in-a-hundred-years’ pandemic (Spanish Flu/Covid-19) will occur again in our lifetime? 🙂
Great article once again.
Before I can imagine getting any couch potato to protest any of this, we also need to get this into the heads of the alternative thought leaders, e.g. a Daniele Ganser & Co., who still applaud institutions like the United Nations. Let’s see what kinds of glances I earn ranting about the COPs and uelected international agencies assuming undisputed powers at my next social gathering…
I tried to watch that laura loomed “person” yell at Dave Smith twice. Can’t do it. If she doesn’t encapsulate what’s wrong in the world, I don’t know what does.
I actually watched the entire thing on Loomer’s Rumble channel.
Vile is the only word that kept coming to me to describe that woman. She typifies the evil that facilitates the sacrifice of children. I hope that she never has children of her own.
It was good to see that even on her own channel, the overwhelming consensus, according to the comments was that Dave Smith cleaned her clock.
No doubt she’ll attribute all the “negativity” to antisemitism. Ugh.
I was not aware of AI pin thingy. Stuff like that could work as a wonderous replacement for “smart” phones. I am sure, did not watch the whole vide, it can connect to the fondle slab and facilitate a transition from an optical handheld device to a worn “pin” that projects image directly into your brain.
Can’t wait.
Sisyphus, meet rock. Happy rolling!
I second that!