If the last few years of online censorship insanity have taught us anything, it is that storing all your content on a single social media platform and hoping that it will be there forever is a bad strategy. Today we talk to Matthew Raymer, the founder of ContentSafe, a company that helps content creators back up their content and automatically post it to multiple platforms.
Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack / Download the mp4
Truth Finds A Way – #SolutionsWatch
The Mae Brussell Project Fundraiser
(*Forgive my brain fart! I was thinking of my interview with Victor Koman about the Samuel Konkin archive!)
Cool idea. I have my stuff backed up on air-gapped faraday caged drives but I like adding in additional layers of resiliency/redundancy in all my designs and aspects of my life so I would be interested in learning more about this service.
I was not able to find any estimates of the actual cost of the service in FAQs on the ContentSafe website. Having an idea of what the service costs would help those of us (which have zero – very little income coming in from publishing content) to be able to gauge if investing in the service is viable or not.
(I apologize if this was covered in the video and I missed it)
Perhaps another way to look at this is why do you have so much digital information in the first place? Is this the natural human evolutionary process or well trained people obeying their masters?
It has taken us away from local shopping, reading newspapers, magazines, and talking to others. Just like fast food ISN’T a convenience, just an outlet for junk, unhealthy food for lazy people, digital nonsense is the bait in the trap for junk, unhealthy information and behavior.
Practicing group think and behavior is not being “modern” or “advanced” in any way. After thousands of hours of TV, Movies, nonsense music, etc. do you really believe you are an “independent’ thinking person?
Just like the fundamental tools of deception are the encouragement of fear and a belief in scarcity taking people from one claimed “shortage” or “enemy” to another, so does the digital/film/music mind control create life altering perceptions.
I have a a collection of digital books and audio books that would have cost thousands of dollars and take up a whole room. I also have a ton of movies and TV shows (you kinda got me there since I hardly ever watch such things 🙂 lol )
Point is that kind of access to knowledge is unprecedented, and even Though swimming thru it all is it’s own problem keeping access to it strikes me as something that is super valuable and potentially become more so in the future.
Even the movies and TV shows are potentially valuable as streaming and censorship tries to gobble up the past.
I ALSO have lot of podcasts, because I can’t sit down and read all day. 🙂 your right that it’s easy to get over stimulated and have your thinking warped thru too much media.
>>I have a a collection of digital books and audio books that would have cost thousands of dollars and take up a whole room.>>
When is the last time you “read” one? Waiting for a post apocalypse time? Assuming a huge EMP hit from the sun or a weapon hasn’t fried it all? :-0
>>Point is that kind of access to knowledge is unprecedented>>
We are living in a time when knowledge, wisdom, and information are being lumped into one. They are quite different.
If you read my “Bigger Picture” videos I linked here then you would understand that replication of ideas forms, then maintains social systems. Those who can control perception can manipulate which “truth” is accepted in the collective consciousness, what I call the group think virus.
What makes you think you are harvesting worth while “knowledge” beyond peer group attaboy’s??
>>…keeping access to it strikes me as something that is super valuable and potentially become more so in the future.>>
Assuming we have a future hey?
>>Even the movies and TV shows are potentially valuable as streaming and censorship tries to gobble up the past.>>
As I shared in my Bigger Picture words, most people under 50 have no real understanding how their “belief” system is the end result of thousands of hours of propaganda in commercials, movies, TV shows, ear candy music, etc. Boring, cliche’ nonsense permeates the nation from that propaganda.
>>…your right that it’s easy to get over stimulated and have your thinking warped thru too much media.>>
IMO it is not TOO MUCH it is just the wrong stuff, the propaganda that people are too afraid to admit has been poured into their brains.
I didn’t watch any TV for over 50 years until given free cable in 2016. I didn’t know who Trump was or what a Red or Blue state was, never heard Omama speak, etc. yet I have lived a very full, and exciting life filled with exploration of reality.
Last digital book I read was a day or two ago,, the devils pleasure palace, it was kinda above my grade in some ways since the guy was very much more into music then I am. I STARTED a new one yesterday, and while I will probably die of old age before reading them all I can at least find something on almost any subject I want to loom up…..got plenty of real books too.
If I were to assume no future then nothing I did would matter anyway so that’s not a useful point. One must make assumptions or you end up doing nothing. If an EMP burns up my Ebooks then I will have my real books and whatever I read and retained in my mind.
Yes I do get that knowledge, information and wisdom are different things, but I will say that it’s pretty hard to know what’s going on in the world without a wide RANGE of knowledge….and TBH reading Roman history gives much insight into current politics and such….now its true that the main point of knowing those things is to avoid traps, but TBH I also like knowing things for their own sake.
You are correct that people’s world view has been shaped by media, Blackpilled , Devon stack, did many many breakdowns of movie propaganda. Dr E M Jones has written many books on social engineering and how its shaped t he Western psyche. Totally avoiding that psychological warfare is impossible unless one makes a total withdrawal from all society and grows up in t he woods. Those not so lucky need to k ow how the Jewish psychological warfare works.
I am glad for you th at your life has been full, I hope that your children have also escaped the propaganda and culture making scams of the machine and you can pass this blessing on to them.
>>…but I will say that it’s pretty hard to know what’s going on in the world without a wide RANGE of knowledge…>>>
My point is just what world are you seeking knowledge about?? The made up reality of the us/them paradigm of nations, political parties, etc. or the real world?
That is why I said most people under 50 do not understand that most everything about their lives is a construct from the “Entertainment” business whose “business” it is to keep us dumbed down and in fear.
The Spielburg’s keeping the Holohoax lie going, the constant flow of vampire, revenge, murder, death, torture movies, the over whelming amount of 911, disaster, cop/courtroom “drama” TV shows. History shows that lie about wars, inventions, and history in general. The over abundance of adolescent level relationship/sex movies selling breasts and possibilities and not reality, winding up with young women fashion looking like whores and young men pretending to be masculine with their tats and such.
In my 50 years of being off the electronic grid I had none of that input. The past few years of watching the nonsense of daily “life” is much like being Heinlein’s Valentine Smith, in “Stranger in a Strange Land.” I grew up in the SF Bay Area, used to love to people watch at outdoor cafe’s in Berkeley and SF, experience poetry, home grown music and conversation in coffee houses. Now I avoid people at all costs.
>>…and TBH (?? text speak or something??) reading Roman history gives much insight into current politics and such….now its true that the main point of knowing those things is to avoid traps, but TBH I also like knowing things for their own sake.>>
Sounds like a Gemini trait 🙂 With the facts and evidence of sentient life going back MILLIONS of years, and in more recent times (about 12,000 years ago) the finds of Gobekli Tepi in Turkey, the proof of a great flood raising the oceans 400 feet or so, the lidar discoveries of ancient cities in the jungles of South America where reports were made of cities of 100K or more people until European diseases killed them off, underwater mysteries, etc., Roman history to me is just part of the controller’s history of conquest and control.
>>Totally avoiding that psychological warfare is impossible unless one makes a total withdrawal from all society and grows up in t he woods.>>
You are drawing a conclusion based on your own limitations Duck. After one learns about how it works it is very simple. That is what being an educated man or woman is about. Not schooled or with sheepskin status but with the weapons of truth. Hence my comment about the difference between knowledge, wisdom, and information.
>>Those not so lucky need to k ow how the Jewish psychological warfare works.>>
Actually it is the Sabatian Frankist/Zionist warfare. Most “Jews (a religion) have no idea what they are about. I lived with a White Russian heritage “Jew” in SF and had “Jewish” friends and employers. None were on that path of Zionist world domination.
[SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words or less. Longer comments can be split into multiple posts. -JC]
You make a very good point.
So I’ll throw it back to you.
How can a person disassociate themself from the tsunami of digital information
they are drowning in but also keep abreast of the key narratives and operations
that are threatening their existence?
The MSM newspapers/magazines won’t be of any help.
Should we seek out some core alt-news media that offer print versions?
Perhaps an alt-news ‘TIME magazine’ -like tabloid or magazine could
be the answer?
>>How can a person disassociate themself from the tsunami of digital information they are drowning in…>>
Some know how to ‘swim’ and avoid the sharks and predatory nonsense.
>>…but also keep abreast of the key narratives and operations
that are threatening their existence?>>
The assumption is anything from the government/news media/etc. is truthful and not just more propaganda. mind manipulation.
I have had over 33,000 people listen to my music and read my presentations. There should be a half million views but the controller’s have done a fine job at creating fear and distrust in non main stream sources of truth.
>>Should we seek out some core alt-news media that offer print versions?>>
Don’t assume you need to “know” the “news.” As I told Duck above, I went over 50 years with no TV watching and somehow I have acquired a high degree of consciousness. Oh yeah, because I spent a lot of time reading books, listening to a wide variety of philosophers and brilliant men and women, and talking to strangers. I know, odd concept but it worked. 🙂
>>Perhaps an alt-news ‘TIME magazine’ -like tabloid or magazine could
be the answer?>>
There is no such thing as true “alternative news,” just antithesis positioning of opinions. My music and presentations are the closest thing to truthful observation of the social and human condition and it has taken me a life time of exploration to harvest it.
The controllers have very cleverly made non-mainstream thinking something “dangerous” and to be avoided. Creating their lies as the valid truths. That is why so few “alt” voices, if any, ask questions of value anymore.
Here’s one I put out there:
WHO ARE YOU (song) https://www.bitchute.com/video/4qQvl1sCbUhf/
TIME was a propaganda rag from the beginning…. a fun video i saw was every cover in sequence. Lol, you can see the switch from Comming Ice Age to Greenhouse Effect.
NO source of news is unbiased, every one of them has an agenda which is the way it has always been. For some reason boomers imagined that the news was about the truth, rather then which party owned the paper.
Everyone has to seek several sources and sift out the truth, Mae Brussel read many papers a day and cataloged the news like it was the Talmud being analyzed.
“TIME was a propaganda rag from the beginning…”
Of course I knew that.
That’s why I said Time-like.
The only similarity would be an all-in-one news summary.
But alt-news, not MSM.
And a reliable alt-news source.
Until the all-in-one news summary source became corrupt and we’d have to find another one. 🙂
When you take into account that 90% of the media…print, TV, etc. is owned by six corporations, one would be very naive to believe they’ll receive anything of consequence that exposes the lies.
“When you take into account that 90% of the media…print, TV, etc. is owned by six corporations, one would be very naive to believe they’ll receive anything of consequence that exposes the lies.”
Yes of course.
That’s why I wasn’t talking about the MSM (90%).
My point is if you read/viewed my 2 “The Bigger Picture” videos you might understand that there is very little difference between “MSM” and “Alt” news sites.
Perhaps some philosophical or metaphysical sites may be on point with the grander scheme of things but MSM and Alternative sites are just capitalistic games of appealing to the masses in that Kabuki theater of us/them emotional appeal.
Try and talk about serious realities on The Gateway Pundit or Black listed News or any of the leading “right” sources and either the comment application (Disqus) or the mods will block you and arrested adolescent commenters will mock you.
I had a moderator from Disqus confess to me in email form that I was being throttled and shadow banned from comments made years ago under a different pen name.
The incredible freedom James has created here is quite appealing and rare, since I have been with him since the start, he hasn’t wavered much from his focus and honesty.
As both a military veteran and a veteran of 50+ years of social/political activism the most important lesson I learned is one must always look for the bigger picture about things.
In this case, what is being presented as “normal” life and human evolutionary progress has been corrupted and misdirected for centuries.
ejdoyle I can’t argue or disagree with anything you wrote above.
I guess in the future i will need to simplify my replies to you as much as I can so as not to be misinterpreted.
When I suggested an alt-news outfit set up the Time-like rag/magazine I wasn’t suggesting any old alt-news outfit. Certainly none of the ones that have been compromised by TPTB.
Possibly a Corbett Report – inspired soul could set one up.
Assuming they haven’t been compromised by TPTB either. ?
I know other people use telegram a lot but I actually like RSS and gpodder type programs for auto grabbing stuff.
As I understand Telegram is mainly used for mobile devices which is a pretty stupid place to store any media you actually care about keeping, even though old phones make good pod players. Mobile devices are just naturally more prone to spying and less under The User’s control so really people should be using a Linux computer to store their stuff on.
That said I bet most people would just love such an app.
Their Contact link is broken, the Anomalist Design email address is broken, and their blog site is down so I can’t even leave a comment.
One of my goals has been to help people with their various public server problems and discovering it to be impossible to contact someone outside of controlled platforms has been one of the most common problems I experience.
Look, epic anomalies:
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla Confronted by journalist at Davos
This is quite a ridiculous 6 minutes. At least they did a decent cardio workout.
The video has already been removed by GooTube.
But you can find it here.
You should be able to find it somewhere on Rebel news. I have transcoded the video (145 MB for 6 minutes is not very friendly) to 20 MB and it’s now uploading to Lbry, pending their process. That can take a bit.
Here it is.
James, is it possible to confirm that your account on rumble is “The official Corbett Report Rumble” and the other is not yours and could be ignored?
I really enjoyed Matthew Raymer’s communication. It had a backdrop of ‘clean’ flowing intention and goodwill.
He has written the software all by himself? How come? I would like to know some background on how he learned and has acquired the ability to do so. I am quite the technical person and I could not do it I guess or at least it would take me quite some effort.
My experience is, that those who do the business are very rarely the ones who code the stuff. They are in the background. So… Wow! was my first reaction on hearing this… And How!? And JC has to help him remind what platforms the software he wrote supports? Maybe I am too suspicious but that looks a bit fishy…