Have you ever seen a news story about something you yourself have gone through? Or read a magazine article about a subject you happen to be familiar with? If so, then you’ve likely experienced what most people have felt in that situation: anger and bemusement.
“How could that idiot reporter bungle the story so badly?! This isn’t accurate at all!”
As it turns out, journalists often get the most basic facts of the story wrong and freelancers on a deadline tend to falter when they have to summarize in a few paragraphs what others have spent decades researching.
This isn’t surprising. In fact, it’s to be expected. After all, overworked “reporters” and freelance writers usually aren’t experts in whatever arcane subject their editor has assigned them this week. They’re just being paid to churn out some copy on a given subject before moving on to the next piece.
Now, here’s what is surprising: directly after reading this inaccurate, error-riddled report that we know to be seriously flawed, we flip the page, proceed to the next story, forget that these reporters are idiots, and go on more or less taking what we’re reading at face value.
Did you know that this strange amnesia that we all experience—this act of forgetting that allows us to believe what we’re reading so long as it’s not in our wheelhouse—has a name? Well, it does!
And have you ever considered how this phenomenon has been weaponized by the powers-that-shouldn’t-be to get us to believe in nonsense and absurdity? Well, you should!
And have you ever pondered how we can escape this trap? Well, I have!
So, today let’s explore the Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect!
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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 13 issue 34 (December 10, 2023)
The Joys of Travel – Subscriber Exclusive #119 Special surprise guest Broc West (video editor extraordinaire) joins me for this month’s subscriber video as we ruminate about the importance of travel and why the powers-that-shouldn’t-be are so desperate to flip the switch on the Great Travel Reset and institute the travel bans. Watch the video in the player above or download the file directly. |
by James Corbett corbettreport.com December 10, 2023 The Gell-Mann Amnesia EffectIn a 2002 speech at the International Leadership Forum in La Jolla, California, Michael Crichton—acclaimed bestselling author and noted critic of global warming hysteria—coined a new term: the Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect. The effect is named for American theoretical physicist Murray Gell-Mann, and this is how Crichton described it:
In short: when we actually possess expertise in the subject under examination, we almost invariably find media representations of that subject are lacking at best and outright lies at worst. But, for some reason, once we turn the page or flip the channel, we go right back to believing that the other journalists and authors out there actually know what they’re talking about. So why does Crichton name the phenomenon after Murray Gell-Mann? Well, you’ll have to read his whole speech for the answer to that query. But, while the term “Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect” is original to Crichton, it should be noted that the concept itself has been described before. Take “Knoll’s law of media accuracy,” for example—attributed to American journalist Edwin Knoll—which states that “everything you read in the newspapers is absolutely true, except for the rare story of which you happen to have firsthand knowledge.” Or we could go even further back, all the way to Thomas Jefferson, who wrote in a letter to John Norvell in 1807:
But wherever the insight originated, we all know it from experience to be true. And, if we’re being honest, we are all guilty of this amnesia from time to time. Yes, even me. You see, in an effort to keep informed of NPC talking points and perspectives, I do from time to time listen to normie podcasts, read normie publications and even watch normie programs. Recently, having followed the thread from Tom Holland’s informative book, Dominion: The Making of the Western Mind, I began listening to Holland’s decidedly less informative podcast, The Rest is History. Along with co-host Dominic Sandbrook, Holland attempts in each episode to summarize some major event in (mainstream) history, from the fall of ancient Rome to the rise of modern China (and seemingly everything in between). As is to be expected in a podcast hosted by two mainstream historians, any hint of conspiracy reality or anything that would fundamentally challenge orthodox historical claims is immediately dismissed, often in mocking terms. And, inevitably, those podcasts that specifically deal with conspiratorial subjects (like the series on the mystery of the Cathars) quickly devolve into an exercise in regurgitating textbook-approved history and denouncing conspiratorial fantasy. Having recently plunged myself back into the endless, bewildering maze of information about the JFK assassination for my recent JFK Lancer presentation on JFK: From Mongoose to Gladio, I find that I have to listen to editions of Holland and Sandbrook’s latest podcasts on the JFK assassination with eyeballs securely fastened so they won’t roll out of their sockets. For a pair of “professional” historians, it is truly staggering how glib, misleading and often downright inaccurate their summarization of the assassination is. They gloss over points that would require entire book-length manuscripts to properly flesh out, dismiss entire avenues of exploration with arguments from incredulity and other fallacious reasoning, ignore fields of study that actual assassination researchers have in some cases spent their entire careers examining, and present self-evident lies as indisputable truths. (Did you know, for instance, that Jack Ruby shot Oswald because he was so torn up about the thought of Jackie having to testify at Oswald’s trial?) Of course, a moment’s contemplation helps me to realize that I am only picking up on the sheer absurdity of this particular podcast series because I happen to be particularly knowledgeable about the topic being examined. In editions of their podcast dealing with subjects in which I am not as well versed—like the one about the construction of the Taj Mahal, for example, or the one dealing with Viking sorcery—I am more likely to accept Holland and Sandbrook’s dates, claims and citations as fact, even if I am wary of their interpretations of those facts. Yes, we are all privy to this same amnesia effect. Our credulity when consuming media is, at least to some degree, in inverse correlation to our knowledge of the subject at hand. In fact, anyone who thinks they are immune to this effect has obviously not taken my Mass Media: A History online course and thus is likely ignorant of the research of Herbert Krugman and Tony Schwarz and others, who have demonstrated that the mass media (and especially electronic media) are able to bypass our conscious reasoning processes and effect us on a subconscious level before we even know what we are perceiving. Our subconscious brain takes what we are seeing (or reading) more or less at face value unless and until our conscious brain actively questions that material. “So what?” you might be saying. “Why does any of this matter?” Well . . . Why It MattersOK, so people are gullible idiots. What else is new? Well, one problem with the media is that even if you are aware of the idiocy of the average reporter, your friends aren’t. And we only have to look at the disintegration of so many friendships and family relationships over the course of the scamdemic to realize how corrosive it can be when our friends, coworkers, neighbours and loved ones fall for media manipulations. But even for those of us who are aware of the media’s incompetence and mendacity, it’s still all too easy to take what we’re seeing or reading at face value. Take this recent New York Times editorial, for instance: “The Startling Evidence on Learning Loss Is In.”
Wow! Is The New York Times really admitting that the very policies they were advocating for the last few years are an unmitigated disaster? What a victory! Of course, the media-savvy conspiracy realists in the crowd will point out that the op-ed writers predictably take the exact wrong lesson from this story. Specifically, the NY Times gang predictably opines that, in order to right the wrongs of the scamdemic, governments need to dump even more money into their indoctrination systems and make sure children receive even more government schooling. The manipulation here is obvious, isn’t it? But wait, it gets worse! After all, who stops to even question the framing of the story: that no one could have known that closing down schools, masking up kids, forcing children into “Zoom” classes (and even Zoom lunches) and otherwise abusing the youngest and most vulnerable members of our society was going to be detrimental to the social and mental development of an entire generation. Who could have seen this coming? Well, how about those parents who tried their damndest to protect their children from this insanity? Those guardians who strove to carve out a space of normality for children during the insanity of the scamdemic? Those heroes who fought to guard the children’s bodily autonomy from the forced medical interventions of the biosecurity state? You know, the people who, while all of this child abuse was unfolding, were mocked, ridiculed and persecuted—by the very same NY Times op-ed writers and their credulous readers. Strangely, though, that whole saga gets memory-holed by the NYT crew. Instead, they get to pretend that they’re “Shocked! Shocked!” to discover that there are adverse consequences to locking down society for years at a time. And, sadly, most people reading this “Startling Evidence” op-ed won’t even think to question it. This is how the media can weaponize the Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect. They can frame an issue however they want, completely disregard reality and even directly contradict positions they previously advocated. Most people—forgetting that the lying liars of the dinosaur media are wrong about everything all of the time—won’t even bat an eyelid. Once we have understood and internalized this lesson, then there’s only one more question left to answer: how can we counteract this effect? The Radical Act of RememberingSo, how do we counteract the Gell-Mann amnesia that turns us into unwitting media zombies? By remembering, of course. Easier said than done, obviously, but that’s the gist of it. Every time we open the newspaper, every time we turn on the TV, every time we flip on the radio, we must retain at the forefront of our conscious awareness that what we are reading/seeing/hearing is an enemy propaganda transmission. It is, at best, inaccurate drivel written by incompetent boobs and, at worst, malicious lies designed to mislead us on issues that matter. We cannot accept anything they say at face value, and we have to enter into every mediated experience fully prepared to disbelieve the known, proven liars of the mockingbird dinosaur media—even if they tell us that the sky is blue and water is wet. Whenever we hear from Walter Cronkite or one of his spiritual successors in the modern corporate media, we should bear in mind that that spirit once inhabited the owl of Bohemian Grove and bragged about sitting at the right hand of Satan in his quest for world government. Every time we see Dan Rather (or his modern day equivalent), we should have “his head could be seen to move violently forward” on infinite repeat in our mind. Whenever we hear from the Wolf Blitzers of the world about the latest war atrocity committed by this or that enemy of the US State Department, we should have the footage of his interview about the Gaddafi viagra rape story overlaid with the circus clown song playing in the back of our head. But, if we do seriously engage in this exercise and we take this radical remembering to its logical conclusion, we end up with an even more radical conclusion: namely, that the proper way to acknowledge the ignorance, incompetence and dissembling of the dinosaur media is to stop consuming it altogether. As Crichton explained in his 2002 speech:
Amnesia, indeed. Me? I’m off to not watch the so-called “news” by the known liars of the MSM. How about you? |
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So true, James. All of it. Very interesting that as we approach this Mercury retrograde involving three gandanta passages, you have put up retro reports on Kissinger and Soros, and now this one, which is of course entirely a Mercury matter, Media/communication.
The trash baskets with the newspapers beside remind me of how long I’ve re-interpreted the lies.
While wintering over in BC in 2002-2003, our wood stove came with a large supply of newspapers. One morning while stuffing it, I stopped to read an article about the person who’d been the Vancouver, BC weather man for 30 plus years, the chief of the weather service there. The article spoke of how he was found in his home dead from “suicide”.
Having come to BC to intigate activism regarding the geoengineering/weather warfare, I immediately knew what had really occurred.
Basically, this man had not been willing to pretend he didn’t know what was up…in the sky…as David Suzuki, Canada’s TV face and voice of “environmentalism”, was pretending.
When Suzuki showed up locally for some money conference…a fact…he was corralled for a talk at the bookstore, where all involved knew quite well what was “up”. We’d also had Will Thomas come and speak. Suzuki cried he’d never return to the area as long as I remained there, for I’d confronted him in public, and responded to his absurd denial with naming him as dishonest and cowardly.My youngest children were present.
These excellent young Canadian kids had looked up to him for years. How dare he?
He didn’t know I’d been shown a letter from him , by a local long-time activist elder, in which he’d claimed he “could” not speak truth for fear for his and his family’s lives.
What makes his family more important than everyone’s, huh?
I hope David is feeling real “safe” these days. The other side of this mad -house fence doesn’t look anything like “safe” to me.
Unfortunately, this great post will be subject to mass amnesia with the next inane headline. Headlines for headstones. Dead on arrival.
AI text?
PS Be aware that newsprint is stored by the multiple tons in massive warehouses, and therefore all previously saturated with rat poison. The rats love newspaper for their nests.
Rat poison. Never ever use it for gardening.
My latest trolling efforts have been going to various substacks that were/are Covid attack-vaxx people (people who know that this is some sort of genocide) because they are constantly harping on how the media/government lies endlessly about covid and many, if not most other subjects, but then suddenly, when it comes to Israel and the killing of Palestinian children, these very same lying outlets are telling us the truth.
It is amazing how many people live with this disconnect in their minds. Smart people, too.
What about the killing of Jewish children and taking civilians as hostages after the massacre? About half of them are still being held.
I sure wouldn’t want Hamas as my neighbor. Some of mine are bad enough – ego-filled men who wanted to do what they wanted on our property, including trimming our trees that border on a road, without asking first, and taking offense when we asked them to at least say something (ask) before they cut our trees. Now they have it in for us and have done all kinds of things to harass us and make life difficult.
What Israel faces every day is much worse – physical violence and threats. Explosives at unexpected times, even left in “gift packages” outside people’s doors during holiday celebrations.
A Jewish man I know drives an Uber in the Boston area. He once delivered 4 young women to Harvard. When they were getting out, one asked him if he minded giving a ride to a Palestinian. He said no, he didn’t mind if she didn’t mind having a Jewish driver. Her countenance suddenly changed completely, and to the shock and dismay of her companions, she started angrily shouting, “Death to Israel! Death to Israel!”
Israel withdrew from Gaza almost 20 years ago. Hamas has siphoned off aid meant for the Gazan people. There was infrastructure in Gaza when Israel pulled out – greenhouses, farms, etc. – much of which was ruined, some of the materials taken to make rockets to lob into Israel, which has been going on for many years.
Israel disangeged from Gaza. Yes, I remeber that! Long time ago, I remember the surprise that a hard liner like Ariel Sharon would do it. I remember the concern it will not go well as settlers might revolt against it. I remeber it succeeding.
Very true indeed. Also, as I know the Palestinain refugee people were given an opportunity to democratically vote who will be in power. And choose Hamas. I tend to believe there was conspiratorial play as well, strengthing Hamas before hand. And that Hamas did a PR trick saying they will fight corruption present in the PLO thus fooling the Palestinian refugees. Which I doubt understood what kind of organisation they are putting in power. Once in control, fully supressing free speech if I remember and understood correctly, throwing homosexuals from the roof (Literally) and taking all the huge funding that could theortically go to help the now unoccupied territory flourish into all means possible to harm and ultimately try to wipe out Israel, as is laid out in their very constitution.
This is a video circuliting here in Israel. Seen it on social media a few times by now. Not saying it gives the whole picture, or necessarily all potentially relevant information on what happened in Gaza in this to my mind truly complex and horrific conflict, with and without the conspiratorial part of the puzzle, but maybe worth knowing to be aware of what many people here see: (And it is definitly a pro Israeli video)
I recently got unlimited data, and I just watched the video link. Yes…. That is it. I only wish it were longer. Israel has also provided thousands (or tens or hundreds of thousands) of gallons of water to Gaza each day. Lots of Gazans had jobs in Israel that paid much more than they could make in Gaza. Israeli’s efforts and willingness to help have been used against them, yet they have continued to send the water.
I would really be interested to know how people that defend Hamas would respond to a neighbor that threw explosives into their back yard or porch every so often. Or that rang their doorbell, only to blow themselves up in order to kill their family member who opened the door.
I have been following happenings in Israel for many years. Not according to the mainstream news, but from small organizations that see and experience the reality of what happens.
Tonight I read this: This is what the Lord GOD says: “When I gather the house of Israel from the peoples among whom they are scattered, and show Myself holy among them in the sight of the nations, then they will live on their land which I gave to My servant Jacob. They will live on it securely; and they will build houses, plant vineyards, and live securely when I execute judgments upon all around them who despise them. Then they will know that I am the Lord their God.” Ezekiel 28:25-26
God will fulfill this promise.
We can go endlessly back and forth with how each side is more evil or how each side cause warfare to continue. The important point is that everything happening in that region is a result of two regimes that are dependent on their military industrial complex to stay in power.
Without the threat of war, neither the Israel or Hamas government have anything to offer. Which is why before October 2023 there were major protests and uprisings against these governments. Unfortunately the fear that the other side wants to eliminate you still persists among the ordinary Israeli and Palestinian.
75 years of oppression by Israel against Palestinians might make Israel the clear winner in evilness.
Chickens roosting and all.
Comparing Israel and Hamas like they are both apples is a serious miscarriage of justice. Before October 7, 2023, there was a ceasefire which Hamas did not abide by, sending rockets into Israel regularly. Thankfully, many were intercepted by the iron dome. Israel did not retaliate, as she did not so many times in the past.
The invasion on October 7 was a whole different situation.
I expect we here all agree that those desiring power use war, disruption, fear, etc., to gain more power and secure their positions.
Israel is surrounded by nations and terrorist groups that want her annihilated – pushed into the sea. Israel, currently one of the smallest nations on earth, has had more attention and condemnation by the corrupt U. N. than any other nation. Why is this? Because the U. N., in this instance only, is a good and trustworthy organization?
I think, and believe, it is very dangerous to jump on the anti-Israel bandwagon. There is more to the story.
“ Comparing Israel and Hamas like they are both apples is a serious miscarriage of justice. ”
Very true. Its akin to comparing the NYPD to a local street gang.
Referring to what is happening in Gaza as a “war” is a travesty.
Comparing the weapons, rudimentary rockets and forces of Hamas to the well trained IDF and their American supplied and funded arms is ridiculous.
I can understand how and why so many ill informed statists support the inhumane overreaction of Israel to the despicable events carried out by Hamas on October 7th because they only listen to the state sponsored narratives and propaganda. But what I don’t understand and have much difficulty forgiving is how the so-called Godly people, the Christians of this country and others are so willing to check their brains and morality at the door by unconditionally backing the corrupt governments that are the cause of the injustice.
These people don’t know the Jesus Christ that is described in the New Testament.
I do pray for the peace of Jerusalem and I love and bless the Jewish people. I also pray for the peace of the rest of God’s created intelligent beings.
The Bible teaches me that God isn’t willing that any should perish. So I’m not willing either.
The Bible teaches me that God is not a respecter of persons. So, by His grace and to the best of my ability, I’m going to try not to be either.
If someone can find a Jesus Christ who would encourage the horrific bloodshed and destruction that has been and currently is still occurring in Gaza in their Bible. Especially in light of the historic and deplorable proportion of innocent women and children victims. Then it is a Jesus that I’ve never read about. There is no Jesus like that in any Bible I’ve ever seen.
The Jesus I know, the Spirit of God that indwells me, wasn’t vengeful. He wasn’t heartless and cruel and willing to punish the innocent with death for the sins of others. He wouldn’t support treating anyone like animals or like Amalek by annihilating them. (Both sentiments that were expressed by the Israeli government after October 7th).
The Jesus I have come to know from reading the Bible forgave sinners, even healed them. Jesus didn’t bring or advocate devastation and destruction. He brought restoration, hope and healing, and salvation. Jesus brought love. He WAS Love!
What Would Jesus Do? He would condemn Israel for what it is doing without reservation! As do I.
And that doesn’t make me or Jesus anti Semitic.
Do you endlessly bomb your neighbor’s children? Then Israel may be the best place for you to live.
Let’s be “balanced”, mmkay?
The Pilgrim Society’s Empire Press Union created MI5, MI6 and GC&CS, now GCHQ in 1909
All the leading British and American newspapers were weaponized in 1909 by the British Government-led Pilgrims Society: Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, Times, Daily Mirror, Daily Express, Sunday Times, Observer, Financial Times, Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, etc.
As radio and television emerged in the 1920s, the list of Pilgrim-weaponized intelligence propaganda media expanded to BBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CBC, CNN, CNBC, Comcast and now FOX.
The C.I.A., FBI, NSA and State Department are the step-children under Pilgrims Society (British) control today.
Maybe its just problematic grammar and writing style that cause me to wonder about your paragraph about the 1920’s. Many of those media companies did not exist, such as CNN (late 1980’s), MSNBC, CBC
Ho ho ho, that’s a CAPITAL CHRISTMAS deal for your members, Claus Corbett! 🙂
I wasn’t familiar with the Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect. Right after reading about it, I got a dose of amnesia myself.
Here’s how: For several years a friend has been doing a deep dive into the Third Reich and WWII. He has read a lot of original source material. (The books he recommends most highly are by military historian V. K. Clark: https://wilkmocypublishers.com/our-catalog.)
From this friend I’ve learned to recognize some of the many falsehoods about this subject that have been heavily promoted. On some of the details, you could say I’ve become a mini-expert. (Not really, but at least I can now spot a few of the many lies when I read or hear them.)
Tonight I asked him about “The Sound of Music” movie, which I’d always assumed was based on a true story. It didn’t occur to me to doubt its authenticity.
“Why were German soldiers entering Austria and forcing men, including Captain von Trapp, to join the NS Party?” was the jist of my innocent question.
His reply stunned me.
“That movie,” he wrote, “is a masterpiece of propaganda. In 1965 it won five Academy Awards, including Best Picture. But whatever its merits as entertainment, the film’s presentation of history is deceitful at best. In particular, Austrians welcomed the 1938 union (Anschluss) with NS Germany.”
Knowing the importance of motives, he added: “And why were Austrians so eager to form a union with NS Germany? Was it purely because they shared a common language or was there a more pressing reason?”
“The answer: On the eve of the Anschluss, Austria’s economy was in shambles. Nearly one-third of adults were unemployed. They knew that across the border, in the German Reich, unemployment had miraculously been eliminated, living standards and working conditions had greatly improved, and economic, social and cultural life was flourishing.”
My friend went on to explain that though the movie’s main character, Georg von Trapp (played by Christopher Plummer), was a monarchist who was hostile to Hitler and National Socialism, “he was never forced to choose between service in the German armed forces or emigration from his homeland. When asked if he would like to join the German Navy, Captain von Trapp politely refused, and that was the end of the matter.”
In the movie, the von Trapps flee Austria in secret, hiking over the mountains into Switzerland carrying their suitcases and musical instruments. The real von Trapp family “left the country by train — quite openly. Instead of going to Switzerland, they traveled to Italy before ultimately settling in the United States. As daughter Maria said years later in an interview: ‘We did tell people that we were going to America to sing. And we did not climb over mountains with all our heavy suitcases and instruments. We left by train, pretending nothing.'”
So, James (and Murray and Michael), thanks for alerting us to beware of amnesia whenever we doff our expert hats and don our inexpert ones.
PS: So glad you’re not Klaus Korbett — or Schwarbett! 😉
You are a riot in your intro and post script. I hope you are well and you have a white Christmas! Has it ever snowed on anyone so close to Mexico? 🎄😚
I never knew about The Sound of Music origins thanks.
Schwarbett ! That’s so funny. Do you pronounce that Sqawh-Behtt?
Sound of Music – 1965
1. Direct lying about matters of fact.
2. Leaving out vital information.
3. Limited hangout. Admitting a fraction of what really happened, burying the biggest revelations, and the story will never be covered again.)
4. Shutting down the truth after publishing it—includes failing to follow up and investigate a story more deeply.
5. Not connecting dots between important pieces of data.
6. Censoring the truth, wherever it is found (or calling it “fake news”).
7. Using biased “experts” to present slanted or false “facts.”
8. Repeating a false story many times.
9. Claiming a true consensus exists, when it doesn’t, when there are many important dissenters shut out from offering their analysis.
10. Employing a panoply of effects (reputation of the media outlet, voice quality of the anchor, acting skills, dry mechanical language, studio lighting, overlay of electronic transmissions, etc.) to create an impression of elevated authority which is beyond challenge.
Probably good to also mention the dominant blue light of most news studio setups.
What a nice X-Mas Birthday gift, my favorite author of all time. And a bunch of interviews from the wayback machine. Had the # 1 book,movie and tv show simultaneously. Thanks for the 50% sale. Have a great time off, get some sleep!!
Where’s the horseshit?!
In James Corbett’s article, he wisely links to “Michael Crichton: The Offical Site” and article “Why Speculate?”
But where’s the horseshit?
Let me explain.
I was trying to multi-task which in itself is a strain at my age. I lit up a GooTube video “Why Speculate? – Michael Crichton” which is an audio reader of Crichton’s supposed talk at the International Leadership Forum, La Jolla April 26, 2002.
Kind of listening while struggling to do another task, I hear a wondrous analogy…
“Another issue concerns the sheer volume of speculation.
Sheer volume comes to imply a value which is specious.
I call this the There-Must-Be-A-Pony effect, from the old joke in which a kid comes down Christmas morning, finds the room filled with horseshit, and claps his hands with delight.
His astonished parents ask: why are you so happy? He says, with this much horseshit, there must be a pony.”
The YouTube video links to
This text of the speech mimics the previous link (see source)
I guess I could speculate about this horseshit.
But “Why Speculate?”
Perhaps it is a case of who is doing the speculation. We, the tax-cattle herd, listen to one another and come to the conclusion that we don’t really have a good track record of knowing where we are going. Then we come across a shepherd and ask him. Ah, he’ll know! But he might just as easily lie to us because he is merely an employee of the overlord, and he might not tell us or even know, what the overlord ultimately wants to do with us.
About the “Horseshit” above…
I later realized that I didn’t explain the horseshit story well.
I’ll spell it out…
The first link, Corbett’s link to “Why Speculate” is absent a lot of material which are at all the other links.
If a person reads the first link, they will not see:
“Another issue concerns the sheer volume of speculation.
Sheer volume comes to imply a value which is specious.
I call this the There-Must-Be-A-Pony effect, from the old joke in which a kid comes down Christmas morning, finds the room filled with horseshit, and claps his hands with delight.
His astonished parents ask: why are you so happy? He says, with this much horseshit, there must be a pony.”
I thought Michael Crichton did a good job with the metaphor of “There-Must-Be-A-Pony effect”.
It plays well to the points that he is making.
No need to keep selling this, I am over there already.
Excelent article. Crichton is incredibly succing.
But what is all this talk about discounts? I couldn’t see any details about it anywhere on this page.
Where’s the Discount Notice?!
mkey says:
“But what is all this talk about discounts? I couldn’t see any details about it anywhere on this page.”
Me too.
At least Corbett could have put the Discount Notice in a giant all-cap bold font saturated with some bright red.
How about bright red painted with blue for red color visually impaired? I mean, James is the expert.
LOVED that blues at the end… I don’t know if you see those comments, but thanks for sharing! Brought a big smile on my face 😁
I agree. It looked like a fun event over in Japan.
Thanks for another great article! I had the exact same experience, some years back, reading about a topic in the news that I played a part in. Lies, lies and more lies.
We cannot accept anything they say at face value, and we have to enter into every mediated experience fully prepared to disbelieve the known, proven liars of the mockingbird dinosaur media—even if they tell us that the sky is blue and water is wet.
Not even then:
Why The Sky Is Not Blue
Is water wet? It’s … not really that straightforward
I have heard of that expression, but these examples are just epic.
He he.