Schrödinger’s Bomb: False Flags Over Ukraine

by | Oct 30, 2022 | Newsletter | 23 comments

Remember way back in January of this year when I predicted that geopolitical strife—”the element of the global calculation that has been excluded from the equation” during the scamdemic—would “come back with a vengeance” in 2022?

Well, if the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February and the ramping up of tensions with China over Taiwan this past summer didn’t convince you that the struggle for control of the grand (3D) chessboard has indeed “come back with a vengeance” this year, the events of this past week should be more than enough to dispel your doubts.

First we had the news that Russia is ringing the alarm over a false flag dirty bomb attack that (they assert) the Ukrainians are planning to stage in Ukraine in order to blame Russia. Then we had the US counter-warning that it’s actually Russia who’s planning to release nukes in Ukraine and the Kremlin’s false flag warning is a trick to make everyone believe that the Ukrainians are going to do it.

Is your head spinning yet? Mine, too. In fact, I think that’s the point.

Accusation. Counter-accusation. Bluffs and double-bluffs in an ever-crazier game of nuclear chicken. What the hell is going on here? And—regardless of what results from this latest kerfuffle—what does the normalization of false flag accusations portend for the future of geopolitics?

Let’s find out.

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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 12 issue 30 (October 29, 2022)

by James Corbett
October 29, 2022

Remember way back in January of this year when I predicted that geopolitical strife—”the element of the global calculation that has been excluded from the equation” during the scamdemic—would “come back with a vengeance” in 2022?

Well, if the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February and the ramping up of tensions with China over Taiwan this past summer didn’t convince you that the struggle for control of the grand (3D) chessboard has indeed “come back with a vengeance” this year, the events of this past week should be more than enough to dispel your doubts.

First we had the news that Russia is ringing the alarm over a false flag dirty bomb attack that (they assert) the Ukrainians are planning to stage in Ukraine in order to blame Russia. Then we had the US counter-warning that it’s actually Russia who’s planning to release nukes in Ukraine and the Kremlin’s false flag warning is a trick to make everyone believe that the Ukrainians are going to do it.

Is your head spinning yet? Mine, too. In fact, I think that’s the point.

Accusation. Counter-accusation. Bluffs and double-bluffs in an ever-crazier game of nuclear chicken. What the hell is going on here? And—regardless of what results from this latest kerfuffle—what does the normalization of false flag accusations portend for the future of geopolitics?

Let’s find out.


It passed through the newswires so quickly that you may have missed it at the time, but back in January the US intelligence community revealed itself to be populated by a bunch of tinfoil hat-wearing conspiraloons.

Specifically, as the AP reported on January 15:

US intelligence officials have determined a Russian effort is underway to create a pretext for its troops to further invade Ukraine, and Moscow has already prepositioned operatives to conduct “a false-flag operation” in eastern Ukraine, according to the White House.

The theory, in a nutshell, was that Russia—in seeking an excuse to kick off its invasion of Ukraine—had “dispatched operatives trained in urban warfare” who could “use explosives to carry out acts of sabotage against Russia’s own proxy forces” in the country. These attacks would then be blamed on the Ukrainian government, thus giving Putin an apparent casus belli to justify the decision to send Russian forces into Ukraine.

Now, you’d think it would be pretty big news that the US government was openly promoting the very type of false flag conspiracy theory that it has so long denigrated as bark-raving lunacy, wouldn’t you? Well, if you did think that, you’d be wrong.

As I say, you may have never even heard that startling accusation when it was first made, and you’d be forgiven for having forgotten about it even if you did hear it at the time. After all, the theory proved groundless; no spectacular terror attack occurred to justify Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

But that wasn’t the end of the story. Rather, the US government’s very public accusation that the Kremlin was plotting a nefarious false flag conspiracy was in fact just the beginning of a new era of geopolitics.

With false flag conspiracy theorizing having successfully transitioned from a topic entertained only by mentally disturbed kooks to a matter that can be solemnly discussed by level-headed paragons of mental acuity like unnamed “US intelligence officials,” the floodgate had been opened. It was only a matter of time before other nations began bandying false flag allegations about on the world stage.

And so it was that earlier this week the Russians began frantically warning anyone who would listen that the Ukrainians are preparing a false flag provocation of their own.

According to a report from Russia’s state-owned news agency, TASS, “[t]wo Ukrainian organizations have received concrete instructions to create a ‘dirty bomb’, and work on the bomb is nearing completion.” In a briefing to journalists last Monday, Russia’s Chemical and Biological Protection Troops Lieutenant-General Igor Kirillov did not specify which Ukrainian “organizations” are alleged to be involved in this plan. He did, however, reiterate that those organizations “have concrete instructions to create a so-called dirty bomb”—a weapon that combines conventional explosives and radioactive material and which, when detonated, leaves behind an area of deadly radioactive fallout.

Kirillov further asserted that “[w]ork [on the bomb] is at the final stage” and that “[t]he Russian Defense Ministry has data on contacts of the Ukrainian presidential office with the UK on the issue of potentially obtaining these nuclear technologies.”

Kirillov’s press conference came hot on the heels of a flurry of phone calls that Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu made to his counterparts in Britain, France, Turkey and the US last Sunday to warn them of the plot. Unsurprisingly, Shoigu was rebuffed by those officials, who immediately went on the record to dismiss Russia’s false flag concerns as an “absolute and quite predictable absurdity.”

This has not dissuaded Russia from pursuing the matter. In fact, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations even raised the allegation at a closed door session of the UN Security Council on Thursday. Although that session didn’t result in any Security Council action on the alleged plot, it did convince the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency to send inspectors to Ukraine in the coming days “to detect any possible undeclared nuclear activities and material.”

Needless to say (but I’ll say it anyway), the threat of a dirty bomb being used as a provocation in any situation is disturbing enough.

The threat of a dirty bomb in a false flag provocation designed to dupe the international community into hasty action against an innocent target is even more troubling.

The threat of a dirty bomb false flag operation being used in the middle of an ongoing military conflict is yet more dangerous.

The threat of a dirty bomb false flag operation taking place in Ukraine specifically—where one wrong move could send the world tumbling into all-out war between Russia and the US—is profoundly worrying.

But the prospect of such a scenario playing out in Ukraine right now—right in the midst of nuclear war games being played simultaneously by Russia and NATO, when both sides are already preparing for a full-scale nuclear war and the Pentagon is announcing that it will no longer rule out a nuclear first use strategy—is the most sinister scenario of all.

And if you thought this game of nuclear Russian roulette was crazy, just you wait. It gets even worse!


Given the situation in Ukraine and given the state of NATO/Russian relations, it is no surprise whatsoever that the West has been quick to denounce Russia’s dirty bomb false flag accusation as disinformation. Nor is it surprising that the dinosaur media have taken it upon themselves to “fact check” Russia’s allegations.

No, none of that is surprising.

What is surprising is that the US State Department and its friends around the world are not simply denouncing the Russians as wild-eyed conspiracy cranks for daring to suggest that false flag operations exist. No. They’re going one step further.

US State Department spokesman Ned Price, for one, has used the affair to remind Moscow “about the severe consequences that would result from nuclear use” in Ukraine, warning that there “would be consequences for Russia whether it uses a dirty bomb or a nuclear bomb.”

Wait. Stop. Re-read that.

Do you see what’s happening? The US is now implying that Russia’s warning about a planned Ukrainian false flag operation is itself a false flag operation. In the State Department’s narrative, it is Russia that is thinking of deploying a dirty bomb, and Russia’s talk of a Ukrainian dirty bomb is part of a false flag deception to convince the world that any nuclear device going off in Ukraine is the work of Kiev, not Moscow.

As we see, the US has gone a level deeper! It’s suggesting a False Flag False Flag—a false flag operation to create the impression of a false flag operation!

Now that’s some Christopher Nolan-level, Inception-type, 5D backgammon thinking right there. I thought I’d seen some crazy conspiracy theories in my day, but apparently the online crazies have nothing on the State Department crazies.

Of course, if we were to take this idea seriously even for a moment, the most cursory analysis would instantly reveal this particular False Flag False Flag narrative to be cartoon-level nonsense.

Why would Russia go to the trouble of ginning up a fake false flag accusation in order to cover up its use of a dirty bomb—an incredibly ineffective weapon that serves no military purpose in an active combat situation? What conceivable Russian military objective would be advanced by perpetrating such an elaborate and strategically useless plot? Would they use the dirty bomb and its aftermath to justify . . . continuing their military operation in Ukraine? But they’re already there. It just makes no sense.

But to examine the False Flag False Flag plot rationally would be to miss the point. These accusations and counter-accusations are not about a sincere attempt to understand and accurately convey the truth about what is happening in the world. They are about something else entirely: weaponizing information itself in the ongoing, never-ending, ever-intensifying fifth-generation war on us.

And the ultimate goal of this weapon is to obliterate the concept of truth altogether.


I have often remarked that one of the “wins” of the 9/11 Truth Movement is that the truthers have succeeded in educating the public about the existence of false flag attacks.

Two decades ago, most people would react to the suggestion that 9/11 was an inside job with genuine bewilderment: “Why would the government attack itself?” But today, the vast majority of the public understands the utility of staging spectacular terror attacks in order to blame those attacks on their enemies—thanks in no small part to the tireless efforts of those valiant conspiracy realists who have worked to inform the public about the history of such operations.

But now that false flag accusations have become so much a part of political discourse that they’re being bandied back and forth at the international level, a critical shift has taken place. Henceforth, no event of any significance will ever be taken at face value.

Think about it this way: if a dirty bomb were to go off in Ukraine next week, it would instantly become Schrödinger’s bomb.

If you think Russia Good/NATO Bad, then when the dirty bomb goes off it will be obvious to you that it was a Ukrainian false flag. Every fact about the incident that gets reported to you (via the media, naturally) will confirm your suspicions. Even if the evidence suggests that the Russians were responsible, you’ll know that the evidence isn’t trustworthy. It’s a psyop! It’s fake news! It’s a deep fake video! It’s not real!

And if you think NATO Good/Russia Bad, then when the dirty bomb goes off it will be obvious to you that it was a Russian attack. Every fact about the incident that gets reported to you (via the media, naturally) will confirm your suspicions. Even if the evidence suggests that the Ukrainians were responsible, you’ll know that the evidence isn’t trustworthy. It’s a psyop! It’s fake news! It’s a deep fake video! It’s not real!

In the house of mirrors that is the False Flag False Flag psyop, whatever happens will only ever enforce our existing beliefs.

And it isn’t hard to imagine how things could get even more insane. What if the Russians were to point to the US State Department’s False Flag False Flag theory as a False Flag False Flag False Flag—an attempt to cover up a false flag operation by portraying the enemy’s warnings about your false flag operation as a false flag operation? 

And then we could have a False Flag False Flag False Flag False Flag and a False Flag False Flag False Flag False Flag False Flag and . . . etc., etc., ad infinitum.

Yes, this is it, folks. Pandora’s box has been opened. We have truly entered the “post-truth world” that the elitists have been warning us about. But as it turns out, their warning about the post-truth world wasn’t a warning at all; it was a promise.

In a world of deep fakes and false flags and fake whistleblowers and completely mediated “reality,” what is truth, anyway?

That, my friends, is a question for another day. All I know is that the False Flag False Flag hypothesis and the uncorking of the bottle that it entails is, in a sense, even more dangerous than a mere nuclear conflagration.

After all, in the event of global thermonuclear war, the worst-case scenario is that we get bombed back to the Stone Age and have to start human civilization from scratch. But hey, at least in that case the Fourth Industrial Revolution would have to be postponed a millennium or two!

But when Schrödinger’s bomb goes off, we run the risk of losing our ability to ascertain truth itself.

Buckle up, everyone. Regardless of what happens in Ukraine in the coming weeks, we have just started our descent into a new geopolitical era, and it’s going to be a much wilder ride than even the most battle-hardened conspiracy realists can imagine.

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From a listener:

CBDCs – A song by Angry North & Boris’s Bitches

From another listener: 

This Sunday (30.10.22) at 19:00 (UK time) Liberation Is Not a Recognised Protocol, a radio/audio play by Seorais Graham with performances from Donald Sumpter, Timothy Bentinck, Jessica Carroll and Orlando Brooke, and with music composed by Nick Rundall, will be aired for the first time at

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  1. Listening to the Police Auditor guy right now and it made me think of this where the author describes our current system as ” anarchy held in place by tyranny ”

    Funny thing is that 911 gets a recorded message where I live these days (trying to report roadside fire and a car accident the other time) Luckily the criminal types don’t appear to have noticed…

    “……is why you and I get approached by police for minor infractions. Maybe some cops get a kick out of playing the tyrant. But most of them have imbibed the belief that they are the mechanism for social order, and that if the mechanism is functioning well, there will be no thefts or assaults or even irrelevant parking infractions to sully the final production. Where social order flows through the government, it is only natural that a good-hearted government agent would want to keep things pristine…”

    • “Funny thing is that 911 gets a recorded message where I live these days”.

      Was the “911” reference to be a Freudian slip, or a false flag to a false flag, or a smart bomb metaphor – for 9/11?

      Nicely done either way ;))

      • Thanks, 🙂 but it’s just the number for emergency services…or I guess the “Hope it’s NOT an emergency services” lol

  2. “First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin”.

  3. I think Ukraine is capable of causing havoc on its own country.
    Has been doing it for years now, with the help of the US/Nato.

    And they are also shelling the Nuclear reactors.
    It is not 5D chess, but just lies as usual.

    I just wonder where all that money really goes to,
    and why EU does a ritual suicide of its economy.

  4. When oh when will we see an uprising of the people to remove the scourge of governments?? I know that sounds fantastic, but to pull an Iceland and go into the houses of Congress, government, and judiciary and pull out the operatives by the hair of their heads. Not an insurrection, since the insurrection has already occurred…the governance of our We the People enterprise has been hijacked by lunatics in league with financial harvesters long ago. Their insurrection is the illegitimate one, foisted upon us by fake elections, media lies,and an educational system that does not educate but propagandizes. We do in fact, under our own Constitution have the right to take out what has been unconstitutionally imposed on us. So what’s the holdup?

    • “…When oh when will we see an uprising of the people to remove the scourge of governments?…”

      Read “the populist delusion” and you will understand why in detail though it’s pretty obvious that any group of people will have more able or more persuasive members or just people who care more about the issue then the mass of members do.

      Also how will people act in a group when they have nothing in common or any shared identity or culture

      Iceland is pretty much one big family of people…. though I do hear that they are getting some importation of diversity to change that. Do you personally know eight or so folks that would organize with you around a political or cultural goal? Most people do not and thus are powerless to do much resistance let alone rebellion

  5. It reminds me of the scene toward the end of Little Big Man where Custer questions LBM (Dustin Hoffman) about the Sioux military strategy. But I do not think it is as confusing as James seems to make it On the one hand, over the past six years, in regard to the Ukraine fiasco, the Russians have exhibited a far greater propensity for truthiness than the West. The UK government has held the world’s record mantle for scumbag duplicity for centuries. Second is the old adage cui bono. The Russians have nothing to gain from this dirty bomb, while the Ukie Neonazi’s and the west have plenty. The Russians are winning the war, and with their troop strength soon to be double, will roll to the Dnieper with little resistance. Why exactly is the US quietly assembling an army of over 100k in Romania? The US crazies are going on the motto that failure is not a option. They know they cannot defeat the Russians with the latter having the home field advantage. So they need a nuclear atrocity to kick off the US invasion as a cover story from Romania and equalizing the forces with tacticsl nukes. It also gives them a half assed excuse to use tactical nukes first against the Russians. It is not that hard to figure out. The Russians were telling the truth about the west’s intention to set off a dirty bomb and the only way the Russians knew to stop them was publicizing it. After that it is just chaff.

    • El gallinazo
      “…Ukie Neonazi’s …”

      Consider that Ukraine is Jewish dominated…it is the area of origin of the ashkanazi Jews that dominate Israel and weild outsized influence in the USA and the Western world.

      Consider that Israeli aid supports the Jewish president…. Consider that when Putin took control and stopped the looting of post Soviet Russia the Jewish oligarchs were the least likely to come to an accommodation with his rule and have been agitating to remove him…..

      Now do you think that ACTUAL “NeoNazis” exist in Ukraine or just mercenary forces???

      I am wondering about that wild idea that what with Isreal being a dump the Jewish people are gonna 1st depopulate and then colonize Ukraine.

      • Well worth considering. Thanks Duck.

  6. It is head spinning.

    The actual use of a dirty bomb to “Simulate” a tactical nuclear strike, would equate to state sanctioned terrorism. Both East and West factions do not need to simulate the act, as they already have tactical nuclear capability. Ergo the use of a dirty bomb would have the utility of obfuscating the source of the alleged strike.

    Who has more to gain? The Russians know that they will be blamed for all and every escalation. In this case they may as well use one of the weapons in their arsenal to irradiate the land that they wish to conquer or are occupying.

    More likely that a dirty bomb will be detonated outside of the conflict zone, by those with the best false flag track record in my mind, but who knows? – this has become unbelievably stupid and is no doubt being employed in numerous ways to harm everyday people who want to be left well out of it.

    • A few years ago, I expected something like that to go off
      in New York or somewhere. Maybe now Miami would the deep-state target.
      Just to jump start a new war.
      But then the scamdemic happened instead.

  7. You will never be at peace with the NEW TRUTH until you can hold your hand out in front of your face, fully open, and TRULY see only four fingers. Then and only then can you fully embrace everything they say and KNOW it is the NEW TRUTH.

  8. There is a great book that could help unravel the false flag false flag playing out in our minds. Before Mass Transformation there was The Mass Psychology of Fascism by Wilhelm Reich. Tame the little fascist in you and we just might make it out alive. Salud

    • Wilhelm Reich was a pervert, a UFO cultist, pornogropher and a nutjob. The whole idea behind that kind of writing ( as with “the authoritarian Personality”) was that any normal person who grows up in a normal family is a potential fascist…..I do NOT LIKE fascism and hope we can avoid it but I’ll take it over Trans kid clown world any day. cool music made about him through by Kate bush

  9. Total Information America by Niccolo Soldo

    ” There are simply too many outlets and too many voices that do not agree with western governments to be allowed to persist in their messaging. They must be SHUT DOWN (or at least have their signals significantly diminished).”

  10. For those focused on the deception:
    I have to tell the truth: everything I say is a lie.

    for those focused on solutions: when the purge is all spew, and even time/space begins to wobble,, think of the ones that you love.

    karuna karuna

  11. I’ve no witty or insightful comment. I’m reminded of my good friend Jim Bob who often commented, “I am so confused”. My fallback position is Rumsfeld’s unknown unknowns.

    “There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don’t know we don’t know.”

  12. The Rise of Biodigital Surveillance by Aaron Kheriaty

    “Recently, as I was about to go through airport security, a saleswoman intercepted me asking if I wished to skip the security line. Intrigued, I invited her to tell me more. She shuttled me over to the CLEAR electronic kiosk and explained how the product worked. For only $180 a year, I could skip long lines at airports, sporting events, and other large gatherings.”

  13. I like the approach to this general idea of confused reality that Kit Knightly laid out a while back in his article “Nordstream Sabotage – Deeper Dive.”

    All these conflicts we see in the world. All this drama and different storylines we are supposed to parse through and sides we are supposed to pick. Does any of it really matter when TPTSB are driving us toward hell? Below are some relevant quotations from his article:

    It all comes back to the fake binary, the illusion of difference and delusion of choice.

    The “official story” will never prove who bombed the pipeline one way or the other and is not intended to. Resolution is not desired. Instead, Team A will encourage us to blame Team B, and vice versa. The MSM will report evidence implicating Russia, while other evidence suggesting NATO were responsible will be “leaked”. Both narratives will be fed just enough to keep the argument going for as long as required and in any direction chosen.

    That’s the nature of the false binary, its very purpose, to divide and distract and create controlled dissent alongside managed controversy.

    Maybe Russia “did it”, maybe the US “did it”, but since it can be reasoned that they’re working together towards the same ends I say again, what difference does that ultimately make?

    Arguing about it could easily become the equivalent of debating whether OJ Simpson (allegedly) stabbed his wife with his left hand or his right.

    In my view. we have to look at the war in Ukraine in this context – not simply as a real war on its own terms, but as a new front in the wider war against all of us that started with Covid.

    In that context Ukraine becomes another horrible, callous piece of theatre. A cynical sacrifice that creates and then “justifies” – as Covid “justified” – shortages and price gouges and, let’s be honest, anything else in their anti-human agenda.

  14. More wars to drive the talking points, while the Libaries of Alexandria continue to be burned online while no one seems to know.

    The access to information is key, this piece on False Flags only becomes more potent when people realise and have access to the information to identified the historical patterns, well those who bother to read beyond the 1st couple of paragraphs.

    Reading this and watching Q4Corbett on Technocracy where a prime example made by James was that having access to the information, doesn’t seem to matter because most humans still find it easier to ask him than search on this website… However for those who care we are continuing to lose free resources as the paywalls coninue to be reinforced on a global scale, while most are watching secretly waiting for WW3 to begin (or end!).

    I guess I am bit upset that has been taken down and most think it is a great use of US Gov funds.

    “This domain has been seized by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in accordance with a warrant issued pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 981(b) and 21 U.S.C. § 853(f) by the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York as part of a law enforcement action by: The United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York and The Federal Bureau of Investigation,” stated the banner.”

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