Did you sign up for The Corbett Report email update list? Are you still receiving emails? If not, why not? Today on #SolutionsWatch, James takes a look at one of the simple, oft-neglected ways of staying in touch with others, email, and how it is under attack from the big tech information oligopolists.
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Mailchimp purges more high-profile users
Mailchimp (Intuit) banned existing users in Russia without allowing them to move to other provider
Mailchimp makes its censorship rules official, outlines right to ban users for “inaccurate” content
My vpn has a excellent mail, I used it for free for about a year until I really understood how it works then I started a paid subscription due to its many functions. ProtonVPN.com go on the site for they can explain it better than I can.
I use a VPN too…. but I would never trust Proton (or any other) VPN or web mail to discuss anything that my life depended on keeping secret. Protonmail is pretty nice though.
Proton mail (Which I use) is probably a honey pot….back in WW2 the Allies let the Germans bomb heck out of cities just in order to keep the fact that they’d broken th Enigma codes a secret. I have no doubt that most of the VPN’s and private webmails are accessible to Governments who probably let illegal stuff happen so they can keep monitoring
They will protect you from the likes of Google though, and private companies are what I see as my major threat.
If you want to keep your web surfing secret you can use Tor (just dont sign into anything and know that someone is probably looking at what your doing thru a compromised exit node even if they can “probably” not know who or where you are.)
Didn’t know this, thx for the info.
I think we need to start use a code , sanscript or something to where only people with the code could read it,
you know how crypto is sent to where its pvt between two parties, something ;ike that.
Over my head, just day dreaming…lol
“..where only people with the code could read it,..”
The only way that is actually secure is One Time Pads… but they need the recipient to ALSO have the One Time Pad and obvious sharing the same code with lots of people would make leaks probable. You COULD get everyone to do one of those public key things and encrypt it for them with some kind of computer automation???? It would make cracking the message time consuming. The thing is that you really need to HAVE SOMEONE TO TALK TOO… which is a thing I’ve seen in HAM operators who are often more interested in the tech then actually having anyone on the other side saying something interesting 😉
One Time pads are the only TRUE secure method I know of but they are a PITA to set up and I often wonder if they are vulnerable to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zipf%27s_law which is why I stopped doing SETI@home because I started to doubt it was really cracking what it said it was…. but as long as your One Time pad is longer then your message I doubt you REALLY have to worry.
“Tradecraft: One-Time Pads”
S2 used to have a Tor website, I think if you really want secure communications you would need to set up a Tor “bulletin board” type thing where people log on to get messages that live on server (a Raspberry Pi or whatever) that can be left anywhere in the real world it can get internet. Not much of a dark web guy so dont have the skills to do that.
If I was gonna do that I’d hide a pi4 in the public library disguised as a smoke alarm or whatever 🙂 lol….but if it goes down maybe I’d just set up a back up somewhere else rather then go check it…..hahaha….maybe getting dark web email notification would be a bad idea too.
lolol… wow, you have taken a deep dive on this subject before I see, Also your so far above my pay grade I actually feel small after reading your post… except the end made me belly laugh and all is good again.
prior post in moderation
Dark web website on a pi4…. I guess you could do that for the BBS type site. Folk would still need to log in to get messages.
Still would not bet my life on anything Online.
??? Thanks very much!!
In early 2020 I sent out an email list using @msn.com.
It was a tongue in cheek story about the new normal. No one on the list received the email including me. MSN must have deleted it to counter misinformation. Of course I no longer use this account.
From my perspective, MSN took the correct action. The service they are offering is not for sending out newsletters.
Just as we purchase vehicles for specific uses, but still call all of them “vehicles”, email services are also designed for specific uses, even though we call of them “email”.
The MSN service is only for sending messages directly for person-to-person communications, with the option to have some additional recipients and to cc and bcc other recipients. Using it for newsletters should get you banned by the administrators, no matter the content.
How do you define an email list? Some/many email services will allow a relatively large amount of emails to be sent, more than a few hundred daily.
One way I communicate with my friends when we don’t want anyone spying, we use a site where you can buy and sell things called offer up, it has a inbox where u can message people. Used it for a few years as a way to pvt message friends. Probably not what your talking about but thought I’d throw it out there just incase.
This tactic is already well known. Popular sites such as Offerup will most certainly be monitoring and moderating content of direct messages and for various reasons.
Another tactic that is similar to this is people planning terrorist or other violent activities in voice chat while playing violent video games. It is nearly impossible for an AI to differentiate between in-game discussions and actual planning.
Fascinating. One could certainly build a movie around that strategy.
My failed solution is to email content creators and offer my near decade of experience in administrating and supporting email system services at a level far beyond the typical hobbyist, including being a moderator for a popular open source email server project support forum, a contributor to that same project, and an active member of other mail system support forums.
Email is very complicated, and nearly every time someone is reporting delivery issues it is because they do not understand where they are not meeting the technical requirements. Anyone interested in learning more about email and its complexity may enjoy the very best single article on email ever written:
I think most content creators are looking for a quick solution like a free or $5 service, a WordPress widget, etc. Unfortunately, most problems related to email are more complicated even to understand, and this is justified by the administrators who are forced to deal with an unimaginable quantity of criminals attacking mail services.
Additionally, I suspect many content creators wrestle with a justified concern of randos sabotaging their most valued methods for communication, leaving them in the difficult situation of not having a trusted expert and not really understanding their problems, but this is just me guessing.
I don’t know how to resolve this problem. I still occasionally send messages that include solutions to the extent I can identify problems, offer support if they have questions about mail, and to offer they can self-host a solution but that solution requires them to use a hosted VPS service and work with (and trust) a server administrator with root access to the server.
I caution against relying on Substack. I find there are many external warning signs, including:
1. Organization is funded by regular Silicon Valley players, including substantial funding from Andreesen-Horowitz and current total funding of $82.4M.[1] The independent media creators operating with integrity could never, even through their combined efforts, receive even a fraction of that funding amount, even over time.
2. Substack has an Apple iOS app and is working on their Google Play Store app. It is likely they will face the decision of having to either remove specific content creators from their platform or be removed from an app store. Perhaps there is some slim chance they can be permitted only to remove specific content creators from the apps, but that will be dissenters.
3. They use only one payment processor, Stripe. Should Stripe begin cancelling creators, Substack will have to go along.
4. The company is still young and still looks like the tried-and-true model of be completely open to become the de facto platform before initiating the de-platforming activities.
5. Outward appearances are that the résumés and backgrounds of the management team and employees, based primarily in San Francisco, will lean toward internal movements to de-platform. My personal opinion is this is the biggest threat when evaluating organizations, but it is also the most opaque to evaluate. If an organization were truly committed to having an open platform, no vendor could stop them, but we don’t see this from any service with a meaningful market share.
[1] https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/substack
I use Substack as well, for different newsletters. Works really well.
I have created a repeating calendar reminder to make sure I do a monthly export of the content (posts + subscribers). Just in case.
The whole slow down with alternative opinion communications reminds me of what they did to Father Coughlin who was a one time supporter of FDR and the New Deal but started to push back when he saw that they were succumbing to British and Jewish pressure to enter WW2….. as I recall he used to mail out a magazine and the US post office either just refused to carry it or demanded higher postage rates.
The FBI came round and confiscated his mailing list when the war started… I guess the FBI doesn’t need to do that in person anymore…. Lol.
Does anyone know of any books that illustrate life in Vichy FRANCE during ww2? I think there may be a lot of parallels between the US today and the co-opted gov’t of France during the war.
There was a popular French TV series on the topic. Sorry, can’t recall the name. It was something like “The Village.” I may have that wrong. But the series was about how a village coped with the occupation.
Found it, thanks
Maybe I’m just living under a false sense of security, but I prefer to use a desktop e-mail software that keeps my e-mails on my computer (not the cloud).
I download them directly from my ISP.
And I keep my fingers crossed that my ISP doesn’t look at or share the content of my e-mail.
Over the years (20), I haven’t seen any indication that they have done anything mischievous.
There’s also 10 minute mail, which gives you a working email for 10 minutes ( long enough to show or test the verification process)
You just don’t want to send anything private to the address.
Possibly The ten minet email and definitely any free webpage “get texts” services have an issue….
If you use one of those that shows the received message on the open web to anyone you may
1) have sensitive data that’s personally ID’able in the clear and open web….maybe this data with your name is Googleable
2) if you used such a service to set up other accounts people can ask for a password reset and get it emailed to the openly viewable number or email….you could loose access to your own account as they reset it.
I saw this on the ‘privacy security and osint’ podcast as I recall
I use AOL for my email. I know it is old, but it is simple to use. Last week I was inundated one morning with over 3,000 emails. Fortunately, AOL has a button in its mail preferences for; “Block all emails, not on your contact list”.
Worked like a charm. Haven’t had any spam since. Sure I lose some emails from others not on my contact list that are friends or good people, but I can’t deal with 3,000+ emails a day.
This is another way the oligarchs censor email access.
Off topic but gave me a little more insight on the crap going on in the world, Different perspective but fits nicely in the knowns unknowns thinking, worth a watch.
Big Tech Employee Influence…
CNBC – July 2, 2020
The most liberal and conservative tech companies, ranked by employees’ political donations
Netflix: Democrats – $340,485 (98%), Republicans – $7,124 (2%)
Nvidia: Democrats – $154,466 (93%), Republicans – $11,673 (7%)
Adobe: Democrats – $401,937 (93%), Republicans – $28,137 (7%)
IBM: Democrats – $1,496,234 (90%), Republicans – $163,804 (10%)
Salesforce: Democrats – $457,119 (89%), Republicans – $59,181 (11%)
Alphabet (Google): Democrats – $5,437,048 (88%), Republicans – $766,920 (12%)
Microsoft: Democrats – $3,969,072 (85%), Republicans – $690,953 (15%)
Apple: Democrats – $1,243,825 (84%), Republicans – $228,653 (16%)
PayPal: Democrats – $145,483 (84%) Republicans – $27,529 (16%)
Cisco: Democrats – $798,586 (80%), Republicans – $204,400 (20%)
Amazon: Democrats – $2,677,112 (77%), Republicans – $783,349 (23%)
Facebook: Democrats – $1,634,153 (77%), Republicans – $480,133 (23%)
Intel: Democrats – $790,769 (68%), Republicans – $372,667 (32%)
Broadcom: Democrats – $326,616 (68%), Republicans – $154,058 (32%)
Oracle: Democrats – $785,882 (67%), Republicans – $380,240 (33%)
Texas Instruments: Democrats – $123,543 (60%), Republicans – $82,571 (40%)
Qualcomm: Democrats – $289,336 (50%), Republicans – $284,119 (50%)
The above consolidated list came from…
~~WWW flagandcross.com/list-big-tech-companies-ranked-conservative-to-liberal-by-employee-political-donations/
HRS: Thanks for the list. I’m surprised it isn’t more pro-Democrat. If the “media is the message” well, the battle is lost in the media. Find another battleground.
Hell if you think about this with skepticism as one should, the pony express or carrier pigeon isn’t safe. I suppose one must accept some risks. I suggest this subject be continued.
I received CR e-mails for a short time after signing up back in February/March of this year, but haven’t been receiving any for months. I tried various ways to get back on the list, but nothing I did solved it. I checked in spam. They weren’t there.. They just weren’t coming at all. I signed up with a different e-mail. Still nothing.
After listening to this today, I signed up again and have already gotten an e-mail notification of the latest release. Yippee…. 🙂 It worked.