Here’s What’s Next on the Globalist Calendar

by | Apr 18, 2022 | Newsletter | 35 comments

As you should know by now, the threat facing free humanity is not a secret conspiracy but a perfectly open one. Those seeking to monopolize the resources of the planet and institute a system of perfect technocratic control are, generally speaking, not secretive about their plans. On the contrary. Any number of publicly available records—from books and white papers to blog posts, fora and lectures—give an interested public plenty of lead time to prepare for the next steps in the unfolding globalist agenda.

So, in the grand Corbett Report tradition of Listening to the Enemy, let’s employ one of the simplest methods for understanding what’s coming next in the global plan: let’s consult the would-be world controllers’ own calendar.

Join James for this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber as he consults the globalists’ own calendar to discover what’s in store for the coming years. Then, stick around for James’ recommended reading, listening and viewing, and a coupon code for 25% off Corbett Report DVDs at the New World Next Week shop.

For free access to this editorial, please CLICK HERE.

The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 12 issue 10 (April 17, 2022)

by James Corbett
April 17, 2022

As you should know by now, the threat facing free humanity is not a secret conspiracy but a perfectly open one. Those seeking to monopolize the resources of the planet and institute a system of perfect technocratic control are, generally speaking, not secretive about their plans. On the contrary. Any number of publicly available records—from books and white papers to blog posts, fora and lectures—give an interested public plenty of lead time to prepare for the next steps in the unfolding globalist agenda.

So, in the grand Corbett Report tradition of Listening to the Enemy, let’s employ one of the simplest methods for understanding what’s coming next in the global plan: let’s consult the would-be world controllers’ own calendar.

JUNE 2022: Stockholm+50

As post-graduate students of The University of Corbett, you will already know about the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1972 . . . but in case you need a refresher, you might want to consult How & Why Big Oil Conquered the World, where you can learn all about that Stockholm summit.

In addition to being Maurice Strong’s entrée into the exciting (and lucrative) world of Big Oil environmentalism, the conference also laid the groundwork for the UN-fronted corporate takeover of the world’s resources under the pretense of “saving Mother Earth.” It served a triple function for the globalists: it launched the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), it provided a template for the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio, and it hosted the first talking shop for what would become Agenda 21 and, eventually, Agenda 2030.

Well, guess what? It’s baaaaack.

That’s right, our good, planet-loving overlords at the United Nations are back to the scene of the crime to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Stockholm conference with a new summit in the Swedish capital, this one with the characteristically uninspired name “Stockholm+50: a healthy planet for the prosperity of all – our responsibility, our opportunity.”

Lest you think “Stockholm+50” is simply going to be an excuse for the global jet set to pat themselves on the back with a couple of forgettable political speeches or the unveiling of a new plaque, you should know that a great deal of planning has gone into this:

  • The UN General Assembly has passed not one but two resolutions on the establishment of the conference and its agenda;
  • A dedicated website for the conference has been created to keep up with the latest developments;
  • A “blog by jurists for diplomats” entitled Pathway to the 2022 Declaration has been launched to influence the conversation surrounding the “Political Declaration” (capital letters and all) that “will be adopted” at the conference (emphasis theirs);
  • And yet another website has been set up to host the “Declaration for Stockholm+50,” which may or may not be the “Political Declaration” referenced above and which has been endorsed by a gaggle of globalist NGOs.

In addition to all of this, Stockholm will also host “World Environment Day 2022” on June 5th, 2022, the anniversary of the creation of UNEP.

So what is all this hype about, exactly? Oh, just the usual globalist claptrap. By “the usual globalist claptrap” I mean the takeover of the planet and its resources by the predator class, of course. But don’t take my word for that. From the aforementioned Declaration for Stockholm+50:

On October 8, 2021, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) recognized the “right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.” For this right to be implemented, structural changes to the legal, economic, social, political, and technological spheres will be required to restore a stable and well-functioning Earth System. A shared consciousness of our global interdependence must give rise to a new common logic, to define and recognize the global commons that support life on Earth — the planetary system that connects us all and on which we all depend. This is a foundational step toward the establishment of a governance system to effectively manage human interactions with the Earth System.

Yes, exactly as one would expect, the “save the planet” slogan is being used as a rallying cry for . . .

( . . . wait for it . . .)

. . . the strengthening of global government! Wow, who would have seen that one coming?

Specifically, after vague and wooly rhetoric about “implementing the right to a healthy environment” and “establishing a regenerative economy,” the declaration ends by imploring the good folks at the United Nations to give themselves more power! Yaaaay!

The long-term governance of the global commons, the delivery of global public goods, and management of global public risks all require a permanent system of effective governance to reliably manage our interactions with the Earth System as a whole. For example, a proposal to repurpose the inactive United Nations Trusteeship Council has been widely discussed, including most recently in the UN Secretary-General’s Our Common Agenda (OCA) report.

Something tells me that in the history-by-the-winners textbook of the future, June 5th, 2022, will be hailed as the day that the brave and benevolent bureaucrats of the UN saved the planet by bestowing their gracious global government on us. (” . . . and the people of the earth commemorate this momentous event in a prayer of thanks to their UN leaders before the intake of their daily ration of bugs and rainwater.”)

But wait! What does it say on the declaration’s “About” page?

This Conference should be used as an “ideas laboratory” to develop innovative solutions for the commons, economy, and governance, which will become the seeds of action at the 2023 Summit of the Future, as foreseen in the UN Secretary General’s Our Common Agenda report.

A 2023 Summit of the Future? Oh yes. Which brings us to the next date on our globalist calendar . . .

September 2023: Summit of the Future

Last September, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres launched an 85-page report entitled “Our Common Agenda.” According to a write-up from Democracy International, the report offers a “roadmap for upgrading the UN” and “calls for reinvigorated multilateralism, renewed solidarity and stronger consideration of future generations.”

Exactly as you would expect, the report’s Summary begins by reminding us of the (globalist-concocted) “existential crises” that (the globalists constantly warn us) are threatening humanity’s existence, such as COVID-19, geopolitical conflict and (of course) climate change. Naturally, this immediately turns into a demand that the peoples of the world:

  • “re-embrace global solidarity,” which evidently entails “a global vaccination plan to deliver vaccines against COVID-19 into the arms of the millions of people who are still denied this basic lifesaving measure”;
  • “renew the social contract between Governments and their people and within societies,” which evidently entails “updated governance arrangements to deliver better public goods and usher in a new era of universal social protection, health coverage, education, skills, decent work and housing, as well as universal access to the Internet by 2030 as a basic human right”;
  • “end the ‘infodemic’ plaguing our world by defending a common, empirically backed consensus around facts, science and knowledge,” which evidently entails adopting “a global code of conduct that promotes integrity in public information”;

. . . and a host of other globalist imperatives, from the creation of a new UN-led “Emergency Platform” that will be “triggered automatically in crises of sufficient scale and magnitude, regardless of the type or nature of the crisis involved,” to the adoption of a new UN-led “Global Digital Compact” for “promoting a trustworthy Internet by introducing accountability criteria for discrimination and misleading content.”

In other words, the usual globalist claptrap.

But embedded in this pean to global government is another idea: the convening of a “Summit of the Future” in conjunction with the meeting of the UN General Assembly in New York in September 2023. Picking up on the current Klaus Schwabian globalese in vogue among the not-so-Superclass these days, Guterres writes that “it will be important to hold a high-level, multi-stakeholder ‘Summit of the Future’ to advance ideas for governance arrangements in the areas of international concern mentioned in this report, and potentially others, where governance arrangements are nascent or require updating.”

If you’ve been keeping up with the MSM lately, you might have noticed that this “Summit of the Future” idea has gained traction with the globalist supergophers, including recently deceased ex-Secretary of State Madeline “The Price Was Worth It” Albright, who penned an editorial last October calling “Our Common Agenda” a “pathbreaking new report” and calling on UN member states to “endorse a follow-on ‘modalities resolution’ supporting Guterres’s call for a Summit of the Future in September 2023.” In order to put teeth into this globalist chinwag, Albright argued that “preparatory committees (PrepComs) should be convened around the world” prior to the summit “to consider and advance global governance innovations in peace, security and humanitarian action; sustainable development and COVID-19 recovery; human rights, inclusive governance, and the rule of law; and climate governance.”

But it isn’t just the Pax Americana old guard who are excited about the prospects of reshaping the world order. As veteran Corbett Reporteers will know, the Chinese overlords, too, are all in on this agenda and excited for the possibility of consolidating their control over their own population and moving to a more important seat at the globalist technocratic table. Accordingly, ChiCom propaganda organ China Daily released a report in January dutifully parroting Guterres’ assessment of the “five-alarm fire” that the world is facing from COVID-19, inequality, the climate crisis, mistrust of government and online misinformation. This was followed last month by a Xinhua report that hails “the establishment of a high-level advisory board on effective multilateralism” and notes that the Summit of the Future will “advance ideas for governance arrangements in certain areas that could be considered global public goods or global commons, including climate and sustainable development beyond 2030, the international financial architecture, peace, outer space, the digital space, major risks, and the interests of future generations.”

The accolades for Guterres’ brilliant report (which he totally wrote all by himself, guys, honest!) and his brilliant idea for a summit (which he is single-handedly organizing all on his lonesome) continue to pour in. The Qatari and Swedish UN ambassadors co-wrote an op ed in Al Jazeera hailing the idea as a chance to “move toward a UN 2.0,” and the World Future Council (yes, there is such a thing) has generously pledged the support of their “50 international change-makers” to prepare the summit.

As the World Future Council notes: “a Summit for the Future will be essential towards accelerating the implementation of the SDGs and ensuring that the talks and discussions finally turn into actions on the ground to truly leave no one behind.”

But wait: it gets worse! The same UN General Assembly meeting that will host the Summit of the Future will also be hosting a “UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development,” which, the SDG Knowledge Hub helpfully informs us, takes place every four years and gives our global overlords yet another opportunity for scheming how best to transform the world into a neofeudal slave plantation!

Consider this upcoming conference a threat, add “Summit of the Future” to whatever rss reader or news alert system you use and circle the date on your calendar. Whatever comes out of this conference, it’s going to be bad news for free humanity.

MAY 2024: WHO Global Pandemic Treaty

Speaking of bad news for free humanity, you’ve probably heard me talking about the upcoming WHO global pandemic treaty by now. But don’t worry if you haven’t heard me talk about it, because you certainly will hear me talk about it more in the future.

In case you haven’t heard of it yet, the next big push in global biopolitics is the call for a global pandemic treaty to further abrogate national sovereignty and to hand more power to the WHO to dictate global health policy in the name of stopping the next scamdemic. As I’ve stressed several times now, just as 9/11 was merely the public unveiling of the new “war on terror” governance paradigm, the COVID scamdemic was merely the public unveiling of the new “biosecurity” governance paradigm. It is this proposed global pandemic treaty that will start to hardwire that new governance paradigm into place, much like the PATRIOT Act began to hardwire the terror paradigm in place in the US.

The campaign pushing the formation of this treaty relies on an obvious Problem – Reaction – Solution narrative to nudge the public into accepting the next steps in the biosecurity agenda.

  • Problem: The WHO “failed” miserably in stopping the COVID “pandemic” from “ravaging the world.”
  • Reaction: We need a global health organization with teeth!
  • Solution: A global pandemic treaty must be signed to hand more power to the WHO.

Once you realize that all proposals for giving more power to a small clique of unaccountable bureaucrats is introduced in this way—”you never want a serious crisis go to waste” as Rahm Emmanuel infamously observed—the manipulation becomes obvious. An “independent panel” set up to “review” the “problem” of the WHO’s “failed” response to the scamdemic delivered a report in January that—to the surprise of absolutely no one—concluded that “the WHO’s ability to enforce its advice, or enter countries to investigate the source of disease outbreaks, is severely curtailed” and thus new rules need to be set up at the global level to give the WHO more power to police the world for health threats. They even called it the WHO’s “Chernobyl moment,” implying that it should use this “disaster” as a chance to implement fundamental reforms.

This supposedly “independent” report provides perfect cover for the globalists to conclude a new pandemic treaty that will either expand, reform, revise or override the existing International Health Regulations, the 2005 treaty which itself gave the WHO unprecedented power to declare a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern” and to intervene in the affairs of sovereign nations in the name of combating perceived health threats.

Details of precisely what such a treaty will involve—or even what form it will take—are still maddeningly vague. The proposed new treaty would be, in UN jargon, an “instrument,” of which there are three types: recommendations, conventions and regulations. Regulations (like the International Health Regulations of 2005) are automatically legally binding for all 194 WHO member states unless they explicitly object. Measures that could be ontained in such a treaty may include “the sharing of data and genome sequences of emerging viruses and rules on equitable vaccine distribution” and a “One Health approach” that “connects the health of humans, animals and the planet.”

In other words, the usual globalist claptrap.

One hardly needs to be a conspiracy realist to understand how such mushy-sounding goodness and gumdrops from the WHO could be used to implement a very dark biosecurity agenda. Whatever the specifics, you can bet your bottom dollar that all of the worst aspects of biomedical tyranny—from new regulations to rush experimental medical interventions through human trials in the event of a declared emergency to the standardization of vaccine passports—will be topics of discussion when the negotiations on the treaty begin in earnest.

Don’t worry, though, you can still let your voice be heard! The WHO has even opened up a special page on their website to allow public comment on the potential treaty!

. . . Of course, they’re not interested in hearing whether or not people actually want such a treaty in the first place, only what the hoi polloi feel should be included in such a treaty. Specifically, they’re asking:

“What substantive elements do you think should be included in a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response?”

And even then, they’re not looking to hear from everyone. In fact, they have an entire page laying out the terms and conditions by which you can submit a comment in the first place, including stipulations that those wishing to comment “Refrain from making any statements unrelated to the topic at hand,” that they present their comments “in a respectful manner, free of any profanity, ad hominem attacks, vulgarity, or other inappropriate language” and that they “declare the entity [they] represent and any other affiliations, engagement, or roles relevant to the public hearings or to WHO, in light of its mandate.” Oh, and please keep in mind “that WHO is not able to ensure that all interested parties will be able to participate in the public hearings, and that thus WHO does not make any commitment or undertaking to allow you to participate in the public hearings.”

But other than that, they totally want to hear from you.

. . . Oh, wait. Scratch that. The deadline for the public to submit their comments has already passed. I guess we’re too late. Hmmm, perhaps we should have consulted the globalist calendar sooner.

Recommended Listening and Viewing

Recommended Reading

Meet the Advertising Expert who Inspired Today’s Anti-Population Propaganda

No, it’s not OK when China does it

Johann Gutenberg: The Man and His Invention

Recommended Listening

China Geopolitics

Recommended Viewing

Is Elon Musk Here To Save Twitter? Let’s Chat

Biden Wants Radical New WHO Emergency Powers

The Corbett Report in German

Just For Fun

“IP Freely” (Live performance)


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  1. I hope there’d be a demonstration in Stockholm in which case I’ll go.

    I’m thinking about buying a sheep onecie and go there to cheer up for “world government” and against “Russian Al-Qaeda misinfo terrorism”

    But I’m open to any creative ideas/suggestions you may have. Please do share it here in case it’s useful for others.

    Also welcome if you have any other suggestions of things to do there. Photo or video ideas, etc.


    • Another idea I have is to use that opportunity to do “positive propaganda” on the demonstrators.

      I’m thinking to bring attention that being a good example for your family and friends by doing Buycotts & Boycotts is key. But still I couldn’t come up with a funny concise idea for this message.

      What is in your mind?

      Thanks in advance!

  2. RE: James Corbett’s Sunday 4/17 Easter bunny article:
    Here’s What’s Next on the Globalist Calendar

    These cuddly overlords make me feel so securely warm about a fuzzy future.
    Those Easter eggs in Corbett’s article held some eye-opening gifts.
    It may be hard to sleep tonight.

  3. Several Solutions Watch episodes are now required to alleviate the feeling of knowing more about the sickening and offensive plans that the United Nations and their buddies have for us.

  4. Woke up to this:

    “…It is a “strange and alarming” epidemic, according to the scientific journal Science. On April 5, 10 cases of severe acute hepatitis in children under 10 in central Scotland were reported to the World Health Organization (WHO). Three days later, a total of 74 children had been hospitalized for the same reason in the United Kingdom: 49 in England, 13 in Scotland and 12 in Wales and Northern Ireland. None died, but some required liver transplants. Three other cases have been reported in Spain. According to Science, “clinicians in Denmark and the Netherlands are also reporting similar cases.” Across the Atlantic, some children may be suffering from the same disease. The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) announced on April 15 that it is studying “an increase in hepatitis in young children…”

    Sugar and Covid injection?
    The US version of same article (add: https://www. to the beginning) :

    Ongoing on the Globalist agenda: spike in sales of funeral products.

    • oops. even a truncated http://www. counts as a full link… suspected as much, now I know it. So I’ll just write “don’t post two links in the same comment” 100 times in cursive as I do my time here in the moderation queue.
      Then again, there’s something smugly satisfying to observe that the algorithm can’t tell when I’m posting a full link that goes somewhere or not…

      • Oh!…the dreaded moderation queue.
        I wonder if moderation wastes carbon credits. 😉

        Remember? –> How to Calculate Your Individual ESG Score

        “There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s Mastercard.”

        Tuesday April 19, 2022 – Bloomberg via YahooFinance
        Mastercard to Tie All Employee Bonuses to Meeting ESG Goals

  5. Pro-natalist policies are, at their fundamental core, pro-technology policies.

    Corbett’s not pro-natalist. He’s pro-freedom to choose and anti-mass forced sterilization. And he’s anti-demographic winter.

    All forms of tech are not the problem. The way it’s used is the problem. And there are other crucial combined factors to support not force-restricting birth rates.

    this feedback-loop of ever-increasing population


    Dropping fertility rates, new lifestyles, economic hardship, aging demographics and thus impending demographic winter are the feedback loop.

    Corbett has clearly described it’s not about encouraging reproduction: it’s about dispelling over-population propaganda and de-guiltifying would be parents.

    But I was genuinely happy to learn that fabulous word “panglossian”! PanGlosssssian! Gorgeous! Will use asap!

    • When I was a child in my early twenties I felt that bringing children into a world that had treated me so cruelly would be unethical. This led me to make a rather irrevocable decision that I have regretted many times after I was mature enough to think about the issue objectively.
      I am now of the mind that this idea of anti-natalism when espoused by so-called academics is a doctrine of demons. And those espousing it, unless they are delusional children as I was, are pawns of the devil. Or demons themselves.
      Just my opinion.

      “…. anti-natal philosophy results in a bizarre paradox: one in which its ethical premises are, on the local and individual level, undeniable, but its implementation would produce human suffering so broad, deep, and protracted that the initial ethical impulse is betrayed.”

    • @Fact Checker, how about for once you stop telling people what they should do, drop your control freak attitude, and just let people be? You can’t, can you? Why?…Because deep down you’re one of THEM (the globalists / communist / socialist trolls) who can’t help but pry their noses into everyone’s business. My life is beautiful and I’m having kids because despite the potential dystopian tyrannical future which may one day happen, I am optimistic that humanity and reason will prevail and these days will be seen in hindsight as the Second Dark Ages and that they will live very happy and fulfilling lives. And I further believe that trolls like you will crawl back under the rocks from which you all came.

      With that said, I hope you have a nice day.

      • FC,

        Reading your posts, on this thread in particular, it appears you are, at the moment, well tuned and humming on all cylinders, with a full tank of high octane!

        As is typical, your Dantesque/Matrix (the movie version) vision of humanity’s certain fate is, decidedly, humorously over-the-top, which at times delivers patently high entertainment value – which I tend to suspect is designed, more so than not, to be, if you don’t mind the redundancy, purposely provocative, which is cool – I’ll take a laugh anywhere I can get one.

        But, this time around you paired your arguments with some really interesting historical biographies. Especially fascinating, is your referencing Samuel Butler, who had, as you make us aware, reflected amazing prescience. I know somewhere in the house is a copy of The Way of All Flesh which I only started to read (and stopped) eons ago. But, I had no clue about his other writings on man and the machine, and what that portends.

        The points that you (and Butler) drive home are well taken, that technology, and all that it represents is, in essence, it own creature, distinct and independent from, let’s say, us humans. And, in that very sense, I, too, believe deep down, as you, in technology’s inexorable continuum and the eventual consummation of what is now understood and or experienced as human spirit.

        So, all I can say is thank you for your referencing Butler’s work, and as such, for a start, I plan to get a copy of Butler’s Erewhon which seems to embody his visionary, Nostradamus-like insight.

        Pretty mind-blowing.

        • I’m not sure that in this context, “consummation” v “consumption” is all that different.

          “Consummation” may be a bit awkward; I was using it in its meaning of an ending, or termination.

          “Consumption” works, too. It connotes to me more of the active state of wasting away, such as being consumed by tuberculosis – “consumption” being the old term for TB. It’s certainly apropos. We could say the mechanical and digital age is wasting away thousands of years of human tradition. Just the other day I had a discussion about the fact that kids today don’t even know how to read cursive writing, because it’s no longer taught. Everything is done on the keyboard. In the same vein, when you think about traditions where the intricate knowledge of community craft has been handed down generationally, you have to wonder how long will it be before this knowledge is forever lost, and the term “hand-made” will be an historical reference, at a time when everything is made strictly by machine; perhaps by the machines, themselves, where the robotics decide the when and the how to push the buttons that they, themselves, have designed.

          Another thought about the word “consummation”, as when a romantic relationship is “consummated” with the act of sexual intercourse. And so it is, as in the courtship of man and machine: It is Humanity that is getting fucked….

          It is a grim subject, so it’s curious why I find your posts humorous. Though, I believe the reaction is due to your very heavy handedness of the subject, where you demonstratively state in no uncertain terms that there is no hope, and consequently, there is no escape from our hellish future which you invariably describe in nightmarish detail. That you offer no hope exes out that one last grasping straw that is in human nature to hold on to; so, there is no solace nor prayer; a Friday the 13th movie with no survivors. I guess that’s what I find funny, that you buck the system in that sense – your adamant and steadfast refusal to offer hope. To some, it may engender condemnation (which, too, is funny in the anticipation of same). Perhaps that explains the entertainment factor on a certain level, the interplay of the traditionalist verses the iconoclast, with the actual subject being of lesser import.

        • You’re correct. In a general sense, I have lost interest in the Dissent-O-Sphere/alt-media. After umpteen years it’s getting pretty old, and is in the process of devolving into well churned, re-hashed boring banter – and outright (alt-right) balderdash in some cases.

          But, in the present instance, the case of Samuel Butler really pricked up my ears. It is the concept of what the man’s divination actually implies that I find utterly fascinating. I mean, seriously, back in, what, the 1840’s he’s talking about artificial intelligence subsuming humanity?

          Obviously, the man’s synapses were working on overdrive, but it doesn’t mean he was “dreaming” this. It means his foreknowledge was produced via logical progression that he was able to cognate directly or otherwise tap into on some unconscious level. This could imply that the trajectory toward the sublimation of humanity and organic life by inorganic forces (that we “create”) may very well be built into our DNA.

          Therefore, the technological progression toward trans-humanism, and beyond, to the evolution of a purely inorganic form of cognitive “life”, is not merely a possibility, but an absolute eventuality.

          Your “With exquisite pain, and a scale of horror so immense you and I are lucky to be unable to imagine it.” brings to mind the biblical “Nashing of teeth”…. No doubt by way of mechanical choppers.

  6. “… the global commons that support life on Earth…

    That is because the ‘public commons’, the words echoed in decades past, is now the privatized global commons.

    Notice they use the words ‘global commons’.

    And you will never hear them speak about the neo-enclosure movement which this is all a part of.

    Words of rationality are cast to the wind.

    This is clever techno-sophistry:

    What was the public commons is now the transnational corporate commons and this is what they say supports life on earth, when in fact it destroys everything it touches.

    And it is not common. It is held privately, the only thing common about it is the forms of repression that are employed.

    Alas, the term ‘public commons’ can no longer be used for it connotes some sort of public interest or public stake and what is at stake are private profits and public control.

    We have seen incredible changes in the use of language in the age of digital sophistry. Up is now down, Nazis are Freedom Fighters and the public good is really what is privately manufactured.

    We might not make it.

  7. Does the price of oil hinge on the French?

    Why wait until after the election to launch the embargo?
    Simple: Europe’s bureaucrats are correctly terrified that the coming oil price spike to push the vote in Le Pen‘s favor, which is why Europe will wait until after the election (when Macron will supposedly be the next president of France, as Belgium hopes) to announce it publicly…

    …As JPM’s commodity strategist Natasha Kaneva writes, she has reviewed various scenarios should Europe expand its sanctions to include Russian oil, and warns that
    “any immediate embargo measure taken by the European Commission will have a severe impact on the global oil market with risks to price entirely to the upside in the short-term.”

    Updated Healine Title – Tuesday April 19, 2022 – Zero Hedge
    EU To Impose Full Embargo On Russian Oil Next Week, Will Send Price Above $185 According To JPMorgan

    Update (13:15 ET): What was largely a theoretical modeling exercise until moments ago, is set to go live because Reuters reports that the EU is set to declare a full embargo on Russian oil after this weekend’s French election:


    Why wait until after the election to launch the embargo? Simple: Europe’s bureaucrats are correctly terrified that the coming oil price spike to push the vote in Le Pen‘s favor, which is why Europe will wait until after the election (when Macron will supposedly be the next president of France, as Belgium hopes) to announce it publicly.

    Despite the clear intentions of western government to cripple Russian energy production, loadings of Russian oil have so far been surprisingly resilient, so much so that Russia’s current account balance is at all time highs….
    [JPMorgan Analysis]

  8. Great Homey ! That should really run the gasoline bill up from my return from the ends of the earth! Hope all are well. I said I’d return when the “wear a mask crime ” would be found criminal in intent.
    Hope you and all editorial chiefs and subscribers are well!
    BLESS THIS WELL OF SWEET WATER.I have had a powerful thirst.

    • Oh gosh! I’ve missed you GeneralBottleWasher!
      Whenever I see a map of Oklahoma, I think of you. I believe the American Trucker Freedom Convoy passed through your neck of the woods a month or two back.

      With NatGas and Oil prices up, I bet there are parts of Oklahoma which are pretty happy.

      There are a lot of happy “maskless” travelers in America right now with the ruling.
      Glad you are here, GBW.

  9. Fact Checker

    Seriously still with the fancy words on why people should stop having kids? The team h tyranny will fail, now or in a thousand years.

    Nothing man makes is forever.

    Too much thinking without useful work is destructive to the human psyche.

  10. — ESG in the U.S. —
    The challenge comes years after the Supreme Court ruled 5–4 in Massachusetts v. EPA (2007) that the agency can regulate greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide as “air pollutants” under the act. In the decision, the court called climate change “the most pressing environmental challenge of our time.”

    The social cost of carbon, a measurement in dollars of the damages supposedly caused by releasing a metric ton of greenhouse gases, is used by policymakers to provide cost-benefit analyses and to write regulations.
    Placing a monetary value on the effect of the gases gives federal regulators ammunition to justify tougher environmental regulations.

    Tuesday April 19
    Louisiana Asks SCOTUS To Block Biden Administration From Calculating ‘Social Cost’ Of Carbon Emissions
    Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry is vowing to ask the U.S. Supreme Court to prevent the Biden administration from recalculating and using the “social cost” of carbon emissions, a metric used in climate regulation that critics say needlessly drives up operating costs for businesses and prices for consumers….

  11. when the hell is james getting back to arizona from his vacation in langley?

  12. same in aus.
    Ive garnered from an account of a woman I beat in court; and was shocked at how, with the right looking paperwork, I had access to someone’s account: the fire wall of the banks is a joke. the process of micro managing peoples financial records is in place, but mostly used to expose/scrutinize those seeking money from the government; and one sits with a case worker, and boom your account is on their screen in a skinny second. The govn’s “money system” aint private.

    on he other hand that is likely for “small” amounts. try to get more than a couple thousand in cash and watch the barriers get thrown up.

    • sounds Like you had a good Long run and then got uncermoniosIy shunted to the next stage of being processed.

      The wizard of oz continues to be the most probable outcome: big tech scares the people until someone curiousIy puIIs back the curtain (puIIs the plug),

      our current system (in Aus,) is mosty digital. people buy 50 cent candy with their tap’n pay, cash is rare until out of town. or happening to be where theres no electric. but that scenario is more common or possible than most think.

    • Vadoum

      “…to get more than a couple thousand in cash and watch the barriers get thrown up….”

      Consider that with Fractional Reserve banking the bank has something like 1 to 10 cents in actual money for the money it circulates…. it would take a relatively TINY amount cash to be asked for by customers to crash the bank.

      “…..widespread banking practice in which only a fraction of bank’s demand deposit are kept in reserve and available for immediate withdrawal, whilst the remaining deposits are immediately lent out to borrowers ( and so is never actually available for immediate withdrawal by the legitimate depositors).

      The bank in effect lends out most or even all of the funds it receives in demand deposits, whilst at the same time guaranteeing that all deposits are available for immediate withdrawal upon demand. The pr….”

  13. Here we go. We’re entering the last lap.

    Another pandemic will mean a WHO takeover of health (lockdown, vaccines). The threat of a nuclear war could see the world begging for United Nations 2.0 to save our worthless souls and become a world government.

    Who would lead it, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab ?

  14. A case against the term Neo-feudalism

    Confucius have been asked by a disciple, what would be his first move if he were to run a kingdom. From this exchange a quote for westerners has been coined:

    When words lose their meaning people lose their freedom.

    Sure, one could stretch the meaning of word feudalism to the point that it fits current circumstances. Inevitably that would be very loose fit, since word feudalism signifies a socio-economic order that was quite different. Property today is foremost acquired by means of capital, that wasn’t the case during feudalism. There is not enough of feudalism today to justify the use of word!
    Next, the word neo-feudalism is ahistorical, therefore keep in mind Orwellian consequences.

    Proper term for today’s socio-economic order is Monopoly Capitalism.
    Monopoly, Tim Geilen

    Be aware, one doesn’t need 50% share to control the corporation. A fourth of shares might be enough to effectively control a big corporation.
    I think, neo-feudalism sounds good to free-market believers, so they can abstain from using damn C word (not conspiracy, coincidence).

  15. Stephanie Seneff (MIT scientist)
    How the mRNA shots cause brain disease
    The mRNA has different elements that cause huge damage.
    The GxxxG pattern is very similar to the pattern that creates prions.
    This increase in prion diseases is also visible in the data.
    The artificial codes in the mRNA is also creating problems.
    They can infect immune cells that do not know what to do with it.
    And the artificial version stays around much longer and can not be detected
    by the immune cells.
    All these problems do not exist with the original virus.

    The glyphosate (made by Monsanto) is also causing health problems.

    Much more here:

    • Thanks 67. This is top grade.
      I watched that interview (and the prelude with Jefferey Jaxen about the alarming Walgreen’s numbers of Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed).
      Here is the full Highwire episode which includes the Jaxen Report.

      Stephanie Seneff is one smart gal! I emjoy her style of communication (when I can understand it.)
      I like her approach on “solutions”.
      Her past work on glyphosate is admirable.

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