Every day when you leave the house you have a chance to advertise the truth, to spark conversations, and to meet like-minded people. All you have to do is wear your heart on your sleeve. Today, James explores one of the simplest ways of getting the word out and talks to some of the people who are designing clothes that can help convey a message.
Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee or Download the mp4
New World Next Week 10th Anniversary
I Ran A Yanny/Laurel Experiment And You Won’t Believe The Results!
Who Sponsors The Corbett Report???
Dan McCall on Parodying the NSA
Investing in Agorism – #SolutionsWatch
Hi James,
When will you be sorting out shipping to NZ? I’ve seen there are a few of us in the community down here in NZ and Australia. Maybe Brock could send direct to NZ?!
We can now ship to New Zealand! Still trying to find out if there have been updates to the suspension on mailing to NZ. You can sign up with the store to received updates when we have them: https://newworldnextweek.com/account/register
Yes, yes, yes.
Choose your path, live your life, profess your understanding, and listen to others, hear their stories and grow. These are the bonds of community, a loving exchange of support.
Littl’ old 2-D here is doing his bit, focusing on perhaps things that seem less important to others. And that’s okay. There are many challenges to face. I’m picking ones which I think I can contribute towards.
The greybeards around here will know that I’ve been keeping an eye on Ukraine for over 2 years now. With the skills I have and the little blog I’ve put together, I’m publishing a data over time series from the OSCE’s “special monitoring mission” in Ukraine observing the conflict in the east. Nobody, and I mean nobody else is doing this. But, compile and publish I do.
Of course, I have my opinions, and like to promote what I consider helpful analysis of the rank-stupidity which has been playing out.
You choose your way, your growth and how you can best help your family/friends/community. I’m doing what little I can.
Data series:
Latest commentary:
I wish you all love and solidarity from your community.
Thank you for your work, Love and peace is THE whey forward.
Your contribution counts.
In Lak’ech
Oh this is SOOO cool! I have one shirt in particular that has brought some conversations. Something that Ernest Hancock said a lot some years ago and I bought a shirt with this on it….Freedoms The Answer..Whats The Question. It seemed every time I wore it, someone was curious enough to stop me and asked what it meant. Some productive conversations developed because of that slogan! Thank you Ernie! I will be purchasing a Corbett Report t-shirt. I’ve been a listener for many years and shamefully do not have one. Yea! Advertisement…here I come!
An Odysee comment:
How about cyclists apparel? maybe in a sponsored format? what more exposure than bicycle in front of the traffic???
Maybe we didn’t learn much about “the soul” of money, but I guess …here is the “heart” of it?
Tshirts are great as gifts too! Everyone loves a good laugh! And it might encourage some to be brave.
James- I followed the show notes and listened to your episode “You are being gamed”. Just Wow! 10 years ago, when this came out, I wish I could have heard and believed it! I want to recommend you (and all of us) blast this out again on bitchute and odyssey and everywhere! Sunday Flashback maybe? People need to hear this. Thank you for all your amazing work!
Hi how about an idea for T Shirt Logo to read
‘God Save Our Gracious Truckers’ – on the front
Freedom. – on the back
Nice idea!
James Corbett says:
”…But let’s make this into a bit of a contest, because I think that we can use this as an opportunity to spread information and spread the MESSAGE.
So I want to give people the opportunity to get a little creative with this.
And I’m going to say that the person who can spread the word about The Corbett Report in the most interesting way will receive a free DVD.
With some stipulations: It doesn’t have to be a Corbett Report T-shirt. Of course, you can wear a Corbett Report T-shirt if you want. But it doesn’t have to be an official Corbett Report T-shirt. It can be any sort of homemade item…“
[Examples given.]
”…At any rate, there are all sorts of ways to help spread the word and this information. To the person who does the most interesting job about spreading the Corbett Report, a free DVD will be in it for you… “
[Contact Form Information]
”…I’m looking forward to seeing what you guys can put out there… …and you might be surprised. Once you start putting the MESSAGE out there, how it comes back to you. And I think that’s the point of today’s SolutionsWatch. I hope it makes a difference in your life. Looking forward to hearing your feedback. I’m James Corbett of Corbett Report dot com.”
””Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve – #SolutionsWatch” definitely harmonizes with one of the most important Corbett Report episodes…
“Episode 412 – I Read The Great Narrative (So You Don’t Have To!)”
Here James Corbett states:
”… We are not some idle spectators in some sort of sporting event…
…No, that is not the answer to this.
The real Great Narrative that we are writing is to understand that we are Active Narrators here…We are participating. We can change it.
AND, we can relay that narrative to other people!…
…Wake up people! We are the media.
This is an incredibly important point. And this is really the narrative that They don’t want you to know about…”
”…It is up to US to put that MESSAGE out there!…We can actually direct this narrative. It is, in some ways, the most exciting time in human history…and We can tell that STORY for ourselves!…we have a part to play in this…”
“…We can set the Narrative. That is our power. We have the power, not the would-be global controllers. And when we realize that, we are unstoppable…
…Once we recognize that we are the ones that actually have the power to set the agenda, its game over for the would-be world controllers.”
James & James
Being a member of the “fringe minority with unacceptable views” (fellow Canadian) remember it’s cold here in Canada. LONG sleeve t shirt are welcome addition to the wardrobe here in great white north. We need some Justin T meme shirts here. Like a “Lets Go Justin” shirt
Lol, fellow Canadian here, I get it. Was on the bridge at -21. Hoodies are welcome too! Along with a couple of beaver tails, some maple syrup and a couple of beer eh!!
In Lak’ech
We need some Justin T meme shirts here. Like a “Lets Go Justin” shirt
Or perhaps “Justin, Just Go! ” 🙂
Would have liked to have gotten a Tshirt but my size was sold out . wouldnt mind getting a white and black. is there anyway you guys can set up some sort of back ordering system? or a notificaction system when available? anyway love what you guys do and its mush appreciated.
thanks Scott
Enjoyed this episode, got my creative wheels turning. It’s so true that what you wear on your chest can broach a conversation. Heart on the sleeve, maybe, has never meant so much. In the context that present conversations should reflect present conditions.
Living as as free human has never meant so much.
Living free has never meant so much.
Embrace our gift of birth, freedom and human wisdom, creativity and Love.
In Lak’ech
I wish he would’ve asked the Agora-T-shirt maker which shirt was the best seller.
merch memes:
“covi-con 2020-2022 I shoulda been there”
“natural immunity shedder”
(in blue ellipse is top drawer)
I just learned of a new DEX Decentralized Cryto lending exchange taking shape on the Cardano network. It’s called Bashoswap and the unit of exchange is $Bash (like Bash the Federal Reserve Note).
Anyway, I like it!
Meeting people can be complicated. A local conspiracy group imploded because conspiracy can mean a zillion different (often incompatible) things
I grew up in a professional family in a working class area. In 1973 (18) I told my medical professor bro I thought Nixon had been framed. He looked at me in horror, as if I had gone completely and irredeemably insane.
I asked my working class neighbour if he had heard of James Corbett. ‘Yes, he was interviewed by Richie from Boston’. Richie, like David Icke is far too (fantasy) credulous for me. The main speakers at a London lockdown demo were figures of ridicule to the media. They were actually counter productive,
Corbett has the most important characteristics of a conspiracist. Rationality and scepticism. The professional class are credulous to the lies of the mainstream media, the working class to flights of fancy.
I had a close conspiracist friend but he used to contact me at 4am on Facebook.
Best of luck with the merchandise.
I might as well draw people’s attention to Root For Liberty once again, where you
can download the logo (for free) and print your own t-shirt, hoodie, tote bag, bumper sticker, pin-button etc. or head over to our print shop and buy these items if that suits your fancy.
The Root For Liberty symbol/logo is very plandemic-based but can be worn for almost any
occasion and into the future.
I never leave home without donning either my t-shirt, hoodie, sweatshirt or pin-button and I’ve got my bumper sticker all set up as well.
Have a peek at https://www.rootforliberty.com if you haven’t visited there yet.
Brock’s gentle head wearing that crocodile dundee hat and clutching Dundee’s big machete in his teeth? On my hoodie? With an inscription reading “give me freedom or give me an crocodile”?
That could work.
I love this video. It made me smile seeing people tagging Corbett Report on overpasses. One year my parents asked me what I wanted for my birthday. They offered a bunch of material items. I asked them to watch a few different Corbett Report docs (MLK, OK City, etc) for my birthday instead.
How did the watch party go?
They were shocked then went on with their life as if the new information made no difference in their day to day. I tried…
Great idea though…
I think that the Tee Shirt imprint with “The Best of Corbett Report” image on it would be an improvement over the Blaine Black one now being offered.
The Aussie’s version in the above “Solutions Watch” looked great!
Not only would the “The Best of Corbett Report” image stand out better on a white back ground (white for good guys), by wearing it the Individual may be taken to be implying that they are in fact, “The Best of Corbet Report” community. I think this is good in that those that openly promote “The Corbett Report” are in fact the best of the Corbett Report community, eh!
Related to getting the word out, to getting the message out there…
I find this Activist Song inspiring…
“Heart of Freedom”
I bought one, if anything just to support the site and James, hopefully inspire some sheeple out there to wake up!
Figure it’s the least I could do, this guy has done more for me in terms of news/media in the 2-3 years that I’ve consistently watched him than any other “news” network has my entire life!
Also shout out to Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak on No Agenda, always appreciate their “deconstruction” of the media as well. Adam would be a good interview down the road James…*hint* *hint* *wink* *wink*. ?
Conservative momma is getting antsy
“looming war, pending war…just to keep people on their toes.”
She does some nice skits.
“In The Beginning Was the Word
And the Word was Made Flesh”
So spaketh Zarathustra.
Can I have this on a shirt? I just came up with it:
How to really interpret things:
Asymptomatic = Test doesn’t work
Breakthrough Case = Vaccine doesn’t work
Propaganda = Does Work
“Repeat the Message”
“Repeat the Message” is an important part of getting the word out.
I feel like the T-shirt venue can often provide this aspect.
Heck…I often have to revisit a Corbett Report episode in order to better digest the message.
“Repeat the Message” enough times and sometimes it will stick.
Darnit, already sold out in my sizes.
Hi James, how about a car sticker or even a windshield banner?!
This episode inspired me to create a car sticker design (my first ever) featuring the Canadian ‘trucker flag’, based on an image I saw online someplace, maybe Twatter. I’m very proud of it!
Here is a T-Shirt-Shop from Germany
Messages in German
Dumb me had a comment in the closed comments sections… whoopsie. Sorry james.
Here is my post:
almost missed this published pod, there is so much publications these last few weeks: I got the scandemis hoodie and I get responses every time IRL. It works, everything works whatever we can do, to make a counter sound/initiative and people do see and act accordingly.
Thanks for empowering this idea and pushing it!
I thought that I have heard you say that your Subscribers could get a discount at Media Monarchy with a code?? I have tried to replay some videos to see if I could find it, but no success:( (Maybe I just imagined it??)
Anyhow, I am a single Mom and was unemployed for 2.5 mths. for refusing to take the jab. I am finally working elsewhere, but I would love to be able to purchase some merchandise to open up conversations and to try to point people back to truth. A discount would have helped to get a couple of items, but I will still order something regardless, as I really believe in advertising our hearts:)
Thanks, Penny