What is the Future of Food?

by | Jan 16, 2023 | Newsletter | 58 comments

If “you are what you eat,” as the old adage has it, then what does that make us?

As consumers of heavily processed, chemically treated, GMO-infested gunk, we in the modern, developed world have “solved” the problem of hunger that plagued our forebears since time immemorial by handing our food sovereignty over to a handful of corporate conglomerates. The result of this handover has been the creation of a factory farming system in which genetically engineered crops are doused in glyphosate and livestock are herded into tiny pens where they live their entire lives in fetid squalor, pumped up with antibiotics and growth hormones until they are slaughtered and shipped off to the supermarkets and fast food chains.

There have been any number of documentaries and exposés produced in recent decades detailing the dangers of this industrial farming system that we find ourselves beholden to, any number of activists ringing the alarm about these problems, any number of campaigns and marches organized to raise awareness about these issues. Yet still, nation after nation gets fatter and sicker as traditional diets based on fresh produce sourced from local farmers are displaced by the fast food pink slime sourced from the industrial farms of the Big Food oligopoly.

But as bad as things may be, they’re about to get even worse. As crisis after crisis disrupts the food supply, the “solution” to these problems has already been prepared. New technologies are coming online that threaten to upend our understanding of food altogether. Technologies that could, ultimately, begin altering the human species itself.

This is an exploration of The Future of Food.

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New Year’s Resolutions – Subscriber Exclusive #113

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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 13 issue 02 (January 15, 2023)

by James Corbett
January 15, 2023

Food As A Weapon

So what is food, anyway?

To a normal human being whose head is screwed on straight, that sounds like a dumb question. Food is fuel for the body, obviously.

Oh, sure, we could get fancy about it. Scientists might talk about the caloric content of different foods, or measure their macronutrient levels. Sociologists might point to food as the basis of human community, drawing people together into families, tribes and communities to break bread and engage in social relations. Theologians may even discuss the transubstantiation of bread and wine and the communion with God that such sacred acts of consumption make possible. . . .

. . . But then there are the psychopathic would-be world controllers. These Machiavellian schemers would define food in a very different manner. To them, food is a weapon.

There are no end of examples of food (or the lack thereof) being used as a method to manipulate and control populations throughout history.

For millennia, attacking armies have known that a city can be conquered by blockading it. Eventually, the besieged city’s inhabitants will run out of food and will either starve to death or surrender.

The English knew that food was a powerful tool of control. They created the conditions that led to the Irish Potato Famine and then stood idly by as millions died or were displaced, because—in the memorable words of Charles Trevelyan, who was in charge of the British government’s response—”the judgement of God sent the calamity to teach the Irish a lesson, that calamity must not be too much mitigated.” But the Irish were neither the first nor the last to feel the brunt of the British Empire’s indifference to their hunger; just ask the Bengals about their own famine.

The 20th-century example of this “food as a weapon” mindset that immediately springs to mind is the Holodomor, a brazen act of genocide perpetrated by Josef Stalin’s Soviets against the Ukrainians in order to squelch their budding independence movement. The ensuing famine resulted in the deaths of four million Ukrainians.

But the Holodomor is certainly not the only time that food was weaponized in the previous century. Even the official whitewash of American president Herbert Hoover by his namesake institution admits that Hoover weaponized food in pursuit of his geopolitical objectives—first by providing food to German-occupied Belgium and northern France during the First World War and then by his efforts to provide food aid to the Bolsheviks after the war. (Readers of Docherty and Macgregor’s Prolonging the Agony: How International Bankers and their Political Partners Deliberately Extended WW1, however, will know that there is a much deeper and darker story behind these efforts . . . but that is a story for another day.)

And who can forget arch-globalist Henry Kissinger’s National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests? This now-infamous document—drafted by Kissinger in December of 1974 and adopted as official policy by President Ford in 1975—argues that since “[g]rowing populations will have a serious impact on the need for food,” food aid to the developing world may need to be tied to mandatory sterilization programs or population reduction quotas, prompting even the coolly calculating Kissinger to wonder whether such a scheme would turn food into “an instrument of national power.”

But that was then. This is now! Surely this “food as a weapon” idea has been retired, hasn’t it?

Lest there be any doubt that food is still being weaponized against us in the 21st century, one only has to turn to the latest news headlines to see that this idea is far from a relic of the past.

The COVID lockdowns demonstrated the fragility of the global industrial food supply chain, with closures and layoffs causing massive disruptions at meat processors and food distributors in countries around the world, from Canada to the UK to China to Japan. These closures caused havoc for supplies of  milkproduce, rice and wheat everywhere. And this food supply pandemonium in turn caused headaches for farmers, truckers, supermarkets and restaurants and led to stampedes in Kenya and protests in Bangladesh and looting in Colombia and clashes in South Africa (not to mention supermarket freak-outs and shopping brawls in the US and Australia and the UK).

Then the Russian invasion of Ukraine kicked off a fresh round of global food insecurity. Ukraine harvested 19 million tonnes of wheat in 2022, down more than 40% from the previous year, and the smaller harvest means that cash-strapped Ukrainian farmers have fewer resources to invest in vital inputs like fertilizers, meaning that there is likely to be an even smaller harvest in 2023. This affects not only the countries like Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Indonesia, Pakistan and Bangladesh that rely on Ukraine for their wheat imports, but also poor countries in sub-Saharan Africa, whose flour derives from Ukrainian wheat processed in Turkey. It also drives up grain prices around the world, contributing to instability and food insecurity for millions.

All told, the shocks to the global food supply chain have contributed to a doubling in the number of people facing acute food insecurity since the start of the scamdemic.

Given this vivid demonstration of just how fragile the global food supply is and just how much economic and societal chaos can result from any shock to this system, it would be unthinkable that governments would now be deliberately attempting to undermine that supply chain further, wouldn’t it?

Well, think again. From the Netherlands to Ireland to Poland to Italy to Canada to Argentina to Sri Lanka, governments are cracking down on farmers, forcing them to cull herds, lower production, dump milk and comply with onerous new operating restrictions in the name of reducing pollution.

These governments are not stupid. Like the British, the Soviets, the Americans and other repressive regimes throughout history, they know that these measures, if played out to their conclusion, will result in widespread hunger and unrest. In fact, we’ve already seen massive protests against these restrictions in numerous countries, from Germany to Italy to Poland to Spain to Panama to Argentina to Canada. Dutch farmers made headlines for their dramatic protests last year, and Sri Lanka descended into chaos last summer, with protesters storming the capitol and causing the President to flee the country when it became obvious that the Sri Lankan government’s own green policies and farming restrictions had contributed to the collapse of the nation’s economy.

But if this food crisis is being knowingly engineered, the question is why? What purpose would governments have for creating food shortages for their own people?

The answer is simple. We are witnessing a controlled demolition of the food supply chain, one that is intended to result in the destruction of the current industrial farming system as we know it. But this changeover is not intended to return us to truly sustainable farming practices, with local, organic farmers producing crops in accordance with age-old agricultural wisdom. Far from it.

As it turns out, the “solution” to this food crisis being proffered by the billionaires of the corporate-pharmaceutical-medical-industrial-philanthrocapital-military complex is being engineered in laboratories and sold to the public via a bought-and-paid-for mainstream media.

One thing is for certain: the future of food will look very different from anything that we have seen in human history.

The Future of (Weaponized) Food

Anyone who has been paying attention in recent years will already know the direction that the food industry is heading.

Yes, by now we all know the Eat Ze Bugs agenda being pushed by Klaus Schwaub and his Davos minions. I guarantee that wherever you are, in whatever corner of the world you are reading this editorial, you will have seen (or could easily find) a local news story about high school students “spontaneously requesting” cricket powder dumplings in their school lunch or a puff piece about how valiant scientists are working to save the world with worm burgers.

And we all know about the GMO problem: genetically modified organisms making their way into our food supply. We know about the multiple health studies that have proven time and time again the deleterious health effects of GMO consumption. We know about the insane lengths that the GMO giants have gone to to suppress bad news about their products and the insane lengths that the press has gone to to assist them in this cover-up. And we know about the additional harms that this technology causes, ruining farmer’s lives, contaminating the genome of the planet and causing associated products like glyphosate to further contaminate the food supply and further endanger our health.

But do we know about the next evolution in culinary technology? Now that scientists are playing around with the fundamental building blocks of life, reengineering organisms at the cellular level, an entire field of biotechnology is opening up that is threatening to fundamentally transform what we think of as food itself.

Moving beyond the simple insertion of foreign genes into an organism, scientists are now working on creating foodstuffs from designer microbes, engineering organisms into “bioreactors” that can be used to grow proteins and other materials for food production, growing meat-like products from cells in the laboratory and dozens of other zany ideas.

After a near-decade-long PR campaign, you’ve probably heard of Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat, companies that employ the latest techniques in chemical engineering to create plant-based meat substitutes. But there are many more technologies around the corner that threaten to transform our food supply in even more bewildering ways.

Scientists are bioengineering spores that can be inserted into crops and livestock, allowing companies to identify and track food products all the way through the food system, from farm to factory to fork.

DARPA is doling out multi-million-dollar contracts for researchers to find ways “to turn military plastic waste into protein powder” for human consumption.

A company called Amai Proteins is using genetically engineered microbes to create peptides that taste like sugar but are digested like proteins. And the best (read: worst) part is that, “[a]lthough these microbes are technically genetically engineered, the desired products can be purified and legally sold as non-GMO”!

And then there’s Indigo Ag, a Boston-based agricultural technology company that is ushering in The New Normal Of Agriculture by—as its thinly-disguised corporate PR masquerading as “investment news” likes to boast—”utilizing advanced AI and machine learning techniques to create a revolutionary agronomics platform that boosts farmland sustainability and productivity through next-gen microbiome treatments, digital regenerative content, time-series satellite imagery, advanced crop monitoring and data analysis, and grain quality testing” . . . whatever the hell that means.

Of course, these technologies will be sold to the public as a way to remarkably improve upon the boring old “food” that humanity has relied on for untold millennia. This isn’t food after all, this is Food 2.0!

Molecular gastronomy will allow for the creation of all sorts of zany and unimaginable dishes, from spherified juices to deep-fried hollandaise to lollipopified octopus!

In the nutrigenomical kitchen of the future, the AI systems that plan our meals and assemble our food will be able to precisely tailor our diet to our individual genome, calculating the exact portions of foodstuffs (or lab-grown food substitutes) we need to consume to meet our desired health goals!

And who needs a chef? In the future, we’ll bring the Star Trekkian idea of the replicator into reality by 3D printing all our food right in our own kitchen!

To get an idea of how this agenda is being sold to the middle managers of the global governmental class, look at this recent document from Policy Horizons Canada. Titled “Biodigital Today and Tomorrow,” it is a follow-up to their now-infamous 2020 document on Biodigital Convergence. This report aims to expand on that earlier paper by exploring  “the potential impact of biodigital convergence on sectors such as health, food and agriculture, the environment, manufacturing, and security.”

When it comes to food, the folks at Policy Horizons Canada are positively ecstatic about the possibility for these new “biodigital” technologies (i.e., technologies blurring the line between biological life and digital machines) to reshape our food supply.

“Traditional agriculture relies on land, water, and a suitable climate,” the authors of the report lament before noting that “[i]n the future, foods could be manufactured anywhere in labs and indoor vertical farms.”

After discussing lab-grown foods, nutrigenomics and “smart” farming, the paper gushes about the incredible benefits of this technology. It will enable us to grow anything, any time, anywhere! It will allow countries to pursue food self-sufficiency by manufacturing those foods and ingredients that they can’t grow or raise themselves! It will allow us to reimagine our diet as a form of preventive healthcare! And, of course, it will save us from the deadly scourge of climate change!

The propaganda that is being rolled out to sell the public on this transformation of our food supply sounds like the sales pitch of a used car salesman. This should not be surprising. For those who know the players who are pushing this “Food 2.0” agenda and their real intentions, it is obvious that the enormous and unbelievably hubristic effort to replace natural food with laboratory-made food substitutes is not about helping the poor and starving to achieve food security, but rather to deprive them of the earth’s natural abundance. The end result will be a population dependent on the laboratory-produced food substitutes produced by a handful of oligopolistic corporations and a population at the mercy of the scientists these corporations employ. These molecular magicians will, after all, be able to insert all manner of exotic agents into the food supply at any time.

But to really understand where this agenda is heading and how quickly we are likely to get there if it is not opposed, we need look no further than the story of Future Fields. This company and its product has managed to combine the Unholy Trinity of fake food: GMOs, bugs and biotech.

Future Fields, a biotech company in (where else?) Canada, has notified the Canadian government of its intention to commercialize “EntoEngine,” a type of fruit fly that “has been genetically engineered to express a growth factor isolated from cows.” This growth factor, it turns out, is an important component of the lab-grown meat recipe, which has so far required the use of “fetal bovine serum” (FBS)—a substance extracted from unborn cattle—to grow the meat cells. But now that the “EntoEngine” has been created, Future Fields is excited to use these flying “bioreactors” to produce the growth factor faster and more cheaply than before.

Yes, bugs are being genetically modified to produce growth factor that is then used to grow meat cells in a lab. This is the future of food if the mad scientists and their billionaire funders get their way.

What Can We Do About This?

Thankfully, we are not passive spectators of this unfolding agenda; we are active participants, influencing the course of these events by the decisions that we make and the actions that we take.

Without understanding who is behind this agenda, however, or how it is being pushed, we can never hope to truly derail this Frankenfood nightmare.

To that end, next week we will explore the players who are pushing this agenda and the ways they are working behind the scenes to bring about their dietary dystopia.

Recommended Listening and Viewing

Recommended Reading

‘World War 3 has already started’ between US and Russia/China, argues French scholar

War and Currency Statecraft

WHO creates manual to deal with vaccine critics (+ Manual)

Recommended Listening

Derrick Broze Interview – The Active Suppression Of The Damning #FluorideTrial Report
(+ article)

Recommended Viewing

A History of the Great Rebalancing

Legal Update — Secret Media Cartel With Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. + More (+ Lawsuit)

Hoover and Blackmail: The Evidence

Just For Fun

Are you suffering from a Medical Coincidence? (Satire) (h/t Fawlty Towers and Gavinm)


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  1. If you have space you should already have chickens…. I like bantam because they can almost feed themselves. If you over winter them in a coup with old leaves as deep littler they bury themselves and stay warmer. Deep litter is mostly stink free. Chickens are cool to watch too

    You should all do Sprouting for cheep greens…. I never use vinegar like this lady nor do I cover them to make it dark. Just buy the lids and jars to make life easy 😉

    You can allegedly survive on a diet of sprouted alfalfa seeds, but I have never tried it. Seeds store in a small space and produce high volume Salad. Never had luck with beans.

    You can keep bunnies if you can get feed. They convert feed to meat very efficiently.
    They do not make sound except if you mess up while slaughtering them. They have nasty claws so invest in gauntlets. The males pee all over the place and are kinda disgusting.

    DO SOMETHING TODAY even if it just getting a food grade plastic bucket and a mylar sack of rice and beans stashed away.

    • @Duck

      Learning to raise animals (in small scale setups) that require minimal (or preferably zero) inputs from centralized industrial infrastructures is indeed a very wise choice for those that eat meat.

      Sprouting store-bought seeds/legumes is also an awesome way to increase the nutritional value of something that is cheap and (currently) widely available, I am glad you pointed that out.

      Stashing non-perishable food stores is also a helpful strategy to increase one’s resilience and emergency preparedness.

      I would however like to point out, that none of the above are approaches to prepare for the storm ahead are as valuable as making the conscious choice to gather knowledge, skills and experience related to food cultivation (in the soil), foraging and preservation (of cultivated and foraged foods).

      I agree with your call encouraging people to “Do Something Today” but I also feel compelled to point out that some strategies are universally applicable and valuable in any and all situations, and some are not.

      I elaborate further on why I believe this to be the case in the comments section of this video: https://rumble.com/v25c4d1-jonny-hodl-escaping-covid1984-in-mxico.html

      • I agree….but getting skills takes more time and effort then what i suggest. Sadly few will do that.

        • I hope your not right about that, but unfortunately, from what I have seen, in general, you may be right. Even in the “awake” communities, I get the feeling many would rather make excuses than get their hands dirty.

  2. Hi James,

    What a great capacity to express you have. I liked a lot the flashback of your resolution statement in 2015. It’s delightful and poetic to contemplate how much brighter feels the light of freedom in the darkness of ours times.

    I resonate completely with the idea of leading by example. I’ve a son that’s soon two and a half years old and naturally I’ve quiet present what type of example and life-story I’m building for me and for him.

    However I find something conflicting regarding what you express about inspiring with compassion instead of infuriating.
    I say conflicting because I agree with that and I think that is the principle by which I (and I assume you also) are careful an prudent not hurt or offence people in the sensitive issue of believes and religion.

    But in the other hand I keep getting the input from friends about being more direct when it comes to talk about certain connections regarding Jewish religion and political, media and economic power. And the same regarding the vatican, the jesuits, opus dei and other catholic groups.

    I guess I’m not the only one here with this dilema: I don’t want to infuriate but also I don’t want to remain quiet.

    I would appreciate to hear your take about it.

    Now I realise this sounds like a good question to bring with Benny Wills as I believe his course are meant to help in that area.



    • @Facundo Merciadri

      Greetings from Canada

      Your comments regarding the words “compassion” and “infuriating” are intriguing to me.

      I feel like I have a different understanding of the words than the way you are using them.

      These mainstream definitions roughly approximate the way I see those words:



      the feeling that arises when you are confronted with another’s suffering and feel motivated to relieve that suffering.”



      make (someone) extremely angry and impatient.”


      While becoming angry when exposed to a truth that is shocking and rattles one’s worldviews is natural. I see seeking to go out of one’s way specifically to infuriate others as something that I would expect from a COINTELPRO type Agent provocateur that wishes to perpetuate the status quo.

      Avoiding saying things that offend others has nothing to do with compassion. Rather, embodying compassion means making a choice to put yourself in the shoes of those that are experiencing suffering and then subsequently choosing to take action to lessen or stop that suffering from continuing.

      Therefore, while I cannot know exactly what James meant when he used the terms in the video above, for me personally, the way you used those words in the situation(s) you described (where you feel/felt conflicted) does not make sense (and may represent an inappropriate usage of the terms in order to make a political/tribalistic point).

      With regards to your comment about “Jewish religion and political, media and economic power. And the same regarding the vatican, the jesuits, opus dei and other catholic groups.” I will refer to you to this comment thread (as I would appreciate hearing your thoughts on what we were discussing there) https://www.corbettreport.com/new-year-open-thread-2023/#comment-145323

      Shining the light onto corruption/”evil” (where ever it may exist) is always the right thing to do. However, blaming corruption/”evil” on specific subsets of the population (which are identifiable by their stated religious beliefs, geographic origins or genetic heritage) is a a recipe for perpetuating the same ugliness our human family has been involved in for millennia and will not lead towards a future worth living in (nor gifting to future generations).


    • (continued from above..)

      I have on occassion felt compelled to expose the nefarious actions that various humans chose who described themselves as Christian here in Canada (with the ‘residential schools’ etc) but when I do I am always clear to emphasize that the individuals who chose to murder and torture children in those facilities did so because they were very sick human beings. The fact that they were mentally ill was not due to them being born into a Christian family (or describing themselves as being Christian) other variables led to their psychopathy.

      There is a difference between speaking the truth and blanket labeling entire religions, races, cultures or geographically defined groups of humans as being prone to certain behaviors.

      Perhaps you would never imply such a thing, and if that is the case, I say speak your truth loudly! Yell it from the rooftops (if you feel moved to)! Expose those who seek to dominate, oppress and harm others! For in doing so, I believe you are embodying compassion, for you are doing your part in preventing that harm from continuing.

      • Gavin

        Of course groups have tendencies towards behaviors….culture matters as does how a group sees itself.

        Islam was founded by a bandit, rapist and murderer according to its own haddiths….it would be weird if such a religion did not predispose followers to eemulatethe founder

        Generations of reading the Talmud ingrained certain outlooks into jewish culture as the Bible did to Christians

        Humans always have Choices and make decisions on how they act but they DO spring from history, cirmstances and culture.

        • @Duck

          “Of course groups have tendencies towards behaviors….culture matters..”

          (Said the oligarchic eugenicist as he plotted on how to exterminate millions of human beings that share a specific cultural heritage becuase he believes his cultural heritage is ‘more pure’ and deserving of existence.)


          Not saying you would go down that path if you had the resources to make it happen, but you can see my point.

          There is an inherent risk for heading down a slippery slope which is embedded in your statement (and the mentality that is exemplified in your comment) above.

          • GavinM

            A serial killer may say that rain is falling…. if I agree with him am I morally as bad as a serial killer??? Does it NOT rain when the serial killer says it rains?

            You have fallen victim to, or are using, a ridiculous argument if you think that just because evil people say it or it makes us feel uncomfortable it BECOMES untrue.

            It would of be rather weird to think every human culture would create identical behaviors and life outcomes, only in the GloboHomo world view where people are expected to become fungible cogs in the machine can such an idea exist.
            THAT THERE ARE SOME DIFFERENCES between groips IS A MEASURABLE FACT…. US Asians have higher averge incomes then US whites and black Americans have a higher rate of committing crime then US whites. You yourself know that millennials culture is worse for their life outcome then previous generations


            If you are unwilling or unable to see reality clearly you will be someone’s slave. Only truth can save us, not cozy lies

            • @Duck

              You seem to have missed the point I was trying to illustrate when I invited you to imagine your own words coming out of the mouth of a Rothchild or a Gates.

              Given you seem to be hell bent on isolating subgroups of humans (that are identifiable by skin color, religion, age, geographic origin etc) and then pointing out how you feel those subgroups are more prone to unpleasant behavior than other groups, how would you suggest we head in a direction you see as more ideal?

              What is your proposed solution to this situation you describe above ?

              • GavimM

                I did not say I FEEL that their behaviors differ, I said that THEY DO DIFFER….As the link I posted showed there are measured disparities in crime and economic and social behaviors.

                I did not identify COLOR as a factor (skin color is one of the more unimportant physical differences between people’s,you will find BIOLOGICAL differences in how ethnic groups reaction to medicine.


                Do you really think that religion does not shape culture???? You really imagine that Europeans today would act like they do if they had a thousand years of practicing Shinto? Or that Chinese culture is not shaped by Confuciusism?

                I do not know you but I suspect that if you have traveled its been as a tourist rather then being around people from different cultures.

                As to solutions??? WHY would I WANT people to be all the same? Am I a fking globalist or something?Do I want everyoneto be just like me?

                I like that people are different, one of the crappiezt things about today is that most people play the same pop music almost everywhere. I am ANTI cosmopolitan, anti intervention, and anti integration unto people have enough in common that they want it

              • @Duck

                I appreciate the candid reply.

                I too value diversity (in all ways).

                May all that you hold in your heart and wish for your fellow man be gifted back onto you ten fold in the years ahead.

        • @Duck

          Random question, do you happen to live in Tennessee ?

          (I ask because I just sent a package of heirloom seeds to a specific town in Tennessee that carries the same word as your namesake/screenname and it got me to thinking.. hmmm could I have just sent seeds to “Duck” from the Corbett Report comments section??)

    • Facundo

      The best book on the Jewish power block and how it shaped the modern world is ” The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit” by Dr Jones, of Culture Wars Magazine. He is Uber Catholic but his analysis is very good.

      The first volume is of less interest to most folks. The 2nd goes intothe Jewish Bolshevik / socialism threads and into the rise of Jewish power in The USA.

      His “degenerate moderns” is less jew focused and a way easier read, but covers how people often shape their political desires because of their personal vices. It shows how tools of social engineering have exteralized the values of a few perverts onto society as a whole

      He makes a good point that the JRS is an outlook that goes beyond beyond Jewish descent, most people are very Jewish in attitude and thinking because of g generation of media and schooling. His LibidDominandi is a study of serial liberation as social control. Jewish people only got VERY powerful late in the day though they have massive power today a as a bloc

    • Facundo,

      jews and church are your “problem”…..

      A lot can be said about this, books have been written, a lot is true.
      But going this way you are destined to miss the mark, because Events and People behind them are less important than Ideas guiding them.

      Another thing is even more important and I express it with one of my favorite adage:
      “Why a dog lick his balls?”
      “Because he can.”

      Capability is not just a necessary ingredient for desires to materialize, it is fundamental.

  3. RE: “?? ????’? ???? ???? ?? ??? ????’? ???????????? ???? ???? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ??? ??????????? ?? ???? ???? ???? ?? ??? ????? ?? ?? ?????????? ????? ???? ?????”

    I never really vibed with the whole pre-packaged new years resolution idea myself either.. it seems a little too “i`ll turn off my lights for one hour on Earth Day” for me.

    I have however, on a few occasions, done a sort of ‘reverse – new years resolution’. These began during moments (at any random time of year) in which at some point I felt compelled to take a vow to take better care of my body, or my relationship with someone, or to spend more time each day in prayer and/or meditating to nurture my spiritual self. At that moment I would take a vow to continue that practice until New Years day, so that I would begin the next year with a fresh start, having already put in the conscious effort to break past patterns and begin to forge new habits. These reverse – resolutions or ‘i`ll do this at least until new years fresh starts’ often stuck with my routine and became a permanent facet of my life.

    I really appreciate you sharing your 2015 new years resolutions, as they serve as an affirmation for many things I have already promised myself and also serve as an invitation to improve upon my daily affirmations and meditation to set the tone for what I will do with my time on this Earth.

    The fact that you emphasized the importance of not only the words and actions we chose, but also the thoughts we chose is something that I feel is often overlooked by those that claim to want to seek to create a better future for themselves and future generations. Consciously choosing our thoughts is not only a means to rewire our brain and optimize our body, but also is a means to communicate and send out ripple effects in a way that transcends the reach of any oligarchic powers that should not be.

    Your stated choice and resolve to “?????? ?????? ???? ???????, ??????? ?????? ???? ?????????” and your stated resolve to “????? ???? ??????????? ??????? ?? (????) ???, ??? ?? ???????, ??? ?? ???????. ?? ?????????? ??? ???? ??? ?????????? ???? (???) ???? ?? ??????? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??????? ?? ???????. ??? ???? ?????, ??? ???????. ??? ???? ???? ????, ??? ????????.” is an important message that is heartening, inspiring and embodies an essential tactic and way of being we must embrace if we hope to dismantle the oligarchy peacefully and create something worth giving to future generations in it’s place.

    May this next trip around the sun bring you and yours prosperity, hope, new friends in your local community, abundance and the distinct peace of mind that comes with knowing you have shared empowering information and solutions with people far and wide (doing a great service to our family of Humanity).

  4. Excellent article James. Thank you for exploring the historical instances where food was used as a weapon and elucidating on some of the many ways it could be used against us now (so that we can plan effectively to avoid being susceptible to such schemes).


    Another historical example of oligarchs and statists using food as a weapon which comes to mind is the intentional extermination of the vast majority of Buffalo in North America. It was achieved via combination of US government degrees, orders given by bloodthirsty military commanders, bounty put up by railroad barons (from the Union Pacific Railroad and Canadian Pacific Railway https://archive.org/details/bison-boxcar ) the actions of many degenerate settlers that worked in concert to exterminate most of the Buffalo in North America.

    Indigenous tribes in North America developed a symbiotic relationship with the bison. For hundreds (perhaps thousands of years) the indigenous peoples of what is now the US used controlled burns of brush and coppicing techniques to thin forests and regenerate the lush grasses that give the animals a habitat. The Native American peoples did this with foresight and careful planning, slightly altering the trajectory of the massive migratory herds of Buffalo over the years by selectively regenerating their grazing habitat to better suit their needs and also accelerate the regeneration of the land. In return, the bison provided them with food, which could be kept over time (in formats such as “Pemmican”), shelter, in the form of tipi covers, clothes and fire, among other tools for daily life.

    The United States government wanted the land of the Native Americans and saw how connected they were to the Buffalo and thus encouraged the slaughter of the buffalo as a strategy to conquer the American plains “Indians”.

    Generals William T. Sherman and Philip Sheridan believed if the soldiers could eradicate the Buffalo, the “Indians” would have no choice but to give up. This belief stemmed from General Sherman’s tactic during the Civil War to defeat the Confederates in his March to the Sea—the “scorched earth” policy. Take away anything essential for the survival of a people, and they will surrender—as long as the Buffalo roamed the Plains, so did the Indians—the two were symbiotic.

    American General Phil Sheridan said, “Let them kill the buffalo are exterminated. Then your prairies can be covered with speckled cattle and the festive cowboy.. ..Kill every buffalo you can! Every buffalo dead is an Indian gone.”

    For more information: https://nativephilanthropy.candid.org/events/annihilation-of-buffalo-by-military-and-hunters/


    • (continued from above..)

      On 26 June 1869, the Army-Navy Journal reported that General Sherman remarked, “the quickest way to compel the Indians to settle down to civilized life was to send ten regiments of soldiers to the plains, with orders to shoot buffaloes until they became too scarce to support the redskins.”

      Sherman told Grant the year before, “we must act with vindictive earnestness against the Sioux, even to their extermination, men, women and children.” When Grant assumed the presidency in 1869, he appointed Sherman Commanding General of the Army, and Sherman was responsible for U.S. engagement in the “Indian Wars” (aka Buffalo War).

      For more information : https://nativephilanthropy.candid.org/events/buffalo-kills-and-genocide/

      Sheridan was soon able to mount the kind of offensive he desired. In the Winter Campaign of 1868-69 against Cheyenne encampments, Sheridan set about destroying the Indians’ food, shelter and livestock with overwhelming force, leaving women and children at the mercy of the Army and “Indian” warriors little choice but to surrender or risk starvation.

      Many Indigenous scholars demonstrate the interrelation of Plains Indigenous Nations and bison herds, sometimes referred to as buffalo.

      For example, Cree scientist Keira Ladner studied the non-hierarchical organization of Blackfoot communities and practices of collaborative decision-making. These community practices are rooted in close relationships to bison herds, which work as non-coercive collectives in which no single animal dominates.

      The imperialistic Statists and oligarchs of the railroad companies could not allow for such a way of life to continue, for not only did they want to steal the land, but these indigenous peoples were standing as an example of an alternative way of organizing society, standing in direct opposition to their self-proclaimed “civilized” statist societal structure. Thus, the Buffalo and the indigenous peoples were hunted down and exterminated, enslaved and or imprisoned on little parcels of land where the government could slowly brainwash them over multiple generations.


      • (continued from above..)

        At the close of the 18th century, there were between 30 and 60 million bison on the continent. By the time of this photograph ( https://archive.org/details/buffalo-slaughter ), that population was reduced to only 300 – 400 wild bison left.

        In massive and majestic herds, they once rumbled by the hundreds of thousands, creating the sound that earned them the nickname “Thunder of the Plains.” The bison’s lifespan of 25 years, rapid reproduction and resiliency in their environment enabled the species to flourish. These huge beings were not just a source of food, tools, clothing and cultural sustenance for the Indigenous humans of the land, they served extremely important ecological roles in creating habitat for other organisms and building soil.

        Bison made the Prairies hospitable for many other communities. Each skull in the image linked above represents one 1,500-pound (600-kilogram) animal — bison are the largest land mammals in North America. Bison are not just massive in size, they are also a keystone species in the West, meaning they have a dramatic influence on an ecosystem. If one of these species disappears, no other species can fill its ecological role, and the whole ecosystem changes as a result.

        The skulls in the photograph above do not just represent the loss of bison, but the disruption of an entire ecosystem. It represents not only the intentional starvation of indigenous humans, but also the starvation of countless other beings that were symbiotically connected to the bison herds. Each bison killed meant the end of grazing, wallowing and migrating practices that make the land hospitable for other species.


        • (continued from above..)

          For example, hundreds of species of insects live in bison dung, providing food for birds, turtles and bats. When bison roll in dirt, they create depressions called wallows, which fill with spring rain and provide homes for tadpoles and frogs. Without the presence of bison, habitats and food for these and many other species disappear.

          As described above, many Native American peoples were dependent on the buffalo for survival. With the demise of the buffalo, the American “Indian’s” life evolved into economic dependence on the U.S. government. The statists had succeeded in their stated goal of genocide, enslavement and assimilation, mission accomplished.

          While this piece of history illuminates the depravity, arrogance and malice (which all humans are capable of if they allow themselves to be guided by greed, hubris, fear and ego) it can also offer us some wisdom for solutions and hope for reversing the damage if we learn from our elder species and choose to work along side of them.

          Buffalo are natural land restoration machines – when allowed to move freely, they instinctively don’t overgraze, they move through areas tilling the soil with their cleft hooves (providing aeration and opportunities for plants to grow without destroying the networks of beneficial insects and fungi in the soil as mechanized tilling does), distributing grass and other native seeds, and fertilizing (building soil) everywhere they go.

          Species like Buffalo can serve as agents of Trophic Cascade and send out ripple effects that regenerate soils and entire ecosystems if we allow them to roam freely. Wild Buffalo can play a key role in restoring the tall grass prairie, restoring the watersheds, restoring the birds, insects and soil.

          Perhaps to those that seek to create a future worth living in should strive to be working alongside beings like the Buffalo to encourage regenerative grazing practices can serve as a key to not only ensuring food security for humans, but ecological regeneration for countless other beings and good living soil for future generations to cultivate an abundance of diverse crops in.

    • Thanks for this details account of such a deplorable psychosis.

      • @mkey

        I appreciate you taking the time to read what I shared.

        Yes I agree it was deplorable and represented some kind of Psychosis (and/or widespread psychotic disorder in those involved).

        Many accounts indicate that the US Military soldiers and Railroad bounty hunters that were ordered/bribed to kill the Buffalo would kill hundreds each day (over 40 per minute by some accounts) and they would just let the bodies lay there, piling up, with no intent to eat them (nor allow others that were starving to do so). Totally psychotic and without any decency.

        But like I said, that dark chapter in the history of this land (and all the ways we have measured how the Buffalo herds absence has impacted the land since) offers us an opportunity to forge new symbiotic relationships with animals like those, learning from the Native Americans and perhaps even optimizing the efficiency and regenerative potential of their strategies for soil building (alternating their migration path via controlled burns etc) so we can build a foundation for communities all over to have fertile soil and resilient ecosystems. Working with soil building creatures like Buffalo humans could develop a reciprocal relationship with them and the land, creating a situation where humans would be able to depend on them (with respect, foresight and restraint) when the times get tough.

        Do you know if there are any large grazing animal analogs (equivalent species that would have had a similar niche role in the ecosystem) that once lived where you are now?

  5. Last year I began my canning adventures. Did you know that you can can chicken and pork? It seems a little daunting at first but I encourage everyone to learn pressure canning. There are many resources out there to help you learn and get past the “I’m going to give myself botulism” scare. Bonus: Canning will save you money and is shelf stable, not dependent on the power grid to stay good.
    Also while I’m at it – cooking for yourself and your loved ones. If you have time (It takes me 30-60 minutes a day not including shopping) cook your own meals with the best ingredients you can find. I find it to be a labor of love and worth the extra effort.
    I don’t know why I’m shocked, but I am shocked that DARPA wants to feed us plastic. Wut.

      • Yes that is a good tutorial for those who learn by reading. There are also tons of videos out there. I get books for cheap at my local thrift store for recipes, too.
        You just have to know your altitude for the proper weight to use on your jiggler and always remember hot food, hot jars, hot canner. Or cold food, cold jars, cold canner. Easy peasy.
        I very much enjoy my new hobby.

  6. @Simon

    🙂 That’s awesome! Hey we did not just come to this earth to learn hard lessons and make challenging choices (after a life of corporate programming) to abstain from doing something unhealthy, we also came just to experience the joy of embracing this amazing three-dimensional physical sensory experience through doing stuff like riding a unicycle, sailing or rock climbing (or any other fun physical activity in the outdoors).

    Not only do those types of activities provide nourishment for the soul (making life worth living and continuing to work to protect) these things often offer the body and mind forms of training or beneficial conditioning (like building core body strength, balance, confidence, courage and optimizing immune system function) which inadvertently increase our resilience and adaptability in other parts of our lives.

    Even if riding a unicycle accomplished non of those secondary functions (which it does) it would still be worth it (IMO) even if just for the joy and memories it creates that we carry with us in our ‘soul’s suitcase’ when we leave this place 🙂

    • @mkey

      Just started watching and wow..

      That Neil DeGrasse Tyson guy is such a sell out clown. I don’t think he is as stupid as he pretends to be, I think he’s a paid actor and puppet pushing the oligarchy’s propaganda. He is a sock puppet that has a fancy academic title so they push him all over the mainstream.. nothing more than a coward and a shill with a big ego and no moral compass, plain and simple.

      Gonna listen to the rest now..

    • @mkey

      It is great Steve was helping people connect some dots in how prolific the institutionalized fraud and lies go (encouraging people to ask the hard questions) but I have mixed feelings about the Sagan clip.

      On the one hand, everything Sagan said in that clip is true, but on the other hand Sagan saying those things is hypocritical since he remained in a sort of rigid, stagnant, denial on at least one area of scientific research (or at least put on that front publicly) completely disregarding and dismissing extraordinary evidence out of hand (for many years).

      Here is another quote from Sagan that I think holds a lot of truth.

      “??????? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ?? ????, ?? ?????????, ?? ???? ??? ????? ???? ????????? (?? ???????) ????????? ?? ???????????? ????? ????? ????? ??????? ?? ?? ???. ?? ???? ????? ??? ?? ?????? ?????.” -Carl Sagan

      Ironically, I think that in the case of the cover up of the existence of interstellar cultures visiting (and/or the obfuscation of the implications of the presence of advanced cultures being here) Carl Sagan played an active role.

      I do not know what motivated him but I highly doubt it was ignorance. Perhaps they threatened his career that he worked so hard for if he didn’t “play ball” or maybe it was some other type of psyop/coercion that convinced him to betray science. In any case, I will always admire his insightful questions and observations and consider his presence to be an over all positive one (despite his allowing fear/ego to guide his choices surrounding the study of our cosmic neighbors).

      Here is a link to a video with Carl Sagan and a CIA asset from 1966 where they talk about “UFOs” : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qmakq6dTRAI

      Interestingly, but not surprisingly, it was uploaded to a youtube channel titled “Neil deGrasse Tyson Videos”

      • The vast majority will not go all the way. History is full of such examples.

        • @mkey

          That is a good point and worth reflecting on further for me. I suppose I feel an especially sharp sting of betrayal when I think of Carl Sagan as I grew up watching his tv series and found his appeals for a peaceful human family that reaches out in the spirit of curiosity, exploration and with reverence for life to be very compelling.

          Then as a young adult, once my delusions about what I thought was Humanity’s ‘ultra rare’ and unique importance in the universe were shattered, and I was confronted by the plethora of evidence that we are being visited by interstellar and interdimensional cultures, I was appalled to learn that people like Sagan had already been exposed to much of that same evidence and dismissed it out of hand.

          In the end though, that is my own fault for idolizing someone and putting them on some pedestal, as you say, no-one is perfect and everyone has their weak point. Someone apparently saw how many eyes were on him, found his and make him comply.

          I will still always value the nuggets of wisdom he shared but I will also take your statement that “The vast majority will not go all the way” to heart for the future.

          Here is another little clip with Sagan talking about a hypothetical situation where he would try and justify the state of human civilization to extraterrestrial visitors.

          Carl Sagan – Who Speaks for Earth:


          It has some geopolitical/statist fallacies built into it (and fails to describe the true oligarchic power structure that drives wars, slavery and deprivation, even then) but I still value other parts of what he said in that clip.

  7. I knew something was very seriously going amiss when I first saw “plant based protein” on the side of Planter’s Peanuts. This is clearly some NLP-type campaign and it’s working because I now hear the phrase used out in the wild as if it de facto means something healthy.

    • I get a kick out of it when I see things like wine and beer labelled as “100% Vegan” (and I see people read that and get excited about it! haha).

      I mean don’t get me wrong I respect everyone’s right to chose what they wanna eat and how they wanna interact with their fellow beings to get nourishment, but the vegan labelling is often just stupid/superfluous (and/or fallacious).

      For instance, not only is labeling fermented grape juice as “vegan” ridiculous, it is likely literally not accurate since most wine grapes are machine picked now a days (and the machines tear apart the vines and grab bird nests, and critters from the ground like mice and snakes, which all end up being pressed with the grapes). I used to manage a couple vineyards in BC so I have seen all the poor mice and snakes tryna climb out of the grape bins as they go into the press.

      Thus, most mass produced wine (whether it is labelled as “vegan” or not) actually contains animal proteins.

      • That’s really nasty about the critters. It certainly helps put things in perspective.

        • @mkey

          I agree. Most wineries are not willing to put in the time to train or pay people to hand pick grapes effectively and so in the name of profit margins they use the huge machine picking devices. It is partially the consumers fault too for playing an ‘enabling role’ in the proliferation of machine picking. There is a significant difference in the quality of wine made with hand picked grapes vs wine made with machine picked (which mixes in not only mice and snakes and baby birds but also lots of leaves, which shifts the PH and final flavor of the wine). When I was younger starting off in the wine industry as a “cellar rat” (working with the barrels, bottling and maintaining the huge 20 thousand liter stainless steel wine containers at wineries) people used to be able to tell the difference and would spend more money at wineries that hand pick (providing an incentive for the owners to keep up with this practice even if it is seen as ‘inconvenient’ to them). Now wine drinkers have become less and less discerning in the west in recent years (not being able to tell the difference between wine made with machine picked vs hand picked grapes because they are just drinking it to get a buzz) and so winery owners keep leaning into the machine picking more and more.

          I did my best to advocate for hand picking grapes when I worked in the industry, but only maybe 2 out of 10 wineries near my parents vineyard would listen and hand pick (at least part of their crop for the discerning customers and to respect the art form over the profits). My parents only hand picked their grapes and so we sold them for top dollar by the ton to the wineries that knew the difference (and had customers willing to pay extra for wine made exclusively with hand picked).

          How about where you live? Do you know how much is handpicked vs machine picked?

          • I’m really not aware, but I doubt such mechanisation is used as relatively cheap labour is available.

            • @mkey

              Okay, do you have any idea what the minimum wage is currently where you are? (I am just tryna cross reference to what it is here to estimate whether or not machines could be cheaper for the wineries).

              They usually pick the grapes at night time with the big machines so not many people see it. Another thing that can determine whether or not machine picking is feasible is the topography of the vineyard. The machines do not handle hilly terrain with lots of variation in topography well so wineries have to hand pick that kind of terrain.

              The few places that did handpick in BC would offer the experienced pickers the option to get paid by the bin rather than by the hour (they had to trust that you were not gonna wreck their vines just to get the grapes off faster). If you were fast with your hands and it was a good grape year it was a chance for some really good money (under the table) for a month or so a year (300-500$ CAD a day depending on your speed). Most places here in Ontario do not offer contract work though, just hourly and they import workers from Guatemala and Jamaica which are paid minimum wage.

              • The larger producers are further up north from me (I’m on the very south tip of the peninsula) so I don’t get to see the action, but I kind of doubt they do it at nightime.

                There is some gruesome nightime work that does go on, like pulling out hens from those large egg sweatshops. A friend told me about that, they apparently do so during the night to catch the hens by surprise.

                There is some hilly terrain in the area and it’s all rocky. Rock is all over the place.

                The minimum wage by law is somewhere around 500€ currently, a bit more. Politicians make big news when increasing this amount and they upped it a few times recently, but we all know what it is for.

                A reference paycheck in similar work a friend told me about two years ago in picking olives was about 1200€. This is considered as a decent seasonal paycheck, probably payed out in cash, without “benefits”.

                Receiving a cash paycheck here is “illegal” (legal by man law but against the “rulebook” which is not even man law, but not one in a thusand understand this) as they wanted to ensure as tight bank control as possible. If you pursue legal wage slave job, the wage absolutely has to be payed out to your bank account. They payout is monthly, around 10th of the next month.

                Bacl on topic, I’m not sure about how many working hours would that entail, but probably 300 a month, which would make the hourly rate 4€.

                The work is done manually with those vibraton tools that are used to shake the branches and make the olives drop to the carpet on the ground. I do believe this method is the norm.

              • @mkey

                very interesting, thanks for the info.

                Yes similar laws are in place here in Canada regarding forcing people to use the debt slavery fractional reserve lending banking system to cash their paychecks.

                Back in the day when I picked wine grapes by the bin and pruned vines by the acre (on a contract or ‘peacemeal’ basis) about half of the vineyards would pay me cash under the table (with the added bonus of as many bottles of wine that have imperfect labels as I could carry). Now being able to be paid cash is extremely rare, the statists have people all groveling and obedient, afraid they will be audited by some tax agency or another.

                that minimum wage sounds pretty low compared to here I don’t know exactly what it is, but I think it was 16-ish CAD an hour last time I checked. I doubt a machine would be cheaper for picking wine grapes if they can get people to work effectively for so little.

                Ahh the olive vibration based machine sounds vaguely similar to the premise of the grape picking machines, but the grape ones are all mechanized and really beat up the vines.

                thanks for the thoughtful reply.

                On a separate note, have you been watching any of the Greater Reset Live streams over the last couple days?

              • with the added bonus of as many bottles of wine that have imperfect labels as I could carry

                If they offered this here, they would go under in less than a week. The label failure rate would be 99.7%. There’s a lot of perfectionists in these parts.

                The vibration machine is not a machine, it’s small hand held tool on a prong. There are many variations, just an example:

                I didn’t get to watch the Greater reset in detail, I did watch some of the excerpts you have provided. I’m currently just too distanced from doing this interesting work. The first step, as I see it, of purchasing some land is just too contrived here. Having a “farm house” is, for all intents and purposes, illegal here. If not previously owned.

                And this is so with a good reason, they want people as distant from the field as possible. Plus, with all the tourism that’s going on and rampant stupidity, idiots would probably be building “villas” just about anywhere. For a while, there was an option to build a “small house” next to an “olive grove” but I wasn’t in the rightest of mindsets to take advantage of stuff like that.

                Currently, my best bet is to find something that has been “legalised”, but cost is a bit of a factor with it all.

              • @mkey

                haha ya I was not the one judging what was considered as an “imperfect label” in that case (though I have been in other instances where I worked the bottling lines at wineries as well, both old school by hand and with a big assembly line type set up).

                I mean if the winery owners wanted to they could decork the bottles and pour them back into a big vat and re-bottle them (and some do just that when the labels get printed side ways or over lapped etc) but it was more a special gift for the vetrans so we could have some of a special vintage without paying the top shelf coin many of those bottles would cost at the store. They were especially generous in handing out the ‘mislabelled’ wine when we were picking ice-wine grapes as that job cannot be done via machine (the leaves and vines are to brittle in those temperatures) so they depend on people being willing to be called at random times of the night out of the blue (usually about 1-2 am once the temperatures go down below minus 15 celsius) to pick like crazy with numb fingers for a few hours before the sun comes up.

                Ahh starting off the day all covered in grape juice with numb fingers and having mislabeled wine and fancy wine tasting room cheese/chocolate for breakfast when the sun comes up with your shivering comrads, Good times 🙂

                That is interesting about the olive picking tool, thanks for the info.

                There are similar trends to mentally and physically trap people in cities/rental units to what you describe here in Canada as well.

                Did you catch the second part of the Permaculture and Food Independence day of the Greater Reset? That woman I shared a little clip of who was kinda freestyle rapping/beat boxing (in the Newyears open thread) had a presentation that touched on the story of the Buffalo that I described in my comments above (in this thread).

                Here is a link to the recording if you missed it : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsFNMfMjiCM&t (The lady I am talking about, Dr. Lyla June, starts her presentation around time index 2:23:50) I will likely edit that part into a separate video and upload in the future for easy referencing/viewing as well as she shares a lot of empowering knowledge about agro-forestry/food forests and regenerative ocean shoreline garden/farming systems.

              • I’ll give it a watch. You can always link to boobtube videos with a time reference.


                There is the “share” button that lets you include the starting offset of the video or you can build the URL manually with the offset in number of seconds.

              • @mkey

                I especially found her description of the constructed Oyster gardens by the natives in Florida to be compelling and representative of ideas filled with untapped potential.

                When she described how they used to build partially submerged rock walls along the ocean shore to break the big waves, create tidal pools, warming the water and creating a microclimate I had a vision of a larger scale (multi-leveled) oceanic food forest that has both a forest (composted mainly of plants/fungi that produce food or medicine) on the land and one under water as well (with incremental tidal pools of different depths for shellfish and shoreline sea vegetables such as “irish moss” etc and then a kelp forest in deeper water going out several hundred feet with a larger rock enclosure, housing larger fish being free-range farmed). The oceanic component f the food forest would yield kelp/seaweed (for eating and composting) and fish bones (after eating the fish) which could offer immense nutrition for soil building the land component of the food forest. Imagine the abundance that such a system could create! 🙂

                Ahh thanks for explaining the whole youtube timestamped link thing, I had wondered how to do that from time to time but it always eluded me until now. Cheers.

              • Food forests sound great in whichever setting.

              • @mkey

                Agreed 🙂

              • Thanks, I made a note.

  8. Related to Corbett’s “What is the Future of Food?”

    Especially following 2020, I have noticed a trend:
    It has become much, much more acceptable for Authorities to issue policies which dictate how people and businesses run their lives.

    Don’t let the following headline mislead you, but it is worth noting that some official actually floated this policy idea.

    Jan 18, 2023
    British Food Tsar Hints At Cake Ban At The Office, Compares Health Harms To Passive Smoking
    The suggestion was dismissed by politicians and medical professionals who called on people to take responsibility for their own choices…
    WWW zerohedge.com/medical/british-food-tsar-hints-cake-ban-office-compares-health-harms-passive-smoking

    The head of a food watchdog in Britain has been ridiculed for suggesting that workers bringing cake into the office is as harmful to the nation’s health as passive smoking.

    Professor Susan Jebb, chairwoman of the Food Standards Agency (FSA), said that she only eats cake during the day because colleagues give her the opportunity to do so. She then called on office workers to refrain from the practice to help the fight against obesity.

    “If nobody brought cakes into the office, I would not eat cakes in the day, but because people do bring cakes in, I eat them,”
    she told The Times newspaper.
    “Now, OK, I have made a choice, but people were making a choice to go into a smoky pub.
    “With smoking, after a very long time, we have got to a place where we understand that individuals have to make some effort but that we can make their efforts more successful by having a supportive environment.

    “We still don’t feel like that about food,”
    she added.

    The FSA oversees food safety and food hygiene in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. It describes its main statutory objective as protecting public health.

    The food tsar’s comments, however, were dismissed by politicians and medical professionals alike who refuted the comparison with passive smoking and suggested individuals simply need to utilize their own willpower….

    • jalisis

      I do not see that you have presented very compelling arguments against the Holodomor being A massive famine that happened due to the Bolshevik Government (which, being heavily run by jewish folks had a good deal of racial dislike of Ukrainians and Russians)

      While I guess you still leave it open to exactly how deliberate the mass starvation was there obviously WAS a holodomor and the Ukrainians obviously FELT that the soviets had done it (hence their enthusiastic joining to fight with with the Nazi’s who were not exactly wonderful people eitehr…)

      The fact the the NAzi’s were the first to popularize the story of the famine is not really evidence of anything except that it was not in the interest of otehr western powers to make a thing of it at that time. The Nazi’s also blew the whistle of the Soviets murdering masses of the Polish leadership…..after the war the Nazi’s got the blame for that but the truth came out after the fall of the USSR.

      Hmn… I see the soviets put some krauts on trail for the crime they themselves had committed. Its funny but you can actually argue that the Nuremberg Trials were almost as bad as the show trials of the 30’s in the USSR

      One should recall that the US ruling class was not exactly hostile to Communism, FDR ended up with an infestation of Soviet spies AND A number of US Industrial and Money interests (many, but not all jewish) had Funded the Bolsheviks and invested heavily in the Soviet Union in the hope of getting their hands on Russian resources. The American ruling class had little reason to attack the Soviet system in the lead up to the British, Communist and Jewish agents leading the US into WW2 against Germany.

      If I recall right the Koch bro’s father was one of the US experts sent to profit from the property grab that was the Bolshevik revolution.

      (See Prof Richard Spence who covers in in his book
      https://www.amazon.com/Wall-Street-Russian-Revolution-1905-1925-ebook/dp/B0728JS5DB )

      Its true that there were Ukrainian nazi’s back then, but I would say that the MODERN ‘neo-nazis’ are a rather weird breed since they take orders from a jewish president and fight so that their nation can be under the hegemony of US and jewish oligarchs. I think I even heard that isreal was giving them money and gibs.

      hahahaha…they TOUR isreal, lololol

      “…..In recent days, a delegation of the Ukrainian Azov Battalion – an openly neo-Nazi battalion – has met with Israeli officials in the military and the establishment, in “Israel.”…..”

      nazi with an isreali rifle, lol, what could go wrong?

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