How to Survive Regime Change

by | Feb 13, 2022 | Newsletter | 43 comments

Is your country on the hit list of Soros and/or Omidyar and/or USAID and/or the NED and/or any of the other deep state Trojan horses hiding behind their convenient “NGO” cutouts? Are you worried that a regime change operation is in the offing?

Well, fret not! Here’s some good news for a change!

As is turns out, the colour revolution string-pullers—you know, the gaggle of inbred, eugenics-obsessed elitists whose awesome power is supposed to make us cower in fear—are not so omnipotent after all. In fact, sometimes they’re a bunch of incompetent, bumbling, ivory tower buffoons, and I have the receipts to prove it.

Buckle in for this one, folks. It’s an incredible story.

In this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber, James recounts the story of a regime change operation that did not go as the planners expected. More important than the story itself, though, is what it teaches us about the value of independence and the fallibility of the technocrats. After that, you’ll want to stick around for this week’s recommended reading, listening and viewing, plus a coupon code for 25% off Corbett Report DVDs at the New World Next Week shop.

For free access to this editorial, please CLICK HERE.

The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 12 issue 04 (February 13, 2022)
How to survive a regime change operation

by James Corbett
February 12, 2022

Is your country on the hit list of Soros and/or Omidyar and/or USAID and/or the NED and/or any of the other deep state Trojan horses hiding behind their convenient “NGO” cutouts? Are you worried that a regime change operation is in the offing?

Well, fret not! Here’s some good news for a change!

As is turns out, the colour revolution string-pullers—you know, the gaggle of inbred, eugenics-obsessed elitists whose awesome power is supposed to make us cower in fear—are not so omnipotent after all. In fact, sometimes they’re a bunch of incompetent, bumbling, ivory tower buffoons, and I have the receipts to prove it.

Buckle in for this one, folks. It’s an incredible story.

How To Topple A Government

As you know by now, the would-be world controllers have a number of tricks up their sleeve for overthrowing governments that dare defy their agenda.

Of course, there’s always the plain old brute force method.

Toppling Saddam

But I’m not talking about militarily imposed regime change here. I’m talking about the subtler tactics that the Evil Empire employs to undermine governments and install pliable puppet regimes around the globe.

There are, for instance, the so-called “colour revolutions”—synthetic protest movements that are fostered, supported or created out of whole cloth by groups like the National Endowment for Democracy. These operations follow the Gene Sharp handbook for destabilizing a country and encourage people to rally around a colour or symbol (the Rose Revolution in Georgia, the Tulip Revolution in Kyrgyzstan, the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, etc.) on the path to overthrowing the government in power.

Then there are the engineered crises where, for example, snipers are sent into otherwise-peaceful protests to shoot at both sides, creating chaos and undermining the ruling government’s legitimacy in the court of public opinion (as happened in both Ukraine and Syria).

Of course, there’s also the “IMF riot“—a four-step plan to economically cripple a country so that the IMF and/or World Bank can swoop in and “save” it (for the benefit of foreign investors).

And don’t forget the debt-trap diplomacy described by John Perkins, where corrupt dictators are bribed into selling off their nation’s resources and infrastructure to foreign investors and plunging their country into debt, thus giving the Western financial interests political leverage over future governments.

There’s even the plain old assassination of inconvenient political figures, a tried-and-true method for taking opponents off of the geopolitical chessboard that has worked time and again in nation after nation (and even, when needed, at home).

How NOT To Topple A Government

But for every perfectly orchestrated, Machiavellian scheme for overthrowing an uncooperative foreign leader, there are a thousand examples of stupidity and incompetence that reveal that Oz! The Great and Powerful! is in fact just a sickly, pathetic old man hiding behind a curtain, frantically poking at buttons and pulling levers in an attempt to baffle and bemuse the masses.

Remember when the “master planners” at the US State Department pretended that Juan Guaidó, the least-popular man in Venezuela, was the country’s “interim president” . . . but the Venezeulans were having none of it?

And remember when USAID tried to infiltrate Cuba’s hip-hop scene “to break the information blockade” and spark “social change” in the country . . . but only succeeded in undermining Cuba’s actual youth activist movement, causing some of the government’s critics to flee the country?

Well, here’s yet another story of incompetence that goes to show that the “All-Powerful World Controllers” are completely out of touch with reality and that, in fact, the people have all the power.

The story takes place in Zimbabwe, which has been on the globalist mafia’s hit list since at least the early 2000s. That was when ex-British Prime Minister (and unconvicted war criminal) Tony Blair pressured the government of South Africa to join a “regime change scheme” designed to “physically remove” Robert Mugabe, then president of Zimbabwe. South Africa declined the invitation, but this did not derail the globalist plans for toppling Mugabe.

Enter Richard Branson.

Richard Branson's mid-life crisis

Yes, that Richard Branson.

As Alexander Rubenstein explains in a recent piece for The Grayzone:

In 2007, as the Zimbabwean economy sank into crisis under the weight of British and US sanctions, Branson offered to bankroll an “Elders” initiative to “convince Zimbabwean President Mugabe to step down,” according to a cable sent from the US embassy in Pretoria, South Africa to a number of governments and government agencies, including the CIA.

Although it sounds like some fictional gang of supervillains from a trashy James Bond novel, “The Elders” is in fact a very real organization (with a website, even!), which purports to “engage with global leaders and civil society at all levels to resolve conflict and address its root causes, to challenge injustice, and to promote ethical leadership and good governance.”

Hmmm, let’s see. “Engage with global leaders and civil society” in order to “promote ethical leadership and good governance,” hey? Let me run that through the Globalese translator.

*beep beep boop*

Yes, just as I thought. It’s a regime change organization. (Just check out their leadership council and their advisory council.)

So what was The Elders’ plan for effecting regime change in Zimbabwe? They joined forces with Strive Masiyiwa, a Zimbabwean billionaire and arch-globalist whose résumé includes collaborating with Branson on the formation of the “Carbon War Room” and assuming a brand new position as a trustee of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

So what did Masiyiwa do? According to leaked US diplomatic cables (which identified him as “strictly protect,” indicating he was an asset of or a confidential source for US intelligence) he began “quietly floating an idea to shift executive power from President Mugabe to a ‘technocratic’ Prime Minister” and working on “plans for Zimbabwe’s economic recovery” (read: plans to sell off Zimbabwe’s resources for pennies on the dollar to foreign investors) once the globalists’ hand-picked technocrat was installed in power.

And how did Masiyiwa go about doing this? He worked as an “unofficial advisor” to a group called the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), an opposition party that was formed out of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions. But you’ll never be able to guess who helped fund the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions . . .


Oh wait, you totally will. It’s the NED.

OK, so far, so perfectly expected. Rich and powerful businessmen colluded with other rich and powerful businessman to use NED-funded political opposition parties to bring about regime change in a target country. Nothing new here, right?

Well, here’s the rub: As you may or may not know, Mugabe was not overthrown in 2007. Or 2008. Or 2009. In fact, he wasn’t ousted until 2017 in an internal party coup that had nothing to do with The Elders.

So what went wrong?

Well, as Arthur Gwagwa of the Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 2013:

Policies that are formulated on the basis of a Western conception that sanctions would work in predominantly agrarian countries such as Zimbabwe in the same way they would work in East Europe is misplaced. Unlike in urbanized societies, where sanctions might cajole people to protest and push for reforms, conditions are different in a country such as Zimbabwe where rural based populations have other livelihood means aside from bread, therefore the absence of bread in the shops will not prompt them to stage street protests. This was the MDC’s original plan that they are now backtracking on as they have realized that it doesn’t work.

Yes, you read that right. The galaxy-brained billionaires of the World Controlling Globalist Jet Set didn’t even understand that their “IMF riot” playbook doesn’t work in an agrarian society.

You can just imagine Branson and his cronies furrowing their brows in confusion: “What? These farmers aren’t dependent on their government for their survival? So how do we get them!?”

What It Means

Now, full credit for this little anecdote goes to Alexander Rubenstein, who lays out all the pieces of this story (along with many, many other interesting tidbits) in his article on the newly appointed Gates Foundation trustees, which is well worth your time and attention.

But let me draw out the significance of this story for the hard of thinking.

Firstly, the technocratic planners of the New World Order are not omniscient, omnipotent, or even necessarily competent. They are bumbling boobs who often know little about the actual lived reality of the people whose lives they presume to be able to run.

Secondly, this is not a story about governments and regime change and 2D geopolitical chess. This is a story that reaffirms an incredibly important point: A free people who are not dependent on their government don’t care who is pretending to rule over them at any given time, and they don’t worry about what international sanctions are being imposed on “their” government by the financial oligarchs. They’ll just continue going on with the real work of putting food on their table and providing for themselves.

People who are interested in further pursuing this line of thought are highly encouraged to check out my Film, Literature and the New World Order podcast on Eric Frank Russell’s 1951 story “…And Then There Were None.”

But now that you know the story, spread the word: the global cabal are a bunch of incompetent boobs who don’t understand anything outside of their (extremely limited) range of experience. They couldn’t organize their way out of a wet paper bag, and the people of Zimbabwe overcame the machinations of the global world control gang without lifting a finger!

Remember that the next time some low-level imbecile tells you the New World Order is inevitable and there’s no use in fighting back.

Recommended Listening and Viewing

Recommended Reading

Citizen Control

Project Hamilton Phase 1 Executive Summary

What Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter Teach Us about Power (+ FLNWO Flashback)

Recommended Listening

Russia’s Sputnik V and the WEF with Riley Waggaman

Recommended Viewing

The Nazi Connection (1987) – Operation Paperclip (h/t ccuthbert2001)

What Keeps Me Up At Night (h/t Camille)

Canadian Armed Forces Army Major Stephen Chledowski

Just For Fun

Muscle Wiki


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  1. I just started reading the article “How to Survive Regime Change”, but had to stop.
    I was laughing.
    This Corbett paragraph is a gem…

    As is turns out, the colour revolution string-pullers—you know, the gaggle of inbred, eugenics-obsessed elitists whose awesome power is supposed to make us cower in fear—are not so omnipotent after all. In fact, sometimes they’re a bunch of incompetent, bumbling, ivory tower buffoons and I have the receipts to prove it.

    • Some aptly refer to them as elite of a bottom of a trash can. As much as we would like to jest on their account, they know a LOT more about human psychology than the average Joe, the below average competent, bumbling idiot.

      • Mikey

        Some of the people running things are likely almost as dumb as a TV watching normie. THEY just can afford to hire smart people and build better toys them us

        The tech people and advisors probably are way smarter than the actual Kleptocrat

    • Speaking about Regime Change (and receipts) …

      Ontario plans to scrap its vaccine-certificate system on March 1, Premier Doug Ford announced Monday, while allowing the removal of current capacity limits for restaurants, bars and gyms this Thursday.”

      “Let me be very clear, we’re moving in this direction because it’s safe to do so,” Mr. Ford said. “Today’s announcement is not because of what’s happening in Ottawa or Windsor...” (And I have the receipts to prove it).

      Yeah right Doug, and I have a bridge I’d like to sell you. 🙂

  2. I’m in complete agreement with this article. Having been involved (in my youth before I became more enlightened) heavily in politics I witnessed first hand the enormous egos at play. I can just imagine the ego warfare that plays out between these nefarious players.
    Add to that, I also learned early on that smart people are not necessarily intelligent people. There are a lot of very smart rich folk with IQ’s equal to that of a melon. Book smart yes, can perform the role yes, but no level of critical thinking or true intelligence.

    To echo your sentiment in this article your words ring true. We should not, and will not fear these bumbling idiots. It is however time to out think them on a grander stage.

    In Lak’ech

  3. Corbett’s 2/13/2022 article “How to Survive Regime Change”

    It took me a good while to read this, because I kept going to many of the referenced links. Some great stuff! Some very interesting backstories on Ukraine & Pierre Omidyar & U.S. funding. It is noteworthy how these same players keep coming up.
    The Alexander Rubenstein article “New Gates Foundation trustee led plot to overthrow Zimbabwean leader alongside US gov’t” was wild.

    In the closing paragraphs James Corbett says:
    Firstly, the technocratic planners of the New World Order are not omniscient, omnipotent, or even necessarily competent. They are bumbling boobs who often know little about the actual lived reality of the people whose lives they presume to be able to run…
    …the global cabal are a bunch of incompetent boobs who don’t understand anything outside of their (extremely limited) range of experience. They couldn’t organize a way out of a wet paper bag….

    The points which Corbett makes in those paragraphs are in-your-face, plainly observable when a person follows the Worldwide “Freedom Convoy 2022” Pandemic.
    In fact, it sometimes has comical entertainment value because the Authoritarians dramatize the ridiculous.
    And hang on! In early March, we may see a much more massive push towards Freedom and Liberty. U.S. Truckers are making plans! I’m gonna get more toilet paper.

    I don’t care for Matt Taibbi and almost never read his crap.
    However, he drew an excellent comparison of Justin Trudeau’s recent reactions to the historical 1989 speech by Romanian Nicolae Ceaușescu.
    Watch the expression of disbelief on the face of Nicolae Ceaușescu at the 2:30 minute mark.
    These Authoritarians are idiots.

    • Mais oui, cheri! Control freaks just can’t seem to control themselves. Silly.

  4. Speaking of assassination/regime change in Zimbabwe …if you got a few hours to kill you can fall into the Ari Ben Menashe rabbit hole and read about his scheming in Zimbabwe in 2002.Be careful its addictive! This guy links up to so many stories it will make you dizzy Link to wikipedia article just to get started…

  5. Oh James…you are so good! And spot on. Loved the read.

  6. Living in an agricultural society horrifies me and presumably the vast majority of those in technological countries.

    North Americans are much closer in time to homesteading and living in nature.

    I’m Scottish. We don’t have bears or beavers or wolves or mountain lions because we killed the lot of them a very long time ago !! We don’t forage for wood because we have gas central heating.

    I had a friend from Zimbabwe. It is a deeply tribal society. That’s where Mugabe got his power.

    • You don’t like to eat food? I guess Mr. Gates shares your horror.
      You’ve spent time living in “an agricultural society”?
      What other kind is there? Are there societies which do not eat?
      I’m curious.
      A new field of study!!
      Bring it on!! Breatharians International!!

      quick, before there’s no oxygen left to breathe!!

      • I was told about Breatharians, it’s (an imaginary) real thing.

        I get my food delivered from supermarkets. ASDA only tell us the country of origin if it’s the UK. I believe some of it is grown in Africa, some of it in Spain which is to the north of Africa.

        The English grow potatoes, carrots and beer. Scotland grows sheep and beer. I don’t eat sheep or drink beer.

  7. I recently watched an excellent documentary called ‘HIV = AIDS: Fact or Fraud? (1997)”

    Whatever the origins of HIV-AIDS, it seems clear to me that millions were deceived into believing they had AIDS and administered nasty drugs like AZT.

    Cheered on by the most gullible folks in the galaxy, American liberals who turned pharma gangsterism into a moral issue.

    Just like they do every single day with masks and vaccines now.

    • They did have an acquired immune deficiency. They didn’t have any HIV virus, as it is a no-thing.

  8. Concur, to some extent.

    Still James made an excellent point, if you have food you are the Master. With empty stomach anyone is very close to become a whore or worse.
    I think tyranny in foreseeable future is very much inevitable at this point. People need to be beaten badly by a bludgeon, then they will realise something is rotten. So we primarily have to think about survival i.e. food.

    Have you watched What Keeps Me Up At Night from recommended watching about bio-brain-dead-monstrosities? I knew situation is bad, damn, actually is worse. New Nueremberg court is necessary for perpetrators and not gallows for guilty, no no, …I’ve deleted what was written here in the first place, it was beyond abominable (in just three words).
    Since regular food in future will be franken-food, real food will be in high demand, meat in particular. Whatever nightmare game will overlords establish one thing is certain: there is no unhackable game. Real food will be very good incentive for hacking.

    • If “real food” means blood, well, they want to eat you. You are just another warm blooded mammal to them. Like a pig and a sheep and a cow ain’t much different to you, all “meat”. It’s what’s for dinner.
      Maybe we are the animals they’ve domesticated, and there are more than enough of us to feed them.
      What’s the difference between a lamb and a cow? Anyway?
      Maybe what they are hinting at is that there just won’t be anything left that is alive.

  9. Excellent end perspective, James. Just what I’ ve been waiting for. For folks to realize that these freaks are useless.

    I’m looking forward to your focus changing from the endless broohaha of the “regime” chiefs, those who seek to “reg”: move in a straight line.
    I mean, as a Native American, what’s new? Same same as it ever was.

    So yes, looking forward to your reports now focussing on real people living real lives. I’m sure you’ll draw just as much interest and make just as good a living. Can’t see why not.
    Hey!! Bill Gates is a farmer now!! You could do a piece on him!!
    Or me. I’m a good grower too, I’ve created lots of abundant gardens. Most of them have been stolen from me as soon as the six months of work was done tho. There’s still this glitch going on about “owning land”.
    I never saw an original deed, tho. Can’t figure what the hell they are talking about, “owning” the land. ?????
    Is that a “regime”? Seems like it.

  10. Some of them do have some pretty twisted concerns. But you’d have to get into human relations to know that. There’s still a whole lot of genital mutilation going on in Africa, in those lovely “uneducated” communities. It is not a religious practice, it ranges across “faiths”, it is a cultural practice.
    Radio had an enormous impact on these “tribal” peoples. That has been recorded in real time. The soccer games took central stage, and the kids and family concerns got shuffled.
    The outfit don’t make the person.
    And the current anti-education “regime” is meant to dumb folks down all the more. Get them to actually detest all forms of education, and you’ve got ’em coming and going.

  11. Mon Feb 14th – Clyde Do Something
    Clyde is a Mechanic (not the assassin kind. 😉 )
    The Rise of Blue Collar Journalism – Freedom Convoy 2022
    (2 1/2 minutes)

  12. Question:
    And yet, how is it that the bumbling fools manage to be so successful, so much of the time?
    Maybe time is a key?
    Maybe they never make a move without fully knowing…..
    what they don’t want you to know?
    How about this? This is how the puppet masters make their plans.
    What do you think?

    • They are successful because they act in unison and have the advantage of a massive knowledge differential. Not because they are so smart, but because the enemy is so abysmally stupid.

      • It’s important to differentiate between Mercurial shape-shifting CLEVERNESS, and true Jupiterian quantum KNOWLEDGE, which requires a quantum leap into wisdom.
        As they are unable to follow us there, they seek to close that possibility off to us. The Microwave Control Agenda is doing a pretty good job of it.

    • Don’t miss that Jupiter Saturn cycle, of 120 years, currently in Earth. That writing speaks to long term cycles. Very interesting, as the influences are easily shown from this occurring in the past.

  13. Nice page.

    Your right on all these things but the cycle keeps repeating- people build a human centric antichrist system and after a while it fails.

    This iteration is so big and complex that it’s going to be the black death or worse when it fallsm

  14. Frogsoup

    I think you have a point, but I begin to suspect the people running things are almost as stupid as their NPC hipster slave class they trot out to complain about honking horns.

    They may become very vicious as they try to keep things on an even keel but their behavior is not a sign of strength. You only spaz out in a fight when you your in danger of loosing. Like the unabomber said only incompetent cops need to actually beat people, smart ones bully or convince

  15. Great article. Reminds me of what John T. Gatto would say about A. Lincoln & freedom.

    “The thought recurs that education—cultivated thought—can best be combined with agricultural labor, or any labor, on the principle of thorough work; that careless, half-performed, slovenly work makes no place for such combination; and thorough work, again, renders sufficient the smallest quantity of ground to each man; and this, again, conforms to what must occur in a world less inclined to wars and more devoted to the arts of peace than heretofore. Population must increase rapidly, more rapidly than in former times, and erelong the most valuable of all arts will be the art of deriving a comfortable subsistence from the smallest area of soil.

    No community whose every member possesses this art, can ever be the victim of oppression in any of its forms. Such community will be alike independent of crowned kings, money kings, and land kings.”

  16. Of course! 9/11 was a total f-up. SO obvious, all they can do is run from facts using their media as cover.
    MEDIA is their mouth. Shut them up before they convince more fools!

  17. Speaking of bumbling idiots…
    CNNs Dr. Leana Wen and the changing narrative. Backpedaling to try and earn “trust” It’s almost embarrassing to witness. I almost feel sorry for her as she exposes her own hypocrisy.

    • BUMP
      Dr. Leana Wen Flip-Flopping on Masks Mandates

      (3 minutes of many clips)

    • I don’t feel sorry for her. I wish she has serious negative consequences from this, like a deadly illness or something, something miserable. She deserves to have nightmares every night, like all of these tyrants. They are psychopaths, who don’t care for anyone but themselves. They deserve to suffer. I don’t know that they will, but this is what they deserve.

      • I, too, hold those feelings.

        WEBSITE of Criminal Bad Actors

        Perhaps someday, someone will build a website with a very long, long list of names which goes on for pages.
        Media people and corporations (including local stations and people), politicians, authorities on local, regional, and national levels, etc.

        Nazi War Criminals List
        Naming names publicly on a website is like putting heads on stakes and bodies on crosses.
        It can deter authoritarian activity while also bringing nightmares to the culprits.

        Can a school board member or city council person feel comfortable if their name (with a link to description of their crimes) was published on a very popular website.

        Diane Dean is such a neurotic, nut-case authoritarian. She is so delusional that I’m sure that she becomes mentally affected by the bad PR on her.

      • Not a big surprise, but worth mentioning. Leana Wen was a WEF Young Global Leader

        • And probably penetrated as such, repeatedly. Just like Justin over there.

        • Torus says:
          Leana Wen was a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader.

          • I think public attention and a spotlight on the WEF should continue. It should become so unpopular and shameful that they slink away and hide under a rock like the cowardly creatures that they are.

            These “people” disgust me and they should live in shame disgrace and dishonor until they die.

  18. More serious opinion.

    They have already won. The goal is a social credit system and the vast majority have signed up for its precursor, the vaccine passport. All it requires is a change of name and some extra code.

    The stupidity required to take three vaccines (and counting) for the same mild condition, the masks, the lockdowns, the demonisation of the outsiders shows that the world including most of its professors are ripe for fascist technocracy.

    The silver lining is that these people are so supremely arrogant and human beings infinitely inventive, the new world order will inevitably crash.

    1. There will never be driverless cars on the current roads yet a number of massive corporations were convinced there would.

    2. There will never be a 3D metaverse with headsets despite what Zuckerberg might believe. Fine for crazy teenagers playing games, not for interacting with you meta granny in Ottawa. Too uncomfortable. Even more massive corporations were convinced of this.

    3. Brain chips will (probably) create carnage.

  19. I haven’t posted here for awhile, and this is a bit off-topic for regime change, but some may find it amusing. Based on Neil Young’s complaint about misinformation about the injected solutions, I have written a parody of one of his popular songs:

    The Weasel and the Damage Done

    I caught you knockin’
    On Joe Rogan for,
    You establishment whore,
    Oh, oh the damage done.

    You took the city
    But you lost your mind,
    You took the needle
    And it’s made you blind,
    Your blood clots and the damage is done.

    I sing the song because I’m not a fan,
    There’s something here
    you don’t understand,
    It’s high time,
    and yours is running out.

    I’ve seen the needle
    and the damage done,
    Another round of shots for everyone,
    But every shill is like a settin’ sun.

    They prop you up
    because you toe the line,
    They’re killing children, but I guess that’s fine,
    Ho hum, the damage done . . .

    I’ve seen the weasels
    And the damage done,
    In Laurel Canyon
    When they had their run,
    Ho hum, the damage done. . .

  20. un-stoppable

    Excellent contribution. I agree.

    Here in Britain, the home of global warming (carbon trading) and global finance the next phase has already under way. Net Zero is set to further substantially damage the lifestyles of the average citizen.

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