We stand at a precipice. On one side is “reality”: the original, authentic, lived human experience. And on the other side is the metaverse: the world of constantly mediated experience. In the middle is hyperreality, that blurry space between the real world and the mediated world. And, living as we do on this side of the electronic media revolution, it is the only place we have ever known.
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VOICEOVER: Media. It surrounds us. We live our lives in it and through it. We structure our lives around it. But it wasn’t always this way. So how did we get here? And where is the media technology that increasingly governs our lives taking us? This is the story of The Media Matrix.
At the dawn of the twenty-first century, if you saw anything, read anything, listened to anything, it was, more likely than not, placed in front of you by one of the handful of corporations that controlled the major television and radio networks, newspaper syndicates, film studios and music companies. These companies didn’t control what people thought; it was more subtle than that. These companies controlled what people thought about.
We all knew the daily news from the newspapers. We all heard the latest Billboard chart topper. We all saw the latest episode of Must See TV and we all knew about the latest Hollywood blockbuster. Even if we managed to avoid these media ourselves, we knew them anyway from cultural osmosis.
Yes, by the year 2000 we had arrived at the pinnacle of mediated reality. The media oligopoly’s control of society was complete, and nothing could ever come along to change it.
And then something did.
SINGER: You’re riding on the internet! Cyberspace, set us free! Hello, virtual reality! Interactive appetite, searching for a website, a window to the world that to get online. Take the spin now you’re in with the techno set, you’re going surfing on the internet!
SOURCE: Kids Guide to the Internet (1995)
Given that the only thing most people can agree on these days is that the internet is ruining society, it’s difficult to remember that the general public’s introduction to the World Wide Web was accompanied by a torrent of hyperbole and over-the-top enthusiasm that would make a pimply-faced teenager blush.
The internet was going to solve all of our problems! It was going to democratize information. It was going to give a voice to the voiceless. It was going to bring the world together. And most importantly, it was going to help us order pizza without having to pick up our phone!
[Sandra Bullock orders pizza on the internet.]
SOURCE: The Net (1995)
It’s easy to laugh at the gee-whizery and pie-in-the-sky promises of the Information Superhighway hype. But make no mistake: the advent of the web was a revolution. It did upend the economic model that had given rise to the media oligopoly in the first place. And it did give a voice to countless millions around the globe who would never have been heard at all if it weren’t for the advent of new media platforms.
JAMES CORBETT: This is James Corbett of corbettreport.com, and I’d like to welcome you to a new episode of a completely new news update series that I’m doing with my good friend, and the host and webmaster of mediamonarchy.com, James Evan Pilato. James, it’s great to have you on the program today.
JAMES EVAN PILATO: Thanks a lot, man. I’ve looked forward to doing this.
CORBETT: Yeah, me too. . . .
As the general public started to get online in the 1990s, not even the wildest flights of cyber-utopian fancy could have imagined the sea change in news and information that was about to sweep over the public. As the printing press had given birth to our very concept of “the news” and as radio and then television again transformed our understanding of what it meant to hear or see the news, so, too, did this new medium change our perceptions of world events and our relationship to them.
Suddenly, “the news” was not something you heard a well-coiffed elderly man in a three-piece suit in a million dollar studio reading to you from a teleprompter. In the online age, the news was as likely to be a story written from home by a guy in his pajamas or a video of a protest uploaded from someone’s smartphone or a tweet by an anonymous account. Blogs and websites, and, later, Facebook feeds and Reddit posts, became places people went for news and analysis on breaking events. Information was condensed into memes, and meme literacy became necessary to even understand what was happening online.
And all the while, the media whose hold over the public mind had seemed so unassailable mere decades ago was now old hat, reduced to just another stream of information accessible on the always on, infinite scrolling online content feeds.
But if we have learned anything from this study of mass media history by now, it’s that a predictable pattern is at play: a new technology transforms the way people communicate and promises a flowering of knowledge and understanding. The existing power structure then spends all of its considerable resources censoring or co-opting that technology and, ultimately, using the new media as an even more effective tool for spreading propaganda.
As we saw in Part 1 of this series, the Gutenberg press sparked a true revolution, overturning the social, political and economic order and empowering individuals to share ideas on a scale never before imaginable. But we also saw the censors swooping in to repress those ideas before the corporatization of the press finally tamed the mighty juggernaut that Gutenberg had unleashed.
And, as we saw in Part 2 of this series, the commercial radio revolution prompted the Rockefellers and other entrenched financial interests to begin studying how best to use the electronic media to shape the public consciousness. And television, with its ability to put its viewers into an alpha brainwave state of susceptibility, proved to be an even more effective tool for the corporate interests that soon monopolized the public airwaves.
The story of the World Wide Web follows a depressingly similar trajectory. Whatever promise the internet held to kick off a new Gutenberg revolution—putting the power of the press back in the hands of the average person—that promise has been consistently betrayed by the the centralization of online discovery and identity into corporations, as even Twitter founder Jack Dorsey now admits.
Perhaps the fact that the web has been so quickly co-opted into a medium of control isn’t surprising. After all, the internet is no movable type printing press. However much work went into the design of the printing press, it was still possible for a skilled fifteenth century craftsman to create and operate one with nothing more than the knowledge of the latest technologies and the capital of a few business partners. But the internet arose not from a medieval tinkerer’s workshop, but from the bowels of the Pentagon.
The long history of collusion between Big Tech, the Pentagon and the US intelligence community is by now a well-documented one. The story leads from Silicon Valley—home of Big Tech and the site of much of the research that helped birth the personal computer revolution and the internet—through Pentagon research grants and In-Q-Tel investments to the development of the ARPANet, the birth of the internet, and, eventually, the rise of Google and Facebook and the World Wide Web as we know it today.
The result of that history is apparent to all by now. A medium that should be the most participatory medium ever invented has become a web to trap its audience in an infinite scroll of social media distraction, one designed specifically to keep its users seeking the scientifically scheduled hit of their next dopamine reward.
SEAN PARKER: If the thought process that went into building these applications—Facebook being the first of them to really understand it—that thought process was all about “How do we consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible?” And that means that we need to sort of give you a little dopamine hit every once in a while because someone liked or commented on a photo or a post or whatever, and that’s gonna get you to contribute more content, and that’s gonna get you more likes and comments. So it’s a social validation feedback loop. I mean, it’s exactly the kind of thing that a hacker like myself would come up with, because you’re exploiting a vulnerability in human psychology. And I think that we—the inventors/creators, you know, it’s me, it’s Mark, it’s Kevin Systrom at Instagram, it’s all of these people—understood this consciously and we did it anyway.
The results of Big Tech’s experiment are now in: the would-be social engineers were successful beyond their wildest expectation. The zombie apocalypse has already happened; in its wake lay the increasingly mechanistic automatons of the social media revolution, eschewing the dull world of human interaction for the cyber world of likes, shares and dopamine rewards. The smartphone has become the digital god of the zombie hordes, demanding we bow down in prayer at every free moment.
Perhaps most frightening of all is the astonishing speed with which this revolution is taking place. As transformative as Gutenberg’s press was, it took decades for the technology to propagate out across Europe, and it took centuries for the effects of that technological upheaval to play itself out in the body politic. The electronic media revolution took the better part of a century of development from its earliest iteration, the telegraph, to its introduction to the average person’s living room in the form of radio sets, and, later, televisions.
But the online media revolution has happened with astonishing speed. In the span of one decade, smartphones went from curious novelties to ubiquitous items, and they are now on the cusp of being made mandatory for participation in everyday life. This incredible change is already manifesting in a world of profound and rapid dislocations in every facet of our lives: political, economic and social.
So where is this revolution taking us? Can we learn to navigate this new world of nearly constant mediated experience? Should we?
To answer that, we need to look at the nature of media itself.
Media, from the earliest smoke signals and scratches in clay tablets to the printed page to the recorded images and sounds of the modern era, has always existed as a means for extending our bodies in space and time. The written word is an extension of our mind out into the world, allowing people in far-distant places and far-off times to read our innermost thoughts. The phonograph was an extension of our voice, the filmed image an extension of our bodies themselves, permitting them a type of 2D immortality.
But somewhere along the way, the balance between the media and the real world that it represents began to shift. We went from this world to this world, where most of what we see, most of what we hear, most of what we think we know about the world comes not from the people and places that populate our direct, lived experience, but from mere representations.
We have our friends, of course, but we also have Friends. We have neighbours, but we also have Neighbours. We have something better than real life. We have reality TV!
We have entered the world of the simulacrum.
JEAN BAUDRILLARD: Mais dans la définition que j’ai du réel, au sens où je l’ai dit : c’est-à-dire faire advenir un monde réel, c’est déjà le produire, c’est déjà quelque-chose comme un simulacre.
Pour moi, le réel n’a jamais été qu’une forme de simulation. Le principe de réalité, c’est la première phase, si on veut, du principe de simulation, quoi . . . Mon postulat ce serait : il n’y a pas de réel, le réel n’existe pas. On peut objectivement le cadrer, faire qu’il existe un effet de réel, un effet de vérité, un effet d’objectivité, et cetera . . . mais moi je n’y crois pas au réel.
SOURCE: Jean Baudrillard — Mots de passe (documentaire 1999)
At a certain point, the boundaries between the real world and the world of media begin to blur. Is television reflecting the types of people we are, or are we emulating the characters we see on TV? Are the sad songs we listen to the product of broken-hearted people or the cause?
But if nothing is less real than reality TV, what is the reality that that TV is attempting to portray? Does it even exist anymore?
This is no idle question. As pervasive as the online media has become, as important as our participation in that mediated world has become for our daily lives, a new medium has already appeared. The metaverse. Introduced to the public consciousness by the likes of Mark Zuckerberg, the metaverse represents the apotheosis of the media revolution. Soon, the internet will not exist as a cyperspace that we access through our clunky smartphone gadget. Instead, it will be a fully realized, immersive, 3D virtual world that we can literally step into.
No matter our reluctance to enter this virtual world, we will soon, all of us, have the opportunity to enter the metaverse for ourselves, whether by putting on the glasses and adding an augmented reality layer to the world as we know it, or by strapping on the goggles and entering the cyber domain completely. And, after we do so, we may find the idea of living our lives in bare, unmediated reality will be as quaint, as unthinkable, as living in a world of smoke signals and clay tablets.
[Scenes from HYPER-REALITY]
We stand at a precipice. On one side is “reality”: the original, authentic, lived human experience.
And on the other side is the metaverse: the world of constantly mediated experience.
In the middle is hyperreality, that blurry space between the real world and the mediated world. And, living as we do on this side of the electronic media revolution, it is the only place we have ever known.
It has been suggested that the metaverse is not a space—not a virtual world that we can jack ourselves into and live a virtual life, like in The Matrix—but a time. Specifically, the metaverse is that time when our digital lives become more meaningful to us than our “real” lives. If that is the case, then who can deny that, for an increasing number of people around the world, that time has already arrived?
In this series we have examined the history of the mass media, from the Gutenberg Revolution to today. But if we don’t understand that history, then we will be like the ignorant masses identified by George Santayana, condemned to repeat a past that we cannot remember.
From one perspective, the history of media is merely the story of the development of the machinery of communciation. The movement from the printing press to the telegraph to the radio to the television to the internet to the metaverse is a story of technological progress, and each new technology brings us closer to the ideal of total communication.
But there is a more fundamental perspective, one that sees media not as a technology, but as the expression of our need as human beings to connect with others, to fight off our original state as beings cast alone and naked into the world through communion with others. But as our technology of communication begins to create its own world and as we increasingly place ourselves inside that media world, we would do well to ask ourselves, “At what point do we lose our essential nature as human beings? Once we’re jacked into the metaverse, are we still homo sapiens, or will we have become homo medias? Have we considered what that means? Do we care?”
Perhaps it’s inevitable that the curved mirror of the Gutenberg conspiracy has finally brought us here, to the black mirror at the doorway to the metaverse. Perhaps we were destined to end up here. Perhaps this is an expression of a fundamental urge that is part of human nature.
Perhaps. But it’s also good to know that this has an “off” button. That the real world still exists. That you are watching an image on a screen. And that the power to turn it all off is still in our hands.
The Media Matrix
Written, Directed and Presented by James Corbett
Video Editing and Graphic Design by Broc West
Recording Assistance: Murray Carr
Special Guest Appearance by James Evan Pilato
Series Title Theme “What Hath God Wrought” by KODOMOSAN
Transcript and links: corbettreport.com/media
Glad I’m the first to comment – I’ve been waiting for part 3 to drop today! Can’t wait to watch it. Ever since the intro to this course, I’ve been monitoring how much time I spend in “media-ated reality” and trying to spend more time in “real” reality. When looking around, I can see how our society, at every change, glances at a cell within this media-ated reality. Videos like these will be the ones that open our eyes to what is really going on and how we can navigate this new reality.
G’day Subscribers!
Thanks to everyone for their feedback about The Media Matrix! It’s always greatly appreciated.
This was a fun yet albeit fairly different documentary series to put together & I’m extremely happy with how it turned out from a visual/editing perspective.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I gotta get back to work on the next big project!
P.S. – Don’t forget The Media Matrix DVD is now available for purchase over at NewWorldNextWeek.com ?
not only have you excelled by putting together this visually beautiful production, but the result is even more remarkable by the fact that you and James have to work remotely.
I guess It could have only been possible thanks to the number of years you both have worked together this way and you have both developed a common sense of what the other person wants without wasting too much time in communicating all the tiny details.
Look forward to your next production! Thanks again 🙂
Bravo to you, for all your great work!
No need to hide the technocracy on steroids Op behind the corporate curtain any longer?
The U.S. Army, not Meta, is building the metaverse –
Watched all 3 parts again, we really got a new masterpiece there, imho it is an entrypoint to inform deeper on this topic.
And already lets the viewer assume massmedia and the development of smart devices all interconnected via internet is no coincidence.
Sure a great series to “pill” anyone into questioning more, thanks James and team!
Thank you James for all the work you do.
At first, I did not like the new style, it felt old-school, kinda 80’s, but it grew on me and I realised that perhaps that is exactly what we need. A simple approach, using the technology but more simply, to reveal the tricks and manipulation behind it. Very well done.
I enjoyed the series very much and am also enjoying studying the in-depth course behind it. Thanks again.
This new trilogy is an immediate candidate for inclusion in “The Best of the Corbett Report”. Plus the sonorous introductory/finishing soundtrack is just perfect!
I agree completely across the boards.
How to become an Amazon best selling author (after an investment of a few hours of effort)?
Less than 6 minutes, it’s quite silly how this guy gamed Amazon.
Haha. That was great. Thanks to you, I’m also enjoying his Contreprenuer Bingo series:
Sting warns during Warsaw concert of threats to democracy
I especially like ABC’s slant, their “take-away”. For a news media that carries on under that name, they sure don’t know their A-B-Cs.
I personally don’t subscribe to this The alternative to democracy is violence, oppression, imprisonment and silence nonsense, but still good to hear someone refer to it, even if in a veiled fashion.
“Democracy” is a kakistocracy, a prison for the able and intelligent, controlled by the incompetent and moronic. Usually, the latter are heavily influenced by those who are also intelligent and able, but woefully corrupt and ill-intentioned.
Ask Julian Assange what he thinks of this “democracy.” Even better, Ursula Haverbeck.
What About Us?
Samson’s (the dude with the mullet) new offering. Gun control nazi trigger warning.
I liked that! Good message.
BACKSTORY on Samson at Corbett Report comments…
Oh, can you just imagine that don’t-thread-on-me-kid’s mum playin this track in the school?
Or having it as a ringtone and receiving an incoming call with the phone conveniently forgotten in the purse while she was taking a number 2 break?
Heads would have exploded.
Great docuseries, I bit different than those that came before it, but great series nonetheless!!! Keep em coming! Makes you think about where all of this is headed in the coming years? Grocery shopping in the virtual Walfart!? God help us all!
I have to point out(this is off subject), that clip of Sean Parker speaking about social media addiction as if they didn’t know the ramifications of their actions is surreal. They knew exactly what they were doing when these platforms went live. That is exactly why they went live in the first place. How that guy has been involved in three of the biggest companies in tech over the years is mind boggling as well. It begs the question, if the majority of these big tech companies like Google and Facebook are quasi government entities. Who are the founders of these companies? Geniuses hand selected to run them? Actors? Makes you wonder
Hey have an amazing day! And enjoy another great documentary!!
James’ strength is definitely the long form video essay. Very clear and well organized information, every time. Sometimes I’m sitting here wondering “where the hell did he find this clip? It’s the perfect example!”
Great work!
I like that phrase:
James’ strength is definitely the long form video essay.
CNN’s media reporter is wondering why people are calling a recession by its name – 8/1/22
107 seconds. These two guys, especially Paul Krugman, are something else.
So weird…
one popular rule of thumb is that two consecutive quarters of decline in a country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) constitute a recession.
There was the GDP decline in each of the last two quarters. Every Wall Street player knows it.
Apparently wikipedia changed the definition for recession recently. They also changed the definition of the word definition.
August 2, 2022 – The Hill
Wikipedia launching new restrictions for users editing ‘recession’ page
Paul Krugman: My computer was hacked to ‘download child pornography’
Alex Jones on trial for making believe 24% of the people that Sandy Hook was a staged event. What kind of kangaroo courts are these? Queued video.
All I needed to know about Sandy Hook is watching “grieving father” (sic) Robbie Parker laughing and smiling immediately before his press conference, then going “into character” and becoming somber for the masses as he arrived at the podium.
If someone murdered my daughter, I would struggle with two trains of thought: revenge with extreme prejudice, and/or deep sorrow and despair, rendering me non-functional. Laughing? Smiling? The next day? Inconceivable for me.
The Robbie Parker video I refer to:
That prelude is almost always edited out for public consumption.
It’s even more obvious when you get “murdered” children out into the public singing the anthem on a super bowl, a few years later.
I’m sure some of you know who Freeman Fly (FreemanTV/Free Zone) is. He keeps mentioning he bought a Metaverse, or ‘property’ in one, and is developing it since ‘he likes to be on the cutting edge of technology’. I wonder what kind of words he and Corbett might have regarding this. I don’t think Corbett has been a guest on his show in the past, but they probably have a similar worldview on much else. Freeman’s allegedly got an avatar of Allister Crowley in his metaverse, which is a touch weird. Perhaps this technology isn’t all necessarily ‘good or bad’, but it’s in the application of said tech. And as long as one (severely?) limits engagement with said Metaverses or virtual spaces, perhaps the conspiratards and libtards, etc., need a ‘safe space’ of their own in that Matrix-tier ‘environment’…
One of my objectives in life is to NEVER, and I mean NEVER, put one of those AR/VR goggles on my face. Not even for a second.
Is it possible Facebook or Meta have already incorporated mind reading and/or mind writing technologies into it’s current visor?
https://youtu.be/9cMsAys1ZZU – mind reading
https://medium.com/@neurogress/the-exciting-future-of-brain-wearables-and-you-ba06481524c0 – mind writing.
Thanks JC, excellent & powerful content as always.
Hey guys! Thank you James and Broc again for the informative and thoughtful content! I would love to buy the course, but the only DVD drive available in the house is on the TV where I cannot click hyperlinks. The laptop is USB only, and I’m fairly certain that DVD drives are getting phased out of most laptops and desktops – which stinks because they were useful.
Hopefully you can get it on USB like the first season (media joke; I jest) of TCR.
Disregard my above post everyone! My bad! Thanks for clearing up the confusion, James and James <3
I have slept for the past three nights in a cage. Its a Faraday cage made of wood, fine copper mesh and the conspiracy theorist’s faithful fallback. Aluminum foil.
This is the latest in my attempts to regain my health.
I won’t go into the science about the radiation and stuff cause most of it is over my head.
The reason I’m mentioning here is that it just struck me that its sorta ironic that I only learned that there is a health risk because of the media. I learned about how Faraday cages can block a lot of the radiation that we’re surrounded with from the media. I purchased much of the material using the media.
And all this is brought about because of the existence of the media.
At least I learned my carpentry skills, for what they’re worth the old fashioned way. From others in real life.
Have you considered researching changing your diet? Some people have found that high carbohydrate consumption exacerbates health issues and when they decrease them they feel better.
Dr. Mercola has some good material that he has put together as well on supplements as well.
There’s also a way to get you blood tested without any doctors order, at least there is where I live. This way you can analyze your own labs and maybe take them to an alternative medicine practitioner. These could be in addition to your Faraday cage experiment.
“Have you considered researching changing your diet?”
Excellent suggestions. That was one of the first things I did. I don’t believe that there are many things more important than diet. I’m pretty much vegetarian but have recently started introducing eggs into my diet again. Very small amounts of cheese occasionally. Almost no processed food and very little of anything that contains gluten.
Mostly I eat fruits, nuts and vegetables.
Unfortunately, in my ignorance, I spent most of my life destroying my health through poor diet, and a disregard for toxins. Now I am trying to make up for a lifetime of acting like my health is something out of my control.
I have had my blood work done and evaluated by a respectable naturopathic nutritionist. Turns out that I’ve had hypothyroidism for many years which explained a lot. And now I have cancer.
But I am very optimistic and doing everything that I can to fight it. I’m pretty sure that I’m beating it too.
Without doctors or pharmaceuticals.
Rather with supplements, vitamins and good food.
As a medical professional I wonder if you have seen these two documentaries.
“A World Without Cancer” which is narrated by G. Edward Griffin and “Cancer, The Forbidden Cures”. I won’t include links so as to avoid moderation but both are available on Bitchute and both are excellent in my opinion. Would really value yours.
Because of the G. Edward documentary, I have been consuming, (as well as using in a more direct fashion) bitter apricot kernels.
You would probably think that I am crazy if I told you all the things that I am doing to get my health back. Not that you don’t think I’m crazy anyway. ?
How are the kernels prepared?
Another cancer related documentary: Run From The Cure – The Rick Simpson Story.
The kernels are raw. And they don’t really taste that bad. They have a slight bitterness and remind me of the taste of almond extract.
I powder some in a mortar and pestle for a more direct application .
I haven’t seen the documentary but I know Rick Simpson’s story. And yes I do make my own oil. I also make a very potent tincture.
Purely for medicinal purposes I assure you.
I’m sorry to hear that Steve. Different types of cancer are worse than others. And different types of cancer respond to different treatments. It does depend on the type of cancer, they type of tissue it came from.
I have been research ketogenic diets and stumbled upon the carnivore diet. It seems very extreme like the opposite of a vegan diet, but many people swear by it. There are several doctors who present a good case and the science seems sound. Some people have said it helped with their cancer. There are more humane ways to eat meat as well and there are some cultures who eat mostly meat because that’s all they have available, like Eskimos for example.
I suspect that a keto diet could do similar things and is not as limiting. When I was vegetarian, I developed a thyroid condition and when I went back to a eating meat and limiting soy and cruciferous veges, my thyroid function improved. I was eating a lot of the pre-packaged vegan fake meats though.
I’ll check out the G. Edward documentary and let you know what I think.
I have found some MDs who are pretty open minded and trustworthy who do a mix of different things, some don’t prescribe any standard drugs and some do a mix depending on the condition. Good you have found a nutritionist to help you and if you find you need more input there may be other providers who you trust who could provide other insights. I have found it’s sometimes helpful for me to have multiple opinions.
I hope you start feeling better and the cancer goes away.
Thanks. I really would be interested in hearing what you think about the documentaries that I mentioned. They certainly opened my eyes. As well as making me seethe with anger for awhile because of all the death and suffering that could so easily have been avoided.
As far as how I feel. That hasn’t really been a problem. Except for some fatigue from the thyroid and blood loss from the cancer, which I am able to control mostly, I’ve been feeling good.
But I still think that its ironic how it all ties into the Media Matrix.
If the technology didn’t exist. As it didn’t for most of my life. Then I would probably still be ignorant of the very natural things that I am hoping will cure me.
I started the G Edward Griffin documentary about B17 that is in aprocot seeds. Apparently this can metabolize to small amounts of cyanide in the intestine.
The hypothesis is that cancer is a type of nutritional deficiency.
I think that could be a “cause”, or contributing factor for cancer.
I’ll finish the documentary. I think cancer is probably one of those areas of research that some things are known and a lot isn’t and people try different therapies and see what helps.
I would definitely learn more about different theories and treatments, not putting “all your eggs in one basket”. If you don’t want to do traditional therapies, no one should push you to do that especially since they can be quite toxic.
Learning specifically about the type of cancer you have and researching what has worked for others may reveal other therapies. I’m sure you know that you are cared about by many people here and want you to be well and healthy. So, just be careful with yourself.
The blood loss is a little concerning and can be dangerous if your levels get too low, so I would be cautious with that. I’ll finish the documentary about the B17. It sounds like some people have found it helped them.
Thanks for that feedback and advice.
And I’ve got eggs in lots of places these days. I’m listening to my body more and using my energy level as my gauge.
Hi Steve,
My mom sent me a video about diet and cancer. Sorry it’s a youtube video, but I’ll post it. She has tried a keto/carnivore diet for her arthritis because she didn’t want surgery. I was a bit skeptical, but if it works for some people, why not try it.
I haven’t watched this because I don’t have cancer. I was concerned about some uterine growths, but they were benign. If they were cancer, I would certainly do more research because I would be reluctant to remove organs. Not saying I would absolutely refuse, but very very reluctant.
Anyway, here’s the video about cancer and metabolism:
I’m not the type to think that there is one magic cure to everything, a panacea if you will, but I think people should try different things and if it helps that’s great.
While reading your conversation with Steve, I was startled when I read this:
“…when I went back to a eating meat and limiting soy and cruciferous veges, my thyroid function improved.”
I understand limiting soy, but I have read from numerous sources that cruciferous veggies have very potent healing effects and are very good for you. Is this not true in your experience?
I think it depends on how much and what types people are eating an probably how they metabolize them (genetic profile). There’s a compound in some of them and if the vege is not cooked can inhibit the tyroid.
To be honest, I have never eaten a ton of veges. I like brussle sprouts and kale in smoothies, so it might have been the soy primarily. And that did impact my thyroid significantly and in a bad way. That processed soy stuff “fake meat” is bad (IMO), for me it is anyway. On top of that the phytoestrogens in the soy wacked out my estrogen ballance and caused some menstrual problems. I quit in 2011 after I had to have surgery because of the growths in my uterus.
I think vegan diets in many people are unhealthy and this can be demonstrated objectively by comparing labs before and after. But regarding cruciferous veges, I think it depends on how much a person eats and what their baseline tyroid function is.
I’m awful, I really have a weakness for sugar and fruits, but would like to really try a ketogenic diet to see if I feel better and it helps my hormones but it’s so hard for me, especially since I’m not much of a cook.
There’s lots and lots of papers on cruciferous veges if you want to see what some of them show. It seems like some people say they are good and others say they are bad, so who knows. I don’t eat a lot of them anymore though.
Regarding the cruciferous veggies, sounds like life…”everything in moderation” as they say. Thanks for your input.
I had no idea soy could be that destructive. Wow! I am sorry to hear that about the growths and surgery, but it sounds like you are figuring things out.
Sounds like you’re on the right track, Steve, and I’ll be praying for you in this battle. Years ago I learned that about apricot kernels – they look just like almonds but are most bitter (I bought a bag and nibbled on them for their health benefits alone and then when they were gone, I didn’t renew). Didn’t the guy who cured himself go to prison for sharing his experience with them, or am I thinking of another medical martyr? I appreciate your link suggestions and will look them up.
Thanks for your prayers. That means a lot to me.
I have actually grown used to the taste of the kernels.
In the G. Edward Griffin documentary they talk about the Hunza people https://abukhadeejah.com/apricot-kernels-for-cancer-the-story-of-hunza-pakistan/
That caught my attention.
I am going to risk the moderator’s wrath by adding links to the documentaries.
P.S. A couple years ago Alexandre mentioned Rife frequencies curing his mother’s cancer. Have you looked into that? I looked for the original comment, couldn’t find it but did find one by wylie1:
Related to what Pearl links to…
Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark
Decades ago, a business partner of mine gave me her book “The Cure for all Cancers”. My personal take-home from the book was that it was a smart idea to inhibit parasites in the body, and that they can be part of the biofilm of fungi, bacteria, etc. with heavy metals as a ‘protectorate’. It seems that when parasites are inhibited, then it becomes easier to cure cancer.
I often take herbs which inhibit parasites. I still often use Borax in my laundry and hand washing.
Sometime in the early or mid 1990’s, Hulda Clark and some other speakers (Dr. Kurt Donsbach) were at an alternative health exposition in Dallas. I went to see her speak. She was a very small framed lady with a friendly, smiling demeanor.
Donsbach promotes the benefits of Oxygen (e.g. ozone and hydrogen peroxide.)
I’m a big proponent of Iodine (e.g. Lugol’s).
Dr David Brownstein has a book “Iodine : Why You Need It, Why You Can’t Live Without It”.
He also recommends eating plenty of salt. Salt goes hand in hand with iodine, so he recommends taking in unrefined salt.
Years ago, I watched “The Truth About Cancer” where Ty Bolinger interviewed many different people and their cancer protocols. It was pretty good. I have the DVD set.
Dr. Toni Bark was in the film, and I had recognized her from other earlier health interviews and articles, especially about vaccines.
Just prior to the week of the lockdowns in the U.S. (March 2020), I was getting the Ozone/Ultraviolet Light Blood therapy from my Doctor. We were rewatching the documentary while he did his thing.
He told me that Toni Bark had died a few days earlier from cancer.
I was saddened and shocked.
Anyways, it impacted me and let me know that cancer can be a tough fight for anyone. Each person has to follow their own path.
I once read a fella’s success story online which I thought was interesting. He said he beat cancer primarily by taking Collustrum, and lots of it.
Hi, have you guys heard of Yuval Harari’s historical analysis of how Information Technology is used to change the rules of discussion and thinking?
However, the latest technology that is changing our thinking won’t be information technology anymore, so probably Metaverse won’t be the one with the biggest impact. According to him, its the “alien intelligence that has invaded our life”.
(7:18 – 10:15)
“the power to turn it all off is still in our hands”. j corbett
is that hopium?
I got no stinkin on-off power in my hands.
Granted, James you’re on shaky ground with this ouroboros. how do you deal with the cognitive dissonance of telling people to turn off their devices and in the next breath “see ya next time on the Corbett,,,”? surely the synapses are roasting a bit?
I think electrical media, especially the screen forms will eventually be understood as a poison that can be helpful in small doses. like many poisons humans play with, one key to empowered vs shlocked-out is right dosage.
There’s the problem of exposure: seatbelts off, everybody stands up on the plane, 300people elbow to elbow in a inner reflective box, all turning their transmiters on at once and pumping the cabin with TOTALLY UNNECESSARY electro-smog ( I’ll bet, second hand smoke was a cake walk for our micro biomes compared to what that kind of hit does). I’m told these are “water destructuring devices’, full stop.
I find life flows better now that the old iphon4 spends every/all day in a corner getting zero attention. a quick check for activity at the end of the day is enough, more gets done, inevitability overtakes a juggle of often disconnected distractions.
as for the on-off switch, we’re told the cameras and mics of any phone tablet laugh-talk desk top,, can be activated remotely, whether non nor off, so long as theres a battery inside.
How does one shut off the 5g maser when one cant hear or see the source?
Here we’ve had interruption of digitized signals when a major flood hit, cash was the only thing that allowed purchase of food; i got a 3 day rush of vindication;
and then while everyone was mucking out, some lives and many houses were totally lost to an overnight flash flood, the phone company used that window of distraction `to sneakily put 5g transmitters on the substantial mid town tower, some brave smart types got a fire going up the middle, which burned the lot, but a temporary rig was put up the next day,, and the tap-swipe-insert boogie microwaved on., a month later a souped-up new crown for the massive tower was craned on and booted up.
that action had been resisted by a 24/7 standing watch at the tower for months. the “power”, and access to the on-off button, is certainly not in any but a few’s hands.
I live out of range of the maser towers, but my neighbors use skylink, so we’re getting bathed in that emf 24/7. I assume the satellites are repeaters, so the original signal/power source must have an address on earth, or many?
kubrick reckoned the final response to AI taking control of humanity was to pull the plug on hal,, hopefully there’ll be more humans left when someone figures out where and how hal even is. (cant find a working link for the film thats free, sorry).
I appreciate all the thought and research that has gone into this series. I also had some great hopes for it, because I do believe that the control over the media has created the dysfunctional system which threatens humanity and Life on Earth at this moment in time. In the US, where I live, there are also so many competing narratives that society seems to be increasingly polarized, divided, atomized, and we seem headed towards civil war, martial law… I think this is a deliberate manipulation to “divided and conquer” and control the rising discontent/dissent of the vast majority who are in the crosshairs of the depopulation agenda.
I was disappointed that the documentary might not help bridge the division within our local group, who has been so divided by these polarizing narratives, despite what brought us together (The events of September 11, 2001- and challenging that particular manufactured myth which has been foundational for the rise of the bio-security state/technocracy).However, I do think that the series is but the tip of an iceberg, of a huge topic which merits even greater exploration and understanding, if we are to stay sane, human, effective and help light the way towards a better future, that does not rely upon lies, deception, manipulation, fear, heartlessness.
Thank-you for your efforts. I think we will probably ask to show this at our next Northern California 9/11 Truth Film Festival.