2022: The Year Ahead

by | Jan 17, 2022 | Newsletter | 26 comments

I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that there are many ways that the current global crisis could play out in 2022 and, sadly, none of them involve everyone joining hands and singing “Kumbaya” until the Gateses and the Schwabs of the world have a change of heart about this whole Great Reset thing.

If you saw New World Next Year 2022, you’ll know that I think a cyber 9/11 (and the ensuing passage of an iPatriot Act) is a distinct possibility for the coming year. But that is not the only ace card in the would-be world controllers’ hands.

A “pandemic of the injected” and/or a 5G-generated global health crisis?

The passage of a global pandemic treaty to hardwire the biosecurity state into place?

A bioterror false flag?

Check. Check. Check. All of these cards, too, are in the deck and ready to be dealt. But there is another card in that deck that has been largely neglected for the past two years, and I have a feeling we’re going to see it laid on the table this year.

So what am I talking about? Luckily, I don’t need to look further than the latest headlines to illustrate my point.

Read James’ prediction for one of the main stories of 2022 in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber. Then, stick around for James’ recommended reading, listening and viewing, plus a coupon code for 25% off Corbett Report DVDs at the New World Next Week shop and a subscriber exclusive video where video editor Broc West teaches James all about cricket.

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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 12 issue 01 (January 16, 2022)

by James Corbett
January 15, 2021

I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that there are many ways that the current global crisis could play out in 2022 and, sadly, none of them involve everyone joining hands and singing “Kumbaya” until the Gateses and the Schwabs of the world have a change of heart about this whole Great Reset thing.

If you saw New World Next Year 2022, you’ll know that I think a cyber 9/11 (and the ensuing passage of an iPatriot Act) is a distinct possibility for the coming year. But that is not the only ace card in the would-be world controllers’ hands.

A “pandemic of the injected” and/or a 5G-generated global health crisis?

The passage of a global pandemic treaty to hardwire the biosecurity state into place?

A bioterror false flag?

Check. Check. Check. All of these cards, too, are in the deck and ready to be dealt. But there is another card in that deck that has been largely neglected for the past two years, and I have a feeling we’re going to see it laid on the table this year.

So what am I talking about? Luckily, I don’t need to look further than the latest headlines to illustrate my point:

Right on the heels of the Kazakhstan fiasco, we have this headline dominating the newswires: “White House: Russia prepping pretext for Ukraine invasion.” As the loyal government stenographers over at the Associated Press helpfully explain:

US intelligence officials have determined a Russian effort is underway to create a pretext for its troops to further invade Ukraine, and Moscow has already prepositioned operatives to conduct “a false-flag operation” in eastern Ukraine, according to the White House.

Wait, what? The White House is now openly warning about the potential for a false flag operation to be used as a pretext for war? What’s happening here?

The invocation of the concept of false flag terror in a mainstream media report (let alone such an assertion coming from the lips of “intelligence officials”) might raise an eyebrow among us old hands of the 9/11 Truth movement. I’m sure we all remember the days when the very concept of false flag terror had to be painstakingly explained to the average normie . . . so it could then be summarily dismissed as a “conspiracy theory.”

But upon closer examination, this acknowledgment of the reality that false flag attacks can be used as a casus belli is not so surprising. In fact, the most vocal conspiracy deniers are only too happy to become conspiracy theorists themselves when discussing their political enemies (like Putin or Assad or Putin or Xi or “anti-vaxxers” or Putin).

In this case, the theory posits that Putin and the Russkies have engaged in a social media campaign to plant a narrative that the Ukrainian government is preparing to target Russian-backed forces in eastern Ukraine. The plan would then unfold when Russian “operatives trained in urban warfare” (who, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki assures us, have already been deployed) “use explosives to carry out acts of sabotage against Russia’s own proxy forces.” Putin could then use the attacks as a pretext to invade Ukraine.

That’s one hell of a conspiracy theory, isn’t it? So what evidence is there to back it up? As you might have guessed, absolutely no evidence of any kind was presented during the briefing announcing this startling accusation. Don’t take my word for it. Read Psaki’s remarks for yourself and you’ll see that the entire story rests on her bald assertion that “we have information” that Russia is preparing to do this. Or, translated from the Globalese: “Take our word for it.”

But wait, it gets worse! Just weeks ago The New York Times was reporting that the US and Britain are helping the Ukrainian government to secure their cyber infrastructure against dastardly Russian hackers, and just days ago the Ukrainian ambassador to the US told CBS News that Ukraine was expecting cyberattacks to precede a full invasion. And now—wouldn’t you know it?—just as the EU is prepping large-scale exercises simulating Russian cyberattacks on Europe’s supply lines, someone has gone ahead and launched a cyberattack on the Ukrainian government!

So who is that “someone”? Oh, come on, there’s no time to collect evidence! We all know who it is! After all, cyberattacks against their enemies are a “tried and true part of the Russian playbook” according to good ol’ Victoria “F**k the EU” Nuland (aka Mrs. Robert Kagan), and who wouldn’t trust her?

Is it possible that things are playing out exactly as Psaki and Nuland assert? Could this really be a carefully staged Russian operation to prepare the way for an invasion of Ukraine? Of course it is possible. Let’s not be naïve here. Putin is an authoritarian who is putting Russia in lockstep with the Great Reset, and he is willing to stage terror attacks and assassinate his enemies in order to further his own political ambitions.

The same can be said for Xi and Assad and all of the other authoritarians who are held up in certain parts of the “alternative” media as the “resistance” to the NATO agenda. As I’ve articulated many times, the BRICS are a phony opposition, the “alternative” financial infrastructure that the anti-NATO crowd is setting up is not alternative at all, the economic and military rise of the Chinese has been deliberately engineered by the same financial interests that built up the American empire, the technocrats openly lust after the authoritarian powers of communist China and the Belt and Road promise is just debt diplomacy by another name.

But here’s something that seems to confuse even those who are clued in to the 3D reality behind the 2D chess game: geopolitical and even military conflict can still take place, even in a scenario where both enemies are just puppets of the same string-puller.

As I’ve laid out before, there is a very real sense in which we are already embroiled in World War III, and that is the War on You. The Powers That Shouldn’t Be are, as we know by now, willing and capable of doing anything it takes to maintain their power and increase the centralization of that power in the technocratic hands of the oligarchy. If that means an economic crash, don’t doubt for a moment that they’ll do it. If that means bringing down the world wide web (in order to replace it with a more controlled system), they’ll do that, too. And thermonuclear war? If it helps their agenda, it’s on the table.

This is the element of the global calculation that has been excluded from the equation the past two years and is likely to come back with a vengeance this year: geopolitical strife. Remember in 2019 when dueling drills and a world on fire with protest were portents of some major changes that were due to take place on the global chessboard? Well, those tectonic forces didn’t go away during the scamdemic; they were merely pushed under the surface for a while. But, like a beach ball pushed under water and then let go of, they’re surfacing once again.

Think of what we’ve seen just in the past month.

There’s the latest round of war talk over Ukraine.

There’s the unprecedented deployment of CSTO forces to Kazakhstan.

There’s the new hypersonic missile arms race, with China gloating about their latest version of the “wonder weapon” and North Korea testing their own batch and the US’ own AGM-183A failing its third test . . . which is just an excuse for the Navy to increase its weapons development and procurement budget, of course.

Australia and Japan are signing security pacts as tensions grow between US and China in East Asia. Meanwhile, geopolitical experts are warning US policy planners against waging a two-front cold war (just pick an enemy and stick with it, please!).

Oh, and does anybody remember Afghanistan? Or Iraq? Or Syria? It seems there’s still stuff happening in those places, too.

Yes, today’s world is a tinderbox searching for a spark, and the scamdemic with its convenient narratives of “the Chinese virus” and “our forces are ravaged by COVID!” (or is that “our forces are ravaged by COVID mandates“?) is just more fuel for the fire.

Both “teams” on the global chessboard are stage-managed by the same group of 3D chess players, of course, but that doesn’t mean that real wars won’t break out between “Team NATO” and “Team CSTO” (or whomever). The WWI Conspiracy led to WWI, after all, so what do you think the WWIII Conspiracy will lead to? I hope we don’t find out this year, but I have a feeling we’re going to be hearing more about geopolitics in 2022 than we have in a long time.

Recommended Listening and Viewing

Recommended Reading

Bill Gates Calls For Governments To Censor Social Media And Celebrates ‘The New Normal’

Arctic Ocean Warming Began Already In Early 20th Century, Meaning Natural Factors Strongly At Play, Not CO2

Pandemics or Poisoning? Part One / Part Two

Recommended Listening

Luca Anceschi: Kazakhstan Will Move Closer to Russia & Eurasian Integration

Recommended Viewing

Brainwashing and Mind Control – Canada and the CIA

How to Combat Mass Formation Psychosis

Slow Your Scroll | Fire from the Sky | Grove in the Grove 2022-01-15

Just For Fun

If the Moon Were Only 1 Pixel


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  1. Oh, and does anybody remember… Palestine?… Haiti…? Yemen…?

  2. Here’s another good Tony Heller report:


    I’m vaguely wondering if the probable fact that Arctic warming has been going on much longer than previously admitted

    could mean some very sudden drop in temperatures in some parts of the world and copious rain …

    can’t remember at the moment what I read that gave me that idea…

    • I think it was Jared diamond’s book “collapse” where, discussing the fall of the Greenland Vikings he went over the coolings and warmings that have cycled thru the artic….as recall the Inuit eskimos are the 3red or 4th people to leave cultures. People move in when it warms and then die off when theyI get the minI ice age style cold periods such as finished off the Greenland Vikings.

  3. Space travel (on screens) is so much fun! Awesome pre-hamsterwheel moon-as-single-pixel trip!! Full moon tomorrow! Cats can feel it judging by the enhanced nature of their wildly playful behavior since last night. Perspective is everything! Big and small are relative! So are a lot and a little. With my mind spinning trying to understand the exact nature of a false-flag false flag, I must now attempt to look civilized for more predictable screen-based activities!

    ps: predictable for me, not for my students, I think. Perspective is everything. And reverse psychology can be very powerful…

  4. So… this is happening right now: https://www.weforum.org/events/the-davos-agenda-2022 “Technology Cooperation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution” (just a stumble I thought I’d mention – these mad-leaders just can’t stop, it seems).
    They seem really frustrated about the cost of covering the entire globe with satellites, but quite satisfied with the acceleration of the use of “mobile & digital networks” over the past 2 years etc.

  5. Andrea Widburg writes a wonderful article with a 2 1/2 minute video.
    She’s spot-on about this…

    Must-see video: In the Dutch Parliament, speaking truth to power

    …In the midst of this upheaval, a young man named Gideon van Meijeren was recently elected to the Dutch Parliament. It’s very likely that his candidacy reflects Dutch citizens’ increasing disgust with the government’s endless extensions of its newly acquired COVID power over the people.

    A video is circulating showing van Meijeren, during his first official appearance in Parliament, asking Prime Minister Rutte a question. It’s a brilliant video because van Meijeren sticks to his guns as the Prime Minister sneers at him and at all those who are no longer on board with the world establishments’ COVID narrative. You will witness one of the great moments of someone truly speaking truth to power. Also, for an added smile, be sure to keep your eyes on the young woman sitting behind van Meijeren:….

  6. How fascinating this Mercury retro!! How fascinating to open this from some kind of urge in the middle of deep thoughts about …OUR HEARTS.

    So I take courage from seeing the heart referred to in the first para. here.

    I was thinking…not for the first time…they are clearly going after the hearts.
    The heart symbols the pedos use.
    London ,in recent years, “erected”..love that word…and large statuary heart erection ( I suppose..)in the city.
    I think about how much this tripled Saturn passage I’m in has hurt my heart.
    I think of ” A nation is not conquered until their women’s hearts are on the ground. ”
    I think of “Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee.”

    I don’t have to think of all the heartlessness is this machine/mind ruled death culture, it’s all around me, it thinks itself.
    I think of my song, “No Exit”:

    “You better get back to your soul now daddy ’cause it ain’t gonna wait for you
    You’re gonna be hanging on like a baby child
    And you won’t know what to do.
    You better get into your heart now honey
    It’s the only home you have.

    We gotta all face the rain, we gotta all feel the pain
    Of everyone we ever treated bad. ”

    That’s my offering this morning. Blessed Be.

  7. Thank you for all these links, James Corbett.

    When you put the whole pic together as you did here, your sense of humor sharpens. I had a lot of laughs reading it.

    The Chinese are “bragging about their ‘wonder weapon'” ?

    Uh-Hmmm. This makes me laugh also, and recalls that great meme from November in which Binger is pictured asking Rittenhouse:

    “So when the lazer guided nuclear hollow tip splody thing goes BOOM inside of an animal, is this when you did the racism? ”

    The jokes just keep writing themselves.
    Anyone else here fond of Dr. Seuss’ awesome story “The Big Brag? ”

    One of my faves.

  8. The Jewish isreal lobby would be rather stupid to start a hot war…. Israel is in a remarkably weak position as the US ability to deal wrath wanes.

    That’s not the only Jewish power bloc though

    • Wanes? The empire is on the decline, but it could last for another few hundred years, easy.

      • Mkey
        Not likely at this rate… the US is in the same position as the USSR was of trying to be a super power while having a 2nd or 3rd rate economy.

        The USA has had carefully stoked racial tensions growing for a while now and the very idea of being ‘American’ is no longer widely held. You can not expect such people to sacrifice and die at the same rate as the American of 1970 or even 2001.

        No, the only way the USA could remain an empire ,on the scale of now, is by adopting literal national socialism which is not really very likely since the oligarchy has detached itself socially from the country and believes itself economically detached to. The removal of the USA clears the way for smaller banker whipped states

    • The Jews are a massive power block but it’s silly to imagine that they run everything. The Jzionist jews only got to run the US foreign policy when after the other power blocs got old.

      The Japanese hit the Pacific rather then the USSR in ww2 because of a power struggle between the Navy and the Army that the navy won. Same thing still happening today

  9. Seems more and more covid injeccidants being chalked up to covid:

    “…the Panthers of Gabon were again without Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang and Mario Lemina against Ghana (1-1) this Friday night. According to the medical committee of CAF, the two players along with Axel Meyé “have heart damage, and the CAF did not want to take risks,” said the Gabonese federation in a statement…

    …So what is Jamy? These heart injuries are found in more than half of covid-19 patients, according to a study conducted at University College London. These injuries can be characterized by inflammation of the heart muscle or myocarditis, scarring of the heart tissue or infarction, or restriction of blood supply to the heart, or ischemia. With four units in two games, Gabon needs only one point against Morocco next Tuesday to qualify for the next round. The length of unavailability of their stars has not yet been disclosed.



    • always athletes
      always one athlete
      always on the field or court
      usually while exerting the body
      (I saw one was a basketball referee)

      could they have enough graphene accumulated so as to get a ping from a “tower”, so ID’d which then could be targeted by 5g system, which can do the heart attack frequency or the non O2 binding to platlet, or the seisure frequency, or the phase array interference with the very atomic structure,,,?

      The rate and locality of “infection” or radiation and likely other, that have different patterns,, &different groups of symptoms makes the germ theory look like its definately not the only game in town. makes me imagine that many forms of assault are being employed.

  10. I find the incongruity between the third recommended viewing suggestion and the Just for fun thing unusually cruel. Now, back to my scroll…


  11. 2022 is the Year of the Broc West Cricketmania Content.

  12. its an aussie expression: “yeah nah”

    “We pessimists always point out, consistently and accurately, that the Universe is 99.9999999999999999999958% empty…”

    aso, I’m curious about what exactly it is that a persistant pesimist points at? I mean, if its as you claim “empty”, there doesnt seem as though there could be anything to mention or point to at nor out. (spoiler: zero’s dont exist, none have been isolated, nor does nothing). which kind of leaves us hanging.

    dont worry, say the monks in maroon, “formless form”, she’s a tippy canoe, yet will-can float us up the proverbial creek, to the spring source, where the onceler once stood, but now all that remains are these words that fade before they finish, perhaps someone clever like you will come along and fill the rest in for us?

    “g te gate
    para g
    p a s m g te
    bo hi swva a”

  13. I might be laughing a little too much about the turning frogs into Russians meme…. I blame the wine I just drank.

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