You’ve got to hand it to the globalists: they know how to take advantage of our better instincts. They have designed an entire international institutional infrastructure around the issues that the average non-psychopath cares about (or at least pretends to): helping the poor and the downtrodden, caring for children, ending inequities, taking care of the planet, etc.
This is why Antonio Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, just released his report on “Our Common Agenda,” which purports to provide a road map for “rebuilding our world and mending the trust in one another we need so desperately at this moment in history.” Not because he actually cares about saving the world, of course, but because he knows that we do and that many people can be persuaded to “make sacrifices”—up to and including relinquishing their personal sovereignty, as this report ultimately calls for—for the “greater good.”
And, as viewers of this week’s New World Next Week will know, this is why the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and a gaggle of their Big Agra cronies are teaming up in a billion-dollar alliance to “elevate the single coordinated African voice” in a United Nations summit on food security in Africa. Not because they care about feeding starving African children or raising up poor African farmers, but because they know that we do.
Specifically, the Gates-Rockefeller-Big Ag monstrosity known as the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and their associated fundraising vehicle, the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) is seeking to “elevate the single coordinated African voice” at the UN Food Systems Summit in New York this week. But, as the Alliance for Food Safety in Africa (AFSA) and literally dozens of other groups are pointing out, the AGRA-promoted approach to farming—monocultural commodity production heavily reliant on chemical inputs—is great for the big agribusiness corporations who make up the AGRA alliance but terrible for actual African farmers, not to mention terrible for long-term soil fertility and human development.
This imbalance is not by accident. In fact, the entire premise behind the “green revolution” from which AGRA and AGRF derive their name is that Big Ag is the saviour of the world and the only way to provide food security for the masses. This is a lie, of course, but it’s one that plays nicely on our compassion. After all, who wants to see African farmers living in poverty and African children starving?
But in order to better understand the scam that is being perpetrated on the people of Africa (and the people of the world), we need to look beyond this billion-dollar corporate alliance to discover the sordid history of the “green revolution” itself. As usual, the real history of this event is completely opposite to the history you will read about it in the mainstream textbooks.
Do you want to know the real history of the so-called “green revolution?” Then you won’t want to miss this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber . You can read the free version of this editorial via the link below or you can sign up for a Corbett Report membership to support the independent media (and see this month’s subscriber-only video, too).
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Nothing Particularly Important – Subscriber Exclusive #104 This month’s subscriber video is nothing much. No, probably best that you just move along. No need to watch. (But if you do decide to watch, you can either view it in the player above or download the file directly.) |
As you’ll know from my recent update video, I’ll be teaching a course for Renegade University this November. The course will be livestreaming on Monday nights (US/Canada time) and if you sign up for the course you will be able to watch live or watch the recorded lectures later. The general public will be able to sign up for 3 Renegade University credits, but Corbett Report subscribers can sign up for 2 course credits using THIS LINK. Please let me know if you have any problems signing up.
The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 11 issue 25 (September 19, 2021)
![]() by James Corbett You’ve got to hand it to the globalists: they know how to take advantage of our better instincts. They have designed an entire international institutional infrastructure around the issues that the average non-psychopath cares about (or at least pretends to): helping the poor and the downtrodden, caring for children, ending inequities, taking care of the planet, etc. This is why Antonio Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, just released his report on “Our Common Agenda,” which purports to provide a road map for “rebuilding our world and mending the trust in one another we need so desperately at this moment in history.” Not because he actually cares about saving the world, of course, but because he knows that we do and that many people can be persuaded to “make sacrifices”—up to and including relinquishing their personal sovereignty, as this report ultimately calls for—for the “greater good.” And, as viewers of this week’s New World Next Week will know, this is why the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation and a gaggle of their Big Agra cronies are teaming up in a billion-dollar alliance to “elevate the single coordinated African voice” in a United Nations summit on food security in Africa. Not because they care about feeding starving African children or raising up poor African farmers, but because they know that we do. Specifically, the Gates-Rockefeller-Big Ag monstrosity known as the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and their associated fundraising vehicle, the African Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) is seeking to “elevate the single coordinated African voice” at the UN Food Systems Summit in New York this week. But, as the Alliance for Food Safety in Africa (AFSA) and literally dozens of other groups are pointing out, the AGRA-promoted approach to farming—monocultural commodity production heavily reliant on chemical inputs—is great for the big agribusiness corporations who make up the AGRA alliance but terrible for actual African farmers, not to mention terrible for long-term soil fertility and human development. This imbalance is not by accident. In fact, the entire premise behind the “green revolution” from which AGRA and AGRF derive their name is that Big Ag is the saviour of the world and the only way to provide food security for the masses. This is a lie, of course, but it’s one that plays nicely on our compassion. After all, who wants to see African farmers living in poverty and African children starving? But in order to better understand the scam that is being perpetrated on the people of Africa (and the people of the world), we need to look beyond this billion-dollar corporate alliance to discover the sordid history of the “green revolution” itself. As usual, the real history of this event is completely opposite to the history you will read about it in the mainstream textbooks. First, AGRA and AGRF. The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa is, according to their own website, “an alliance led by Africans with roots in farming communities across the continent.” This claim, however, is immediately disproven by their “partners” list, which includes a number of multi-national Big Ag corporations, like Bayer, Syngenta, John Deere and . . . Microsoft? As those who know what the “green revolution” was really about will have already guessed, AGRA claims to “bring together the goods and services necessary for rapid agricultural development” through “a combination of funding, technical input, coaching and convening,” but it is actually primarily interested in monopolizing and dominating the agricultural market in Africa. The Big Ag Alliance, which began nearly two decades ago, has, unsurprisingly, functioned for years under the stewardship of various Gates and Rockefeller-connected leaders in an explicitly Gates and Rockefeller-driven agenda to introduce “green revolution” technologies to Africa. Its “flagship initative,” the Program for Africa’s Seed Systems (PASS), was designed and led by Joseph DeVries, a former Rockefeller Foundation employee. What’s more, AGRA President Agnes Kalibata’s chief of staff, Adam Gerstenmeier, was previously chief of staff to Bill Gates himself. The African Green Revolution Forum, meanwhile, is an annual fundraising event put together by the billion-dollar chemical company Yara International. According to their own About page, the “African” forum didn’t even start in Africa but in Norway. The group had to be persuaded to move to Africa and “take an African identity.”
AGRF partners include (predictably enough) a cadre of multinational corporations like MasterCard, Bayer and Syngenta and corporate “philanthropic” foundations like the Rockefeller Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Based on these players alone, it isn’t hard to see why actual African farmers and African NGOs are so upset about AGRF claiming to “elevate the single coordinated African voice” by speaking in their name at the upcoming UN Food Systems Summit. But as bad as all of this seems at first glance, it’s much worse upon closer inspection. That’s because AGRA and AGRF did not spring out of thin air. They are the end result of nearly a century of coordinated efforts to transform the nature of agriculture itself into a business enterprise dominated by an oligopoly of multinational corporations. That agenda has been sold to the public as a “green revolution” but the only thing green about it are the dollars lining the pockets of the billionaire CEOs who are taking advantage of the public’s sympathy for poor farmers and starving families. The official history of the so-called “green revolution” typically notes that this “revolution” was the result of technology transfers to the Third World that allowed developing countries to enjoy the fruits of modern agrichemical products and practices. This technology—so the story goes—greatly increased agricultural productivity around the world, thus helping to feed billions. This greenwashed story usually focuses on the work of Norman Borlaug, an American scientist often credited with “saving a billion lives” for his experiments with disease-resistant, high-yield varieties of wheat in Mexico in the 1940s. However, the real history of the “green revolution” is, in contrast to this feel-good story of cooperation and philanthropy, much darker. And, unsurprisingly, that story leads us back to the Rockefellers. Specifically, in 1940, US Vice President Henry A. Wallace, fresh off a tour of Mexico, approached the Rockefeller Foundation with the <sarc>remarkable insight</sarc> that “if the yield per acre in corn and beans could be increased, it would have a greater effect on the national life of Mexico than anything that could be done.” The Rockefellers, knowing a business opportunity when they saw it, took up the cause. Predictably enough, though, the Rockefeller family approached the problem of food production in the developing world in the exact same way they had approached the problem of oil production in the late 19th century: by turning it into a business and monopolizing the market for the product. And, just as they had consolidated the oil industry into Big Oil and consolidated allopathic medicine into Big Pharma, they now set about consolidating the developing world’s agricultural industry into Big Ag. Mexico was to be the test bed for this business strategy. As the Los Angeles Times reported in 1995, Nelson Rockefeller set up the Mexican American Development Corp. in the 1940s and then used his family’s bank, the Chase National Bank—then under the stewardship of Winthrop Aldrich, the Rockefeller brothers’ uncle, and soon thereafter under the stewardship of David Rockefeller himself—to set up Chase Bank’s Latin American division in the country. F. William Engdahl writes in his comprehensive overview of the green revolution and the gene revolution, Seeds of Destruction, that one important motive for the Rockefeller brothers’ moves was to “regain a foothold in Mexico through the guise of helping to solve the country’s food problems.” With their business ducks in a row, they were ready to get down to the corporate “philanthropy” that had increased the family’s fortune—not to mention reputation—ever since John D. Rockefeller, Sr. had plowed his oil money into the establishment of the Rockefeller Foundation. In this case, the Rockefellers established the Mexican Agricultural Program (MAC), headed by George Harrar, who would go on to become the president of the Rockefeller Foundation. It was from MAC that Norman Borlaug and the fabled green revolution were to emerge. The story of the green revolution continued in Brazil, where another of the Rockefeller’s seemingly infinite corporate extensions was hard at work transforming that nation’s agricultural industry. This time the culprit was the International Basic Economy Corporation (IBEC), set up by Nelson Rockefeller in 1947. According to the Rockefeller Archive Center:
But the real insight into what IBEC (and the “green revolution” in general) was actually about comes from Lester Brown, another beneficiary of Rockefeller largesse: his Worldwatch Institute was founded in 1974 with the aid of a $500,000 grant from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. As Brown admitted in his 1969 book on the subject, Seeds of Change:
This is the basis of the so-called green revolution: multinational corporations finding a profit motive for “developing” the agricultural sector of Third World countries by selling them fertilizers, chemicals and capital-intensive technology. It’s no surprise to learn that the very term “agribusiness” emerged from the Harvard Business School out of research conducted by Wassily Leontief under a Rockefeller Foundation grant. It is also no surprise, then, that the Gates Foundation picked up where the Rockefeller Foundation left off in the world of agricultural “philanthropy.” As viewers of my Who Is Bill Gates? documentary will remember, Bill Gates, Sr. admitted in his 2009 book, Showing Up for Life, to basing the Gates’ philanthrocapitalistic efforts on the Rockefeller Foundation’s model. But here again we can be misled by our own good intentions. We might buy into the (PR-constructed) myth of “philanthropy” with which the would-be monopolists disguise their true agenda. “Well,” we might argue, “if agribusiness actually increases food production in these countries, what’s the harm in that? Some starving people get fed and some corporations make a profit. Win win!” But, of course, this is another lie. It always has been. It’s been pointed out many times before, in many different contexts, but it is pointed out quite forcefully by the AFSA in their press release on AGRA and the upcoming Food Systems Summit:
The green revolution was a fraud. It sold entire nations into debt slavery to multinational corporations and didn’t even lead to food security. On the contrary, it has led to increased poverty and malnutrition in the service of the production of monocultural cash crops for exports to foreign companies. The entire process is a sham from top to bottom. Sadly, the billions that are sloshed around by the multinationals in their alliances and fora are enough to buy off much of the opposition. Even so, there is still an incredible amount of opposition to the green revolution agenda and many, many authentic organizations that are protesting and boycotting its rollout. However, their voices are given short shrift in the mass media that has long since been bought and paid for by the same Big Ag companies and “philanthropic” foundations that are driving this agenda. It is up to us to spread the word about these voices of dissent. Our instincts are correct. We should care about poverty. We should desire food security for all. We should want poor farmers in Africa and everywhere else around the world to thrive. But we should not fall for the propaganda that tells us that the only way to achieve these things is by supporting Big Ag and their cronies. |
Recommended Listening and Viewing
Recommended ReadingThousands Gather At “Freedom Rally” In New York City To Oppose Vaccine Passport Man in custody after police raid alternative community meeting The Commission by Philip Shenon Recommended ListeningMedical Apartheid with Kevin Jenkins Recommended ViewingHospital system reports nearly half its staff hasn’t gotten Covid vaccine DIGITAL CURRENCY (h/t mkey) How “William Shakespeare” Never Did Exist (h/t sjb) Just For Fun |
Can we Order T-shirts at the New World Order?
We could setup an international distribution system
in many different countries.
The New World distribution network?
Many can print their own CD’s / USB-sticks or
even print posters or T-shirts.
We can even distribute other (legal) freedom related goods.
(Seeds for gardening?)
Later we may add our own international banking 😛
Sounds like the first step of a thousand mile journey.
There was something similar to this African Food Scam that took place in Ireland around 1850. It was known as the “Potato Famine”. In that time of Starvation of the Irish People, the English Landlords exported Potatoes for profit.
Indeed, as Tomas Jefferson pointed out; If you allow private Bankers to take control of the Monetary System, they, and the Corporations that grow up around them, will steal the land from under your feet. (I paraphrased it a bit, eh)
The reality is that Corporations are fictional entities with no soul and they exist to make a profit while doing the bidding for the Banksters.
A little more knowledge is useful here. The “potato famine” was engineered to alleviate the over production of grains in the mainland British Island which was in turn created by the work of one Jethro Tull in the 17th century. He spent his life developing the seed drill to replace the very inefficient hand sowing of seed that had existed for millennia. The resulting over production caused farmers in Britain to lobby their parliament for protection and so the Corn Laws were passed. These prevented many people (including the Irish) from growing grains of any kind and meant that the Irish were overdependent on one food source and when a new disease arose in potatoes they had nothing to fall back on.
Corbett’s article The Gates/Rockefeller “Green Revolution” Scam Exposed was an extremely fascinating read for me. I think that he did a superb job of condensing a long story which could fill volumes.
Professors who teach Ag classes in the Universities should make this article required reading. I’ve taken college Ag classes in the past, and this article might harmonize very well with some of the faculty during this weird era of “2020 proper-think”.
This might be a good dissemination piece for Universities that teach Ag. …or those college classes which talk about Africa.
During this Covid era, most of the media attention is on topics other than Big Ag. I had no attention on the topic of Big Ag and Africa until it was mentioned in the recent New World Next Week.
Interview 1660 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
Corbett gives a good close to the article:
“…It is up to us to spread the word about these voices of dissent.
Our instincts are correct. We should care about poverty. We should desire food security for all. We should want poor farmers in Africa and everywhere else around the world to thrive. But we should not fall for the propaganda that tells us that the only way to achieve these things is by supporting Big Ag and their cronies.”
Big Ag – Fluoride and Petroleum/Natural Gas
Most of us know that the toxic, corrosive, hazardous waste from the phosphate mining industry is deliberately added into the drinking water of many municipalities. Water fluoridation.
In the U.S. each year, well over 20 million tons of phosphate rock are mined with huge ‘lakes’ of hazardous waste becoming a byproduct of that mining industry.
Worldwide, more than 85 percent of the phosphate rock mined is used to manufacture phosphate fertilizers. The remaining 15 percent is used to make elemental phosphorus and animal feed supplements, or is applied directly to soils. Elemental phosphorus is used to manufacture a wide range of chemical compounds.
For those who don’t know, Natural Gas and/or Petroleum are used to make Big Ag’s synthetic fertilizers.
Natural Gas prices have skyrocketed this year. In 2021, Natural Gas prices have gone up more than 100%. In other words, prices have doubled (or more, depending upon your region.)
Major UK Fertilizer Plants Shuttered Due To Skyrocketing Natural Gas Prices
This is something which I wasn’t aware of regarding the use of natural gas… (it’s CO2 byproduct)
UK Gas Crisis Stuns Poultry Slaughterhouses, May Trigger Higher Chicken Prices
Evidently, this is also used on other types of livestock besides poultry.
Same has happened in Eastern Europe. EU law allows rich foreign eu farmers to buy land for pennies, then abuse it, monocrop and fertilise till there is nothing left. Latvia (where I am from) used to be a fairly self sufficient country which relied a lot on its farmers, most the food was sold and processes in the country. Now everything is owned by big foreign companies, food is expensive and full of chemicals. The countryside is ruined, not even any bugs left. It’s really sad. Time to take our countries back!!
Monday September 20, 2021 – Yahoo News
‘We will be back on the streets’: Greta Thunberg urges fellow youth activists to take part in global climate strike
(Video of Greta speaking in article)
Days ahead of what they are calling a “global climate strike,” prominent youth activists including Greta Thunberg urged young people to join them on Friday in demanding world leaders take action to tackle the climate crisis.
“Time and time again, the leaders today show that they do not care about the future — at least it doesn’t seem like it,” Thunberg, 18, said in a video conference call from her home in Stockholm. “They say that they listen to us young people, but they are obviously not. They have proven that now again. And that’s why we will be back on the streets.”
The Sept. 24 event, organized by Thunberg’s Fridays for Future, hopes to incorporate thousands of climate rallies in cities around the world.
The goal, she said, is to show that the climate crisis has not waned during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
“It has been a very strange year and a half because of the pandemic, but of course our climate crisis has not disappeared,” she said. “It’s even more urgent now than it was before.”
Thunberg cited a recent U.N. report projecting that by 2030, the world’s greenhouse gas emissions will have risen by 16 percent compared with 2010 levels.
She added: “We will still be back on the streets to show that we haven’t disappeared, that we are still demanding climate action and climate justice.”…
…Her remarks come on the eve of the United Nations General Assembly meeting, which begins Tuesday in New York City, and ahead of the U.N. Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, in November….
Monday September 20th – Yahoo News (by the Senior Climate Editor) <—?!@?!
‘High risk of failure’ at critical Glasgow climate change conference, U.N. secretary-general warns
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres warned on Monday that “unless we collectively change course, there is a high risk of failure” at the much-anticipated U.N. Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, scheduled in early November.
Speaking to reporters at U.N. headquarters in New York City after a closed-door meeting of national leaders to discuss climate policy, Guterres noted that the pledges of individual nations remain far less ambitious than what is needed to meet the goals laid out in the last major climate negotiations, in Paris in 2015.
“Based on the present commitments of member states, the world is on a catastrophic pathway to 2.7 degrees [Celsius] of heating, instead of 1.5 we all agreed should be the limit,” Guterres said. “To limit temperature rise to 1.5 degrees, we need a 45 percent cut in emissions by 2030 so we can reach carbon neutrality by midcentury. Instead, the commitments made until now by countries imply an increase of 16 percent in greenhouse gas emissions — not a decrease of 45 percent — an increase of 16 percent in greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 compared to 2010 levels.”
This gap, as well as a shortfall in climate aid to developing nations from rich countries, means that the outcome in Glasgow may fall far short of an agreement with the strength and ambition to set the world on a course to avert devastating climate change, Guterres said…
…This is a pivotal week for climate policy, as the high-ranking government ministers and heads of state are meeting in New York for the U.N. General Assembly. Guterres also pointed to the meeting of the G-20 in Rome in October as a crucial inflection point, because the countries belonging to that group of economic powers are responsible for 80 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions and they have not completely filled the $100 billion climate fund that was promised in Paris….
… Last week, a group of progressive Democrats introduced a bill that seeks to ban U.S. banks from funding fossil fuel projects from 2030 onwards. Called the Fossil Free Finance Act, the legislation would mandate the Federal Reserve to require all banks with more than $50 billion in assets and all non-bank systemically important financial institutions to reduce their financing of polluting industries by 50 percent by 2030 and by 100 percent by 2050. Fossil fuel financing, under the bill, should end by 2030….
Washington’s Attack On Oil And Gas May Backfire
By Irina Slav – Sep 20, 2021, 3:00 PM CDT – OILPRICE.COM
… Last week, the House Oversight Committee wrote to the executives of the biggest oil companies operating in the United States along with the American Petroleum Institute and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to inform them that it is now investigating these companies for disinformation on climate change. The letter also called on the executives to appear in Congress next month to testify on the issue….
September 21st (Tuesday) – White House Channel
President Biden Delivers Remarks Before the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly
Blah blah blah …snore…(wake-up for ice cream)…blah blah blah…
…In April, I announced the United States will double our public international financing to help developing nations tackle the climate crisis. And today, I’m proud to announce that we’ll work with the Congress to double that number again, including for adaptation efforts.
This will make the United States a leader in public climate finance. And with our added support, together with increased private capital and other — from other donors, we’ll be able to meet the goal of mobilizing $100 billion to support climate action in developing nations…
…That’s the idea behind the Build Back Better World….
September 24th, 2021 – Yahoo News
Greta Thunberg mocks Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ climate plan
[Short Greta Video]
Speaking at a climate rally in Berlin on Friday, Greta Thunberg mocked President Biden’s attempt to address climate change through his “Build Back Better” agenda.
“As we move out of the pandemic, many are talking about using this as an opportunity for a green sustainable recovery, whatever that means,” the 18-year-old Swedish activist said. “And world leaders are talking about ‘building back better,’ promising green investments and setting vague and distant climate targets in order to say that they are taking climate action.”..
…In his speech, Biden touted his “Build Back Better” agenda…
…Thunberg was unmoved.
“When you look at what we are actually investing the money in — the money that is supposed to be building back better — it shows the hypocrisy of our leaders,” she said…
…“The fact that we are in a crisis that we cannot build, buy or invest or way out of seems to create some kind of collective mental short-circuit among the people in power,” Thunberg said. “And the longer they pretend that we can solve the climate crisis within today’s system, the more invaluable time we will lose.”
Her criticism of international leaders comes weeks ahead of the upcoming U.N. Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, where those same leaders, including Biden, will convene to “accelerate action” in the fight against climate change.
Thunberg has yet to say whether she will attend.[END]
I expect her to vane in near future, just like any other child actor as they reach certain age.
September 26 – This is a pretty good, short article by Tsvetana Paraskova at OILPRICE.COM
Europe Must Act To Avert An Energy Crisis This Winter
[Also EMBEDDED in the article is a 2 minute video worth viewing. Vitol (the largest independent oil trading group) is investing in Green Energy projects.]
Gasflation – Sunday September 26, 2021
[This is a very long detailed article on natural gas. It may not interest most people, but does provide some insights.]
Monday September 27th, 2021 – Natural Gas prices have climbed more than 11% . That is a rocket climb in price. For the month, NatGas prices have risen more than 30%.
At the same time, inventories in Europe are at historically low levels for this time of year. In China, imports are almost the double from last year’s levels and in Brazil, imports are also near record levels as the country faces its worst drought in 91 years, hurting hydropower output.
It should be noted that the U.S. has an incredible amount of NatGas in storage. Same is true for propane. They are stored in salt domes near the Gulf Coast of Texas and Louisiana. The amount stored is so large that it is kind of silly to think of a shortage in the U.S. However, distribution is always an issue.
The Energy Crisis Is Sending Oil, Gas, And Coal Prices Soaring
By Tsvetana Paraskova – Sep 27, 2021, 7:00 PM CDT
Are Carbon Taxes To Blame For Europe’s Energy Crisis?
By Irina Slav – Sep 27, 2021, 4:00 PM CDT
~~ Europe’s energy crisis was, in part, caused by the desire of governments to make fossil fuels ‘prohibitively expensive’
~~ The common claim that energy can be clean, reliable, and cheap has fallen flat, teaching policymakers a painful lesson
~~ The harsh reality about carbon taxes is that they increase the cost of living and likely reduce quality of life…
…The fact is, Europe has been producing a lot less gas of its own in its drive to ‘go green’. It has made sure nobody really wants to produce gas because carbon taxes make fossil fuel production a lot more expensive. And there are more of these taxes coming, taxes which will only exacerbate this problem.
All Hell Is Breaking Loose In Energy Markets
Bigger shock than the 1970’s – IMAGE
Monday 9/27/2021
Millions Of Chinese Residents Lose Power After Widespread, “Unexpected” Blackouts; Power Company Warns This Is “New Normal”
Gazprom: We’re Not Withholding Gas To Europe
By Charles Kennedy – Sep 24, 2021, 11:00 AM CDT
Gazprom’s exports to European countries rose by 23.2 percent between January and July, Komlev added.
50-Fold Jump In Power Rates Hits UK Metal, Mining Sector
By Tsvetana Paraskova – Sep 24, 2021, 1:30 PM CDT
September 10th
UPDATE 4-Russia completes Nord Stream 2 construction, gas flows yet to start
* Germany is yet to certify Nord Stream 2 pipeline
Illinois becomes 1st Midwestern state to pass a law to phase out fossil fuels
…signed a landmark law this month that will transition the state to 100 percent clean energy by 2045, with benchmarks along the way….
Tuesday Sept 28th
European Gas Prices Hit Escape Velocity After Russian Gas Supplies Plunge By 57% Overnight
a sudden drop off in Russian nat gas deliveries via the Yamal-Europe pipeline that runs across Belarus and Poland to Mallnow, Germany…. [See MAP]
Tuesday Sept 28
Russia & Belarus Issue Joint “Red Line” Warning Alleging NATO Base Expansion Into Ukraine
Fresh off major joint war games two weeks ago, Russia and Belarus are now issuing parallel statements warning Ukraine against pursuing a path to NATO membership or hosting NATO forces and bases, agreeing that for both countries it would be a “red line”. Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin just met in a summit in Sochi.
First, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko alleged the United States has established training centers across Ukraine that are tantamount to full military bases. He indicated this was focus of direct discussions with Putin at the Sochi meeting.
“It’s clear we need to react to this…(We) agreed that we need to take some kind of measures in response,” Lukashenko said according to RIA news agency. Crucially, the recent ‘Zapad-2021’ exercises this month saw Russian and Belarus troops focus the war games on a scenario of expelling a NATO invasion.
Lukashenko’s words prompted follow-up by the Kremlin on Monday, which confirmed that Putin agrees that any NATO expansion of military infrastructure inside Ukraine would indeed be a “red line” – as Reuters relates of the strong statements:
The Kremlin warned on Monday that any expansion of NATO military infrastructure in Ukraine would cross one of President Vladimir Putin’s “red lines”, and Belarus said it had agreed to take action with Moscow to counter growing NATO activity.
International reporters specifically asked Russian officials about Lukashenko’s threat of joint “action”, to which the Kremlin responded: “These are actions that ensure the security of the two of our states.”
September 27th
China Issues Rare, Strongly-Worded Defense Of Russia Over US “Bullying” Sanctions
…China’s Foreign Ministry on Monday stated it “strongly opposes” new sanctions on top Russian officials, saying US Congressional leaders are using human rights as a “pretext” for ensuring attempts at improving US-Russia relations fail. “The US hegemonic and bullying practices are rejected by Russia and China and will meet rejection and opposition from more and more countries,” the Monday statement said….
Tying in another earlier September
Tying in lists of stories
Mid-September 2021 – CLIMATE CHANGE News
Tying in a July 2021
SUB-THREAD – Natural Gas & POWER OUTAGES – Cash will be king.
The simple solutions are usually the best in many situations. Food Forests instead of monoculture. As mentioned by others, living in balance with the environment. Even to the point of recognizing that much of what we consider waste, isn’t. There is a lot of indoctrination to counteract.
But the virus is not going to allow solutions like that to take hold.
It is going to take a change of mindset in humanity about their expectations and their willingness to sacrifice. And to take responsibility for themselves in ways they probably wouldn’t consider today. Because of the virus.
It will take changing from a comfortable life of fondle slabs and social media and reliable supply chains to a life of hard, sometimes tedious, usually dirty but fulfilling work.
But the virus stands in the way of a simpler, actually sustainable world like that even if it isn’t already too late to realistically achieve it in today’s world.
Sometimes I worry that the virus has multiplied too much in my fellow humans and there is no hope.
Yes, I’m referring to the real virus. The virus of authoritarianism. Not the current distraction.
— Africa Business Anecdote – Alaffia Authentic African Black Soap
About 6 years ago or so, while working in the Vitamin Department at a health food grocery store (Sprouts), we had a new product line hit the shelves: ” African Black Soap” . At the very least, I thought that it had a catchy marketing sling to the product. I tried a bottle and liked it. I still use it (along with other types of soap.)
The founder of the company, Olowo-n’djo Tchala, was driving a bus across the country to different stores in order to help to promote the product. I was off the day that he came by the store, but my very good buddy and co-worker Paul got to spend time with Olowo-n’djo Tchala. Paul said that the founder was the real deal who seemed genuinely concerned.
When you explore the website, from product sourcing and manufacturing to the projects which support the people in Africa, it demonstrates an ethical standard of this particular business.
Alaffia talks about shipping used bicycles from the U.S. to Africa. I’m somewhat familiar with this type of activity. In fact, many used household and apparel items get shipped to Africa. A U.S. citizen would be amazed at the “recycling supply chain” of their donated used items. Apparel — From thrift stores to Mexico to rag companies with final leftovers going to Africa.
Details of LEFTOVERS –
SHIPPING in 2021
In this era, I suspect that it becomes unviable to ship a 40 foot container packed with used shoes and bikes to Africa.
”Two years ago, a 40-foot container cost less than $2,000 to transport goods from Asia to the U.S. Today the service fetches as much as $25,000 if an importer pays a premium for on-time delivery, which is a luxury. “
ha! I love the last line, LastHumanist.
The SupplyChain is a trainwreck (unless you are coming across the Texas border from Mexico illegally, then it easy shipping), and with the enormous fines on large companies who do not enforces vaccine mandates…there is no telling what kind of chaos will emerge as the labor shortage becomes further unhinged.
Energy and Utility prices have gone bonkers.
Cosco is short on toilet paper and thus is renting its own ships.
Container Ships Ports clogged, Railways, and Truckers
It makes me wonder if BigAg bears any responsibility to the “kill the boer” and “expropriation without compensation” campaigns in South Africa.
It is imperative that “what is the problem” and “what are potential solutions” are two separate conversations. One of their greatest tricks is to tie their ideal “solution” to the problem, thereby insinuating that anyone against the solution must be in favor of ignoring the problem.
ordered your CD last night James
everything went smoothly
kind of hesitated when I saw the cost of shipping
which you mentioned about 😉
got your notification this morning
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Hi Robert, we’re getting your order ready to be shipped. We will notify you when it has been sent.
will send you an update when I get a notification item has been shipped
then we’ll see how long it takes to get to Calgary SE
have a good day
yellowsnakes aka Robert ?? ☮️
13:23 received email James has mailed the DVD
now count the days till parcel arrives ? ?? ☮️
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If Mr. Kollerstrom’s lecture on Shakespeare (found in the “recommended viewing” section) is new to you and the subject captures your interest, it’s your lucky day, because you have a deep and complex rabbit hole opening before you. Mr. Kollerstrom is late to the party; his lack of mentioning sources and references is a little disconcerting. Though he offers a decent summary for the newbie to wade into it, at best it’s an introductory primer, and full of innocent questions that already have received satisfactory answers in other quarters. (The idea Kollerstrom mentions that the author might likely have been Catholic is totally bunk.)
The fallacy that the Man from Stratford was the author has long been known, and it has been asserted by many astute thinkers, not least of whom Sigmund Freud, Mark Twain (a guy who should know something about pseudonyms) and Walt Whitman. The question of who actually did write the works of Shakespeare has been pondered by a prolific community of scholars over the years, and these are almost never from within establishment institutions for whom the subject is taboo. (Discussing the authorship question is a lot like discussing the 9/11 question in any university department – tenure will surely be denied to you, if you ever even deign to bring it up.) And this community of indie scholars has debated all of the options and all of the permutations of the collection of authors who may have been involved.
The most likely scenario, incidentally, is that the works of Shakespeare were composed as a project by the leaders of Rosicrucian movement in the Court of Elizabeth: Edward deVere, Francis Bacon & John Dee were at the center of it, and a good many peripheral figures were clearly involved, most notably a fraternity of 12 play-writes that were patronized by deVere at the helm over a decade or so. The Queen herself seems to have been in on it as well.
Most recently, there’s been great – truly astounding – progress made by a few notable figures that really starts to unravel the mystery. In fact, the second decade of the 21st century will be recognized as the decade when the Shakespeare authorship mystery was effectively solved. While these are not the only people who’ve made good progress in this decade, the work of Alexander Waugh is excellent, and the work of Alan Green verges on sublime. (40 minutes into Kollerstrom, it’s becoming pretty clear that he is unaware of Waugh and Green.) <— Start with the earlier vids, and hold the BardCast vids till you've exhausted the others.
Alan Green's rigorous exercises in revealed cryptography display, astoundingly, well beyond a reasonable doubt, extremely powerful evidence that deVere was unambiguously the most central figure of the authorship, and that Dee was centrally and deeply involved in the staging of the hoax.
[SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words or less. Longer comments can be split into multiple posts. -JC]
From this editorial:
…the AGRA-promoted approach to farming—monocultural commodity production heavily reliant on chemical inputs—is great for the big agribusiness corporations who make up the AGRA alliance but terrible for actual African farmers, not to mention terrible for long-term soil fertility and human development.
This imbalance is not by accident. In fact, the entire premise behind the “green revolution” from which AGRA and AGRF derive their name is that Big Ag is the saviour of the world and the only way to provide food security for the masses. This is a lie, of course, but it’s one that plays nicely on our compassion.
In the Rockefeller Foundation document, Reset the Table – Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System, the foundation makes a quiet admission of the damage of their policies in the Green Revolution, and then proposes their new food-world-order solution to the problem they helped create.
The food system in this country is in many ways a marvel. Designed to address widespread malnutrition in the wake of the Great Depression, it met the needs of a desperate nation. Over decades, the system expanded and innovated in ways that made it possible to produce, transport, and distribute food to reach across America. An incredible variety of food is available year-round, and the system is generally safe from foodborne infection, especially considering its vastness and complexity.
And yet, the food system’s evolution also had consequences. The Green Revolution—which The Rockefeller Foundation played a role in seeding and scaling—was effective and successful in addressing calorie-based hunger and averting mass starvation. But it left a legacy that we see clearly today, including overemphasis of staple grains at the expense of more nutrient-rich foods, reliance on chemical fertilizers that deplete the soil, and overuse of water. The U.S. food system’s very specific kind of efficiency has also brought rigidity and costly impacts on human and environmental health—alongside high levels of wasted food.
More from Reset the Table document:
There is increased interest within the health care sector and among communities for greater integration of “food is medicine” interventions, such as medically tailored meals and produce prescriptions, with the aim to nourish people in order to strengthen us against disease, be it respiratory or metabolic.
Could the Foundation be imagining the idea of “food is medicine” as edible vaccines?
Another interesting quote:
The elevation of nutrition into care could include the coverage of healthy food by Medicaid/Medicare plans for those struggling with nutrition insecurity and the integration of nutrition security screening. Linking together our food system and our health system can save both lives and money, and better protect against future pandemics.
If vaccines are now being mandated by the government for the “health” of the populace, then particular diets or types of food could be mandated, or simply made available or unavailable at food-purchasing choke points (grocery stores, restaurants, convenience stores, or licensed farmer’s markets).
A further interesting piece of this document:
They explain one of their desired shifts of the food system is to “Reinvigorate regional systems as a part of a better-balanced, more sustainable, and more resilient nationwide food chain.” They explain that one of the “immediate actions” to achieve this shift is to “Direct the purchasing power of large institutions along a values-based (equitable, ethical, sustainable) supply chain by incentivizing, requiring, or otherwise enabling institutions’ food procurement to prioritize producers and suppliers that embody these values.”
In other words, mold and shape an ideological food system, one that is aligned with the mindsets of the Rockefellers and other gloablists. Shape the food system to artificially create the dominance of food companies that share their ideology and plan for the future of our food. Companies that don’t believe in and act on the gloablist buzz word (equitable, ethical, sustainable) ideas will be suppressed.
Cheers to all the organic yard farmers. Vandana Shiva is a great source of information on this scam in India.
Here, here! Thank you!