Banksters Celebrate Fiat’s 50th! . . . By Introducing CBDC Nightmare

by | Aug 30, 2021 | Newsletter | 35 comments

Happy Birthday, fiat currency!

What, you didn’t know that the fiat dollar is 50 years old this month? At least, according to the bankster class and their media lapdogs, it is. Observe:

On 15 August, the United States marked the 50th anniversary of the birth of fiat currency, or a currency that depends on faith in the Federal Reserve and not in the gold standard. Like most 50th anniversaries, this one shows the celebrant worse for wear.

That little gem comes from an article entitled (get this), “The US Fed Can Actually Boost Equality With a Digital Currency.”

Right off the bat, if the idea that the fiat dollar is indeed only 50 years old sets off your BS meter, then congratulations! Your BS meter is working. The actual story of the fiat dollar is a much longer and more complex one. The short version goes like this: the fiat dollar was not born in 1971. That was the year of the so-called “Nixon shock,” when President Nixon officially severed the gold/dollar link by closing the gold window and thus preventing foreign governments from knocking on the US Treasury’s door and asking it to convert their piles of dollars into stacks of gold. Even that story is a much longer and complex one (if you’re interested, enjoy some light bedtime reading on De Gaulle vs. the Dollar and The London Gold Pool), but the gist is that the Nixon shock was just the final nail in the gold-backed dollar’s coffin, not a magical moment in which the dollar suddenly became fiat.

Now, if only the worst piece of propaganda being flaunted by the propagandists right now were a misleading headline about the birth date of the fiat dollar, then I could just invite you to explore the links above and we could call it a day. But it’s not going to be that easy, is it? No, sadly, this article contains some much more dangerous propaganda: propaganda that touts not simply the “benefits” but the inevitability of the coming central bank digital currency (CBDC). And as you should all know by now, the central bank digital currency is the birth of the cashless society control grid that the independent media have been warning about for decades now.

So, let’s roll up our sleeves and deconstruct this propaganda, shall we?

Discover the truth about the push for central bank digital currencies in this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber. Then, stick around for this week’s recommended reading, viewing and listening.

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The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 11 issue 23 (August 29, 2021)

by James Corbett
August 28, 2021

Happy Birthday, fiat currency!

What, you didn’t know that the fiat dollar is 50 years old this month? At least, according to the bankster class and their media lapdogs, it is. Observe:

On 15 August, the United States marked the 50th anniversary of the birth of fiat currency, or a currency that depends on faith in the Federal Reserve and not in the gold standard. Like most 50th anniversaries, this one shows the celebrant worse for wear.

That little gem comes from an article entitled (get this), “The US Fed Can Actually Boost Equality With a Digital Currency.”

Right off the bat, if the idea that the fiat dollar is indeed only 50 years old sets off your BS meter, then congratulations! Your BS meter is working. The actual story of the fiat dollar is a much longer and more complex one. The short version goes like this: the fiat dollar was not born in 1971. That was the year of the so-called “Nixon shock,” when President Nixon officially severed the gold/dollar link by closing the gold window and thus preventing foreign governments from knocking on the US Treasury’s door and asking it to convert their piles of dollars into stacks of gold. Even that story is a much longer and complex one (if you’re interested, enjoy some light bedtime reading on De Gaulle vs. the Dollar and The London Gold Pool), but the gist is that the Nixon shock was just the final nail in the gold-backed dollar’s coffin, not a magical moment in which the dollar suddenly became fiat.

Now, if only the worst piece of propaganda being flaunted by the propagandists right now were a misleading headline about the birth date of the fiat dollar, then I could just invite you to explore the links above and we could call it a day. But it’s not going to be that easy, is it? No, sadly, this article contains some much more dangerous propaganda: propaganda that touts not simply the “benefits” but the inevitability of the coming central bank digital currency (CBDC). And as you should all know by now, the central bank digital currency is the birth of the cashless society control grid that the independent media have been warning about for decades now.

So, let’s roll up our sleeves and deconstruct this propaganda, shall we?

Once you read the article in question, you’ll see that it leans heavily on the problem-reaction-solution formula that will be very familiar to the old hands in the conspiracy realist space. Namely, it posits a problem, tells us what our reaction to that problem should be, and then provides the solution (that our wise and benevolent overlords coincidentally happen to be working on) to “fix” that problem for us! In this case, it functions like this:

Problem: “The ‘almighty dollar’ is facing a raft of challenges from other supra-national currency powerhouses such as China and from giant technology companies that understand they would exercise even more market clout if they controlled not just what we buy and sell, but also how we pay for it.”

Reaction: “If the Fed doesn’t quickly redefine the dollar to reflect its rapid digitalization by other hands, central banks will join shopping malls on the long list of complacent category leaders felled by agile competitors.”

Solution: “When the Fed designs the US central bank digital currency (CBDC), it must focus not only on its own concerns, including how it would impact the transmission of monetary policy, but also on ensuring that CBDC is money that materially improves economic opportunity.”

That’s right, we go from “We’re falling behind the ChiComs in the digital currency race!” to what will happen when (not if) the Fed designs the US central bank digital currency. The propaganda is all the more effective for simply assuming the most important part, as if there’s no question at all about whether the Fed will implement a CBDC (let alone if they should).

“CBDCs are already baked into their cake. They’re inevitable! You can’t fight it, pleb! (Don’t even try!)”

Now, to be fair, there is an air of inevitability to the worldwide changeover in the global monetary system that’s taking place right now, and that’s precisely because it is already happening. The public is just being conditioned to accept this new reality. One just has to browse the handy-dandy CBDCInsider website to see the list of countries that are lining up to throw themselves off of this digital currency cliff: Brazil, Canada, Iceland, India, Jamaica, South Korea, Sweden, Thailand, Ukraine, Venezuela and literally dozens of other countries (including, of course, the US) are either “exploring” the implementation of a central bank-issued digital currency or are actively engaged in retail pilot programs testing the technology.

So what is a “central bank digital currency,” exactly? Good question! . . . and one that I’ve already answered. For the long answer, please check out my podcast on Bretton Woods 2.0. For the short answer, let’s turn to Investopedia:

A central bank digital currency (CBDC) uses an electronic record or digital token to represent the virtual form of a fiat currency of a particular nation (or region). A CBDC is centralized; it is issued and regulated by the competent monetary authority of the country.

It’s not difficult to see why the banksters are so excited by the idea of issuing digital expressions of central bank fiat directly; it gives them unprecedented control over every transaction that takes place in this new “digital dollar” economy. Don’t take my word for it. Take the word of Agustin Carstens, the unhealthily rotund General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements—the Tower of Basel that represents the apex of the central bank pyramid. Carstens spelled it out in black and white for the hard-of-thinking in an IMF roundtable on the subject of CBDCs last October:

We don’t know who’s using a $100 bill today and we don’t know who’s using a 1,000 peso bill today. The key difference with the CBDC is the central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability, and also we will have the technology to enforce that.

Read that again. Or better yet, watch him say it for yourself.

Yes, the CBDC economy is one in which users of these digital “expression[s] of central bank liability” will be completely at the mercy of the central bank, which will have “absolute control on the rules and regulations” over the use of that currency. If the central bank deems you to be a dangerous anti-vaxx domestic terrorist, they will simply turn off your account. No more purchases for you! Want to buy a membership to a naughty crimethink site like The Corbett Report? “I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.” No wonder Carstens and his central bank cronies are wetting their pants in anticipation of this development.

If you want to understand the technical details of this monetary “innovation,” I highly recommend you watch John Titus’ recent videos on this subject, including his latest, “Larry & Carstens’ Excellent Pandemic,” in which he explains the difference between the wholesale and retail monetary circuits and how the CBDC seeks to bridge the gap between the two by allowing central banks to pump money directly into the public’s pocket. He also explains how the push for this move was laid out by BlackRock—yes, that BlackRock—at the 2019 edition of the central banksters’ annual Jackson Hole retreat, and how the scamdemic is nothing more than the perfect cover for the execution of this monetary coup.

Indeed, it is important to understand that—stripped of all the buzzword-laden rhetoric and whizzbang technical details—this idea is nothing new. As I’ve explained in the past, Operation Choke Point has already been accomplishing the financial exclusion of government-deemed “undesirables”—including gun dealerspawn shopscoin dealers and tobacconists and even porn stars—for years. But previous attempts to squeeze individuals out of the economy have been ham-fisted. In Choke Point, the US federal government could target businesses only indirectly, by using its regulatory authority to lean on banks to drop the targeted customer. This was always a legally dubious move, and, as I showed in Solutions: Survival Currency, was supposedly halted after legal pushback.

But with CBDCs, there will be no legal recourse. There will be no need to lean on banks to close the accounts of targeted customers; instead, those “customers” will have their account directly with the central bank. As such, the central bank will be able to suspend an account of anyone they want at any time, or to stop any particular transaction that they don’t approve of between any two people at any moment.

It is only by understanding the true gravity of what is being proposed that we can begin to evaluate propaganda like “The US Fed Can Actually Boost Equality With a Digital Currency.” Reading it in this context, we can see the bizarre nature of this article, which is ostensibly attempting to make the case for CBDCs—touting the features of a digital central bank token “that materially improves economic opportunity”—but in fact warning about the many ways that such a system could go wrong if not implemented properly:

If the Fed instead becomes the nation’s deposit-taker, then it will also need to be the nation’s loan-maker. It would need to make decisions not only about each individual’s creditworthiness, but also about who deserves a loan to advance what type of economic activity.

Not even those who are spruiking the benefits of CBDCs can deny that they have the potential to place extraordinary power in the hands of unelected, unaccountable central bankers. And only the most willfully naive could deny that the central banksters would gladly take (and abuse) such power if given half a chance.

The battle for the future of the monetary system is underway, and few have any idea that it’s even happening. The root of the problem, of course, is that central bank-issued fiat money has become the backbone of the economy—not 50 years ago this month, as the propagandists would have you believe, but in a centuries-long process that has culminated in the advent of CBDCs.

Luckily for us, the opportunities for stepping outside of this fiat paradigm are numerous and relatively easy to access. There are many survival currencies already available to those who are willing to explore them, and with the advent of BlackMarketFridays and other ideas for transacting outside the purview of the banks, there are more ways than ever to connect with businesses and individuals who are willing to transact outside of the fiat system.

The alternative economy is like a muscle, and—as those who are increasingly facing “health pass” restrictions and vaccine mandates are beginning to find out—if we don’t flex that muscle by finding ways of transacting with like-minded people in agorist markets, we will quickly find ourselves trapped in the banksters’ cashless-society nightmare.

The choice is ours . . . for now. Let’s make it wisely.

Recommended Listening and Viewing

Recommended Reading

Reverse Engineering the source code of the BioNTech/Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine

“How Our Lives Could Soon Look”: The World Economic Forum Posts Yet Another Insane Dystopian Video (h/t HRS)

Ali Mohamed: A Biographical Sketch

Recommended Listening

The Unjustified, Dishonest & Dangerous FDA Approval Of Pfizer’s Injection – Clearing Up Confusion

Recommended Viewing

Larry & Carstens’ Excellent Pandemic

FDA approved does NOT EQUAL SAFE

The Conscripts and Conscientious Objectors of World War Two – WW2 Special

Just For Fun


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    • Hi Duck,

      Thanks for the reminder! Still havn`t listend to it entirely… maybe i should `read` more 😉

      Here the Links to Part I and Part II on LBRY someone had shared.

  1. Just some (very non-tech savvy laywoman’s) thoughts concerning the first provocative article listed under “Recommended Reading”:

    This guy is as good at explaining complex processes (one of his livelihoods) as he is enamoured of the idea that DNA is a digital code exactly like computer code which I’m sure makes him very popular among the synthetic Neo-Life Great Resetting Trans-humanists.

    He explains:

    These (cells) then dutifully start producing SARS-CoV-2 Spike proteins in large enough quantities that … our immune system develops a powerful response against multiple aspects of the Spike protein AND the production process. And this is what gets us to the 95% efficient vaccine.

    [the capital letters for emphasis on the word “and” are his]

    Before I realized the (pro-vaccine) biases of the author, I thought this remark would be followed by a “BUT” and that it was leading into a discussion as to why there are so many auto-immune system adverse events inflicted by them.

    I mean he says: “our immune system develops a powerful response against…the production process: our own cells being the production process as he describes himself! These (cells) then dutifully start producing SARS-CoV-2 Spike proteins.

    But no.

    It turns out that he’s as crazy about equating RNA with computer RAMs and DNA with flash drives as he is about the tech behind the so-called “Covid-19 vaccines”.

    In admirative gloating of the insertion of Proline codons that allow the spike protein to be “spiky” for “sneaking past the immune system and tricking the body to reproduce synthetic mRNA he gushes:

    “…The people that discovered this should be walking around high-fiving themselves incessantly. Unbearable amounts of smugness should be emanating from them. And it would all be well deserved…

    On a more elementary note, the way he glosses over and glorifies the fundamental differences between the “historical” and brand new mRNA immunization technologies is an example of how his unconditional enthusiasm blinds him in his analyses and ability to anticipate potential dangers. He explains:

    An mRNA vaccine achieves the same thing (‘educate our immune system’) but in a laser like way. And I mean this in both senses – very narrow but also very powerful.

    In the historical case the disease (attenuated or inactivated) is introduced into the body and in the brand new mRNA tech the body’s cells are tricked into producing synthetic elements of the disease. This can not appear innocuous to anyone. And his description not only omits this key fact (while saying elsewhere that our body consequently attacks the production process!) but he does a marketing pitch with the words “laser” and “very powerful”. Yea! Could be very powerfully lethal in the middle and long-term with the body attacking its own cells for all we know!

    His further barely bridled exclamation about Proline codons proves how disconnected from reality he is:

    This is the bit that makes it work, the part that will actually help us return to life as normal

    Still, I could do with a few petabytes of his invincible and boundless optimism and enthusiasm.

    • Thursday Sept 2nd – Washington Examiner
      Chase Bank apologizes for Michael Flynn credit card cancellation letter sent in ‘error’

      …Chase claimed the letter was sent by mistake. The Daily Mail reported a Chase representative said on Tuesday it was Flynn’s wife, Lori, who had the account.

      “We’ve contacted our customer to let her know that we made an error,” a Chase spokesperson said. “And we apologized for any inconvenience this caused.”

  2. I’m sure their plans wild yield success with the masses, if history is worth its salts as a teacher.

    BTW all hail the Bovid robots.

    • I’m ordering my robot now.

      For those who haven’t seen it…in James Corbett’s “Just For Fun”, I highly recommend watching The Age of Bovid before the bovine excrement hits the fan.

      • I have already printed bovid code quick reference and am memorizing the codes.

        I’m sure the fact bovine and bovid share the root of the word is purely accidental.

      • “From ‘The Age of Bovid’ (1987).”
        or “This is a short clip from Bovid Nation (1985), a documentary film about efforts to raise public awareness of the risks of Bovid.”

        But apparently it is by someone from this year.
        I mean I thought, this is maybe something someone made during BSE scare (sadly the folks at grandtheftworld totally seem to buy prions for todays scare too)? But then again it has to be from today.

  3. Hello everyone, I’ve posted here off and on over the past year, and I tend to mostly see comments which basically say, “they’re going to get us/win eventually, and there’s nothing we can do about it.” And although this is now a “solutions” site, I don’t see much of that. I very much like that others are saying we need to grow our own food, etc., but I think we have to do MUCH more than that. Specifically, people have to accept that we’ll have to actually physically fight back for our freedoms and not simply avoid their agenda. There will be a time to counterattack and I think many here underestimate the power of fighting back.

  4. Speechless. As many people have said, CBDC could be a nightmare. I live in Colombia and fortunately we still use cash a lot. It seems difficult to get rid of cash here. However, governments have done their best to control payment information, like introducing the so called “digital invoice”, where each payment is automatically registered in the robbers organization DIAN (the equivalent to the US IRS). I wonder if all this is connected to the COVID pass, if introduced. People might think that at first (with COVID pass) your government will check your injections, but sooner or later if you have not paid your taxes or something similar that will be reported in the pass. Maybe, if you become a public enemy for speaking against the system you pass will keep track of that. The perfect way to keep controlling the population.

  5. What’s disturbing about these Bovid-84 spoofs is I’m not convinced their sarcasm is detectable by much of the population.

    Indeed, I fear that many people have been “spaced out” for good,

    impervious to the ambient BS even when it’s drawn out for them in easy to read symbols.

    “If a Bovid security robot enters your home…”

    … it never leaves and mostly prefers nestling in your back pocket.

    • Listen for the sound of the SPOILER ALERT!! SPOILER ALERT!!

      My mind has been infected by Bovid!

      S BS!

      BS B! ODD! Very ODD! Singular! In the certain and undisputed Age of Singularity!

      Stay still and spaced out for scanning;

      following a zootronic jump and spatial sequencing

      you will receive your personal QR code and be offered mandatory re-sequencing assistance if non-conformity or bug detected

      as nano-biology, human society and Information Technology

      spliced to bits and bytes by the Trojan Horse of computer-generated gain-of-function Bio-Threats

      merge into global Trans-Artificial human Intelligence.

  6. Covid Vaccines via CDC
    623,343 – Adverse Events
    13,627 – Deaths

    VAERS data released Friday August 27th by the CDC showed a total of 623,343 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 13,627 deaths and 84,466 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and Aug. 20, 2021.

    or “OpenVAERS – Covid”

  7. I am writing in forums since about 25 years. Now I am too old to understand it it seems.

    Tech. Question: Is there a way to keep track of my posts and replies to them? The Profile section seems awfully inadequate for doing this. What do I miss?

    • This site features rather old technology as far as commenting goes. Your best bet is to have email notification option turned on for replies to your comments.

  8. RE: Corbett’s article “Banksters Celebrate Fiat’s 50th! . . . By Introducing CBDC Nightmare”

    – Stocks, Bonds, Commodities –
    Just for the record, The Federal Reserve had its “Jackson Hole, Wyoming” Meeting last week on Thursday and Friday (August 26th, 27th).
    All week, Wall Street was on edge waiting for the meeting.
    “Will the Fed start raising interest rates soon?” and tighten ‘easy money’.
    Evidently, the market interpreted the “Coded Fed Speak” as good news.
    On Friday, Wall Street was flashing green and almost everything was shooting up.
    Pension Funds were probably happy.

    People should look at this chart of the “S & P 500”

    By the way, EU Carbon Permits are up in value 84% this year of 2021. You would be close to doubling your money if you were involved in that “commodity” marketplace.

  9. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Completely off topic, but anyone with a blog needs to contribute to the upcoming 20th nightmare of 9/11.

    I have penned mine. Doing my bit, as they say.

    In the references you get: the classic JC’s Conspiracy Theory, and renegade CIA analysts, Mark Gaffney, Barbara Honegger, Kevin Barret, AE911Truth, William Rodriguez and WeAreChange, David Chandler, Graeme McQueen, Niels Harrit (et al.), Leroy Hulsey (et al.), Daniele Ganser, David Ray Griffin, and the Guns and Butter archive. No MSM, because ridicule is a waste of time.

    Go forth and multiply (your understanding of the truth)!

  10. Related to Corbett’s recent articles:
    “Banksters Celebrate Fiat’s 50th! . . . By Introducing CBDC Nightmare”
    “Absolute Zero: The Global Agenda Revealed”
    “The Scamdemic Was So Last Year . . . Here’s What’s Coming Next”

    Tuesday August 31 – Zero Hedge
    AOC, Tlaib, Pressley “Urge” Biden To Replace Fed Chair With Someone Focused On “Climate Change” And “Racial Justice”

    Excited at the prospect of gold at $10,000 and Bitcoin at $1,000,000 in short order? Here’s one way it could happen.

    The collective brain trust that is Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley, has once again come together to hoist upon the populace their latest idea for turning the United States into their vision of a socialist utopia.

    Today’s installment in “real congresswomen of genius” includes the “squad” urging President Biden to replace arguably the most dovish Fed chair in modern history because he isn’t doing enough about climate change, which of course, has nothing to do with the Fed’s dual mandate. All three women (of course) sit on the House Financial Services Committee.

    In a statement to Politico, the Reps. said: “As news of the possible reappointment of Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell circulates, we urge President Biden to re-imagine a Federal Reserve focused on eliminating climate risk and advancing racial and economic justice. We urge the Biden Administration to use this opportunity to appoint a new Federal Reserve Chair.”

    AOC said of Jerome Powell: “Under his leadership, the Federal Reserve has taken very little action to mitigate the risk climate change poses to our financial system.”

    “At a time when the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is warning of the potential catastrophic and irreversible damage inflicted by a changing climate, we need a leader at the helm that will take bold and decisive action to eliminate climate risk,” their statement said.

    The emotionally-stable women continued:
    “Weakening financial regulations that were specifically created to prevent such a disaster from happening again risks the livelihoods of Americans across the country. To move forward with a whole of government approach that eliminates climate risk while making our financial system safer, we need a Chair who is committed to these objectives.”….

  11. Tuesday August 31st
    CDC Director To Restart Gun Research Amid Spate Of Mass Shootings

    For the first time in decades, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) will restart research into the gun violence epidemic across the U.S. CDC researchers will be on a mission to collect enough data to enable the agency to create solutions to prevent gun-related deaths, accidental gun deaths, and/or suicides.

    CDC director Rochelle Walensky spoke with CNN over the weekend and revealed her new plan to research guns and gun-related violence.

    “Every day, we turn on the news, and there are more young people dying,” Walensky said. “I swore to the president and to this country that I would protect your health. This is clearly one of those moments, one of those issues, that’s harming America’s health.”

    The CDC has remained silent for decades about guns, tackling other epidemics as tens of thousands of people die from firearm-related injuries every year.

    The Gun Violence Archive, a monitoring platform of gun violence and mass shootings, recently recorded 452 mass shootings in 41 different states (and Washington D.C.) in the 236 days of 2021. For comparison, in all of 2020, there were 393 mass shootings.
    GVA’s mass shooting map shows most of the shootings occurred East of the Mississippi. [MAP]

    Breaking down GVA’s numbers, the U.S. is averaging nearly two mass shootings per day.
    Walensky said, “something has to be done about this,” adding that Americans are sick and tired of turning on the nightly news and hearing about mass shooting stories.
    So her strategy is simple: Restart the CDC’s gun research arm that will find out, based on “science,” why gun violence is rampant.

    “My job is to understand and evaluate the problem. To understand the scope of the problem. To understand why this happens and what are the things that can make it better,”
    she said.
    Walensky hopes that gun owners don’t associate the CDC’s upcoming research with “gun control.”
    She continued:
    “I’m not here about gun control. I’m here about preventing gun violence and gun death.” ….
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
    [Trust the CDC and their promises… Only two weeks to flatten the curve on gun violence.
    I should also note that the CDC had declared a moratorium on “rent payments to landlords” which has repeatedly been extended…that is a lot of power for the CDC to wield.]

  12. POPULATION NUMBERS U.S. – Trust Funds

    September 1st, 2021 – Washington Post
    Pandemic will push U.S. mortality up through 2023, new government report predicts
    The impact of the coronavirus pandemic on Americans’ health and lives will not end anytime soon, Medicare and Social Security trustees say

    The federal government expects U.S. mortality rates to be elevated by 15 percent over pre-pandemic norms in 2021 and not return to normal levels until 2023, according to a report released Tuesday by the trustees of the Social Security and Medicare programs.

    The trustees concluded that these elevated mortality rates, along with lower immigration and depressed fertility rates, have had a significant effect on the trust funds supporting both programs in the short term. But the virus’ long-term effects on America’s retirement and health-care systems remain unclear, as the pandemic still appears far from over…

    …There was also a sharp drop in fertility rates last year that accelerated a preexisting downward trend. Federal data analyzed by researchers with the Brookings Institution determined that there were 53.9 births per 1,000 women in the last quarter of 2020, compared to 57.9 annualized births per 1,000 women in the last quarter of 2019.

    Senior administration officials described opposing forces that make it hard to determine how exactly the pandemic could effect the country’s retirement system after 2024.
    On one hand, the people who succumbed to the virus were disproportionately old, one official said, meaning that the surviving population may be somewhat healthier than had been projected, and hence cheaper to care for in the long-run. But at the same time, long-term health problems associated with the coronavirus could persist for some survivors.

    The U.S. birthrate fell 4 percent in 2020, the biggest annual decrease in decades, an indication that the pandemic has accelerated the country’s existing downward trend in fertility.

    Provisional data released in May by the CDC shows the birthrate in 2020 dropped for the sixth consecutive year. The steepest decline occurred late in the year, when the first babies conceived during the U.S. outbreak would have been born. The U.S. birthrate fell across races, ethnicities and almost all age groups. Roughly 3.6 million babies were born in the United States in 2020, a decline from about 3.75 million in 2019. That was the lowest number of births since 1979 and the largest one-year drop in births, in percentage terms, since 1965, the year the baby boom ended….

  13. can’t emphasize enough how important an article this is.
    the cbdcinsider is a frightening read alone or even the headline ‘FED can boost equality (with cbdc)’
    I don’t see so much terminating accounts, rather certain transactions non-allowed or with a decrease in your social credit score or with an add-on you have to pay which then goes to other (cancelling out) causes, e.g. equality or climate preservation (tax).
    of course, it will not be possible to monitor everything for them. that is their wet dream and no totalitarianism ever happens completely. people will use anything else as a new cash, not even crypto. whatever it might be or become.
    despite that. very frightening.

    • From where comes this general trust in a system which is highly corrupt and criminal? Is it ignorance? Is it fear? Greed? Sado-Masochism? Have we heard Wilhelm Reichs call from Hell?

  14. They will not stop until this whole world looks like a big steaming pile of shit.
    As this is the only thing they can recognize as familiar.

    They have come far and we will not be able to stop it until we do acknowledge our own participation in the destruction of humanity.

    “Culture is not your friend.”

  15. August 31, 2021 – The Freedom Articles (H/t JerryS.)
    COVID Vax Ingredients Exposed: Graphene, Nanometals, PEG and Parasites
    [I suggest that people go to the linked paper by Dr. Young.
    “Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines”
    “Phase Contrast Microscopy, Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy Reveal the Ingredients in the CoV-19 Vaccines!”

    EXCERPTS from article
    …Dr. Robert O. Young and his team have used advanced microscopy and other analytical techniques to inspect the contents of the 4 major COVID non-vaccines going around – Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson – and documented truly shocking discoveries.

    They found graphene oxide, nanometals, PEG (polyethylene glycol) and even (in the case of the Pfizer fake-vaccine) parasites!
    Young writes that he utilized “instrumentation includ[ing] Optical Microscopy, Bright–Field Microscopy, pHase Contrast Microscopy, Dark–Field Microscopy, UV absorbance and Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy, Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, X–ray Diffractometer, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance instruments” to verify the contents of the fake-vaccines. Young is very open about his work and methods so the scientific world can easily set up experiments to test reproducibility….

    {The article also links to previous work which Dr. Young has done.]

    For me personally, I want to see analysis results from other researchers. – HRS

  16. So in reference to the latest podcast by Mr Corbett, (can’t post there for the moment so I’ll just put it here)

    I’d seen several different clones of the following article on various French “news outlets” this morning the 2nd of September in France and thought about this massive concerted effort to demonize so-called “anti-vaxxers” but for some reason thought better of posting it.

    But since you did a special little announcement about such a false flag operation, I will:

    “Investigation launched after fire at Gap vaccination centre, the largest in the Hautes-Alpes”

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